L L M r, O L b. TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., HOS. S. TOOTI E, T. X. IlAXXl, J. t CURE Tootle, Hamia & Clark, BANKERS, CIIAS. YOGT & CO MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMUUTJrl. W. II. ANDERSON. riatismouih, N. T C. B. STAUDE. Glenwood, Iowa, Cor. Main and 5tb sts., FLUID EXTRACT STAUDE & ANDERSON, L A It G E S T Dealers ia Gold 15 nl Gold ami Silver Coin, Exchange, V- f. and ether Mocks- NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Removed to New Three Story Brick Uuilding, East Room, H MIW Corner ot 31 am and lhird brs, I'lattsmomn, r. i , "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dealers in -or- DEPOSITS UI5CE1VKD, and special aitention givea to Collections PL ATTS MOUTH, N. T. 2 9 dotwlf Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! ! Has moved Into hia now brick binding on the cor ner or Main atreet mi l Levee, wheie be is laily re ceiving larga udjaijui u hi already ext'-usive ctuck or AND X C TJ 0 3E2 S3 He offers the very be.tof bargains to customers, and requests a call from those hi want anything ia Lis lin ; tj test the advantages iu prices wnn tuoee I others. Kemtniber the BRICK CORNER, an! give Mm a call If yon wish to buy cheap. nov2 WAGONS! 3. 5i.;rOKTER & CO Are agent in this city Ijr the tale of the celebrated tjwuv .utj.ajiwa. ww abulia) lia.!e by FtnuVT sSer Bros They Lav on hand a good aisortir.tnt, which will be replenished as fast as needed, 'ihey propose to '-'li at the very lowest anres. Flatfinoutu, March 25. tf KLEPSEfl & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, Notions Toys, Coal Oil Lamps. TVe are also aeer.ts for Ilia Ruchinan Wnr.lpn Mills, of St Jom-j h, Ito., and have now on hand a so ja astonment or FAXC1' CASSIJfSSKS, CLOTHS, JZAXS, rLAXXELS.&c. which we have reeitrod on commission, and are prcparea 10 exenange lor . WOOL OR CASH, tit very reaionab'a jrnres. 4t9" Give as a call one door east of, the litaaLii uOice, Piaiismouth Vebra.ka. Way 10, 1S55. tf NEW GOODS ! hEW GOODS at the "NIMBLE SIXPENGE," which I will tell at REDUCED PRICES, as I am ia noed of mony. Eiar2D L. BILLINGS. FURNITURE, oo jtih insr s , AND Cabinet - Work ! 11- BOECK IIavir.fr riita' (red hi Thrp and SalfS-rcoms woa d respectfully r m-iid th people in tbis viria.ty that be ran fumi-h thiiu w th the verv best roruitare. Chairs, or o'her Cabinet-work, at the njut reason nbl; jnts. I shall k-p routii&tiy oa h ind a lar?e nssor-raont of Ji:tgUm li vrt. ar.d am al.w prepared to maau?iiCtu!e jy:hi? in toy line on hort notice. A b'ge aMW.-ti3'iit if Kei: y ma.ie Cuftins kept at a'! tlin. I'n'i asd examine my stock and pri vs Jel'JdAwtf U. EULCK. c. n. KING Oarpsnter and Joiner CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, rni do work in tia ;ice vrith cectceis ?ni d.patc vj-oa short notice, f.bI uScw D III GOODS, G lIOCERIES, HARD WARE CUTLERY, QUEERS WARE, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothin BLANKETS, HATS AND CAPS, 2 And a variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS 3 a Also keep constantly on band a Urg j supply of 1ROJV, NAILS, PLOWS J1JSTI CULTIVA g TORS. Q A largo supply of OUTFITTING GOODS, Q PS H PS Flour. Bacon, Lard, Meal, Beans, Dried Also A lar;e-slock of Wooden Ware, Buckets and Tubs, Wah Boards. Butier Bowls, Butter Firkins, Water Kegs, Half Buhels, Meal Seives, feb27 1805. AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENS WARE, BOOTS, SHOES. Ever Oflered LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, every tiling the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, DACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention lo bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. riatttsmouth, April 10, lS(i. tf J UT r.CeiTed, SOc.isose '('Mined Teas e t AJISuX DOVtK & OtoAJlIcON , DOVfcY CO'S to pur .ase your A N endl3 variety olLa sro O Fa A l. 4 CO'-. f CAS Ed Mollby'a CoTe Oywera tor sal,' at OU A. I). It CO'. G B t.iaii s si. Ltcieii ln: Oidat A.I'd. CO'S. 1"OK SALE at AMlJOIf, DoVfcY & CO'S, oCoflee Te , hupar. (iolden fcyiup, Sugar Hon Jlo-e lasses, w York Candira, etu , etc. latpa lot oi CLfWirg aud Sn;ot lngT 1 -rco or X A. sale at . & CO'S c lOlLOIi. oraaleby A. D. A CO. fr i BOXES i.ar Caudle for v;le by A. I) A CO IF yon went to 1 urch ik goods at a bsi ain.gcto A l. t CO BAUi COFFtr just received by A. 1). Co. Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. ft CO'S. AND FANCY ARTICLES Q CD 8p o Such ns OR Fruits, Building material, Window CJIoss, Sa?h and Doors, Puitiid aud Oils, Farmers' Utensil?, hovrU and 5-pades, Forks, Hay Rakes, Double Shovel aud Two-horse P.Ioiine Plows. GD L. ft GO JSG5. I1AKDWAIIE, CLOTHING, &C, in tliis Market A Larjr, a ortm.?nt of me ' and 1 vs chiibi'i. i. A lor !' by A I), ti CO. ft HELLED IOKN for a ehy A D.k CO I ACO:.' an 1 Lard for sale by A. P. i CO. A HEAVY IXVOtCtl orrll blurts of Family Gn. rerie i.nod uinr-ig Good J uti ece veil ty A. D. A CO. H kind, i'f Fa- mil g Impltmtuta for nale hy A. D. A CO. VLjrgl i.i of Two H jrse I'lvw 'or cl- bv A U. At CO VN endler vaiiity ( f llarJwrtr.- an l Cnt!rv fm le at A. D. A CO'6 OaFfI, Dour. Fh ri(z)-, C!a-e, and Ia In tf eTerj description for a:e by A. D. k CO. l.L k'nt of Country Prucuee taken in exchnnge fcir point-. bT A.D. 1(U ' H) enumerate all th arti-les we have fjrfa.;r 1 Wi.u d t lone -id? of th- 11lald, Ld othei bave aa good a rifcfc t to advertise as AHIfOX, DOVET A CO. L'llb la gttt OatfttUig llou;e north of Et. J.nH-rb t AMISON, DOVET CO S., Piattsmouth, Nebraska, LEATHER AND IRON, SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers'aHa rdwre Findings and Tools, WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. CiTOrders Promptly attended to. Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROA", JVJ11LS, STOVES J1XD TIX WARE, AGRICULTURAL IKPLEMENTS. AIro, Asnt for MieSale of th CMebrat'-il MAGKE COOK AAV LliAXVIf, l7.'UAi ct tW'. II o. SIGH OP THE BIG PADLOCK, " IAIN""STREET, Blow the Seyraour Ucuse, on opposite side,' NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T oct 25 Sw HAI.DING GOv, P0ST OFFICE BUILDING NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also A gen; s for all the priuoipal MA GAZIXHS and NEWSPAPERS, For which Subscription are received at Pnl lithers' l'rice. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN uei:i) & i o, Cor. Main aDd 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in D'lUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty and Glass Patent Medicine of all kinds, Totlft article. Sta tionery, and everything krpt in a first-class Drug t're, Kt E,.-lern prion. . GJr B are prepared to All all order, and warrant curgoods to be freh. apr. 10 '65 THOMAS C. CRE3SHA7, . FACKER OP AND DEALtB IX Saddle i and Haniess, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1E Combs, Spurs, Isishes, Whips, j-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T L. FH03T c Co,, wholesale: GEOOB'H S. OppoBito the Post OfEce, EI3RAMiA CITY, . T. Hnmiibnl &. St. Joe It. II. Packet Line. One of the Cornwn:r Steamer leaves daily from every point on the JIis"uri Kiver above M. Joiepb, mid anive at tt. Jos- i h in time t' e iuneit ith the exire-s ttain oa tlie Xanuibal A t. J.wph Railroad for iiaiin:bal, at wh eh place connfe'ion i. maile the same eveniutt wilh our of the Keokulc Packets, which ariiws In tirae tocoiir.ect with next morning trains out of St. Louis for Cincinnati, In li unpolij, Laui vili'', Terre Haute, 'liin. ton C.ty, iia tiuore, Piiilxiielphia, .New Yurie, lioston, ai d I.i al! o'her Easiern, Xcrthcrn and SnitlK'rn Cities. 1L ai'ov. mciuiontrd liucx 01 i-ltKu t Packi- a,e one del by all travelers lo b ti, liet on the weMern Waters. THKOUUH TK KtTS For sale to ft- Loui-. and all Eiti:rn, Nortl.ern and Southern. citie via the uliove lines at Denver City, m ha, Council Lilt'U'-, I'lat mjuth, Kebraka fity, aud at all o h'T priu 'ip.il I cktfi llio's in the eet. J3tMe;i. ad Stute-iOtiius f.e' I "A . K. F-Iii. 8ui'i l K. L , M. J..o. pli. U. Q. FCIiGi;t)St etc'y II. K P. L., St. Joceph E. C. LEWIS. Ajrent, p25 FlattsmouthXebra-ka. STTJPP1T c BSHH, No. 1 Noith Fifth Ftrcet, ST, JOSEPH, ... MISSOURI. Dealers in PI AKOS. ORGANS, MEL0DE0NS. Violin, Guitar, Fluies, Accordeon. Flntin, lu mc 15 o'. and miket Mt-ic. Genuine Italian and German Yioiia htilcs alraya cn hand. xaaySwC-ia. West of Wholesale and HARDWARE, Clothing of every description. WttlES AND U1QU0US OF ALU KINDS Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEN SWARE, IROK, ATAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOOllS ct GLASS And every article required by ESXIttlSAIVrS. FRWCBTERS, 1WI1EKS 5c FAKMESW. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIRE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Han n a. & Co. Plaltsmouih, April 10. '65 BLACK, BUTTERY &. CO., VLoictulo uDdlletuil Dealers in rugs, Medicines and Cilc, Fine Toilet Soaps, IJruslies and Perfumery, Eure Wines and Liquors, for Kcdicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. lilach Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1665, tf E. T. DUKE 4fe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAflE. We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters' OUTFITTING- GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Camp Kettles, A c. We also keep Hiain Pumps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee 3iii'- &c. S W03E1K. 2 Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTH. St. Louis. Retail Dealers in 9 -AND- a Large Stock o THE- i J i LLj: Pans, Skillets and Lid'. Ovens. NEBRASKA BUG DEHTI. At the Cap'? of S-,j lK.pi THE HOT T E X T 0 T i Hare luk' L.i B TJ G Jrl TJ Fur a variety of P'trssi's. It w.n ! '!Tf wi I f -t in lin'.- r;i rscii'l -ri ly lllf 1 11 ii.-ll !! I) ,'C,'l i'l.y.j,-: MM, O'i Mil Hi' fiii... in n'l.iton it .:. M ii. I ii Lin,,; , iil.J I. ni flow Color into iM-nuT.ii l: It l friiin .I.i It v ii. (irav. I, Ciu.:ilc Chlai-rliif lie Ulud li r, M H ij Irn'it loa or tlm ..ladder L'letliia, fur i oiii. lie ic.'ki.i .j ui il T)K3J1I,ITY, I'or Pr .la;-m r n J TJ. ,i i i n,- D.mt'i, t.r I'.-. Inpi 11 t'terl, D.i'i-e ol I lie 1'nntiiif t.l.n: i, I i . 1 1 v r. illl'l.lil l!l 1m i 111 i'l ill-, Mot l.t - l-i ,p, j l,' I ol a il,,i " i: :li .-il .: f ion Ii I . o( at pa Is to:.cer;.d iu it vvacjnt :.. It is olaa rccouiDi n.lt J iu cas of Dycpcpsia, Chronic Rhtuniatism, Cu'iiUi.us AL'ecticn utj Vntf. To CO'c tl.iin .1:t o. iv a ii.i:.i I i i,.; li,,o V C 111 u I K 1. . I, Hi I Ii-1 i. I i:i 1 1. ; V .t T til f Ii"i;i. 'I o iu p i. -t I. fin, lirwevi r ;!".( in.iy Is la, HllHC'ii, in mi e t i He t Hie hu.iilj lit a.1 1 1. in. ! KtiiUI powers. Oar Fic-fih aud L'lood me M ppoitcd frc in t ii'-n' aourc.t. PEKSOXS AT J.YI.aY VKhlOb-XF 1.1 1 K Trotii ri:faiicj- to Ofd Age, ntid In ev"y ft. to cf l.ci.lili, bitbln to le VJ ri of th t ;. d i.-tji , The Causes iu inat,j in&L'.nut cm Lith nou n. The pll .ill l.r.s, I.iwiv r, an adu.irtb.i r'mJy la I3ELMCOLD' Fluid Extract of Huclm, PliilaJijiJiia rSiei'wg IlulHin EJitvtial, Sei-t. io, t)J. IIEIMBOLLTS GENUINE PREPARATIONS. II, s Solid aud II .id Jlr.imcH rcitody IU fall 'rcnK!h cf the In n rllcnli i f nl:i. h U.r y arce;o4. Ihty arc li ft to tV, in ' t tion of nil. A ica'Jy aLl conclusive t.-t o Uo-i r pr.i; i ti-H will he a coinj ari son with for:h in the t n tcj t?'alc Dial m'ory Tlime r,-n.p ,:i ai pr- j .ir. d hy .T. IU l loM. a d' iifrjlst of hixt - ii Tt-:,!' i-xik i icure. in It rily, and wk belitve l.crn lo be reliable; in fact, v. have n' vr knowi an artirio lur-kinK merit to HiCel Ith a pcrni.im nt hi tv and or. Ih liulio.'d'a iiiccita is crlaL-ily p'iii. t f i' e evij nco. I'rug n.i Chemical War-h" j-e, ' H y f N York, 1 not exo-llt d. If 1,'inU-i!, by aiy iu tin- curiti y, an e woul 1 advi,'' i tir re idem, Iie i v.a:'.lus that cl'-y to give him a call, ai.d j il-o for li.'iuiclvi. II Er-M HOLD'S i:XTKA;rJT OS? IIUCIIC 3E2I3Z;iL,3?!I SOX-. X