" local news Frvm WedneJiday't Daily. ZZTDr. Miller, of the Otnnria Herald liM gone to Fhilabelphia as proxy for Fopplfton. (T"BrO. Giles, of the Council Bluff Ilu-le, dropped in upon u-j to day. He is djwn seeing how things are done in our river town, where all the freighters start from. Q-rrThis part of tho world was favor ed with a refreshing shower last evening, which has had tho effect to cool the at mosphere nnd pat new life into the fast ailinj crops of corn, potatoes Ac. rlVe Fuggested, a few days since, that Dr. Jno. Black should write a "his tory" of the Heath-Johnson-Blair-con-vntion (?oke on convention) hel l in this city on the 1st inst. He has done it. r-The Omaha II raid says the "Burnt l':trict?' needs looking after by the liemoeracy. Didn't Dr. Mi'.ler look nfter it (with tears in his even) once? Better send a hind1' nest time, Dr., and stay where your hon:s fire safe, yourself. f5F"Stu le Jb Anderson received some thing less than a full cargo of goods by the Kate Kinney this morning This house, owing to low prices and fair deal ing, is doing an immense business. Iianchemen and traders from the west will Dnd it to their :n:erest to call on S Jc A. when visiting this city. from 77iurav' 1'ni'y. Ii-f W n riAnr a rr. ort that another contract has been let cn the B. &. M. II. Railroad, this side of Chariton. e know not whether the report is correct, hi:t uresume it is, as it is known the r c!mn:inv intended letting a contract - ' i - -Tho Republican says: The Hon. J. I. Kediok, arrived home from his eastern trip on Monday. Mr.lt expresses liim- If with great confidence as to the admis ion of Nebraska as a State next winter. We believe that his confidence is well founded. 3Four wagons arrived in this city this morning, direct from California. Thy made tho trip in a little less than three months, having started on the 15th ofMiy. They had no trouble with In dians, and saw none this side of Bridger. Their stock (California horses) look very well considering the time they have made. ("Quarterly Meeting Services will be held in the Grove near the school house at Eight Mile Grove, on Saturday and Sabbath next- Preaching at 2 p. m. on Saturday and 10 1-2 a. m. and 4 p. m Sunday. Love-feast at 9 and tho Ordi nani e of the Lord's Supper at tho close of the Sabbath morning Servica. All are invited to be present. CTlbert Duke, Esq., of the Grra of E. T. Duke L Co., left for St. Louis on Monday last, where he will lay in the largest stock of stoves ever brought to l'lattsmouth. We 'eirn that he also in tends bringing on a heavy stock of Hard ware, and his business house in now un dergoing repairs for the reception of it. This will be good news to our people; as they have long felt the necessity of hiving a Hardware store in this place. 1hav No. 1. We are glad to note that a genuine dray has made its appearance on our streets' at lt. It is a great im rroveneent upon the lumber wagons which have heretofor done the immense amount of hauling. Republican. Omah is considered a "fast town" in most things," but it is certainly slow in this particular. Our enterprising ownsraan, Frank White, has been run ning a line of ''genuine drays" in this itj for tho past three years. ksTAnother set of delegates to the Philadelphia-Free Love-Association has been clecied in Nebtaska City. Among tho talent selected by this Nebraska City "-onvention" to represent the supporters 01 j policy," we notice tho name of ut staunch old Democratic leader R It may be as well to state, for the info; of tho other members who will be a8mbleij t rhilnJ-lniiia, that it is dobnul whether Mr. Gibb's can attend, as his u.,ie, at h (8awInj; UUu; r very nruuc t t th; r irn nJ. p as his proxy, uuwever, iuu qui uuow me c ,L-pntion to fail in consequense of his non-uten. uanee. From Friday' Daily. (iT'Services will be held at the Epis copal Church every Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours. CaTRer. Geo. C. Betts left this morn ing for tho east. He will bo absent Pxnj two or three weeks. Capt. J. W. Marshall arrived this morning, looking hearty and feeling well. He says he heard more news since his arrival here than he obtained all the time be was gone. This is the place to get it. CThe ladies of the Presbyterian Church will hold an Ice Cream Festival in the hall over Newman's Clothing Store, this evening. The people of Plattsmouth are more inclined to attend festivals than dances, and we expect a large number will be present. (SWe publish to day the letter of Dr. Jno. Black to the Omaha Herald, giving a little "history" of the Heath effort in this city. It will be interesting to Democrats in this locality, hence we publish it. We have waited, supposing the so-called Democratic paper of this place w)uld have sufEcien courtesy to place this plain statement of facts be fore its readers; but it having failed t-J da so, we deem it but justice to the Democracy that we publish it. f5ffra. Stadelmann is sole agent in this city for the sale of Edgars nw patent no chimney burner and brass- hand lamp. These burners are a great improvement over the old sfyle, as they save tho breakage of chimneys, and will not blow out in the strongest draught of air. They are calculated for general family and should be in every house. Go to j Stadelmarn's and see them. They can not be had at any other place in the city. Q"The big Milk Snake over the way appears to think we had some allusion to him in our notice of the "new dictionary" now in use in this city, which is only fur nished on snbscription (none taken for a less time than six months), and he "goes for us" in a "hefty" manner. He says he did gel hit fee in the case of Campbell vs Thompson, and that lie never abused Jus tice OWeah Who disputes it? Show us the man! lie unintentionally does us honor by conveying the idea that we were present at the taking of Donaldson. We are sorry to have to say we were not; but would much rather have been there than incog, in Canada. We have a pretty good idea who swallowed that dictionary, now, judging from the way this fellow twists and turns. Gues it gripes him somef 2?"We learn that a row occured at Rook Bluffs a few duys since, in which several men were considerably "chawed up."' We have no particular except that it originated in a dispute between some of the late members of the First Nebraska Cav:!ry and some ex-rebel soldiers in regard to the manner in which tho rebels treated our prisoners during the war. We are unable to learn the names of any of tho parties except that of S. A. Games, late of the First Nebraska. It is said he vanquished an ex confederate who at tempted to me an "Arkansas tooth-pick' on him. We hive heard rumors several times that threats of personal violence had been made against the Union men of Rock Bluffs, but we hope for thepeace and quiet of the country, that if such threats have been made by any persons, they will never attempt to put them into execution. Such articles as Morton's "53 or fight" are not calculated, however, to preserve order and quiet in tho ceuntry, and pro mote that harmony of feeling which he claims to desire. From Saturday's Daily C?"An "idea" presented itself to the minds of several people who were in the vicinity of the Court House a few days since, caused by a young gent, procuring a marriago license and an accident policy at the same time. What does it mean? 3?"We are abhs to tell a "whopper" occasionally, but try to tell one that will be believed. We consider it tho heigth of impudence and folly to try to palm off, for a truth, a fib as large as a pile of corn containing ninety-nine thous and bushels. "We are in receipt of the Grasshop per Falls Jrfleronian, edited and publish ed by our old friend, Geo. T. Isbell, at Grasshopper Falls, Kansas. Geo is a spicy wirter, and a first rate fellow. Success to you, Geo. feThe festival last night for the pur pose of raising funds to pay for the or gan in the First Presbyterian Church of this city, was a fine affair. We under stand the receipts were between $S0 and $100. The ladies have our thanks for a beautiful cake such as are found only at festivals in Plattsmouth. v C"We are pleased to notiee that our old friend, A. Lindsay, has opened a new hotel in Nebraska City. We can assure those of our readers who may visit that city that they will find the Lindsay House an excellent place to stop at, and "mine host" Lindiiay a clever and agree able gentleman' jfj?"We hear a loud murmur going up from the farmers through the county, in consequence of the extremely hot weath er Plattsmouth Herald. They are all abolition farmers whose "murmurs" you heard. Democratio farmers know better than to murmur" at the all-wise dispensations of a benefi cient Providnce.- -Urnah 1 11 raid. You are right in your statement that they are "abolition farmers;" most of the farmers iu this enlightened acre are of that "persuasion." If your statement should be correct that "Democratic farmers (planters) know better than to murmur." it is probably owing to the fact that they have been chastened so often, during the past five years, by the 'Hspensations of Providence" and the "boys in mue that it takes something more than a iaUu,tof crop9 to caI fortb a murmur F,-om Monduy't Daily. CIIacks are now running regularly from this city to Salt Creek three times a week. People desirous of visiting the garden spot of Nebraska will find the best of accommodations on Purine! e"s line. C"The Omaha Rtpublican says. "The brick houso and the lot on Farnham street, or three thousand dollars in cash is the first prize ia Saunders Jb Kosters Great Mutant Gift Enterprise, and the pony (Dollie Drown) and sulky and harness or six hundred dollars in cash is the second prize. Besides these there are valuable farms city lots, clothing boots & shoes, ladies' goods, etc., etc., to be drawn in this capital good scheme. We learn that tickets for it are selling very rapidly over in Iowa. Returns from all points give the most flattering accounts of the pros perity of the popularity of the scheme. The tickets are selling very rapidly at all points where agencies have been estab lished." J. N. Wise, at the Book Store, and Ross Vannatta, with Wm. Stadelmann Jb Co , are agents in this city. ?Tt is t:me our businss men were doing something more than has yet been done to secure thtrade of Ranchempn and Traders on the western roads We have tho goods end can furnish them as cheap, if not ch jaer, than any other town on the river; and why d, we not have more of this trade. All that is necessary to secure it is to convince the Ranchemen that they can do as well here as at any other point. We have the best road and the shortest; and can furnish goods as cheap and in as great variety and as large quantities as any other place; but it necessary to keep these facts before the people from whom we uesire to get custom. Many of them do not know these things, and others go to other points more from force of habi than anything else, because other towns and their business facilities are contantly kept in their minds by advertisements and otherwise. Let our business men arouse themselves, and they will have no diffi culty in securing the bulk of this proSta ble trade. It would help things materi ally if a copy of the Daily Herald wns rent regularly to each Rancheman and trader on the road. m -m- From Ttietiay' Daily. j?"Apples from the farm of P. Walker, Esq , are selling in town at $4 per bushel. CsSee card of "Tailoring" by John Wahl. in to-Jav'a paper. Go and see him and he will give you "fits." CsTDr. M. II. MeCluskey has gone to Glenwood on professional business. - He will return the last of this week (J3?"The new building of Arnison & Do vey is progressing finely. The plasters aie now "spreading the mortar." 57New bay is being brought into market in considerable quantities. The crop will not be so plentiful as last sea son- CSTGrHVieS. in considerable quantities, r 1 are being gathered by tho bOVS around , . , town and Vended On Our Streets. It would be a very wise arrangement if they would leave them until ripe, as they are neither wholesome nor palatable in their present half ripened state. C2W. II. II. Waters, Esq , came up from Nebraska City yesterday, and left for home again this morning. He reports business from "fair to middling'? in their city, and says a large number of persons have taken homesteads and settled in this land district during the past season 3?"See advertisement of Saunders & Kosters "Great Mutual lift Enterprise." They offer some valuable prizes, aiid eiery ticket draws a prize of some kind. Who, in Plattsmouth, wants a chance for the Brick House or $3,000, or the fast nac or SG00. Tickets can be bad of J. N. Wise or Ross Yanata. We learn that the cholera or some thing similar, has made its appearance among the Mormon emigrants. The St Joseph, on her last trip up, left several dead bodies between Wyomijg and St josepn, ana we near nai several more 1 i i l . j. . 1 deaths occured among the Mormon emi grants after they were landed at Wjom. ins. These emigrants have all 6tarted west now, and we think there is no rea son to fear a spiead of the disease in this locality, even should it prove to have been genuine cholera which is doubtful. MARRIED. On the Sth inst., at the bride's father's bv Rev. V. A. Amsbary, Rev. A. J Swart, of Burt Co., and Miss Sarah Jeav, of Cass county, Nebraska. On the 5th inst., at tho residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. J. T. Can. non, Mr. W. R. Davis of Plattsmouth, and Miss Hawaii Coieman of Mt. Pleasant. All of Cass county Nebraska. Tho printers were remembered, and the harpy couplo have their best wishes. PRICES REDUCED. We have reduced the price of bread, cakes, ect., and can now furnish such things nt your door cheaper than you can make them yourselves. J. Parcel & Sons. aug- 13 ft. fT7?"In goinz for or ordering eooils, tha grf at question to be solved is where they can be had so as to enable the pur- . ... r. . ther can be Lad near home for about the same money that would have to be paid at a greater distance, it is certainly an inducement. Let our dealers in uroce ries, Liquors, e.c, reason upon this sub ject, and when they want anything in the line, go to Westheimer Eppstein, in St. Joseph, ami we doubt not they can make it more proStnble than to send or go further east. jeblin Willcox & Gibbs' NOISELESS SEWING MACHINE. The Best Machine in Use. Come and see this silent and beautiful Machine, whether you wish to purchase or not. It will charm aud please von. O-PRICE FROM 60tm. "TheStitcb made by this Machine is nf ami peculiar. 1 he Ttcint ft Loop Stitch f. rmicg a beni.tiful, elas ic and durable aeam which is so strong that a piece not half an Inch loag cut from it cannot be pulled apart" F. P. TODD, Agent IbrWILLCOX & GIBBS, WHEELER & WILSOX, GROVE & BAKER and FLORENCE. Office at B. NEWMAN'S Clothing Emporium, Plattsmouth, Nib. Aug.Tth, '6i3:w&.d3m. C H. KING Carpenter, and Joiner CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Will do work in bis line with neatness and dispatch open short notice. feb2T dlcw t "PKOrOSAL-S. Scaled proposals to bnild a Cborch at Eiht Mile Grove will be received n to September 1st, I?6S. Size of House to be 26x36 on the ftround, 14 feet high For further information see Chairman of Commit tee J JHH RICHARDSON. a:icL IticHaapsoit, Secretary. THE BIG SHOW IS C O MI 1ST G . New Wagons, Icw Harness, New Properties, New Costumes, Taick Po nies, Jieautiful Horses, Educat ed 3!ules, And Performining dogs, Goats, Monkeys. OPPOSITION INVITED! COMPETITON DEFIED! The Tri'jmpba' Parade os the New York Champs Uysts-sa Circus. On the inorcinj? of 0e exhibition trill ba rroJ'K-1 in mi-nl 'ceut c-nes o.l KorSeon Table"X,wliich will din .lay the weallh that iia bttn o boun fully lXpeii'led m ron eung V is Circm compu-noi-n fur gu'endor ami uoei.ualed m uaijnitu 1'?. I'romiuent fg t,.rnmnr. 'us fcamre ol attractiou will t.e IX TANDEM TEAMS of mail-he i hurtes driven Dy LThenovil aad exquisitely beautiful 1MPEBIAL CALLE011K drawn by fix elegant ponies d,rlf- entyalaly. Ml'L'NTKu KMliHl'S, arrays ia upe l apparel ; besides a great variety of itttra li ve p tcl of extraordinary grauieu.. Uly and decorated CHARIOT OF ORPHEUS. DRAWX BY TEN RAMPANT STEEDS. m.ntain Professor R.veLbary Open Band from ih Aend inv o' Masic. Se Yori , composed of mubi- cians of the hii;he t order of excellence The immense ceuiralixinon 01 me uiKijuai ent consist in pari of the follow ng : LEVI J NOKTil.the vewran pioneer i imu ementp. . VOUSO LEVI NORTH, the i,nan.piou jwon.c Hm wmon of tlie West. MUX i UK1UGKS, from the Uirxue oe iapouo.., Par-B. , , M'LLE I5RIDGKS, the m"st daring a r.u rider on this cmtineut. M'l.LH AMF1.IA, the l'earl of the Arena. M'JNOlt COUDON'A, the Champion double somer sault eqaetrian. MADAME JU3f.nilA6 la.'iuiv, iu ful protean artist. MUN BY wti;u, tne ao-ompntneu juuc ucui'i MASTER FRANK AsHToN. the contortionists, or bonehf boy. The wonder of the tn cenmry. w M. ASHTOS , the ma i acc npneueu jju, . efp- . . . .. ct...... JAMr.3 WAKD. the reopie tiown uu vju perian Jrster. bareback of fuiir flfet pnnii. MAST tit WILLIE SMlTU,.ne equestrian I n tin MA8TFR franc ware, the pymna'tic miracle. tos V HBNTf4 ilie.r-rioce of comic ringers. Tk. UH, ,. mi. risen die iareest troni.eevet o: gan- iied Into ore company, and (neir varieu perform ances will constitute a fcenei ol unparan-a -ucrew C.mnev ted with this immense couij any inn W ILLIS CCltu'd f oupe or Goats, Dogs and Monkeys, r.lnral.t tn iMTform a Ereat Tan-ty of aiiiusmg, tonuerful aud a.nl'.uil iricm. a uwci ijiiiuu ' varivus laats tnal in sc sanivai ioit been taught to executo would surpass bilijf. Their luMUKencp, ttyie a 'u uuisc. u m t'j kind of trainine the brute species evir developed. aud ti.e amazing al.icnty disp'ayi-d in their uni'l'ie performance bring forih snouts or applause The Trick Horses Mars and Andy Johnson. TRICK rOXIESQ ajwlle, J.nny Lind, Yankee Notions, Little Rebel, and (hose educated Mule SID AND STEVE, rill aflb'd fun for the millions. Previous to ench nft-rnnon performance there will be Brand FKKE EXHIBITION, entitbd a JOVRSKY TO THE CUDL'OS, in which MAD. JOSKH.il E UK VAS lOil will asrend a SINGLE SLENDER WIKE,adii. tunce ot 800 feet to the top uf ihe centre pole. Mad ame Josephine, in thin daring and intrepid feat. Is pronounced by the ""reus w stanu wnnoui a rirai. This mammoth matterdom of the World will ex hibit at PLATTSMOUTH, Saturday lS.h. XEBrtti-K A CITY, ICtU andl;h, BKOWNVILLE, l-'th Admission 50 Cts- Lhildren Doors open at I and 7 o'clock daily. GEO H. METCALF Proprietor. O. F. P.EMER.Fen. Ag't. Dr J. W. JIktchbAr, DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST. Win d. n work in hi line on short notiee, I irnffir.v.iii rr . v .nciton . C5"0(Uce with Dr. July 6. L, O. Huntington c Co., Wholesale and retail Aa.ers ia Leather and Findings, West end Pioticer Block, Farnham St., OMAHA; NEB W.'uld call attention of manufacturers and dealer? to their large and complete assortra-nt, consisting oi -.very article needlu to the Shoemaker and Harnessmaker. Ther wonld call the especial attention of owner of mills to their large stock cf Machine Stitched Leather Belting Of all six"3. CASH PAID FOB HIDES, WOpL AND FURS. jy!3mw Residence Tor sale. We wil. sell very ow for cath a goo I frame 1 IS tory residence, all of pine, situated In Plattsinoutu . Dqnirc of Marshall, at the Post-olSre, or o D. H. WHEELER fc CO. Plattsmootn, If. T, Jacnary V-xh tf The Stna AND THE POR TL AND FIRE . "iSTNA Insurance Company. HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS, JULY 1st, 1SG0 Cinh on haul in bank and with Ag'ts $2"7,:o09 United Maes Stock, ,812 277 25 Heal estate, unincumberol 9il,3i9 t S State Stock. 427,u: Od N. w Yo k Hank Stocks, 7:'4.I7il DO Hartford Bank stocks 27tl,.!0 M Misie!l:neous Dank Stocky l.'fl 0 iO 00 Rtilroad Sucks etc.. 273,0(i7 66 51 unsafe B nds, City, County & It. E., 1,011 I' C 06 TOTAL, 4C75 ,630 53 LIABILITIES: L..S3ts unad iucted and not due, $2,221,-35 35 Net, Sl.So4,594 20. I'icome for last year (net) $2,9:33.339 S4 Or a daily incomo of any J'.l,SiH) Lvs ind Frptiwes tor tame time, $2,541,294 SO Tuttil Lostft paid in 47 years, $19,127,410 OG Viz: Fire I7 243 000 9 Inland, I,6S4,409 07 Gotemmeni and State Taxet paid $179,173 34 LOSS PORTLAND FIRE, July 4ih, 18C6. The total amonnt covered by .rFtno Policies on property d"-troped or d imaged is $206,S"4,on which s-alvaf-e wil I be about H p"r cent. Our total los.t w.ll not vary m ich from f'2o(i,'00, and is beinfr prompt ly a'ljm teu and paid. TM sum Is fi per .cent, upon the asgests a fleure bnt slinht'y exceeding cur Rov- ernment and Slate taxes paid last year, or a prop,-- tion equal to a touuo loss fos a company or $iuu,uuu assets. The necessity for insurance and the va!u!! of weali by , ptront" corporations, U forcibly illustrated I y this lire. Several weak Insurance Companies are destroyed. Portland has a population ot 35,0ti0: was handsumelv built, mostly nne bncK or atone structa-es protected and screen d with upwards of ;i000 shade trees bouuded on three sides by Water Indeed literally, almojt nsiun from the oce ill and with n coo 1 tea Bre deuai tmeiit yet it has $1"),- "OU.ooo of propi rty onsuiued in a few hours upon a holiday hiu it people are least occ-pp-u rrom the very insigoiQcaut cause of a conteiup'.ible fire cracker. Kememter th; trifling oripin tf flies that sweep away in a few hours ti e earnings of years. Consider youi best interests and Rive the .fCtaa azent a call if you neea f roper Insurance s' cuiiiy. Policies issued at fair terms. V. II. WHEELER, Ai?ei t a?uS:d! &w3 Plattsmouth, Neb" TAKE IOXICE. Bouuiy Increased. Pensions due Sol' diers and their heirs. F. Bf. Dorrinfffon h.s this day received from the Department, the Law in full with new blanks for the colleciion of additional lionnties and increased Pen sions, and i a ready to prosecute ail such claims as may be tntrust-d to his care. Cal: and examine. Fiist claimed is first served. F. M. DORRI.N"GTO. Plattsmouth, Aug. 10, ISCti. Go to lilacV, Buttery & Co. 'a for your Lard Oi and Lubricator 1JAKXESS SHOP. The unJernipaed having purchased 'he establish ment formerly owned by M. B. Murphy, is prepared to accommodate customer with anything in ihe line, enrh as 11 ARNKy, SADDLES, BRIDLED, COLLAR. WHIPS sfl'RS, and everything else that may be called for. JTCI" R pairing done on short notice, and at rca sc nable i ates. Aprl6:w O S. COCRTRIOHT. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C F. M. DORRINGTON, SUB AGENT: PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and prosecnte claims before Congress, Court of Claims and the Dept . .ments. Pa tents. Pension-, Bount es, and Bounty Lands se. cured. JiST-Chnrge moderate, and in proportion to the am mnt of the claim. F. M. DOKKINGTON April 10, '65. mE 1.1.1 f.S at all prices. Any penon wishing to purchase Farm-property, or evidences in town, will find them for sale at al Br F. M. DORKIXGTON mar? Real. Ee-tatb Agext. Win. Stadeliiiaim &, Co., One door wesl of Donelan"s Drug-store, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, TRCSKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHING, REVOLV ERS J1XD JS'OTIOXS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Call and examine our stock before you buy any where else, jyl 6i Wm. STADELMANN & CO. Iae-rnl Notice. In the District Court of the 2d Judicial District of Nel rasV.a ia and and for Cass county. John Branner and Harvey E, Hills,' vs. Sanford Pottinger. Ambrose May-V In Chanc -ry. field. A 1m r of the estate of fieorge May del J, deed. The bei-s of UeorgeJ M aytleld and William Gullien. To Sxnford ottinger take notice that John Bran ner and Harvey E. Hills have riled their bill in Chan cery against you and the other defendants in the above entitled Court, the object and prayer of said bill is o foreclose a eertain mortgage (or trtut) deed execnK d by you to said Harvey B. Hills as Trustee for Ji'ha Branner to secure the payment of your cr taia promissory note by you executed on (he 31st day of August, A. !., IS", toobtain the payment of said note that the mortgaged premises, to wit: The north half Of the south west quarter and the south ha f of the northwest quarter of Section tweoty foi:r, Town-bip twel- e, uorth of Range eleven, east of the Sixth principal meridian, In Cass sounty, Ne braska, may be sold and the proceeds of such sale be applieu to ward the payment of said nute; and that you and the other defendants, and all persons may bo enjoined from committing waste on the taidl premises and to exclude the difesdints from aid claim, right or equity of redemption, Ac , to the said premises. Yon are required to appear and plead to the said bill on or before Monday (he S4ih day of September, A. D., 1S66, or said bill will be t.ken proctfito. MASON A STEVEXSON. Solicitors for ComplaiutahU The above is ordered to be published four consec utive -vteks in the Kebriska HsKald. J. U- BHOW, R -g in Chancery. AagA,4w. Simpson, Sharp tfc Co., Wholesale Receiving Forwarding and Commission Merclianfs, TLATTSMOUTH, Dealers in F.1ACF AM) STAPLE GROCERIES, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, ST. LOUIS FLOUR, DOORS, SASH, YlDOY-BLLXDS, GLASS; PLE LUMBER, SHI.XGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Alto, Aienla for theXcelebrated SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK MOWER AND REAPER, Quaker Boy and Wood's Mowers, Micliisari Wagons; cbO. We invite all to Call and See us, and Examine our Stock. Simpson, Sharp & Co. juclS dw6tu m Picture uaiierv. mm uuuri North .1 - , Wiiii Pictures taken of all Kinds. Ambrotypes, Photographs, Gem Pictures, &c. A good asportment of Casea Frames, Albums, &c, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames made to order, of any size WM. R. TEXICK, PENICK sh Wholes IS) BR no i&m Patent Medicines, Chemicals; Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure "Wines and Liquors, Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS. 3 &. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. JKg-We are'the Northwestern Wholeale Agents f.-r Dr. D. Jaj,B9 t Son, and Dr. J. C. Ayer i Co., Had can furnish their mediciues in any qiiautitiee. JanV4 IT Atlministraior's Sale, In matteis relative to the estate of W. H. Taylor d "eeaaed. B , virtue and in pursuance of an order to me di rected in Ihe above c tse, as the administrator of the sa'd e.tate of Wm. H. Taylor, deceased, in the Pro bate Court sittioc; In and for Otoe cunnty, Nebraska Territorv, which said orier Ixars date on the 5'h dav of June, A. D lr-6fi, 1 trill on Saturday, the 18th day of August, A. D. leOi, between the huur of 9 o'clock a m and 6 o'clock p m, of said day, offer for sale at public auction to the Inchest and te.t bidder at the otBce of the Probate Judse in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebrauka Territory, the following de scubed p.emiaes, to-wit: Lot eaten block number 2S Lot 9 in block no. 5.1 ji " 4- 7 " " 66 c g 21 " 4 " bi " 6 ' ' 42 - 13 " ' tff Lyinc and being in Flatumoath, Casa cennty, It braka Territory; also. Ire w hf of s w qr of Sec. 27, township II, range 12 " n bf of se qr of iiS " 12 " do " seqrof s w qr of " 34 " 10 " d. s e qr of n e qr of ' 17 " do " 13 sw qrof n e qrt.f " 29 do do e qr of n e qr of 1 ' 12 4 do " ehfolneqrof '- 35 " 11 " 12 " e hf of s e qr of " do do ' do Also, 10 acres off south end of w hf of n e qr of section 13, township 10, rang: 14. Ly in ami bein in Casa county, Vebiaska Territory. Katod July 2i;h, lSt6. Plattsnouth, X.T. C. W. SKYMODR, Administrator of the eetate of Wm. II. Taylor, deceased, angl 3w PROBATE INOTICE. Notice is hereby given that. John L. Brown has made application t be appointed Administrator of the e?tat of lavirt Brown, late deceased, of Cans county. The Court will hear said application for ap pointTient as Administrator on Auiruxttbe 2Sth, at 10 o'olock a. m.. in Platumouth, X. T , at which time all peroa lnte eted will appear. WitnesJ my hand an d seal this 7th dar of Aupust, I3of. augS.3w J. W. MARSHALL, Probate JuJge Attachment Notice- Charles F. Catlln vj ,1 To Kaimond, Minor it Co. Haimond,. Miner & Co. You are Hereby Donneri mat an attachment was isaned by me in favor of the above plaintiff and araint the above named defendants, tor tho hum of $'6.35 dollars, and trial Ket for Weincday, the 15ib diy of August, 13t6, at 10 o'clock a in of .aid day, at which time judgement will be rendered against yoa if you do uot appear and how rause to the con trary. J A MLS OF.II.L, Justice of the Peace. Platt-raouth, July the 6th, A. D. 1666. 4v VAllll FOR SALE. I will bell, on reasonable terms, ICO acres of Land, with a p;oid laim huuw on ii, or will ir de.ireii by a purchaser, sell 24U acres, one hundred and seventy of wl.ich is improved. The land is situated at Eight ilile Grove, in Cn county, and is one of the test stock farms in Nebraaka, being we;l watered and timbered. For particulars enquire on ti e premises of JUfl.f S, TEWKSBCET. May 23, tf, ' WOOLWORTI1.& CO, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealers, SA1XT JOSEPH, MO.y or 25 6ru and Retail NEBRASKA. ' Wf : Ta Side Main ft , I . J WM. L0TISO. & LOVING, ah; Dealers In 9 jgURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. 18GG EASTWARD 1866 Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE. EAST. In connection with the Des Moines Valley and Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Bailroads. Three trains leave Ottuinwa daily on arrival ef Des Moines Valley trains. BUY YOCR TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLINGTON, FOR SALE AT OMAHA?LATTBMOUTU- COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE, ALBIA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALOOSA. EDDYVILLE, OTTUMVV'A. Baggage" checked from Ottumwa' to Chicago and the East. Passengers hare choice of all the greit lines lead ing North, Eaht and South, and will find tckeU to ail principal points Eait by all routes at the Ottumtra ticket office of this company. Paswensers will find this roato Quick, Safe and Pure in its connections. . , r. C- K-RKI-Va, Superintendent. L. CARPER, General Freight and Passenger Agen S. ADLEB, s. a. rkr-tKMatf. .It S. ADLEI1 & CO., EECTIFIERS JUfD DISTILLERS, Dealeri in all kinds of Foreiga and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAES. AO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQUARE, St. Joseph. Itlu. ocQ5 ly PAB1I AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. 1 nave one the best farms in Nebraska, also, a good body of timber and. quantity of unimproved prai rie land, whic I I offer sale. There are good im provement, -s ater, rock and timber on the place and it is a dcsiiable stock farm For farther ver ticalars, address. a. w, colvix. AprlCw6m. Piaitamootb, jr. T. FOR SA1E good two story brick store buildiap, 22:bv CO feet w.t i eood cellar; forfunLei particulars ln-,u:'re cf tl 1H1C"X0 OAMl UF SlHofOL UlKUiOkt