Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 14, 1866, Image 3

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ri At,t.wtttaj2-fi'-..-.tT
Ci!:riUtnap!un imam. '
- ------- -- i
JjOCAIj ?S I IS- ! z
r'"".t. t!n- rinitTiiini'in 1.'! 1 in th? U. ;
r rf Rook R'u!T. Sabbath thedth i
'-. :.- . -h'1 ''
.... -ro wore admitted to membrr-
rr-T!. lad of th Uolti-d IVe-by-
W!.t t '
. ; -.n I .'ii'i:.! "f 1 :(,' 1'
j-... v t' lit tti i-i;uri ii uri T'H'- J.iV rv :.-
C ill 1
eiirn.-:'..- ..'.iot- 1-
. . I.I .......... ! -i
; , .' :
v ::'.:a we ii-i . ii- i ' "i ii r
, ; i: t ni'-lveJ niutb jdcii?!"! vriili tbo
i. .--iir - : i Til i ii-' i hi M'rvio;-. W e
!. T 5't n TD.iv nur oiiy often,
,t i:i'il'ii up lb-? jood wurk
1. :
!!;!, !' t'l it St. V l i tl i n " S lllV
:;i i i nl, and al- i tb it Kl'-j.-er .L
.VO a tiii! a--;n i i:i'-tit d I'.-tn.iful
. . . and H1H..I- ynur n lrc ili'-,
.11 tbat are rich, l .io, and raoy
ui -t'-nt
j 711 if.'.
fJV'A L.iy, l.o bad robal.l v pon mn::
At tb hRJii-; kin 1 of p.-ifi.rii:ac.-.-', en.
c'u Ip 1 to rai-.; a linlo . xciu ni .T.t, nnd
fi..,i,t ii i.)n t r-day, being I rfttv full of
-a. i !,"' be . .iiiiiifli -o 1 i-!r.;:in;;
-jiir.d t r-.ta.-i.-Ui.ii-iv. '' In:W C .!.;
ir l:-iii.? tl.-- i rcntac
.f a
:i t ii a ; r. v - i
e j ii i I '& ti"-' v 'i;i:ir.
"L,u: of l! " !
I-tt us h ive a j-iil, c i! ib'"i-e, 1 ook- ;
up, j i (' wbi.key J 11 -) som-tlnng, .
t!it. .',n' to put the prao. :.;-s 111 !
wh i o v i-s onai.v 0:-.urb our pe.ueia. i t
... - t -
: . 1 1 t r i - i iM-re.
" in'".
c immunity by mi.'Ii cindu -t as wa Ait-. u.Iii-nr--j of a people than the happy fac !
i.--ed t -day. Fining does no pood in ()f t(ie vve oi.s' nH th?y goto orit-turn
. -i-b c I-.-; tb -v nend t put b under look ; frin .i,;,. Firt class bchools gener
aad k-y for a few d iys, in order tb it they ; R.t urRa, t1(, presence of lirst class
mav b ive ti:no to r Ceo", and nw'.e re i (,:l.,.!,.r!) an 1 these usually make good
jives to le'a iv" themselves in future '; citizens and thus we found our belief
--',Ve wou'.d call the att-ntior. of our that 'I'bittstr.outh is imprfivir.."' Dut
r.tT nuthorlti-s to the r.'-c -:y "f ndont- while we are noti.'ing ''School and
in "nviiuiic iiiea-urei', to t r us, as Schoolmasters," let us ask why does not
f ar a- j u-'iid., fr..!. unoeiv-s iV y i X; o-- ' a.) i.n enert'o teach r attempt th ; or
ur. t o b'- '. 1 1- t iii r.r. z' 1 e'i '. r.i, v.i.i a , ti ; . it i ' m nf a Oountv Teacher Inati-
is iiituo-t ce rta.u t) lo.i. .so:
, in th ; land dunn:: ' V, .-..suing -
' We do no; tbl..k f.t.t w wi.i
..Cer proportionally wi-ii the l-.rg-t'
rr ..ved-d eio n. ,r i o -u -; ..f !.u-y l.f. i. the ;
. . . . i i T
!,.. tii. great 'HV" if li-""isi to a 7 ro . ,
c, irreai.tai.'.v. a II 1 t ho- '. I'.oe llit ! '- T ?- 1
t-.'U-'t.g f a .irulii.' C'lii i'.: ii'o- f'.r tin fit:'.
i..-i' i-t of this fatal di-ease w:.i be -ore to
u.Tr th" most. St .hi. s, i.ut.ii.m-,'.-.
ho 1 yards -h'l.iM be po.h". d. d -ir fee're:
r ---.:s should b ! applied tb-M 'V.T th -V
1) I 1
... t ..'de l, ill d In-. ivy tines inipos".! oi
aliv.l.o, 1 V culpable in gleet, end it g' "
t i ! .i es in l;. tor i o ..aj. .1 -t-i-i
! of this -u'lj.'ct is ii :un th.r.
xe ii.C'-ie'iy ii"; that .-ur .''. neil wi.l
1 1.' tlie matter in batd without d'-i iv
n 1 l.y ti:
.v pre
i rii '.on t r.-v.
t, . s I ir
n a t ie.r n iwer. toe i..iv.'.: i n ej i i
..-hi !era i m uty of us ran ftilier in r. ::
jn-t. A xeitlon n ti. : p-ut of
.our c ti.ens, unJtr the sup
rf intelli tit commlitcs appointed by
til " (' .un.'il. wool 1 go far to.vards .in;
venting cholera, an 1 we beiid that it is
the ' r.v of our city'es to look
w.l after the mat t.-r.
fiui.i 1 . in; 'a Lw- i. 1
i VSend the weekly 1,'ki; !.n to vote
f.i ti ls in the e.-tst. and let theia kno-.i
that the west i moving. j
T ffl ur stre-'t s are crowded with f earns,
i. ontig wbieh we tbcov.r entigraiits on
tii- more. This "n rnth.-r early, but wi ;
always tud '-the early I "id picks tlnj :
r?The lat fine wfi'liT his r.e ikt-n-1
1 ! he ice on the river c ins; derably. book
oat for '-iireikerti," -the icjou oid mad
r.,..!,m..- i
.'.3We uod'-rstand the auction r.t lb-y-t's
old stand was. m .-Il attended lat
t.t. ..-.-..Tirr. nl i-ifT-if ri.nn it i l.!c lOW
" !
rrC. II. rarmeU, Frp, pror.os, s ;
......ttn.-r l.ri-fc tb e.mtti- .iimmer.a.l. '
fining, the Platte Vallev Il-m-e ..a ti e
Vest. Too many of th.s kin J of build
dings cannot be put up; tb. v wii; be lid-
ed ns fast as they are'eomp'ered.
., , ' ., .
While we bear of da., t.iaa a.l
, , . .
around tit, we are happy to say tbat nev-
r before were there as lively tirti'S in
Platt.smouth in the winter :is at the f re-
m tit time. Other towns Lave not the
.i i
r mn rv -.urroiliiuiiig 1:0-1:1 in ii '; up
life in the winter season, wliile Fbttts- ;
mouth has "that's what's the matter.'' !
r.-irWin. H. Anderson, of the firm of '
w.r.. i. t. i ..-..i-.--. v r it . r !
,i,.r,., nf i.nln a- I).,vrv h ive c n
mtu purchase their spring L ,,k ;
oat for new "ad's." We alo ur.d-rs'and
that Thos. K. Ilann i, of the lirm of Too. '
tie A Ilanna, intc nds starting in th," co;irse
of a few dai. Our uiercharit are alive '
to their interests.
rf Wo are informed that a very de
truotire fire ocoured at Falls City,
brnska, on the nitht of tbe 2a Inst., de
stroving the store of Dr. IT. II. dt & Co., ; 'be same inducements to the settler as
.nlthe'residence of Judge Marvin, F.dit. : -"- cour-Ty" along th- Hn- of tbe Rt-.l-,f
v vj,,..i.,-r,nt.,;, r,, road lcatiln VS. from Pl ittsnioutb
upwards of $10.iViO, partial insur- '
ia the Home of N -.v York Caus-
'O l'"- Il'IIIIC Ul .LU AUlSi. LilUSi
of nnkno wfi. j
f-3-We ask our r.ders to look over!
r.e statement of the 'Home" Insurance
. . . . .... !
.tiat a fair extiosa of the financial
dttieri the compoy is ma le, s'cflfiBc'
how tho funds tire invited and what are
.r -MW1-in T,;s nT UB1,
nnvinr' I li first in the Unl. and nr.- fust;r an en sialic ivi utation in tho!
' Wt'S'
Fr.iin 'titttrut';'-' l'l.l'J
C .""We a train call attention to the roJ
rnni.t-t.i,'..i. ar.......,'...........!... .. . . ltv
'" . 1 1 '"' c"rsP'J w,lH "" i
' ii niii;me r.
jad betwetf .nt au-jmr,.
rTN' nv is the time, nnj Win. Sta.M-
1:1 :u & ('"' 5h, r'!Ctf 10 ;'' frei-!' i
v c :'.t ti; ha:! :it thi XtrtMii".
:s- ;ov- !s rn r v SI n'-r cm. lt"V are
t-r:.t. v,i have ti if 1 tin rn
1 V
Don't kepp mud pudi!e in f: !:t of your !
I.tCi of !ij-i tie-i :ind vmr rid-noes
:. Drop yu:ir p:pej, t.-ika y-iur ban Is out of
our ujckt't-, and atch io for a gjnera'.
C.CMDillJ lip.
CSTV. Na-.vnnn, E , Htarted past to
day, for tiie put pose of laying in n henvy
t-tuok of clothing, '
W'e with in error yost.Tdav in saying
that T. K. II inn i, li- j , would leave for
ih j ca-t in a few ihiyn; be bad already
CibiiM ,aj.ti'.! livery law abiding
ri' oulls for tbis njost DfCtissiiry work.
(nr cnuntv is out of debt, nnd the mon
ey anuuaiiy paid for guarding prisoners
um '.) n t b ( more than lcs;l interfsis oi;
the suILif-Ut t.) put up a substan
tial stuiii! jail I,"t t!n proper aiilb ri
t tak the matter in baud, an J have
it attL'n.k i t .-
r""ri ittrn iiith is Improving. Per
haps n better evidence of the truth of
this statement can be found, th in in the
various reports of iLe School Coinnus
ner. nr. 1 th fart thit cl.ool', both
rrib'.io a::d private, are Houribir: iiere.
:lVe alwv.vs rt-jrurded a crnoJ cchool
a, ,1C pe.t .r:iet;t-il commentary on the
h(.n.0 f c ,, ., ,,r v anj ni) J.t.
iri.i,..x is needed n the morals and in
and thus "ive to all the benefit of
,.,lc!, ...hers in train-ng '-the young j
i....a..ow to boot:-" Let the teacbers i
f the county organize, and give that
.reminonee to tb-ir efforts for the public!
. I il. i . ) i !
their Zeal u-Stri'i
" '
V'i'ix the road to tli-j landing.
"i.'Make your friends subscribe for
the I i t i:.. f.:.
CT"-Vi ! n ibe bridge on Miin street.
S i:ne unfortunate will n.ialdeio ar. I put
th.- tiiv to co.-t would inure that:
pay f r the ncc'-ssary ;ork.
L'"Shall our street crossings bo ccm
ylt't.t!, or t'.u-t we wade through mud to
iiC"' : auiod ate ibo con'ractir until fine com -ls for bin: to liaish bis work
f -Ir-.Ye learn that arrangetaeut.s have
u - , . . ,
l .1 ti- Ti'.rrf ete.i tor t-iiiiniii1' three hr
k'.ios iluiiug the coiiiii.g summer. 11.
begins to look l;ke doing something. -Vi
bo will start ih fourth ODt-i'
Jii:l! jaill! jailll! We must hava a
Tii 3 rc'ird-i of our county oZir
I J"
si. ts that the people are paying too
i inii.'ti money lor nara.og prisoners.
Our cjiinty :iii:horitl''s will lose credit
by p-.u' th.s matter.
tj5-'!ab together and send the Jt r;i!d
r.T.r.i , j :.u., b'cteis', farriers I
c'ubs, .v -. S; read the rew.s that I'l ttts-
nivintli is the "ii.t on the
settlcb of all oo-:up:ltio:is.
M..-.souii for I
Help our- i
sclvt. while there Uvfcttiaie.
r"J. II. Tutt, lis ,., has placed us un-
d'-r bi;tin-g obligalioiis by securing us a
ii- t of nine'rs to the Daily IIkr I
At.i), from it ick Ibuli's
Let a lo- more i
friends the Advancement of .1 'iatts
mouth and Cass'y il ) as much, and
i lK.r..liv m.ulii, i. til Hi lul i"mt fi Ii .tt.-i" r. i
per." r 'i
per." r 'i M'T.y ' ' v 7 - .
ClTThe dam across the run is nearly
urusrw.t ami tlte wttter i.s nin. me ,
j r' f""" t,:li th a!l J :itu'r thrtttwn sh!,u5J
jbeemptiel below the bridge as Soon as
' po-s.blc. If parties wall until bib water
--t in tb t chances are that the greater
; portion of tho Ubing will be .bwert over
1 1 - .'
; the dam.
j , t
j ijTWe learn from Mij. Wheeler, who
' returned from Gletnvood l ist S itorday,
that Il.t'e & Fdmun-on, Attoneys; A.J.
i ...... t. i T-u vv-...i
iiiivi, inerciiaxi .arm i.n. m wuuif. m , ;
d-iiler in Roots and Shoes, are about lb live men I - Ft in that city, Should
7 "thf" hoxr 9'ns ,,f
life. w. shall be I lease J to note it. The
't Tn.lictldil uoaM'b the fact of
1 f . 1. . I If
lil Mr ior me .uiu i.luai ...
C"Tbe 'Jovernment lands Wet of us
will soon b withdrawn from the market
until the Railroad lauds are selected, and
it won! I bo well for those wishinAto set-
. . 1
tie in this beautiful and fertile country to!
procure their lands itiim. diat.dy. There
is probably n oth-r port'nun of the west
cert linl not of Nebraska that offers
Gj0li healthy e'.imai,-s mu?h tim- i
l-JIS Clltl hi ' ,urilJ m :UI? F':irt of
... j
bra.a, and n we.l . witerei. country arc
anion the advanta-ei this section Fr
Now i-f the time to secure tou- !
f lirt.iA In tl.ei (Ttir ln snnt i.f ilia
elf a
con-!"131 --- "
from market.
Com Tu-li I' li'j.
T t. I i ... .. 1
' v iu iui u.j... ui vcfii
inehe - i yeatetdav
. nrSaotiU anv ono a!: rrvj "uhiit'n the
.' "" . - - t
rt ter them to the Daily IIlr un,
published at on j dollar per month.
C5?" Su Rlvort'.cmpr.t of 'Strav
is issttj,'. Per-
F so f C!,r reader, ear. find rri.p
orl bi-loni";r.;f tb T'jera r.m jng t!,i lot.
J .,?,- .1 J. Mirvin. nfifr h. brlrf J,,it
brill: n.-U C-ircr as rd.'or of th S:,i'h,ri.
V'-.'' .'...' liiissoM ff)-j in-"-i'ir
N. O. f'icrc?. rf Whit-i CiOu I, Kan:i.
d Lo iMe-wDik in a ituall fi.ioil ; ar' ly at
C5?"A lare blnck po kft-bojk nnd
momornndiiin, containing sitae muni
sor.rt in the German laruaf, was pick
d l up on 2d St. n fi-w dtvs since, 'i hf
owner c in recover it b calling at this
office and paring Cftv cents for this no
tice. ' ' ' ' V
(JT?" Remember that Klefser & Vise
have everything you can call for in the
n-w?l;n-; all the' loading papers of the
coUiitrr, dailies, weeklies, pictorials, lit
erary an 1 new s p iper, lai'izins Ac.
Tbey vti!! f umi?h you wilii papers or Mag
azines at pub':n!:ers? prices. Call and
sea them. . .
rTThe I.fgu-ia'tur adjourned at: 12
o'clock last night, nnd the members from
this county arrived to-day. W'e learn
from lion. Maxwell that an npproprl
ati in bill, was passed, Credit roncier slr..
ed by the Governor, andthe entire busi
ness before either hoiiS"s completed.
CSee advertisement of A. J. Straight
ia ti is issue. Mr. H is matef of Li bus.
iness, and those in need of any thing in
bjs linewill do vIl to call oiihi.u before
pcrpiaing- We tirver "yet krew a lili
cral advertiser tob? a "pie-iynne" man
to den! with. Our readers will m:ike a
note of lIj i s.
Q"i".Mr M. Dodge, John Hess, and ma
ny others, are preparing to build
Gno '-Cottages' in the Boulh pint of our
city. There -is yet room who intends
mprovingthe many ch Alices. Money put
into residences, vi,l pay 40 per cent, in
tercst on amount invested, by rent.
Eastern Star Dk;:u:i:. All Mastc?
Masons in good standing, with their rel
aiives entitled to this (b-crree, are invit.
. . .1 ..1 It . II .11 Tit..-. .1.
e,i ' "' ".c ...n, . ..n-s ..ouu., ,
on ri'".v "fN l'ithdnst. at G 1-2 o'clock
P La ,'ilV ,ia 18 J" of S f
Urethem are requested to noti-
fr tri-. rii-iliinnn nf t'n l.nn :"iiitt.ri f.T
Wise) as t i the number likely to bo pre- -J
edit, by 12 in. on Thursday.
Persons indebted to us by note or aj-
count fw. TMpat'sted to call and rellieti.e
tame i in :i ' d;.it:!j-. :
"SlAlIiEifc A.Vf'ER-ON. !
Feb. 1 l?od. lm. '
The subjciher having purchased the
II d Stove on 21 S'l-f't, lately occupied
! ?'.vr S:" l othe, s, would respect! ully
jinfoiiii tint citizens of Piatt-mouth :md
vicinity that he has r. litted the store nnd
..-"n.-d a large and full stock of J -wclry
aid Fancy .'.rtieles for Ladies, (ietits.
Children, and the re.--t of mankind, and
is prepared to do. all kinds of Watch,
CI 'ck anil .b'weiry Repairing in the best
manner, :md would be haj py t;) serv-bis
old and its many new cu-tomers as may
zive him their patronage, assuring them
of tho'ir work well done at. moderate pri
cs, and on short tia-K The stock, em
bracing everv variotv rf iroods usually
Jint at a first cbiss Jewelry Store, will
he sold at low prior and warrante.l r.f
-'t:workn.iU.ihip. and material. lie
il. is ;i;-.ii :i siiian m oc'it to rari.ny uru-i"
ries. which will be ririb'nished from time
to time, and & Id itt the lowest figures.
Having permanently located in this city,
1 ri!!,r"W !',""'.'1 'V'Y,0 OI t'iliron;
age, ntiij cordially invite all to cad arid
i examine the stock on hand, as we would
111 l . is . .t
I u t'leasoj to serve voo, and do not ask
tun to btiv iinle.-s we Ciin make it for
your interest to p.itrom.e us.
I Isttsmouth, Dec. 27th, lcoo. tf
Valuable Lands for sale
N w I lit 12- tv w 23 I'd 12 ; L 1
..oT IU 15: m-2 n IS 10 13; Sw
)H 10 in: S 2S 1111; Sv2 13 13:
o cjh i-v; . i- n w n ii to;
Also Town Lots in city of Plaitsmovith.
'l f lii.-li w.l, b - i I I.j'A fur ra-h. Call and sec
'.h- all. vt' ia.i i. bitiore puiTb.iiuf .
Ariiy lo . . t. liftCP.
K'.i7 i- r - . T.I IV.y i-am! 1-aD I t,t.
I--.k.iC Cc. 1
- Tn Ca.ineery.
An-m-.s H. Bsrt.l.tll ) s .
In 'uri.ii. mre nt tl by virtue or a drcrftal r nlt-r to
me il rf tfil f .im ih- i iii' .' nr li t-"1 ik 01 Die 1is
i act e'.i'i t I' the 2-1 J'.eiienil Ib-tni", in I.t
i.i f-ain v, Nt-tr..-.W3, in i-le in the a!"iv. t.niiw.
' ff-r-.i.j a r.e on s-ie
k n 1 I i-irii. (I tie mi the 'JTtii liny of' r, l-t"i".
i,ei!lg tlo ),,,:, ,,.1 t., ,, r teri:l , t -,.,.t.
If; Mi'-ci ii-t-r, Mitcr ia 1 1. itiiery r r i.n-l l . ut,
nl '.nVi f. r -.;.!- ;.t ,-ub i.- en ! w. f ri-ti, M 1 lie
I. $i -t h a liid.l r iu fiui.i A ihe Cvuit ijuUsi',
iu rinttMn.i;!i. Ne -rdska,toa
Saturday. Mirih 3.7, lS3G.
ttill r -'c'vck r. m, 1 !ay, te f-li winr
vh.m i r,M t M f 1 1 m'dl. h .a- (i of ti(e' qn trier t -4 u I ib- e.. t h . i ' ( 1 -J ,.f tl e
t t ti--- ii t ..-r (I 4 i of -if i u niauiii-r ihtrty - t .
iS.'t, m I au-!it nuiiiiier on (1 , iamb if i-anr
niirnlier to ;rie ':i ( i-a-t of the frail p m . i l, .j.
c u tv, N !ti!;i Ifr-ii-.n; 'i'. -iMi, r v.-itil a I i.ltii
tiiu-'n. ar tb" iiiit- I'veiii'iia.-. ti liiitiiiiiti'., iin.l iifi 11 a.illfe t,if .11 il:' lli.T' t i bin 1111,;. i-T ia il'l"f
wis :.- rt.i.i.inj. Ti l m!'1 as it e ;t' ;" ty . I t.,
-f? "T ":"- ""V'V, ,"''
mi i f wl-.h-h is tin" tttm of f lUi.lo, :jj :iii-.'r
w.tli c -.0
Daltd Jal.U.11 ioil:. I- il
J V. M, nHRtN'iTOV.
M t-tfr in I'll trr.Ty.
T. M M AiiQVCTr. ol. WC'jiniri. j.titlM
A(!iiiiiiioti'ntoia. Sale
OF 1L11.1L EST.1TE.
Pv outer of tii Frob-ie Ci u t if Cass couatv, N'.
T , o i ...
Snt-irl'iy, Vt '241" d y tf Ftlruary,
A D l t"w,l 3 h,'T" 3
f fltl .UT. Htll'-I I "ft 11 H'lll tlllll lil
i,- i t '.n..!ic jendiie. u ibe l.i -o.e-i
3 tfr oc i m
lit b. use n 1
and l e-t t d
tl r for f a-lt. trt- f 'liottiti'J Kefcl F-Ule, M IW p- p-
to l t f :.e esi..te rf e..n:ci: I H ititi j,a. A' c-ln J
-tuiio. j4,.i-j.; w. vo:.ue u-w--- .v.x ic or
pilll H: I 1 . u iiM.i-..i.f (i;i r, u"i.;;u
o , nil ih i'lu i-i-l ol
Admin fi'-.-.Vor of ifcj la4: of. Stmuei Hatiri lod
Chancery Sai.
;:fcra I. Co'
In pursuant kd . rv vM-i of a .icr-ai ori-r to
t I. It- 41 : ' eu 1 IT" -" v- 1 ' v. t im ht ift
.I. JS .U -at tkn M.l, . . L I
! a, oil- il .H- or. t l.f lo I iy if rl lur. IstiS, h-ini ;,
th.? a j .urii-i ic:irr le.m f ;! i't.u I, I. t!.
Mll-c i -r. M.-!.r ill i' -i liC-iy f -r i:l ,iurt. will t
ed -r ,.t Mi'ac v -u hi , ' i t-i-li, t ib hi let .i'i l !
I it 1. i !i r. in fr.itii tf '-titf Cuai.t-liu;;, in I'Imus- :.
m ii; -. . .cb,t1 . uu ..C. ' ". .1 ':
Saturday, t.'tt 5-1 cay ef March, ISCG. 'j
t Id -'ci.wk a m r s ii l ! -. Hi - f i . vv 5 1 tr ii -i i Iji
e'i nul 1 ,iii, o n: I'-ie !i luil! (t-Jj i.t t.c j
iu1 1-ini fi'itri -r s 1 - Vm l i--l:"U uu. u:iv- ili. i'.
ti-wu.Tji tin. tw-l v. ,e . ii-ri i.f- lAtic ut t -l re j
tl J). -a-t t oli 1 1 1 in;! .'I 111. iu m i. t-
tt.i. .1 y , N 1 l.'n-k i, I v 1.1 ;-r w I'i .1 ! .! j-'iu-ie o th
1:1. 1 m vi-iiM-uts i.'l ;;i;t t 11 ih ienu 4r in- 1 m
!.i;v:n r iu :r, v. i-.- .1 el .;. t.niiii:. 5. I
ai 1 ie pi")- m "I Ota il "ft-iid lLt - i:t'v-' r; lj
.-a'' - ' d'-C -'. Oif ;iri.- U t w 11 .-.-i ll.c a a.l
o!" .j U I :iU'lc-'I- ut iit.J s.i'.j.
LuiJ J iuu .' y -S.i, l-i ii
y. m P'j:i:iNi;r )S,
.M A t:' 1 I I L .! Jl V.
T. JI. HiHiicE-rrf oiicilor fjr nn;)rt. jai:3I .'
Cliaricciy Sale.
Is.iact'i't; I
- , la C'biii.fcy. a hlrp )
In ji jri'l ly - ivi i-f a (J.-.-.r;aI . oj!er
ti m- lii's i il ii-4Mi!- -nfll 4i t: Ci'iurU i f ir.c
lO-ti'iwl t'i'Ci ! 1 In - t J a oci "ll His rli-. in n., ft
t' t. i-fiiin-y, Nrli. .-Kh, iiiJii- iu lii-- iili-jvc f ill-'- m.ii
' ! ii:; n.i'e uu i Otli 1 ut Novvmtx-r. 1-I..J
'il .1 1 j. HI I :r I.!T liTIII if MiU CnUrl, I, !'!
viji, lO'!. .i!.-ir 111-.C l.i'ii;i' y fir -jiJ i'y tiii . wii.
.'if!np J j' p'tt.l: "!' c. J'T cit-h tj Itif lnii-
i,.l l)(-i.( I ft if- I ft -1V"it f tfce c'a.t l..,a.e, Hi
l' t-lll(U,ilt Ntl'l'rt i: I. -u
S.jliird.iy,o l d y of March, l-th',,
at 12 o'cl.s-k n.-on. -f aai'l "lay. i!.e fvilovviia: J ;
.tril..l tHl ela!ii: Ti.i- 1.1 rth- ..t -:m I.- r !
i- i t .m nmiilier iloii ;!. t Jjj, iu -w 7 ii 1 i i vr
I I.'), lull Ul l! I II II ii- inra,r .v-( I.'), i-.i-il .f llic
im. i 111. in C i- futility. Ni-! r.i.kii t-ri iti 1 - ;
t- Il 1 with ail ni 4-.i!.tr lh- uiifn o . em-tii s, ler-l'M.iMi-iils
ni.ti ii'-i'in t- i.t.t.-. i:i r- u nr ilifii.l
I 'n.'ir;,. r .n atij ul-- n. j -r:t j ii. .Talri-I'i an
it.- eri.;i.-i".y i f I'i'- al'i.Vf Ii iirf'"(fi 1 - nil nit to -tinsfy ti-c ei , tiie mn -nal i.t wlii h 1 t;u ;d-u uf jij;,
li.-i'i'ttifc with c ists 'at i:.dae.
la'..U Jaiiu ry Ctii, l -'i'i
i. M. io;;r;!Xrri)',
M. id cliiinoTT.
T. JI Miiidi i-.TTt S Tji C in.; !'t j.n -ii 5w
Juliii W, K wii-m, ( uim ir -.-li.lJri-n of
" J Tiiatrtu-- W ir-rt--i. ii cH-t'i,
i:;;ziii tli Bam;s, t; l tii u-xt of kin, anj ail per
- , tit'r 11 -1 ii :
Yun uri; li iii-ljy inior.n"l ilnl i-li tin 2ftli j iy c f
Jn,-t at 1 a. Ti 1-ti . rat-l c l.TT ttmi :! i t fiin
iu 11 lt ol .i'e C' . 1 1 I "f C l" r-ai uly , . T , . he i!i - '
j ! atij jiiiijf nf saic pt-if ia i . t obtain .11 ur i-r
i'i-'. 111 s i'il t'l.U' t I r 1 lie -ai- ul' l!ie :nl .nni'- real cs
s i" w.i. Hie i -l lia f f ti.i' s iiiii-i'.-t ijiitr
, -1 t.r r.'Cliuii u 1. eiuht (si. in -iiwaiii 11 1 lull (I'JI.
Iiiti til ut r.i 1.1: li ll.ii' ' a till , i a -ii nf r li.' (i: h p in,
id a-s r--Hi'it , . 'f. - Tit- 'uiirt mU lirar n..a pit
li'inp on th ST ti itT- .f K.-'-rti irv, a i !", i.t-1
..'f'ck p 1 1 wliir!i (an-Hll tie: mih-i ititi-r-- 1 til ran
ai'l.f ar aU'l -Ii -w c u- ii. pt-aVfr blio'.lii liu
be , laut .tl, 11 kuy limy iiave.
J W MKsiAI.'..
j H.31 3w Piojt JuJe
TTTTnil "atu'inpt to ei.dcrfe Pitsidt
.lil'mcriri ri !
inmn -t-n'inr ... I-; c , . i
in-on s poiicy only so far as it re'i'
. 1 J 3 " ,c ':
ed to the nero sulTra'
hen the Union uir-inbcrs amended tj'
retsoluiioii so as to include his tvhoj
administration, over half of the l)j
ruocracy 'iu the Ilottse v0;ed aguir.rt 1
let, iu less than three liiuath-i, tb.ei
samrt men will he prating about ihsi. -
heany approval ef the President's pol
icy- Asoit.
O.mama, Feb. 12.
Enrjoa IIlqald:.
Tiio seion ef our Ly'LUture tha
iias just -.1 transacted a larige ainoiui
of I'lltliiPr
.3. iiie examumtion of ih
report occupied nearly the en.
rev isor s rep
Urc session; this v.-or!c ' ':-y-n n
tor years. I think thai the present 1 e-
vision wm give general saiistucuon-f
tae, model adopted, in the Act of lu
l-aac Cue 1 -
M 1 il t'li.m,;: y,
il.-iiry !!. Ii it. l.f..:'.l & f
Ii'"!'.- Ii. V tk . f. J
In i":rsa it-.c ntt-1 ly v'nttier.f a it- T .-t:!! nriier to
in.- iii n i-fi J tv in tef. ft'i-e i.f tlie C'esK of l!i Di-Ii-ft
f i urt of tl.f r.i Juilf .il I'lMiir', in mill I'i
Cai- c.-anty . X -l.i-isi.':i. in i-I; I i fi ' a',' . v ' i-;i 'i-e a 'I J
1 ;irin .- .1 1 1. i. a i lie ," li .lay i.f Xov. nil r. 1 - it ! , b-t
iti III-- it'ij "t; tiL-.i u.-i-ib.-r I-- m "f !..i:.l i.'.-iirt, I, t;ie
.nii-i.'. it 'r. er jti Chin -i.-y f.r sOO ('"'.. t. -iii
. lb- lor -.0 i.t jnil,-...- yen Inc. f-.r .-ali, to tie- I ir.-ii-.-I
at .1 ! 1 iii in frail ut 'lie Com t-luii.' , in
i'ialU-an.nili. N ib'j.-ka. on
Saturdutj, Mxrch 37, 15G0
at 11 o'l lm-k a in, tlie f '.' i n-itt-eril r 4 re:. e.tate,
to wit; Tim inn th-w. -t tinar. i (1 4) nf -.eetinii iinin-b.-r
iiventy si v- n iTi, n inn iiu'iib. r t "i tl ).
n. till of tane - ii i oOer tu.'.ve (l-M. i-a-i nl tin' il b
i tn, in (' o. tiiify, N.;tir.ska Ter,-:ni y; Iffethia
wltli'all a Ii.t -iavuiar tie itiiiiiiivtln nl-, I c. l.'ill
in l.ts or,p.lliIer.antV-x'l.f r'"ll or then; liel. .111:1114,
.1 in nnv u-'.-a eort-iiu'ti ' I'o in lo'd a- tin-pr-.I-erlv
o: lii-;ilei i.ilant- above nuiiifl to mO1
mi 1 il t-r tbe iiiii.mnt f wli-eli ii tlie tunic! $7J,
toetur Willi e -s-.v of .t aail Sale. . I
Dated v ouili, 1 s. ii
iu.ifr in C'l aio-ery.'j'tTr, for Cilij.':.. . j n.ol is
Chniicery Sale.
AuaaiT liicuN. 1
vi v Is CiiixeruY
I.tvii l;.t -.v m i a;r )
lu i-ite-aatic.! k by Tirt-jj of m. it-eretal or ler to nie
lirci l.d fiaia tlie 14! 1 of iii . C: 'i k of -be Sii-rr ct
' mil t, ..I ib" 0 ,1. . uiluiai lii-i'ict, in an 1 for t'j.
lointy N" re. ka 111 lie ia lie a ove rot :tn.l
ln-aiiv t date on t .n 27tli- i.y ! Cci'.ber 15, li nig
t:i ...i '-..rt.r 1 i cluli r le- ta ot -a il c -u t
1 the -4ti-ti ib. r M;.fi' r .n '' -anr ry for naiil eoltrt.
ti-1 1 . tier lor -ale et 1 u'.ilU' veinine f .r ru.-ii, to llit;
llibe-l .lliil be.t li!ibl?r. In I'lol.t of tile CoUlt hoUae
in l'lal.sni: inn It . br isk , on
S'i!iir,i,n M-irrh 3. lSl.6
st It 1 2 o'i lock l. M. t.fsail day, the following
i..- rstie l ,ri'iu. ... to wit.
Tii-boiaiii ball ( l-'j) i.r ih.' -onih f ist quarter (1 4)
ol rr li. n u.i. thirty "0, A- ilo- e 1 -t b.1.1 (1 ) oi tin
nor: ii e o-t f.'iat t -1 (14) of r-.-fln.ti iinliil-er twei.ty
lime in towii-inf. nliui's r ttu (tp) 1 "Ph ! r oue
untiit t ' i!rira en f 1:1.1 :. t .0 tre ? ix-ii l M. Oi ('..
ciiiiiv Ntl.i-..-k 1 lerril i.y l.-i-.-tlur wait nil i.i,i
s-nuiea ibe iiiiproveua-iit-. Ii". 1 J.t.oiu ia- 40.1
appn. tt-tiaLt tli.-itto It in itin oi in any u i-e
. pp-Ttail. ii-p, 10 it" o (I it- til'.' pr i'eiy iif it, e 1!.- f-11-
1 atit- a t ve toiln-'ii 1 1 1 ' 1 -' V a i'i ...c i t' tlie a uui
of w lm h i tlie -urn 1 f To ami co.-ii mj.i ui.d
s.i'.e. ii.. d Jai.uary -Ola I -iai
. F. .tl. l.'.ElSGT
' M-tt r In I L.ucvry.
T. M Marqittt, Sol, f r fo np'i:.
Administrators Sale.
' "tie Is given that tbe e wail b fo'il nt
pili-iic it.ils Ibe i 't!"n hI prO"e ly of tlie e-t it- of
Tii.) 11.11 W. Ii. ia.1.1 'v ud. f. asi-i'ic ot li..i-ef.", file, p, lann tl K u'.n-:!-, i ' . at b's late tei
deni'.' 11' ar Mt. I'lea-ai.t. !'.. ctaity, S.T., on
Sjiwddy, ihs ih day of Ytbrunrj, 18Gu.
J. Y. BArtNKs,
FOR KlirVT .
A Va liia bit. farm -and Rinclif.
The Fmi and It.uel.e b-biPO-.- to the e-'ate of
th- Ute r L-vi:i.' I" ' - nnf. J on il ' k eat
fr-'.r.nt!i m 1! enitzrant ronil. 1 1 Hu es west of I'
iia inht in UiT rt;it f .r one and i'-..U.l'iy tbrue Jfji.
I'.te faint li wiiia ri.) acres tin ler e ilt'V il n n , with
(,'dli oils", s: iii en, etc 1' tiliOf ti .n- wall be leceiv
ed by the uui'rrf ed till Kebm.iry 1 'tb, Lsijii, .-.iber
Id Httjioii nr l. Ht'T, whin I'e lvt nil r wiii. if
we :1 -ei'ur"il. be accoie 1. Te nt-i ea-li pay. be Jan
uary l-t, l3t'.'. A. L. '"Ill .0, Im n.-trat. r,
i.rijtf ti I' na tb;. .. - tU., .b.
Tskr-n un by th-.' s-ib.-r -it er, in Ml, P'e-tnt Pre
cinct. ..n Ihi I lib. d ty o( J .a.. leJii, one bital.e bud
a '..nt 1 yir oi i.,tuariicJ u ilh an i:-ot--..;t ..ut of
ri-rt t- r. J'Jh.N K.Ui'l'IC
l:ati-utou:h, Jaa. 13-h, li60. j .i..l5w
Ilray ZVoCcc. i) 1 'tilfe sul s-rit'er. 3 noljV sanf'n" w r of
ri.iti-iiioiub. o'u ib? . li iu-t , ot e white and red
p.-tt.-d he.ier, one j ea- o'.i p i.t wh te face, crum-I..):-.-:
no niiiik-i or brai.d--., s- :f3r-yu.rsr.
ro:i sale
X csU twj U iTT tricC ltai-: b'iildiDr. C2 by CII feet. I
w. th t'eoJ rt il.r: f-- .u"het i iq jt'e of :h '
.'! it:
b'lHn fnio-.L Putt tun
B7ack9 bu'i
L'j.' :.v If. rltuleale'a'ad
Drugs, Medicines and Oils,
Fine Toilet Soaps, ttruslies and Perfumery,
i . ' - ' - '. r '
- - j- ----
Pure Wines and Liquors, for medicinal use,
Dye "Woods, Dye Stufis, and Fancy Articles Generally .
Farmers, freighters and
Will find our stock of Medicines
ir.e and of the
i'litsicians9 Prescriptions Carefully Pilled by Dr. Iliac!;
Pliitsmotfib, May 1st, 1S(55 ; ;
W. L.
- .Fixtures taken of all iKindfj.
...... t
Atnbrotype, Photoirrarl;?, Clem T'-ctores, .1c. A good assortment of Cases Frames,
all r . .. i . i i .- lt.i- '
-. i o i ni a, ,v c. . c n-c.i n 1 1 v Kept on nana,
r . T r -
made to urder, of nnv size
W A ( HIV"
U -
. -r
rsmoveJ to tbtir
V T WO. STOR Y BRICK SHOP, A'arlh-wcst of Botch's
AVi.erc tiicy are prejiareJ lo turn
At.i ev. itiing m e ltd l y Fieiph:er. or Fa mers in the be-t of style.
Horses, .Mules and Oxen Shod in the best style and on reason
. - a!!e terms.
Ot every description, ti' in wood or iion, done on -hort rioiico.
Ctv Particular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of HACHINEE.T AND
castings of such. : ;
They keep on for fate,
Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains.
E0LT3 of I1, WAGOIT LOWS, rc,
la fuel, e'-erythicg ia thtir liac ctedati by Frei.'hters, LmigritnLor Frmers..
Hiving a large etock of Seasoned Timber, and th-3 best quality of Iron, Tlilmble-
Skeins, 4e., eKctcd by our-e'Tcs, with special reference to Ibis tra.!, we f -cl confident that w can turn
cut better m l more work, atc.eap-r rates, than any other shop in the Territory.
Tliankful for last patronage, we solicit a conir.uanco of ths (ijs, .
. . G-oO. Boccli cSb CO.
. ....... t
&ST N.UM'actio!! C.tiarnntped or loncy Refusiilrtl
Pi.ATTsyouTLr, N. T., Nov. Sib, ISCo. 6m
E.-T. DUKE ife Co.,
Whoiotale artd llr-tnil Dealers in
-1 -
t i . . - 1 . -
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Ilrassv japancJ
Vp l:eep cin-tantly on hand Emigrants.' nnd rrei5htcrs
O TJ T FI XT Xs Gr Gc O O 13 S
Such as Ciirnp Stoves, Frying Pans. Skillets and Lid-, Over.s,
Camp Kettles, vVc. W'e also keep Chain Pumps and
Fixture-, I i vdraulic (dement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Cans drH Jars, LantcrnSj Collec Mills .Vc.
Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with
neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of-Stew-ort's
celebrated Combinaiiortlcoal or wood Cook Stove. JXctQ.i-uiaPrepld-riJajrj 5v,.4Uih.Sl,Jpl betivtea
becoiid aiid
.,y A'rTrtV'OTTTH
1 ' r . ;) - a
" " s.
;tery &..cp
Remil Dealer TZL"j. fPXci
Warranted Genu-
best quality.
-g.t.--i-J Kortii M.'e M'.n ft , u' fit J
?- eLirsiiiiTii, - n'.t. .-Ygil-ri
'.nil ana i.osewooa jjo:a:r.g, or i rame3
1ST JH ' '
AInD blacismitii shop.
Geek 8c Co.
Old Stand,
oat all kinJ of Stir Work, uch at
1MB. Plows,
f---T r. -! t t-.
-- -. . w? t w s stsi.ilJ v-vtrr
Third Strecli,
jFor d tn e yal S. lie at iq
l! T' f Krsti-l. rit iii-M;uri 'i)rth'-i'iirrini t.di'C-'
I f V . Miviljt'i, 1-tc l.e-i.M-i tf .10 icbvoU lu
'1 c Mn-ic al :. t irtti.e-t ft(i.-iiiu'"''-l l y Mr. Sher
lcr s. ; iii:l uf f if ali '.I Ulariv. in I iigiai il.
I t.r c itr- ot iii-tuci" ! .irclU'i;- tii- vh-1ous
b-a.ic' iisa 1 iv t ! p-it ;u lir-a. f.i" itli.i"ls, Hoos
Kfr ;'. 1 - d.iti 1 I h iV 'i t r, Ft- nh lur;c,
il'' -e ' T '. I'ji'ar i'il ;iuriv.- ) ". Tl rtn
c:. r" .1 1 - fie", tin '.'I'nili t 'if f.. tayiatni
ia i..iif.iL.- .
y.r k4.1l M . M c i.'.-W rttaiB iU ink f ir th" lir-n-r-i
I pml llti-y 1 avf r- c irl, nn.1 ih!l 1 y ullri llllt
iins .iUn -iu ti' tti.:r 1 uiiU ea :f.vvr ta me rit its
eo:.taiii4n:i.'. lutri'f a; cuiy tuaacie for- s few
uu.ire j u3iii. JaniOSuti
Viib.ill? limber land ;u,d improvemrnts
Tin nil if tin- if I'I ..f si clio-i IS ..wnship if),
nut - 1-k. w -.'i 11 -ti :.i t.i Oi i f yuua-' ':iuIh.i; 11 acoa !' i.f.t .y ti .h- r. jMrl mi tii 1 - la n I, il
n: 1 - riilh i ; tdii ti.i' 4n ii'r- i.i ur Win it-iv'i
ci i ii ;.!; .M ili provelili'l,:-. on I' e s . 1 - I 11! hti ti.m
in o 11 IL, iank-; 13 u'l. Far im liiM r tit-uiaitt t k'. M.Di'U i:iN(.l.)V,
lie 1! J'.-lat ' AjroM,
j a;.1 4 P or S. D. l-'aubariks
For Sals-txood Bargain isie. (f ' :i ! in: n,; V .t;;.rr o"h ..ti t li
-o'tt'.wi'. 'va!i n ., jaty !. i.e. .1 tn i:h pa ks
to' C". ar.d III i'i-'I.ii eil i";;'! .. f .inplele the ta:u.
1'. ii..a ve'y ii vi' If r .a li Apb'y t-
. ii u..iii:iMi ion,
j ir.'.S li il tati'te Aent.
We wit. -ell i ny v tor e-b ii pool frame 111
tin .- ie-i I " i ', .10 of jiitt. oi'tei l ia 'i .uinouili
Hii' jiiC Oi M..r-I..iil, al t!.e l'o-t-o(l. -e, or of
l. m w ni:fc.Li'!t ii CO.
I'l.tS'iitiUil, ;'. T, Jauuiiir I1 h tf
w. mick:!." nr,
rt. j. ittiar
IUa'.er. ia 1'it.e I.uuib r. Lalii, ."-linin'.eit, tloorn, S-ki.1i,
i..iiids..J'wk-. t.-. mn 1 very .V4i J ol Colioutv uud,
vt a. t oJ O..W l.uii.U-r.
1 I ke-.p r .iisiuntiy -ii lini.d C.-rd woe-l, boiti
Co' It. "i d Oak. Ail im.1v i piomptly li I d.
j- nlli-e on l.e'c .-iie I, t. utli cf C. L. Cooj or's
Flan ail. I jra'.n Iicont,
,11. iVALlv. i:,
Merchant Tailor
One Jc'ty t jj tj FcldcLfs Jtwdry store.
M AIN ST., I'l.ATI s.Mol- I II,
Offe-i 1,: -eiviees to
sjirjtudiu CJuntry.
tic joot'eof t'a.s rity a Ed
iel.ili d:u
Juit r. xcirtd and for sals si
Plaliso-'outh Fet). lt, 1CG.
c r tii.-
Insurance Coni ny,
V'e, Ti.oiii.e. J. Tuiiic-. 1'ie-i I nt. and Charles
join;. en, t-et 1 ciari' , 1 f ibel'.re aid le-nado I sur
i.f Coin in.t . ot f'ri.p.nt, I hnois. lieieby certify
"tbrtt joiia t'om;eitie is , ss - .1 ni a fHii.i'i f,f at
ie-a-t e ne l;'-.i.ili. d thoari.n I lioilo--. s Linidby leai
on real f.-:.ite wo-iii at e i-lt i-ai et i.-a.-t tiva
1 1 ii. e- t C na-.i no t ' f s,i"-l 1 1 1 j; r. i Ir umber
ed to 1 e liu ir oi'e-li to : !' to .-a'd '1011 v.! '1.10011 "
l n) ';.n J. ii,i',i.'i,
(u sur) tL.vni-l.-3 ay!'ltt.-.s, fcot'y.
state i.f Ho: -.:, I- '
ib j.:a ii-o;i 1; i.o.ty. (
I'.'i-.'u .i.y a; I1, arid b.-fo c tit?, letk of iheCoun
y C n:t o: Si -'.eusoii e. tiiit v, Tl.o t u .1. Ti.nifr
.11. I i lia ii .-'iiT-i I.t me ku.tu-n a the Pi'fe.deot
ai d .vej ciiitT " tiie t'oe a. .il 'i'oruad tutu : r-11
.? tiiotiny. w h .. hem-r ii ' duly -w. iti iic a din), lo
aw, M-vei 0;y .1 e, an, I .ty "i.'i ,t ii - above i.-'-r-
toi.a-e. u' - "ibe 1 to by :i. 111 nj-p nv- iy. 1. t ue in
(1 a -t 1 ro e au ! ia a t, js iv tlie icvuitU of
-il'.'l I OPIJ' 11 V '
rub fib .1 a' d s-.' ..-ri '.. I.t f .re u.e, tain 6.h Jav of
J.i.'itt.i 1. t Ii v' ;.
s .1 'liKo. I litir Si iX, C'. uiry t'lerg.
tf s 1: ! Vi L. 1". I II t.ol., I e; utv I lurk.
Tv tJj.ii c on I te iii -f .. if .7,iwiiy. A Olid
I -eIt , i: ii. J'11.10 vt, i
t'-ia .- ol l ui l i ..ii mi. i.i t. V
Oin.iii.i, .l..nii , Jhoh ii'v is, lat-.r,. )
WI it,.-;-. J i.CiM 1 li I- 1. 1., t -. . A -M-' lot It. o
tta A.'. ;.t I r 11. -r -ire ii ' ' ' . 'I'ltri-.'i.n I 1 . - 01 nee
''"iiijiu n t. 1 .i- ,1. a .a r lee. o t. iii tae .si . e ..I
has I'letl in th..- i,;!i e a . m if . I y 1 1 t lie
A'.t 'I I ff 'I I ' a.itioii nl s ('..Hi; ,,1't . 1. .... t it w tii
a wri:tt-h ic :.. ui.-nt iei''s. tu ; k.i i ..f ,1 C in;ia
nv,s..'.i',l by to.. I'i'' i 'ea an 1 sec.-eii.iy ol Panl '
C-- ii.pu:y ii.i.1'-i-i rtilt, cf . liii-.n -.:' t'oiuemiv
'!"-(' -li 'til C.l'it.ii if it I l-t tbte ll'Tt-ltTed
rio u I..I liol iirs, s. 1 i.r. il by la : . a e-tate
'fo. i!i .11 c;i-li vii,.'i:i"i ; t !'--! tlv t'tn. s The amount
of - n i c o . Til, mi J n t f-iti'i an! t, ! t 1 ito re 111 m
' lie toialii ia -aid e:i-h v .1 i t:,' in airO'Uaufe
tvi ii t ii r. .jllire in-ut - of s-etio:, i-'....rt-en of a l.iW
of ha Territory of e'n.a U.i, e itili.d '-.i'i .-l"f in
.'i!i"i 1 1 J.'Krurica '.'vfj-aiiex," aiprjiad
r.iny loili, .A. e. It it known, l.y t !.'-.- pres. Tits, Th tt ia
pursu in." f ill- A orenid Aci, I. John liii:opia,
Aii-litor f the Terr.t"iy .f,!iA, d)
feriOy, tl;:it -aid F.i-- ai.d Tortiaiio Insu auee Coln-p-ll'V
It-.a fill' fiUllionte t t trt.s-et bj-ir,!".-! of I a-
Ir.lale in tie 'liir.t.ty .i i.ih-ki, un.lpr Hie
iiws tif t'.is Tori i'.ji v, uul 1 tbe IJlsl 'lay of Jan;. a: y,
A li lav;-
Jr. v.-itnet-t n l r'-f. I brtTe -art rnbo'l n. f
H .ti.e ,1:. I f.r;- d 'b- -v i; o; :e .lititoi'-l
sestj M".ii e to b- stTuea, ibia lU'h .lav t,f J-taa-trv,
A U l;s-'.
JOilX ..II.I.IriK,
'1 criitui iui A'.luor.
F .11. DoB'ricujflon, -Ag't,
ftjl.2 64 I'-tt-.u t..:.. ii,;H.
n. it. n HEEL.n,
C. l i' if it
2?. EI- Tlii tUv & C o.,
IReal Estate Agents,
Cominissicncrfi of Deedg
Fire and Life Ins, Ag't?,
pLrisy:pt'Tii, y. r.
CtieotioPs pi i iv .-tten'Iel to, sr.d jir'-feels r.
titiit-1 -it r-rr -i.t ri'ri f I x bar ,e. 'I axe- in
IV e . lei n i " ,. and .') er -.-'ia I or n. ,i :-ri-?itit:i. . I e !
of ii.d ijiv;. t .i ! o it ,L.ty loa'o 'J o.. liea. U;i'e
tci;r.tU- l,.uiiV..r i-.;.;i I.t .in.
Atf-Q i - i'or U'lli. ct: "t i i f e! a in ?. tr-' -' ' to -. "r.. m .-; t,
for si.,'.; et - u.iii-.i v. 'i. t ,: j. r A -' r.'.i
f..rii.e i'O..b-1-e HO- -se v l, U-i if ' f OT pr..;..;."-
t,Lca-uug of ..
;. i:rj:ni:( ..v.-
n .n. 5?. it. it-.'.-.-r. r tv. (.-: y.r. r.
S.-r'li'l. K ni-.-7-r r).'.-. .-. tiai.-t, ,'ee.-
Mr a' -) f, ' t-r-t. is riiy.
" G.y. I iiiiy. bt. I.fiii-, i sou.!.
I)-. Din L..7-.-i. lb.-toti, K . -Mirhu' tits.
It V i'.:.:ar hie(r ,, jiot.oi,.
11 St li li'lli. Ole ini.a'i. ')ito. 4 liaioia., I'laii-rL .inh.. Xn'jitikt,
I. it iiii ii, 'I lo e itivers M.eD.aa.
Uoa ' It .-ii-i, iiiuouial, '.I i u.iitli.
Hat; I il -M iq j -t, I'.att-ii;., i n, ebri.k.
K Lewis. Ato i'e- ot Law. li .ri Mew Vur.
,1'srlur, J Is. fa. i, D-.-31 jl j.i.c-, Ijvi.
i.r,3 Jivrtt
- i
. t '