Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 28, 1866, Image 3

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Slfc acbrasha herald
Plattsmonth Lod-No- G, A. F. &
A- M-
r I:
ion' 11
k, p. 1,1.
3.1 Motul if! of each
K T. UIKK, W. M.
,l'J. at I i-'c'.j
j r, linVVK, rp.
Kcbra-ka Chapter No- 3, R A- M.
.i.v- - a' u:. 2.1 i.r. I 4.Ji YVe.lne.-d iys of
., a; 0 1 ..'clot k j. nt
J. C HOWE, H. P.
I. 0.0- F.
r :.f
s; t
l? M
I. N - "7. ii.--1 - 'v-ryrar,:r'1iy
1.1 !.... B!thet .f .-tbir Lodge.
, : V I ,f U t'j V,r II th's I.oiljT-
II HuWLA.ND, n. u.
K.C i-r.'y.
n -
one who wishes to open
i t.:i f r iji , within three miles of town,
. .;; ,.r, Hun. S. Maxwell, lie has for
r. .'i tr-it r,f as fine prarie lauj as can
t . f ! n t. ! i I c u:i:ry, ati l it tan be
j u ,. i ..-.-it n.ih..; li-urcs. Now 11 the
-. it. (l ie lucre i a risa in the
A j rterty.
r r, I'i'.-r trti'n of rnjons crntnoil
i.v r '''ii p'.-icu vett r.l iy, arnl t i 1 1
. .... ., 1 w ii '1 in a
few divs
I'..i;;vn':.ii route is fart Mijieree Vr. all
oil...: ., u its H.lvantarcS are Lecuming
in .re . itiT.-ivc! v known. No one who
ta.ea a truin out over thin roml, ever looks
for a LvUtr or more profitable route to
rv"("ur.t. North, of t!ie fainoui "Paw
m.i Si-outs,"' ii ntoppino; in the city for a
few th-' gurt (if Mj. Wheeler.
H,..- Cui.t. niiJ bis '"Scouts" have retiJer
el t-Ecient ail to tbe.U. S. during, and, although entitled
t) he nuiattreJ out, will probably be re
time I in Nt-rviee until tha marauding red
houri is are complett.dy subjugated which
time w'-ul l nut be fur dirtart if we had
n f uiuo'.enl uuitiber of men like the Cap
ful n.
7"It is an old saying, and one not en
tirelv devoid of truth, that ''when liijuor
ii in Nen-ifl is out." Another witnennof
it truth wa to be seen on the street
veuerd iv. If men must uso liquor to
eICJ, wllv can i liiey n ie tumcicui
o.f-rnrpect, and respect for th? commn
Lity in which they reiiide, to keep from
,h'Mitiri"' o!T thrir mouths'' in such a
hoisternui manner. Let thtru etay Vhere
thev get their whiskey until such times
as they c m kt-eo from attracting general
attention hv silly and boisterous
t'., and thus save their reputation-
J"Thn frighting business i begin
r.'.ng to I riht-n up. This is pretty eariy
ia the season to see regul ir freighting
outfits sturting weit, yet a train of thir
teen vngoris, belonging to Mr West, f.f
Council U'.uflf, crossed the river at this
pi.Int on la't Monday. The loaJing is
iol? rocrics, nnl is bound for Den
ver. C. F. 1 1 - ii -I r i of Council liluiT-, is now
I a truiii .f i.xtii wajn at this
j w'. :eh start for I) -nver sows
I. ne .1 t;.'3 T--ei. l'.a'.Uiuouili iias
n-:vtr hern f-ivoru i with any amount of
r e; nr...::: fici.'l.', hut wa wi.l "liii'i
tor ag-fin-t anv on the vivr for the
a ii )n :i '. f ki Is an 1 ma : bin cry she set; J
m m m - -
'-; 7'.'. .n'y.
J,"y.V citizen', mrting Tfis!itId ia Nt
l rasa ei'.y a few J ivs sin -e, for the pur
j of l ikin some notion t,)Tar ls se
curing l a:lr ' J fonnect io:i w i th tlo e.ift.
Thev propose -'-' ).' " 1 ) ia couu'.y
bonds for that rurpose. M-iy success at
nd th.-ir tilorts the m 5re railroad we
Lre the LUr.
T ri o S'.i II jus-, formerly the
Ilatt H u, vrns oj end to the public
vrrtr.'i.iv, underthe mautgnifnt of.
V. Tu't, liq. A nu'iihtT of l ts wern
invited t dinner, who nil agreed in s ty
ing that mine ho-.t," Tutr, ''knows h('W
tj keep a h ite!,'" un 1 that in tirot '..iss
'vie. .Strangers and others visiting our
-I., - - i.i . . i -.ii
;tv w-ni near in mina unit in-'y win ne
well treated at this H ue, and furnirhed
with as good accommodations as the city
l. Jlhe cry is "still they come." An
other train of wagons, huutid for tho
western mines, crossed the river a.t this
place this morning. Why is it we sre
nothing in the Omaha papers about trains
crossing there? Ah! there are none
crossing, did you say? Well, peopla will
travel tne shortest and best rojtj when
they know what out! it is, and the past
tsn years' experience has pretty well de
monstrated to the traveling public, aud
more especially those who are constantly
engaged in freighting, that na other
route can compare with the one crossing
the Missouri river at I'lattsiuouth and
takipg a straight "chuta" up the Platte
t 3?"0. M. Carter, Esq., arrived here
yesterday, having been ahsent since last
fail. lie has traveled through a consid
erable portion of tin eastern and middle
States during the winter, stopping for a
short time in many ef the small towns
and villagos, as well as the cities, and
he i.ives it as his belief that the people
cf Nebraska aever drenrned of such an
emigration as will pour in upon us the
corning season. The talk at every place
be stopped was about emigrating to Ne
brask i, and hosts of peox le throughout
the esst are beceming consiout of the
fact that Plattsraouth is to bo the great
city of the west. They look upon our
position as 0113 of the most favored by
nature on the Missouri river, anJ pros
pects of early railroad connection with
the cast has convinced them of cur fu
ture greatness.
Q"Servicfs will be held in the Pres-
j Ljtar'mn Church, bj Ilev. Mr. McCirtneyi
i on Sabbath ?eiilnir neit. at o 1-2 o?4:Uck.
g'vTbe Ncbrai-lca C"nfirnoe of th-i M. ! Ir. -
F. Church meets in tbi rlnre on the
. . . . - . -.-.--. : - f
fourth day of April. It is hoped tho
good peoplo will make arrangements to
entertain the mernberi 6f the conference,
so as to maintain the good name of the
icy for hospita'i'y.
fEvery well-wisher of Nebraska, j
and especially of Piattsmouth, should p iy
or a few copies of the Weekly Herald to ;
he sent east, either to reading-rooms,
hotels, country towns or individuals.
Stop at lilepscr L Wise's and ad 1 your
names to tho Hot being formed for that
2?"In order to run a newspaper suc
cessfully, fuvls nre reipiired. If so ne
of our patrons who are indebted to us
will come forward an i pay up, it will as
sist us very materially in Increasing the
interest rmj usefulness of the
We d-'sire making some additions to our
stock of material, and wish those indebt
ed to the oLFico to furnish the funds.
The spirit of improvement is on the
increase. We notice a number of new
buildings being erceted in different parts
of the city, and preparations being ma Jo
for mar.y more. What can you expect
when spring opens? Does any one sup
pose Piattsmoutli is riot going to move?
Her prospects are brighter, and her citi
sens, and tho ci'izena of other parts of
the Territory, are more confident of her
future greatness, than ever before since
the rec j'li jtion af the "oldest inhabit
ant." '
C. Lewis, Esq , who has just
returned from a trip down the river, in
forms us that Piattsmouth i looked up.
on by the business men of St. Joseph
and other down river towns as the rising
city of the west. They see at a glance
the advantages we possess, and are anxi
ous to pecure to themselves a portion of
the profits arising from our commercial
progress. The best way for them ti do
ti is to tell cur people, through the col
umns of tho Herald, what they have to
dispose of, and on what terms
From it urday'a J'uily
"57"Ser rices will be held in St. Luke's
Church, on the evenings of Wednsday and
Friday iu each week at G 1-2 p. m.
Geo. . CTjetts.
dyac. F. Train and the "New Chi
cago" has been snubbed by the Bjston
Hoard of Trade. They refuse to hear Mr.
Train's . "piece" they know him, and
and they also know something about rail
road matters
J"Train is boasting through he east
that he will be the richest man in Anieri-ct-in
months. He says he "knows
how to do it." What do our late legis
lators think of th s. Does he? Was
there a "Credit Fancier" passed at the
late session?
QTp" Another mule train, belonging to
Flendrie, of Couneil Itluffs, leaves to-day
for Colorado. Mr. Hendrie is an cxten
ive freighter, and ships his entire freight
from this point. He is a resiJc-n of
Council TiiulTs, l ut does not take the
great Union Pacific 11. It. route by way
of Omaha. Persons in the freighting
business please make a note of this.
i'ldlll Jl rlt.r,- I'lul'J.
iJzf'M'mri. bisudo it Anderson are
nuving into their new niore Masonic
building. This elegant establishment
would be a crt dU U any etiiirn city.
The m lie train which has been en
eaniptd in the south j art of the city for
several d tys past,' roiled out yesterday
evening bound west over the great south
Platte route.
"yN iiv is the timd to subscribe for '
lh. Daily Hkkalu, containing the latest
news from the Caritul at Washington.
It is only 1 per month who would do
wkhoul the lare news lor that t-ianil tuin.
5" ' he FostiAal given by the ladies of
the I". P. church of K ocii lilufl", notwith-
atauding the iuclemeut evening, proved j
quite a suecess, an 1 enable t them to pay
oil" all the indebtedness of their church
C3"The - ! church of Ilock'DluEf was
the lirt church building of any kind erec
ted in Cass Co.. The members have lately
erected a cupola und belfry, in which
they now have a bell weighing over 40.)
Another mule train crossed the
river at this place to-day, bound west,
and more are coming. Freighters arc
fully alive to tho advantages of taking
the shortest and best route, hence the
immense rush is in this direction.
large Government train, loaded
with Q. M. stores from Ft. Leavenworth,
for Omaha, passed through here jester
day; but fulling to c. oss the Platte, re
turned this A. M. and crossed the Modij
with a view of reaching Omaha by way
of the Iowa side of the river.
Th? Urownville A'-nertiser, in its last
Usue, devotes considerable space to an
effort at abuse, which, in our opinion, is
uncalled foF. The 1'rtss, of Netraska
City, is as ably conducted as any other
paper in this Territory, and its powerful
advocacy of the rights of the eop'e en
titles it to a place by evary lireside in
the country, llulloonery and low jocular
ity are inadtnissablo in a well conducted
journal. Ws regret to see (his spirit of
j calling names growing upon the .Wier-
liser, and hope that a more gentlemanly
course will be taken hereafter.
(5?- change Ins been made ia the
proprietorship and editorial control of
the Omahi Republican. Hen. Heath
has sold out to E. A. McOiure, and E. D.
Taylor again takes charge of the editori-
r1 department. The G?n. has had a brief
I but brilliant oireer as a politician ia Ne- I
but brilliant oireer as a politician in Ne-
xska. We hare sustained b:.B course in
tome thin"?, vvhile'in others wj have secu
fit to condemn him. V e hope to eeo a
different spirit rrutnifasted by the R'pvb-.
licnn towards th$' balance of the Terfiro
rj hereafter, nm we fully believe we shall
- Frtrm Tti9c'ty'H J ii'i.
CTJ"Maj. Whe.dor, agent for tho Paw
nee Indians, left the city this morning for
the agency. -
r7"The Platte river is impassible, and
a few more warm days will start the ice
in the Missouri.
"2?"The river is open at St. Joseph,
nd bolts will probably come up as aoon
as tho liMth of March.
(g'.Ve learn from the city Recorder
tha; the ordinance creating a license for
teaaij is likely to bring sufficient revenue
to put the road to the steamboat landing
in good repair.
fyVe are in receipt of the Sotttliern
Xtbrar-ki-jn undr the administration of
N. O. Pierce, Ksj. The paper has been
enlarged to double its former size, anJa
neral improvement is observable. -
Success to the XiLrashiaii.
"The travelirg public will be pleas-
to luarn that the Ferry company of this
place have procured a new boat,
cupible of crossing all the teims, cattle,
Jc.e. that will be crossed between Omaha
and St. Joseph. Come on with your wa
gons the boat is on the way, and will
be hero as Boon a) the ice breaks.
(3?" The advertisement of C. II. King,
Carpenter and Duilder, will be found in
this issue. We understaud Mr. Kin
proposes working several sets of hands
during the spring and summer, and will
be prepared to take any aod all contracts
that present themselves. Patronize the
man who advertises, and thus give him
("""Read the advertisement of Staude
ii Anderson in to-day's paper. This is
one of the heaviest firtas in tha west, and
their liberal- advertisement is tho best of
evidence that they are liberal men to deal
with. They have now a Crat-clas3 busi
ness houses two stories and a basement
in the new brick and will fill it with
goods suitable for this market by; the
first boats. Call on th'm at their new
quarters if you want cheap goyds.
The Fprirg i the time people gen
erally break loose from their old haunts
and start for a new location. Thousands
of them start without any definite idea
of where thoy wiil stop, and are governed,
in a great measure, by circumstances.
This is the most auspicious time to send
abroad newspapers, and thus spread a
knowledge of our Territory. A list is
being formed at the News Depot of Klep
ser & Wise for ihe purpose of sending
copies of tho Weekly Herald to the read
ing rooms and hotels in the east. Call
and subscribe for a few copies.
On Thursday, the 22d inst., in lloek
niuCs, bv the Hov. Thomas McCartney,
Mr. A. M Holmes, and Miss Marhia
Swais', both of Cass County.
In this city on the 2")'h ilav of Feb., at
the brvie's residen-'e, bv thr ltv. Win. A.
Amsharv. Sergt. Ki.mkk A. 'iravks, 1st
NV. Vet. Cuv , ai.d Mite Lizzie Com ins, of
ihis citv.
At the resiJence of the TiriJes father,
in Marvsville, Mo. on Friday Feb. lG:h,
Iro'j, by the Uev. M-. ISrookman, Mr C. Lewis, of rhiUsmout h Nebras
ka, and Miss Jf.nmfc, daughter of Wui.
II. and Sarah E. Davis.
Wiikkeas, in the mysterious workings
of an inexorable fate, whosa ruthless
hand works devastation in our town, and
i 7 ins (V Mucin uupu.u iiij butj
1 j t i nan..;u i.. b,.n
Yif:j of its power, our frienl an 1 fel
low townsman, En JAtt G.JLewis. h:is fal
len a victim to its ravage., and dropped
un "omplainingly and without a murmur
into its embrace, therefore, bo it
ResnlJ, That in thus losing our
friend, all bachelors have sustained a
grievous loss, and the cause of celebacy
an ardent admirer and warm advocate.
That, while we deplore his unaccounta
ble defection from the ranks so long
honored by his presence, we yet applaud
bis courageous enterprise la entering up
on an hitherto untrodden pa'h; and, al
though he has repudiated the teachings
of the order to which his past has been
given, w devoutly hope he may, in re
turn for his perfidious conduct, be held
in the chains be has so coveted until all
together drop into their last resting
place, and the remembranoe of bis vir
tues be the monument that will perpet
uate his memory.
Given under the hand of the Scretary
of the Plattsiuouth Bachelor Association
this 23d Feb., 1SG6. Ccpid,
Staude it Anderson haver emovej to the
new three story brick building, e-ist room,
corner M.-tin and Second, etroets, where
they are ready to accommriijate their old
customers and as many new ones as will
favor them with a call. ftb. '2,1
Now, is jour time! "If ou waDt
Chfttp C".othinr, call on Wm. Stadlmann
!c Co., as tliey are sellinr; off at cost to
make room for a large and heavy etock
of spring goods. feb. 22
(-WANTED Two or three Blnck
smiths. Steady employment and bi:,-"
wacs will be jriveu by npplyinfr immedi
ately at the two story Brick Blacksmith
sihop of Ueo. lloeck, riattsiuouth Nebras
ka. Council BlufTs Xonjarcil copy one
time, and Omaha Republican one week;
and send bill to this oiEce. 19 (3t.
wy m
Persona indi'bte I ta us by rote or hz
cotiiit nre req'tre'ted fa call and nettle the
f nrae iiiinieu;att-iy.
Statde & Andehsok.
Feb. 1 1855. 3 m. ,.
1ST E "W
Tin subscriber bavir.g purchased the
Red Store on 1 1 street, lately occupied
by Sarpy and others, would reiipectf ully
inform the citizens of Platisnmuth and
vieinity that he hns r. fitted the store and
opened a large and full stock of J wclry
:nd r ancy 'Articles lor l.nuies, Stents,
Children, and the rest of mankind, and
is prepared to do ml kinds ct tatcn,
Ckclc and Jewelry Repairing jn the best
manner, and would be harpy t eervuhis
old and as manv new customers as may
ivc I.i-n their pntronnge, assuring them
of the'ir work well done at moderate pri
ce's, and on ilw.rt time. The stock, em
bracing every variety of goods ii ual!y
kept at a lirst class Jewelry Store, will
be sold at low prices and warranted of
the best workmanship and material. lie
has also a small stock of Family Groce
ries, which will bo replenished from time
to time, and sfld at the lowest figures.
Hiving permanent!? located in this citv,
I respectfully solicit a share of patron
age, and cordially invite: all to call and
examine the stock on hand, as we would
be pleased to serve you, and do not ask
vou to buy unle-a we can maKe it lor
your interest to patronize us.
i.. II. KAIOM.
I lattsmouth, Dec. 27th, 1S05. tf
A fro tiro M. ry biick store bnililing. 22 by CO feet
p. tii cellar; lor furlbai nartiaoliiii liuir of the
jaiillir Loarii or MrHuoi. lyiKtcTom.
OltDIA A CE Xo. .17.
Jin Ordinance to prohibit Drays, Wag
ons, tS'c. from running as common
'iranstjiortafioii Vehicles without fir&l
obtaining a License, within, the cor
porate limits of fltc City of riatts
mouth: Pec. 1st. Jit it orJiiiiUdl? tbe City Cuncil cf
th City of i'la-.Unwiiili, ,C.f. county Nebraska.,
II. it it i-lia!l be unlawful f.r any person or pnsM
to use or c use t be ueU any dray, wagoii, cait or
other vehicle, tts a, cf.nmiou job wagon, within the
corporate lirairf said City, without first prncurir g
fiom the Retorder a licen-e for the am au.l py
itiK the nam of ttn dollari for ea.'h ani every vehicle,
&e , o us. il. Thi to iaeludt.- llmsn hoaung Irom
oi.o estHhlHhmer.t to :iiii)'.!.er, gdous and merchaiidise
from the boat Umliu-, 4c.
s;.... .! 1 liv tiorsntl or npfsmi lin'7 nnv nf siii.l
Vehicles as stuteil, withnnt first priH-iirint; a
Heme lor me laiue, tadi' , iifiuiu iuc wujur ui
any Justice of the I'eace, found ituiliy of a luisle-
an r and lined in the sum of Hot 1-ss than j Uli
or more thiu fjll OJ for each and every Ctrcnct. no
ee. 3. Ail fundi realized trom said licenses an.l
flueii shall be tin 1 by the Mreet Coiinni-si ouer in
epiri; the streets a d road? to the landing in re
ar. ' "
Sec. 4:71. All licenses and fines eliall always bt?paid
in cash and in ndvani. "
Sec..i-h. t:t.h nd every Tchicle ro licensed shall
be uutiiheie-1 aud made resp jubible for all guodj eu
trusted to their can-.
.ee. 6 h 'I'lie C'i'y Coiiticil hold the riiiht In regu
late the chair! for ueh ilrayafre, ate , within the
irnorute limits of said City when extortionate
barges are made by those usin or causing to be
used such veh-cle?.
--. Iih. The City Hecorder shall, for each, and
every license Ro issad, I entitled io the sum of one
illai: t( .yable fr. in the t arty p'oc'inc the hceiis--
ec. eih. No licn-e shall be issued for a less period
than twelve hm iths -
S-e , 0;h. Th Ordinance tJ take eCfv-Ct from aod a "
ter its pub ic.iTon. - -
Iatcd l:ta ol r bruary, llib.
U. I. COOPER, Mayor.
F.M. DoRbisgtox, Recorder 4w
Chancery Sale. ;
Alfeht BlCON. )
v V Is CHiScrav
David Uawjiebt )
In i.iir-mnce k bv virtue of a oYeretal order to Die
direct, d fram the oM-e "fth.- Cl'i k of the district
Court, t.r thrt 2i d. Judicial district, in and for Cas-
coautv Ne'ra-ka mate in the a'.ove can-e, anil
b,-at itiij date ont'.eilth. day f October lbtu, being
the adiourned October lerm ot sa;d C 'Uii-
I the jb ctibcr ila.-ier in Cbanct ry for said court,
11I ffer for sain ; t 1 ublic vendue fr easb, t Ihe
bul. est and I1e.1i bidder, in trout of the Court house
In I'ialtgtm uta Nebraska, on
S.UurJtni March 37
it 1 1 2 'clock V. M. of said day, tha following
-sci-Le.i premises, to wit.
Th- south half ( of the Bouth Mst qnartcr (1 4)
1 secii ni no. thirty M, It Ihe ea.'t half (I t) 01 the
north e:m; uuarter (l b of section num. er twenty
nine !.) in town-hip nutut'er ttn ( 10) norm 01 nio.'t
nuniher ihirlreu (1:) cal of tiie sixth I". M. 'u Ca.
:outv . I'lrtska ler.itoiy int-'.-ther with all anp
singular ihe imi'r .veo-ieutp, i.e. vu.inienis, aua
apl'U' t.-nantes tii'-to le'orgicr ar in but w;e
lMt-.rtaiIlllir, to he s rl as toe .l: tKiy 01 ttie (le en-
ianta ve named to 'i"!'y aid uecrce tha ar.i.,unt
f which is ike sum ..f tS-i "d aod cis f auit and
ale. IiAi'd Januarj 'J0m 1 s6o
Mister iu thancerr.
T. II MQrETT,ol. for eatupit.
Chancery Sale.
Davi ! 1'earce
Ansel II. barker and
Ljcind.1 Ha. kcr.
In Chancery.
Wm. V. Kndr "l
Ansel It. barker and f
Lucinda Jtai ker. J
In pursuance and by yir'ue. of tw i'cretnl orders
to me d:r Tted from the "flice of th rr"lt 01 tn I'is-
tri.-l 'ourt of the 2r.d J.i.l.cial Uistiirt. in ai.'t for I
C.iss countv. N-braska Territorv. b-nrinii d.itea r
s.ene.v on tha vih day if Apiu. lsh-j, 1 eind tn
A n! f rill of sai.l l ourt. u'.il on the 1 . 1 n nay 01 lie-, ls-J:l. Leinc Ihe October te'injf
sau ( ..nit. 1. the, .11 jut ui 1 nam ery ior
said Co'i! t. i id i ff-r tor saie at i.ubli: vendue, fat
c i-h, t 1 th liiahest and bidder, in front of tha
Cum l-house, iu l'laltboiouth, Ntbraka, 011
Saturday, the '3rd of March, lSGG.
at 1 o'clock n m. of a:J day, the following d scribe J
rea I e-tale, to wit: The undivided one-t.alf (1 ii)
of lot n. twelve 112). in bhrk ns
twenty-.s venC:.). in tha city of Platutnoiuh, Cass
crees, tha amouut uf wh a ll M the .sun of &91 1.51 and
interest at the ra' of 1J per cent from the dates . f
said d. cr, e-. together tv th c.sts of -uits and salu.
DataUJauuary, lsoh ..,
M aster in Chancery
T. M. M iRCtrETT, Solicitor fer ComilaiL-auts.
janSl bw ...
1ST 33 W
Having recently built a new and suit e shep on
Main St., Piattsmouth, II. T.,
Would resp, c'fnlly inform the citiEeus of Cass ud
aaioimua comities in it lie nas me lacuitien r car-
ry ioif on tha n . . - -
la all its branches
I am prepared to tnrn ont the
O IT. E A 1? ST
Llinost durable.
Ofevcry dec rij.tion, ever off ie 1 In the Territory.
f - - - - ' ;
V Ps-Pcn'ir attention paid to aiaking aed Bn-
ishiag CO k IAS.
Ail Lin ts of lumUT takea la esckanpe for ork.
P'.JtU aou'h. April 10, !Si55.
eontuy. Nebraska territory as il.e,saiue i-.tesinnat- ,cril.e, ,,,, eJ,a,e: Tlie ,., rIh-. rt.,t quarter CI 4) or
ed iiod the r corded plat of said rity, together with tj cmhir .hirty-tive ( C). iu town ship twe've
all and in-la- the improvements, benditanien's . no.tli of rane twelve (12), east nf the
aa i appurtenance, thereon rr r.-to bclouin,r, or j,, Cass county. Nebra-ka I ei rit..ry; To.
ii. any wise appertaiiiiuc. To be sld a- the proper. h' i(h a,, aQ(1 ;,;, t,e imp.ovenients, her-
ty of the deiendants-above named to satisfy saul de- r... ... . ,k,.. . ik..,,,. i,,.
C. B. STAUDi;.
. - Glenwood, Iowa,
Removed to New"" Three" Story " UrieV IundinrV ISast Room,
Corner of Main and Second St I'lattsmouth, N. T ,
. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Boots and Siocs, Ready -made Clothing,
And a ariely of
Also keep cot.stntly on band a large iupply of
A large supply of
Such as
Flour Bacon, Tard,
Dried Fruits,
A lartje stock of
ooden Hare,
Buckets and Tubs,
Wash Hoards.
Butter Bowls,
Butter Firkins,
Water Kegs,
Half Bushels,
Meal Seives,
wh. k. rs.Nicit,
ah Wholesale
Patent Medicines,
Chemicals, Glass, Faints, Oils,
Oil and Lamps,
-We are the Northwestern Wholesale Agents
and cu furni.h their aaeJiciues in any lain itiea.
Chancer' Sale.
Iaac C ie
-In C'liaticery.
Enocli Hiarp )
In j.nrsiiance and by vftue of a decretal order
to m direct, d from t .e m e of tUe LirK 01 itie
Pi-'rict i'onrt of the 21 Jn ncial I'is 1 ict, ui ind f. r
Cass . outiiv, Nebra-ka. made in the aboecaiise aud
o iri ng oate on the 6th day of November, lsol. or
irit th" a IjourHe'I t'ciooer lecui or saiu tnuri, i, uie
siibsi-rili r. Mailer in Chanrery for naid Court, will
Iter for al- ai public vendue, t r rash, to the rujjr.
.r a.i.l li. r l.i l.ler in front of the Court home. In
I Pattiu.uth. Nebraska, on
I , . , r -T , tc-r--
Aaiuru ay , O'i ua y "J, iouu.
,.,,-.-1,,. nooB. of aaid dav, the follewimr de
xhtTVTZ rTtJ ,.f ,he abeye named d' feudant to salisfy
sai(, d,,. (,hc uniount of whi h ia the turn of tsiS,
topether w ith cost of sui t and -a'.e.
loupiri: onn anywise appertaining. To be fold a
Dated Jatiu ry 26th. If6tj.
Mirt-'r in Cii.incery.
T. M MinacrrTt Solictor for Gompl't. jai.Ol 5t
Chancery Sale.
Sarah t.. Coe and I.-aac Coe )
vs Vlu Chaacery.
Jatiifs liuwmaa. )
In pursuance and by virtue of adecre'al o-de- to
me directed f om the . fll. e of the L lei k of the l.s-tri-
t Couit of the 21 Ju.l.ri .l li-trht, in aud f. r
Cassc unty, Nrtiu-ki, made in the above pause, and
b.-miu-' d ite on the 331 day of Oct .her. Is being
the a'jiurned llct.iber term rf said Coml, I. tl.e
mofc-it. r. Mastor lu ChiiiCcry for said Court, wili
uff r at public vcudu ', f r the hi, be. I and
he t bidder, in front ol the Coin l-nuus in i .aiio-
inouth. Nebraska, on
Saturday, ihe 3d day of .March, 15G6,
at 10 o'clock a m of sai l day, the fnltowitie desi b-
ed real tstate, to wit: The south halt (1-2) of the
i:h eaM qurt-r (1-4) of section no. on-' (I), in
I (i-M.'ea.t of the ;h principal meridian, in Cass
i...rn.hin no fw.-'v HM. nortn of ranire no. twelve
lcuniy, Nebraska, 'J'ege bi r with ail and sinpnlar the
ir-ipr. vetneiits nd appattenanees th-ieon or tlr-rdn
belooinK , or in any w ise a) pertainir.c To be sold
th.- property of ihe d fer.d.iDts a hove naineit, to
satts-v said dicer, the amoui t oi wnicu is iuc-um
uf tJTl iii, andcosu of ? ut an I sale.
Hated Jauuitiy SWtn, IStt.
Master i i ChaLC-ry.
T. H. MiKtirFTT, Solicitor for Cum; !'!. . ji3l its
For ficsicval EUicatlon,
T'.ie English d uartuient under the sutierintcridettee
-f Mr. Sherlock, late lusjiector of Public ScbfioL in
T!ie M usical defiei tment Is conducted ny Mrs. soer
locl , pupil of c-K-raied masters in England.
lne curse of intrt:ction include, the vartius
hra iches usni'ly ta'rcUt in flrsi -class schools, Bio-
Ker..inp by douM and s.ntfle ent. y, y i-nch Maic,
1 1'. .mi Fo: te. u-jiixr and tinina.i ic. The term
c..i.irr.eo eann the entrance of Cm ppit; payment
in advance. - .
ir and Mrs. Sherlock return thanks for th liber
al siifpt ri tkey ave rcelert, and thtil by utiremii
l.nj iia?i i m If Uiclf pupil cnueavor to aucr.t tie
coi.tinuanre. There are ooly acacte- for a fo
more -mis. JanIO 3m
Piattsmouth, N...T.
OMU i (iliw iwi-L-w -
31c a , Beans, (f
Building material,
Window Glass,
Sash and Doors,
1'aints and Oils,
Farmers' Utensils,
Shovels and Spades,
Forks, Hay Rakes,
Double Shovel and
Two-horse Aloline Flow?.
Sealers ia
It) rrPi frTl F!7
Lf U
Pure AVines and Liquors, Coal
Stationery, Vc.
for Dr. D. Jayne k Son, and Dr. J. C. Aver Co.,
JauU4 ly
Dealers in
Coal Oil Jaamp.
4&C, &c.
Ve are also npr.ts for the K'ichinan Woolen
Jims, or e-i josepL, Jio., and have uow on band a
K"d assortment of
which we have received on cum mission, and ar
prepared to excf.angj for
at very reaonabl.i ipu-es. Aijr Give ns a call,
one door east uf the Uekald cflice, I'lattsniouth,
May 10, 1S55 tf
Valuable Lands for sale
N w 1 10 12; S w 23 10 12; E 1-2
e 7 11) 13; Eb2ae 18 10 13 ; S w
the abov lauds bi.'sl e purchasing.
Apply to b. DUKE,
aei27 TtX Payer and Land Azenl.
Kesidencc For sale-
We wib sell ery ow for cru'h a-.ol frame 112
story residence, all of pine- situ i'tJ in 1': itt-niou h
Enquire of Marshall, at the Pojt-oftVe, ..r of
D. (I. W 11 K ELK It a. CO.
PUttum. nth, N. T, Jir.ui ry loin. tl
All persons teret'.v l-rewnrced not fo truM my
wife, J me GodinJ as .A will jny no Jebu uf hc
cott acttnr. 1 GOUT'IXG.
Pintsmoa'h, rol JOth, 3w " - -
14 10 13; S e 23 11 11; S w C2 13 13; ! b hriua' (Uloca the 5 h ih y of Xovraibw, IsCt, be-
S e0 II 13: N 1-2 n W S ll 13; I irS the aJj.mtied Oct'ber te in f said Court, I, the
Also Town I ntin eitv of Plattsenoiith 1 "t:"''r' Ms:er in Chancery f.r t.-id Court, will
iio iiwn iot. in cuy or t laitsmomn. , ifc (or sal- , ,,.,, IC yue, f. r .-a-h, to the nigh-
All of which wit. be -old low for cash. Call and see ; -i nd lo l,i,M.r in fr ,ut ..r ih I'min h ,n. i
UnxUt b. i:k-i.t an re fltUjd ik
Are nuw Jdtrr-mintJ not t b excel'.el 7 say Bill
In il u;i far
Good. Flour !
W IX- E .A. T !
Prnipt a;l'.tioa fk.a t
Jnl7 m
Manufacturtr and dea'.er i
And aveiy uualljr kept In th iadoleiy iina.
on nhort notice.
Done at all times, reanonabl. Give us vail, we
feb9 ly
18(50 EASTWARD 1806
Short nnd Quick Route to
In connectiua with Ihe De Moines Valley and
Chicago, Barltutttou and Q'iiu.'Jr lUilrouds.
Three trains lvn Ottumwa daily on arrival of
Des Jluicei Valley trains.
Iiiggage checked frtnn Oitu:nva to
Chicajro and tho Kast.
Paenpers have choice of all the g -e it 1 ine I''a3
inc North, East and Snllth, and will find t ckets to
all principal pcint.s Ka-.t by all io:i'.csat tiic tl:lu;na
ticket otll'-e of thie pomp my.
Passengers will find t!i roaQiick, Sife and
Sure in i.s coiiuectious-.
C. B.rKUKIXS, Sapeiint'idetit
I. CaUPEII, General l"reiht aud 1M. enjicr Agent.
Prohatc IoicP.
To tKe PrtJiitte Ctrt I'ftitfmi taiHl Land.
Cardtier Powrrs, (i'mJiao of icj e'u'. powers,
niiiur heir of t:i; .-a:d j i Jilc;' i owe. s.
AH wh n i: in ry conco: o.
To a'l w'lom it in yc intern: Vo'i arc tier' by In-
f.rui'd that on th" l.'tii .1 .y of F". bruary, A I Jsijii,
said i.nai.ti m del I. if pehtion In tlie l'n l a'e (,'oUit
ot fas countv. N.T.; I h? obi.-ct alii v avar of f.tiJ
i pi t to it is lo obtain au order iioin sa.d Court fjr the
! ua e -.f ihe foil ; i on K a.1 K-tate, ta wit: r live in towurhip runtLer eleven -ill),
i.orth of rHD't nmnbr e.evi-n (11), a-t cf the C:i
p mr in Ch ci-uaiy, A. T. The Cuuit wiil
sai 1 pe )tiu on thi
lut day of March, A D. 18GG,
at 2 o'clock p in. at wl ih t';:i.e Rll rnn intrre't -l
c-u af pear ;.nd f!iow ca't-? wry 'r; jeir should
not be urant.-d, if any they hae.
J W. M A P. sIT A I L,
febtl 4w frui'i ;r'i'.
Chancery sale
Isaac Coe )
vs I a Chancery.
Henry II. Katehford t f
George II. V ckory. J
In pursuance and by virtue nf a ilecrolal order te
me di -ected from th--offire t.f th-( !er cf t).e p,,.
trict Court of the 2d Jud ciai lUMticr. Tn and for
l'lattsuiouth, Nebraska, on
Saturday, March 3d, 1SG6
at 11 o'rh ek a m, the following described real estate,
to wit: Th- nnrth-wrst qt:r sr 'I 4) of section aula- ,
ber twenty ri n (27), in township number ten (I'M, '
north of ir.j: number tweive (1-!;, east of the C'u
p m, in Cass county. Net. r,ka 'Jerrito-y; Together
with all and singular the iniprovrLLtits, beiidita
m -i.ts or appurtenances l.ier.ton or there o belonginj.
or in any wise a ppertain-njf. To be sold as the
propertv of the def-n. l int" sr. re named to atify
ald-cr'e ihe amount of which is the sura of $373, :
toother with e j's of u" end aaie.
Dated Jaouary Ziiih, I S oO
Mas'er lo Chancery. '
T. IT. MaHQPBTT, Bo!, for Cotny't. '- Jir.31 i9 -
i f!n ctinf v. N -hraska rnde l-i th- nti.iv- cntncM anrt
i f
i v'
i (
t j - -
I ; .