.V 7 LO C A N r, WS- 1 (-Oui. Herod's new L.iil lin- on f Main St. will be completed in a few day. f?Go to Wise's and jet a copy of "The Origin, History, 1'nme, Pitrttition and Cure of the Cholera." ?"Capt. II. J Strt;iht. has opened an ice cream anil confectionery establish ment in the front roo'ii of his addl; atid harness manufact ry. Go and sea hiiu. fr-Black, I'.nttcry & Co. are fittin, up their druc and grocery house in ri!fn- did style. Thy have an immense ftoek of gooJ-i, and are ilir-f.ii- of them orr ihe most reasonable term, (7Ve learn from the Omaha papers that a new Republican paper is about themselves to a .mail amount of goods, being Ftarted at Columbus un.W the PUttsrnouth is b!e,ed with ninny chil ebtor.a! ehar-e of Ir. Adonis. The : jrf.n .ome ooJ nntJ fillrn . , . rr.otpri'li of tHft l!ll ftj'rl l. i.r ti 11 a l.imn purchased for that purpose. ;"N. J. Sharp, of the firm of Simp, son, Sharp & Co., arrived yesterdar. 1 1 9 reports luiriev brisk down tiie river, especially the southern trad. Mr. S. informs us th:it their stock of groceries will arrive in a few days, having bei'n sb:pped from St. Louis on the24:h. v"The rise in the Missouri at tliis place is caused by the liih water in the IMatte. Three men arrived in the city yesterday, who had made a trip from D'Tver in a small boa', in eight days. They report the water f il'ing near Kear nsy, and the j robabilitics are that the Lijrh waters will be of short duration. Cri7The local of the Omaha ll-rn'.l. in speaking of the death of a young man r.amed Hiram Gray, at the Iotiglas House in that city, say-: "He received from the good, kind, charitable proprie tor and attendant,- of the Douglas House, all the cire, medical attendance, and piritual consolation bis case r ((uirt'd or ooneienca wished. Notwithstanding '.1, lie died full of hope in Christ.''. (;?".Morton, Miller and .lee l"ph-tra:ie are wonderfully frightened ju-t now, and not without caue. -They fear ''black J.ihn" nn.i Iiij f.tilrt'vj will I n t r 1 ! a,t n v i , , j al v r n . i.-wv thdm tint tl.m. In nira if something desperate is not il me imme- diattlv. Tbi fialtt is between the nlmio , . " , , . i - ,i . . . n I and lend a helping hand, so th'.t the oc in the matter eicpt to report progress. I ' ' , i i j . , ,- i ' .i c assion may surpass everxthing in the Johu and his brethren have a little: the ,. , , ' , , . , . tine ever heard of before, an J l.'avn i; ic h tart they have sufficient m'euigen :e to e Jovf I :l pleasant memory of their "Fourth ' "' j in PiattsmoiUh." CfHen T. M. M.irqueft and Gen. i . .... ... ... . f K-iei J'utio'tij's Ihtilj. .I iiin M. 1 haver arrived in t hi city about ' noon to day." Th-r Imvc been ,P"eakinr i C.- ""old is moving to-day to in the southern part of the TcrritorvJ l,!S ew building, oqo doJf est of Dr , .i r t- . w 1 Livingston s i.;i:cv'. nnd now go north of 1'iatte. e un- i darstanl they came aeros Mrton, the! C?" I'1' eleeti on i n this ci ty passed off dicomf:ted, somewhere in the "burnt lis ! rl"'etl.V, as was the case throuhouc "the trict," and had the pleasure of makine ; Territory, a far as we have heard K -li! willow .n.)7 .r.Sinson'n letter to i tur,, M i' pubiished as rat as received G.r. Shark--y recommending Negro! Vl'he first instalment of Simpson, Suffrage; h!-o that portion of Johnson's j Sharp & Co's goods have arrived. They reconstruction policy" where he says I will probably inform the public in tin if ho "were a citizen of Teni esseo be should favor giving tl-.e negro the ballot." j from 'Jhu:vl ir'M I ailtj. (Tj'be barn, hay stack Sec. of J. II. P.rown, Eki., were ib stroved by fire yes. terday. iind-'rst.-ilid the fire was started by a little b y of only five years, who say9 he set it to "burn up an o!d lien that pecked him." We didn't learn whether he succeed: 1 iri burning the ' old 11? or not. CSTWe had the pleasure of visiting , the garden of W.J. Ilcr yesterday, j where we found so many nice things that j we dare not attempt a description of i them. lie has a large assortment of the i fLnieef fliwnru find hliriili.; in t Vi a H'ntl I . c. " , , ," ' tiesides about fifteen acres of vegetables. Among his flowering plants are the Fu- ! cia, (ieranium and Verbena, and a host ! ..f nil,... nf i t . 1 or otiiers of lesser note, out none the ' t i , i - , , . i Jess beautiful. Anv one who is fond of' x ,-r t .. .' i. . ii the beautiful will do w-jii to visit Hess- , , . j er s garden about the l;rst of August. I b j fl-We learn that some men engaged j in digging a well near the brick yard ' north of town, bored through what is ' b lieved to be a vein of good coal yes terday. The several strata above it are the same as those tisuallv found i i n'i. . T iuiu ivicii.irusoii county. above coal. Ihe vein is several f eet t " " lower than the bed of the river, and is J C5?""Ol l Mu Idj"' is ignin on a ben i fome two feet in tin kness. A thorough er, rising rapidly. ejaminution will be made, and we will j "Anti State men are not r ear so keep our readers posted in regard to ; developments from Friday' iKiilti. ("3'"The Baptist Association, which has been in ession here for several days past, adjourned last evening. s -..u-i i. ... - , , 1 ' ' the man uho has the most nose, or toe ' i "hi uuns iiiQ most.' it certainiv ajes not require a vury lengthy r.ose or extended knowledge to discover the presence of "dead rats' or something else that has -'soured," in several locali ties of our city. It is shameful that ! persons cannot take a wak over our city- without having their olfactory organs rreeted at least a 1l07.cn ti.nes ,v scents i .intn,.!,,.-..!.!. yyJ !...' r..ii I set ofVitv oSoials," and a Hoar d of Uealth, who Lave given us an excellent ordinance for the purpose of having the city cleaned, and thereby add to its health! ulness. A month or two ago, undsr the impression that cholera was almost in our city, a general "clean up was instituted, but since that time the excitement has gone down and dirt and filth accummulated in many places, bo that now we are in almost as bad a condition as before. "Jens-alrtn was kept clean by every man cleaning his own iloor." ii mi w tiim ih !.n wot. work well hr; n natural pne ntvJ .rn pr of deconcv should promrt every citizen "to kep trrnzs ne it nnj clonri, h-.it if i? ; pot d'in, Pomi mt-tho'l .ho!:!il !evi- j t0 comP"' hwn.M do it. It i '0m' nP' ',,,f-T """"I ' r. nn.i we nope, ior trg ref:i?fit"on .-tv! he.iith of our citizen, that i", may br done immediati !v. Frtun Siitur'Jtitf't lenity CVOur worthy Street CoinmissioruT ha, repaired th briJ-e on Second Str-.t in nnescelipnt mmner. Thu repairs w.i mii.-h nrdfd. us only few Iav njo .1 V,T 0,"'l C'tU h;id a leg broken by get- tiii its feet through a crack. "?Vc understand that one night not !np: since, some youn scamps entered a Wiijnn loaded for the west un.l lin)r,...i . ' parents are not more careful nf.out al lowing their boys to run around the eitv after night "we fear the latter class will have a large rnajorifv. EPH?"Soon the boom of artillerv will an nounce throughout thelenjr'h and breadth of our land, the 90th Anniversary of American Independence We like the 4(h of July, in fct we think it is a glori ous day and just about one of the great, est inventions of this Yankee nation. It is a recognized institution of our country, and we go for th- institution of the country '-strong." The day seenn especially set apart fur enjoyment and it si ems to us a religon duty for every one to enjoy themselves on that dav,'Ti.- matter," as Sam Slick says, "whether they can or not, tSey (-hou.d be made to do it a" ?"." A man who doe not go in for 'j Fourth (.f July" is very un certain in his morals, most likely stays out late at night, and then goes to Ki d Willi his boots on, while his hat is careful y laid away on the floor we 1'on'tgo much on s jch a man ho ain't a "-tire Ifei g'' by a "heap." As we don't think ourcitv is troubled with any of the above class, we woi'.'l respectfu'lv call thu attention of the ladies (God bless 'em, '!irst and foremost ;n every good work") to the subject of getting up a good time gener J ' ally, jut such a.i one as we know tbev can get up, and let 'everybody and every bodv e!;" give an encouraging word course of a few days what they h ive for sale. Lliere 13 :l fellow about town call ing himself "J. S. M. Hawkins, M I)., j Professor of Private Diseases," that we would a h ise people to ive a wid j berth. We have reasons to believe that he know. as little about medicine as he does about common decency and ;r,ood behavior. There are too many such characters a larj;e in .his country, ekinir, out a iiii-mth ble existence bv iomosinsr unon the trustin- and cor.Sdin-r.orlion of then..!. We ,,on. c,ll(.e tha ,.I)r- ai( t;,;ri for tjlis ,niCe. CxA Small ''demonstration' was had on our streets Saturday evening. S tne orator of "notoriety" similar to g. f.-- , co,nJ a 'P0, '-cnthusi 'l'c;l'"cs' that he wliH p, r- suaJed to desist, lie is a Stranger here, , out wns 'Mntroduced" bv a leaiin-' citi- - zen so our reporter s ivs. Tic rleeeh . . . , - ' was ei nsi.iered b many of theau lierce . ,. , , - to bo il ;:tt.e out of place, ;hev claiming that it should have been delivered at an earlier day and considerable further south. From 1 ' uejl,iy' Daily. C5?"Morton done a first-rate thing by "numerous" on our street ts as they were yesterday morning. Richardson county has broken into their calculations so heavily that they have no heart Csf-We.had the pleasure of eating a fine dish of strawberries a fev dis since, from the garden of S. Billings, r - so. .Mr. B. has a splendid cari3en, or- , , , -,u .u u - T LV namcnted with the choicest shrubbery in . west; and we doubt if another man can be found in the country who takes as much pies sure in keeping t hi ngs ir a p-or . er state of cultivation as friend Uiilings. C3?"We learn that the Deraocartic board at Rock Rluff. adjourned for din- ' 1 v" y, i - i .1 l -t - of tlie j"Zc l it with him. This nianner of I roce-Jure is ,n d:re;t oPPo fltl0.n ? Iafl a.nd shoulJ b? inriSatPd , by the board of canvassers. It is notice l able, also, that Rock Bluffs gave 5S Dciu i ocratio majority, instead of neailv an evrfn thing, as all parties expected. jTWe speak from experienje when we ay that, after trying all the principal sewing machines, we must accord Co that of tirover & Baker the pre-eminence. Those indispensiMe ft atares of sewing, strenght, uniformity, and elasticity-all t f which aro brooch: ou ia this incoiiipar- .. 1. 1 : . - . . i and pogges every characteristic necces sary and most desirable. We know one lady whose nppreeiation of this machine, after a trial of years, is such that he would part with almost every other arti clo of household furniture before she would allow it to b taken. She under stands the different varieties of sewing machines, and has tested the merits of all; but Grover & Baker's noiseless rna chies, with its firm uniform stieh, sur passe, in her estimation, all others. In thit lady's opinion we have the most unlimited confidence, her taste and judg ment being excelled by none. Nor has her judgmert been frotued hastily. She has, with a view thoroughly testing the merits of the d. Cerent sewing machines, given the most of them a fair trial, and ihe result is as above stated Mew York i'hri lian Adtucalr. Ice Ore m Festival. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church, wHl give an Ice Cream Fe-tivai, on next Friday evening, at P.own Hall, in Ma sonic and I. (). O. F. Block, for the pur pose of raising fundi to aid in fencin" the Church lot, paying for the organ, &o. The publie are invitod to encouruge them in the enterprise. Cf-pTIattsmouth is up to the times in the matter of hedging, us will be seen by reference to advertisement of Mr. West in another c ilumti. MARRIED M iy ills; UCo, at the residence of Conrad Sch'ater, bv Judge Marshall. Mr. JoiiN Djxelan and .iss SOI'HIA M.lilSO BEET3! BEETS! New beets piendnl for green, at the New Bakery. J. Parcel & Sons. FOil SALj. TheS. W I -4 of S. c. 19, town 12 Range 13, having four acre- of good timber iti.I fifteen acre -of medium timber on it. Knquire of 8 Dl'KK or Sal Ciiai .mav. June4d..iv '2. "Vm. Stadelinan.. Co. are sell'mf an immense amount of Clothing, having already brought on their third ttoek of goods this spring. The reason of this is that they m1! cheaper and better clothing than any otlier establishment in the west, and are accommodating and gentlemanly to t heir customers. Don't fail to give them a call if you want anything in their line. LOST On the Jfith of April, between Salt Creek and Sam!, barker's, via Weeping Water Falls, a gray overcoat, containing a pass-book and a pair of leather gloves; the bo..k has mv namein it,asu Klias MeClure's. Anv person finding the same and leaving i either t this office or the !i.iu, of Joseph MeOHire. one mile west of Mt. Pleasant, will be liberally rewarded. The book is of no value to nnv one but myself. nin v 1 d wl,w. John- M. Jouvson riaitsmcuth Lcde I,To- G, A- F- & A- M. n'!f':l .re..mtiinvic-;,ti,.,i- 1-t and S i M.aid tys if e.ich month, at ti 1 a u'ci.ji k, i. in. K T. lil KI', V. V. j.c;. iiiuvk s-c. Nebraska Chapter No. 3. R. A. M. Il.v'u' ir (.i:v.., at i.ns 21 and 4th Wedrt.-djyj of o h nn u h, at 0 t 2 o'clo. k . in. J. U. HDWE. II. r. J. C CTMMINs, c- I. 0.0. F Pl .tH I. ..!. x.i. 7. m. ets every satnnl; v evmirg It the C urt Hi, n Hull. I , Un ,, l.,!r le r- -(i. ol f'll y ii vitnl t.) Vi'it tins I oili.'-. " f "!- ! H. lluVI.A.VI),X.(i. . I'iiTTk iitu. Kic Ssc'y. I 0 G T. - Keu'iir ineetini; evfiy K h:ay eveiiiu; Traveling Ti ini-.ais iv-j"i in iy i iv. ted. T. W. -IIUVOOK. w. c r. If. J STUKKim, W. s. rOST OFPIGE ARRANOEMENTS. THE .HAILS WII.I. I'L sE AS F LI.O: EATI-'R niHtl ill close at - 9 a. m. .-rni-IJX t - 9 a.m.' No.4THtKX au l WKSTFP.N at - 1 p. ni. M tILS ART. r.CE AS FOLLI' W S Krnn 0: KaST ? . . 11a.m. Ni'R ' H an.l W EsT at - In a. rn Sut Til 4t - . 2 i. in. PO"T-onacn uours. Opf n from 7 a. m lu 8.J.. in. jVhen r il in-j f i- mail itleas? jive v.. ur mime fit t an I Ihi i, Ihe Kn ol y ni' ll .x. r-Vh n ' ill inn fur -tain .s cive ihe nuintier of "t.iniiM or am.i.i.it yi u ui-h to Liiv. J. W. MaKsH a I I., Pi-tnnst-r. Aduiiiii'li' :tots JNuIj In tSe ma ter i.f the e-tat nf Ilon-y Wii k ai, decV. IT ''."it I'a 'rt i'l :.n l for Otoe t'oauty, e ) I. a -k 1 er itu t. I.y v ftn- ni a a mder if m le to me li ni 'e.l in th tr.iu-r el the e-tat- of Henry Witke't iter es d f in tl e v ,t aie f ,urt 'o ainl f .r t. e unty Ot e, in tl " T. r tory of .Nel.r.i In. I il ' . ti Muinl..y the -J 1 d:iy of July. A . I. . I -ll J. t.etwe.Q the t.-. Mrs o't lo -k. a m , a i d ms 'e'm k, p. m . of said lay. i.(T-r for na'e at pul-lic a :ct in 1 1 the hithe t and ti -i hi Her. f.ir ia t, at Ihe IVint .u-e (,,r in I . atts'i.oath, Ct- c .iin'y. Nehra-'-a Tei ritory, the foil .wii.c de er h.d tract of land. I.. w : l'i t ,nf -ho north .mt qu irter uf Se,!;,,,, N'o. thirty. one (Si). in TownshiD Ni. ti n ( 10) . n..r h of Its. nf N i. I url-en (II). fjji ir the S xO, ivinr.pn Meriilian, eui.tnini up nl. ur Forty five (4j arr-f, a d 'yu.g aud heini,' iu Cass cotin y, Netra-ka T. r rltoiy. Ja'Es w wood. Adm'r of estate of ileury Wiike-t IMattsmouth, June 6, Sw. NEW GOODS! LTV GOODS at the ' NIMBlE SIXPNGi." h'ch I will i-eil at ii i-i i u v s: I) I tl 1 c K , as I una ia ti' id of nuiDey. L. LI1.LIVG3. ElwJray Jialc. N iliee is lie .i.y K . a liial 1 wi.l eel at public auc liutt, iO Hie iil-'Ue-i I .1 ie ,! i-a ii, uin.e c-..leuc .1 Natl, inlet Kijis..d, iu Js., it Creek lrec.t.e:f Cii.-! Co., S f . on the iu. d (3.1) ii.iy otJUi). ,,,'jt, at on k.'c'.' ik, p. iu.. iiiie iu . re c iit, r-upp .!..d t.i llln e J eis 1, aid one Imrse con. suj..ed t be !'u ear oid, ' -icti re l.ae i up el.a Iy .aid Keiiij-on. 1 ovi.ied. n:d limlestbid au'ali le tro lliil.s tlie U prai?; d Value thereof. B, D. WOaTHINO. i!ay 49, St. Jutio of the i'eace. 'uie llivenilull IIIHK II Hie nrst Sewing machine in the country. Others have their jjood points, but this combines all, roniincfed on ih is of Actual Rnnine, bv in ex-ericncd Ac-nit mt an i !p-rior PTimAn, whose LONG CONNECTION with th m'st ioi ular Comtn-'cial r'.I!eee o' the Union m-urei th-rounhne. una rrpniatiun to every gradi'ate, aoi cimma-iil the l-s V'lsiriens. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to nil ftyl'-s of Pentn:insli;, on wliich we have b-cn award1"! the first Premium tor iuary years at varioui State Kdlra The Colleirt ii alwxyi open to T'si rrs. and circu lar c ntaiDing full psrtionia-. t treat U any i ldress. TilO's J. liKY NT. pr s'l, nurl St. Jusepb, Mo FOR SAI.K a (ro-xl two stery I rick 'or- b'liidinif. 22 by 60 feet' w it'i toi d i-ell r; lor luMhei purticularsi'.rfuire of the Tn'SlCxo oaki ok sciio:oi. DiMixTOat) JJURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. G5 18(iG EAS'lWAIiD lfcGG Short and Quick Route to- CHCAGO AND THE EAST. In coiiDettiou with the Iit-s Moines yallfV antl Caicao, Barlinluu and y nj.y It.olruadr. Three tnins leave Ot uui'i daily on arrival of D" iluii.es Valley trains. BUY YOCR TICKETS VIA OTTUMWA and BURLINGTON, IOK SALE AT PbATTSMOII I IT OM A I A, COUNCIL P LUFFS. NFIiRASKA CITY, DF.S MitlNFS. KNOXVILLE, AL1UA, MONUOF,, FELLA, UiKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE. OTTUMWA. Bio-oaof- rhecKd from Ottumwa to Chicago and the Fjust. P.is.eneer huve rhi-ict- of all tlie i-e it I ities la 1 1111; X"i th, t ist ai.d S. titl., and wiil find t riin ill p iin:.ii .. ml- At i y ail lonie-at ihe Otliim va 'icxei nfh'v ot In- r mp my. i ,isscic--er will find llii route tiilck, Sif! and -ure in its Cuiiii'fl'-'n C K I'K'tKIXS. Superi!it"!iileit L. Ca !;PEU, (Jeii' ial Kri-.j-M ami I'aacenper A( n Music ! Music J It A YMDXD, MIXER 4- CO., Dl AI.I K.s IS Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Uusic and Musical K'dse, COUNCIL MIAFFS - - - IOWA A.ND OMAHA, N. T. Orders l'y ui nl for . Hooks, nr anything per- tainiriiili .iu-:e, i rr Tt y attended to !T'.J."s('Cti1.,-(ir repairing Hiano Fortes and .Mi hsh' ns in l'i t-iiMiith and v ciuity will be al'i n i' d to at oar i !i. t e mv tiieiice anjtS, KAYMOKU, .MINER Sc C. S. AHLFR, B. A. FBI.Vt.HiS. s. aili:i: aV co.. .1.V!) DISTILLERS. Dea'ers in all kind- sf Kerein a-nl Iiim'stie WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. SO. H, EAST HWE MARKET S'll'ARE, St. Jo,t;Ii, 31 1. oc"3 ly Empire Heat Market, Tlie 11 nd'rsigned i ti"W prepar d t furntph Ihe cit.Z 'iis of tbis placf will, the be.-t nii.sn RKEF, MUTTOX, VEAL, rotiK, axd ha coy. I alse k ?ep i:c;c;s, u utter, C II EES E, v:j ta toes, a xd y eg eta bees, and p,y ttio 1,'gbest mullet price f..r all kiiidn it COUNTRY PRODUCE. WSI, . JIOKIiliOX, riatfmnuth, M:iy 13, dim. C L.COOPKR - WjlanJ .aal .(tail dealer in UARLEV, HEAT, Flour, Onion?, Potatoes, And al kin'r o Pud Ktt5l. L uis c.if-h prices. Also OXtYCKES AND BOWS.; CORNER 2nd AND LEVEE STREETS, riattsmiutb, N. T. ai rj J. N. -viSE. General Life, Acriib n.', Eire, Inland e nd 'Tianit INSURANCE AG-3 NT uke r!k at rea-onat le rates in the m..t reliable conv.HDien in tfce l'i itcd States. CS'Cice at the book store, Platlsmoath, Nebraj. k. Jiiajildtf looo. m ' y AMISOIV, DOVEY &. CO., North SiJe of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of 3 QUE ENS WARE, 1 1 A R D WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTIIIiATG, &C, Ever Offered in tin's 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF In f .ml m-i,'4l,:n 1 7 ... .cij wiiiiy me rarmer, -iecliamc, l'rei"lter or E grant ' FLOUR, BACON, Thankful for past Patronage," we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnnnce of the same. Call and examine our stock. ri.mtsmouth, April I0y St J. tf Jf'ST nceived, M casos 'ranoedliac e it JO in AMIfON , DOYLY Co'S to pur a,e your N end les var iety o I La fo ii Pa A D COs. ; CAsKd Moltliy'a Cove Ovsters for nl at )V ' A. D. & C0'. 1 1 :.i,l ti ill Laiiet 1 re Goudsnt A.i- dt CO'8 I 'OR f ALE at AMISO.X, DoYkY a CO'S . aCrf.v 1 Te , ,ii:..r. tlr.ld i, Syiup, Sugar liou Jio-e lfs New Yolk Caudles, etc , etc. Vlare lot ol Chewing aud Siu eking Tub ,to or tale at . & CD'S JO VLOIL or aale by A. D. ,t CO. " HOICKS si ar Caudles for sale by A, 1) CO IV you want t;i i urcb. ise gnotis at a bargain, polo AD. CO BAU.S COFFKi just trceivel by ' A. D. t Co Y Lai- lot o' Choice Tea at A. D. CO'S. mrm mm E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japauei. AND STAMPED WAKE- W keep constanilj' on hand Emigrants' and Freighters' OUTFITTING GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans. Skillets and Lid, Ovens Camp Kettles, Ac. We also keep Chain Pumps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, ColFee Mil1- cc. Tin Roofinrr, (Juttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neameas and tiespaicu. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets, l lj'u iaiwu-xii. ixr S3 -TV-CABINET SHOP. I-I. BOECK, Havinp receatly outlt a new ahJ suita ! shop on ' j it Tt ax Slain St., FlattSmOUth, N. T., n nun. ref---iiuiiy iniorm t ne c iiirens or l ass an i r aili" nin.-roumies tint he has the facilitiea for ear- i -j'""" I CABINET BUSINESS In all its branches IN THE HOST APPROVED STYLE 1 am prepared to tnrn oot the O I I K A J? E S T ai d iu t durable Of ever decr.jition, ever otfi re-l in the Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. -Prt!i-n'ar attention paiJ to making and fiu ishiugCOt'l.'lA'S. All kin-Is of lumber taken in exchange for work. Flatu aoath. April 10, 1865. JSG5. ALL KINDS. w . mi wants. CORN, OATS, &C- Lirjf. a--!,ortment orniei'a and Imya clothing IX forfalehy A. i). 4 CO. SHliLLEU COKN forsa eby AD. CO ACori and Lar.! for sale by A. D. CO. A UKAVY IXVOICR of all ii.ds of Faaiily Gr . eenes and OulCtini; Good j -ust erevedbv A. X). & CO. A LL kit,ds r Farming Implenietita for nale by 1 V A. 1. CO. A "6 "t To Horse I'lowa for jale by 1 A I). &. CO. N endless va. ittytf Hardware and Cutlery for 'tV--a!rt"t A.D.CO-S V''!!. Poors, Sliinitl-, nias, des. ription for sale bv and Nails of every AD. Ct. l-J' kin.! of Country Proi.uoe taken in exe,.,ce for goo,,, bv A u A ( . 'rJ"UU"."r!re "'1 e have fr, air 1 w.'.i fidoi.e H.,l-rth- I1KR.4LD, and other, bave an g4od a right to advertixe as AMIsOX, DOVEY CO. I'llh la.gest Outfittiug Hous no.tl.i.f St Jos. w x 11 A.Ml.suN DOHTitd's, I'lattsiiioiith, Kebraska'.' irm NEBRASKA HENRY BOECK, Platt.smoctii. N. T.. Atreut fr JOS. BUTZER 1 M &. CO., i rurnish promptly all loinl.Mor;e,, Monuments, and all kinds of Marble woiks, on short notice and reas- cuao.epric-s. , (.mavlti, w3ra. Ordinance Xo OO. Jin Ordinance to prohibit obstructions upon tlie side walks within the limit. of Pittlsmoiiih, on Aluin between 2d and Hth sfrrdi. t-KC. 1. be I! n'-ilaineiT Mr ihe MaVw Jill fnmunn ' ,h' c"y llattsiiiji;lli. JTsbras a, that it slmll l" unlaw f'Uf. r anv p-rmio or pmrns 1 1 fine-.,r tav-or rair-e to be placert nr ltt od the u'mJ -ix f-1 rf M.le-walk any IhiX, wapou, plow, harroiv or ttilnvntor, or any i b tructi-in upon the i.l ... n. t. 'Ir ......n ,1..:. L. ., . .V R itinu i lie c.rnoi ate limiti .f -aid c i v !SKr. 2. Il shall fee th-duty cf the city Marshal ii n mi'iiue any iiictrurtioiis U,.u ilie gid walk alnivi- sitct to renn.ve the s tne. ami charge there moving nr to urns in ihe partie .irKd n; and lor ihe ' co,.d o.l'enee shll lieanet'd anil t ikeo lef re Iti- Mav. r.or anv Jo-th.'eor the Praie, and I'pon eoivictoin h- flrt.l the 1m ofn.it lr- thsn J 50. nor more thin ? j:,&ii t teih' with the costs f .r such iitfence or otf .iites afir the fl-st. This Ordinance to ske . EW-' from and aler its publication tifc-n. d8 1 day of May, ISS'i C L. CdUftit, Vavor. F. M. DiihBIXOTOS, Rtcotder. ltua9,4w. t j . r v -r' FRESH LIME! Good Vo. 1 Lime always on band and for sa'e by be wholesale aud retail in amounu to uit purchaa- 1 T. K. IlANM, J. R CLAJIK. Tootle, I&nria & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers iti Gold tit. Ciold and Silver Coin, Exchange, V- S. and other Modi. DEPOSITS RFCE1VFD, andspecial atter.tiungiveo to Collections PLATTSMOUTn, N. T. ai9 difwtf Grovrr & II.iUci'h Ela-stic BtitclL AND LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the HIGHEST I'llEMIUMS At llio St.ito Fairs cf New York, Illitioif, Virginia, Now Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, enuont, Wisconsin, lennessee, Pennsjlvanin, Iinwit, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, Indiana, Missouri, California, At the Fair- cf til? American I,is!i!ule, I'raiil.lin Instiu.'c, Maryland Institute, Mastachux'Us AIs ' chunicS Association, Tain. Me chnu'fsy Institute, St. Louis Agricultural and Mtchnn ics Afocintum, And at numerous Institute and County Fairs, Imin l inif a'l the Kainat which they were exhibited tha past three year First l'rizi-s hive also been awarded these Ha rhini'S at tiie exhibitions of LONDON. PARIS, DUBLIN. LINZ, BE SANCON, 1JW0NNK, ST. D1ZIER, CHALONS. And they have ben furnished by special cumtiiind t l thO Empress of Trance, Empress tf Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Brazil, Queen f Spain, and Queen i f Iiaraia. The GROVER 4: BAKER ELAsTIC-fcTITC II SEW. ISf; MACHINES arc superijr to all ethers for the follow ius reasons : 1 They si w direet from the spool", and reunite m, rewiiidin of threid. 2. They are more easily nnders'ood and used, and less lihble to c'eranitotiieut than oilier machines. Ji. 1 hi'j iire capabli of txeeuiing prrfec tly. with -cut ehaiiite of ailjotmotit, a muih grt-.iter varieiy of work than other uiurhiQes. 4. The stitch made lv thtso iiiacli:n"s la much more II rm, elastic aud dtirjihle, i-p- t-tally upon a. It ch' hicb require to l? washed and Ironed, than any other a iii h 5. '1 his stitch, owiiij.' to the manner in which th uiide' t ri-;id is itiwronuht, is inneh the most p!tim p aud heiiCtifiil in ue, and retain. t!iis plumpness and beauty even upon art.rles fpqnently ma-hedand iroued until they are w.-rti out. 6 Thf.' siructure of tlie si-atn is stieh that, though it he cot of broken at intervals of only a l-.w stiti.n e, it will neither oven, rut. or tavel, hut remain tlrm Mid durable. 7 I'ulik-other niTliin", these fasten both ends of th- wain by their owu op ration. S. With these inrhiiie9, hilf tilk Is ured upon the Tirht or fre side ol Ihe seam, cotton may be. used upon the other side without les-eniuK tho stieti;tii ir ilur.ibility of the ti,'!m. This can be clone on no other machine, and is a trreut saving upi:n all articli-s stitched or ma e up wth bilk. 9. 1 h'-se luacbitie-, in ad lit on t- th-ir superior merits as inr utnenis for at winfr. by a change of ail justnient. eavjly . P-arned aud piai'tiecd, execute the niooi beHtittfui and perniiiui Lt embroid''.y and orna mental w ( rk. Grover & Baker S. II. Co.. mr21 Cm 4j5 Broadway, Jiew Tork. KlaEl'SEIl & WISE, Dealers ia BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPEK, WINDOW SHADES. Gonf e ctioneries, lYolioiis, Toys, Coal Oil Lamps. Arc. &c. f ar also averts f.ir Ihe Tliirhnan Mills, of 8t Joseph. .Mo., and bav nn nn Kn,l . go'-d asMrtmentof FANCY CASSIJfESES, CLOTHS, JEANS. FLANNELS, t c, hkh we have re:ived on rnrri m;Minn . i ... prepared to excfiane for ' WOOL OR CASH, at very reatonahla jeures. Give as a call one door east of the Ue.RA.hu office, Platumoutb' iSiohrd Ira ' 9 May 16, 1865. tf WILLITT POTTENGEE ATTORNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTII . - - NEBRASKA. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C- F. M. DORRINGTON, SUB AUFXT: PLATTSMOUTII, . . NEBRASKA, I prepared to treent and Droiuwn .:!,.. Coiifrress, CO'irt of Claim, aad the Denai ihmu i-- tenia FensH.D., B mot es, and Bounty Land. .e. en! ed. tT Charges moderaw. and in proportion tt tae .mint of tee cuim, F. Jf. DOKRIXGTO.V Artll' ej. H0. K. TOOTLE, V'lKjf v"sJL y't'i V! IV-,' , i 4 i i