Site aTfbrasfesi SEwraW. LOCAL NEWS- 7 from YTilnttday't DaVy. (rrDistrict Court will adjourn this evening, with a clear Docket. 7A Chango of xenue lias been taken 11 the Goluing case. It will come uii at Nebraska City nt the term about to com mence. ry rho'SouthernVetf askian says that a number of Democrats have returned that paper because the editor disapproves of President Johnson making a fool of himself. -TfTha New York Tribune has just completed its twenty-nth year, and comes out con Inerably enlarged, having the width of its columns materially increas ed. 7"J. N. Wise has removed to his new room, corner Main and Thiru Sts., where he is ready to furnish you with all kinds of reading matter, from ac?ra ic pictorial to Webster "on-a-bridge." 5?-0!d muddy is doing a good work for this city, in cutting away the sand bar in front of town. Th ferry boat made a landing at tho foot of Main street to Jav, and a stiff current appears to be jetting in near the Nebraska shore. r3Te have received the first number of the ytbraska Statesman, published by A. F. & W. E. Ilaivey, at Nebraska City. It is a large, eight column paper, pre eents a neat mechanical appearance, and advocates Democracy and State Govern ment. It will be the mouth pieco of the State Democrats of Nebraska, and will somewbat interfere with the arrange ments of certain would-be leaders in that party. "Ajix" is well known in Nebras ka as a spicy writer; and, outside of po litical affairs, will d much t ) amuse and instruct the readers of his paper, and will contribute largely te the prosperity cf Nebraska City. We welcome the Statesman to a place in our ranks. Frtm Thurtday't Daily. CTThe rive is still on the rise run ning over the bank on the Iowa side. 5?"We learn that the south room over Newuian'a Clothing Emporium, has been rented for a billiard establishment by some one from Nebraska City. rTEuainess has been dull for a few days; but there is always " a calm before a storm," and we iay look for a host of men in need of "outfits"pretty soon. ("Pilgrim wngons make their np jearance on the Iowa shore every day, and are imiiud'ntely crossed over to this side bv our new ferry boat. No delay on accouut of wind, here. CTJoel Parcel, Esq., is at work on the old billiard hall, and will soon have a basement under it, and a different kind of business in it from that carried on for the past year. fTTha "harmonious" Democracy Intel in Delegate Convention to-day at N-braku City. Will Morton, Miller & Co. "run tho machine," or will 6ome bo'dv who never rua for Congress havd a finger in ths pid We shall see. x?"Local Items are scarce just now. Our citizens are all moral, well behaved people; thore are no lectures, concerts, shows, or other perf ormahces of the kind, and we do not think of anyone at present who needs pitching into," hence the scarcity of items. CSTWe learn that the "Big Slough," on tho road to Nebraska City, is almost impassible with an empty wagon; or, to uso a western phrase, that it will "mire n. s.addle-blanket." The road leaving town on the south-west U in a good con dition, and is on a more direct liDQ than the old road. Travelers will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. from FrUttiy'l Lailj. Cy Hon. S. II. Elbert and Judge Clark left on the Lacy yesterday for the cast. 57"Tbe foundation ,of the Episcopal Church in this city is completed, and the superstructure will be commenced in a short time. This edifice will bean orna ment to the city, located as it is on one of its most eligible sight. Qy See advertisement of Buttery & Shannon to day. If you want a pleasant ride, go and get one of their nice car riage teams, or one of those elegant sad dle horses. We have been there, and know they keep nothing but the very best stock. CTDo the people of this city expect to see any considerable amount of emi gration pass through here this season? We all know there is an immense tide setting towards the (vest, and that it will r'.'ach the Missouri river in a short time. We also know that other towns are mov ing Heaven and earth, as it were, to di vert this emigration from the great nat ural highway to the Pacific, which cross es the Missouri river at this place. Will we stnnd still and see this trade going , to other points, and not raise a hand nor a voico in our own behalf? The Herald has labored faithfully for the past year to arouse the people of this Joe ility from the lethargy which appears to have taken posession of their faculties, and to con vince, them that if we would build up a great city here it must be accomplished through our own exertions, and not through the good will of neighboring cities or from the natural instinct that would lead men to choose a point that nature has endowed with sach great ad vantages. We all know that this is the rnost favored point by nature that can be f xand ia the west, and that we have the best natural road in the world; bat is this any reason we should lie sapinely still and see more energetic people and cities reap tho harvest which belongs to us? Let our people arouse themselves to co tton, or else make up their minds to live a slow coach life while others are mov ing with lightning speed. Fortune fa vors those who ebow some kind of dis position to help themselves; and if we would our proportion (which sbonld not be email) of the trade this season we must do something towards securing it. Do not think it will come to you, or that somebody else will stand it as was partiallj the case last year but conclude to securtJ it through your own exertions or do without it. We have done all that was in our power to do alone, and now nsk the co-operation of our citizens in this work. r From Saturday' Daily Cs?"E. O. Dovey, Esq., of the firm of A mi son & Dovey, arrived on the St. Jo seph to-day, looking as hearty and cheer ful as usual. 3?The Omaha Herald says the funeral car of our lata President, A. Lincoln, has been pi iced on the Pacific Road for the use of the officers. Suggestive; Tery. C2Mai!s are all right again arriving on time from every quarter; and what is still better, we understand bids will soon be received for carrying the mails over the new routes from Plattsmouth west. 57"Tbo city has presented a lively appearance t )-day. Farmers, emigrants, freighters, and a host of new comers from the east, were to be seen on our streets, giving everything an air of business. C37"A hange has taken place in tho proprietorship and editorial control of the GlenwooJ Opinion, Mr. Hoffman having sold his interest to Mr. John Y. Stone. The Opinion is the life of Mills county as is any good paper the life of the community in which it is published and should receive a liberal support. from Slonday't Daily. fJW. J. Ilesser, Esq., is sprouting six barrels of sweet potatoes at his gar- nen south of town, and proposes furnish ing everybody with plants. CjfLet us hear from somebody on the subject of levying a special tax for the purpose of prospecting for coal in this county. 3rS. II. Walker, Esq., has re-fitted the old P. O. building, nud is now pre pared to turn out a suit of clothes that would make a Pawnee Indian look likaa gentleman ;j?"See advertisement of McElwain i, Fales, Painters. If you want anything in their line, give them a call. They do all hinds of work in the very best style, and on reasonable terms. Cs?"W. J. Ilesser has our thanks for a Cue assortment of flowering and ever green plants. Ilesser has a taste for the beajtiful, and a generous heart. Were it otherwise, printers might never realize wh:it beauties nature could produce in this far western country. 2See advertisement of Prof. E. R. James. Prof. James has been engaged many years in teaching, and comes to us with unquestionable recommendations, not only as a teacher but as a gentleman of sterling integrity and irreproachable morals. The opening of this school will obviate the necessity of sending pupils away from home. TMr. May field informs us that the new Territorial road from this city to. Ln ncaster is now opened, ready for travel. The bridge across Camp Creek was com pleted last Saturday. . This will provo a great convenience to the people west and south-west of us, and adds another link to the chain that binds our interests and those of the Salt Creek country together. 37"We learn that "sod corn" got the upper hand of several persons last Sat urday evening, causing considerable dis turbance in town, much to the annoy ance of quiet, well disposed citizens Cannot something be done to prevent sach occurrences? " If they cannot be prevented otherwise, let sufficient bonds te required of saloon keepers that they vfill see to it that theso bo.sterous pro ceedings do not occur on their premises. From Tuenday't Daily. Q"Every boat that arrives brings a large quantity of goods for our city mer chants, which are sold offat a rapid rate. 5TDr. W. E. Donelan arrived at home this morning, having been cast purchaiug a stock of drugs. rj2?"Gold quartz is reported to have been discovered on the Potomac, fourteen miles below Washington, causing con siderable excitement. 5?" See advertisement of "$200 re ward" to-Jay. Here is a chance for somebody to do the country a service and at the same time get well paid for it. 5?The room formerly occupied by Howe &. Thatcher has been fitted up in first-rate style. Dr. Donelan will soon have it filled with "doctor's stuff." CSTThe Nebraska City Xeus has fail ed, so far to recognize the existence of a new Democratic paper started in that city by the Messrs. Harvey. What's the matter. Is Sterling afraid that hisoc cupation" is in danger? C3?"We are regolarly receiving - the Daily Denver Gazelle as an exchange. The Gazelle is a staunch advocate of the interests of Colorado, and goes in. for locating the Pacific road on the Republi can. Here's our hand on that move, Bro. Stanton. We think Colorado, Nebraska, and everybody concerned would te ben efitud therebr. QTA fellow cut west on being asked whether the liquor he was drinking was a good article, replied: Wal, I don't know, I guess so, there is only one queer thing about it, whenever I wipe ruy mouth, I burn a bole in my shift. gy lle&set advertises his Sweet Pota to Plants, and other things, to-day. The Yellow Nansemond, of which he is sprouting a large number, is the best potato raised ir. this climate. Send your orders early, as they will go off like "hot cakes" when .he time comes. 2?"We have received a large number of papars from different points in Iowa. Illinois,. Wisconson, and other States, within the past few days, all marked "X." Certainly; we will "X" with all of them. It shows to our satisfaction that the Her ald is making this point known to the world, and people arc anxious to see what is going on here. 2?In justice to Mr. Lenhoff, we would say that from tho best information we can obtain, we believe he used every ex ertion to prevent the row that occured at his place Satuaday evening, and the aforementioned quarelsome "sod-:orn was taken on board before the raiders came to his place. This all right so far as Mr. LenholPs intentions are concerned, but is only another evidence that some thing is wrong in the principle on which saloon keeping in Hi c ty is based. Can not our city fathers do something to rem edy this state of affairs? We do not urge this thing in any fault-finding spirit, neither from any ill will towards those who participate in these unseemly debauches; but because we believe the public good requires that a check should be placed upon them in some manner. MARRIED, On tho 13th inst., by Rev. David R. Dungan at his residence near Plattsmouth Mr. St. Ledger B&ck, f Cass county, and Mrs. Mary A. Tibby, formerly of Louisville, Ky. FOR RENT A farm six miles west ol Plattsmouth, with thirty acres under cultivation good fence 'and dwelling house. Apply immediately to marQtf J. N. Wise. ST.' LOUIS and PLATTSMOUTH, Council liLtrrs and Omaha PACKET LINE. The boats of this popular line are now making regular tri-weekly trips to all points on the Missnnri river, be tween tho abovo points. Parties desir ing information in regard to freight or passage will find it to their interest to call on the underr-igned. MlCKELWAlT & SnARP, nproml Agents. Wagons, Wagons. Staude & Anderson, Plattsmouth, N. T., have secured the entire agency of the Sihuttler Wngon, and will have a large supply on hand and for sale as soon ns navigation is fairly opened. mr7 REMOVED. Staude Si Anderson haver emoved to the new three storybrick building, east room, corner Main and Third streets, where they are ready to accommodate their old customers and as many new ones as will favor them with a call. feb. 27 Methodist Hymn Books a very fine assortment, large nod small, just receiv ed. AUo a few verv nice Sewing Ma chines, at WISFS BOOK STORE. . : "Stewart's New Goods are arriving. Prints of the best kinds at from 15 ty 20 cts., and other goods in proportion Ca at the New Cash Store if you wunt coods cheap apr4 TJEW STORE. iTSTETW" GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER ! 1 will sell Dry Goods, Clothing. BOOTS AND SHOES, 33!vts ad Caps At p-L-M than thf Mmf quality of goodt can b bought eUhere id Ztebraak-i. Shall be recciviun new good constantly . First bri'-k ston et of the brHa. on 4d trett, known as the old Bannock Bakery, l'lattm Hith. rarlS l L. F. 6 I tV ART. IVoticc to Tat-Payers- The Taxes f-r IS6.T forfeits on the first of Mar -Gentlemen will pl"-.e call at t!ie T-eaMirer'mfllce and pet their ret-eiptK, and sare the pennl'y which trust he adtied alter that date, according to law. ui.nT td S. UUKK, Treas Est ray lYotice. TKkeD np bv the subscriber, on bis premises, in Oreapolis Pr-iinct. Cass county, fc. T , .t!otit three miles norlbwe.-t of 1'latlMnou h, on the i"tli day of lieveniber, a o 1SC5, one rorey mare, of a clack ct loi. with Wlii'e face and leet. Ho nxh-T marks or brands perceiv&bln. 1IENIIT SIL'I U Plattsmouth, N T., March CStU. lr;t. ap4 3 Cii mi eery alc. Frank M Woolcott ) ri In Chancery. Almeron Russell. ) In pursuance and by virtue of a rlecrrl or ler to me directed fom the office of the Clerk iff the l)i trirt U u;t of tb- Judicial District in and for Ca.-s County, rtebrMSla, trade in the above ensf, and besrir ii date on the Mill 1.y of April. 1S4.", I, the si bciiber. will ell at p'iblic vendue for each to the highest and lxt i.!d r. in front of 'he Cviurt-iloifee in PlattMuoutL, .Nebrka, on Saiu Juy, May 12A. 1SGG, At 10 o'clock in the forenoon of s;iid day. the fo'.low Inlt descried E'al Ks'Jlf. to wit; A 1 ihutceitam pirce or pa' eel f Ind bituaied in the cotiuty c f Cxfi ami Teiritory ef Nehra-ka, k own and dene i bed as follows: The somh-we.-t q jarter ( 1 1 1 of the nrth- ! east quarter (11) cf s-,cun no. ne (II. in t' wbship no elevi a t i, no m oi jacta no. twelve ( rj. t a t of the 61b. p. in in Can e. utity, cbralR Territory, Tcp.Uier -with all a ad ti: giUr the- impioveuien'ts and inurt;r.ance lhairnuto leinivmu or in any wUe appertainHiiJ, to b-? sold as the property of the defendants above nnntcd. to sat-str id decreet the amount of wliien Is-lhe -um ef i2D4.4d, with int-rcst thereon from she date of said tlocree( and costs of suit and sale FiatumoUth, 5th. of April. 16S- F. M. POH KJ XOTOIf , Master :a Chancery. T. ST. MAROVfTT, Sol. fot Ccinprt. aplltw TIT OR. B. TOOTLE, . , T. K. HA-SHj., J. B CLARK, Tootle, Hanna h Clark, BANKERS, Dealers la Gold Iiit Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U and other Stock. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections plattsmouth:, n. t. p9 dtfwlf ' S3 o O P . I p o cT CO H H cn O c H 5" 3 ft p 2 Ul P - 3 o Q g O o o CZ2 O 55 a s. p O a a CO 2 2 m CO 73 CO fa CO CD CD fa O O CJ O XT. FARM AND TIMBER LAUD FOH SALE. I have one 1h be-t farms in Nebraska, also, a (roc! l-cdy ot lirnlier anil quantity of nniinprol prai rie Innd. which I ofirr gali-. Th re re pood im provi rnentp, v. ter, rock and timber ou ihe plfire and it U a dirai.le kock farm Fur further par ticulars, ai!.ircss. G. V, COLVIX, Apriewfim. riausjiiouth, X. T. FOR SALE. I.'-ts 11 and 12 in bKct 29iO Main street, oppo'ite tl.e P.aite Valley Ho". Lots 1 and 2 iu block 2I. Lot 3 .a b'ock 12. 40 acres of timber laud three uu ei soutn o f PlattJ- month t'jp'.ilreof J. Schluter, Main street, Plattstnoutli. Aprlb:dlw i. FRESH LIME! Good No. t Lime always on hand and for sale by be wholesale and retail in amounts to suit purchas ers, ty J. BtTl'S. iuar2 (Iwflm . C. II. KING Carpenter and Joiner CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Will do work in his line with neatness and dipstrh and upon abort notice. feb-7 dcwt Farm for Sale Thren miles south of P:attmnnth, in a first-rate neighborhood, with koihI water and fire acres )i:ivy cottonwuod Umber. Fur particular enquire cf U. K. Anderson, on the prtims-, or F. M. DOIiRlXGTOX, tbS3di3 Ucal Kxate Ageri G- O L D has FALLEN WM. HERALD Has moved into his B"w brick bnl'ding on tht cor ner or -Main itteet and Levee, wbeie he is laily re- ceivinc large addilijns to bis already cxi- usivs siock or GROCERIES AND ! ... LIQUO LS. He oflVrs the very be?t of bargains to eus'inncrsT and reque.-ts a call from those who want anything la bis line to test the advantage in prices wait uiom a I others. Remember ths BRICK CORNER and give him A ca:i if yon wish to buy cheap. no 2 2XT WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Geo. Boeck & Co ve! to their NEW TWO STORY BRICK SHOP, Aorih-wcsi of Boeck's Old SianJ, Where tbty are prepared to turn out all kind of Xesr Work, such as WAG03STS. BUGGIES, Plows, And everything needed by Freighters or Farmers ia the best of styls. Horses, 3Iules and Oxen Shod in the best style and on reason able terms. JOB-"WOEK Of every description, either In wood or iron, done on short notice. - - - ' C Particular attenliop paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of such. They keep on hand , and for sale, Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples,. Cablo-ciiains, BOLTS of all sizes, WAGON BOWS, &c, In fact, everything in their line needeJ by Freighters, Emigrants or Farmers. Having a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and the best quality of Iron, Thimble Skeins, Ac , selected by ourcelves, with special reference to this trade, we feel confident, that we can turn nit better and more work, at cheaper rates, than any other shop in the Territory. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of the same. t GeO. Boccli c3 Co. CS Satisfaction Guaranteed or ITIoney Refiindecl.553 Plattsmoctii, N. T., Nov. 8th, 1865. Gin C. B. STAUDE. Glenwood, Iowa, STAUDE 4 ANDERSON, -a. Removed to New Three Story Brick . Building, . East. Room, Corner of Main and Third St's, Plattsmouth, N. T , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY G00DS.G R0CE1UES, HARDWARE i CUTLERY, ClUEESWAKE, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, BLANKETS, HATS AND CAPS, And a variety of LADIES'. DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES- - i - H Also keep constantly on band a large sujiply of pTj HiOJ NAILS, TLOWS A.XD CULT1VA-VA Tons. Q AliSO A large supplj of a I . OUTFITTING GOO'DS.K - , - b Such as T Flour. Bacon, Lard, Meal, Bcans,tfj Dried 4-V Also A larce stock of Wooden Ware, Euckers and Tubs, Wnh Boards. Uutier Kimls, Butter Firliins, Water Keg, Half Bushels, Meal Seives, s feb27 Jg , Vy"'-'! - 2oftb Wi2 Pictures taken of all Kinds. Ambrotypes, Photographs, Gem Pictures, &c. " A good assortment of Cases Frames, Albums, Ac, constantly kept on band. Gilt and Rosewood Molding or Frames TxintJe to order, of any size S7V W. II. ANDERSON. Plattsmouth, N. T r Fruits, O Q 8 Building tnatf't-Hl, ' i Window G-inss, Sah and Door?, Painia and Oil?, Farmer;' Utensils, Shovels and Soades, Forks, Hay Rakes, Double Shovel ami Two-horse Moline flows. H W.L.THOMAS' Picture Gallery. onn SK-e Main , . - - ,1 Sk'e Main Ft , KLEPSER & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. . Conf e ctioner ies, IVotions, Toys. Coal Oil Lamps. Wear- also aper.ts r the Buchanan Wool.-n Mills, of 6t Josi-h, -Mo., an J bav now on band a good aM,rtcitm jf FAircr cAssJisxrs, C LOTUS, JJXS, FLAXJ?LS,Ac, wMch o t ars received on commission, and ara prepared to exchange for ' WOOL OR CASH, at very reasonable ipures. flie na a call one door east of the lltmLD office, Flattsmouth! raka. ilay lt, 1SC5. If NEW CABINET SHOP. H. BOECK, Hartag- recsatly built a new a l suit u shop on Main St., Plattsmouth, B". T., Would respectfully inform the citizens or Cass and aUoiniug couniiej that he has the facilities forxar. Tj ing on tb j CABINET IH.MAESS In all its branches IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLE 1 am prepared to tnrn ont the CHEAPEST ar.d most durable Of every description, ever offered ln the Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 4?"Pirti(-nlnr attention paid to making and fir. ishingCOFFlNS. All kinds of lumber taken ln exchange for werk. riatts aouth. April 10, 1S05. Elastic Stitcla. AND LOCK STITCH Minn?!. n T II iV li 11 li Were awarded the 0 HIGHEST PREMIUMS At the Stato Pairs of New York, Illinois, Virginia, New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, Indiana, Missouri, California, At tlie Vairs of the American Institute, Franklin Inrlilute, Maryland Institute, Massachusetts Me chanics' Associalimi, I'enn. Me chanics' Institute, St. Louis Agricultural and Mechan ics' Association, And at numerous Institute and County Fairs, includ ible al the fairs at which they were exhibited the past three years. First Prizes hive also been awarded thcia Ma chines at the exhibitions cf LONDON, PARIS, DUBLIN, UNZ, BE- SANC6N, BAYONNE, ST. DIZIEK, CHALONS. And they have been furnished by special command ,p to the Empress Trance, ? Empress f Austria, . Empress of Russia, . - j I ... Enpresf ,f Jfraz!', ' ' . . ' Queeii if Spain, and . r . Queen of Bauaia. The G ROVER 4 It ARCH ELASTIC-STITCH SEW IN; M AC 111 N Em are superior to all others for the following reasons: 1. They s w direct frcra the spool", and require Ot, rewinding of thretd. 2. Th-y are more ea.-ily understood and used, and less liable to deranfreineut than oiber machinM.- 8. They arj capabla of executing perfec tly, with out change ol adjustment, a much greater variety of work other utat hiues. 4. The stitch road" by these ma'liin'e is mail, more f.tra, elastic and durable, eHc;a,ly upon Arti cles w inch require to be washed and Ironed , than any other s iich 5. This stit. h, owint;toth manner In which the undo- t rend is inwrouirlit, is much tba most plump and beautifi.l ID u.-e, and retala. tlii jil,uropnt-a aad lie.nilr even up.a articles frequently' washed nd irtined until thty are worn out. 6 The structure of ll.e am is uch that, though it be cut or hrr.ken at Intervals of only a few stitch es it will neither oven, run or iavt-1, but remain firm ni d':rahl". 7. L'u!!kj other machines, theso fasten both end d the sarii by their own op' ration. 8. With thee marhines, whil siik Is used opon tke npht or face side of the seam, cotton nay be used I'P'ii the other side withirit lessen inn t)i t, ih t,r durability of the seam. 1'liia can b dniie on no o'. her machine, and Is a i;ret saving upon all ariic'f s stiiwhe.l r mae up w-;h nlk. ..-. 9. Th' e machines, 4n a. Ida on to tbir snperior merits as insti utnents for stwinif, by a change ad justnieui, esiily learned and piacticed, execute the most beautiful and perinaueut embroidery and orna mental wcrk. Grover & Baker S. M. Co.. inr2: 6m 405 Broadway, Sew York. WILLITT POTTEKGER ATTOKNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA. fi!i? ir rr. Fijjr i f