Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 21, 1866, Image 3

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    She Wmtffca gtaraht.
Plattsmcuth lodge No- 6, A- F- &
f ri'l ircniniuriC;.tion 1-t :ind 3J Muiid:iy (Teach
ninth. 9 1 4 o'clock, p. m.
E T I I KK.W. M.
j.G MO WE. Sir.
Nebraska Chapter No-3,11 A.M.
i ir nn i' nu i l ani 4th V.'ednrnl y of
.,!i w. uth, at 6 1 2 o'clota p m.
J. G. HOWE, H. P.
J. C CLMMIXS, fee.
I- 0.0- F.
Fi.itte ."tlr. N 7, m-eti fury afirliir everiing
11 lit t un llijiii Hall, ft tf itber LoCge
. .... i . .. t.i. t ..i..-
are re----' 3 ' .' ....
Rv arJe.-
w. foiT oer, KcC Sev'y.
frrtn n't-tnfdoy' Vni'u.
(T"Mr. GolJiiig is putting up a new
g:or Ofiposito the Episcopal Church.
("C'1J weather anl poor fuel is our
tcue for the sir.a'.l amount of reading
xai'.ler in to-day's paper.
fV" l) rP'1!l!'ly reported that a man
xr9 frozen t death during the niht of
"J'ue-id.iv. 13th, at Nebraska City.
rz"Wc understand that (ieo. Boeck
s nhml enlarging hi extensive brick
wag in and blacksmith shop. Hn bii-i-ntss
i rowin-tlie reason is he ahtrliits.
,!"Are the rrood peop'ie of Glenweod
trjiup to out-ble p old Hip Van Winkle
What's the matter over the MuMv? Lcti
hear from jou w, shiuIJ work togeth
er wake up friend.
v.Mr. Jarns E. Tutt has rente 1 the
''llvatt Ilousu" and intends opening a
first-u!a-s IIot-l. Thi is a Ood move,
but the thin;; to fill the most neeiiful
of al! iniprov'iiii.'nts in our city, M afnst
c'.a Hotel building. W' hope to soon
ea ome joint stock company take ho'd
of this matter, and with a determination
to puh it through. Th'ra is more mon
ey in a f.rst c;i Hotel in this city, than
C3uIJ bere.iliz''d from a small jjold mine.
Froirl Thxii tJu I my
(T"N .w is the time to ot out your
rairo;id ties; they will be needed on the
other eid3 of tho rirer next summer.
t?A man by the name of Moure, a
rancheman, wim rubbed a few days since
in Nebraska City of soiii'i $jUi. The
upposed robber has been arrested.
jjy-.Msesrs. McEiwain &. Ojger are en
titled to great credit, for the excellent
job of painting nnd graining they have
3oni in ths new four story brick.
jTl'he weatlier for tho past for'y
ight hours has been extremely cold; the
mercury Reitiug down to o ) degrees be
xero, and a htri't'jj wind from the north.
There will h ive to be some "tall thawing"
if the ice loosens before March.
V1" The person frozen to death at Ne
braska City, of whom mention was made
jesterd iy, prove. to ii iv b.-on Mr. (ieo.
Allen, an old miJ respected citizen. lie
. down town in the evening, and it is
auj posed ho got bewildered in the storm
and firished, Mr. .Mini leaved a wife
oJ S''vlt.i1 children to mourn his losg.
'5?Ve iued a goo 1 arid largo lute!
bore, we have tw o uow, huih of them well
kept, but they are not largv enough to ac-
jiniriodato the traveling pulOic. No
investment wou'.d pay better than this,
ad it muit be done. Who ever heard of
a decent sized town wiiu railroads ap
proaching it, convenient to a navng.ible
nvr, without a largo and commodious
bote.? We hold "no hotel, no towu" to
be the verdict of travelers, and again call
attention to the subject.
s8t there is a loose printer about
tht country he can lind employment by
calling at this uCiee..
5"There are still a number of men ir,
bminess iu this city who are not repre
kentcd through the columns of the Herald
t'ome forward, gentlemen, and let the
p eoplo see you-
"Messrs. Glover & Nash have re
f aired and re-Gtted the old water will on
Kg Creek Mills county, Iowa, and are
.now turning out a cuperior article of llour.
They left us a sack last week which can
not be beat in the west. C. 1.. Cooper,
Es., of this city, keeps it for sale.
Ve learn that Messrs. Colvin,
Janus and Iavis have bouhgt the build
jug known as the "Oreapolis House," two
miles north of town, and propose moving
it to this city. They will re moddle it, and
construct two or threo residences from
the materUl. The spirit ofjmprovetuent
it on the increase, and thoso who cannot
procure new material are looking up
buildings in tho small towns of former
days and removing them to tho city. We
predict that those who build the coming
soason, even at an apparently heavy ex
xetise, will be the men who make the
3110H mney in future.
C5?The young scamp who done the
shooting a short- time sinco took "leg
tail' last oight, and is supposed to have
fft these parts for good. He had been
tried before justice O'Niel on the charge
of assault with intent to kill, and was in
charge of sheriff Gss awaiting bail.
This community will not psobably be
IroubUd bj him again goon, yet it is bad
policy for scoundrels to know that they
tare any chance for escape from custody,
and we therefore again urge the necessi
ty of a jail, A good iron cell can be
procured at a comparatively triSing cost,
ni coull be placed in any kind of a
building until the county could provide
good jail building. Let us have one.
r-jrn Saturday' laly
SSTCan't friend Ueattey send us a few
Ji!j sutacribers froia the Union P. O.?
Let us hear from that part of the county.
EJ7"Keep it before the peeple that Cass
i the wealthiest agricultural county in
Nbraka, and that in her wealth Platts
tn Jiith has & sure fondat;.9n for a city.
If Nebraska City is eighty miles west
(nearer Ft. Kearny) of Plattsmouth, how
far is she from the C. B. & St. Joo Rail
road. "We hear of a number of men from
the east who propose opening business in
this city the coming epring. They show
undoubted evidence of sound mind bv se
lecting this point from among the many
rising towns of tho west.
2?" We have received the first number
of the Western Iwlrpendint, published by
II. C, Miller, at Bellevue, Nebraska. It
is independent in politics, and devoted to
home interests. Success to the new pa'
n.-nutif ul grand sublime deli
cious. Language is inadequate to set
forth the merits nnd beauties of the cake
preented us by the ladies of th? "Eact
ern Star Degree," or our gratitude to the
fair donors. That Masonic charity may
ever be extended to them is our earnest
"Ve hear men speaking almost daily
of friends in tho east who are making
preparations for removing to Nebraska
this spring. Come along, there is plenty
and to sparo in this co untry of all that is
needed to build up a home for your old
age. S'nd a,few more papers east, and
thus accelerate the westward emigration.
C3?"Whose business is it to keep the
Cemetery in repair. We are in f 01 rued
the weeds and rubbish abound, instead of
bluc-grass nnd gravel. Let this matter
be attended to, and our cemetery be made
to look like a Christian burial place, in"
stead of a mere convenience for disposing
of the dead bodies of our friends.
C7"Now is the tune to circulate the
glad tidings of a country found. Le
every man send off a few papers to his
friends, and different hotels and reading
rooms in tho eastern an 1 middle states,
and thus spread the news that our glori
ous Territory is fast becoming one of the
most important portions of the west.
T7"The conferring of the Eartern Star
Degree upon tho lidy relatives of
Freemasons took place last evening at the
Masonic Hall. An excellent supper such
as the ladies of Plattsmouth, and especi
ally those connected with this order, know
how to prepare was served in the best
style. L5ro's. Marks, Good, Pierce, Mills,
and their wives, and Bro. SnuQin, from
Glenwood, wcro present by invitation,
and co j f erred the order of Eastern Star
upon about seventy ladies and gentlemen.
Nothing could exceed the pleasantness of
the occassion. The music and singing by
Mrs.G od, Mrs. James, Mrs. Siuison, Mrs.
Wise, Mr.Jaiuca and Mr. Wise, was real
ly excellent, and deserves great praise.
Altogether, the occasion was joyous,
and will not soon be forgotten. Before
the close of the entertainment a vote of
thanks was offered, end carried unani
mous', to the friends from Glenwood for
thir attendance and aid. which was re
sponded to by Bro. Matks. The Masonic
1'raternity of Plattsmouth is an honor to
any community, and each member of the
order here generally rejects credit upon
the body in exemplifying its precepts.
from ifniVnj'i Ihiili.
"J. N. Sharp, of the firm of Mick
elwait it Sharp, has gone east on business
for the firm.
"7"Prayer-nieetings are being held in
the M. E. Church at 12 M. caeb day dur
ing the revival.
CIT'C .tpt. G. E. Dor ington, of Chica
go, is in the city looking up a location
for business. The Capt. has been in bus
iness in Chicago for several years, and
understands that this is one of the best
points in the west to locate. We hopo
he may conclude to stay with us as we
need a few just such men.
m .
I'rom Tfiliy' It.iily.
fJ"The ice on '-old muddy" is n ot less
than two feet thick at the present time;
and will not probably break up before
the 1st of March.
Frank Parcel, Esq., has the thanks
of the 'boys" in tho Herald office for as
sisting them in getting out a paper during
the "cold simp."
vWe regret to learn-that last friday
evening about 7 p. m. Mrs. Eslick of Rock
Bluffs came to an untimely end by falling
backwards on some ice, striking the back
part of her head on a small rock and
fracturing her skull. She was in the act
of welcoming her husband home, whose
wagon she heard entering tho enclosure
near her house, and thus suddenly has an
amiablo lady, most estimable wife and
mother been taken from our midst.
(J7"A meeting of the members of the
Catholic congregation of this place, was
held on last Sunday, for the purpose of
raising funds to complete their Church.
A committee on finance and buildings
were appointed, and before the meeting
adjourned upwards of ?200 was subscrib
ed for that object. Those wishing to
contribute towards this purpose can call
on Mr. G. Fickler chairman of the com
mittee or Mr. Joseph Butzerin treasurer.
Another meeting will be held at 11 o'clock
a. m., on next Sunday.
5?"We invite attention to the let
ter of "W. C." in an other column. We
h ive thrown our paper open to 'State"
and "Anti State" correspondence, and
will take pleasure in giving publicity to
tha views of all parties on this question.
"W. C." makes some points in bis com
munication; but he should remember, that
at the time Kansas became a state, he
had an immense debt saddled on her
which was paid by immediate taxation,
and that probably accounts for the large
increose of taxation on her admission to
the Union. Give us your views, friend;
a thorough interchange of opinions on
this subject will go far to enlighten ns
The members of tho Presbyterian
Church and others interested in the re-organization
of our Sabbath School, togeth.
er with the children, are requested to
met at the Presbyterian Church, on next
Sabbath, at 2 o'clock p. m.
J. N Wise.
From the M- E. Church, last evening,
20th, a roan pony, white strip in face,
right hind foot white. He had on a gov
ernment saddle, with a headstall of light
col Dre J loat her, rounded, and round rtins,
with a hitch strap buckled into the bri
dle b"t. Any one giving information of
his whereabouts, or returning him to the
nndersignej, will be liberally rewarded.
Feb. 21. F. G. PARCEL.
(Jif WANTED Two or three Black
smiths. Steady employment and 'big"
wages will bo giveu by applying immedi
ately at the two story Brick Blacksmith
shop of Geo. Boeck, Plattsmouth Nebras
ka. Council Bluffs -Von areil copy one
time, nnd Omaha Republican one week,
and send bill to this office. 19 Ot.
Persons indebted to us by note or ac
count are requested to call and settle the
sa-jie immediately.
Stauds & Anderson.
Feb. 1 1SG. 1m.
On the 17th inst, at the M. E. Parson
age in this c:y, by Rev. Wm. A. Amsba
ry, Mr. Ceylon T. Williams and Miss. Ma
ry Ella James, all of .his city.
Should the telegrahic news be scant
for a few days, our readers can take it
for granted that eomo of the "poles are
down" or the "insulation imperfect."
We trust however, that friend Williams
will not allow the "battery" to be en
tirely "exhausted," nor leave his "key
open" to the annoyance of other "opera
tors." FOCK.4L XOTItC
The fuueral services of Caroline, wife
of J. L. IIeyser, will be held to-morrow,
22nd inst., 10 1-2 o'clock A. M., at the
M. E. church. All are respectfully invi
ted. 1ST IK W
The subscriber having purchased the
Red Store on 2d street, lately occupied
by Sarpy and others, would respectfully
inform the citizens of Plattsmouth and
vicinity that he has refitted the store and
opened a lare nnd full stock of Jewelry
nnd Fancy Articles for Ladies, Gents,
Children, and the rest of mankind, and
is prepared to do all kinds of Watch,
Clock and Jewelry Repairing in the best
miT;nr, find would be harpv to serve his
old and as many new customers as may
give him their patronage, assuring them
of their work well done at moderate pri
ces, nnd on short time. The stock, em
bracing every variety of goods usually
kept at a first class Jewelry Store, will
ho sold at low prices and warranted of
the best workmanship nnd material. He
has also a small stock of Family Groce
ries, which will bo replenished from time
to time, and sold at the lowest figures.
Having permanently located in this city,
I respectfully solicit a share of patron
age, and cordially invite all to call and
examine the stock on hand, as wo would
bo pleased to servo you, and do not ask
vou to buy unless we can make it for
your interest to patronize 11s.
I lattsmouth, Dec. 27th, lStlo. tf
Valuable Lands for sale
N w t 10 12: S w 23 10 12 : E 1-2
e e 7 10 13; E 1-2 n 0 13 10 13 ; S w
14 10 13; S e 23 11 11; S w 32 13 13;
S e 0 11 13; N 1-2 n w 8 ll 13;
Also Town Lots in city of Plaitsmouth.
All of which will be t-ol.1 low for rash. Call and tee
the alxive lands belere imrchaain,'.
Apply to S. Dl'KE,
de"J7 Tax Payer and Land Jccnt.
Taken up ly the und-riiKned, at K-ck BliifTu,
on the 1st day -f Jan , lS03.ciii! red hiilur. 1 1-2
veara old, ha a white streak acm. th forehead,
nd left crupped. P. G. CoBsON.
Juuuarj 14. iw
cnxxvmiY sale.
Isaac Ci-e )
va I In Chancery.
Aodl. y II. Bamhill )
In pursuance and by virtaeof a decretal order to
me directed, f-om the t'ilice or the i'l'-rk. of the Dis
trict C't'lrt of the 2-1 Judicial District, in ami U r
Cans county. Nebraska, made in the c.-usc.
an 1 lieinni; l;ite on the 2ith day of OrtotH-r, lsfiji,
l eiiijl li-e J."rn-'d Ocuitwr term of said Cujrt, I,
the suhscniier. Master in Chancery fi-r aid dure,
will otfei for sale at .ub;i.; vendue. f.- cash, to the
hik-li-'t-t and best hiddi-r. in frout of the Couit house,
in rlattstnouib, Nebraska, on
Saturday, March 3J, 1SCG,
at 11 1-2 n'cloek in, of naid day, .. f.-llnwinp de
fended real fsu't, X - wit: The KnitH half (1 -'.') of the
north-east quarter (l-4j. -n I theeau bulf ( I -J: of the
outh-eait -iDirter (J 4) of section unrulier thirty-tno
(3ih in uu-hip number t-n (IS), north of ranae
numlier fourteen (14), eat of the 6tll p ro. in CM
r..unty, N--hrsk I ert itorj ; Together with a I and the improvements, h-rid l.iuients and jp
purlenatice thereon or thereto belonging, or in any
wise appertaining:. To Vc Hold an the ty of the
d fendaut named to na:isfy d decree, the
amount of which in the mm of $1411.10, together
with c-xti of soil and s i'e.
Dated January 'Jiilh, l-oo
M later in Chancery.
T. M. Mahqtett, Sol. for Cotnp't. ;an31 4
Chancery Sale.
Albbht Bco.n. 1
vs V la Chascfry
David Uawmrrt )
In pursuance k by virtue of a rlceretal order to me
direcud fiein the office of the Clerk of the district
Court, or the od. Judicial di-trict, in and for Cass
county Neraka nude in the ahove cause, and
Dealing date ou t ie 27th. day ef October 1605, beii:g
the adn-urned October term of Haid court
I the sub cr-.ber Maer in Chancery for aid court,
wil offer for sale t-t i.nb'.ic vendue fi-r ca--b, to the
highest and best bidder, to fr-mt of the Court house
in PJat-smi uih -hra.-ka, on
Saturday March 3 1SC5
at 1 1-2 o'clock P. M. of said day, the following
described premise, to wit.
The aouth half ( 1-2) of the no-jth enst qnarter (1-4)
of eei tii-n no. thirty (80; A the east half (I 2) of the
north east quarter (I 4) of section number twenty
sine (29) in township number ten (10) north of rau?e
number ihirtteti ('.-"M ea-t of the ixth P. M. n Cass
county Nebka lerrito.y. Together with all anp
sincnlar the imrroements, hereditaiiiecis. and
ppoitenances thereto belonging or in any wie
appertaining, to be so d a the piopery of t) e de en-
ants a ee named to satisfy -aid decree the amount
of which is the sura of 538 70 and costs of tuit arid
sale. Dated January 26th 1566.
F. M. DoaBircros,
Master in thsccrry.
T. M. MAiQVETT.Sol. for cerap'lu
Cliai.cery Sale.
far ah L. Cee and Isaac Coe 1
vs VIo CUaacery.
Jatnel Bowmas. )
In pursuance and by virtue ef a decretal order to
rne directed the office of the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court of the 21 Judicial District, in aad for
('ass county. Nebra-sk, made in the above cause, and
te-a-iuE dite on the ::ld day of Oct -her, ISSft, beine
tiie a-'jouri.ed October term of said Cou-t, I, th
lc itir. Master iu Chancery fir said Court, will
tifl'.-r at pabiic vendu-', f-r the hiahest and
best Ljd'ler. in front of the Court-house, iu Platls-in-'Uth.
Nebraska, ou
Saturday, the 3d day ef .March, 1SG6,
at 10 o'clock a m ef said day, the followine describ
d real tstalA, to wit: The M-uth half (1-2) of the
wiiiih east quirt'-r (1-4) of se.-tion ne. one (1). in
lowuahip do. twelve (13, nortn of ranire no. twelve
112), ea-t of the 6b principal meridian, in Cuss
county, Nebraska, Tegr-ilicr With a 1 and singular the
iUipt'-'Vemeutu and appiri'tenauces ihreoa or tlireto
l-eijoiiitf.or iu any wi-e appei U:iilu:. To be sold
as the property of the d' f"od.tnts above named, to
satisfy said decree, the amout.t of which is the stun
of u71 n , audc-sis of suit and sale.
IJaied January 25th, l6.
f.m. DORRisGray,
Master in Chancery.
T. M. Mabqi-ett, Solicitor for Conipl't. jau31 5w
Jhn W. Barnes, Guardian of the minor children of
thomas W. Barnes, deceased,
Elizabeth Barnes, and the next of kin, and all par
son interested :
You are h-reby infrm-d that mi the 2Flli day of
Januarv, a D ls-lti, said 3-Jardian filed It is, p-tit-on
iu Hie 1'iobate Court of Cass county, l T. , iLe ob
ject and prayer of said petition i to obtain an order
from said Cum t for the sale of the !ollowin real es
state, to wit.- The we9t half of the south-west quar
ter of section n . eisht (S), in townsluu no. ten (10),
north of range no, t hirer n (13), east of the 6th p m,
in I'ass c'-utity, N . T. The Court will hear said pe
tition on the 27 ;h day of February, a u 1S06, at 1
o'clock p ni, at which time ail perbons iaterested can
appear and show crura why said prayer should not
be t rant- J, if any they have.
Jicol 3w Probate Judge
Ailiiiiiiisti'ator7? Sale
By order of the Probate Court of Cass county, N.
T , on
Saturday, the 2Ath day of February,
A D 1S0G, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock p m
of said day. at tha front door of t'le Court-house will
be sold at public vendue, to Die hiclie-t and best bid
d- r fur cash, the following Ural Estate, us the piup
erty of the estate of Samuel Habn aud Angelina
llaiiti, deceased, to wit: the nnrih-west quarter Of
ertiou (4) four, in towasbip (12) twelve, north of
range (14) thirteen, east of the 6th principal me rid -lan,
in Cass county. Nebraska Territory.
A. C. MATFltl-D,
Administrator of the estate of aramuel Hahn and
Angelina Habn, deceased. feb7 iw
Chancery Sale.
David Pearce "1
vs I
nsel II. Barker aud f
jeiuda Barker. J
In Chancery
Wm. F. Enders
Ansel n. Barker and f
Lucinda Barker. )
In pursuance and by virtue of two decretal orders
to me directed from the i-fflce of the Clerk of th Dis
trict Court of the !ind Judicial District, in and for
Cass county, Nebraska Territory, bcariuif dates re
stiectively on the ilth day of April. Hti2, leiUR the
Ai-ril tTin of said Court, and on the 17ih day of De
cember, l-SO-i. beins the artj -urned October te'in of
all Court, 1, the subscriber. Master in Chancery for
said Court, will off-r tor sale at public veudue. To!
ca-h, 1 1 the hit-best and best bidder, in front Of the
Court-house, in PlaUsuviutb, Nebraska, on
Saturday, the 3ti of .March, 15GG,
at 1 o'clock p tn. of said day, the fo'.Iowinp described
real estate, to wit: The undivided one. half (1 2) of t it
west half (1 i) of lot no. twe've (12). in block no
twenty s. ven (27), iu the city of Pluttsinotirli, Cass
county, Nebraska Territory, as the same is deaiiruat
ed upon Ihe recorded plat of said city, tojrnher w th
all and sit. -'"In' the uuprovriip-uis, heriditamtnts
an i appurtenances thereon or thereto belonninp, or
in any wi-e appertaining. To be s.dd as the proper
ty of the ihoeinlaurs above na:n-d to satisfy said de
crees, the amouut of wli n il is the suir of $'JI 1,51 and
interest at the rate of ID per cent from the d.ites of
said d.cree-, together with costs of suits aud sales.
Dated January 26lh, IstiG.
Master in Chancery.
T. M. Marqcett, Solicitor for CotnplaiPants.
jaii:'-l o
Chancery sale
Isaac Coe ")
vs In Chancery.
Henry II. Batchford It f
(.;.. .ru-e. II . V ekory. J
la pursuance and by virtue of a decretal order to
me di reeled f rem the cflice of the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court of the 2d Judicial District, in and for
Cass cuiinty, Nebraska, made ii the above cause and
hcariuir dateou the 5 h day of November, 104, be
ing the adjourned October term of said Court, I, the
subscriber, Master in Chancery f-r said Court, will
oPe.- for sale at public vendue, for cash, to the high
est and best bidder, in fr .lit of Ihe Court-hous', in
Platteiiiouih, Nebraska, on
Saturday, .March 3d, 1SG6
at 11 o'clrck a m, the following described real estate,
to wit; The north-w-xt -i'U r er (1 4) of section num
ber twenty sev.n (27), iu township number ten (In),
north of ranye number twelve (12), east of the 6'h
p m, in connty, Nebraska 'J'errito y; Together
with all and siucular the improvements, hei u!ita-uu-lit
or appnrtenances thereon or there o bebinicin,
or in any wise appertaining. To be sold as the
property ot the defendants above named to satisfy
saiil rli rr e the amount of which is the sum of $3io,
toeether with csts of sui. au I sale.
Dated January 2tith, lt6
Master in Chancery.
T. M. Mahqcett, Sol. for Conip't. jau81 4
Chancery Sale.
Isaac Coe )
vs VIn Chancery.
Enoch harp )
In pursuance and by vir'ue of a decretal order
to me directed from t'.e otn eof the Clerk of the
District Court or the 2 1 Ju licial Dis rict, iu and for
Cas rouniy, Nebraska, made iu the above cause and
heiring dure on the 5th d ry of November, ls6l. be
ing tip- adjourned October leim of said Court, I, the
subscriber. Master to Chancery for said Court, wil!
fler for sal at public vendue, t"r cash, to the high
est and best bidder in front or the Court house, In
Plattxmouih, Nebraska, ou
Saturday, 3d day of March, 1S6G,
at 12 o'clock noon, of aaid day, the following de
scribed r- al eita'e: The i.- rth-east quarter (1-4) of
section number thirty-live (35), in township twelve
(12). north ot rane. numUer twelve (12), east of the
bth p m. in Casa county, Nebraska leiritorv; To
icet h r with all and singular the iinpiove-nenis, her
iilitametits and ipui tet.auees thi-reon or thereto be
longing, or in any wise appertaining. To be sold as
the pro;ierty of the above named di feudatit to satisfy
said decree, the am nmt of whi h is the sum of tso:,
topethi-r with crsts of sui r tud sale.
DaUd Jariu ry 20th, lrijii.
M ister in Chancery.
T. M MiRQUETTt Solictor for Compl't janai 5w
For Cienci'al Eilucation,
The English department und-rthesuperintendence
of Mr. Sherlock, late Inspector of Public Schools la
The Musical department i-conducted by Mrs. Sher
lock, pnt-il of celebrated master in England.
Hie c ur of in-tructioo inclu-tes the various
branches usua'ly taught in first-class schools, Book
Kee,.ing by double and sing e ent-y, French Music,
(Piano Foil, Guitar and tinging) c. The term
commences from the entrance if tiit p"fil; payment
o advance.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock return thanks for the liber
al support they I ave received, and shall by unremit
ting utteu ion to their pupils endeavor to merit Its
continuances There are uly vacancies for a few
mora pupils. v janlO 3m
halk cr,
Ont door east oj SchlaiersJtxrelry stott,
O.Teis bis services to the rer-e of this eiVy and
surrounding country. jan22 diva
Just received and fcr sale at
riattsmout-, Ft1. 1-t, 1??5. !a
G-eo. Boeck 8c Co-
Have removed 19 their
.YE IV TWO STORY BRICK SHOP, .Yorlh-ivesl of Boeck' s Old Stand,
Where they are prepared to turn out all kiud of New Work, such as
And everything needed by Freighters or Farmers in the lest of style.
Horses, Mules and Oxen Shod in the best style and on reason
able terms.
Of etery description, either la wood or iron, done on ihort notice.
C" Particular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND
CASTINGS of such.
Tbcy keep on hand, and for sale,
Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains,
BOLTS of all sizes, WAGON BOWS, &C-,
in fact, everything in their line Deeded by Freighters, Emigrants or Farmers.
IlayiDg a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and the best quality of Iron, Thimble
Skeins, 4c, -lected by our&eives, with special reference to this trade, we f.'el confident that we san tnra
otst better and more work, at cheaper rates, than any other shop in Ihe Territory.
Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continuance of the lame.
GSreO- Eoccli dfc3 Co.
&3T Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Ulefunded
PtATTSMorTH, N. T., Nov. 8th, 1865. 6m
Wholesale and
Drugs, Medicines and Oils,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery,
Pure Wines ana Liquors, for Medicinal use,
Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally.
Farmers, freighters and physicians
Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu
ine and of the best quality.
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black
Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1SG5, tf
E. T. DUKE tfe Co.,
"Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned
W keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters
Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid- Ovens,
Camp Kettles, A c. We also keep Chain Pumps and
Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Mills Sic.
Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with
neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew
art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove.
Give us a call we will not be undersold Slain St., South Side, between
Second and Third Streets,
Wil. ft. FEXfCK,
ah Wholesale
Patent Medicines,
Chemicals, Jlass, Paints, Oil3, Pure "Wines and Liquors, Coal
Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c.
iJTWs are the Northwestern Who!1 Agent for Dr. TV Jajne i Sen, aad Dr. I. C. Ayer ft Co ,
od rtu fnrnlth tietr m-.l3.L0 ta r, sntitii. ;aoi4 'r
Retail Dealers in
Dealers la
r 4
o -
awass -3 Ql
? B o
5 : P
2 -
ry g ir,
a- J3
o -
B. ITewnian
(Successor to S. Bloom,)
Dealer in
Gents Furnishing G-ooda
&c, &c, &c.
Also a lnree lot of RUBBER GOODS
and REVOLVERS always on hand.
will find it to their bnent to elnmine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Cash paid for Hides, Furs
arid Vool.
Plattsmouth, Slav 25i tf
or THB
Insurance Company,
V"e, Thoma J. Turner. l'reoirli-Dt. an1 Charle
fquire. Secretary, of the Fire ai.d Tornado I .ur
auce Cuuipanv, of Fnipurt, Illinois, hereby Ctitify
"lliat saiil Ccmpiiiv l r?s.n-il of a carr.tal of at
loa-t one lin.ulri d thouanl -iolliirs, a-curtil by li-'a
i r real e-tnle wurlii at cah valUaiinn at ittrt five
timet c aiiinunt i f r-tid capital aul n l iti-u'Dbe--.
etf mure tli-in one fcurih i-f a"l cali Taluatiua "
-ul '1 it. J. TiriiNKK, l'.c-'t,
(C n ) CI.ARLtS SQflRtri, Sac'j.
fine of Illinol', I (,
S:-pliiDforj f
r-ronaliy aiiaxrvd brfoie me, le-k of the CuOn
ty Court of biepheimoii crunly, Thon as J. Turner
arrt fhai le qurrrs to me known as the Prcaideut
ar d S. crelary of the Fire an-1 Tornad'i In'u ari09
C iniany, h", beiuu flint duly wurn acc-ndmv to
law, severally dep- and y .'that U - above crr-tifl-aie,
ubk ribe.l to by ".In ni recpn tirly, ta t ne la
bUhvtiinie ah'l iu fa l, a tbwwn by the rtcoida of
saul Company. '
fcul-C ib--d arid sworn to befjre m, thl 6:h clay &f
JarruaiT. It Hr6.
al GEO. TIIOM'S'!r. County Clerk,
iu Iij t. P. I'lEittOL, ljej.uty Cierk.
To exjire on the 31 f diy tf J.muary. A It
l.-riCKAJIci: LlMI'ilTMtUT, 1
UUi.e of Aud-tor.
Omaha, Nebraska, January 1 1SC6. J
Wherr as, J. T. CAMPBtLI., I--q . A-amant bea
eral Arnt fur Tho Fire and Tomtulo fnturanc
Company, located at Freepoit, In the btato of llli, hr filt-d in tin. oftc-a rerliBed Cory cf "ihe
Act of Incorporation of aaid Company, together with
a written iosirument unier tU Seal if aaid Cmpa
cy.aiuncd by the Presi ietit and Secretary of aid
Company under oath, certifying that said Com;ay
i posjesned f a c-.piial of at lat One Hundred
Thoaa.nd Dollar, secured by liec um teal entat
worth aicaxh valuation aticaat flva time the amount
of said capital, ani not encumberrd to more tbn
one-fonrth aaid caah valnatrcn,'' in accordance
with th reqnirtrment of hection Fourteen of a law
of rhe Territory of Nehra-ka, entitled "Ah Act in
Jtelutitn to f'txiirance Companies," approved FeU
ruary 15ih, l5';4.
Therefore, be It known, by thee preaenta. That In
pnrsaaoce of the Aforetaid Ac, I. John IHlle.ple,
Auditor ft the Ternt-iry of Xbrhka, do hereby
certify, that aaid Fire aiid Tornado Inautanc O'm
pany haa fall aathority to trar.uict buiinei of la.
?nraoce ia the Territory of Nebraska, nnder tho
law of thia Territory, tnt4 th81.t day of January.
A D 1S67-
In wltnt wh'recf. I bare tubiCTibed jay
name, and ca i- d ihe eal of the AnditoiU
1T Office to be affixed, tbi 16th d u( Juii
ar, A D li6C
Tarritoria! Audiko'r. '
F 71. Dorringtoa, Ag't,
f-:t2 6d
Tia'tsoiou:!:, 3Tetrak.