Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 14, 1866, Image 3

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    ss a""jmii-ii icaiUfci.
-,,, v,ii.,f Daly j
-Prairie S.-l.oonc-s" nre cruiinj
bout town rvprv div. Ve oevril
r.f ih m taking on loulioz yeterJ it,
rrrrtn-T t Btartm un tha voye'e to
the mo'Jn'ains.
C-W nr. Wtnml that Mor. B'acV,
P,r!.r .t To. are about enUrginjr thir
ext-n-ive .!rn-' nt-ire. Thine wh. a lver
te n -ver to rmp the li-m fi'", r,J
tbis ; only n..ih-r of the
,i, , i..,me-. .,er.Miil -r.t on tin in-
r,:;t r..!, of making on' celf known : -
thrr.uh tb- m-aw of adv. rfiMn-. Look j
.f-,r'v"nr imt'"-t'. vou ti hive int j
r ,,n- t t'tni-, or blarn yourselves if you
f;i ' fhin.1.
-," .Vc w ou'd rP"fftful'v call the at-t..tif-ti
oT our City Council to a division
of th.: town iuto w ir b, an 1 the flection
f oii or two riit?nts of each ward to
the council. The present arrangement
j.Hrm'.ts a. r II counci'm-.-n to be t l ct"d
from one ii:nn"ili it n-ihbnrhood, and
Ul .e'i.-vo the poj ul-ir il a to b that
th.-v -h'.ti'.d he elected by residents of
lh wards in which they reside, and thus J
e ici jort'mn of the ci'y could be repre-
-iit 1, and its p-iri:ciilar wants more ai
ten'i,'lv a lviiC'if t-l.
Qt-7"'vVe are j,'.-t.-'d to see wholesale
binii.i--" li ni't'Iiwig in the ist.
We ti ) r. a-oti wh y goods cmnni be
g(ld a? l .'.-.saie out hre ju-t us che.ip
as it
m ir. V-w l oi k. with tl.e a'ldi-I' fr-i -ht. T h It they c illisfu'Iy
ss of the v. h I'.es.tlo '
t r jv n by toe s'l
.'r - ho.i.e ..f Loving, of St. ,
I .ser.b Tfi-ir have tl.e lar-.-.-t r-fabli-h
,,.,,. ,.f ,!,,. kit.d i.i the w.-st, and have!
tt.-r.-n-.fiti-n ..f -el,, -- od - at the low- ,
-t lii'lie. This great t..K-0 s ill
j,.s t'.:t we 1 "tl uc
ed whole J
b-1 ; U mis-s w,.l pay in tt.ts par. ci n.e
coufi'rv, us 1 that 'ii-t Mi'-h ir!'-:i :.s I'. n-
.'c Laving are lV- o:,.-s to .-ep tti-m .
t.U i.
T" aie c if. :::'
has a. ri . e I I . i:ii ai-di :
! t aat the tun
e .ie' i i ii relative
i . i ,.!" a il itel, tint .viil d'
r c iv. I !o s.' we Iiave are
o tii'-ir w iv but . ! want a
;i"ij j--- i.-b i- will n it or.iv
I tti
C'i'.l t f "
V. TV "." l
111 IM) iH i
i !: trav. .it g f i.b! ( , I ur
. :i i. pin !! of ih,; town,
uoi- ta..-.i ; tli io a e() ,J
in uur ide i too, of i: !
.ii-g-t, liiT'fue, tbat I
C'Oi !;. be f H'i. 1. ';,b
l i '.:-.!
.' -,r "
N ' I'lii s
Hat.-! v.-
I- tii T:, .Tr 1
J..i-.t t .-t
f - to f '
i.i i i I .--i ji ta! , a U S '-go
U h know a t iti 'fi- -oo of
I ur i:"-t i.i i. t
Tr t:n one to v
no ei t- r r
- i,n i - i .-.i i to ini ei
loo- in i !.!. is - in -i . -! i
r. ..I
l-t V
.1 t..
r i .v.
rtiA poiti-jn of Li d an d-b'ga ion
in z'
re rec- ri'Iv on i viif t" V as'i
p-.sse. through the ciy to-day,
vj f .r ihr. i!
e iM i : -e to
or ell
bis - tie-s '
t ' i c t'.'i s'urv ! r
Let s..i:v
l f r.iis kind c i'I
i IV rt d in tin- sale of
ek at tl.e h.- .d of M lin
i.e who wi-beJ a li.'U-e
Oli th'.' 1 l ard Of S'-'h jl
N. J.
"r", F.-o., of the firsu of
ii fp. .! I iv ! at 1: fi
.M eeU ait
i,.-'i i.l iv. Mr. r-i. irr. b v
-iteil s. ve.-
:i i if I lie r:i't'-i ii eiti.s vim 1 1. s m.S-. r e ,
find was as f .n- .s ,i : li a M -.ut o . Ten:-.
II' leports in ii'fo -ee-.J of. 1 i.iov-li-th-.1s
Nie-raa the con ng seas. p. -
Cerl ..iv peine. to Ii- ir :1'." move, j a ii npening for any branch of business
or i. bout ' move, hikI tienriy all t..U of y m wih to -ng-ig in. There is n part
N -'n-kans t!. ir destination. S.irely of th.; world that oTers the variety of
our Tetritory is 1 ec"mirig known and 1 business pursuits that N'-hriska does;
n; ; reciated. land there is no town in Nebraska that
"j"Send papers east. !r. M t f.- 1J, will five placj to as many business b.uae
wh has j-tst r.-t.i'na 1 fr.,m a v'.- i to 1 f different kinds, as Plattsmonth. There
Li.r.ana. itifomi- us that . ne cpy of the': is n" brancli with which we are over
IlMt.u.n wiiieo ii- is sending to th it state toekd, and many of which we have no
n the iin-ans n
no: ie-
1,..n fifteen families to come t- this part
of the country this pring. If we can'
cet T ersons tvi com- to .Netirtiska, anil
g i na - i
esioviallv this !oca!itv, 'o 1 ok at it.wei
sre almost .lertaio of their nettling hero.
Tb.refore, we say send papers eat, and j
let people kuo.v what a glorious country i
we have. 1
C.??"We un ler-?anl th it a boit has '
already '.eft St. ose; b for this plae. I
L?-lvlepser .1 Wise bave Frank L-s-
i e. 11 u per's, Moore's Kr an 1 all the
1 -a ding tapers f the country, nther po-
i.tical, liternry or M-o-ntmc. t.o and see .
th-m when you want anything to read. j
iV'c predict that any man or eet ,
of men who attempt to get up a party j
feeling in the com ng ei'r eo-ci n will !
Le repudiated by t'se v..trs on election
lr. v. Wtf lo Tio: think the citizens of
Plattsmoiith care about ieop irdisirg the
in?eret of or citv jost now for tl.e sake
of a pirty victory, and we all know that
th main question Ii' ness is apt to be
1 st sight of when party spirit rults a i
city electi .in.
I'n m Siiturdii;' lUtly
V The steamer Denver passed White
ud at C O'clock list evening on her
- T' I
C"The ferry boat will probablv com- j
mence running at this place or. Monday.
She was reported at Peru last evening. j
Cv" We would cull the attention of
Precinct Assessor i-he fact a law was
pis-ed at the last te-sion of the legisla- ;
ture laying a tax upon firry in the
country. H. retofore one "dorg" was
exempt. Let the worthless curs be taxed
r treated to a "blue pill," J
QT" Tho oti-ainer Conyerse, Capt. E
W. Church?, now lying above the mouth
of Platte, will leave oar landing for' St.
Joseph a soon na the river is sufficiently
j e'ear of ic, tnkinjr freight an'l rassen-
cpr. The Converge got caught in the
,ast fil! anij lain a few miles
above this citv all winter.
C- Tho Omaha R publican of the 8th
fays that city is gobbl.p up" things it t
a wonderful rate, and that it "Las got
the d'-ck, and .s de ilir.g all the cards into
its own haiid." Hold on a little, and let
in see whether yon have got th entire
Meek." Ain't jou just a lt-etle bit
afraid south Platte will "flip ft jack" on
vou about the 2d of June?
CVA. F. Harvey, Esq.. gave in a call
thi morning. He was on his way to
Omaha to bring down the material for
his new States-man paper at Nebraska
City. Mr. Harvey, although about to
commence the publication of a paper de
voted to the interests of State, does not
appear to have much confidence in the
adoption of the Constitution. lie admits
that Otoe county will give about 400
mnjority against it.
-.. - .
Fort Mon lntj'i Inlj.
The 15. & M. P.. P.. was the onlv
0!l(- -Q j jwa Up0n which trains were not
a0ppe(j during the heavy storms ths win-
Tho river is now open at Omaha,
and the forry ut that place making regu
lar trips. The weather however, contin.
ues cool, and ice is yet running so much
th it it. will lie il lTienlt for ntenmboats to
, . , .
C9""e lrn from the Press, that
earnest advocate ot tne material pros;
P Titv of Nebraska City, that in assoc:a
ii,n has been formed for buildi..g pur-
I"""" in th it city. 'lhy propose to out
train Tra'n in the cottage business.
Q'TU t Om ilii . nld se; the mil
i - ;lrv p()t known as the Cottonwood, sit
U:,fe,J on I'iatte river, Nebraska Territo-
rv w--n Fort K :ar:i-v, N.-Iiraska Ter-
ri: ury, and -Isileshurg, Colorado Territory,
has been designated as Fort McPhersOll,
in fii-iifry f the late Major Oenera
James 1 Mcl'li'-i s on, w ho fvil in battle,
before Atlanta.
r7".Ve have receive.! a Cf'py of the
. ;. ViksU'i:i, marked " leavj ex
change." Cataiii'y, friend St-riall" r.
We are unable, oir.g to our "early edu
catoti to read your paper, but ran let
eo-ii-' of oar ( .rinaii f r :-ti Is read it for'u-.
, 1 tie Yu.h !'!t I is considered an excellent
paper among leriuaris, aril those. who
wi.-U to read the Nebraska news iu that
iangu iu will.d j well tj bub-enbe for a
MVe voiili iij.jast to our farmers
: !e- .io;iri ! y of rbjbbiiig together and
ending on- or two hundred in. Irs souih
1 f.o -e. 1 ulirit. It is i I . k n 'i w n fact
meong farmers that seed brought from a
sou'liern latitude yu. Ids better th in seed
raised here. I! stviral men bunding
tog tii-T they c m:M procure seel Ht a
eoinp irmivcly small advaneo over wh'.t
it would eost to use the seed they already
have, n:i i we are t f opinion ;t would pav
our t inner t J rntcr into such in arrangi;
laer.t. rVLargi" numbers of Letters are being
received ci'i.-'ns of this cit,-.
in regard to d.UVrent branches of bu?i neis
whether th y are icpres. nted here, at;d
whether it would pay to open. To u'i
Mioh as wisli to est alilisii t her.isi Iv! s in
the west we would sav, c.nno and s.;e ii",
nrid we lino iio fears but vim will find
: rcprest ntation.
rurkJlll, j,,,
c r-T,c steamer Denver passed Ne-
. , . . -. , ,
braska Citv at ID a. m. to-dav, and
. ,. . , .. . .
bhouid re tch our landing this evening,
CiTe understand a Lodge of Good
Templars will be instituted at Ncbra5ka
ily on Thursday evenit.g nest.
j jlhe iN. braska City Au-s pays
! Judge E. S. Iundy had his truuk stolen
ail,j IO,M.j of its valuable contents at
st jjSeph, on Tuesday evening inst.
of 0(,r ,,ai5v who
piltri,nUt.d u t(J the tent ()f
one Jol;ar for q monthll, 8llbscript.on,
wilhJrawn ,);s Hlipr,)rl b,.Cause of
som() item jn the wh-oh fae d J nQl
relish. Look out fjr a "break."
J?"We have reports from the cast
that a large proportion -jf the emigra
tion during the coming seaon will take
t!ie South Platte Route, crossing tho river
at this city. Our business men nre pre
pared to accommodate thorn with cheap
g' ods, and jlenty of them.
(7v?"See adverti.semept of ''L'nion Meat
I Market"' in to days paper. J. 1J. Wells &
j Co's. is the place to go if you want goo i
meat, or have Leef cattle, pork, or coun
tfy rroJuee to selL Thv ,how a difp08;.
,;on tJ Jd somothill;: anJ ghould bfl li5.
crally patronized by our citizens.
("The revival at the M. E. Church
stin coutinues. Some of those known
n3 the most hardened sinners not har-
dened in crime, but with their hearts
hardened azainst the teachings of the
scriptures have been brought within the
pale of the church. Some seventy -five
members have heen added to the chureh
at this place and nt Eight Mile Grove
within the past year.
CS"A large number of strange faces
have .made their appearance on our
streets within the past few days. Some
are looking for business locationss 60me
are on the hunt for land, and others are
looking for the Lebt chance to make a
livelihood by the sweat of their brow.
Come along you can all be accommo
dated in the various occupation, you de
Hire. There is no other place in the
world that offers the a-true variety of
business that Nebraska d oes. We need
mechanics, merchaats, freighters, doc
tors, lawyers, (nur locality is rather
healthy and peacable for the last two
named) laboreis, jcc. Come and take a
look at our country and flourishing towns,
and we feel safe you will settle here.
In Mount Pleasant Precinct, on the
evpntng of March 7th, at t ha residence
of Squire Hughe, by the llev Thomas
McCartney, Mr Ji nx s. lsccit ana jis
Hilda A., both of Cuss county.
A friend suggests that a slight perver
sion of the scriptures might lie applicable
in this case. "The V olf and the Lamb
(Gink on Lamb) hall lie dovn together.'
ClT" Just received by express, a lot of
new Spring Clothing. Come nnd give us
a call. Wm. Stadelmans & Co.
mar 10 I w
FOR RENT A farm six miles west
of Plattsmoiith, with thirty acres under
cultivation good fence and dwelling
house- Apply immediately to
marOff "J. N. W,sk.
(Successor to S. Bloom,)
Dealer in
rrv p
G-ent3 Furnishing Goods
S:c., tS:c., Sec.
Also a lartre lot of PCHIiFP. GOOT):
and UEVOLVLUS always on hand.
will find it to thir h-npfit to exnmine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Oast p:tid for Utiles, Furs
it II (I WtHll.
P.nttsmonth, Mav 1'5, tf
Boot &. Shoo Chop.
" h fitrjhrr wotii.i r-U''rtful!y rM (hp trn
linn f citizen or l'J:if Mniturt m d tl wuil'tf hi
-otft t ttj tli t h- I r.i'HjJ fi -r-or rt i f
L i.e!i;r Ui-'V Mow, w he In? tun-i Im kt-rjnj
aii'I m kit u I h fnt tot n t ctr. t-vir y
rtirif t b.Hi't'u. il i" ft- i k 1 -m M'!e' t il by h.iii-
t. h v:t; put t(,- ni'- uf hi?. Iiri iu 'he
ii:ui'.-. i-- i. f.H col aiicii t tLat be cao g w iMtifte
I ii ( ivf htin 1 .
Fill :S II LIME !
Good N'o. 1 I.ime a'way" on hind nnd for ?a'e by
be wholesale aud retail iu amouu'j to Miit ii ( Ii is-t-r.
I y , J. BtTrs.
u a i! dwGm
A qnantity of O'ace Orance Peed, 'rvh from Tex
ji ra i b.- bud at the fetoie of Tootle, IUi m tf Co.
Price IX.b'i per louiid. f-b2i d-vlm
G ood Bargains
For fin'e, th" stan l now u!l by Win. K Dunt-lanV
drue btre on niiti -ite nf M;iiu tf4i-t, oiH-o-
Tfotir & Haunji'j fip-prouf brick Iore.-i dkivd
MtLa''d Mt held of M..q utre t, two I.-ts VT(ft of
rftvierirtn church. Tct nr re i""n h.
ATly to V. 31 Doii KlN'GTOV,
ft7 Ileal K-UU AK"t.
For General Education,
The Kni;Uh rt'rlmfnl cnd'Tfh mipcrinfrnd-nce
of Mr -"d.-tloclt, ite lueitor of Public Scln.oU in
The Magical .1-rpart inert i-ron.urti d ly Mrs. Sher
lock, ( of Ifb'atfd niH-.'tri in KnglanJ.
The c ur- of in-tnicao' inclll'Ie th 'ariou.i
ranches iwna'ly tanftht 'n flrt-cla-n . h ..!, B o-Kr-.
nip l.y donsl-- and us.t ent- y, Firucii Mu.ic,
ll'iino F'l'ie. li jitar and i-ir.j:iK.) i.c. The lerni
C'inrre-ii'rs from th-j enfrane .- fvte ivjil; liuyi-icnt
v r and Mrs. Sh'.rlt rt-turo thiiif for the liber
al itfoi t Ihey a rcived, and h :ll fy unrrinit
trif atieo'L u to th-ir piliil rb.leavor t. tneril lt
rontiniMOre. TUtt; ara ouly Tacancie- for a fen
mon- in in la- jdulo 3m
Farm for Sale
Thre mile south of P atfMn.oith, in a first -rate
o ishtorho.I. with vatrr aa.l five teres he ivy
ci.ttow o.l tinibi-r IVr pariiruiar iu.,'jire of II.
R. Anderson, on lb e prtmi , or
fcb-2343m Ueal Kr-t .tt Agen .
Tie nnderifrned. FaTinjt pun-U ed ona rf the
lnei Jia 'erie in Xebia-ka, a.e prrpared to furni-h
any and all kinds f Aip 'f re-a. io large or i-mll
qiMiiline Our t-ee were raised noon prairie noil.
Mid are therefore '.referable -To those brought f. ooi
the east.
Give u a call if ton want a Ed article, ami on
that will be -ure to do well Id thi climate.
PlaUsrooath, Feb. 3- dim iM.
or th
Insurance Comp-.ny,
We. Th umm J. Tarnf. l'reiJnt. and Charles
S-jnireii, eclclav, ot ilir Kire ai.d Tonudo I-sur-
aoce Ctuiinr. of Fr.;i.m, la.u.iis. nereiiy ct-il.iy
iliat t.ji.1 1'nmr iiiy ' p ne'--l ol a cup Ml of at
liu t ope lii"!ilr. d tii.iasau I, b rur-d by lin
on reiil el-.e wu'lli i tJsb va'ualiua t tvt Bve
lincst e r Juiioli I m'iI ui'H'l a 'il nt encmube -
' J l more iiiu o"e-K uri ti of a 't cash T.i! l.iCmn "
f Hall I IK'S. J.UIIXKK. H.-s'f,
(c Ci.ARLliStHLlHta.scc'y.
.st ite of lllinoift. I
St ihrDxin (.'HIT. f-
F-TKoDal.y a.r e i etl n-'O' e !", lei k or the lonn
t C .art ui" Siepiieiisoii runiy, T'io :i .1. Turn r
I uo ce. ill r.o inil e-naci In ii'uj
C iiii.any, " a . ije'ni? f "t ''jly w. rn in r t
w, -ever iy dei r. i .iy - ii li - i-U'.ve i r-
liIJ. a'.e, ul. a.rl lo by Ili'ili rr p 'iii t I v, is i uei'l
uiiHijii.o." i 'i f.ii- v liiuvia l.y ilie rjuiua of
aii Ool)llM( ' v . '
mi.i i b i rail sworn ) before me, b' 6ih day of
JaiiuuiT. A I) !0'".
sel lita Tllo M 'S' IX. Conntv Clerk,
IV t u ij ny jc. i. riMuui., ueuiy Cle'k.
TotJiiii-eoiith('tinfff.T'i)i'inry, A Dlsi',6
I.vsl-kanc: lr:!"ji tmi:n r, I
OBi.-eof IVrril Aiidit r. j.
Onl - "d. Nel. h-. :, j'k riuxO' IS. lrl.6. )
Wlicn as. J IV C VI'tJrM.. K ., . Asi. :mi OrO-
ral Agent '. i'ie fire nnd Tu.nnJi nm-o.. e
I jiii;k. i. ij. loc ii-it l t re ,on, iu te ofl'li
ii.. -, bn . fi1-d ' i i 'i o"Jice a rerl' i-d i-ojiy of "Ilie
A el ti' I ut.. rii irau on of jiu (onipaii v . together w th
a wi'L t- i ip-.iurneot umle-' tb. se.ti ut s id Ci.inp?
nv.iii ' .J ..y ut Pi .-s'l.ent anil SfcVury ol .'
Co'ii,! iy umler oaili, rerf ';; '"ft m d Coiiip-i
is ( . i .rl o. a cipilal of ul l' . -t One HiiiK'ird
Tlioa.. ad r.'Iar., secured by liec on leal e-i:-le
iroi ih at cn.-h valmi lion at leant five lirut-a : lie iuo jt.t
of haol cte'ial.ani Dot encumbe r d to iure 1 it a
oo-loii. th of na'd rash v tlii4tion,; in acc.i.'da ice
with ih r-fJiri-m-uts tf M-utinn Kuuriern of a l;iw
of Ter. itory of ebrx-ka, ent 1 . ltd '-Am Art in
II- ',1'itn In In',rance Co ::puniet," u proved Feli
ruaiy 1 jib,
1 heirfore, be it known, by these prewn's. Th 't in
pe diuce of the A'jrf-.'i.i Act. I Juhn Wil'c-n'e.
an li or of the Te itor of Kebr k. do beteuy
CiTt. , th itfaid Fir" and Tornado Insu anoe Com
p ji y bin full Huu.irl'v to t buMnens of la-surau.-
in the 'It-rriiory of N- bral:.i, uo.ler the
law of ttiis Teri itory, uut.l tbeulstday of January,
A O l:j7-
In witness wh'reof, I have Mih-criWd m y
fi;ine aiel cans' d the umI of the Au.lilo.'s
Ottice to be attixed, Ibis Itilh day of Jauu
aiv, A D loOo.
JOHN' C,lLJ.FrriE. Audi. or.
F- ITI- Dcrrinsloii. Ag't,
f! 2 CI PlattMuouth, Nebraska.
Dealers in
Coal Oil Lam;;.
Vf ir a!o apei.ts fur the lt.n hinan WooKn
Mills, of Si Jov (i.i, ilo., rad hafe liuw on hand a
SO"U a.Mii iiii.-nt of
which we hive receiv 'd on Cunimission, and are
In-, p.ned to exc.iig.1 for
Htverv r.aonib:a i?ni-e. if;ive ns a call,
..e.ioor ea-l vf l lie Uekalu oQicc, 1'l.titbinoutli,
MrSr.i ba.
31 .y iti, tf
Th siihs.iiher having puvehaseil the
I'eil Store on '2l street, 'ntely occupioil
hy fvnpv end Dtiieis; wonlj irect fully
itif.Mni .lie ei.i-.fiis of Pialtstuouth an.l
vichiiiv iint :ii h i i 1. ied iho stoic and
opened a 1. -e nnd full stock of Jowclry
find t':nev t idea 'or Ladies, Gent.,
Childien. .-inl ;!ie '-est of munkinil, and
it pipr.c . on o do nil kind:) of Uatch,
Clock iMii .li-vrelfV C'rairin in the hpt
niRrner. fiii vou'd he harpy to servvhi
old fnd p m.nv new customers ns mny
live him iiie; pa ronajje, asurin theiD
of iiie"if wo well done at. moderate pri
eoi. nnd on ..iio-t time. The stock, em-
hrncin?; eve-v variety of goods usuallv
konc pi p j,9t class Jewelry Store, will
he sohl Pt inw nrices and warranted of
the nevt tvo. ';innnship and materinl. lie
has pUr a c null stock of Family Groce
ries, which he replenished from time
to li-ne. nnd sold at the lowest figures.
Having nermnnentlv located in this ciiv,
1 vcneci solicit a f.hare of patron
nie, and cot dially-invite all to call and
esni.pne ihe stock on hand, as we would
he -)le.sed to serve you, and do not ak
vou to liuy nnlei9 we can make it for
your incerest to patronize ns.
I lattsmouth, Dee. 27th, 18o5. tf
An Ordinance to prohibit Drays, Wag
ons, Sre. from running as common
'transportation Vehicles without first
obtaining a License, within the. cor
porate limits of the City of Platls
Sec. It. Bo it rr'tninfd by the City Council of
Ihe I iiy of I'latiginou'h, C- Citinty, Nebrai-sa,
That it i-ha!! b unlawful for any prrj.m or per nn
lniiw orr.iui.e ti be used any drav. wacnn, cait or
otbor vthn le. a. a c mnviii j d' wajron within the
c,irtnrate limi s ef said Ciiy, without fl.ft pr icurir g
fiom the Ke order a iicni; for Ihe am", an i pa.v
irm the 'Ml of ttn dollar for each an.l every vehicle,
. . n d Thin is in inclode thone hn;inif from
oi e stuhli-hnint to another; g...ds and meichandire
from the b at laa linir, Ac.
Si-c 2.1. Any person or person? a-inv any of said
rb.cle at no ive stated, vri'.ho'lt n et pro. uiinj; a
lie- Uie f ir the ame, hV b", lfore the Mator or
anv Jusiire of Hi- I'e ice. found KUily ' a uii 'e
unau r aii.l fni.-. n 'he -uni f n. t lss than $3 00
or more ihan 00 I or each and eveiy cfTctic ao
.vec 34 All funds realiid from id licences an t
fiue chall be nne.1 by ihe M-eet C.iJimiMoner in
k'-eptng the it eeia a d road to loe landing la re
t,air. -ec 4 h All licenes end fine hall al w.iyj be paid
in eaih and in advance.
Sec..";h. Ech and every i'hlcle eo Kcenjed vba"
he nuuih.'rel an.l made resp-ms ule for all goods en
trusted to ih.-ir care.
fee. 6 h The Ci y Cornell hold the right to resn
late the cha for oich dmyupe, &.c,ihin the
c-irporat- limits of nid C'i'y w htn extonionaie
rbares are made by tbo.e omuj cr causing to be
used such vtb cies.
7ih. The Cl;y Eecord"r ahall, lor each and
eveiy I cei'-e so isu. d, I e eutnled to the sum of one
dollai; pujal.le fn m the t arty p.ocnriog liceine.
Sec. h. No license 81 ail be iscued for a lea. period
than twelve month-
te-. 9 h. This Ordinance t-i take effect from and aj
ter its pub icntion.
Dated 19th of February, 1:66.
C. L COOPER, Mayor.
F. M. DoBBiyrjTo, Becorder' i3 lw
HaTing rereatly luilt a oew and suita e bop on
Uain St., Plattsmouth, N. T
WnnM reepectful'T Inform the citiieno of Ca"' an'l
adj.iinin eountiti tht he haa the facilities fjr car
rying ou thd
In all ita branches
1 am prepared to tnrn out the
and muet durable
Of every descrij tion, ever offered in the Territory.
Partic.i'ar attention paid to making and fin
All kinds t f lu-nber taken In exchange for werk.
Pl itta -loath. April 10, 1S-C5.
2. .
k 1 Q
. . .
c- j.
Music ! Music I
Piano FortPs,Melodeons, Music and
Musical M'dse,
Orders l.y mail for Moeh . Book, or anything per
taining to .;ciic, prrSf I'.y attended to
"O'ders for In-'" jor repairinit Piano Fortes
and . in Tl , tMUouth and vicinity will be
alien. l d to at our arlit-st conv. nit-ncf.
Aug. 8,
By order of (he Probate tVurt of Cass countv.vX.
Saturday, ihe 17A day of March,
a u lGii, between the hours of 1 and 8 o'clock p m.
ofa.dday. on thj jirfiiijnrs near Mt. feasant, in
said coiin. y, w ill l-e sild at public vendue, to the
hi he-t and best bid. ier for CHh, the f.l oiDi? R.-al
K tate, as the property of Ih- Es.ato of Thoiuat W
Humes ! ceased, t wit: ihewtst half of the south
west q'lar'.er of seciiou no. e'h. ("). in township no.
ten (In), north of ranuj no. th'i i.-en (11), east of the
li-h prioc.pal, in Ca couuiv, Nebraska
Territory. J. W HAH E".
tiaar.lian of the minor heir of Thomas W.
f.:b23 3w iai ve. decpa-ed.
Kenl IVolice.
In the Distric. C jui t . r X brask i Territory In aud
fjl C'J-couuty, iu '.'i Juiiicial District.
O. P. Mason l
" . 1-
SiIoqM Joh srinfjauf
U-oii;e Clinton J
Toolnn M Ji.liiiso i nd Goorje Clinton:
Take notice .if a p tiiion fl ed au nnst yon by 0.
P. in the Dis.nct Court 2d Judicial District of
Ncb'aaka in and fo ' Cas county, on the day of
, A D lto6; The ohifct and prayr ol said
P'-tilion b. iui; to cause and oh'ain, t. .ther with ln-
e et, the ps yracnt of a certain prominsory note ex-
f -u:ed hy you S5.l..n M John.-on on the 4lli day of
liceuiK-r, a D 1 Mill, for e hundred dollars, and
n ade pa al. to George Clinton, which not is cow
the properly of Ihe above named plain irT; That :er-
ta;n real rsia e in said county, as the proiu-ity or
S don M. Johns.. n, has been attached in aid of ih
ahove euutie 1 action;
Now. therefore, you a'e herehy notified to appear
a:id plea. i, denur or answer to the said petit on on or
b. f re Mi.nila", the Pih ilay of, a D li06, or
fiich pel. lion will be Ukto aa true and judgment
r ndtre.1 accordingiy. O. P MAroN
Ord. r- d puhlts'itd in the Her!d newspaper four
consecutive Wrfk. V bri.ary 2s'.h, Iswi.
T. M. iiABuVBTT, Att'y.
AHisiiiiistrator's Sale
By order cf the Probate Court of Cass county, N.
T , on
Saturday, ihe 2lh day of March,
A D 1RC8. between the hou-s of 1 and 3 oc ock p m
of said day. at ih f-ont d orof ti e I ourt-hnnae Wnl
b. so'd at pnl lic vendue, to the hinhe-t and best bid
d-r f.r ca-h, ih f.illowin j Itral Estate, s the p..p
en f ihe estate of Samuel Hahn and A-.gelina
llahn, do-nd. to wil: 'be rorih nt iiua ier of
ftioii 4) fo-r, in towahip twelve, north of
r.n ge (i:i thirteen, east of tue6:h pr.ncij al merid
uiti, id Co touuty, Jiebraaiia lerrirory.
Administrator of the estate cf Samutl Hahn and
Angelina Hal n, dvet ased. feb28 in
I c-
I O 1
0 B 5
f c-
1 !.
B fv
GlenwouJ, Iowa,
Removed to New Three Storv Brick Tiuiltlinfr, Past Tvoom,
Corner of Main and Third St's, Flattsmouth, N. T.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing,
And a variety of
Also keep constantly on band a large luppty of
A larga supply of
Such as
Flour. Bacon, lAird, jflcal, Bcans,U)
A larrre stock of
Wooden Ware,
Buckets and Tubs,
Yah Boards,
Butter Bowl?,
Butter Firkins,
Water Kegs,
Half Bushels,
Meal Selves,
Staucie cfc? Anderson H
TXT 23 S7V
Geo. Eoeck & Co
Daye fraoveJ to their
JSTEIV TWO STORY BRICK SHOP, .Yorth-wesl of Book's Old Stand,
Where they are prepared to turn cut nil kind of Sew Woik, such
.Aud ever "ling nee'itrtliy Freighters or Farmers in the beat of style.
Horses, 3Iules and Oxen Shod in the best stj le and on reason
able terms.
Of eTery description, either in wood or Iron, done cn s-hort notice.
d?" Particular attention paid to Repairing all kind of MACHINERY AUD
CASTINGS of such.
They keep on Land, and for sale,
Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains,
E0LT3 of all sizes, WAGON SOWS, &c.,
In fact, everything in their line nee.leJ by Freighters, Emigrants or Farmers.
Havins a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and ths best quality of Iron, Thimbla-
Skeins, Ac., select! by onneWis, with sp. ciu reference lo th s trade, we f-tl confident tht w cn tum
out better and more work, at cheaper rates, than any other shop in the Territory.
Thankful for past patronage, w solicit a continuance of the same.
GeO. Boecls. c3 C?o.
Sntirnction Guaranteed or Money Refunded
PLATTSMorrn, N. T., Nov. 8th, 1 805. 6m
IVolice to Tax-Iayers.
The Taxe' for IS'JS f rfeit ,n the first of Mar
Genilcmni will pl'se e ill at the Treasurer' "fTlre
ml trel Ihe-r rereipW. and sure tlie penally which
muxt r.e atied aftT that date, aeeoi dine to law.
iuai7 Id Ill KE, Treas.
lafgal IVolice.
In the District Court of 2 I Judicial litrict of N't-
I raska. wnhin and fjr Cam touuty.
John rougtiey 1
Levi Mall. )
To L-ri Flail, yon will take nrti ?e that a petitina
w is fl ed apain-t you by John Coughey in the Di
tnct Court of 2d Judicial lt ict ! NeLra.-ka, in
and f ir Ca- roun'y, on the 30ih of January, A o
ls6H: The ihj tt aud prayer .f t.ld peritii.n heiir 10
obtain a j'atlKmeat f r the um of eilii hundre-1 iio1.
Urn, with inters f om May 1st. lSJ, at damages
rrsulliiifr frim fraud nl mUreprt-Meuiat: n made bj
Uffeudnot ti plair.nff in the al- or exchange ol real
esttr titiiat" ir the Sta of Iowa:
And tht eel Ia n real elaie, to wit: Tb ' 1-4 of
fpctl.n 4, township 14. n ra.g 9, east .f 6th p xa,
ha been Htach-d in Ibis cuse as your property;
Kosr. therefore, yoa a-e hen-hy not fied to
and plead. tne or demur to the rail pemn ul
nrbef-ire the third M'-nday after t 21,t day cf
March, a i 1 , or taid 1-etiHnn will be taken as
true and Judgment tendered acco.dingiy.
T. V. JIaliQCETT, AU"y. Wi3
rimuuicuib, N. T
Building material,
Window Glass,
Sa-h a ud Door?,
Paints and OiU,
Fanner?' Uten-il,
Shovels and Spades,
Forks. Ilay Iinkes,
DoubI Shove! and
Two-horse Molme Flows.
Cor,r.iced on ih- bi ii t-f Aolaal R..ire., br an
experienced Ae.-ouitnt r'! n-ir-iar Penmin, whoss
with th mul rKw-olur Comra.eial CVlecs B' h
Union en urea thoronehna. and rep-nailoo to erery
graduate, and comma d the be nn-i':an.
Giren to all tyh s of Penmanfcliin, cu which wehas
bfn ward the flrtt Premiuo s for maty yean at
vari u Stat" Fairs
lar e- ntainirj full pa-f'entars. will sent t a,y
address. THO'c J. DUXAVr. pra't. .
' St. Joseph, Mo.
a :':
O v