I. hi f 1 i LOCAL NEWS. From Wednesday' baity. 57" A number of wagons have teen loaded at the different stores in town to day, and started west. " (27VTohear it stated that Maj.'D. II. Wheeler has been awarded the contract or carrying the U. S. Mail from Omaha Tta Plattsmouth, Nebraska city, Brown ville, etc,'to St Joseph. dParcel fc Sons gave a free open ing last evening of their ice cream ar rangements. They produce an excel lent article, and know how to wai. on customers, a all who partook of their liospitality last evening will testify. CPrivate advice from Richardson county state that" the Union men are wiJ9-awke down there, an.l are certain to elect their full ticket. They are de termined that Union men shall be elect ed, whether they vote for or against the Constitution. That is the doctrine; and the feople of Cass will do well to vigor ouslv labor for the accomplishment of the sarao thing. (jfWe BdLice preparations being made 5rt various parts of the city for building. ILuniber, brick, rock, lime, sand, and all aha necessary material for building, can be seen scattered about throHgfe the city; and especially in the north-western part of it, where the ppirit of improvement seems to have broken oat anew. "?"Judge Kellogg left on the St. Jo. yjipf h this morning for tho lower part of the Territory, -s&ir, 6hoald Le c include to talk to the people on State matters, li will do excellent service. Se advertisement cf Mr. Shryock. Tie was completely broktn ufi by tho late 'Are, and starts agan n first principles. Kxtond i him a helping hatrl by pur chasir.g 't.is wares. CJ?"Vc 'J'-sire t caU tfce attention of our readers t'6 the card of Jacob Vnllory, K-"'i.. in this isue. relativo to the promptness of that1, t, M. in'mryc-j Co AVc are ill familiar wiih tlia circuuistan--s of the fire, and tvcciuainteJ with Mr. Vallery. We know him to he jitj honest, wpright man, and an cndoi-Mi-iut-nt of a Jii.'in or coinany hy kim wi!! bs.ve great weight where he is known. Samuel i'hapman, Hj., is the ng-nt t,f the Com pany IB this city, an4 -pai ties wishing in itranco will do v.cll to call o:i him. ZT The spoaking last night by (Jen. Tliitjer, Jii'j5 Kc!lgg and Sec. Pad Jock was excellent, and many who caino tu the limiting prejudiced against State, left at its close with tho fetling that n State government for Nhruk.i would not be such a very bad thing, after all. Th speakers produced ids and figtirts auitain every position taken by them, nd openly dared and defied a success ful refutation. All that is asked by tho friends of State is a fair, candid, 'and j reasonable nxnrnination of tho intention. I (init m?rits; and if this is done, there! is not the least shadow of a doubt as to thd.ycrdict of tht people. ... L'jt the poo p'.e turn out and giro the matter a hear ing. It is certainly of sufficient import ance. J'ruui Friaay't liily. vW". J. llesser, Esq., has our thanks fr a fine Dahlia plant. llesser i doing an extensive gardening businrs, and all Inlying dealing with him will End him libera!, high-minded gentleman. .7Wo notice that our friend Morgan it putting up a new building in the south west part of towc. Su it goes, all over the city. New houses are sprining up so fa thitt one 'local" cannot be expect d to keep track of all'of them. 2See advertisement of J. Paroel k Sm "New Dakery." They are making the very best of bread, pies, cakes, buns, ruk and in fact everythingjn their line. They keep vegetables all the time, and their ice cream cannot be surpassed, if equalled in the west. 5PSimpson, Sharp X Co. will open an extensif e stack of Groceries and Minors' (Goods, la a short time, at the old stand of Stavde fc Anderson, coreer cf Main and Second Sts. They are energetic business men, as most people in this part f the country are aware, and wo pre dict for them immense success. The speaking at Rock 15 luffs last night was well attended, and Gen. Thayer made most iascntrovertible poiati in favor of State. The audience ceined deeply interested, remaining un til nearly 12 o'clock. The Gen. is a suave and pleasing speaker, but the -' force of bis arguments are like sledge toammer blows on the opponcntsjof State. Hon. T. M. Marquett was present, and made a few forcible, telling remarks, but his health is in too feeble a condi tion for him to use in full force and cn r2J the great eloquence with which na ture has endowed him. This evening these gentlemen will speak at Mt. Pleas ant, aud we have no doubt that all who are on the fence in that precinct will come down on the Gen.'s side, and be his eo-workers in tho cause of State. Dr. Adonis, special correspondent of the Louisrille Journal, called at our cEc to-day, on his way up the river. From Saturday't 1'aily C3?"Gu3 Wachter, Esq., is puttiDg up a fine brick residence ou Vine street. 2"Maj. D. II. Wheeler arrived in the city last night, direct from the Pawnee Agency. 27 Emigrant wagons have been coming across the river quite lively for the past " two or three days, giving things about town a more natural appearance. Tho travel across the plains is late thie year, but we "reckon' it will be none the lees 1 during the season. 3TW. II. II. Vose, Esq., late inter perter at the Pawnee Agency, is now in the city, with eight Indian Braves, !who he proposes taking east and exhibiting. It will be a rare chancy for eastern peo ple to see the red man perfrom the dances and songs peculiar to their savage life, and will amply pay any one who never saw the like. We can assure our east ern friends that they are genuine savages, and none of your white men Tainted, as were some who have imposed on th'epub- lio heretofore. C5?"There was a sudden fall of busi ness property on Main street this after noon, caused by a gust of wind and the instability of the jack-screws and sun ports upon which it stood. The building formerly occupied by Dr. Donelan, and a rv i Mr. mrocumorion's enoe stion. came w down with a crash, injurpg them consiu erably; Fortunately, ro workmen were under either Q(f them at the time.' They discovered that the supports on which tho buildings rested were giving way, and got out just in time. - C5?"Our readers will have to bear with us for a while, if we should devote more space to "State"matters than meets their ideas of interest. We desire to publish such matters as will be of the 'greatest benefit to our readers, and, as we see it, there is no other one thing that our peo. pie are so deeply interested in as a prop er understanding of the State question; in fact, there is no measure of irapor. tanretothe public that is not involved in tho decision of this question. Our future prosperity, our importance among men, our relations with the General Gov ernment, all depend upon the decision of this question on the 21 of June; and therefore we ileem it our duty to devote considerable space to its dincusion. F'Oft Monday's Ztaily. CA train loaded with goods for Tootle, Leach & Co., of Salt Lake City left the city this fiiorning. "We learn that Weeping Water precinct is all right on the State ques tion, and will roll op a . heavy" majority for the Constitution on the 2d of Juno : "Ilon. T. M. Marquett and Gen. John M. Th'iyer, left the cits this morn ing for the Southern part of tho Territo. ry, where they have appointment for ppeakin-. CS?" A largo number of emigrant wa gons have crosed the river at this point to-day, anil are procuring their outfits preparatory to starting west. Freight wagons are being loaded at the different wholesale houses in the city, and busi ness generally is quite lively. C"We learn that an outrageous mur dsr was committed nrar Wahoo a f;w days since. Some one, name unknown to u, shot five balls through a man named Gibson. The murderer is now under arrest at Salt Creek, where the greatest excitement cxipt. A. L. Sprague, Esq., ha gone out to attend to the pros ecution of thj chit: ' We have not been able to learn any of the particulars, but will lay them before our readers at tho earliest moment postiMa. . . l'rom Tueiltty' Daily. C.5?"The speeches last night by Gov.' Saunders, Maj. John TafTe and lion. J. V. Chapman were excellent. A few more of the sauie sort . would use up ail tho anti-State arguments in Cass conn ty. All the speakers used excellent ar gument, delivered in n f.ne, gentlem inly style, in strong contrast with friend M.ir ton's opposition; but wo do think that the Governor presented the question in a light that no man, we care not who he is or where he comes from, can deny is convincing.,- Hie manner was pleas ing, and his .arguments incontrovertible 17" We have received another c-immu. nication from A Farmer," ana regret, exceedingly, that we eannot publish it, owing to its great length. We are sorry for this, because we !o desire to give all tiro ' arguments to our readers that the opponents of State can produce; but "A Farmer" should bear in mind that we are not publishing a paper as large as the New York Tribune, and that his communication would fill, at least, two issues of our paper. We should be pleased te have him condense his Argu ments so as to enable us to publish them, but;we do not feel at liberty to condense them ourself. "We publish, to-day, the corres pondence between Hon. David Butler and Hon. J. Sterling Morton. The cor respondence speaks for itself. It will be remembered, however, that Mr Mor ton first challenged Mr. Butler to canvass the Territory with him, which was ac cepted by Mr. Butler. Morton no doubt thought that, because Mr. Butler did not profess to be a public speaker, he would be able to annihilate him "in a short time. After meeting him a few times on the 6tumpv he concluded that "David" was not so easily handled as he bad imagined; and when Mr. But ler proposed to go on north of the Platte and complete the canvass, this heroic defender 'of "chivalry Ends urgent need of going in the other direction. He has shown the "white feather" completely. After boasting that he would use "Da vid".up before the people, he backs down completely, as the correspondence will show from his own proposition. Look out for him below. He left herein great haste yesterday, imagining hb could see innumerable "Davids" after him at ev ery jump. MARRIED. On the 15th inst., at the iesiden-:e of W. X Ethrege, by Elder D. R. Dungan, M. II. McElwaiv and Miss Sallie Har per, all of this city. In Norfolk, Virginia, on the 4th of April, at the residence of the bride's par ent?, by the Rev. Mr. Bartine, of Christ's Church, Mr. Wasbijiuton It. McCoy, of Bait more, Md.. and Miss MAGn.ii.RN M. Odsmj-hal, daughter of Professor J. Odand'hal, of the former pbice. " m Good Xews for the Ilnugry. Urs. A 1 do not know what I shall do during the warm weather.' I cannot get a girl to assist in doing my work, and it is more than I can do to bake for so large a family, and my folks must have' something to eat. Mrs. li. Why, the best thing vou can do is to buy your baking at the New Ba kerv of Parcel & Sons. I get all o mine there, and Mr. B. 6ays it is cheaper than tohire a girl and furnish wood for baking. mlOJO '.. CSWm. Stadelmano A Co. are selling an immense amount of Clothing, having already brought on their third stock of giods tbi spring. The reason of this is tliut they sell cheaper and better clothing than any other establishment in the west, and are accommodating and gentlemanly to their customers. Don't fail to give them a call if you want anything in their line. ' LOST On the 16th of April, between halt Crees and aam1. Barker s, via Weeping Water Falls, a gray overcoat, containing a pass-book and a pair cf leather gloves; the book has my name in it, also Elias McClure's. Any person finding the same and leaving it either at this oflice or the house of Joseph McClure, one mile west of Mt. Pleasant, will be liberally rewarded. Tho book is of no value to any one but myself. maylditwGw. John M. Johnson flattsmouth. Lodge Uo- G, A. F. & ' Rf'iriil.irrnriitiititiirtiois 1-t and 3 1 Molul iyj f each rooiitu, Alois o cluck, p. m. E T. Dl'KK. W. M J.G. HOWE. Src. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, R. A- II. Ki-pu' tr roiivxraiiou 2.1 ami 4th WedneKdjyj of eacli UK-all), at 1 2 u'clut k p. In J. O. HOWE. II. P. J. C ry MVINH, fee . I. 0 0. F. Plutee I."iljr N. 7, inet every Fatnrrtijr evening i llic C nil noiiw! Il-II. Kfottiets ofuber Llfa are ivsp -! I'll.v i: vitt-il to Tir-H till l.inlr-. ' IWOMi.-. f II . lioVLASl),N.C. . rutin RR. Kic Fi-c'y. I- 0. G. T. Regular mtiHiM evey WV.lne i!y evening Ttureli lp Teiiip;aiM renjiccfu'lr i iv t i. t. C I.KWI3, W C. T. Mn. JiLSff. Wru.x, W. ?ec'y. POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS. THK 3fAII.il WILL CL'-E AS fJUOWK EABTKKV null will close at SCTHfltXn NOKTUEK.N and WESTFItN at MUL ARK Dl.'K AS FALLOW! Vroia tlie K S T lit : NOItTH and WK5T at ' Sut'TII at POST-OIUCB ll'll'Bi. Open from 7 a. at to S p. in. 9 a. m. 9 a. iu. 1 p. iu. 10 j. m. lo a. in 2 p. m. JTj"Vhen cal in; f r m:iil plea-i li'ive yar tiirtug fit't awl th-n Urn Au. your U. x. -if-Wli-n cal ini; rr Stamps Kive the number of stamps or auiouut vca i-k lo iti-. J. W. MA US II a IX, Postmsisfr. CABINET SHOP. II. BOECK, II.iv.i.l; reui-itly liuilt a new anl 5iii'a ! fhop en Kain St., Plattmouth, N. T., Wnulil rerrc"'u'!y tnfirm the citiienn of Ca"' ani aliniDia; couniie 111 it be tiu Ui lacilllies f--r cur raring on tli. CABINET BUSINESS " ; . In all its branches IN . THE MOST APPROVED STYLE " i 1 am rrTfed to tnra out the J II K A I3 E ST . uil nitnil durable; Of every dtrriptiont evr offere! in the Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 4)arPrt;-n!ar attention paid to making and fla- All kin-Is of lumber t.iken in exchaoe for work. PlatU Jouth. April 10, - Orilinaiice IVo- GO. An Ordinance to prohibit obstructions upon the side-walks within the limits of Plattsmouth, on Jllain between 2d and 5th -streets. fee. 1. Be it ordained by the Maynr and Common Council of the city or I'latUtuoulh, Xebras a, that it flmll be unlawful for auy p'Ton or persona U plnue or leave or raue t Le-piacedot left on tba GBt&ida -lx feet of ride-wallc any Ixnasoii, plow, barrow r ctili ivntor, or any olTructinn upua the aide-wallE upon Main between 2.1 and 5th street within -he Corporate limit, of raid city. tc. 2- II shall be the duty of the city Marshal wh n finding any obstructions upon tte nido-walk above siaied lo remove te me. and charge Hie re moving of the aaiuu l. lUe parties t'trending ; aud for i he aecoi.d ottt-nce frhall be arrested anil tjkea lefre '.lie Mayor, or anv Jo-tire of the Peace, and til m conviction b- And the sum of not less thn ti.5i. oor more than tb,0i) t-iKether with the cosu for such otfeucor olInce after the first. This Ordinance lo like ttfec' from and ft'ter its publication Signtd 3d dav of Mtv, 18'W C U COOP-fc'R. Mayor. F. il. Doaai.fUTOS, Recorder. , ina)'J,4. NEW' GOODS! NEW GOODS at the . "NIMBLE SIXPZNGE," i4 ' " which I will eU at RKDIICED PRICES, as I am in need vt jaon'y. raa-23 L, EILUXG3. 5J: CO O P P 2- CO 5 6 -S X P Q o o o o . o- in o o m CD CO OS Cl o 3- n v 22 o o XT. CO SEMINARY For (icnfral Hducatioii, TLATTSMOUTII. The Enirlish department und'Tlheuperinlendence of Mr. Sheilock, late Inspector oi J'aulic oonoois in CHiiaila - ' The Musical department l-condueted by Mrs. bher bick. Kiiort of celebrated mauler in Kuelaiid. The course of intructioi includes the various branches uimly taught in first clan achoola, llook- nee .ma lv doHt.le and aiunte eon y, r rench JIumc, ll'iann Fotte. Guitar and t-iiiffitiit.) c. The term ci.nime-n-es rrum the entrance ftAe pupil; payment ID ad iao,v'- . - Vr and .Mrs. Sherlock return thanks for the liber al support thev ave rect-ived, and li -ttl by unremil tin,? aueu bm to their pupils euileavor to merit It coiitiinnnre. There are only vacanele- Tor a ! mure pupi.8. . JaulvSra CEiancery Sale. Frank M. Woulcotl i In Chancery. Atmeron Kiifxcll. S in rur.nau.: - wod by virtue of a decretal order ti me iliri i lo.1 I oin the ifibse of Ibe Clerk cf the lit- trict ti mt of the 2 1 Jtidici.il District In an for la- t'ountv. Nebraska, miolo in the ah-.ve cause, and bi-nrii.k-d.i'e on Ihe 14'h d. y of April. IStio, I, the ubei-iler. will sell ;t n'.ililic vendue for cah to tlx lii;-he-i and hot l.i.M. r. in front of thu L'ourl-llou. iu rialtmouih, Kllrak-a on Sitt'.irdiid, June 2d, 1SCG, At 1 0 o'c'ock in the forenoon of said day. the follow- it dt scribed K al Kslate, to wit: Ail that rertirn pit re or pt ct-1 of bind situated in the county f l' and Territory of Nbra-ka, k own and desi-'il'ed i s follows: The sonth-wet-l onarter (111 of the nurtU. east quar er (1 t) of s" rtion no. one (I ). in U whsbip i no eleven (1J), iiorin ol inotfe no. twelve tiaj.tif of the btb d m. in Cam c. unty, euraka jerrnory, Tog'-lher with nil and sir,g :lar the improvements I mil npiiurtenances tbeieuuto l.eloiiciui; or in ay wie t pi'eriaiii iui:, lo be sold the prrperty f the defendants above namt-d. lo satisfyt-nid decree, the amount i f whii fi Is the Mini of '2U44i, wiih iiilT-nt t in-mi from the date of said decree, and costs of suit and al- l laluuiouth, 3lh of April. t . M. DOItltlNGTOT, - , Master in Clianrery. T. M. Marquett. Fol. forComid't. ai.114 Notice to Tax-Payers- Day of Grace Gone by. TutAsrntsN vKFit-r. Cass Co., V. T. The time fixed by law lor pivinir tax-s wilbMit penalty expired may 1st. Three lUy. grace has been v iveo.au J vet a larco amount of taxes are nninid. All perrons who have not paid will call immediately and pay. as the law icqtiires me to proce'd lo. tli with a lid make 1 It - tx s by seizure d sale of per sonal properly, tieiitleinen will pleae call and ave the uupleasaiiti ea i aud fxn-n,e or sucn pro- Ceedioirs-. "V 1 rea.urer. iuay'Jw'2 AND PHOTOGEAPIIS. W. H. Shea's NEW SKYLIGHT GALLERY OrTositt TOOTLE &, 1IA$XAS, PLATTSMOUTH. N. T. I am now fully prepared to take your picture in any style you may riVirr Photograph, Anihrotype, Uem picture, etc. All kindsor pictures cop led equal to the oricinal, and at moderate rates. Itoewo Kianie., Moiildines, Albums. &c , will be constantly kept on hand Konietnber, tione bat ood wo'k will be permittee to leave the rooms. Satisfaction guar auteed. jauP BEYANT'S Conducted on th b-is of Actual Bnsines, by an experienced Accountant and superior Penma', Vihoae LONG CONNECTION with the most popular Corameeial ColleS'-a o the Union en.ures thnronphness and reputation to every graduate, and commands the be portions. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given t all slylea'of Penmanship, on which wo have been awarded the lira! Prcmiumator many years at variou Slate Fairs The Colleee is always open to T'fdtors, and circu lars containing full particulars, will be sent to any sddress. THO'a J. liUX AST, Pres't. marl St. Joseph, Mo FARM AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. I nave one the best farms in Nebraska, ali-o, a pooi body of timber and a quantity of ur.in. proved prai rie land, which I ohVr sale. There are good im provements, water, rock and timber on ihe place and it is a desirable atoci fiilttt for further par ticulars, adires. n G. W, COLVIN-. Arl6w0m. " ; Platumoutb, N. T. 1805. AMISON, DOVEY As CO., North Side of Main Street, Flattsm omii. 3NToT3rxslix. Have on hand the LARGEST. STOCK cf RTtOOB; QUEENS WARE, 'HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, grant FLOUR, BACON, Thankful for past Patronage, we iness to merit a contmnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 1S6 . tf ' . JUST r Reived, 60 canos e "Canned I eac it A.HTSON. DOVKY & O'S. t 1 O to AMISOX" ,DOVEV CO'Stopur ac yonr .VJt - ' ' ' N endless variety o I La mo o ' Sa AD. CO'-. r i" CAsKd Molttiy's Cove Oyaters for nale at OU A. D. & CO'B G i U . i:jaiis iu lC;t' Iree GooJsat I-IIUSALKat AMl?OS, DoVF V CO'S . oCotTee Te t-ucr, (ioldeu fcymp. Sugar Hon Jlo-c laiees, N.w Vork Candies, ctu , etc. larje lot of Cbewingand Smok li'gTolnrro or 1 V tle at , CD'S. QOILOIL. or sale by A. D. k CO. ( 1I0XE3 Mar Candles for sale by A, P. k0 IK you want to 1 urcliase goods at a bargain, poto A L. i. CU r" IS AU3 COFF El-just received by JLi) - A. D. Co. A Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. t CO'S. ? r t W. mm Picture Gallery. r Vorlh iisiaXSsVs.. """ I Pictures taken of air Hinds. Antbrotyprs, Photojjraphg, Gem Pictures, Album., dec. j constantly kept on hand. nutd-d to order, of any tuze ' - TI! OH, B. TOOTLE, T. K. BAlCIl, . J. K CL1SE. Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers ia ' - Gold Eiust. Gold mid Silver and otlicr Slocls's- deposits iii:ceivi:d, and special attention given to Collections - PTjATTSMOTJTII, n.t. p9 ddC'wtf FRESH LI3IE ! Good Vo. 1 Lime always on hsnd and for sale by' be wholesale and retail in amounts to suit purchas ers, ty - J. BtTitj. mar2 dw6m - C H. KING . Carpenter and Joiner CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Will do work in bis boo with neatnees and dispatch and upon short notice, ' febzT olevi National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D. C- -. l ; F. M- DORRINGTOMr '! tVH lit NT: , ; ., PLATTSMOUTH, - - KEBUASKA, Is prepared t-i preeut and prosecute claims before Conpress, Court of Claims and the epartni' nts. Pa teatt., p.n-ion., Iniuiit es, and H innty Lands se emed. "Char.'ej molerat"-.acd in proportion te theamvjnt of the ciaiai. i". il. DORRINGTO.V.- JSG5. A 2( fri: If 4 rA iri If J MSf 9 af JSVMMftA AARM Mechanic, Freighter or Emi wants. CORN, OATS, &C. hope by strict attention to bus Large assortment of men's and boys' clothing J. a ior rale ny A. P. & CO. s '11ELLED CORN forsaieby A D. A CO. J ) AC'0-"f and Lard for sale by A. I). A CO. 4 11KAW INVOICE of all titida of Family Gr XL eerie and Outfit ng Uood jsust ece.vedby "A. I). A CO. LL kinds of Fai mivg Iupiemcnts for sale by l. A. U. A CO. A Largo .'ot of Two Horse Plows for sal- by A- D. & CO. ' N endless variety cf Hardware and Cutlery for SsSfl, Doors, Shingles, Olass, and Nails of every . description for saie by . A D. A CO. A LL kin 's 4 Conntiy Produce taken in exchnnae for goods b A . D. A CO. rpt) enumerate all the aiticles we have for sale 1 would fill one sideof the Mkrlo, and others have as good a right Co advertise as ' , AMIfON, DOVEY k CO. rlMIh. laigent Outflitiug House north r.f St. Joseph A il AMISON, DOVKY CO'S., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. - v -- " L. THOKAS' Si.'e Main ft . &c. A j;ooJ asfortment of Cases Frames, Out and Kosewood Molding, or Frames P ' I i .? KLEl'SEll & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY. WALL, PAPER, VINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, iVolions, Toys, Coal Oil LanipM. i Vc, Sec, vreare also aper.U for ihe Bnchman Woolen Mills, of 8t Joseph, ilo., and have now on hand a good assortment of FAKCY CJ.SSIMERES, CLOTJIS, JEANS, " ' : ' m' FLASXELS, t c, which we have received on commission, and are prepared to exchange for WOOL OR CASH, at very reasonahla iRure. J Give us a call, one door east of the IIbbald office, Plausniouth, Kebraka. May iti, 1S65. tf An Amendment to Ordi nance lo. 53. Brit etuu-t'ii by the Common Council of Vi city of J'tattnnuuth, Xebroiika, That Ordinance J'o. t8 he. arid is hereby amended to ead thus, any person or persons vinlatine the provisions of this Ordinance shall lie fined by the Mayor or any Justice of the Pence. ihesBm of not less i ban life no more than one ($100. ifolbira f r encb and every ofTchce com mitter, and imprisoned until said fine be ptid. Provid- o further that lf any person or person, so cocflned shall U Jt p.iy or MUrPio be piid such fine after a reasonable time of imprisonment, shall du. iog the henra of 6 o'clock, a ni., and 6 o'clock, p m , be fatten and male to work the streels within tt.e corporate limits of said City nnttl such flne and costs aie pai'l ; and deducting fioni ih- ir said daily air-s ih- e .st ot b-ar l and imprison-rent. .4nd further, all sur-h persons sh ill a Iter floi.tnnif rlaiiy l..br be confined in j iil smil the hour for aurk. on the rext, or some sulerf lent dsy. - 1 his Ordinance to takeetlea from and after it, palticatii.n eigned tl rs 3rd dny of Wv.lHflil. . C. L. COOPiili, Jinvor. T. M. PoRarxcTOW, Recorder. - maj ii,4r. FOR SME. - po-d two storv t r ck 'ore building. 22 by60 et' wi Kocd cellar, for funh-tirticuiaxsingu ire of tlie letslCxa osi.9 c JC3iDfot DriLCTtia!. M4iL UAK1TEK SHOP. Th undemicaed htr archied iliJ estallil- nient forinerljr owned l-y N. U. Murphy, to premre4 t -commodte customer wiih unytlnoif in ne line, m-h AUAKMCSi?, S.l)DI.ES, BUIIILKS. COLLAR'. WII.'PJ SPl'KS, and everihiu el that may ba catl'd for. B3KepairiDK dons on hrt notice, mod at rra- i liable rules. Aprl6:w O 8 COUKTKl'illT. Hannibal & St. Joe II 11- jSsk 'Packet Line. Ono of th. romoanv Steamers leaves daily from' every point ou the Missouri River above Ft. Jojeph, and artives at St. Jo'ph in time to connect with lb express tiain on tie Hannibal k ft. Joseph Hail road for Hannibal, at wmcu place connection is ma-io n. same eTeinnir with one of the Keokuk Packets, which arrives in time to connect with next mon inK iraina out cf St. Louis ftr Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis ville, Teere ilante, Washin: ton City. Ba'tlinw-,- Philtdelphiii, New Vork, Hoston, and to ai: omea- Kssterii. Northern and Southern Cities. The ahova mentioned lines ol eleCant Packets are conceded by all traveler to be lue best on the western waters. THKOUUll I U KITS for sale to St. Louis, and all Kaxtern. Northern and Sonihern cities via the above lines at Denver City., Oin ha. Council bluff. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Cily, aud at all oilier principal ticket otnet-s l the west. r"1eHls aod btate-rooius ire'-! R. F'KII. Sut.'t U K. P L , bt. Joseph. II. Q. FUKUIHUX, Sec'y K. It P. L.,St.Jssph E. C. LEWIS. Ajrem. aj,25 Plattsmouth, Nebraka. NOTICE. At the sneci&l elec ion to be hild on the 3d day ef June.lSCO, I he question will be submitted to the co riileration or the voters of this tJonuty. to raise a special tax of 1 (one and a half) mills on 'he dol- lar valuation of tU pr1por y of the County, to be ' levied and collected with the nsual yearly lax for this year, for the purpose of prospecting lor C-al In this County, or on Sail Creek, under the direct lou of lLt County Couiuilsioners is.i.it. i'('i.;ui i 1'r-s't llouid Couuty Com. riattstuoutb , May 1st. l(Mtt. 4w W. MltliKLWlIT, K. 1. HI ASP. LUMBER - YARD: , niicfceHvait fc Sharp Dealers In Pine Lumber, Lath, f hinges, Poors, flash,'- lllinds, rickets, aun rvery vart.iy i Walnut and Oak Lumber. . ' Will keen cinstauily on hand Cord wood, bolli- Cottori and Oak. Al! oidera promptly filled. 5r3- Oflice on Levee Street, south of C. L. Coopor'a " Feed aud orain Depot, TLATTSMOUTII, N. T. November 8th. 1S65. 6m jURLINGTON AND MISSOURI' RIVER RAILROAD. 18CG EASTWARD 180 Short find Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST. In connection with the Des Moines Valley aod' Chicago, Burlington and yuincy Kailrouds. Three trains leave Ottumna daily on arrival f " Des Moines Valley trains. BUY YOUR TICKETS VIA OTTTJHWA and BURLINGTON FOR SALE AT PLATTSMOUTH. OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY, DKS MOINKS. - . ' KNOXVILLE, ALRIA, MONROE, TELL A, OSKALOOSY.. " EDDYVlLLri," . OTTUMWA. Baggage "checked from OtlumTrato Chicago and the Kasi. Passenpen have choice of all the Brest lin lead tar North, K:iM snJ South, ami will find tckelslo ail principal prints rant hy all toulesat Hie Utlumaa ' ticket orace of this company. t Paseeuiters wiil liud this ronte Quick, Sale and Sure in its connrcsions. C. K. PERKINS, Pnpetintendent, UCARPtlt, Ceneral Freight and pasrtii(fer Ag-e"n NEW 8c Shoe Boot Shop. The subscriber would resoectfully call the atten tion of the citizens of l'ln tlsmouUi and thepublia at ar;e to the tact ilmt he has locasad one door east of Dnnelan's llril glore, where be intends keepiflir on hand and n ikicft ou the shortest notice, evey article 10 his line. His stock beinir selecteil by biui--olf. aad having spent the most of bis life in Hie ' WaiTiBes., be feels coBfldent that ha can Rive satifae ttoa. tiive bun a sail. April Id 4. J.THOCKUORTOS: HENRY BOECK, Pl.ATTSMOUTIIt N. T., Agent for JOS. BUTZERI f & CO.,i 'nrtiith promptly all TomltUriej, Monument, and I I kinds of Marble woiks, on abort -Totic and raas- enable prices. .mavlQ, ftut. Sweet Potato ' We have "Yellow" Xansemond Street Polatoea cproutinw and, plan's wi II be ready for set ti lift- .v ' the 10: h rf May. Those wifcbinK plants no ff them of William T. Parcel, at the. garden in Ore.p o'i, or at the New Bakery of J. parcel & Sons, in PUttsinoiith. Orders fioni a duUnc-, accompanied with Ihec4h. attended to promptly. . l'rice per ICO, 75 ceutf, 5tXI 3, 1000 f.OO. J. PARCEL k SONS.. May 8 1SC6, 6w. - ' f Chancery Sale. ' Samuel I Smith V ' ' v Alex. W. Oewees and Ia Chancery UsnS Thompson j , " ' ' In pnrsnance and by virtue of a deere'al Vrder't me directed from Ihe office of the C'erk of the District Court of the 2d Judicial District in and far Cass county, Nebrank-i, n.fte in the above cause, and bearing date on the 9th day of April, 1602, I. tba subscriber, will anil at public vendue for caeVtw lha blithest and best bidder, in front of the Court House, in Plattsmouth, Nebiaska, oa Saturday, the 2d of June, 1GG,,, At ID and one-half o'clock in the forenoon of said day, tho following dexeri bed Ileal Estate, te wit.' All that certain tract or pticel of land situated in the county of Cass and Territory of Nebraska, knawn nd d escribed as fellows: The vest one-half (I 3) of the north-w-at quarter (1-4) of section no. fUteen (i-), in township no. twelve ('2), north of Tantre Dn twelve (12), east of fhe 6th p. m. in Cass county t Nebraska Territory, Together with all sudsioguU the improvemeala and appurtenances thereunto be- ' loiiffin or ia any wise appertaining, to he ao Id aa the property of trie defendants abava named to sstisfy ad decree, the amount at which is ibe sum of fls2 25 and inteiest ihereon from the date of said decree, and cts of suit and sale. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Alh April. lSf r. n. DoitBixarov, Master in Chancery. T. M. Marqcbtt, Sol, for Cora 1'. aptl ar-- S20O ReTr.aril. Executive CuiMBra, Omaha, XehraAk. . - - April 1ft, l-Mo.'t Wheieih. It baa come to the knowledge of tin Di-pariraeot that one JOS I A H S riCK stand, indicted In the County of Cass, in lh; Territory of Nebraska, for the tnnrder of one Thor.ias Nichols, hrt.h took place oi o- about the 10th day of August. A D HU. SsaidStice has fled fronf aid cmnty. Not, Therefjre. I, Alein Saundei s. Governor of the Territory of Nebraska,, by the authority. an. I power in ine vo.tej by an act of th': Territorial J.-ij-isli'ure. approve I feb-nary !3ih, lSt, hereby offr ' a reward ! to hundred iU) lars for the arrvgt aadf delivery of nnid Josiab. St:ee la--he Sherilfor Jailor of said Ca.-is-ouoty. - In tolimony wh-reof I have berunto st my han4 ' and caued to be aiMkeu the sea4 ( lUi said ler- ritory, this ISth day of April a a bSJ.- ALV1N 6ACSUERS. . By fiie Governor, m A. g P.waryg, t . S.crf t'ary.of' tni Teitory. ar;t i i . t r