cbrafat (Eihj gull's. 'TaI o cT J E L M B O L r CHAS. VOGT & CO. Cor. Mam and 5th ets., C. B. STAUDE. Glenwood, Iowa, W. H. ANDERSON, Pluiamoutb, N. T n o CD STAUDE & ANDERSON, FLUID EXTRACT NEBRASKA CITY. NEBRASKA, Removed to New Three Story Brick Building, Fast Room Corner of Main and Third Srs, Plattsmouth, N.T., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dealers in o or CI3 i-. 53 w o - i . - X : , i r J- if: ( -' 7;S Mi:1' ': -h. ? : i- ' i . ; 1' Ob 03 s -3 o cr o e on r 3 s O a . ! C3 O o m j5 O- CO 5. s cn O cr SO O pa Oa cr- 02 3 3 P 5 P Q o o GO o o P s Ul O o o o JJURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. 18C6 EASTWARD 1866 Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST. In connection with the De Moines Taller mod Chicago, Burlrngton and Qumcy Railroads. Three trains leave Otiomwa daily oa arrival af 0s Homes Valley trains. DRY G00DS,Gf(0CERIES, HARDWARE LEATflER MD IRON, CUTLERY, QUEENS WARE, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, BLANKETS. HATS AND CAPS, BUT TOUR TICKETS VIA OTTTJMWA and BURLINGTON, FOR SALE AT OMAHAri'ATTSMOUTH- COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXV1LLE, ALRIA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE, OTTUMWA. Baggage" checked from Ottuinwa to Chicago and toe Last. Fanenftera have choice of all the frrt line lead iar North, fct and South, and will find ttieii n ail principal prints Last by all iomeat the Ottamva BcHet office of thin company. Passengers will find this route Quick, Safe and ?aria its Gonncrtions. C K PERKINS, Saperintendenl. X. CaRPKR, General Freight and l'asrnier Agen 1ST iC AV JEWELRY STORE The subscriber having pnrchasfd the Red Store on 2d street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizens of Plattsruouth and vicinity that he h.-is r. fitted the store and opened a large and full stock of Jowclry and Fancy Articles for Ludies, Gents, Children, and the rest of mankind, and i prepared to do all kinds of Watch, C ock and Jewelry Repairing in the besl in inner, and would be harpy to serv- hi old and as many new customers as mny give him their patronage, assuring them of their work well done at moderate pri ces, and on hort time. The stock, em bracing every variety of goods usually kept at a first class Jewelry Store, will bealdatlow prices and warranted of the best workmanship and material. He has also a small stock of Family Groce ries, which will bo replenished from time to time, and sold at the lowest figures. Having permanently located in this city, I respectfully solicit a 6hare of patron age, and cordially invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, as we would be pleased ta serve you, and do not ask you to buy unless we can make it for your interest to patronize us. E. H. EATON. riattsmonth, Dec. 27th, 1805. tf WOOr.WOBtTH & CO, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealeis, Sl.VT JOSEPH, MO., :23 6m . ADLE, b. a. raiSKMaK. S. ADLER & CO., EECTIFI EJRS jixd distillers; Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Dnmestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. NO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQ I'AHE, St. Joseph, e25 1y Music! Music J RAYMOND, MINER 4- CO., DRAUERS lit Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Music and Musical M'dse, COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - IOWA AND OMAHA, N. T. Orders by mail for Mnv, Books, or anything pr lal Ding t JJasic, prrf tly attended to rWOrders for tn.': or repairlas Piano Fortes and Melodeou in Pla uraonth and vicinity will ha attended to at our rist eonT-nience. "f. RAYMOND, MINER. CO. S PL, And a variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES Also keep constantly on band a large supply ef XL lllOJV, NAILS, PLOWS jtJVJD CVLTIVA-tri Ph SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tools, WAGOAS, PLOWS, &c. "Orders Promptly attended to A large supply of OUTFITTING GOODS.K Such as Flour. Bacon, Lard, 31cal, Beans, Dried Fruits, A Iare stock of Wooden Ware, Buckets and Tubs, Wah Boards. Butter Bowls, Butter Firkins, Water Kegs, Half Bushels, ' Meal Seives, Building material, Window Glass, Sah and Doors, Paints and Oils, Farmers' Utensils, Shovnl and Spades, Forks, Hay Rakes, Double Shovel and Two-horse Moline Plows. D B IlIcXIECIIArsr, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IRO.Y, MILS, STOVES J1XD TLY WARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Also. AiM-nt for the Sale of th 0lehratr-(t MA GEE COOK &TOVES, AND BRAXVU, lA'OOA6 cfc tW SAH S. SIGN OP THE BIG PADLOCK MAIN STREET. Below the Seym -or H,uee, on opposite tWIe, NLBRASKA CITY, NEB T. oc25 o Q 8 u. Saddle 3 and Harness, THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, , r a cker or axd dealeh tir BRIDLES, COLLARS, UUliltl Combs, Spurs, L-i-he, Whips, tj-c. Ma in Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. feb27 H TOOTLE, HANJVA & CO., MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOUTH. L A It G E S T West of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, -AFD- Clothing of every description. WIWES AND ItQUOHS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWAEE; iron, nails, WINDOW SASH, DOORS fc GLASS. And every article required by EMIGRANTS, FREIGHTERS, MIXERS fc FARMERS. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine oiir extensive stock. S HARDING & GO,, POST OFFICE BUILDING NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agents for all the principal MA GA ZISES and NE WSPA PERS, For which Subscription are received at Publishers ivicea. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty andGlass Psfnt Medicines of nil kinds. Toilet articles, eta- tiooerr. nd eT-ribiDK tcrpt in a first-class Drag I 6t"re. nt E-le-n prices. i 4H- V nre prrpaied to fill all orders, and warrant our goods to be ireh. apr. 10 65 1865. )S65. AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of BRY-&00BS, 0ROEEIES, QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Ofiered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In' fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to b AA a a iness 10 meru a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmoutb, April 10, 18A tf U9- Al tba Caps of 0os4 Hup THE 110 TTE.YTOTs Utr9 loag ot,4 el Vr-T r. ceied, 60 casos - anned I nc - t A.JrSON OOVKY& ''S. O to AMISON , DUTETA C0S to pur ae your A N endless Tar iety o I La rro o Sa A D 4C0'-. Lirg a-oitnient of ujc-'s aiid boys' elthii for ale by ADA CO HELLED t'OKN for a ehy " f CAbKa Moltt y's Cove Oi stars for s-.le at t)U A. D. & C0a. R iiib,is ;u Lacief' IrttsGi.odSHt JT a. CO'S 1'ORSALBat AMI-OX, DoTET A CO S, aCoffae ue:ir, (jold -t. Syiup. SuKar liou Mo-e losses, N.w York CxndU'S, etc , etc. V large lot ol Chewing and Smokin f Tob .ceo or sale at . & CO'S lO tLOIL or site by A. D. A CO. r.l BOXES nar Candles for sale by A, D A CO IF you want to nrchiae goods at a bargain, po to A D. A CO BA03 COFFE' just received by A. V. Co. Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. A CO'S. J ACON anil Lard for sale by A D. A CO A. I. A CO. HEAVY INVOICE of all inil of FaniilvGro reries and OultU.og GojJ J ust ece vel by A. D A CO. VLL kitids of Fa mu g Implements for mlr iy A. D. A CI CO. Largi ot ol Two Horse Flows 'or sul- by A D. A CO. A N endless variety ( f Hardware and Cutler, for i v saie at a D. A CO S B U C I I Tj far a vjrisly of U'.seassa. It was hnrrowwl frrm Ihr se rude i.rsct t;..,. v the K.u,h a,.d D .Mc.su,. .! Z " 1' inrndHlion II w. einp.o,-,a in i.u,01.e. .nl ts. come inui m. hicihI u-r. li i- Kivei. ci.l fly I.. G-avel. Chrome C.lsrr. .f he Bu.i er Mri,..i 1, ,, ., or in. I.a.r ... Lrel.,rs lr leuj.ie .eaknu-. aua DEBILITY, For Pr la-sns and Bearing I),wn .r Iw. Uteri, D Th, of .he ,Vo,.h7. V, , , "T U .,r a .!... ,r a,,,,,, , . . lo , ' " J paitscoi.cerued iu ua cvacjalwu. JsSH, Doors, Shingles, Glas. and Nails of everr desTiptom for salf bv A D. A CO A LL kn 'S of Count' y Proi uce taken in ejt.'hsi.ge I for friMHlo h. f, Aro 'I O euu ..era e a 1 the aiti. les we have r..rtm I wou d fi i one s d'or th IIkbald i,d oilier- nave as j-oou a riglii to advertise AMI ON. DOVEY A CO. IMlh. la get Outfltling iiciu.e do. th of (it. Joiwpi i AMISON DO VET t O Hiuttsinouth, N.hraska. B N E Vv M A N , Corner Main and Third Streets Plattsmoutii, N. T., OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE It is also rtCoiBUKDded iu cases ef IN THE WEST ! Dealer in GentJ Furnishing Goods. lats. Caps, Boots. Shoes. Trunks. Valises. Ac, Ac Dyspepsia, Chronio Rheaaatim, Cutuneous ArJectlons and Drsptry. To cure these dii-eae we m'it bring iota sttlua t' e muscles hi. , .eenffHKe In il,.-,r ,u, f,u.. lions loli.g e.-l them, hewe.or -lig',t may lis lie xtiacH, is suie to arte-t Ihc hydilv hcslih and larelsi poMers. Our Flesh and Bloo.1 ate supported from these sources. rERSOSH A T EVERY FERI0D F UfW. From lufancy to Old Age. and in every tute of besith, a liabls la U ts'lr. of these diseases. The Causes in many instance mrt unknown. The patlt nt has, howtver. an admirable tragedy la HELM 3 OLD ' Fluid Extract of liuciu, I. PH0S & Co., WII0LES4LE GROCERS. Opposite the Post Office, IV IS BRA Mv A CITY, N. T. -AT THI FIRE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Hanna 8c Co. Plaltimoutb, April 10, '65 Ne wPeriodical Store! A. K. WHITE &. CO. A full assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS tf- STA TIONER Y Always on h4Pd. Latest Eastern I'aprs and Periodicals received daily. K3TAll orders promptly filled.-fc NEBRASKA CITY - N T Drug Store. Call on the undersigned for PURE MEDICINES, PA INTS, OIL& STA TIONER Y. D. WHITINGEB. A Is a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHING AND REVOLVERS Of a'l descriptions always on hand. JKSF Call and examine my extensive stock at the New Masonic Brick Building. Plattsmoath, April 10th, 1866. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin EdiUrriil, Kxpt. 15, lt,5. HELMBOLD'S. GENUINE PREPARATIONS. His Solid and Fluid Extracts embody tb. fall s reDC h of ths iuKrerileni of which lln:r ar otm't Ih y are left to the ln-pertitm of all. A eadr asA coucloslve test of ih.-ir properties will be a com) srl son with hoe set forth lit the united (fates Diij.a a'ory Thexe remwliea are prrpar' d by l. T. lie m bold, a d'iiKgit of sixteen years' rip -nnr. ia this city, and we Lelieve hem to be rellahlf-'; In fact, w ha.e n ver known an arilcle UrkiiiC merit to bii with a permanent Mucces, and ir. Ileluihold'i .ue. I. C'rfjAinltf r.H in j t r A,-l.l..n. I,t ri.,i mmA Che'iii.-al Warehouse, in the illy nfS,w X-n't.X hoi excelled, If . qinled, by any in tlie rounlr), we would advUe onr readers, wbe v lifru this. to giv. him a call, and Judge far tbmv;lvs WM. R. PEXICK, WM. LOVLNO. PENICK & LOVING, sh Wholesale Dealer, in HD(gg BOOK Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, Coal j anu A-iraps, oLaiionery, &c. NOS- 3 &. 45 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- M3 for Ja 8o. r. C Ajjr Co.. HELM J3 OLD'S KXTRACT or IIUCIIU. L NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. ; i r rsyt-