JJ E L M D O L J) Si gfcgrph gUtrrvti.Scm'i$. 1865. 1805. AMISOIY, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of TOOTLE, IIANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOUTH. N. CHAS. VOGT & CO , Cor. Main and 5th its., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. Dealers in LEATHER Al IRON, SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hardware Findings a ml Tools, WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. COrders Promptly attended to. FLUID EXTRACT DSD 3 3 O LARGEST s a F t-t M 01 H w w H CO M H O CO CO to O a 03 W o o Q O Q West of St. Louis. "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in o r in o O LCD M 1 f 3 (S0 SIGIV OF THE PADLOCK SECOND STREET. PEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE,) ST. JOSEPH, MO. nTj pnch:seJ of bit old pirtner all his Inter. t in tli tubi-hed IU. 1 jraro ll.ue of COLUOL'S CO . I otT. r an extensive stuck of HARDWARE CUTLERY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Wholesale and Ketail, at Low Pi ices! ATTE.VnOX FARMERS ! I hare a lare stock of such Good- ns are needed by jou; call at the "rigu of the l'ad Lock." to purchase PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLASTIES. HOES. O HA IX CRADLES, UliAiS A. J1H LSI Sen UK. OX CHAIXS. TRACK AXU UA I. TEH 7.VS. SW 77.' AW. .AA7 fPADEM, CUT I OX AXD W0"h CA lifts. HE A f-KRS- REEDS PA TEST NFXXIXU WHEEL. COLLARS, IT AMES. WIS IO W GLASS, XAIL. .OCA'S iriSGES, it errs axi si.uehs, AXES, UA TCHETS, A c a hits. SA HS AXL FLAXES. I call special nuontion to tnT stock of BLOOD'S GRA-S and GRAIX SCYTHES, the btst article iu the market. A$ent. for the"CAY(GA CHIEF" Reaper and tlowrr, undo bt'dly trie best tnacniiie in mir.ft. Agent for MKXDEXH ALL'S HAXD LOOM. JT. Ja El ling wood. tT" Will rlmoe to bit New Building, North side Felix utreet. between 3d and 4th, about March 1st, 18CC. ocii ly A. 6. MANSFIELD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la IROM", S HEAVY HARDWARE, Agricultural Implements- Vj stack cf I on and Stcl is large, complete, and superior to any h'T'tofore t fie red in this market. Also a large s:ock of IVAGOXt BUGGY WOODWORK, IlLA CKSMITIPS TOOLS, FAIR BA XK'S S CALLS, MOLIXE AXD ROCK ISLAXD I' LOWS, CROWDS CORX PLAXTERS, S ILK Y C UL TI VA TOR S, BUCKEYE REAPERS AXD MOWERS, &C, &C. MSI" Agent for Grovcr & Baker's CELEBRATED SFAYIXG NACniXES. J3" Order fiorn a distance will reeeiTe prompt tUution. No. 22, TIIIRD STREET SALYT JOSEPH, . - JUO. 0obcr Jith, 1SC5. On WOOLWOHTI1 & CO, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdeale:s, SALYT JOSEPH, .MO., :15 Cm a. idlfi, B. a ritixicMa. S. ADLCR fc CO , JR JL C J TIFI E JR S AVD DISTILLERS, Dratefi in I1 kind. of Foreign a:nl Domt.'e WINES, LIGUORS AKD CIGARS. A'O. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQ VALE, St. Joseph, Mt. oc2J ly AVooIivortli V ISarlon. Sr. JOSEPH, MO., GENERAL FORWARDING, STOR ae and Commission Merchants. t3 Will Itereiv and Fortrixrd P-fiyf.t io nil pomi on i(u6ur litter ajtcrciote of nacijazioit ' ec-2" Sm EVTRAY IOTICE. Taken np by th un.l nln I, 3 1 2 milra aoaih of rttt-tu-u .h. .'U tb" 1J h d.y f lcc. l.e , one re- 1 -.- otd lleif r. with I ttlu t 11 on; !, red acn hlt spottl H;fr, 1 year nil; oca bl.ck 1 yoar ol 1. w tb a n.1 bi: in left r; ona red and roan lid pfr 1 ar o d, witn aniiarbit in riunt er, ad o. I til oS: ono r d and white apottel Stear. with a rp atxt up ern t In tlie r;jttt and under half eroji taWrtfeir. U. A. ''-;o.!. ?. ST r r fl HARDWARE. -A Clothing of every description. WINES AMD UQUORS OF ALL KINDS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. And every article required ly EMIGRANTS, FREIGHTERS, MIXERS 5c FARMERS. And everybody else can be Call and examine -AT IHI FIKE PEOOF BBICK. Tcctle, Haima & Co. riattsmouih, April 10, '65 WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Geo. Boeck 8c Co. Itav rtaiored totbelr XEW TWO STORY BRICK SHOP, North-west of Botch's Old Stand, Where they are prepared to tarn out all kind of New Work, meh at WAGONS. BUG-G-IES. Plows, And eTerjthinf? needed by Freighters or Farmers io the best of style. Horses, Mules and Oxen Shod in the best style and on reason able terms. JOB-TVOEK Of srery description, either in wood or iron, done on ihort notice. Particular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of such. Ibey keep on band, and for sale, Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains, BOLTS of nil sizes, WAGON BOWS, &c., In fact, everything In tiieir line ncedea by Freighters, Emigrants or Fanners. Having a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and the best quality of Iron, Thimble- V m ..Tar.!! h. Ann.!.., .ith uiia! ..I...... I. ikF. t.. J. . . ...... v . at better and mora work, at cheaper rates, than any other shop in th Ti-rritory. Tbaokf il for past patronage, wi solicit a continuance of tha same. OeO. BoccK eft? Oo. 1ST Satisfaction Guarnntccd or .Honey Refunded PtATTSiiocTH, N. T., Nov. Sth, 1SC5. Gm Wll. R. TEMCE, PENICK & h Wholesale Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, Coal Oil and Lamps, Stauonery, &.c. NOS. 3 &. 3 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO arc th Vorthwratem WTiol-al Ajenu for Dr. D. JajM ft Em, aa4Ir. J. C Ayer k 0o., nd c3 fainlih their meuici!.as la tj q .aamies. jsc? ly frT,'r, T fCl'f'jr I'D - supplied at this establishment. our cxtensite stock. H .u u,,, uiui, c irci (oonaroi mat wa cam lam WU. L0VIX0. LOVING, Dealers is D B McHECRAIV, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IRO.Y, .YAILS, STOVES AJVD TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS. Also. Apent for the Pale of h (MebratPd MA G EE COOK STOVES, AXIt liRAXCH, lROOAS Jt COS SA WS. AND STATIONERY Also Agonta for all the prioipal -V- MA GA ZIXES and XE WS PA PER S, Tot which Subscription are receired at rublishers' l'nces. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN HEEL) & CO.. Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty and Glass Patent Medicine, ofall kinds. Toilrt articles. Bta tionery.ard everything kept in a first-clas Drug stme. at Ea-tern prices. We are prepared to fill all orders, and warrant .urgoods to be fre.-n. apr. lu oj L. PHOST 8c Co,, WHOLESALE &EOOBH3, Opposite ths Post OSce, .NEBRASKA CITY, IV. T. New Periodical Store ! A. K- WHITE &. CO. A full assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS 4- STA TIOXER Y Always on hard. Latest Eastern Pirs and Pericdicah rtcetieU daily. f All nrd -rs promptly fliled.t NEBRASKA CITY - NT Drug Store. Call on th undersigned for PURE MEDICINES, PAIXTS, OIL & STA TIOXER Y. D. WHITIlffOES rSSASA CITY. - - S. T, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever OiTered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, tve hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock, Platttsmouth, April 10, 1SC5. tf 1 CT r.ceived. 50 cast s of Canned leaches at L.ir,f .ort,nent (.f mew', and by' e'''th'r' JUal AM1SUN. DOVtYiClVS. Vf..r.aleby U a. CO. " O to AMISON , DOVtY CO'S to purchase your C ELLEO CORN for ta e by H iong 'J A 4 K endless Tar iety of Ladies' Dresf Goid at T ACOX aud Lard for ajle If J A. D. CO'S. 1 A.D. A to. fi CASKS Moltby's Core Oysters for sale at UK V Y IS VOICE of nil iiid, of Fnaiil Cro OVJ A.D.&CO'S. eerie and Outfiting Cood-jusl rere.Td r.y , . A . D. A C. Gi R KAT laijnice in Laiiitk' Irets Goodunt J.u C'S. a LL kinds of Faiiuil g liin!t-uielils for rlr iy A A. I), k CO. FOR SALE at AM1SON", PoVKY A CO'S. Cu0e, Te,tucr, (iold-n byrup. Sugar House Jio lacses, New York Caudirs, etc , etc. V large lot of Chewing and Smoking Tl iceo for sale at A CP'S COIL OIL for sale by A. D. It CO. f BOXES tlHT Candles for sale by A, D. A CO I F von want to I urchase roods at a bartrain. coto 1 A. D. A CO J O" BAU3 COFFtK just receired by a.d. 4 Co. Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. A CO'S. ISTJEJW CJSLJSTJH& SHOP, M. B. MURPHY, Main St., opposite Flatto Valley House, PLATTSMOUTH. - - - NEBRASKA. Has on band a largo stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES- WHIPS, SPLRS, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, drc. IIo can Outfit a Mule or Horse Train With cverythinj in his line, on short notice. My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Repairing done at all times, at reasonable rate. E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japancd AND STAMPED WARE- We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighter', OUTFITTING G-OODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Camp Kettles, Ac. e also keep Chain Pumps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Colfee 31iils &c. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are art s celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. . Gie at a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, belw Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTIL NEBRAJSTKA- Larg4 iot ol Two Uorsa Flows tor sal- b.r AO.- CO. AN endless Tarictyif HarJwar? aud C"tlerT for sale at A.D.IWS. aSII. Doors, Shine!-, Clas, and Na's of e.ery k desrriitin for sal by A I. A CO A l.L k'n 's of Coun:iy Produce taken jp -'h v. f.ir unndi t)T A I. A 'I'O founifra'e ml attcli'j wr haa f.-rsnlr I w.u'd n.l one K:d-of th Uitkalii, and oiher have as good a right to advr-(i h AMI-ON, UOVFY A CO. r,llt la gest Outfitting Hus imith f St. Jowpt A 11 AMI"UN IMIVKT CII'S., Piatlsiuuiith, Nbr.k. Pans, Skillets and Lid., Ovens, A WOREL ! agents for the sale of IStew- At tha Caps of ed Io, THE 110 TTE.YTOTs n loag cs4 B U C H TJ Fr variety of Diseases. It was borrowed f'oas thrse ru1 prsrti-1, , the I-nullah and Dutch l'l,(rie;ain, on wh rrca mendation it was employed in Eutoi e, tut i ,,, come Into ycuicral ue It i giren chi fly in GraTal, Chronic Cs'stS ,f he BladMer, Morbid Irrita loti f tt.s l.sr ,,i Crcti.ra, for Female fte.kii. and DBI3IHTY, For Pr la-sus an t B-ar'rp rrwi, r f-,; ,,, L'teri, D.M-arr the ;ia0 r.-, , .UC..IH.U. I.ir Ot I,' 111-, hljll nil , ,i,, l l or a diuretic arieiiii.' f oin a Iujs of isss'.b kU lar'.s loucerbed in Hi cv.cj.t.un. It Is s)i recommended In rates .f Dyspepsia, Chronio Rheuaiatiim, Cutaoeans Affwtlsns asa Dit;. To cure th'se dinF wa m'l-t tilne ,'! te muM'l's ln. li sr. niia. i in to -,r t-Iuo fof tiiir.. To mif rit ehrm, tnwe'er ly'it iii.t Ik, Ntruck, li aui. to sitc.t Hie hoji.'y hc.ili ,t j poaem. Our Flesh and Ulcod ais .nfporttd froaa tL'se Sarca. nnsos.1 at rrERT.rLnryD r ur. From lufuncy to Old Agt, rd in ev'ry tit of lr slth. aia I ') t. t I of these J;-. The Causes in many instai.cti mt tiJiiflCU-!. The patient b, hewerer. an adir.tr; t,mAj la EELU30LD'3 Fluid Extract of Buck. Philadelphia Exening Bulletin r.dil.rul, Sipt. 15.1&G5. IlELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. IIiS Solid and Fluid Extract emhny the fvl -treng:h of ih Inirrtdients of whi h they are bin i h-y are Ift to the Insertion ft all. A r.1r sal onclu.it t'nt of lli. ir pr'..ertit a will r a c .ir.; sr.--on with ili4 -t f.r.h in thi viiited Ftals I' ' a'ory Thee remedies are pr, pard hyil.T. lit" hold, a d:ce t of aiiteeo years' exp 'rieo'e is tf. i city, and we r.elie hem to t. re.:lM-, In f. I, hae ncyer k oowo an arti' le lacking iiut' ' with a permanent fui'cc", and l r. llrlu.lv i't Mr-" is crtainlr prima faia evij ne. II I'ruC Chemical Wrehiue, in tfia iny 'f '-w Vwrs.'1 not excelled, if equaled, l.y uy in the ': unlry, we would adYie i.ur re iders, wh w n'.i in J thai ? to g'.re him a call, and judge for the me- rea IlELMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF Dl'CDr iUL.Ir.'XXT: jO OL X