Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 12, 1866, Image 2

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    She Slctoha SRcratcl.
lor Jfrmber of Cires.
for DeUga'ein Covgrtx.
T. M. MARQUETT. Ttrrit- -rial Aur'itor.
For Titas.trer.
Fir TriUritil Librarian.
The I!p;-ubluvn L'ni in Von-r-i f C'a-8. county, and
II shn nr.. i.i fnl.r of the H'l'iptii 3 "f the Cntiltl-
Honai Am n! ubm tie.i r t rmiiua i ,u by the zens Gf Netraska Territorv during the
8SH. CorpioK. ar-iri."te.i to meet t tt. places of zeu3. 01 i,eud"ha '""'"'J uu""e
iMioccEiHXf.s or the rxrox
Daow ville, Sept. Gth. 1S66.
ConventioQ met pursuant to call of
the Uuion Territorial Central Commit
tee at Brownville, N. T.
John II. Sahler of Douglas, was
called to the chair for the purpose of
temporary organization. D. H. Pat
tisou of Richardson County, Sec'y
On motion, D. II. Wheeler, O. II.
Irish. J. T. Davis, St. A. D. Bulcomb,
J. A. Eirbauk, were appointed a com
mittee of five on credentials.
On motion, Messrs. Majors of Ne
maha. Rockwell of Burt, Harding of
Otoe, Rogers of Dodge and Pottenger
of Cass, were appointed a committee
on permanent organisation.
Tending the report of the committee
on credentials, the conversion was ably
addressed by Mr. Sweet of Nebraska
City, Mr. Ilea vis of Richardson county
and M. G. Vandeventer of Aspinwall.
On motion of Mr. Sydenham, the
editors ai,d reporters of the press ot
Nebraska were invited to take seats
inside the bar of the convention.
On motion of Mr Sydenham of
Kearney, it was resolved that Senators
Harlan and Grimes of Iowa be re
spectfully "invited to address the citi
We, ihe i'.;,ii.i,cD i.tiion p.rty of in le(j acclamation for Territorial Li- the flag of our country, have ccordfd I
i-i ...i ..)t o. o-ii-ii'H mi AiumJui nt i.a-ed t.y tn arran. : to 1 lu-ni freely, ad that their virtue.
ill" !
the i
holding tlcciionn iu ll.elr rvs-,irctivj pr.'cincts on
TiiunsDA r, &jt ,
. 1 vi.-.-if . n. m.. for the nut-rio i; of elrct.n? Dc'.o-
Sut- s to auen'i the Cr-iuty Co-veciioa to be Ii-ld in
I'latlsiuoutn, on
SA T Lit DA. Y, Sept-, 9ii, 16G-
t 2 o'clock. r. tn., to put in nomination candi l.iti s
unnt.irtr-l at the October e'.ection.
Th- ,i:!iib.r of Delriralca apportioned to each
jircciiurt I-the KriKie an last yar, nu'l i as follows.
., t. Mi,lit Mt Grot'! 2. Oreapolis 2.
I.oi.i.viile 2, Wee: ii g Water S, Aroca 2, South Ki nd
I, Silt reK Z.
lij ordT of the r.iiub! can Union County Central
Co milium.
Chairman, pro. tern.
We present to our read; rs the Plat
form of the Republican Union Party
of Nebraska, and a?k every man, of
whatever political faith, to give it a
r.irpful and candid perusal Its main
feature, as will be seen, is the Consti
tutional Amendment parsed by the 39th
Congress. Upon this we plant our
selves firmly, Lelieving there is nothing
contained in it that any honest man
can sav is uriusi or unfair. It claims
coming campaign
Committee on Credentials reported M''"
the followinrr names as members or
Richardson County: E. S. Dundy,
C. F. Walthers, E E. Cunningham,
B. F.jFurguson, J. A. Burbank, A. J
Currence, L. W. Patterson, George
Gird. 8
JVemaha County: George Vaddeven
ter, Theo. 11.11, E. K. Cold we II, A. K.
Farnham. W. G. Glascow. Geo. F.
Bixbv. Thos. J. Majors, J. L. Carson
J. F. Neal. 9
Otoe Counfu: F. Runner. O. II
Irish, O. P. Mason. V. C. Uiley, A
J. Harding, T. D. Crook, C. II. Cowles
Cass County: D. II. Wheeler, II. D
Hathaway, alternate tor ti. Austin
XV. Pottenger, D. II. Wheeler, proxy
for R, R. Livingston and S. Maxwell,
F. M. Dorrington proxy for E. E.
Red. 6.
Dodge County: E- H. Rogers, self,
and proxy for L. Knoell. 2
Doidcas Counlu: John Tafle. W.
N. McCandli.h. S. D. Reals.- J. II
Sahler, R. S. Knox. alt. for Win. Bau
mer, James Fox, alt. for D. S. Parm
k 1 h Co- '-- r-i :ii' I 'iinu:f tn 1 at in'l!oa I
-vmI t'-ti"' ib t'mu. t'-wii:
"Joi t Rks.ii.utio" I'tnpoHicB an auiendnu-ut to
tba C nstitii'.i ii ol Ihe I niled stales.
Be it ensrt-"! by the S.-iiat" nn.l Uae of Rppr
enttivn of l!ie I'tii'ed Mates of America iu t'on
rre ajs mblr.J, (tun thirtla of ILiuse enrvr
ring.) 'lhattiie fcl:t.Wir .trt e!e be piot.pweil t"
lh LeKialature-i of the vei al t-taies a- a i amend
ment to Ihe 'n:i'utioii cf the I'uiled State, rt ich
whi n raiifl il by thr-fitrtlta f said Lefri"l!tnres.
aliall be valid aa fa-! -e ConsiitQtion, tiamely :
FrTio?i 1 All persons born or naturalized In the
United State, nnd tnhitt fo the jurisdiction Ih leof
x 6 citiiena (.f the L'nird States aud cf the Sta e
wherein thev t iide. N State shrill make or enforor
nny 'aw which shall abri-liie the privile ges or im
in'ini'ips ot ti':eisof (!: Cuited States; nor at.all
,ny State depiivr aty pus in of life, liberty or prop-
rty, wi'h' tit il'ie .m,v of law, nor dmy tn an;
fron within nt jurii iatiun the equal protection
of the laic.
Stc. 2. Ri-prcnentatiyes shall be apportioned
amottff lhM everI Mates according to their respec
tive numbers, coiintiiig th-s wliule number of perpona
u each State, ixciudioy Indiana not taxed. l!ut
wh 'n the rijiht to vn a'. "y election for the choice
f electors fur Pi sident KU'I Vice president of the
Unitfd States, icpes.-r t ilives in Conitress. the exe
cutive and fodicial o(Bcer of a State, or the intra
bera of the leiji lutures thereof, is denied to any of
tie male inhal.imits of uch Stte, being twenty
ones ye irs of ?e, ntid cititns of the United States,
or in auy ay nbrii'Ked, except for participation iri
rebellion or other ci ime. f.'ie bnnii of rejreenUi'i n
therein Khali b reduced in the protortion to ichich
the number of tuchtn'il e'tizt-n nhnli bear to ihe
whole number mule citizens twenty-one years of
age in such State.
Skc. 8. No i.erson shall be a Senator or Kepre
fentative in Congress, or elector of Presidet.t or
hoi. I any office, civil or mi itary. under the Untb-ci
Statei,, or uudei' any Mate, who having previounly
t iken an oa.h, as a nietril er of Cot srress. or as an
dHcei of the United States, or as a member of any
.state L'gislBtiire, or ar an executive or judicial ra
cer of ay Stale, to support the I'onsiilution of the
I nited Mates, muu hacc cngayta in insurrection
or rebellion an iinst the s ime. or given aid or com
fort to t'e enemies thereof. But C-npress may by a
vote of two-tbrrds cf eJcn House, remove such a
sc 4 tup validity it me public debt or tne
Utii ted States, anthorix-d by law, including debts
incurred for payni-nt of pnion and bounties for
services in turpre-'Siii Insurrection or rebellion,
shall not is questioned. But neither tho Unite'
states nor any State rv II a.-sumo or pay any debt
or obligation i"ivi'red in aid of insurrertion or re
bellion agairt-t the Cuit'd State, or any claim for
the loss or ema'u-iptition if any slave ; but all such
d. I ts. obligations and c'ai us fcball be held illegal
and void.
Pec. 5. The Congress -dial! have power to rn
force by appropriate legislation, the provisions of
this aitjcle.
scnriXEu colfax,
Speaker of the lloise of Representatives
I.A r A YK r t K is. FUSILR,
President of the Senate pro tempore
I?eolr'd, but loyalty shall direct and control
be des miesot this Nation.
lesolreti. Tlmt the sol her of tli" Un ion who have
.ved th:s V tiori fiom des. ruction by aiureil traitors.
ball in ihe fu me is in ibir pa-i, have our beany
c oiierntion an l unralleriog suppo I. and that
are deeply .-i n-ilile to (lie lact that the people of this
-epiiirc can n v rfuny dis.barge t he lien of (iratl
tud - n b tlii v t we to tl e Union soldi' is and sail
ui a whose sl-I r- .ac iti.vtig patriotism and blood have
prea- rved coikii utinnat liberty upon this coutiue. t
Mr. Sahler moved the
Mr. fjirard oflVrrd ihe following: jinJosiry, lr.ifiijeuc-
uesolvcd, that we exierl to t!in ! -nuiie ihr-.n to a'tam.
energy may
Convention of Southern Unionists now
in session at Philadelphia our cordial
Resolution adopted and President
and Secretary ordered to certify there
to and send by telegraph to Philadel
phia. Mr. Balcoinbe moved that a cemmit
tee of one from each Council district
he appointed to select names for a Ter
ritorial and State Central Committee,
The following . is the Territorial
Republican Union Committee selected
by the Convention.
Douglas John H, Sahlei" and St.
A. D. BalcomD.
Cass D. II. Wheeler.
Platte, etc. John E. Kelly.
Dakota, etc. N. S. Porter.
Otoe O. P. Mason and O. II. Irish.
Sarpy etc. E II R' gers.
Washington, etc, J T Davis
Nemaha J L Carsor.
Lancaster, etc John Cadman
Pa.viiee, etc R H Presou
Richardson E S Dundy
On motion, Convention adjourned
sine die.
O. P. MASON, President
D. II. Wheeler, Secrtiary.
It app.are- that the Hon. Frank
Wt-Ich. of DfiM'.ur, l;;s been perpetrat
ing a hige j"kr upon tho supporters of
A met'.-
Reno! veil. That iht iii-Tiiiiniiniis ii
hs uni-presentr-tl States! sirjsumii. r ,0 I ' I'olicy"" in that region.
be State governmedts, not haviug b-eu ! inz wa-cal ed for the purpoe of hearing
iSf Amaltramation being the order
of the day, it is proposed that the sur
viving prisoners of Andersonville, Sals
bury. Relle Isle, aud the Libby invite
their former rebel keepers, guards and loin ourselvt s to confer the Union as
surtreons to meet ana fraternize with a primary object of patriotic desire
legally ettablisht d, are nut leciimate
governments until recognized by Con
gress. Resolved, That we cherish with len
der hearts the memory of the virtuous
patriotism, sublime faiih, upright chris
tian life and generous nature of our
martyr President, Abraham Lincoln.
Resolved, That we are in favur of
universal libeny the world over, and
feel the deepest sympathy with the op
pressed people of all couu'ries in their
struggle for freedom and inherent
rights of all men, to decide and control
for theinsi Ives the character of the
government under which they live,
Resolved, That the lasting gratitude
of the nation is due to the men who
bore the battle, and in covering them
selves in imperishable glory, and have
shown to the world i:s hope of free
government, and rt-lying on the invin
cible soldiers and sailors, who made
the grand army and navy of the Re
public, To be true to the principle for
which they fough. WVJpledge to them
that we will standby them in maintain
ing ihe honor due the saviors of the
nation and in securing the fruits of
dieir victories
Resolved, That remembering with
profound gratitude and love, the pre
cepts of Washington, we should accus
them, this autum, at Auburn, N. Y.
It is beiieved that this arm-in-arm
movement would be even a finer ex
hibiiion ofChriitain forgivness than that
which recently took place in Philadel
phia. Mr. Seward may be invited to
which has heretofore sustained us it)
our love of Union, when too many of
our neighbors in the South were wag
ing war for its destruction, our de -p
and abiding love for the memory of the
father of hir country and for the Union
speak, and rvith his usual optimistic is more deeply engraven eur hearts
Philosophy, prove thai the horrors or than ever.
. , it l llli , jaiuco m. iv. -
equal protection vy iae lausto a.. ...?, . . D Halcomb alt. for L. A.
whether white or black, foreign or u'alLer. 7.
cativo Lorn. It makes the voting pop
ulation the la?i of representation, but
does not pretend to have any control
whatever over the elective franchise,
further than to say that such persons
as are disfranchised by State laws shall
not be represented in Congress. It
disqualifies certain leading rebels for
Washington County: L. J. Abbott.
H. Kelloag, J S. Bowen, J. T. Davis.
Burt Counfu: A Rockwell, W. W.
Wahburn. 2.
Dakota County: N. S. Porter self,
and proxy for S. Whitcorn. 2.
lJixon count u: N. b. Porter. 1.
Dxion & Cedar: N S Porter. 1.
Harpy county: Gen. J. M. Thayer,
report be
On motion of Mr. Hathaway, Gen
J. M. Thayer. Hon. T. W Tipton and
Col's. R. R. Livingston, Win. B.tumer
and Maj's. TafTo end Armstrong be
requested to attend the Soldiers and
Sailors Convention at Pittsburgh
The Convention iheii proceeded to
ballot for candidate for Member of the
40:h Congress :
Informal ballot :
D. J. M'Cann.
Alvin Saunders,
John TafFe,
tho Southern prisons were among the
! compensations ot the war, and the ev
idences of the fitness of the perpetrat
ors thereof to return without conditions
to the Union.
-Mr. Ham-
xas, reportet. tue louowmy henceforth j am theenennj of your Gov
ernnunt. and will si)
hol-ling ohice, but not Jor voting, proXy for II. T. Clark and, James
tion. It guarantees the payment of the
national debt, nd provides that the
rebel debt and any claim for payment
for emancipated s!ave3 shall beheld as
illegal and void. Those are the main
features of the Amendment upon
which the great National Republican
Union party placo themselves, and for
the support of which they ask true men
to cast their btillots. Is there anything
in this which true patriots cannot en
dorse? If there is we would like to
know what particular thing it is. Do
you pretend to say that ii is unjust to
give equal protection undr the law to
ali men? If you do you are battling
against the principles which underlie
the whole structure of our Republican
form of government. Do you say that
it is unjust to make the voting popula
tion the basis of representation? If
you do you cannot extricate yourself
from tha dilennma in which this will
place you in other way than to say that
all men should have the elective Iran
chise. Do you say it is unjust to as
sum? the national debt and repudiate
the rebel debt ? If you do you would
Saunders & Butler. H. D. Hathaway
proxy for L. L Holbrook- 1.
Lancaster count u: John Udinan, sell
ud proxy for John llardenburg. iz
Johnson county. Geo. P- lucker,
J. C Lawrence. 2 -y,,A
uitee count it: J. r. benbner ana
Wm. Uhikely. 2.
Platte county: Leander GirarJ, self
and proxy for C. 11. Whaley. U.
Buffalo. Kearney & Lincoln M. II
Sydenham. 1.
Total t2. 3rj
On motion the report was received
and adopted, and the committee dis
On motion Convention adjourned till
two o clack.
The followiug patriotic dispatch was 4th:
received during ike temporary organi
O. P. Mason,
Isham Revis,
James Swett,
1st Regular Ballot:
Nebraska City, Sept. Gth.
To Hon. J. II. Sahler, Brownville:
Make Constitutional Amendment
the platform; put men upon it that hate
Andy and treason alike, and love
Congress and their country; and God,
the People, and Victory will be on our
side. I leave for home this morning.
Convention Hall, 2 o'clock.
Mr. Dundy presented creneniials of
oiier a premium on treason and are as Delegates from Pawnee County; and
After the informal ballot Col. Mason
declined running as a candidate, and
requested that his name be dropped
from the list.
After the 2 1 regular ballot, the name
ol Isham Reavis was withdrawn.
Philadelphia, Sepi. 6
ilton, of Texa
imously :
Resolved, That the loyal peep e of
the Sou'h cordially unite with the loyal
people" of the North in thanhsgiving to
Almighty God, through whose will a
rebellion unparallelled for its cause
lessness, its cruelty and its criminality
has been overthrown lo a vindication
of the supremacy of ihe Federal Con
stitution over every Slate and Territory
of the Republic.
Resolve), That we demand as we
have demanded at all times since the
cessation of hostilities, the restoration
of the S ates in which we live lo their
old relations with the Union on the
simplest conditions consi-ieni with ihe
protection of our lives, property and
political rights now in jeopnrdv from
the unquenched enmity tf rebels lately
in arms.
Resolved, That tha unhappy policy
of Andrew Johnson, President of ihe
Uni'ed Suites, is in its effects upon the
loyal people of the South unjust, op
pressive, and accordingly however ar
dently we desire our respective States
once more represented in Congress we
would deeply regret restotation on the
inndequate conditions presented by the
President as tending not to abate but
only magnify the perils and sorrows of
our condition.
Resolved, That the welcome we have
received at the hands of the loyal citi
zens of Philadelphia under the roof of
the time-honored had in which ihe
Declaration of Independence was adopt
ed, inspires us with the hope that the
principles of just and equal govern
ment which were made the foundation
of the republic at its origin shall be
come the corner stone of ths Constitution.
Resolved, That with pride in ihe pa
triotism of Congress, with gratitude foi
the fearless and persistent support they
have given lo the cause of loyalty, and
iheir effort to restore ali- States to their
former conditions as States in the Amc r
ican Union, we will stand by the po
sition taken by them and take ali means
consistent with a peacefull and lawful
course, to secure the ratification of the
Amendment to the Constitution of the
fSSHon. Garret Davis, Senator
frm Kentucky, is one of the magnates
of the National Union party. It is but
a few weeks since he proclaimed in the
Senate: "Pass your Freedmen's Ba
reau bill nnd Civil Rights bill, and
ill spend the few feeble
remnants oj my life in efforts lo over
throw it." Mr. Raymond's Address
closes with a kindred menace Thes
folks are first-rate Unionists when they
can have everything their own way.
Chicago, Sept. 7. President John-
yon and suite left the ci'y this morning
for Si Louis. They will be- received
at Springfield thi 'evening, at arrive
at St. Louis to-morrow morning.
The Evoninsr Journal says if Mr.
Johnson left Chicago with the imprt s
sion that he had many admirers dinotiu
the crowd present here yesterday. h
is the most self conceited and self-de
ceived man in Amria. What th
President saw and heard here was not
kttennsr to himself. Th western
people never before had so intense a
dihke for a President of the United
States a they have for Mr. J hnson,
even Mr. Buchanan not excepted.
A Philadelphia special says the burn
ing of the Union League H.tuse is sup
posed to bo the work of an incendiary.
The Janitor has been arrested.
I"33f"Mr9. Jefferson Davis writes to
a friend in Charleston, South Carolina:
"Mr. Davis is slowly but surely wast
ing away, and I look forward to his
Maker's release, if man does not soon
afford him one. It is very kind cf you
to ask what he wants ; but beyond cigars
and a little Maduria or Sherry wine?
he seems to desire nothit:r.
If the United States Government "or
any other man" will furnish us bard,
the addr-ss of the Philadelphia Con
vention reaJ.ard we suppose, of course,
tn take sin h action thereon as was
thought beit by the Johnson men, when
ihe proceeding assumed an unloosed for
shape. We copy from th proceedings:
As soon as Cap'. Porter had conclu
ded reading ihe address, the follow
ing resolutions wore off-red by the
Hon. Frank Welch, Postmaster at
Resolved, that th5 thanks of this
meeting are tendered to Capt. Porter
for the able manntr in which he ha
rend the adJiess issued by the late
Philadelphia Convt ti'.i-m. famed.
Before resuming hiss, at Mr. Welch
also tffered the following preamble
and resolutions:
Wafreas, we. the citizens of Deca
tur. Burt county, N. T. have been in
vited to listen to the leading of the
Patriotic Addrers of tha late Phil.tdel
phi t Convenion to the people of the
Unitfd States, and
Whereas, we have listened to the
reading: of the same, therefore
Resolved, Tlitt we do not approve of
the principles therein contained, the
issues therin set forth nor of the course
of Andrew Johnson.
Resolved, That we most cordially ap
prove of the course of Congress, and of
the constitutional ammeudmrnl as adopt
ed at the last session, and we respect
fully propose to support the same.
dipt. Porter and ihe Hon. S. T.
Learning spoke in opposition to the res
olutions presented by Mr. Welch, to
which Mr. Welch replied, whereupon
a lengthy and lively discussion took
place between Mr. Welch and Capt.
Porter in regard to;the principles and
address adopted by the Philadelphia
Convention, the acts of the last congress
and the issues now before the Ameri
can people.
After the debate a vote was taurn
on the passage of the Welch resom
tions and cai tied.
Mr. Welch moved ihat the Secretary
send a copy of the proceedings to each
of the Omaha newspapers, which was
carried unanimously.
The meeting then adjourned.
G. W. Ira, Secretary.
The followincr, from an Alabama
soldier, bhows very plainly the feelm
of the supporters of "My Policy" in
the Suuth. What can Union Soldiers
their widows r.nd orphans, expect when
this class of m n set into power in the
laud, as they will if "My Policy" is
carried out :
Gen. Phil. Sheridan grew, during
th-, to b-j (juite notorious. His
bloud i-- Ii i.-h, and being an Irishman,
he was full of fi lit. He commanded
Irishmen - They would fight. Hence,
in un anuy of Piue-belhes,
who were most splendidly drilled in
reirogade ladies, and against a man
whose taste for pench-Lrandy wa
stronger than his sense of duty, this lit
tie five-feet-eight of of resolute Finne-
ganism m::de some repu'.ation. t
rather liked the little fellow, on account
of his plutk, nnu were glad to see him
promoted, even in an army in cia n-
and thfcives. He studied hard at v et
Point. He behaved well in Washing
.... , i t
ton Jtrri'orv, mni it pieateu us 10 see
Litn scap ih paternal pick and shovel,
which had contributed largely to the in
ternal improvements of Ohio
Why then has lie spoiled cd uus Ly
his fooli-h show of authoritjf Why
New Yoitk. S
nt Liverp ml v. rr
pnrtment as fell
of rags aro be n
country to the
now to be ad-i. , i .
Sec. , from pe rs : 1
H ( ,r Cm... I
t'i ,;h'u )...
I.ur-ij fpnrjt.u.
! s,
ft i:.o.. rn, 1 1-
,t, -r . .i.
. i . I -.
a J I-
in. re is 1 1 e.a .;i:.i'r
sunt cu t.-i!:,. i -re is ti'v ihe p
sibi:i!y t ut pinbuhiiry ,, f, .. ;
rag may te i. xed with tho.-- trr a-.','
now being sn.tovt r. It woui 1 be
for the health ttu'.L r i :. at djff..;,..'!
ports to look n!':cr these imp .r"i i r.;
and whenever there i, ,-.ny ,f,,i, . ,
t.iko tho ships tint h .ve !.';i u, ,',,.
and them to be disinf ,ctrd.
cor. i5.ti -?iz:u.
Ihu gallant o.'.uer n
slate that his i:a:m; a, i
Joh nsou C'i'fivei.'.ion a: 1';.,:
used without 1.: , l,:.:r. J -.
and that he will rot w.u ;
anything to Jc with ihj t:
Cmr Ac:o,St t. S Th C:
Philadelphia U..i?n L-.-ti
lire 13 aVu: (vriv th,.
in'.: lire dtoUc out ;l :v t
attic, mid a fv'V Li. kvts ;
have queii -h.-ii it uhi-a ,1
;;ii:l' to the
"lo- :;th v,.i
r t ; j - e r j ,
, f r have
I'vi :nrijt.
the water j i;;.
been cut. A
uvre l.r
ire re'.v.t
for the prrest o: tl. o in;- i
The Pi.ila.Ielrhi; C,
jotirncd sine dir. y.-MaJ;:
i'V ts) th.'
l.vise Lv
l-vlitd dsl.'.H.-'.
', iu the
. i aii-r rtuiid
'.'VviTi!, b it
I l Inv-t
' I i i li'i it. 1
.vi-ii'ii.n ii. I
v r ft' I'D
Wccpiinsr W-.xU r Snliiiit,.'
10 ii vol :.f; iikown
Op!l Jllilll..-, .;,(. J7.
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nuy usui i ii u (un iuiiii:-!! u -i u - - sj I u , - ,
lod?in? and clothes, freo. together 1,as ,ie roved ,. !h W0.r,J 'Lat, h
,i ,i i.-
I An
with cigrs and IMaderia wine, w
pledge ourselves to ''desire nothing"
mrre. It is our deliberate opinion that
Jeff, will be a long time 'wastin?
away" on the f.-.ra he get St. Joseph
vile a traitor as ever led a rebel host
to battle agaiustihe flag of our country,
We ask that men view these things
calmly, without party prejudice; aud if
they find them bad doctrines, why. let
th'.- world know wherein they are bad ;
but, on ihe eontrary, if they find them
good doctrines, founded upon right and
justice, we ask them to support them
w i'.h their ballots and their voices. This
is not, or should not be, a mere party
contest, but a contest for the principles
which are the bulwark of our form of
government. Abandon these princi
ples and our government cannot en.
dure. Will you do it ?
moved that the delegates present cast
the whole vote of that county. Carried.
Alter the 4th ballot Gov. Saunders United S:ates, as proposed by Congress The wail of the 'whan-doodle, mourn
j i i ....iit I o '
withdrew his name, thanking th"
Messrs Mumford and Butler appear- friends who had seen fit to present il
ed for Pawnee County.
On motion of D. II .Wheeler Major
Majors authorized to cait the vote of
J. Jr. Neal, of Nemaha, absent
Committee on permanent organiza
tion reported for
jresident, Hon O. P. Mason, of
Vice President, J, T. Davis, of Wash
Secretaries, D. II W heeler of Cass,
and J. T- Patterson, of Richardson.
Mr. Dundy moved ihat the "fighting
and give him their support
On motion of Judge Dundy the nom
ination of John Taffe as candidate of
the Republican Unon party of Nebras
in its wisdom did not provide by law
for the greater security of the loyal
people in the States not yet admitted
lo representation.
Resolved, That the political powvr
of the Government of the United States
only a vuljrar ditcher ai heart after all.
and thai his high rank is not the reward
of merit, but the mere result of fortuit
ous circumstances? This is real.y too
bad. We hare henceforth to acknowl
edije these Yankee hybrids as country
men, and it would be gratifying to
Southern gerjllemen to know that some
of them had just claims to decency
and respect. But one by one, the lead
era of ihe JSorihcrn army show them-
vps to be oulv black ruarUd
tf w
"Butler turned theif at the Mart,
Turchin was a natnral born imp of per-
flnion: Thomas lias disvlaved a remark
ing for i's first born, sends a shudder ai,e aplitude for giving white people's
.iADiii'y ni;i'T.
When the tender hearted crocodile
lies basking in the sands cf a Missis
sippi swamp, with his upper jaws thrown
upon hi back, and great briny tears
gushing down his beautiful cheeks, he
is said to be a most mournful spectacle.
Tn .l.ilin M ;.,i-
sin ii.. '.'7 1. .1 iy i.f '
urtt At Ii- r i 'ii
,.f llil: 2 I J,l lU'illl l'l-
Cii - on i Ii ? (' i i h '..', -1
I!ni.-,t. Ill" '! i:t i. i-l
i ir-r ..ii ti im.i f .1 " I -
rfti-t, A. U , 1 .".j, . '.- I l.y v. i
h u t, I- N.ti-1 i' ir. 1 1 1 . ii , ii t ii ,. :. , t i -
it-i iti'd in I'lin, c '"ii'y. N" -It i - k i l- sv, t : r i. " r, '.. i,
i-.t-l '(.in, f r ( . ) o' i i "i r ; '.n i - r r-: :-i f u fl'ij,',
(..wlMmji iiuiiii. -i- "1. v".i ( 1 1 j. n ,i . i, .. I r.:i..:- i, ; ,.'
I 'r I liiriet n ( I :i , i a-l .1 ,,-. I !
i h-r -'vi-. nn Ml c'U v. v f (, ,- i : - t- r , L i-ur
tilt- .nyrrica if it Cci I i in )., u ,r- , y t.-i " IH..: ly
j-oit ami for v-ilmrr i .'t-1, il ,-,..-i'i-.l I" I I
Ahi-r Kcl, rt"ii l " 1 nr.-, Iiu:.i!r-,I mi I ,.i, tity i ,1 ir
l-ayal'l-"H'l y.-sir ttfl-t i! to wi'ii iiit-i--l a t'-r in.-i-tu1
I'y at tti" rrttf i.f f .- ji' r , p- i l u iri ; ii n -
f'lT the Hale of h:ii1 in-i, , :.! ji .i ol I -r tn-
p:iyni:'t't of tli n:ii 1 fu .-, i-l '!' iim.. i"l ft, I KO-O'-ty
Uoltam Willi i.-i-r-.t t:,.-r-,,ii f. in Hi Ii 'I . . f
Auiut, A I , 1 -yj, a f t ty fr it. i-r
and to loro.rlo.r d I ti , jr -f n- I. rn, i: ,.i -,l v , i in
Hii'l to s,,i-l jir.-iiii i'-i. V '-'I : ii'-.-'. r' l.triel y
nMill-ril to ii'i hi', M'l,, :i:-"-v- r;ir , -r t ti,-i
ki.1 I-i II ijt oui '! i '.t ' ii oi o 1 1.- t U ., v of
Octotjur, a. i , lSGo or lii i r.opliil v, , 1 i.nn a
ii. .clue u0' iiii"t y ju n- p. ,i. ",l
c WI ItT & K r.Nf'T.Ti,
S...:-.;t ii f, !r .,-. j-'.ii.iant
Or'ti-r. 1 flint t'.c h- t.ii
urusi.a IlLttALO I " i ', i - ! r
we Kg.
i i a
.. ut ; e
ka for Member of ihe 40ih Congress iu th administration of public affair.
was made unanimous.
Maj. Taffe then appeared and de
dared his position as square upon the
platform of trie party and unswerving
ly oppo.-ed to 'My Policy."
Air. AltCann th u thanked the con
vention tor the It altering vote given
him, and pledged his support to ihe
fxcuses the rebels for their murderous
outrages at New Orleans, by stating
that John Henderson, one of the loyal
mn of that city, had the audaciiy to
roaka a speech "denouncing Jeff.
Davis'' and sayingthathe "preferred a
n Mack Union man to a white rebel."
Who can blame President Johnson for
selling on iba mob to cxrerminate such
miscreants? Denounce "our distin
guished guest at Fortress Monree,"
r53-The Whit Cloud Chief nys:
The Rulo Register announces that it
parson," Rev. J. M. Chivington, op-n candidate and the party with ail the
Convention with prayer. Carried, ond energy ihat in him lay.
Kev. J. 31. Cnivington acceeclecl to the Nominatio is for delegate in Con-
request, grcss being then in order, lion. T. M.
Mr. Girara moved that a committee Marquett and Col. O. P. Manon wen-
placed in nomination. Mr. Mason de.
dined beinfr a candidate. A ballot
was then ordered, which resulted as
follows :
T. M. Marquett 39
O P. Mason 'Jo
John Taffe 1
JSSTThe Petersburg (Va.) Express Lf njne be appointed on resolutions.
Carried. Chair appointed iUessrs.
John M. Thayer, A.J. Harding, Geo,
andeventer, E. L. Cunningham. Ii.
D, Hathaway, L. Girard, John Taffe,
N. S. Porter, and W. W Washburn.
Mr. Renner moved that the vote of
the Conven'ion be by ballot, tne Chair
man of each delegation to hand in the
vote of such delegation
Carried. eas 43. nays 13.
r ti i c I I.
iviessrs. itenner anu ojueuuam
were appointed tellers.
Mr. bahler moved that the Conven
tion nominate a condidate for member
of the 40th Congress, next a cand date
takes it stand upon the Philadelphia for Territorial Delegate in Congress,
Platform. Considering that the Reg' and then candida:es for the Territorial pub!ican Union party for Territorial
ister supported Breckenridge in I860, offices. - A,,rti.r,r
Mr. Irish inoved that the
tion be declared unanimous.
Mr. Marquptt then appean-d and
defined his po.-inon as tiue' and un
flinching upon the Pla form jut adopted.
John Gillenpie was nominated by ac
clamation as the candidate of the Re-
McClel.'an in 15G1, aud has always
taken the mini Democratic s de in elec
tion times, this announcement i alto
gether SLip-.-rilious.
Carried. leas J7. nays 4. rr Irirjh moved thai Aup-ti,in9
rti t i r .l I
upn. lnay-r, Ltianman ot me cm- Koun'ze w nominaied by acclamation
loittee on iiesouaums nppeareu nti" j f0 Tf rnu-rial 1 re isurer. Carried
submitted the fol owtcg:
is by its Constitution, confined lo the
popular or law making department of
ihe Government.
Resolved. Tha; the poli ical status of
the Mates lately in rebellion to ihe
United Slates Government, and the
rights of such people of such States
are political questions, and, therefore,
are clearly within ihe control of Con
gress, to the exclusion of, and indepen
di-'nt of any and every other depart
ment of the Government.
Resolved, Thai there is no right po
litical, legal, or ConMitutional right in
auy Suite to ecij(Je or withdraw from
ihe Union. But they may by wicked
and unauthorized resolutions and U-rce,
st-vtr the relations whicn they have
-ustained to the Union. And wht-n
ihty do a-sume the anitude of public
enemies ai war i h the Unit d States,
they subject themselvrs o all ihe ruler-
and principles of iniernaiual lawund
lawa of war. applicable to bi-llig-r-n.
according lo modtrn u-age.
Resolved, Thai, we are unalterable in
favor of the Union of tli Slates, and
earnestly desire a legal and speedy
re-toration of all Siates to their proper
places in the Ulicd. and the establish
in; tit in each one of them of iiiflui-iices
of jiatrioti-m and Jutice by which ihe
nation Khali be combined lo carry for
waid u lumphantly "die principles of
freedom and progress until all men.
to every breast. The turtle dove is a
sorrowful bird, and touches ihe heart
of many a disconsolate "lovyer," by
its lonly meanings. That beautiful
and affectionate creature called the
"Dodo." is said to plung its head into
the arth, and utter a peculiarly plain
tive whistle with the other extremity,
upon beiur moved by any deep grief
Words fail lo express the woe of the
jackal, when he fails to secure the
freshly buried corp.-e of an unfortu
nate traveler. Hut worse than all this
churches to bis black betters; Sherman
found ihe torch a more congenial wea
pon to his unknightly nature than the
i-word; (irant tried to be a politician.
and failed as signally as when he. at
temnled to defeat Lee fairlu; and now
one of the snail fry, a short tailed slimy
tadvole. of Ihe latter spawn, the blather
ing disgrace of an honest father, an ev
riaU-r.iortli, A ir u-t j7, 1 6 ;.
J. II. Ml w:. ,
ltil-'tr io Cl.r,'
lit'ral Tiff ice.
Distrli-t Court, 2,1 J-j, il Ii.ti'iif, ..-b:
T' rrltory, Iu oil i-tr I :,i i " mot v
John W Clark, 1'UiiitiIl,
Otia D. l'amoti,, I), f
To Otis D. Pur ion .-
Ton iirr liirrfl'v ti t-'.i'l O t tt.o lOovi t. rri I
plartitlff John W. CIrK , did on Ihi ?7 b !:.y .-f
Annroct a o., Ii-C'J, tt'o l.: i"t t;on a'.Min t y .u I.i
iiititi, 1
f'a,rt. j
erlasiing libel upon his Irish blood, ihe the lihc- of u'ii c'v tk tii,-;2i j.i Ji mI htih
scorn oj brave men and the synonym of SV.rVZVv,uX '''
infamy, Major-Gen. Phil. II. Sheridan,
has added his name 10 the list or out
the booby Andrew cried over the dis
gusting farce of a few South Carolina
vipers and Massachusetts lizards writh
ing into the Philadelphia wigwam in
each others arms Portsmouth Tribune.
On motion, R. SKi.ox was nomiaa- cf a!l races' ihaIi everywhere beneath ihe Treasury Department
was the wad at the White House, when rages upon humanity by the issue cf
General Order No. 14, Military .Divis
ion of the Gulf.
We are told that the reconstructed
rebels are willing to accept the "situa
tion" and will come back and be the
very be6t of citizens. The following
dispatch from Savannah shows about
how they feel towards northern people.
Read it, and ihen say if you are will
ing to hand the government over into
ihe hands of uch men, or whether
you would not a leetle rather keep it in
the hands ot Joyal men:
"The captain or the vessel arrested
for having on board pestilential woolens
pleads guilty of murderous intentions,
and his confessions imphcatt a large
number of reconstructed rebels whom
he names and locates. Overy thirty
persons will be arrested on his testi
mony. The design of his party was
the same as that attempted duiing the
war to breed a pestilence in the North
thinking the public were unconscious
of danger."'
CCS" A short inie since a young
widow who had lost her husband in ihe
Union army, went io Washington frcm
Maryland ti seek employment iu the
Treasury Department. An attempt
wa- made by the Republican Delega
tion from Indiana, aided by Hon. J. D.
Defrees and Secretary Harlan, by a
airect representation ot the case lo
Mr. McCulloch to secure her a situa
tion, bui the Secretary informed them
that there was no places meant. She
was afterwards given employment in
the public printing office. A couple of
weeks before the Philadelphia Con
vention, a rebel widow came on a sim
ilar errand from Richmond. A Cop
perhead member of Congress from
New York undertook her case, ana a
few days ago she was duly installed in
v.. a upon a il-lit. ii-'i-iit 'ij-'.ti , ;ir..riiii -01
in iliii; thn ltili ilny . f Novrmb r, a . li , 1 v.- -x-
i-cu'.o'l l y y .u ami f.,r v. -In.-. I ro, ,e,iv. r 1 t
t.(r pliiiutitf John VV. (.';t -k, th" ii--:-nnf ., rt
a)l note l "f nif d jw fcn H. u ir d urj.l Twciiiy '. it . '
OoilarH (ftiilj. that an or.J -r of a ' i 1,
merit has been ivHii , in ,,, c ;-." :: I
proi'trty niiuniil io ii,l count, t . v. .r. .-
Ihe Weit h.iir ot Ike .S..rl:,";t lonifr ii.ll!,.
Southtai-t 14'irtricr of the r ln t i-iir t r of : -
ti m Ivr-r.ry rl). 1 oirr.i,I..ii : J t r t en ( l-;i. ii.-n.i'-. i;.i.i-
(1), Erf-t Sixth 1'iiu.ioai AJti i hi.ij, all ,t.,o J in r jr-
KjK'.ice th reto.
l ou are tLerefoie h.'r' t.f notit'- l '.o fir;., ii',; '' i'i
aLHWt r or .t'.ninr to hnisl i oi.lio'j ou tr Lvloi-lt- r
8-h liajr of .Jctob' r a d I v.i.
I'l,.l:itor Atl'ii !' y,
Ni I . ra.-La City
Ordr"!! tbat II. e ab-.r
coiuetutire weii i ;u ih
!', l at
uotice fuhli !.';1 Iviis
i ij.-;i-k II'
J. II. lit S,
I'K'rk 1'i-t i- l t' t
c.'CBfy, i"lir:i-l.n. A ' if.
!:i :.-.S'M :!.
ITIickcHmit &,
. i . Filler.
L- , f).,.-.r, pi!i.
Dealers In Tin" tu.-nb -r, I. nth, SI
ll.inda. Pi. k.t, k-k! rvry yarivty
Walr.ut and Oalt Lurniyr.
Will L-e -r. e.m.rnntly nun I ''"rJ w .
Clto-i and Oak. All aids.-. I'i .mi-t:v li.l'd.
JI Office on I x-t- t, M t tti ( C. h. Ci
F-t-j atrl ,.rr:n irpn',
rLATTsiioi;Tii,.y. t.
:orat.'ir tw IsC.