Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 01, 1866, Image 1

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"7" any man attempts to haul doicn the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." tJoiin A. Dix.
VOL.' 2.
i0. 20
5"5-0!7U-e cratr Maia street and Levee, second
Tems: Weekly, $2.50 per annum;
Daily, $1 per month.
Hates of Advertising.
One square (space of ten linen) o'J! Insertion, Si .."SO
Faca subsequent insertion - l.CO
ProfesMmal card not exceeding six lines 10 00
One q-iiirter column or le?, per annnro U.Y(K
" " six months 2K.P0
" three months 15.00
One half column twelvemonths 6.Oi)
" six muntbs 35. 0l
" three month 'iu.m
0d column twelve months - ltm.OO
six months ... 60.00
' three months - - oT 00
All transient adverti -ements nmsthe paid for in
Jti We are prepared to do all kinds of Job Work
on short notice, and in a style that wtM give satis-
Physician and Surgeon,
Tenders bis professional to the citizen of
Cast rnnoty.
jt-Keiiilonrp in Frank White' h use, corner of
Oak and .Sixth streets; Oflice on Main street, oppo
cjte Court House, Flattsmouih, Nebraska.
F olicitor in Chancery.
. n. SBEKi in, J. w. M.vcsnai.1.,
I. II. AVIicelrr & Co.,
Real Estate Agents,
Commissioners of Deeds
Firo and Life Ins, Ag'ts,
Collections promptly attended to, and pr.icee Is re
routed at rnrrelit r:ite of F.xchance. Taxes pil in
Krifrn Iowa and lor lion resident. Titles
of land invel;K:tftd. Money loaned mi Keal F.jtate
" securities. Land Warrants li-catc'.
Ak-nt- fur collection of claim azainst Govern men
fur id era, tl.clr idowa and m.noi l.-i-. Agent
fur the puirlue and sale of Lau4s and City proper
ly, Leaini! of Tenements.
H. .n. P. II. Kl!ert, D.nver City. C. T.
Messrs. K-nnUe Uro., Omaha, Neb.
" J'.d'jim Metralf, Nebraska Citr.
" (i. F. Filiey, St. Lcuis, Mis.-ouri.
Pr. Pin Lewi. Ilo-ton, M.!chu"etts.
II W liiiman. Chicago, ll.mois.
II M Slagill. Cm itinati. Ohio.
Tooile A ll iniia, rMattsmontb. Xcbra.-k i.
L IS li:t h. 1 hree Kivcrs. Mu-liaii.
II. .n F FeUuws, Hloonitleld, Wicoiiin.
llor. T 31 M.rqnett, 1'lattsinouth, Nebraska.
I. Lrwis, A'toi nt'V t l.nff, llutl.iio. New York,
t'ar'er. ilms-y -V Cu: l, Les 31 lines, Iowa.
JauH diw tf
1'LA TTS.MO i: Til, XE1S.,
Trompt attention paid t trie inri-hae and sal of
Real Estate, and payment of Taxes, and all business
pet taining to a geu-ri Laud Agency. TitVS inves
tigated. Refers by permission to
Hon. T. S. Pundv, Juiljre 21 Judicial Dist , Falls
t'itv, Nebraska; 'Major Kdw'd Uurbank, i'ay master
V. 8. A., Leavenworth, Kana; Hon. J. II. Burhank,
late Assessor Nebraska, Fulls t'lty. Neb ; Hon. T. SI.
M.irquelte.'Plattxmouth, Neb , Col. R. R. Livinifston,
UteCol. Nebraska 1st Vet. Vol.... I'lattsnioutli, Neb.;
Mjir D. II. Wheel-r, U.S. Indian Acent, I'awnee
Agency; Cha's Neitleton, No. Ill Itroadway. New
York; ilarvey, Peiirich Si Brown. Washington, P. C ;
Trary, SlaKOire t Co , Cliic:ipo, Ills ; K. Fiteh.
Rochester, X. Y-. 1'iof. Hemy Arling 'alo, ''Hartford
CDtTcrsity," Y. or5i5
AVm- II- Icmke,
Plattsmoutu, Nebraska,
Irt7 185 tf
Keiilciicc for sale
We wil. sell very low for cah a fcoo I frame 11
story residence, ali cf pine, situated iu TUttsmouth .
Inquire of .Marshall, at the Post-oft'ic", or o
1). II. k CO.
riattaraonth, N. T, January lota tf
Aeent for JOS. BUTZERIN &. CO.,iU
rirniali pro!ily all Tombstones, Monumeuln, and
al kinds of Marble works, on short notice and reas
ssuoire prices. LniavltS, w3in.
3ST E ."W '
The subscriber having purchased the Red Stole on
24 street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would
respectfully inform the citirens of I'lattstnonth and
vlcloxty, that he has rtfitted the store and opened a
large stack of
XZEZ3 S7V "E"TS "T - 3Fl.",Sr"
Tor Ladler. Gents, Children, and the rest of mankind
and is prepared to do all kinds i f
to the best rianner, and would be ha; py to serve his
'i and as many new customers as may Rive him
uj patronage, auria(? them of their work well
n. at moderate price, an-i on short time. The
""ck, embracing evety variety of Roods usually kept
" ft flrst clafs Jewelry blore, will be told at low
es, ,oli warranted of best workmanship and
Material. He has also a small stock of
k'h "ill he replenished from time to time, and
'0 at tb e lowest figures. Having permanently lo
la this city, f respectiuily solicit a share of pa
:rn. and cordially inv,t a 1 to call and examine
u. stock on band, as we would be p'.eaaed to serve
it ' not slt y ' by unless we can make
ror y,VT tn.ere!t to pt?nize a.
ieca" E. H. EATON-.
"Treason to, tha Democracy, either
io Nebraska or elsewhere, is treason
against lha peaea and harmony of the
Union. .
The above ii from the Nebraska
City JVVic, edited by Julius S. Mortoo,
standing Democratic candidate for any
position that there is the ghoit cf a
chance to be elected to, and is a fair
specimen of the Democratic idea of
treason. He cices not count it as trea
son to fiffht four vears to destroy the
Government, is the Democ
racy who are fighting ; but anything
that does not place Democratic dema
gogues in power is ''treason against the
peace and harmony of the Union."
The Omaha Herald is considerably
exercised with fear of Gen. Heath.
The General is here with his "pocket
full of documents' authorizing him to
recruit for the Philadelphia Convention,
and the Herald is inclined to "discour
age enlistments" under him. Hear
"The Gen. will have been informed,
re he sees 'this, that the Democracy
who comprise the only real friends of
President Johnson in this Territory,
have already appointed delegates to the
convention, which we hope will save
hint the trouble of acting.
We extend personal welcomes to
the General, and hope he will not do
anything to muddle the Johnson busi
ness in Nebraika."
It certainly would be very wrong in
Gen. Heath to do anything to "mud
dle" this business, and w doubt not he
will heed the advice of the Herald.
But, then, we suppose he hat just as
good a right to be a "Johnson" man as
anybody. He expects his bread and
butter from that quarter, as well as
the Democracy; and we see no good
reason why he should be proscribed in
his endeavors to do something to help
"Io.:ea" al ng. The loyal people are
all down on this man Moses, and he
needs all the help he can get. His
"friends" should not begin to quarrel
about who shall have the largest slice
of "bread and butter' jut yet, neither
should they say that this one or that one
should not have any, merely because
he done nothing to assist the rebellion.
Go it, Heath; go it. Train; go it,
It is amusing to see with what per
sistency the Democratic-Conservative-Andy
Johnson-rebel elavationists of
Nebraska labor to divert the public
mind from their record. They stand
pledged to the support of illegal voting
and ballot-box stuffing, and we defy
them lo an attempt to clear their skirts
of the charge. The people of Ne
braska have had enough of such work,
and the time has arrived when they
will see to it that our election laws are
not treated as a farce. Let them speak
lo these men who uphold the stuffing of
ballot-boxes, in tones that cannot be
mistaken, as they most assuredly will
this fall. They have already told
Morton and Miller that there was no
position within the gift of the people
sufficiently low that they' could ever
expect to reach it, and they wilt yet
teach these workers of iniquity that
na man or party can ever hope to con
trol the people while they deprive them
of their just rights by advocatitg and
sustaining illegal voting and ballot-box
stuffing. You have made the issue
by your own acts, gentlemen ; and we
call upen you to abide it, and not tiy to
shirk the question.
It is perfectly natural to suppose that
a man who will betray one person,
will, when an opportunity presents it
self, betray any others who may be
real or pretended friends. Andy M.
Johnson has betrayed the Republican
party, or attempted to, and we are not
surprised that he should be looked upon
with suspicion by those who have -so
lately sought refuge in his bosom.
We are somewhat surprised, however,
to hear a cry of "no respect for his
friends" come up from them at such an
early day. The Omaha Herald, , ot
the 2 1th, says :
"The Herald proceeds to stand by
Andrew Johnson with all its might,
as usual. If Andrew Johnson would
proceed to stand by the Herald, the
Herald would feel that the aforesaid
Andrew Johnson was capable of some
respect for his friends.
I This certainly is rather rough for a
commencement. It says, plain enough
that the Herald does not "feel that the
aforesaid Johnson' is capable of re
epect for his friends, but that if" he
(Johnson) would proceed to "stand by
the Herald." it miffht then "feel hat
he was capable of some respect for his
friends." You may well look upon
him with suspicion, Dr., for he baa
Droved false to the ereat parly that
saved tho life ef the nation, and he
cannot be trusted, even by sympathies
i'uiuivi: eri.(r..csv nniAi'B
It is thought by some that Andy
Johnson was not in earnest when he
declared that he would make "treason
odjous;M but his conduct of late has fully
convinced all true Union men that he
is making his word good whether he
intended to or not. He is taking sides
wilh treason, and if that don't make it
"odious" we are at a loss to know what
We understand a corps of engineers
are now engaged in selecting a point
near Kearney where the Omaha branch
f the Pacific road will cross to the
south side of Platte river. We know
not whether our information in this re
gard is correct, and we do not consider
it of any great importance to the peo
ple of this locality whether that road
crosses the Platte or not. Tho Bur
lington extention will build west from
this city just the same whether the
Omaha road comes to it or not.
Under the above heading the Omaha
Republican, of the 24th, has a lenghty
article, the concluding portion of which
we srive below. The Republican eives
everal extracts frcn papers which are
advocating a strong military more
gainst supposed h3Jti!e bands of In
dians, and claims that the very same
papers advocated a"peace policy" with
the Indians while we had the military
force on hend to chastise them. The
Republican urges that, as a peace pol
icy has keen determined upon by the
authorities, we should make all proper
efforts to determine whether a peace
can be effected with these savages by
conciliatory measures and treatiss, be
fore we rush into a war of extermina
tion. After giving tho extracts above
alluJed to some of which claim that
20,000 Indians were present at the
Laramie Council, where they obtained
powder and provisions, and left there
only to take the war-path against the
whites, and that depredations have al
ready commenced en a grand scale
the Republican says:
We have placed these extravagant
statements before our readers in order
that they may know of the efforts made
lo manufacture a false public sentiment.
It is well known to the mojority of the
people of Nebraska that these reports
eouli not have been true, unless In
diana are ubiquitous. No one has
seen one hundred or five hundred hos
tile Indians "between Fort Kearney
and Julesburg." It is false that the
great number cf Indiana mentioned in
seme of these extracts were assembled
at Frt Laramie; and it is also utterly
false that the amount of ammunition
spoken of was obtained, at the Fort.
The Commiision which went out to
treat with these Indians only took to
Fort Laramie about 50,000 rations and
net one pound of poxeder.
In regard to the issue of rations,
there certainly is a great discrepancy
between the allegations of the Leav
enworth correspondents and these of
certain unscrupulous partizans in this
mrtion of the country. The latter
have charged that there were but five
hundred Indians present; and that there
were eight thousand rations i.sued per
day making a net profit to the Com
missionera of seven thousand five huo
dred ration! We will leave those who
make these widely contradictory state
merits, to reconcile them t their leisure
A dispatch was received by. a busL
ness house of this city, yesterday, stat
ing that the Sioux and Cheyennes had
burned Ukaorn station, consuming
seven horses, and had run off several
head of stock near the forks cf Platte
From other information, we did not
think it prudent to publish the report,
and consequently nothing in relation to
the matter appeared in tne Republican
Our advices to day are that the whele
thing was a mere surmise. The sta
tion was burned, but took fire through
the carelessness of parties who had
been cooking in it, and the horses re
ported stolen, merely stampeded.
We regret that in this matter cur
cotemporary was in such haste to add
to an unnecessary excitement and ap
prehension. It is but tho part of the
most ordinary prudence to wait until
such unauthentic and damaging reports
are confirmed before startling emigra
tion with their publication. We go
security far the conduct of no Indian.
We recommend all travelers to be cau
tioug and vigilant; for we look for petty
thefts and perhaps an occasional niur
dtr, under the best possible phase of
affairs.' But so far as wo now know.
the Indians who signed the treaty at
Laramie, have kept the peace. We
have heard of no train being interrupt
ed on the line of travel up the Platte,
which is certainly an improvement
upon last years experience There
has been a suspension. l-lMicvilrsl,
organized war parties, for a consider
able time; and so far so good. What
ever may come in the future, matters
are reasonably quiet on tho plains at
Editor Right Way: An affect
ing letter written last month bv a loyal
father residing in the South to a rebel,
who against his father's remonstrances,
entreaties, prayers, and almost curses,
took up arms against his country, has
fallen into my hands. I have been
permitted to copy it, and send you a
portion of it, that your readers whose
ot has been cast in more favored places
may know how severely some of their
Southern brethren have been tried, and
what renjoD they have to look with
horror upon the crime of rebellion.
D. G.
W , My Sou, Son of a never-
forgotten mother, What shall I say
to you ? My hand would fain refuse
her duty; my heart trembles. Mem
ory brings up those old days when you
were an only child, our little ene ;
when, as you lay trembling in my arms,
the cold drops of water from the sacred
font fell on your brow, while your
mother stood weeping by, her soul
leaning on God, on whose bosom she
has now found rest. What blessed
memories cling around that hour, and
those days of youth ! ; What a cup of
bliss to drink anew, as drawn from the
never-dying fountain of a father's
Yet to me you have made this a for
bidden cup. I must da?h it to the
ground. 'Tis selfish to enjoy it, for
around me where I write, lie twenty
five thousand graves, so new and fresh
that scarcely a green blade has ventured
to creep up and steal nourishment from
their bosoms. Whose graves are these.
which no mother, father, wife, sister
or brother has knelt by in prayer, or
watered with their tears? They are
the graves of the patriotic freemen,
defenders of universal freedom ; a holy
band of martyrs, whose undying efforts
struck the chains from four million of
degraded bondmen, and made every hill
and vale in this broad land send forth
the shout of freedom! They are part
of that heaven-inspired host which
struck the darkest, vilest rebellion that
ever blackened the pages of history,
dead on its track, and left its miserable
skeleton a shattered ruin amidst its de
ceived, conquered, down-trodden, guilty
adherents and votories.
W , my son, my once darling
boy, as I walk among these graves, a
voice seems to corne up from this sac
rificial altar, saying, "'Tis not enough!
'tis not finished ! Who will be our
avenger ? Shall the instigators of this
accursed crime remain unpunished?
Has our blood been spilled in vain ?'
I answer, "No ; for the spirit of re
bellion, murder and crime is still alive,
and more bitter than ever. God has
a purpose to perform, and is saying of
this mad people, as he did ef Ephraim,
'He is joined to his idols : let him alone
while he is making the councils of the
modern Ahithophel foolishness,to carry
out that purpose. This accursed fire
brand of Southern insurrection is crush
ed by the heel of war.but not squelched.
"The triekster Johnson, by deceiv
ing his friends, and fawning upon your
enemies and pardoning them without
stint.hasdone more (o widen the breach
between the North and South than the
first terrible wave of war. Good will
come even from this; for Southern
haired is unbosomed and full in view
a smouldering fury, amid the ashes of
its own desolatiens, ready to be blown
into renewed force by the first breath
of political dissension. Then begins
the end, and you will be avenged; for
if an army once more press the soil of
the.south, 'what the locust leaves the
cankerworm will eat, and' what the
cankerworm leaves the caterpiller will
W- , you say you are sorry we
are on opposite sides, but that doubtless
I will give you and my other children
who have taken a different Bide from
me credit for honesty of purpose, &c.
and as for yourself you trust that I have
no cause to blush, since you made your
choice, and refer me to the public rec
ord, &.c.
W , you are a traitor. Treason
is the blackest crime man can be guilty
of. Treason against such a govern
ment as ours, and fcr such a cause,
to perpetuate slavery, is crime, mur
der, and the most utter barbarity. No
ink is dark enough to write its name;
no fire fervent enough lo purge and
refine the soul once polluted with it.
Such ia treason and such its doom.
Are t7 public records those you refer
me to? I have read them, and find
your name thtre written in blood of
your kindred. Would to God I had
not ! But it is there. Treason claims
my son, my first born. and I bow
my trrey hairs in shame and sorrow
amid the ashes of Southern desolations
on the verge of a now welcome grave.
. I m aa old man. The future looks
Ut cneerleis wrste, with no green oasis
to cheer me on. I feel a stranger in
my own unhappy land, and can merely
say with old Neetor, "I have lived too
. W- -. look around you r Think for
once if you can. -Ce yv. courr''''
Jl. i - Hett ihe eroans 'ciTher
widowed mothers ! See her millions
of ragged children! See her maimed
fathers and sons; her untold waste
places; the utter bankruptcy of the
entire South ! and say who has done
this ? Take Sherman's broad swath
through the very heart of your brag
gart, guilty land ; are you innocent of
Go to Andersonville, where even the
blaekest of Confederate crimes else
where pale, nnd their perpetrators must
stand aghast wilh horror and shame ;
where thousands were starved to death
while prisoners, unarmed and defence
less, by order of the Confederate Gov
ernment, to whose public records you
refer me, your old faiher, for proof
of what ? In God's name, what? Are
your skirtg clear of this crime of crimes,
in comparison with which the slaugh
tering of 6,000 poor Mamelukes and
Egyptians at Cairo, because Napoleon
couid not feed them, was an act of
Gather up from the past five years
their wretched history, and as groans,
and sighs, nnd tears, and misery the
memory of your brotner a death-bed
alone, no hand but that of the'stranger
giri to smooth his pillow, meet you,
can you sa? that you are innocent,
even of that brother's blood ? Did
you not send him arms, and cheer him
on in a guilty struggle which cost him
his life ?
My poor, deluded, blind boy, may
God forgive you, and pity you as I do !
Is there no place for repentance left
you, my sen f ur is tne watenword ot
your modern combinations, "Oncea
rebel, always a rebel," true ? And
have you adopted it ?
Remember your life was forfeited
It was spared you in mercy by the best
Government Gjd ever gave to man.
Remember "Treason is Death," and
should be. Thank God for your escape.
Learn wisdom from the past; do your
duty aa an American citizen in the
future. Do right hereafter ; and then
should storms and adversity gather
araucd you and yours, you will ever
be welcome to the arms and home of
Your Father.
We understand that there is quite a
stsmpede from our mining districts, lo
the new placer diggings recently dis
covered on Bear River. All torts of
fabulous stories coneemiogthe richness
of the new mines are being circulated,
and having the usual erfec. Our
latest advices from Bear River, July
lih, do not give any ground for these
wonderful stories. Our correspondent,
an old prospector, says that the pros
pects are good, thought he has not yet
discovered anything to warrant the
present etcitement. He is working a
c'aim with good encouragement as to
future pay. The bed-rock has not yet
been reached in any of the claims now
being opened.
The quartz in the lodes of the Bear
River region, is so totally different
from that found in other sestions of the
Territory, thut prospectors are at a loss
in estimating its value. Indications
seems to justify a belief, that there
ere good mines, both lode and gulch,
but there is nothing yet positively known
that authorizes the present exeited rush
o the cointry.
Our correspondent describes the
country as surpassing in beauty any
other part of the mountains, whiie the
valleys are represented to be apparently
as low, and consequently as susceptible
of successful cultivation, as the country
here at the base of the mountains. A
new mining district has been organ
ized under the name of German Dis
trict Rocky Mountain JYeurs.
What tlie Amendment will Ac
complish. The pending Constitutional Amend
ment will, if adopted,
1st. Insure the citizenship of all per
sons whatever, born or naiuralized in
this country.
2d. Base representation upon actual
voters. .
3d. Disqualify for any office, civil or
military, all who, having once sworn to
support the Constitution, took part in or
gave countenance to the slaveholders
attempt to overthrow it a two-thirds
vote of Congress being required lo re
move such disqualification
4th. Repudiate the rebel and valid
ating the National debt.
Can any truly loyal and national
: man clject to such a law ?
! Xr2r"It is said that, at the Fenian
I war council at New York headquarters
: it was determined to inaugurate a new
i movement of great magnitude imme-
diately, but members are awornto the
strictest secresy, and the public must
' therefore await develepements.
"Is a parent never to allow that an
other man shall vote until he is willing
to nccppi n:m as a son-in-law f '
: Without claiming: or pretending to be
an advocate cf negro surferage, we do
teneve in equal rights, and would like
to see some degree of honesty and fair
ness in the discussion of political ques
lions ; or even a little common sense in
this negro suffrage question would do.
But truly thre seems to be less even
of that in . discussing this question.
amcng btii nariies, but especially
o almost any dthi owject "known.
And happening lo see ihe above perti
nent question in a cotemporary, we have
thought it would answer as a sort of
PMOVf ' . f AT 1 Ut- aK AVW allrtn B Mass. ill n
The opponents of negro suffrage
seem to take it for granted that if ne
grcs are allowed to vote, they must be
allowed to marry white women! that
it follows a necessary consequence, not
simply that the negro will have the
rig- to do so, but that he will do so
that white women will at once rush to
ike arms of colored men and beoome
their wives, whether or not! Now,
why this infernal nonsense ? Nay,
this infamous slander upon the female
sex of the Anglo Saxon raoe? of our
American white women ?
Why should "social equality'1 follow
in case of the negro any more than in
case of the different vrone races? All
white are allowed to voto" But are all
white men in this country on a social
equality ? We all know that they are
not. Why then should the negro be
an exception? Is there anything about
him that gives him a preference over
all other human beings, in the estima
tion of white women, so that if be is 1
once allowed simply to rofe, the white
daughters of our bestsoeiety will open
their arms and their hearts to him in
preference to the Irishman, the Dutch
man and the white American ? If not,
then why say that negro suffrage means
negroes marrying white women?
There is no such thing aa "social
equality" in this country, even among
white people.and never will be. Such
a thing never was and never will be in
any country ; and if negroes are a
race still lower in the scale oT human
ity than any of the white races as
everybody admits them to be where
the danger of their breaking over the
barriers and laws of social life, and
proving an exception to the general
rule, in case they are admitted to the
ballot-box? Remember, we are nol
advocating negro suffrage. We only
advocate common sense and honesty in
discussing the question. Indiana Ga
Indiana Copperhead Platform.
The Copperhead Convention in Indi
ana adopted a queer set of resolutions,
which, stripped of all verbiage, are as
followt: .
1. Secession's played out. Hence,
the rebs are as good as ever.
2. Andrew Johnson's our man.
3. Congress should be cleaned out.
4. Wre"re against the tariff.
5. Let Government tax its own debt
by way of helping it to borrow.
6. Let the soldiers vote eur ticket,
and we'll give them higher bounties for
voting than ihey ever got for fighting.
8. If Republicans desert their camp
we'll share our mess with them such
as it is.
0. If a nigger votes the country is
gone up.
10. Nigger, keep out ef Indiana !
11. IrishmSD, come and welcome!
12. Eight hours is a day's work.
13. I9t every man do as he d d
please. "
14. Except that none but Democrata
must steal.
15. Liquor nil round, and let the
temperance men dry up.
16. Our old Hen in the Senate, and
three chickens in lh House, were the
best cocks in the pit. But Vorhees is
a deaf pullet.
17. All debts due to black men must
be paid to white men, on the principle
that a negro can't own property, and
never could.
A farmer objected to the eight hour
clause, but finding it was put in for
gammon, and that by hiring a man to
do a day and a half's work in a day,
he could get twelve hours instead ef
ten, he succumbed
gT"My dear friend," said a re
turned missionary at one of the late
anniversary meetings, "let us avoid
sectarian bitterness. The inhabitants
of Hindoostan, where I have been la
boring for many years, have aproerb
that though you "bathe a dog's tail in
oil, and bind it in splints, yet you can
not get the crook out of it." Now, a
man's sectarian bias is simply the crook
in the dog's tail, which cannot be era
dicated ; and I hold that one should be
allowed to wag his own peculiarity in
peace." '
EST Dr. Dublin, the great metho-
diit orator, once attempted to preach
from the text. "Remember Lot wife,
and made a failure. Afterwards, re
marking to Dr. Bond that he did not
know the reason of his failure, the
venerable doctor replied that "he had
better thereafter let other people'a
wives atane."
Ihe New York World, the loading
spirit of teceision in the North in s
recent is.ue. speaking of the next re
bellion says:
"That Southern defegates will b
admitted to the Tit
Convention is certain ; it is also cer
tain that Presidential n. -.. .
, ,. , "'tnun Win V9
chosen in all ihe Stm. it
j . . tun tan-
didatts whom iIiaip -i... i
be refused the oftr h;. -;u. .
. . , ' " win ca
asserted by arms and in tach a ' con
tingency It WOU d br a tf . -tu Ot
.uuuusaea if the actual incumbent"
should also be ih Tra.;-. i .
-- ---- v.iuom CiCLl.
Mr-lJohnson s fidelity to the South, wilt
naturally secure him the Southern votes
in the Dtmocratin rnni,' -,t
probably secure him the nomination.-
u.i lesmeni jonnson will change1
his Cabinet whea bethinks tho change
will most conduce to the success of hi
policy, and contribute mnat -a tr
a bloody conflict in connection with the
x icMue-Luiai eiecron.
Commenting unnn this --..! r :
ihe World, the Tribune justly remarks:
"Mr. Buchanan's fidelity to the South
and his incumbency, were relied upon
as a "great saving of blood-shed" in
the rase of the first rebull inn Kii, iK.h
" , KUV hii-j
failed to etay the crushing arm of the
people. The second rebellion wi
hardly receive the
ration that was extended to the first.
Should the candidate not elected byths
Electoral College assert his right by
arms, the lndio-nnnt nannl. ...:m
the madmen who resort lo that rebellion
irom me land.
mes W '. Duncan. nn of irirf
rebel Sepoys of the Andersonvie(Ga. )
prison, has been convicted of murder
in violation of the laws of war, by tt
military court at Savannah, and been
sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor
tor nrteen years at Fort Pulaski.
Delegates to the Philadelphia!
Among the delegates appointed to
attend the Philadelphia Convention
from Iowa, are Henry Clay Dean, T.
V. Claggett and Augustus Crrsar
Dodge three as infamous rebels aa
can be found out of Dixie. J5o far aa
Dodge is concerned, we refer to ihe
flatteringand sympathizing letter which
he wrote to Jeff. Davis, after the com
mencement of the war. Dean ia aa
filthy in expression as he is in person.
and is a "political preacher." Claggeti
is an old fossil who was in favor of the
success of the South in the war, and
who amounts to a very small sum.
Omaha Republican.
EST Discoursing of Fenianism in
the British army, and the responsibility
entailed by the military oath, the Lon
don Times declares that "a man who
solemnly takes service under the gov
ernrcent, and then proves false to his
flag and his uniform, has forfeited all
claims to mercy, and is no fit tubjeci
for clemoncy. How about Gsneral
Robert E. Lee and the rest of that
JSSF' The Bulletin Office gives em
ployment to eight men who served their
country as soldiers during the war of
the slaveholders rebellion. Upon their
return to private life, soldiers very nat
urally aflliliate with and sustain those
who have given them aid, moral or
phyeisal, while they were far off from
home and friends. On half our work
ing force are returned soldiers. Leav
enworth Bulhiin.
Why, brother, we can beat you out
and out. Of the men employed on
the Rocky Mountain News, every com
positor, the foreman, two of the editors,
one of the proprietors, the clerk, the
foreman of the bindery, ihe wheelman,
have served in the army during the re
bellion, comprising fourteen men in all.
Don't we beat you bad, Mr. Bulletin 1
Rocky Mountain Jfuws.
EA Dutchman's temperanee lec
ture: "I shall tell vou how vas. I put
mine hand on mine head, and there
was von big pain. Then I put mine
hand on mine pody, and ther vas anod
er. Ther vas very much pain in all
mine pody. Then I put mine Land in
mine pocket, and ther vas noting. So
I jined mit de temperance. Now ther
vas no more pain in mine head. The
pains in mine pody vas all gone away.
I put mine hand in mine pocket, and
ther vas twenty dollars. So I shall
sthay mitde temperance.'
&F"A midshipman asked a priest
to tell him the difference between a
priest and a jackass. The priest gave
it up. "One wears a cross on his back
and the other on his breast," said the
midshipman. "Now," said the priest,
"tell me the difference between a mid
shipman and a jackass. The mid
thipman gave it up, and asked what it
was. The priest said "he did not know
of any." -
SF Five years ago, a man in the
Ohio State Prison succeeded in making
bis escape. A few days ago, he re
turned and expressed a desire to serve
out his term. The only explanation
given is, that while out of prison, he
got married it would be ungallant to
say more.