local n i:vs. t'i'fi K'!if H-l-iy'i Vti'y Q'.f" (raves M'tr.'orncry hive fin rxcoii'T.t Snild rrMiuta'n in operation ii pin ! iii-ihut' in fesr this hoi wenthtT. Vw. J. Ilc-scr, litu our th inks for a f n? lit of svrrvt I'otitu or.e t f of wl.iolj -.vriihoil 112 poun Js. This is a rrettv good fiz-I potatoo for this season of tl;r veir : lint it was a IJurmu'la R-?d, which nro c3ii-'.J' ":iLlt earlier than other variotifi. Mr. II.-sjtT has a quantity of this vari ?tr, plenty of the Yellow Niinsenior; J. 7"Uc 1c :rn ihit one of the ex con federates who was cnfifrcd in the Cht nt Hi 2k Jllulfi lust week, boldly and de fiantly procl.-.im.'il that he had not sur rendered his principle, and that he was ready to Tc-rr,!i-t in the confederate cause wh-nevrr c t'l'-d upon, nnd he pre dicted tha time rot far distant when ho would ho called upTn. Ho is a strong eupport'jr of Andrew Johnson's "policy." 'YVe loam, f;m a reliable source, tliat the f'-Ilo'.v v.h) mistook Stonewall Jackson's "pictur" fur that of Dayard Taylor is now in the 'd;ct!onarj business. We aree with cur c temporary that "charocal would make a white mark on him" if it was drawn across the gizztud he calls a heart IJ is undoubtedly whito "'.'.vercd'' an white on the outside cau'ed by h'.s fjnner occupation, handling mi.".'. C-A Kni-t.t c f the "Falun Uamicr' challenge, thro'i.rh the .Xews, any ten or fifteen .Sir Kni-iiVs cf N-braska City, to horse r.nd laree in ths tilt, for the glory and honor and relief of the sufferers of the South. Query did this Sir Knight f: ;ht u.dor the same banner bt-fore it had 'fallen," and if not was it because the "mudsills" nnd ".-oay mechanic" who fou?ht nainst it r.cd weapons that hurt' Finn ii..'.f ( 1 py-V.'cleari. that Lt. Gen. W. T. SaerJ man p i-""il up on the Lacy this n omir.jr, on hi a way we-t to look lifter Indian mat ters. Come on with your wagons. Shermnn will not Li !on in comprehend ing the ".tivaion" and setting things CV'vTo leavn t:,o.f tho P. M. at Red Oak, M-Mi'.mcr? Co., Iowa, has been removed bcin; Y.'.s principles were not for sate, and a man appointed who 1 ad none, either to s-ell or use having al ready no less ih:in seven cri fiina! indict ments b'liilnir uwr hi.n in his own conn- tv. lie's a fair nta'ive. of "mv p"licy "t'or.sMer.ib'.e cit'ttment was cre ated In c ur city vest.-: Cy.-.y l y the arrest f two men. fsupp se 1 to b.ive been guilty of murder. Tin' f ;.ot . a? near as we can ascertain then are abo;;t as follow. S aie one or nioiv p.r--on SVi'.i-J a boy on ('imp creek, fotir ir.ii .-s sout'i of Nebras ka City, c.o j os3 of ste.'.l cf catt',3 v.M drove the c a .1 iy birt, fjr the pur-:i'- ut. tftiity-f.ve head .e was herding. They i'.l S-.i.n.-k:. City, tf- foeted a fair, a: .1 re-.-.dved 'SlOO of the Tsoney down, the L.i't.rtc.' to be paid when the bank cp-tv I ye-terdav ('iVednesday) morning. Ivfore the bar-k opened the fu. was ascertained tint the boy bad been killed mi 1 the c ittle sold at Nebras ka City. It appears t hive been the hupposition f.f the Sheriff and deputy that lh? muidc-rrr bad taken passage on the stage coming this way, an 1 they ac cordingly telegraphed to the marshall of this city to arrest persons of a certain description who were in the coach. Two men answering the J rcription were found in the coach ai d ar.-e.-'.ed. The marshall of Our city, Mr. Morgan, telegraphed Lack that be had them under arrest, and received an answer th'u morning to the effect that the murderer had been caught at or near Nebraska City, nnd to release the men here, v.hich he did. We sdiall probably receive a f ull account of the af fair by the southern ma:', and will lay it before our readers. Later. A3 wo arc ready to go to press we learn that three men were engaged in the murder, ail of whom have been ar rested. As the stnge left Nebraska City, a wilannd infuriated mob was gather ing about the jail, demanding the pris oners. The probabilities are that they haTe been huug by tho mob by this time. The name of the principal in this atro cious affair is Cash, ard murdered boys came was Hamilton. C3T' The latt-st ft m Nebraska City is that the prisoner C -.s-h was hung by the populace yesterday evening, and that the Ctlier two were threatened with hanging to-day. C3TOn or ab.v.:t the loth of July next, a diily pap;r will be i;saed. Dcinucart J .ug. lij ISl'u. Don't injure your eyesight looking for it too soon. CS"L-t everybody remember the Big Show to-morrow. It is reported in ail the newspapers as the best circus that ever visited the we t, and we leara -'that in many places where they have pel form ed before the rush is so great that their iirmense pavil'aon ' will not holdall the purchasers of tickets. CP"E C. Lewi-., Esq., of the Platts ii.juih Sporting Club, h is our thanks for a braea of us nice chickens as grow on anybody's prairie. The Piattsmouth Club can do as good shooting as any C.'ub in Nebraska, and wiil be able to bring dwn a3 many chickens so soon as they get their dogs in a litilo better training. C5?"Our ex:eed".pg!y t-harp end willy ti'ifehbor ay: "Tin Democrats herea bouts would not receive justice at your hands." Aid I- that a fact? Do they refuse jnftir.H an'cK it comes from a par ticular nource. We think there raut be a nilsreprfsi-r.tntion somewhere. We had a better opinion of the men Who j compose the Democratic party herea- j bout.." than that. It -justi:- to all m n ! and from all men that the Union party is wcrzirg for. Unes the Lf mucr t ppeak for its party in the above par. graph? C-Maj. D. II. Wheeler, agent for the Pawnee Indians, arrived in the city two or three days since, on the "sick list," and ha been confined to bis bed mo-t of the time ticce his arrival. It has bei n currently reported fjr the past week that the Major had been removed from oilice becauso of his refusal to endorse "mv policy." We do not believe that any mch removal has been mad , and possi bly may not be; yet we feel safe in say ing that the political viuws of the Maj. are too honestly und candidly cntertn n cd by him to bo bought with an Indian Agency or any other position. He ha. ba'tled for the cause of Frt-edom and Justice too long and too ardently to be ewerved from the course which conscience and a keen sense of right teaches him is the only salvation of our system of Ue publican Government, If men ure to be removed from office because they wiil not sell their principles, we hope it will be don speediiy nd thoroughly. The office holders who Support Congress vs. Johnson have in no way changed their political views since their appointment; and if they are to b slaughtered because they are faithful and true, the sooner it is done the better it is for the countrv. From Saturday's L'lily T. Duke, Esq., arrived at home a few days ngo, having been to St. Louis laying in a 6tock of Hardware and Stoves. His sock.will all be here in a few days, when our citizens can be ac commodated with anything in the hard ware line that they may desire. C7"We underst nd the political eyes of a number of citizens living in the vi cinity of Hock Dluffs have been opened lately. They see the real issue there, and many good m n hare been led to consid er what their support of rebels and the the rebel cause would lead to. Men don't liko to be f'irctJ to drink "southern whis key." CiWe understand soma of our mer chants refuse to pay freight on e0ods landed at the lower la ding unless th" extra drayage is ib'iluett-d therefrom, floats can ju-t as we'd bind at the foot of Main street a.s t land a mile bMow, and we hope they wiil be induced to do ru It will be a great saving in drayngo to our merchants to have thir good- land ed within fifty yards of their door, in stead of a mile off. Q'r7'Ve hear it talked about town that Capt. Marshall has had his official head cut off for being loyal--at least such news has arrived via. the ofQe -'eksr'ft l ni. It may bo that a better man thai Capt. Marshall can be found for P. M. and the pe: pie may be satisfied with his removal we don't believe it, however. We are of the opinion thac th removal of such men ns Capt. Mar.-hall from oiliee won't make a great many Johnson votes in this community nut ii,n.y. CSalt Hhcum and all di-ca-es of the blood can bo cured. M my thousands have been cured by the use of Rback's Biood Purifier and Sugar Coated Blood Pills. Thousands of letters bearing wit ness to this fact are in the hands of Dr. Roback. The Purifier is the bet alter ative known to science, combining s ir does, the syrups of Stil.ing-a with Iodide of Potassium, which every Physician of education knows to be the surest remedies. The Pill, in junction with the Purifier, never f ail to restore the system to health and strength. Ktoiii Monday's I'tiily. kjTtiood board cud be had in this city for $-1 per week. Wages arc mucu bet ter than in the east. C3?"The walls of the new Episcopal church are being put up rap;dlv. - This will be, when completed, one cf the nicest buiidings in the city. (j3?"Ar we n'nS lo "are a conuty Fair this Fall? Let us hear from some of our farmers on this subject. Let the matter be considered before the Farmer's Club at its next meeting. We think that Cass, the banner coan'y of Nebraska, should not be outdone in this matter. QSeo adv't. of the Union Pacific Rail Road. This monster Rail Road, which is to connect the two oceans, is now open for business as far west as Kearney, to which point freight and pas senger trains wiil be run daily. CTCol. J. L. Sharp, of Memphi-, ar. rived in this city yesterday. Tho Col. was one of the early settlers of Nebraska, and owns a considerably amount of prop erty in and about this city, and in west ern Iowa. He will lemain two or three weeks, visiting bis friends and looking after business affairs. 5?"A small row occured cn Main St. Saturday evening which a large onuiber 6f individuals were mixed up promiscu ously. We Were utmedc to learn the origin or the lija.e of the trouble, cxbept that one or two of the participants were taken before th2 mayor and fined. ' There was no oneseriou-ly injured, and no one appeared to know what the fus-s was about. 5?"W. D. Gage and W. R. Davis have formed a co partnership in the Boot, Shce and Leather trade, as - will bo seen by their advertisement to-day. They are both first-class workmen, and are inclin ed to push their trads and busintss as hard as the market will bear. Call op thrra if you ward good work at reasona ble rates, (T7"Qu:te a seriou, though happ;lv not fata! accident occured this forenoon, as follow: Mr. Mayfield was driving an os into town, and upon coming around the corner of the brick school hon-e th ox discovered Mrs Gyger in front of her hou-e and made a dash at her Mr. M i field called out to her to Mook ou," but too late. Ju-t as she was turning to see what th trouble was, the ox struek her, his homes passing through her cloth ing on each side and his forehead strik ing against her side with such force a to break three of her ribe. The variati in of a few inches either way would have sent a horn directly through her body. m From 7'uevJiiy's J.iiy. C5?T. K Hanna. of the firm of Too. tie, Hanna & Co , left, on the Denver this morning for the east. ells Jc Irish have removed their Restaurant to the room formerly occu pied ' y Parcel & Sons, one door west from Wm. Stadelmann's Clo'.hing house f "Jos f'h Schlatr, Jeweler, on Main St., has just received a fine lot of plated and genuine silver spoons If you want a good article that will last you a ife time, now is your time to get them, and Schlater's is the place. CRev. E. Kinoaid, for many years a resident of India, i.nd long a comp mion of the noted missionary, Judson, w ill de. liver free discourse in the Presbyterian church to-morrow (Wednesday) evening. Subject: "The Birinun Empire." (JjfA Grand Masonic Ball is to be giv en in this city on the 30th iost., the pro ceeds to be devoted to finishing the new hail Preparations are being made to insure it as ono of the best bails ever given in Nebraska, and we expect to seo a good attendance by friends from a dis tance. C"Subscsito for the Weekly Herald and have it sent to vour friends in the Kat. It will do more towards giving aa accurate idea cf the facilities and actual business transactions of our city and country than any other investment of the same amount that you can make. Many people in the east have an erroni ous idea about, our western country; but a continuous rer.dipg of the Herald will soon set them right, and show them that we have everything here to make life de sir-able, and that we are go ng ahead at a "two forty" rate. "'.Ve learn that the Baptist denom inati.-n of this city contemplate erecting a hou-.e for worship, so soon as the nec-es-ary funds can be procured. J. G. Havs, Esq., has donated a quarter block on Main street, west of ;r. Spurlock's residence, npon which to build a church, and Chas. Wolcott has staited east for the purpose of trying to raise funds for building th church edifice. This "church has but comparatively few member- as yet in this city, but they are showing a commi ridable zeal, both in Christianity and in triing to erect a church ediHee, that should command the respect and as sitar.ce of all go d citizens, whether they are professed Christians or not We hope ttiit thev will be successful in rai-iiig the requ site amount of moaev, arid that every good citizen will assist them to do so. MARRIED- On S.indiv, Augu-t lOth, at the resi dence of the bride's father, by Judge Marshal!, Mr. Thomas YorvG and Miss Margaret C Bcroer. All of Cass Cn. "In going for or ordering good-, the great question to be solved is where thev can be hail so a- to enable the pur chaser to make the createst profit If thev can he had neir home for ahout the same money that would have to be raid at a greater di-tance, it is certainly an inducement. Let our d ealers in Groce ries, Liquors, e.c, reason upon this uh ieet, and when thev want, anything in the line, go to Westheimer .t Kppstein, in St. Joseph, and we doubt not thev can make it more profitable than to send or go further east. j "film- UNION PACIFIC liVlL EOADI 0PM TO KEARKEY! -FOR- FREIGHT SPAS E..GERS Comir.encicij iT)n.liiy, Angj. t 20th, lpt5G, tlie Cu ion Pacific Kail Roa 1 will runPtiiger anil K.eigi.t Tiaius BET, OMAHA a KEARNEY. Train n i il !tave Omaha DAILY (.Vud1is except cl), connecting at Kearney with Kolla day's Overland MAIL and EXPRESS COACHES for r.r. Salt Lii lirai?iit Cit;, and all points in Colorttd i, Ct-tlt. Idaho und Xouiana. The I'X ON PACIFIC KAIL KOAD is aiupy dimpppj with fi ht-clHs cuache-, freight can and rr.giut-, to iio iinjmpily all Lumii tha; may off. r. P...-' i jlers in iy re y oil ci.we conneciinii- tasl ami weM, am) shipper are .-m eJ that all freight wiil receive difpnich and be carefully han.lled. S.A.ML B HE f D, Gn' Supt. XV. SSYDEil. Geu"l height A Ticket A't. Omasa. Aug. 16, ISifi augC'Wa.ir3ui. Tailoring. The iirider-ipne.l has apiin opnrd a TAILOR yP. at his Old .Staud.no th of th'-1 r.tw I ndeon Seiood .-IT er where he is prepared lu uo ali wurk Hi it i hoc -t-i." ... .i ..... JUH.N WAHL, AUiO.-t 14. ISfo. poll SALE eo xl two t- ry tr ck stotv bulidinif , 22.by 60 feet wit'i K'KhI ee'l.tr; lor lurthoi particulars iagjire of the piUllX'J CARD CT tliproL VI.KCTOM. ROBAGK'S BITTERS V V V V RO BACH'S STOMACH BITTERS ! DYSPEPSIA, nnd are (lie l e-( Tonio in Hie wc rl.l. ROBACK'S BLOOD PILL'S CUKK SICK HEADACHE, V c 0 v a, Costi ono, nnd all di seases of tiit bowels. ROBACK' S BLOOD PURIFIER! cumss SCROFULA nn.l nil disoiixe nrising from impure Uloo.i. sS" X 4. ST AltK SOLD 11Y AIjIj Irii!ri!sl! Dealers in i'afi'iit iVSt'ilicineM 13: rii:T yavii lxTiz: PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Successors to Ir. C. W. Kobnck,) SOI.K rROritlK TORS. Nos. 56, 58, 60 & 62 East Third St. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Legal Notice Fr'il-rick K.rhi'rh:ins will take notice that Simp ti.tri C, Bethel aud JiliQ II Crcxtoll cj:uplaio;itM8 did on th d ., of Anirnst. A. 0. , 1 Si'.lj. tile th. ir I' ll i.i hanc'-ry in the liKtri -t Court id the 2d Judi cial District ol tin" Ten il. ry ft Xehriinka, in aud lor C.- county. Hsr.in't the s:iid Fr (ioiitk Kuche harm tiiD fur li that th Mild Kr.d'-rick loch rhntis did on the IMh il iy uf "pteniher, A. I). l".rS, ejte. r t.d hi certnio pi oinioi y note and d-!iver' d t'ie anie to onf John lnviti- thurt ly promNinj: to p:;y to the r.tid John Irwin the Mini of f 'JM) 00 and iu: r-e.-t ou the fame at the rate of 40 per cent p.ir anDum from maturity, and lne nnf year alter ilate. which uoie ha hidco heen &iSued to coniplainant imp-un O. l!f tdel. a nl that on the said 15th day of S-ptemlier A. I , Isj8 the aid Kie ieric-k Kuch 'rhans gave a ni'MrlSMpe d -ed of trut in the uid John.H. O "X ton m :he north i f noriheat ) of cli n 2'J a . id tin- -omh 4' of the f.outhet of section 2.1, in t .wu li. r.ingi' Ji, exft of ti 1. M , in caul copi.ty -f OaH, to secure the pyni"nt of the km id i-(),00, imd iotaiet according to the ti-nor or tw prmniito y no-.- af.ire-.ai. I, a ad pr-iyinB llmtfaid Frederick Ko h erhans may pay id tun now rUiini'd to be ilae wit'i ioeret a .iountiiij to f'JsO IK) ,.d inieresr 'in the same from the I5tli d iy of Septemher 1S.9. at 40 per tent ler annum, or that said premines niny he Mild to pay i he m. nd th-. -aid .-ederi.-lt Ku. li erhntis ;h notified that he is required to uppeur x:id auswer mid bill on r hi.;")..- the 3d M'-nd-y at er ihe l ;h day of September, - U , lsOli, which day is on the !t day of Utt dwr. IW56. IIP.)N C. 1: ETHEL, JDI1N II. CiH- ION, by V il lite l'ot longer her Att'y Dated Aunjl , IStiS. Pro5;itc Iotice. Notice Ix h -rrby rlvea that, J. N. WNe. Adn.in istiat'.r or the e-iatnof 1 A. Sarpy, ilec'd, ban this day made j.ppln at ion to the ProLa io U-mit (.ran a teillion of ti.ne ror pny ns 'be ehi aud for making fin.il tileno ut '..f hi admioUtra .ion of s:iid ht .le for fix mo;. tin. The Ci'rt will hear mid iipplica tion on I'll n i aday. j-eptemher 13th, at one o'clock p. m.. at whirh time all persons interested can app.ai and show cau-e why v neh exlen?ioi of time tboi;ld not be granted If any th' r b." Au.a.Cl.lCO 3w. Frubata Judge. Legal police. Alexander H, Armstrong i It e I'iitriet Court of Ihe T4 V2J Judicial li-lri'-t of Ne- Holon M John-OQ- ) llraka,in and for Ca- Co. To S?nlou M John cn tke .mice that on the "th d .y of .August, A 1. Ilii!. Alexandria H. Armstr.mrr tiie I his p. tinon asain-U you in Ihe above emit ed Court I he ob'ect and pr yer of faid petition i, to recover of and from you the payment of ti.e fnni of Two llnntired ard fifu-en and une-hnn.liedrh lnl l.in. with iutre-t from Sept. 2:11 lr6, aid mm beiim a lialaii.-e due on a priinory n-.te, execuled by you to tdwmd H in sate for fUt on the I5th .lay of July, I 9; aid nou- lw;ag We-n secure by m. rt Fate, and the mo. !g (ji-d premeM hariu;; been -old and a pa t of the moiie. due on aid note has l- en thus paid To rec.TiT i-ai-1 bilauee thi action biuu'ot ai this plaintiif is now the owner and hold r of the said rote, and i.M- the otrner of the d cree rend' led for ihe lorecio ure of the auid martfrne, your real otate iu saiu couniy has been attached in thi. suit. Your aie required to .ppear and plead to the ba id petition ou or b -fore Monday tbtiuh day of S-ptruiber, A. U , IStiti or ia d petiuon will be taieD asbU' and ludke Pat r. o.le ed accordmply. ilAaON arKVtSsiJ.S, Ait'y for Pi'u. The above notice i ord-r d published in the Ne braska Herald for fonr CoM..cu'ive wreks. auc:4wj J- 11. BitOWN. Clerk D. C- TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers at d i'tcir heirs. V M n.i, rinirlon h sthi.ly recelvtd froui the Department, the Law m fu.l wi'b. re blanks fcr the codeciiou or addiiiiH.al U-n itie and increase! I'en Kioi.s and is ready to proccute all srieh tlaiiu- a - may b ; entrust".! in I I- ca.-e. Cal and examine. I Fiist claimed is firot -. ive-l F. M. DOREINGTOa. j , Plattstnoi;lh,KAig. 10, 1m6''. It -oa wseI rteut M -.iicir.ei at old prices go to slack, but mm :o:-f. 13 a 1 1' 1 i 3 i 5 4 .a Simpson, Sharp & Co., Wholesale licceivinii:, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Dealer in ' FAXCY AXD STAPLE GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FROVISIO.XS, ST. LOUIS FLOUR, DOORS, SASH, YJrOW-BLLDS, GLASS, PLXE LUMBER, SIII.XGLES, LA TIL PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Ats't, 4pents for thence lebrnted SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK MOWER AND REAPER, .Quaker Bov and Wood's Mowers, ILVT icliisan "Wa-sons; cfi3C. We invite all to Cull and Sec ., and Examine our Slink. Simpson, Sharp & Co. j;iel3 JwCin r W. L. 'Mcturc Gallery North Pictures taken Ambnitypos, rhotoorrnp.hs, (Jem Fictures, &c. A s;ooJ assortinpnf of Cases Frame?, Alliums! &c, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood "MnUjng, or Frames made to order, of any size WM. R. PEXICK, PKNICK & Eh Wholes ale Patent Medicines, Chomicals, (Has?, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- 3 &. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- 4SWe are the North western Wboletale Afents for Dr. D. Jujne t Son, nnd Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., ami caa turni-h their rae.iicii.es in any quantities. jao'zl ly Admiiiiwtrafor's Sale, In n.atteis relative to the estutc of W II. Taylor dereas' d. B virtue and in pur-uarire of an order to me di rected in th- above c se, as the ai'minislrator of the a'd e tate of Wm. H. Taylo , deceased, iu the i'ro bate Court siltiug in and lor titoe county, iieb aska Terrilory, which iaiil order bea-e dat" on the fl'h dav of June, . D lrtid, 1 will on Saturday the lfiih day of AuUit, A D. 16 i, b'twen the hours or 9 o'clock a m and 6 o'clock p m, of fai.l d .y, offer fur sa at public nuciion to the liirliest and beit bidder at the office of ihe Probate Jude in Plattmouth, Ca- r.iunty. Nebraska Territory, the following de ici bed p i-inises. to-w it : Lot 11 in block number L"t ! in block no. 5.1 J- ' 4i " 7 ' " 50 2 " " 21 " 4 " " PS 6 4i " 11 ' " 40 Lying and bcintfin PlatisuiouUi, Cass county, St braka lerrit ry-t also II e w ht of s w qr of Sec. 27, tnwnhip ln. ramie 12 " nbfof aeqrof 5!S 12 ' do e qrof s w qr of 34 " 10 " do ' e qr of n eqr nf "17 ' do " li " swqrofn e qriT " 2: " (h) " do s e qr of n e qr of 10 " 12 do ' ebfolneqrof " :i5 " 11 " 12 " e hf t,f e qr of " do ' do " do Aln, 10 acres off outli end of v hf of n e qr of section Is, township 10, raiiK 14. Lyini: and being in '"ns-. county, Vebtaska Territory. Iat--d JulySSih, 1H(!6. Plltmr.uth, N.T. C. W. SKTMOL'U, Administrator of the estate of Wm. H. Taylor, dtcer-scd. auiji 3w The above sale Is postponed until October Fourth (4th), 1SG6. c. . strMocR. AuF.17, 1S66. Administrator. Eeal IVolicc. In t'ie District Court of the 2 I Judicial D:slrict of Ni.-bra-.ka iu and and for Cass manly. John iJrauner and liarrey K, Hills,") vs. j Sanford Pottir.per. Ambros" May- V In Chancery., field. A lin'r of the estate of eorjre Myfl .:d, dee'd The bei-s of George J Jlnytl -lil and William Gullion. To Sanford oltmifr lake notice that John Eran lier ai-.d Harvey K. Hills have filed th-ir bill io Chan eery i gain-t you and the ntu;-r defeud.ints ln the al'ove entitled court, tlie onject .ana prayer oi aiu bill i; to foreclose a certain mortgage (r trmt) deed execired by yon io said Hanrey K. Ill 1 1 as Trustee for Joim llranoer to secure the payment of your cer tain promissory note by you ex c'Ueii on th 81st day ol Ai.tru-t, A. !., IS n, toobtaia the payment of said lu te that the inor!ira;:ed prttiiises. to v. it: 1 lie no. th half of the south wet qnart T and the soulh half if the nm thwe.-t qitaiter of Section tweaty four, 1'ownship twel e, nor'h cf R.-inire eleTeu, ea?t of the Sixth principal iner.diao, in Cas- anty, X-bra-k i, may be so.'d and the proceeds of ench le be appli d to ward the payuiem of said note; and that you and the cthe.- "defendants, and all person may be t'tijined from eominiitins; waste on the sti.ll p-emlses and to exclude the d- fend mta. from aid Claim. iL,tt or eUiy of redernptloi , Ac . to the s. id prem.ses. Yi-u are required to. app-ar and p ead to the said bill on or lef ie Monday the 24th day of Septe nlier, A. D-, l?irj, or sid bid i l -e t ,ken coiicnors lor vouip ainvaois Tho above is orderel to be publi-bed four censec ctive w.eks in he N.-br si lltRilo. J. U- BRUWA", Vi -t lo Chancery. DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST' Wi'l do all work in his iine on short notice. p'Otfice with Dr. Idvmiiiton. Jmy 6. and Retail TH03L1S Si.'e Maiu Ft , N'.T of all Kinds. WM. LOVING. LOVING, Dealers ia W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. city Boot and shoe AND LEATHER STOliE. We are selling Boots, 'hoes and Leather, at onr store on Main street, one door west of the Platte Vadey Pouse, CH EAPER ihnnthe CHEAPEST We ai e Bi'inuf icturiDg W'rk fron the very best of stoCK.a-'d w,U accommodate all who may give us a call. Repairing at all times. GAGE & DAVIS. Aug. 20, '6G IStwtf NEW JEWELRY STORE The snb'rriber bavins r"ircba?e.l the U' d Stole on 2d stieet, lately occrpitd by Sarpy at.d oilier, w-jiild respectfully inform the citizens of Platisuiouth and vicluiiy, that be has refitted the store and opened a laipe aiock of . , f AND FANCY ARTICLES For LiitXie, Gents, CliiMroo, an.l the rM of mankind, aai is pTVpartd U tiu Mil kiuJi of WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In fhe best manner, and would bo ha py to rervr-bis old and a. macy new customers as may give him thci pa'.ronafte, assuring them of their moik wll done, at moderate pric --. and cn sh.-.rt time The slock, embracing every va ie'y or V als n-uail kept at a flrt c ass Jewelry Store, will be so d at low prices, a. d warranted f best worfeuianship ard mateiial. He ba-i a so a nn .il ,tek of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will ba re( !e::ibed from time to t;m", and sol I at the lowest fibres. Ilavi g perm inently local-d In this city, 1 respectiu ly solicit a share of pa tronage, aud corJiilly inviie a 1 to ca.l ami i;asi ne' the sioc on hand, as we WooM l pleased to svi ve you. and do not a-k jou io buy uuless we e n make t for v-ii- interest to pa'r. uize u-. decir.f e. n. E1T0K. FARTil AND TIMBER IiAND FOIi SALE. I ha e cne the be-1 farm in Nebraska, also, a fr.-od body ot timber an 1 a quaoiiiy c.f uuiicproved prai rie land, wpic i I offer s.il -. Tb 're .ire r -m im provements, w ater, rock aud timfcer on i.e place aud it is a de-iiabie stock faim for lu.il.er par ticulars, adires. G. W, CIAiy. Api lSwCm l'lj't-ni' ut'n, ". T. The aSStna AND THE PORTLAND F IRE. Insurance Company. IIARTFOKD, CONN. " ASSETS, JULY lt. JS(3G Cash on land in back and with Ag't-i J2.7 320 03 Cn.terl Staes Slock. M J 217 Keal estate, uuiiuuni'iere I 9 ..'!.! o5 State Stock, A17,f" ' New Voik ll.int Stocl:, 7 1. ltd I'D Harttord Bank stocks .'".. lrt ( Mim-vll me.u liauh S:uck, I .9 (em n.i bailroad Strnks eu... "T8,On7 I'a Mortage Uonds, City, Coi.iily A K. li , 1,1 U 1;'G tiii TOTAL, 4 i ( 7D &0 f'5 LIABILITIES Los.-es cnadjnsted and not due, $2,I.'I,'.hO 8." Net, 81. So 1,50 120. Income for last year (neti 2 O'ei SOJ S4 Or a dally income cf sny 0,0 LoS'f and Krjtenfa for same time, 2,.'4IiCf4 S' T-t.il Louies paid in 47 years, (III U7.4ld Oil Viz: Fire $17 213 0l0 9 lal.iii.l, t I.s-l ,4r9 07 Government and State Taxr paid tj!!79,l7S 34 LOSS PORTLAND FIRE, July lih, IcCO. The total amount covered by I'.'n-. Policies n property d"stroped or damafred is ffl6 s.14, on wh leb ,alvage will be atout A per cent. Our total los-, w.ll not vary much from il'MV'tui, aud is beiujr prompt ly adjusted and paid. This -urn is S per fceut upon the assests a figure but sli'ht:y cxiwdiiiy tnr gov ernment and State taxes paid Ixst e:tr, or a prep ! -tion e.ual to a i-SO.HI loss fos a company of $loo,loi assets . The neces: ity for insuranro and the valo" of weal' by , strong-corporations, 1 forcibly illu.-trated I y this tire. Several weak Insurance Companies are destroyed. Portland lias a population or ;l.,'"n was baodsmel built, mostly tine brick or stone structa'es protected and screened with upwarii of &XMI shade In es bounded on three sides by water indeed literally, almost risiua from th ocean and with a (rood -leaH Ure department yet it has $In, (K)O.OOOof property consumed in a f. -hours upoir a hoMday hf u its people are lea-t ocu pi-d from th- very iiisiyutlioaut cause of a Contciiiplible lire cracker. Keiiiember th ; triuin-r origin i f flics M at sweep away iu a f w hours il e tariiiut's of yosrs. C.msi'ler yoiii best interests and fe ve th-. -1Un:i nai'Ut a call if yon need proper lusuiancu sectiiity. PoU.-its issued at fair terms. V. II. Wllt.KI.EK, Aite't aguS:dlwi3 l'latlsiiiuuth, eb- GREAT MUTUAL Gift Enteprise ! ! OF SAUNPF.Ui &. KOST1-KS, Omaha, N. T. S30,000 Worth of Valuable Property io be di'iti ibi.tcd. Tickets only -5"-,o Each. LIST OF FRIZES: 1 Brick House and Lot, on Faruham street, Omaha, N. T. $3,039 (H) (r Iji:i,iiiM 110 in (i reenluieks. 1 Farm 150 acr.s, 7-tj miles south west of Omaha 0,0-jO C3 1 Kami of 101 iicres. 12 miles north- v we-t of omahi l'OU 0'J I Fast Troltinii Ware (Dolly Br-.oo) Sulky and Ham s COO f.d r timi 00 in Gre'-nbacl-s 215 tts in I'uiaha 80O UU I Farm of 40 acres, 15 miles north we-t of Omaha 2"0 KI 8 Si k Dress Patp'rns, each "o il 25 Ladies' Cloih Cl-aks, each 21 till t;, " If. (i'J 20 Hun'i' p Caed Walelo s, earli 2" IM 2 Brinrhe nnd Sf-lla sluwls each 20 in) 00,Puirs Casiolere l'auts, tiwli In (e lull Pairs tleiils' Call l:it, ca--h J uo p!0 Set s Niiklc Silvr Table Spooin each o ''I 1. Cloth ar:d Cassimeie Vest, 'ki.1i f 1(H) (ieiilleinen's Han, " ." Oi lot) Liner, ront shirts " 4 mi U,0 Pairs Men's liu. k fib Yes, " :i 1M0 S"tts Nickel Silver Te i.Sp.eitu, each 41 o 9)0 Pairs Ladies Gaiters and Elip- ji th, eaeh 1 00 100 Pocket liooks and I'oi t-i Monitf, each 1 " 100 Neck Ties aud Cravats, e icli 1 no 100 Miscellam nu. 11 juk, i, h 1 t'O 13,324 Other Prizes, rantrii-.i; in pric" from oii cts to tf 1 no each. There can be no doubt of the fairu'1ss hihI lespoti sibililyef this sell, tne, as w have x.eule. bonds to and ecure I liceua - f:om ti iv. rutii'.-nL. Drawing will come off Sept. 1st, l-!i.i. Holders of T.i-kels will be notiit.'d.of Priies Ji.itt.-I through Omaha papers. EVERY TICKET A PRIZE! Salni;i:r Kosjlks, Omaha, NebrasKn. J. N. WISE and ROSS VAN ATA, Agents, Pait?mouih. Willcox & Bibbs' NOISELESS SEWING MACHINE The Rest Machine in I'sf. Come and see this silent aa l beautiful Machine, whether you wish to putcliaeor uot. lt will charm and please von. S3-PKICK FROM 60 to 175. "TlicSCtch mvfe by this Machiue is new and . tr. Tlie TtriM e Loop Slitc-h U rnunr a beni.t iful, elas'ic and durable seam which is so stronff that a pieee nor. half an inch loug cut from It cauuot bi. pulled apart" F. P. TODD, Agent for WILLCOX St GIBB5, WITF.ELE.'I & 1VIL).V, GROVE & B A Iv K It and FLOKENCE. Office at B NEWMAN'S ClotLitis Kuiporinni, Plattsmoutit, Neb. Auif.7th,'(;G: Jul :jm. 8. AULKH, D. a. rtuiMirt. S. AOIEII & CO., RECTIFIERS J1XD DISTILLERS, Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domsti.? WINES, LIQUORS AHD CIGAES. KO- 14, EA S T SIDE MARKET SQ VA HF, at. Joseph, Mo. oci) ly wooriUoiiiH & co., BOOKSELLERS, STATICNERS, Binders cS: Papcrdcalerfs, SAIjYT JOSEPH, JIO., oc25 6;u Wll). taile.iiiaiiu & Co , One door uest of Donelan's I)ng store. Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CATS. EOi-TS SHOES. TIIV.XKS, VAU.-iJ:, nnd a Fcnera.! stock of OUTFITTING GOODS ror (!)-t Piains; also, a lare l -t of RUBBER CLOTIILYG, REVOLV ERS ?A7J .YOI'IO.YS. We bought k,w and will s-ii ol,i f'sr cash. Call arid exanuueour sta:k b.-fj.eou buy ov where e.s--. jyl "6-1 X Wm.siMiHWSXl'n. 'I'll? pla-e to j-t cbe"'' La tnr. snd !.inp Chi;nn' ." 1 is at CLACK, KCTIE.'t l" "' 'A. ! '