Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 04, 1866, Image 1

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"7 ny mrm attempts to haul (town the American Flag, shunt him on the spot."- John- A. Dix.
VOL. 2.
KO. 13
7 ;
-." -v :. . ..,..;, , .. ,
K ' Xl A ' W . '
?mm 3 iR tlOCratlt- ILL '
5"J"0fGce corner Mail
street and Levee, socoitj
Terms: Weekly, $2.50 per annum;
Daily, $1 per month.
Hates of Advertising.
Clnefquare (apace of ten llnc) o'ie Insertion,
Kea siibseiaenl insertion
Pmfet-Mmal cards nut exceeding six lines
One- quartercolnma or let.4, per annum
" six month
time months
One half colu'i'n twelve month
sis moMhs
" " three cionths
Onecolumn tweire months
r " six monthfl -
three months
91 .SO
l.i 0
1 (10
13 W)
60 l
an o
Alt transient ailrei'tt-ementH mast ' lie paid fur in
!. 9
We ire prtpareil to do all kinds ef Job Work
on Miort notice, au'l in a tyle that wi.l give satis
failioii. .
ysician and Surgeon,
Tenders his professional servic to the citiz' ns of
i'a.H comdiv ,
,y-:riih'nce in Franlc Vh;t-' h ue, r rner of
and Xix'h dtreets; Ollico on I;ii:i mat, oppo-it--
Court llouse, t'l itl-nn.u'.h, Jie!raki.
t. iti. WAKfinrrr,
T olicitor in Chancsry.
r. ir. iMiEF.un, j. w. Marshall, f. c.lkwis
I. IB. Vherler & Co.,
Seal Estate Agents,
Commissioners of IDeeds
Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts,
f .Oillections prmupi'.y atfenih'd t , ar.d pmcoels re
mitted at current l iit. s of F.X' ):;n.j.e. TaS. j paid In
Western Icw nrnl Me!"-ikh ir imii re':lM.ts . 1 ilie
ol l.iud invi st.j; it. J. Mouey T n. ,i .,11 Keal K5ta:
teciiritied. L :nd Warrants l -cate '.
A?ent r.irci:!Tt..m of claitm nt'Inst novprnmen
for Sold erti, llieir iJ..w , n;id minoi l-is. AKcr.t
for tlie lMiic!i.i-e p.ri'l .-ale nf Lamia am! City proper
ty, L.aMnj; uf TencuieLt-f.
lion. S. II. KU'ert, I) nviif Ciiy. C. T.
MeOr Ki untze llros. , tlmahu, Neh.
" Mc at n ! !r;t!f, A'cbrasiH City.
" i. f. Kiiley, St. l.i ui-, Mis ou.i.
Tr. TVn Lewis, Boston, M (husells.
II W I)um.irs. fliiriiifo, Illinois.
1! M JI iKnl. Cim inn.iii. oliio.
T '. A Al mna. rialtin. "tli. Ne'!ftka.
L It ilirh, Tiirer KiveM. Miehiiraii.
lion V Keils, Mlooiiilleld, Vi-coiii 1.
lloi: T M l rquerl, l'attsi:i"iith, Nel.ravk:t.
f. I.ewin, A'toiiiev at Law, Hull.ilo, N"r York.
I'arter, tliias y &. Curt, Oea Aloine-, luwa.
JaiiU diwtf
Tronipt ntt paid to te nr and sal of
Real K.state, ami p.iymentnf faxes, aud all l-Mlness
peitjining to a general Laud Aseney. Title uvea
tijjit.d. K. fers by ?rnii.f ion to
Ilea. E. S. Dundy, Juiige 2.1 Judtrial Pit , Falls
file, Nebraska; Major t.lw'd Hurhank, Paymaster
V. H. A., Leavenwoitti, Kansas; Hon. J. II. Biirlai.k,
late Aet,or Nebra-ka, Kal's "ity, N' b ; Hon. T. M.
Mamuetw, I'lattsnv'Utb, Neb., .l. H. K. LivinifMoi),
lateCol Nebraska ltl Vet. Vols., Plattninuh, N-b.;
iliijiir 1). II. Wlieeler, U.S. lmiian APent, l'awnee
Aceiicv; Cha'a Netleton, No. lit Uroadway, New
York; "llarvey, Dei'rieli A Crown. Washington, D- C ;
Traev, Matu;ie &. Co , Chiengo, Ills ; K. O Fiteh.
Rra bcster, N. Y-. Prof. Heuiy Arling ale, 'Hartford
t'niveraity," N . Y. c'"
Win. II- Lemke,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
I5esilcncc For sale.
We wiU soil very 'ow for enth a goo 1 frame 118
atury lesidence, ail ol piue. situaici in riansuiouin
tno'uirc of Mar.-hall, at the Post-office, or o
H U. tt. WHEELER & CO.
Vlatt.mouth, 5. TcJanuary 101 h. tf
Plattsmocth, N. T.,
.nt for m5 RUTZERI N &L CO.. will
furnish nroiiii'llv all 1 oinbsioues. Monuments, and
all kinds of Marble woiks, on short notice and reas-
onabls prices. L'"'
. . 1ST 1C "W
The subscriber having purchased the
lied Store on 2J street, lately occupied
bv Sannv and" others, would respectfully
inform the citizens of Plattsruouth and
vicinity that he has refitted the store and
opened ft lare and full stock of Jewelry
ami Kancv Articles for Ladies, Gents,
Children, and the rest of mankind, and
in nrennrprt to do all kinds of atch
Cine- nml .lewelrv Kerairini in the l)e
manner, and would be happy to serve hi
old and as many new customers as may
ciri him tVifir nntronari. assuring thera
of their work well done at moderate pri
cm. nml on short time. The stock, em
hrnr-mn- pverv rariatv of iroods usually
kept nt a first class "Jewelry Store, will
be sold at low prices and warranted of
tho best workmanship and material. He
has also a small stock of Family Groce
ries, which will be replenished from time
to time, and sold at he lowest figures.
Uaving permanently located in this city,
I respectfully solicit a share tf patron
age, and cordially invito all to call and
examine the Stock on hand, ns we would
be pleased to servo yon, and do not ask
you to buy nnless we can make it for
your interest to patronize ns.
Plattsmouth, Dec. CTth, 1SC3. tf
The canvass of the recent
election for State ofTicers has been
completed at length, and vre give below
the aggregatevoie cast for each candi
date. It will be seen that the entire
Republican State ticket is elected with
the exception of Chief Justice:
For the Constitution, . 3033
Jtgainst " 3S3S
Majority for Constitution
ron co.v cress.
T. M. Marquett,
J. R. Brooks,
Marquett's majority,
David Butler,
J. S- Morton,
Butler's majority,
P. ICennard,
i ... i
V. Sturgep, ' .
Kennard's majority,
John Gillejpie, .
G. O. IJarnum,
Gillespie's majority, .
John Goodrich,
Koun'.ze's mijority,
P. Masou,
. A. Little,
Li ill;
Geo.' B. Lhke, '-'
L. Crouns
li. E. B Kennedy
E. V. Thoma. '
Lnke'a majority 91 ; Crounse's ma
jority 10. ' .'.
The Ftnian excitement has about
died out the attack on Canada having
rhrv:i tlie weakness of the -Fenian
artr.y. Not weak in numbers, or in
pirit ; but they lacked tho resources
which is the Lack-bune to any nrmy
a country to buck them and furnish the
"wherewith" to conduct and aggressive
war. The If aders appear disappointed
that American born citizens should be
so lukewarm towards the liberty wbich
they are endeavoring to achieve. Can
ihey expect the liberty loving people of
America to feel the same interest in
their success that they would if the
great mass of the Fenians bad labored
to the end that liberty and Freedom
might be universal in our country ? A
ver" large majority of the Fenians
have labored nrduously against univer
sal Freedom inder our Government,
and yet affect to be sorely'disappointed
that anyone should be lukewarm when
they ask freedom from British tyranny.
Do uRto others as you would that
others should do unto you," is a rule
that it would be well for them to prac
tice a little more. There is undoubt-
edlo a strong feeling in the breast of
most Americans in favor of the success
of the Irish people in their entire free
dom, but-when the feeling is strongest
the -thought presents itself that these
ame individuals have labored hard to
pr3vent four millions of people in the
United States obtaining their freedom.
Let our Fenian friends work oa the
side of libertv at all times and in all
r!trf.e and thev will soon have a hold
t ,
upon the freedom loving people
America that catmot be loosened.
Who contributes the largest amount
towards raising the S2-5C0 that is await
ing to be used in an attempt to secure
seats in the Legislature for the Demo
cratic contestants in thu county. It is
usual to keep a list of contributors to
benevolent purposes, and we woul
not object to publishing the list in this
instance. Who will furnish it ?
HigUwav ItoHbery in Afclilson
At a late hour last evening Gen. W.
R. Penick received a dispatch . from
Col r. A. Thompson, of Rockport,
Atchison county, staling that on yester
day Mr. E. L. Clark, t f Atchi?oncoun
iy, while on the Tarkio Creek, was
stopped bv two highwaymen and robbed
of i-30,000 in money belonging to Col.
Thompson, and his brother F. M.
Thcmpson. It is certainly one of the
most daring and successful robberies
we have ever been called od to publish,
and it is sincerely to be hoped that r.o
effort will be spared by the officers of
the law to ferret out the robbers. Sf.
Joe-Ikrall June .
We find the following in the proceed
ings of the House of Representatives
on the 22d iiyt. as published in the
M is sourl Democrat of the2oih:
"Mr. Julian, from Committee on
Public Lands, reported back the House
bill to remove the office ,of Surveyor
General of the States of Iowa and
Wisconsin to Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
which was read a second time and
passed," . !
It will be seea by this that the bill
for tho removal of the office of Sur
veyor General of Iowa and Wisconsin
to this city has passed the House, and
we know of no reason why it thould
not pass the Senate and become a law.
The oftice of itseff is not of such vast
importance, but its location in our city
is of no mean consequence to us. It
will assist materially in advertising our
town the only thing we lack to make
us outstrip any city on the Missouri
river. This bill was introduced some
time since by Hon. P. W. Hitchcock,
our Delegate, and is the first time we
remeber having seen the name of Plalls
muJih mentioned in Congresionai prb
ceeedings. There appears to have
been," in years past, a studied effort on
the ptirt of. our leading men to igc.ore
this point, but we trust, and firmly be
lieve, that day is past. We see no ad
vantage to be gained by other localities
in pursuinga course, more e?pecially as
we ere likely to come up, Phccnix like,
whether we are assisted or not.
It may not be amiss, in this connec
tluni'lo say a word in relation to a feel
ing of jealousy which appears to have
existed . heretofore, and does yet to
some extent.between tV.e different towns
on the river in Nebraska. It has been
too much the ca;e that the people of
each town worked for the advancement
of their own locality alone, and would
ratJfer see n rival injured, even if the
irjury resulted in no benem to them.
than to see it prosper. INow we be
ieve i: to be the privilege and the duty
f the people of each and every town
or locality to work for the advancement
of their own particular locality; but
we can see no goad arising to them or
ny one else in preventing the pros-
erity of any other, locality. . Now, if
the principal cities in Nebraska can
only he'p each other that is, if one
particular point cannot secure a "good
thing," why, let them help their neigh
bors who have a chance to get it, it
wou!d be much better for all of us than
to be coutinuany pulling and hauling
against each other, as heretofore. If
Nebraska Ci'-' cannot get the B. & M.
R. R., ll their influential . men assist
by word and action to hasten its com
pletion to Plattsmouth ; and if PIa:ts
mouih cannot get the State Line road
et is help Nebraska City to it in any
unv we can. and so on to me enu 01
the calendar, Omaha, Plattsmouth, Ne
bra-ka City, and Brownville assisting
each other. What is a benefit to one
must be a benefit to all, as it is an ac-.
quisiuon to the state, iei ini sec
tional animosity stay with thsTerritory,
aad'see if we cannot have a greater
dac-ree of
prosperityunder a mutua
policy and State Govern
' i m m
S5 A letter received this morning
from an old citizen of Colorado, dated
N. Y.,othinst., has the following which
ii erood :
.i "The State Question is in statu quo
Thtrfi is cons lderable of Canada that
the Fenians have not taken. Our del
errate was in the office yesterday, look
in-r as though he might defy a street
car. The cholera is down Jhe bay,
and many are going over the bay. Gold
went up to 144 yesterday, on account,
I hear, of some remark, made by Gov.
Cummings at the breakfast table." Ex
Mayor Steck is here and chews tobacco
he don't seem to care much about
the price of corner lots any more.
Senatdr Chaffee was here yesterday
and Sunday, and he don't seem to chafe
much about "his plan." Sweeney is
on the north frontier playing a one
handed game." Denvar Acws.
ST A uranger introduced into the
retiring room -of the United States
Senate on Wednesday, and sent in a
card on which was written "Admiral
Semmes. .' While be was waiting a
response. Captain Dick Meade, of the
United Stales Navy., came in and vas
so disgusted at finding the traitor pirate
thus making himself "at home" in the
Capitol, that it is said audibly expressed
his rr.ind. Semmes has been refused
a pardon, and now asks that he may be
permitted to act as Probate Judge of
Mobile without mat lormp.iny.
From the Chicago Journal. . '
wur uiu tiii:v all totc
wav r
E ery Democrat in tho House of
Representatives, on Wednesday voted
against the reconstruction constiiutioattl
amendments. In doing so, we mail
suppose them to have been actuated by
certain principles, and it will be an in
teresting study to inquire what those
principles are, as indicated by this uni
ted vote of the Congressional repre
sentatives of the Democracy.
The firt clause of . the first of th
amendments declares that all persons
born or naturalized in the United States
shall bo citizens of the United States
an ! of States in which they reside. Is
not this a very jus: and democratic prin
ciple ? If the Democrats in Congress
are not in favor of It, where would
they draw the line, of discrimination
between those who, in their , opinion,
oujht to be and those who ought not
to be citizen? There are no longer
any slaves in this country. All human
beings Who walk on' American s-iil.
guilty of no crime, are free. Would
the Democracy deprive any class of
freemen of the rights and benefits of
citizenship ? If so, on what ground
would they justify so extraordinary n
measure of injustice and deprivation
towards one class of freemen,, that,
would not,' vviih " equal reason, apply
those to some other class ? If univer
sal freedom in a country like ours. means
anything, it means that all men are on
an equality, as regards civil rights
or, in other words,, that they are all
citizens. This being the fact, will
some of our Democratic politician ex
plain how, in justice, or with deiho-t
cratic consistency, any class of '.the
people now. inhabiting these States can
be denied the rights of citizenship? It
is presumed that, having voted agiinsi
this proposed constitutional declaration
of citizenship, the Democrats in Con
gress know why they so voted, and thu
they can explain their action. e
therefore wish that some ot them would
enlighten the country by givirtg n rea
sonble explanation if they cau, and
bus free themselves from the suspicion
hat they are still, astbey were in -old
lavery time?, Democrat merely in
name clinging to the shadow of a
principle, while ignoring its &ub;tance.'
I he second clause ot i:e nrst amend
meat, against winch all the Uen. ocrats
in Congress voted, embodies iht; prin-
circle that tno cinz?n or one &iato Mia.i
not be denied the rights of citizenship
in any other Slate. They nut have
some reason for opposing this very ju.-l
and democratic principle, but before
we can even imagine what that reason
is. if it be n justifiable one, we mast
wait to have it explained by thesa Dem
ocratic Keprespniatives or s une ot
their organs. Can they give an ex-
J ... .. I ; . iK.I ...ill Itoi. Ku i i rv
ogic and of common sense ? j
I'he second amendment against which i
all the Democrats in Congress voted, :
propjses to make the actual voting pop
ulation of a State the basis of its rep
reservation in Congress Being op
posed to this very just and far princi
ple, we must presume that the Demo
crats .of tho North are in favor of
having all the non-volirfg1 ex-s'aves in
the South who, Lefore beint: freed,
were only counted as five for one, here
after enumerated equaily with the
white voters, every colored individual
being counted as one man when appor
tioning the members of Congress, thus
almost doubling the number t'f So ith
ern Congresitnen, and giving ihe South
supreme power in tne legisi nive ue-
partment of the Uovernment, tne XNortn
receiving no compensating advantage
This may be regarded as justice by
the Democratic party, which worships
the Souih as its master, but.t'ie North
ern people, especially those who a not
Wtlieve that the South deserves to be
rewarded, instead of punished, for her
late treachery and extreme wickedness,
we fail to see it in that light. Un no
ground can the Democrats in Congress
justify their course in opposing tne
amendment, excel t that they desire the
political power of this: Government to
be centered in the rebellious South
and this is the kind of Democracy that
the leaders and organs of that party
intend hereafter to advocate before she
neorle of these States ?
The third of the amendment?, that
all the Democrats in Congress voted
a-rainst. propose? fb disqualify fiom
holdine anv office of trustor responsi-
bihty under the IMationai or otaie ov
ernments, all who. as officers in the
mihtary or civil services of thfer United
States, violated their cams ana ueuay-
ftd their country in her hour ot p?ru.
Wn must take it for granted that the
Democrats are in favor of elevating
this class of traitors and hfgrates to the
hih, honorable and lucrative positions
of ntitiKc trust under the Government
tfiev attempted to destroy, as a reward
for their perfiditv. If not, why da they
oppose the proposition to disqualify
them from holding such positions?
"And the fourth of the amendments
against which all tho Democrat
Com?ss voted, declares the Naiiona
debt a sacred obligation, and the rebel
debt just nodebtatall. Now if rebels
should vote against the amendment, we
would mtbe surpi ised, but when North
ern Democrats, who profess loynhy
and honor, vote thus, what can we ihink
of them ? Dj they mit prove them
selves to be just ns bad as the rebels
themselves? Do they not demonstrate
the fact that they have more sympathy
with the late Confederacy" and the
chiiAjations incurred fcy the wickedness
of treason, than they have for the Na
tional Government of the United States
and its obliga'ions of honor? We
wish some of them would try toexplain
their course so as to remove this ugly
Why did the Democrats in Congress
vot? againt any one of the reconstruc
lion constitutional amendments which
.ve have now examined, if they are
truty loyal and honorable men ? And
with what show of honesty, consistency
or patriotism can their partisans
ihrouahout tho Northern States sup
pott their action and follow their ex
ample when the question of ratifying
these amendments shall come up. for
final decision at the p-ll. and io the
Legi!aiures ?
We shall be curious to I
The Dailj JVews, in a leader in
general approval of tlie late pro-Secession
speech in Congress of Air. Harris
of Maryland, rays: , T
"It is of i o avail ncx to inrist that
the right of secession is, one of the at
tributes of ihe political system under
which exists . the United States of
America The question has teen sub
mitted to the arbitrament of arms;
a:id, so far as the mere influences of
physical force can determine has,
for the tune being, be e.i determined.
Ihe South accepts the result, in re
speet to its present practical application;
but. that acceptance does not imply any
abandonment, in thought, of the prin
ciple oport which the secession move
merit was founded."
It is of the t gravest consequence
that the People of the United States i
should clearly understand, each other
t;i the question mocted.;: Bjt does an now srvearmojaregiance t
the Constitution and Union, swear tale
faithful only till his Slate shall s.e Jit
again to secede f . f '
This i an eminently practical ques
tion.' It? right decision is of momen
tous, vital import.. Could a State form
erly absolve her citizens serving
odicers in the army ai-d navy or
I'niiel States from the obligations o
ihesoU mn oatb of fidelity exacted ol
them or. entering that service ? If she
could rightfully do this once, can the
now ? Does the oath now mean, "I
will bear true and faithful allegiance
until my Stato shall Secede from the
Union ?'' Let us have a clear ander
standing on this head before we edu
cate any more Lees and Stonewall
Jacksons pi West Point.. We carnoi
afford to be trilled with. Jciz lork
Never burn kindiy written let
ters ; it is so pleasant to read them over
when the ink's brown, tho paptr yel-
ow with age, and the hands that traced
the friendly words are folded over the
hearts thu prompted thei, under the I
green sod. Above all, never burn
love-letters.. Io read them in auer
years is like a resurrection to one's
youth. The elderly spinster finds in
he impassioned otter ahe iooi;sniy re
eded twenty vears ago, a fountain of
rejuvenescence, u lancing over it tue
realizes that she was once a belle and
beauty, and beholds her former self in
a share more congenial to her taste
than the one that confronts her in her
dressing-room, ihe widowed indeed
derives a sweet and solemn consolation
from the letters of the beloved one
who has iourneved before her to a far
eff latd, from . which there comes no
... .. .1 .Kn., clia lnaB a Any
i ies 21 1111 1V11C1 J uv uwii v. i. V.
t.-. ;nir, r.;.,i No nhntr.frratihi ran so
- I , -
.,;.1Ut ro'all to iht iihomorv cf ihe
mniKur tho lenflprnfiss nnd devotion of
t I IU 1 v a w " '
r.hi d;en who have left at the call
of Heaven, as the epistolary outpour-
.,p tkir TKd laanor a imp
II' Ul LUC II IU.V 3 A HU t.kva j L v.-.
son of dnughter to a true mother is
something better than an image of the
features it is a reliex of the writer 3
soul. Keep ell loving letters. Burn
onlv the harsh ones, and in burning
them, forgive and forget them.
omake a cool summer bover
acre, take one pint of whiskey, stir in
a spoonful ef whiskey, then add one
pint of whiskey, and beat wen wun a
spoon. lake one gallon or water, awi
let a servant carry it away neyona your
reach ; then put two spoousfull of wa
ter in a tumbler ; immediately throw H
out and fill with whiskey. Flavor with
whiskey to suit your taste. When it
is to be kept long in. warm climates,
add sufficient spirit to prevent souring.
. w,t ;iTn
on you'
said a potite cry gooiw .ici. iu ,
from ihe country. "Yes, sir," said the
blushing damsel, "thai's my feller cut
side. He wouldn't come in.
A game of base ball, between except Tennessee from the proclama
and doctors, was 'played in t;on 0f freedom. Yet be repeats.
Pittsburgh the other day. The lawyers
I made laenty-six to the doctors seven.
' ?"? The biiriest tree yet discovered
in California is fifty-two feet five inches
in diameter, or over one hundred arid
fifty feet in circumference. Only the
stump is left.
A F.EAL'TiruLlLr.i'STRATio.t. The
Rev. Granviilo Moody, nf Piquri.Ohio,
recently . aitenJtd a Lnion Sunday
School Conversion, held at Sandusky,
and the course of bis remarks on the
occas-inn gave an illustration of the
unity of the Christian effort in the Sab
bath School. .Following Rev. Air.
Rronson, of the Episcopal Church, Mr.
Mood', in alludirag to the beauty and
e("ricincy of harmonious action, said :
"Were all the beautiful c dors of
the rainbow to be painted and then
placed on a wheel, while the wheel re
volved slowly the colors would,, bo dis.
Hr.ct end seperaie. r ut .-iTT-Tnrtirtfi
iho wheel, and thecujorj' would be-
e -me so blended that oniy- me wnne
could be seen, and this swifter the rev
olutions the -brishtfr Apuld the white
bocome. So with bntian effort;
when not united nnd actively employed,
all the colors (denb riiniational charac ;
tensiir. 1 are clear v
diicernhble, but
all losiether, the njorf" zealously "they1
are employed, the vh Jer they become,
and only tne pure iigiit oi urisnanuy
is seen.
This sublime fiinr'e 'is as true as u
is beautiful, and is Worthy. of the care
ful study of all, arid specially, of those
engaged in this particular -branch vf
education. i . . '
1 The IVcutratity Law."
F-r ihe. benefit" tf the remans we
- I lm ' m. '
publish the portfcn 'of the neutra.ity
law under the prdvis ons'of which their
friends bav-Q been . arrested, it will
be seen that evety,.nan,.who took
part in ine demonstration against van
ada is liable to heavjr fine and impris t
ment, though the'rei is no, probalality
the law wiil be Fij'.lv enforced ifaonly
t ie Feniau trg-tniialions are aband-J
or.ed. I ' I
Sec. 1. If nay ititizen of the Uni-
tad Siates shall, wiuim ".tne .'territory
and jurisdiction tiitreof, accept and ex-1
prcise a comnii.-sior in serve a foreign
nrice. state, colo'ii.-ilistricf. or people. I
iiwsr1, by lani-er5-sea against any I
prince, state, col.oyv district, br. people I
Avuh whom ihcy nued f otates .are at
n ace, the porsqn so offending shall be
deemed guilty of r high' mdemeanor
ai d siiail De naca not more man two
thousand dollars, nd shall be impris-
oceJ nol'f,lhr. yiiars.;
:'Stc. 2. If nv person shall, within
lilC 11 I lll V LA 1,1.1 I I Il'U IVllUi V. fcs.
United S ates,' enlist - or'enter himself,
to go beyond toe limits or jurisdiction
of "the United States with intent to be
i . . , r . .. -t
eniiseu or entereq pnio me service oi
any foreign jiower, state, colony, ois-
inct, or people a $" a soldier, or as a
marine or seamen, on noara or any
vessel of war.tletier of marine, or pri
vateer, every perron so offending shall
be rruiltv of iich misdemeanor, and
r-ball be fined not exceeding one thous
and dollar, nbd lo imprisoned not ex
reeding ihreeyears." -:
Selections ;-to a Newspaplr.
Most people think that the selection of
aiatier for n cewspaper is the tasiest
put of the bus ness. How great an
To Iookt over and over hun
dreds of exohaoe papers every day.
from whiclifto select enough for" one,
especially when it is not what shall,
nut wnai snaii n-t ne seiecieu. u
' i j . . : i . . . i i it
every persoes ivho reads a newspaper
could have cfiiid it: 'we would her less
complaints. I I?erv ' subscriber takes
the paper for n is own benefit, and H
there is nothing in it that suits him, it
must be sioped ; it is good fof noth
ing. Just as 'many subscribers as an
editor mavt a' We. so many tastes ha
he to consur.i '"One wants something
sound; one vants anecdotes, fun and
frolic: and: tai next one wonders why
a man cf g
cf gWr sense will put such stuff
papyri Something spicy come
in the
I 1 1 V -1 I , ... .
I . . .1. . , , T
out. the edit ov as a biacKguara. XNext
romps" Koinelhin"-' argumentative, snd
I -j --
the editor hti' dull fool.' -And so, be
iween theai fell, you see the poortellow
Uets rouglily handled. Jhey never
. - . ( m I 1 - 1
ihinl thnthvhftt does nol Dieae ineni
iu.. -
pleases the hexl person, but hey insist
if the naeeir does not suit them, it is
jood for DoCilng.
LisccjLir aud Jonsoir. Johnson
boasts thit 'no1 living man Las done so
much to free slaves as he.
Lincoln 'rrever boasted, but prayer
fully invoked upon his great proclama.
tion the considerate judgment of man-
kind, anj he' gTacious favor of Al
mighty (jd!; " ;
Johntirf "whenever he meets
fi ne-
pro. Drofiiirses to be his Moses.
LincaSrf made no promise, but when
ihe triumph of odr arms in the fall of
Richmond had given liberty through
out theliiiid to all the inhabitants there-
i . . . 1 t 1
of he fttraed to .the country and saio
Uiaa?;Otft!?ff w ao w.m ta. .t
work, giwj the wuole credit to urant
till' ' HO " I l"I ,y.
Johnson held on to nis slaves until
they were set free, and delayed their
emTncination by inducing Lincoln to
"Have I not sacrificed all for emanci
1 . . - i.t .t ez?e.
Lincoln incurred tne wrain 01 r.iieen
millions of men, which ultimately cul
minated in his murder, but he never
vaunted himself, and was never puffed
WAsiiiNfiTox, June 25. The fol
lowing rail has been issued for a N.
tioual Union Convention of at leal
two delegates from each Congressional
District of all the Slate, Wo from 'each
Territory, , uvo from the -District of
Columbia, and four delegates from each
State, will be held at Philadelphia, nil
ihe 14th of August next. Such dele
gates will be chosen by ihe voters of
the several States who sustain ihe' ad
ministration in inaintaing unbroken the
Union of States. Delegates are aakeJ
to agree :
, First That tho L'nion if r.ernr Mini
Second Eq ua lay of
.rump nnn ha
ngni to representation Foleaijiivu--a
meed. ,T,- -b !..
Third No right of secession ot ex
, - " ... w
- Fourih---Slavery aholisled ' forever.
Fifth Each State to p"rie f cribe qual
fictions fur its own electors; o ; ;
Sixth Maintenance dfthe right of
gach State to regu.'ate its tlomestic -fk-fairs
iovio?ate. ' ' ' ' -v.
The call concludes with an appal to
every patriot to frown lupsii the action
of Congress which .can only, re-kindle
anitoosi'ies, and to encourage penceful
acd conciliatory measures; but no del
egatioa will take its seat In the 'Con
veaticn which does not ai:cept the na
tional sjiuation .and. cordiolly -.fnderse
the principles set forth, and who is not
attached in true alrpgianc; to the Con
stitution and Government of the United
States. :" ' " '' ' :j
.Signed by A.. VK Randall, -i-'Prt'sl.
dent, J. B. Dooliule, O,. XI. Browoihg,
Kdgar Brown, Charles Koapp, Sam'i
Fowler. ' , ' ' -' .' '
Chicago, June 25 The Sentiment
of the lending Republican papers is
that the legislatures of the Northern
Slates,' at least, should not be convened
lm extra fession to ratify thoconstitu
tional amendment, but that the teicef
ihe people shou'd be lakea thef eon tn
fall elections' and that the party shoufd
have the benefit of it as a p'atforni tt
carry election?
t -.1
WAsuiNCTGK. Sane 2o. The S
.. .. .
ste passed the House bill e ttending the
b reedmens JJareau two years more,
with some amendments vuiich setiui iv
back to the House for concurrence. ,
DJ a voftc 17 7" 10 ';ys tr
Ship Canal Bill; which disposes of th
mutter for this session. 3 .1 ?
The House bill creating the office ef
Surveyor General of Idaho, wis passed
07 the Senate'. '
The Senate also passed the House
bill making the legislative cessions of
Washington Territory biennial,, and
increasing tne compensation or mem
bers.' .''' .' ''
The Conference Coinmiaee on joint
resolution for Telief Goodrich and Cor
ning for carrying the mails from Bois
City 10 Idaho City made a report re
ducing the amount to S 10,000.
The Tax Bill, with 6,55 Senate
amendments was taken tip this morning
by the House ef Representatives.
The House by a vote of ; 9(1 . to 3G
passed (he Senate bill, heretofore tel.
egraphed in full, to amend , the Pacific
Railroad act. l
A long and Cxciiinc- deb
the bill. It was ptrucipated in ty
Sievens, . Wilson,. DoffOJ, Higby ' and
Kaison. ' " .-: ' ' " ' '
Stevens explained that the-first sec
tion was simply due to the Kansas Di
vision, from its having heretofore tn'a
nipulaied and betrayed by' operators
novv interested in the Omaha branctlt
and that the second section was a fraud
perpetrated in the report of . the -conference
committee io the last Congrebe,
whereby ithe California company was
I prohibited from coming eastv
h an ,50 miles. i'- -
eastward m
The following gentlemen rotea ciy
the above hill; ' 1 i
Messrs. Alley, Auison, Ames; liaig
winBanka, Blaine, Boutwell, Chand
lertf Cooke, Davis, Dowes,: Deming,
Elliot, Elridge,Grtnnel, Holmes, Hoop,
er, Hubbatd, of Conn., Humphry Ju.
liarvMorston, Paiterson, Perham.Pike
Price. Randford, Rice,-ot -Mass:, KoU
I in,- Sawyer. Spaulding.'Taylor, War.
ner, Wasbburne, of Mass., Wentwotth
Wilson, of Iowav.Windomv;
' To th e Point-. At a recent rneet
ling in Shelby county, Missouri, it wan
Resolved, That ..any policy; th a.-
j warmly supported by every rebel, cop.
Jperhead and guerrilla in the whole
land, is not the policy ror .tne union
men. - - . 1 . - ; ' '- " '
: Such support ahoald he atleast prima
facia evidence of unsoundness,, espe
cially when these rebel glory in their
: Aq .- - gpeakir)f?
iniseries of Irand." tars : -Her
f tnisery has beerj for age80Ver-
gu'.Vffl";. Btd in nn $t fulL
tgST A prominent lawyer, in con
versation with a friend, the other day,
remarked that there was actually dan
ger cf his literally starving lo death.
Wbv,' is not your credit god at ihe
butcher's?" asked his friend. "It's not
that," was the rep!y; "The fact is, I.
have no appetite for breakfast. I never
have time to go home 10 dinner, aud
when I go home to tea I am generally
loo drunk total ' "
, ' ' ii
! if.'
1 'I
' I) 1!
1 ; ' f 1
1 s 1 :