Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 11, 1866, Image 1

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    ? t . . .yi
" r?iy 7mm attempt to haul tltncn the Ann rirnn Flifg, shoot him on the. spot."'' John- A. Dix.
Pl.ATTSMOU I'll. X. T., WED.NK.-D.VY, AWtli. J.I, IMi.l.
40 1
: --. j -mi
IS I'lLLIsUl !)
fj-e.f. e c r;:er Mi H i'r'-.-t as. J Htcoml
Termv. Veklr, f.T anmini;
iDaily, I rf'r '"or''h-
Hates of A tlrcrlisin
.-3 '
ri. n
not "frirp. o' i
LACli -il--- i -ii i .-if--- -i'..-',! :
Obi- ( iai t r i 'iiii a
ae fcv.f c ,1 tw iv m
1 ,)
Tla.iiiig b ugM ani re fleej :Lo
An ui-vr ilete; rm!ii"J not to t e exci-iti i by av in. :1s
In "t-ii aka fur
:r i"i
t)app';! ir.n t? -. v- ", .i..i, i
, X -- III 1
i , r .... n
All fit-is..:::! a Iv.-rtl
fedv :ltt'
W :,i.- i . 1
n ttiort n .1:1 , .41. 1 -':
fc -' .. ri.
iii .IU ' f ,r 141 DfiiartniA'it elutuixi be
ir-i6.if to XV. T. PAliCKL.
pUnting v;i (JitCM-fJ, and il v,;t5 al-
IHl)t ill-? U!:;il.ii!H'U5 C:'ili!,:Il uf the
-. 1-
.1 . 1.
Physician and ."iUTgson,
47" K'-i b
0 '' I :-
ila 11 i I'
-l, .!.. :,
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i The HIGHEST PHICE Paid for
;AV II E .A. T !
Prmtt a-l-.M.' jn j.IJ to
j-inl7 3:n
f olicitor in'
- n ..,,.11.. r.. c. 1 en'
' 'f'f f'IJl'UTTSMOCTII, N. T.
Real Estate libc:;,;
C o ui ir. 1 ri ri i c n c v n
Tire and Life 1
;. rrs.mrr:!.
lt-ru 1 w "' -N
t 1.1 inv, I,.-, ; '1
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! LL il L 13 J 1 IvLiiiliiO.
AuJ.every njcallj k- pt In tl:e S;.'!o:cry 'ins.
FAHMntt'S tLin.
The CluL nu t Saturday, IMarchoLt
at tin- Cnurl Iluustr.
Tli-re was a gcod altemlance, and
ih mcciiiiLr was very iii'.eretinj.
The firt qiiesnoti clii-cu-sed was wii!
rejranl to raisiup fiuii, Lesl variditi
fur lliia tectiun,
Mr. Doud had et tree3 in n larje
hole lun 20 iijch'.'s deep arid (iiled with
rich soil. They rrrew il.ree feet la-l
-a-on. Did 1101 think ill-.-; '.rees were
injured iniiil the? severe cold weather j
ivitli wind, on the l3 h and 1-1' L of j
Feb. Fuiitid some of his trees ktlied
to within o or -1 inches of the rcund,
hid sawed oil' and covered wilh graft
ing wax and shauld save iho sj rout?
ihal s'arted aboi-e the p'ar.e where the
tree was crafted. The bar!; on sjiii-
f the tree- was very mu h injured on
one side., of GO Nor. hern Soy n w:
were injured. Lotis-uers sunn: vane
ties ure to grow and do wed. Far
mers should hud which kinda are har
dy. 0;ii Early Harvest 3 ir.ih-s
llirouh is much injured. Thinks our
climate so different from thai of l.iin
ois, that we ciiiri-,t h :n s-u.'.ceftil
with matiy varieties that do we. I there.
Mr. Todd has ti ees injurnl by the
bark (lyinir n the South He:-t side ct
the trees, behev-d ill? heal of the Mill
in warm weather seaLid ihe Lark,
foiin i last year sjrouis kni"il on trees
where the of the tree was n it m
jurtd. D . ari aj ji'e trees nt injured;
Dwarf pears lnjuied some. .Some
cherry trees kiiied U the ground.
Four jears liad tree.-? kill bv frost
the 1 1th of () :., trees urew tuo fa.-l
and wood dui n il ripen, Ciinto.i grape
never injured; Iibeiia and (.'a'.awba
kiiied before, but not this Year.
t:i' mVers of the Club, that the yi How
corn yielded more than the whi'.., and
the vari'-iy called the 'bloody butch
er," would yield 10 bushr-ls more p?r
lMllers Wll
1 1 . , rl-.,-. T tt .-.iir ti.J.l.l.i
Av4 uui j l
wiihth'? assurance that
pushed rapidly:
f O U '
vVe take the fo.lvinir fro::i the
Iitii!.u:r'on II nek I' ye. It show? that
trie ) Jl. II. It. II. Co. are driving
lyings a In g at a rapid rate which
wi I goon bring them to the Missouri
river at this place.
lal.e oji.r-igtj
wi ll; is b-in
The il. wo M. It. It. It. Co. hav,
j t r- ? received ihree new and po.ver;ui
Li coinwtives from i tie Manchester L
couiuiive oi'nS, 31a sachust tts.
'I'iiey and uamed "Ceu. G!r,iu," "tj -u
Luweil." i..,d Jhu G. lteud." The
Cot of these machines were aimut
each. They were broujhl
acro-s the river Widn sdav til tile
Company's bulges. A lare number
ot fieihl and ojien cats have als.i been
rec, ived within a few days. Tiie in-cp-a-ed
biisitiess. and prospective ex
teuioJi of the road farther west, r'ii
d v an ini rt;in of robing siotk neces
sary. We tiusi that some of our reader-
may lie drawn to tit- banks of the
Ihj "Muddy." by -(ien. v. rant,"
(en. Luweil." or 'Julin Ci. Read,"
in-ile of live years. Work on the
D-s Moines River bri:ge and the gra
ding tins sidu an I b- yond is lieint;
iilM-ecu'e i with viuor and it is n t
d'Uibted but t!ie road will hf complet
ed to Aihiu before t!ie first of October
Il l ih mchl that tlie Jirst sixteen miles
hsi o! O'tumwa wiii be i:i running
older a early ns July.
rciEsnxT's lT.icc n:oc-
Tlie f.llowmg is die President's
Proclamatton d'-c'aring peace:
17;c 'S, l y pro lamatiuns i-su-d on
the li'.h and l'J h of Apii , 1 SO i , th
l ie-idi'iit ot t!.e United S ate,, in vir
tue ot the puw.-r vested ill iiiui by rise
L-insiitii'.ioii aid laws, deci .reil that
i!ie iav of the L'n.ted States were op
posed, in.'.' ih'1 execution thereof ob
structed, and th u ill" Statei of South
Ciruiiiia. Ceoriiia, Alabamti, Florida,
acre than the wh'te.
do well to see tiuit they get ihe be-l
seed as it is no more work to rni-e the
best than it i. to luise n p or kind.
Mr. Fuller raised corn last year that
on!j gave UOibs of cob to t2 1-2 bushels
of shelled com.
The two horsrt planter was very
highly recommendeii the only lAject
ioii was, it .vas d.lTicuh to get row's
.-tra i ir lit both way.
On motion the meeting adjourned,
to meet thu last Saturday in April.
Sec'y prolan.
i i. a:tic; Tc?ini:ii.
Several articles have already ap
peared in the Herald upon the sub
ject of planting forrrst trees.
I'poii its importance, it seems n
waste of time to write. Any man who
who has fell the fierce winds of the
l ist four month-, traveled through
some uf our lanes, excavated his hay
stacks and fodder, and prospected in
his yards and stables, for sheep and
ca-tle. and -til' needs more convincing
arguments, mav as wiii be let alone
Th best vuthod of planting trees may
well be discussed.
This depends much epou the service
you wish the trees to perform.
If you plant them ar. und your yard
to shelter stock, there is bale danger
of planting them too thickly.
One gentleman writing upon this
subject, says he intends lo plant a tim
ber lo: o! 2C acres, setting iln'in eight ! MU.-ippi. Lunisiai.a and Texas, by
feet each way.; lie .nay Le ri:
I must differ with hi.. i.
p. all :
his trees so fr apart he w ill raise any
hi which v,u!.d be worth
x hiii e p., in -u a
i 1 over
plant any more, sl-ili set them lour
f,-et one way and iw the other. 1
Vw i.iousiin 1 tree-, an-
bark lo)ke l w- il, were injured in the
wood; J )-.- not consider the appear
.nice of tlie bark aiways a good guide
i i i id nil " of the iniury done to the I cultivate the ground but orn year an'.
. . I ,m,,.v lbs weeds the next. In fit
Mr- Maxwell found came varieties
of his trees i.t it j ired, sutne a litils
irjurd,and to me killed. Jennet. lugs
e., ii.iured. believts fruit can be rais-
ir '". s norm, A ''
caiLjitc lice.
i 3
Pil e ii?
iiatj!''. C ive ti3 a c .
-i.t ,ii' i
.1 i.t.,
-. o
Kal K, '."'I l'w..i. -p,
t .ii.iug u K' ' s "'
i:. '. r- l-v i - : ";
Hon. K. S. !:.,, y. J'. - 1
N. I. .l-s.i. M., ' I '
IT w' i 1 . , . r -V , : O K
i.-,:. a--.:..-.', v. ,4.1, -t.v s...
Vj,,, , il... V .i!t-!-t -till'. N' '
)at.' ' ' N- -'. l- v ' x
W ,r 1. II . ,, I . r
a v: el N -e- t
Z. 4. - ... II..,!!--. -V 1. -..4. 11 4
!V, ' , . ,
Trcy. M -. 1 1 , ' - 1 ' v ;
. N . .
... -. .' .!
: 11 !,il !!'
llli'.S OI4
d here, only want to iui l the varie
ties suit -d to oir elimat-, Iras 10 vari
eties. 1:1 at
is'. l'J of them wiii suc
ceed, found -jUO not growing 100 last,
not injured, believes Mr. Dotul's tree
iii. led on acccunt of growing too fas', and
wood not ripening. He says he lias
cherry trees rai-ed in the Territory not
tore I shall sow Hungarian aft-r culti
vating as il is easier mown than weeds
and more profitable. Trees planted
so thickly will of course crowd' ions too powerful u be sop
; pressed by the ordinary l j '-L'l.-ial
proceedings, or by the powers
j e.-;ed in '.he .Uar.-ha's, by btw;
j jJ., U'. a cm. iiy an nher procia
ji.i'.tton, m..i-' on t,'e Ibth nl Au.;u-l.
:n ihe same year, in pursuance i f an
! Art A (j!:;i't-, approved July 1 3 . a
ils'il, l ie i lhabi ants cf Georgia.
o.iuth Carolina, Virginia, Nona Car
u! :i:a. Tetiii . : s .', Aiab iina, Lotitaia
!in, Text:., Arkan-as, Mi-si.-sippi, and
t'ioi'i la except the inliit'iitants of that
; irliiui of Vir-giui i lying we-t of the
Alieehi'.ny in iuu':rins. anl such other
parts ol tnai Suite, and oilier Stales he
; 1 . r : . nauit-.l as might maintain loyal
a.ihe. ;o.i m th Union and Con-ti'ut: oti
'..r as might be from li.uie to time octi
pit d an I controlled by the forces of tlie
.in', JJVorcu'o-, Ti.e-e ri.-sohitious,
ihouga jo.'ni or current in form, an ,
substH'iti.illy identical, a .'id as such
may'lic rgarded as havit.g expressed
the sense of Cimgress up m which the
-u'.-i-f' to which th-y relate;
jl.i'l. Vhrrms. I' my proclariiiiti on
of the lo.h or June last, the insurrec
tion 111 liie Stat cf Tennessee was de
clared to have bei n suppressed, ano
; author: y of the United S'ates.
th- rein to b" unl.sputei!, at.d such lli
cers a LaJ been deputed to the utile--iricted
exercise of li.eir illicnti func
Jln i, Uitereas, lher now ex;ts no
..rganieii aimed resistance of mis
guided citizens", or others, to the au
tiioriiy of the United States, i.i the
.Suites of Georgia, Vir-ini'i, Noilii
Carolina, Sou ii Carolina, Tennesst e. Louisiiina, Arkansas, M ss
5-ippi, Texas, anl Fo.nda, and tiie
laws can be su-taine'd and enforced
therein by jiroper civil autliotity, S.ate
orFideral; and th; people of sai l
Suites are well and loyally di-po.-e -d.
and have conformed or will conform
in their !egi-la'iou, to the condition o!
atlairs groe.u.og out of ih .' ainended
Constitution of liie United States pro
hibiting Slavery vii:i in the limits and
jurisdiction of the United States;
Li,7. il'ltrrcds. In consideration oi
lhe-e beture Cited premises, it is the
manifest determination of the Ameri
can people thai no Stale, of it o vn will,
has me right to go out of or separate
eseif. or be cp 1 rated I rum lie Ainer-
' 1
ican Union, and that, therefore, eac!
S ate ought to 1 emam, rtnd eon'iiuie an
integral part of tlie United States;
7ii', iVtcrtits. Tnu people of tin
several beiore-uieniioneu o'.ates nave.
in the mairier aforesaid, given sails
fai'i-T',' evidetice that ilvy ucipnesce in
this ,iverrign and importani restoration
of Nation 1 1 unity;
lnd. Whereas, It is believed to bi
lls .j fundaineniitl jirin'Up! of llns Gov
ernment, that :i people wn )
ed and have been overcome and sub
dued, must so I e dealt with as to induct
tbeni voluntardv l become fr ends, 01
eb -i lhe-e must be held by nbsolutt; n;i'-
rarv Mv.t-r, or else so devastated as m
i'. rever prevent them from doing barm
a- enemies-, which last named policy 1-
abho're it to liumanity 9nd freedom;
other m a few years; when laree ltiC.i
es in diameter ru.d thirty feet high
will pay for ihinniiig out (Vi.en louo.i- j L-Ii;.,.j ,a!t,Si engaged in the di-per
wood boards are worth per nunoreu ,.nil ne .j.. 1;j.ur--,'.,is were declired
feet. Trees will live better if you cut ; ;o !- :u a tune ut lus.ui recma against
, i- ,.K KrniiMil i the I n'.led S'.'.'.es;
tiioni ir ii 1 1 t ' 1 1-" ii init c iuv. i
I JIT I I I i- i I w
when you plant th. m. Tin y wil!al-o
s'aiid better 111 the furrow while you
tilstillMVll Ol
the United S .t'ea provides for Consti
lutiona! c- in, nannies only as States and
not as Territories, dependencies or pro
tectorates; .7,if ll'.'icreas, Their consent must
ueces:ariiy be, and by the Constitution
of the: United States is, placed rn like
footing as to right?, immunities-, dignity
and power wi h the several power.
with which tliey are governed, and
which pilui'-al policy is th""f1,'"'ll1''- 0
ri'rhtanJ lu-tiee, weil calculated to
Clserrv trees from New York 1 turn the netl on theiu. The best ume.
n:-t . r
; 1
v . '. 1
. lino,".
, '.4
Rut I.. -'
1. 1- ' ; 1
i I l
li irll, . J
i 1
W il. - .! 4r' V -
,u:,4-..fMi.r-ii..,i. ;.t V;"tV-' -;vl;:j.v:l: c
nttini,u:l.,y T.J.oeiuy 1 -h Jf
ISTur ery.
1 mo f r tic-
...! :.. furr -1,
1 i. ia I ' -' "i :..
, -I I.. , n i i.u- i- -i
ad mo iut;r.;ioie r. "
Uir a "tl i? vmi u " J .ir.
i .t m.W be sure tj u J N. cil Ml Ol
Tlie tiisA r-!g:i.,l l.-ivn - iui.-li.
l,lal Nr..,. , 111 ., I) .1 ,.. .1' ' 1'
t,ny i,'l nil ku, Is "I
,ui..iu.-r. ,, ,-. ,
ir.,1 unt;
ltalt.4nioutri, Kcb. S.
Win- EI
l'l. I F : i. Ul. 1 r.ii.
w v. ciiNNi:.
!4r tin
ONE l.O jil 1". AST OF l'tiT0rFlCC,
Plattsmoitt'i. ricbrsska.
r?7 lv if
XfATCyilAKEIl ana Jf.Vv'ELER.
IvLEi SEil & WISE,
Dealers ia
(Jonf e.ctioneries,
Con I Oil Lamjis
V'nr" at-O aroc"" fjr ibe ItBh inJr WM,!"n
Mil's, of St .lo ph, -Mo., ana tuve Bow on liuo u
;;o ,1 a or:-.i-nt of -
r.i xc r ca s.rMf:r. :-',
K.I.V.ViS, ifc,
ml nre
..-.,,4 ;. ;,,r..,l M:iv Duke rllt ri ie tn "ft rot.i liWeO Is OLi
were suie to do well. Found trees of j in the fall; keep the roots
very rapid growth injured wjtho-jt re
j gard t age or sze.
?.Ir. N e: t Had not txamiii'ul hi-
the satid bar, is
s thi.s spiirig- Vi:i:e Winter Pear
-.... rr..i 1 ,,i,.. 4 i!,..,, i!ii- a rut. put tin-in
) -' b' 'v '
in and cover them, UMisg ne iiiiig Lni
dirt. In the spiing they wiii bt ail
light for early or late planting, as you
tune as you
main, d e v i.e'.t I yr nr.d Wine-san had j can tike out a f.w at a
done well where tried. For summer
apples Red June or Caroline was good
and hardy; some nurserymen consider
ed it the best. .Early Harvest bad
done well. Would not set more than furnish us wi.h 0ag
five varieties each of summer, fall and
winter fruit. Trees needed ihe lody
shaded from the sun in hut weather to
keep from being scalded
7ii.', ll'irreiti, Py another Procla
mation, on the l-i day of Jmy, ISG'J.
i-.-ue I in p.irsuan.i'i of an Act ol Con
gress, approve 1 June 7th. same year,
llistit'.'e,. lion .Wis declared to bs'iiiex-
i-tiiig in lii" iv.ites i!'..Tesa :d, with the a of Corfu ti speciii4id cuiintecs
in tiie State of Virginia;
.inJ, fVtercaa, Iiy auoiiier IVocla
niiiii u is-ui d on ih'- -jd of April, 1SG1)
in por-uant e uf A' t t-f Congress of
July lbdi lStil, the exceptions named
in ihe proclamation of August lG h.
plant them, the Luu.- never star;in ui.- iy, were revoked, ana the misatu
ul yu take thcfli out. Every variety ; ,,f Georgia. South (Carolina,
of timber that mechanic, use, ought to j Noiih Carolina, T.-X'ts Arkansas,
,n lhmois j -Mis-is-iip.. x ...ii.., .nit. u g. ...., r.s-
cept tne ioity-eiglii routi'ies or ir
gin: i ('esiguat -i! as est A irginia. and
i!-.e States of Georgia , South Carolina.
with White Oak. Acorns, Chestnus, Fur. Loyal, ami Leau..-rt, S. (-.. were , x, , Carolmi. Virginia. Tennessee,
Butternuts, and the seeds of Beac
be grown here.
. . i r : i e - l ...
ice tne people oi -ai i .--.nes. iu v.
come more and more constant in their
renewed obegiitnce;
7;i7, )V,'urcts, Standing armie,,
military occupation, military law, mili
tary tribunais, and the suspension of
the writ of habeas corpus, :tr" m tunes
of peace dangerous to public liberty,
incompatible with the individual rights
of persons, contrary to the genius of
our free institutions, and exhaustive of
the National resource?, and ought no
therefore to be sanctioned or uilowed
except i i eases of actual necessity fur
repel!. ng invasion or for the suppres
sion of treason;
An !, wfitrt'ts. The Government of
th United Stat-s, from ihe beginning
of the insurrection to its suppression
has been carried on m conformity with
the Drinemles herein set forth and
Thrrrfurr, I, Andrew Jon:?sow,
prf4si,J,i;t ef the I. nited S ates, do here
bv proclaim and declare that ihe nisur
and if we a-k, will ihey not furni-a us ! 0..,s uf t:VV Orleans. Key Wyst.
recion whicn has .eret,,ttre eTistei
d in
tlec arcii to Pe in a state o. iusl.. lei-.iou
aga n-t tiie Uu ted S'ates:
and bugar .Map.e. wu we uui T.,e iJjllH. uf Ropresen'a-
The following resolution was adopted: j line and do sen.etiiit.g iu ihis t! ire ction lilL, o-j, jay 0f Jniy, ISul,
JlcsotveJ, That we invite corre.-p 111J- or induce some mar. to start a nursery. , adopted a resolution woru-.u as j.o.iows.
the Tern-j Aside from hrewcod, a few trees ot , viz; .
i . , ... I, , .,fli i,4,,l I JC II ?t-t !: V llir. iv.i'ii -
,ch variety would iu ume be atlii-i' ut . f ,. ,-,., i,,)
J ft iPi), f .sc.-. ; Jit i e.( of we vmna
Address . for mechanical purposes". .Voc dfJmerici in Co'it-'ras ttsse.n-
Il may scorn a long (:ne to wait, : i;C(i 'iUi Ultf ,,,esent depl-rablo civ.i
t,.t u-4. inn.' rMi.i.inil-er that those cf war. v.r.icii ha- b -n lore d ur.ia the
Jeweirr. S-I4.-M ar -. f ..lie -
1U Tii np a.c- e - n t.-i A
atte.l nhi4i--ii ii wirtiuuJ.
April 10. lsis.
r-ii-. i
t,d v - I
w': .ti wL4 4.jlv(l r i,.l 0a com miioa, i
lr pircJ tj I'T
lit Vr r-
31.. v .o.
nn a call.
torv as to the varieties of fruit beet
iid.ipted to our Territory
Win. T. Parcel, Platts.nouth. N. T.
Mr. Maxwell reipuested Mr. Cum
niings to give his experience in raising
ihe Ca-tor beans iu the Territory.
Mr. dimming said he procured his
seed from St. Louis, nlanted 1-1? firewood, fencing, and budding.
acres, 3 to 4 seeds in a hill, same dis j grain will hardly pay for tran-prrtiug
.... . IIS. 1. I "in u-fl tT". ,r. 1 1,1
ianc as corn. ine cut worms le- r.seu 1 1, no.. ..i. -
... I ih.. rr,,n 4 i' -.t ,I,J ,, .T4.t : rav for the t rn n.-r oria tioti t
S , I 4' 4 r U 414 V.VJ, VJIl 41, -4 J-,T4 f- ," f thin IviIF a rr,m A r.i ire mii-i five hutjdred OT a thcUsUlld III 1 . t S ?
us who are far.uers are destined to
grow poorer until we have sufficient
tiu.ler growing upj;i our farmers i,-t
,f lumber
.1 is.e ln.KALD uii.c-, ruttmcutii, ! rue jeft a!cr (.verv fourth row so that
J. F. I).
rl.AT rsMiH" Ml, . T.
J. E. TUTT, Proprietor.
1Sj. tf
For CJenoral ITIncatioi).
I llle
Dayton, the home uf the apos
Tti- F.n.
rf Mr Sic
you can cirive in wita a sieu to giilier
the beans as fast as they ripen. 1 hey , , , . . f nt,:ir,;C. L Val- ; nghts or e.-iabh-hed instit w i .-.r.s
must not be left until hey are all ripe : iaril3(rhamhas g,v-Ji3!.H m -jo.i-y tot
as they will shell out and waste.- ; lhe - ..atwithst uidmg ,!s.
There is no trouble to tiirasii them.
IS, 1 1. WALKi Ih
TRJT-.T f 44 4- "l 41 rtf" - " i y .i u'.i.- ..ill s u-: i ' ia v. Ki.:,4h Mu-:
. i . .a. ; f.. ... i.f ?,-....
V .!il...rttu,.ttt una-rth .ip-rintrn.l.-n?e . , . , apostle lliaae a fpeet.i i.t ia.i.M 4...
1,!e ii-r'toror eui.iic sch-ot. in fn Illinois tney prouuee irom tcou cii, tv,..n has heretc-fore "t-ue
''TrM-ical dr;.artti.etit i-on luct-d l, Mr.'. Sher- l-U-hels per acr-". ThV grow more ' n
1-C-. i -ii'il f 4- t l..a:r.' m-i-iers i., 'it-'t-.l. . . , ' , . . ; Ue lllOCra' 10.
i !.,' c ur... -f i:i-tr..t a-. im- 'i ih- r'i pro. aK here, i fie seed IS wonli tf.J
r-,-a:.-i,- uin 4 ... .i ... , . .1 ..a-- u.. ,..,- . t . . : - Tl. - ..!!. - - - 1 1
111 si. LiiJiiu. ue- s-uiiks iiie- removeu ;
country by ui-unioni-ts ' f il
t-rr. S. ites. now in revolt against th (iovtrnment of the
United Siat-5 an 1 now in anus ar- und
th- C ipnal.tiiai 111 tins national emer
ge,;i y. Congress, binishiiig a'l feel
1 in: s i,; nj-re p".siou or resentuieni.
j will recollect only it- duty to lhe whole
j country, and that this war is not waged,
j on our part in any spirit of oppression
1 nor for any prpos-e of cm pue-t . r sub
! j'lgai on, nor for the purp 'e of over
I throwing n,r iu'eri-rn g witli the
is ot
tho-e State-; but to maintain an i d -teie:
liie s ipitiaacv of ihe Const: tot. on, and
to preserve th" Union with i s equality j
and the dignity of ll.e several States
! if;:it a- sunn as 1 n-
:ht to cease;
.7 . Where:.. The Senate of the
Alabama. Loui-ima. Arkana. Mis-
i-sippi and Florii'.-i. is at an end, and
henceforth to be .o regarded.
In testimony whereof, I La'..' here
unto set my h ind and caused Un
seal of th" United States to be
affixed. D-,ne at th s City (d
Washington, this second day of
April, in the year of our Lord,
ltj.'i and. of tiie Independence of
the United States cf America the
By th- president,
W'. II. Slwakd,
Leavin woktii t nv, Apnl 3.
1-i-tti hi p;is--d ell very (juietly: vety
irge vote polled; indications nre ih i'.
he entire Kepulhcan ticket is tlecieJ.
New Yor.K, April o. Tii3 lit raid
ays that liM) expediticns, uric; Consist
iig of three iron steamers tarrying
hrt e thousand men, and the other of
wo steamers with twenty five hundred
'jjes on board Were reported tuhavo
, . f I, I .
-ai.eil irern i), tinuni, waicn was m.i-
ed v.aii to be used as a bise for li.o
'enian expedition agai:i-t Ir land.
O.her es4tls are reported to nave
tiled from varnnij points in tlie Um
ed States ali bound for IbiumuJa al
ogetlier there was quite a ferment i.i
lYnian circles over new warlika
uioveiiieiits supposed 10 ne unuer way.
New Yofk, April 5. The Royal
-. 1 4 1. . .. .
mail sleamsnrp vooa, laipuiiu .n u.i.-,
.vhtch left Liverpool at 1 o'clock on
the afternoon of the 'Js".h, and Queens-
iiwis on lhe 2-jth of March, arrived
his uioMiiiig. Tne steamer City of
Manchester arrived at Queenslown on
he afternoon of the Ml i and reached
Liverpool on iho evening of the -3d of
The News says it is positively rusert
ed that Head centre Stephens is tho
gue:t of John Mitchell of Paris, and .
will leave llivre tor New York short
ly. He quitted Ireland in a saidug
bo it via Galloway.
Fenian ati'airs received attention in
Parliament, Attorney General for
Ireland said with respect to panie3
under airest, who had come from
America, he was ready lo give favor
able considerations to their applica
tions for release on their promising to
leave Ireland and return whence they
In the House of Co-nmons, Vfatkina
asked if any di-cus-ion taken place
between ihe English und American
governments relative to Chase's propo
siti, in for international coinage between
England France and America. Glad--tone
said he could find no evidence of
any such question having been raised.
The stock of the Anglo-American
Teiegraph'company, six hundred thous-
4 I I ' 1 I l'l ... . -1 . 1 . ..1
i . i ,.i Onuio. nas aii uetu shuiihj'.ij min
he books closed. The cable progresses
it the rate of nineteen nautical miles
p. r day. . . .
Great annual beat race resu.ied m
victory of Ford over Cambridge; three
Ntw York, March 5. Thf. Ilcr
ilils Wiishing'oo special says Senator
Wade has prepired an miwiiJ neot
which he will li'er when senator Sum- :
tier brings up the bill for the Pari ex-po-ition.
that no money be paid out un
der that bill until after Louis Napole
on withdraws the French troops trom
Mexico. Tliis will givu ri-e t a de
bate, which if allowed to proceed, will
re-open the whole French question.
Rociilster. N. Y., March .5.
The Hanking House of Ward Hro.,
in this ctty, suspended this morning
after a run of three days, they held '
deposits to lhe amount ot 100.000 dol
lars. They express belief lint they
can in the end piy all demands against
die House. Too much real estate and '
other property not immediately amila
ble wis probably the cause of suspend- ;
ing. There is con-idei al le excite
ment here lo dy, but will pro! ably
-ubside. The other Hanks anl Hank
ers are considered sound.
New Yokk, March G. Gen. B.t-el!
has written a le ter to Gen. Grant,
respecting the battle, of Sliiloh, in
which he claims that lie was not tardy
.n the overland march of his army to
Savannah, and that he arrived sooner
l.,in he was expected by the Lieut.
General, and thai but for the airival
r 1 . I .1 - I.J.... S.-l-.
il ins comnianu , ine secouu nays iigni
would have resulted di-a-terou-ly for
Union forces under Gen. Grant's com-
Secretary of State.
fScAn eastern taper justly co::
mrtits on newspapers and uiadical ac
It is a notorious fact that doctor'.
and newspapers bills are the lust ac
coiin's in the sum oi almost every
man's indebted ues which iie thinks ol
navmtr whatever mav be i i ability to
pav; no iidFererice if his ch.-.-t is fi led
Id ru-ty .K-n.irs, be l!
uri.nrpaireil; and that a- soon as tue
oljects are accomplished, lhe wa
a'--'T'l. P.,r,,,.t ! vn nif leo-isbi lit r r
M- a - i , on , , f , ,
. . ,, - n hs. , r u.ii ci ju i
' .. ,;' '.. .U . ,r,o a s rr-.m ' nut tKj 1st nf n to.t aft nri-vPnl iliir ileseriprst . . . ...
, c.,miiifi.iili'iaiaf.'iiru7.4f.yLi!iipi:,-p.jiiiin. uic oa,..4, , ."4 a--.. 4,4. jc.j uo nvi t r, t re-oUMon in WOTUsas to lows:
h -ij ei t t!i, v av r. c lv.-, I. a i',l .-u til 1 ua-1 inn
t i.t- ,-tii i u titli-ir i'Ui,il eu,!ci44ur 1-, Dier.l lis
One aour e ml of .v r s .n u-tiry slat, '' s,,,,,., r,tu.n th,,I!k f,., Iho ,jb.r. . May.
main sr., rLAiT?ior r n , I ZilZt XZrl ZZtT' The question with regard to the best j election in that State, under serere
snt hi. -r:cH tt tie tsc'. vaaleeiuYt.s.-j. li.M r oiUi ccjnf Tariety cf corn aai best manner of i penalties.
from the army or navy voting at any Same as adopted by the House cf
Representatives, July 22J, 1S61, as
given above.
with oiJ ru-ty iioi.ars, ue u;i:.t sum'
! e . . .1 1 .4 ,. . ..,.,.' . Y .
itiUeiiui'e time wi-i uu 10 iur
aforesaid account. People romehoA
have a trad.ti, nary noti in that the
practice of physic and the publishing o!
newspapers are mere amateur profess
ions, followed for amusement's sa.e.
and for the cost of which a little or
nothing is expected. l et there is not
in thn whole round of business, as far
as we know, a mre expensive employ
ment ihan'fhut of a newspaper.
jCFAiii.iida Fletcher, a girl cf
fi.'teen years of age, w ho was captured
by the Cheyenne Indians in August
la-i, while on her way to Idaho, in
company with her parents, has just
been rescued from captivity by Major
Wyt.koop, who is engaged in moving
'be C.'ieyennes to their reservations.
Mi.-s Fletcher was from Miii'jrsvil'.e,
Henry countVi Illinois.
S wind lers now make tours of
'he N"'.v York kite!. ens, p ersnfidinir
the cooks to invest in bogus Fenian
Konds. One girl bad promised them
s-.j. when tiiey over reached them-
-Ives by tlie rem irk that the "girls
next door had given 815" "Sure ihe
girls next door are riPgurs," s a i I
Bridget, and sinned for the police ofli
cer; but tiie impostors escaped.
f.57"A wide-awake minister, whj
found his congregation going to sleep
on Sunday, before he had fairly com-taen-ed,
suddenly stopped and ex
claimed: "H.-thren' this i?nt fair; it in't
giving a man half a chance. Wait
till I rget along a piec? and ih-n if I
ain't worth listening to, go to sleep,
hut don't before I gt commenced.
Give a scineihing like a fair
chance? and that is all I as cf vou.
'. vt