if " " if "7 wy um attempts to haul doicn the American Flag, shoot him on the sjtot.'' Jonx A. Dix. VOL. 1 PL ATTSMOUTII. N. T., WEDNESDAY, FEB.. 7, 1SG6. x0. 41 THE HERALD IS PfiJLIsIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY, WKLKLY LVH1Y Wr DNL. DAr liX IT. !) HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. fy-OfU'.-t: corner lliii street and Levee, second tloi y. Terms: Weekly, $2.50 per annum; )ai!j, 1 per month. Jlulcs v f A dveri is big. ce tiiHre, o' e in- rt -n -Katb ubw-'clt iti.-eitioa Ouequare i-f t-n i.w.) oue insertion, oil i -tnli I."ifjctli0i' ix lines er tiirau or k. I'-.r annum 0X IllolltrH .. tl.r, e uiuulLs 0b'f ccl i 'n twelve inuntliH nix months ttife months eolaron twelve months six r-ont. tiiree m ritlis AlMr;irnt a lverti-ementa mast be paid -:Ve r..' p- parvd lodoall k inds cf Job .1, sh .rt n.jti au-l tu a tyle that wrt.l K' $1..'.0 l.uu 1 50 1 . 10 (10 t'O I5.ro J'l.dO 4.' 0- 25.00 IS MO 0 C 4S.ifl 25. Ul) for ia Work satin. gujincsji gircctonj. R. R LIVINGSTON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, T: l.i .r..f--i'iial services to the litii-ns tf ti.ii-o .-ite.i.ferr- in Krank White' h u-e, corner of 0k ! .S.x'li -tr. !!; OUice on M:i"i sltett, ip-ii- Court Hons--, l'i illnn)Uih, Sebiaaka. t. .11 jiaiiqiett. A'lTOllNEY AT LAW AM' Solicitor in Chancery. PLATTSM tl'IIl, - - NE lift A SKA. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON D- C F. M. DORRINGTON. Mil AGF.NT: PLATTSUOUni, - - NEBRASKA, 1 pfp.r.-l t ii', lit and i :..- ii in i-1 n m bef re l'..ijir., Co in ff ' 'i. i i:i! au.i l 'i.- I".ii tin- 'Us. I'a lnt. IVn-toti-. 1 oll.t fill l", unity l.anJs ' cored ?"VMir.:e- ! i m . und in pro portion to the m Mint of Hie cMim. 1. M. liUiilM I'O V Atr.i 10, . F- II. DORRINGTON, SEAL ESTATE AGENT, 1'I.AT fSMUl til m:u.. Prompt art :u' .'r. p ii.1 to to-' pur- li.i' utn! sU .f ( Krai Kiati, an J p .1 n. u l of I a - and ail bunii'- j it,aiett. K( -is I'V 1 '-rnn-sj.ii t ..o. It S. Pun.n. .Inii.-- -1 I J J .i.i! Iiit.. k:u I Vr, Ni-l.r!ik.i. Ma i' r Kii" 'J Hurl.auk, l' 111 JMi-r . A , l.eaver.uoiiti. Kanat-: II " J. Hlih.ir.k, Ite Art.-..r N'.-!:.i-k . Ka.N iry, N-l : Hon. T. M. lli;l ! tt. r.'a:i-it."iiti'. N l . t . 1 K K. itiir-ton, tat Col N-lirA-a 1 -1 . I . fi I' "1 "1 ' 11 . t). ; M.j. r I). II. WIi-It, ('... t:io:.in Av'.-ni. 1'awrue Aiiry: Cha' N.ltl. n. No 111 I'.i o t.l-.v.iv. NVW Tork. Harvev, loj:ii-li & lir.ivvu W ilitiit:ln, 1. t' ; Trwi. .M;rnr.- X t , ' !.: I , I ; it i KU'ii. K-.li.-tr. N Y.. I'f.f. U i.iy At.iii; a. ' ilartr..rd 4. nivrr-lt . " . Y. II. Ut SI.KR, J. W. M Ali-HAIU. E. r.UWU I. II. V. 'Iicrlt-r V o., Seal Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds " AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, I'LATTSMOl Tir, X. T. Culictins prorM'tly attend-!) to, ami pn I? re k 1 tt-t t rurrr'tt r :it-- ! Kx hitne. Lix-.s i in W wiiern Iowa anU N-l ru.k tor ti.n riN-i,ti . 1 Mle f imiil inv ;-tV;ii-i- M 'uty ;..mi--U on lie ti Ktaie uritif. Warr.iuh ,':iit . CLAIM AGENTS. A cents forc-tlWtion of cliiim uain?t i.oTrnmrrit, f r holl t, iheir iiiuw? a ml imnot I ri. Acan for tit? pin.T i ani vf Luu'ia and Cut pnper- Ajr, I. taking of TVriviiiL-nt-. a i-:n:i i:ci-: s: noo. S. H. Eioert, l nvr Cry. C. T. aii-ars. K"inilr Hro . um.ili.i, Nel. Mc'a"n , M' tra.f, .Xrl.ia.1 City. J . F. 'i;iry. r . Lcui-, .Misoui 1. Dr. 1ln Lewis, lio-t.-n. SI i.i-hnett.. H W Dltmr. Cl ii i.po, Illinois. II H Maill. t'n.. nii.aii. t'liio. Tootle k Uaiina. P!atiioo'it h . Nebraska. I. H Rich, Tbrre ltivrrs. Mirliipan. lion r FcM N !-.lo..n:!i. i-rc.iin. Hon T M Mirquftt, riatniinth. Nt-br.tfka. I. lewia. A'to.ntv at Law, luiitaio. New York. t:art-r, Hu.aey it. Curl, l'ca Uoine, Iua. JanS dfc-tf PIiATTU valley g. W.CROW, PROP- I am ji'epared to fumih a'l who nuy''avor me "With th!ir atroiiai;o, with UMlin, iruie men', or tidlf thr rwk. u'.H.l'RoW. 1' atlslll Ulth, April 1J, 1 .JOSEPH CHIi ATER. VVATC?MAEER and JEWELER, FLATTSM0UT1I, - - NEBRASKA. A rood a-.otimeot jf M at .Cl ' Pens. J wrlry. Silver War. Kane (!oo's Violins and Vi i. a Trimming' i'i.n n hand. A.lo;k culu iii it led to hi" rare will be warranted. April in, IwhS. WILLITT P0TTENGER ATTOKNEY AT LAW, rr.ATTSMOUTII - - NEBRASKA. ITcss & Fmisher li'.ve jut opn.d and refi-.ieJ their Saloon and Restaurant lvee f trt, touth of Main. whre they will furnish at i times the brat d ibe t!o- iu.h ki t atford'. t"?"l'ie-h Oj!er cont.nt' on hand. f LVS'CfT every iiioiiuie ltret-n 9 1-2 "1 In 1-2. 55iJJ J- ao.Vrf tiifoiummltited. W5 3m Will- IS- laCIIlIaC, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR EAST OF POSTOITICE, j Plattsmoutu. IJebraska. 4;ST ?-)3 rf I GOLD HAS FALLEN" ! W.tt. HERALD Has moved Into hi new brick b-iilding on the cor ner of Main street and Levee, wbeie be is daily re reiving large additions to Li already extensive MOCK Of GROCERIES AND IQU He offi-ra the very r)et of bargains to customers, and reinest a call fr m those who want an) thing io bis line to tel the advantages in prices witb tboae el oihera. Jtecneuiber the BRICK CORNER, and (rive him a call if you wi.h to buy cheap. ov2 B. Hewman (Successor to S. Bloom,) Dealer in READY MADE Grents Furnishing Goods ! at.-, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Yalises, 5tc, Sec, &c. Also a Inrrre lot of RUBBER GOODS and REVOLVERS always on bind. Emigrants AVD COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their benefit to examine iny stock before purchasing elsewhere. Cash paid for Hides, Furs and Wool. riattsmouth, May 25. tf TXT 313 757- CABINET SHOP. II. BOECK, Having; recently built a new and.snlta le shop ea Main St., Plattsmonth, N. T.f ti- Would refpectfully inform the citiiens nf C nd a lioiniutt counties that be has the faciiltie for car rying on tho CABINET BLSIA'EJiS In all ita branches IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLE 1 am prepared to tnrn out tbe CHEAPEST acd most durable; Of every description, ever offered In the Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AsT-Portirular attention paid to rusking and fin- IshiU(COFHXS. A:l kinds of lumber taken ia exchange for work. riatts loath. Aj.ijl 10, 1505. X E W Boot 8c Shoe Shop. The Mibsoriber would rsooectfully call the atten tion of the, citizens of 1'latisniouth and tbepuMIe at nir to the tact that be bas 1 oca teal one do-jr east cf Donelan's lrtig Store, wbe'e he intersas kei-pinz on hand and mskitft ri tbe horteM notice, erety articlein his line. His Mock beinlt selecteil by him self, snd having spent the nxt of bis life in the business, be feels confident that he can give sV-isfas tton. Give bim ae-all. April 19 S. J. THOCSSfORTOS. A UOItlJ TO OIK FKIKXDS With ihis number we close the first month of our daily issue, and vie desire lo return our hearty thanks to our nu merous friends for the liberal support we have thus far received. Our aim has been to reflect the sentiments of our county and of Phttsmocth. We feel convinced that thi point is destin ed to ultimately be a prominent, large and prosperous city. Nature has en dowed the site of our habitat most bountifully. Situated as we are, at the mouth of the great valley of the Platte, and possessing the shortest connections with the oveiland routes to the States and Territories in and west of the Rocky mountains, either by way of the Platte or Republican vallies. Havicg a Railroad rapidly constructing towards us from the east, which is owned and energetically pushed alongf by one of the weal:hiest companies ever interest ed in the building of any Railroad. Possessed of a liberal grant of lands for the construction of a railroad from this place to the main trunk of the great Pacific Rail-road, which is soon to bind t.i9 Pacific and Atlantic States in close commercial and social inter course, and with a County that has not its equal in the Territory for excellence in soil, timber and water. Good roads and good bridges, affording the best fa cilities far ordinary transit in all direc tions, and our City peopled by energetic business men, who are a live to its grow ing importance. v e consider 1 latts mouth peculiarly fortunate, and u is easily seen why our advance in pros perity should partake of the solid char acter it does. There is no puffing and highfalutin gas-work enlisted to build us up, nor have we ever sought to in flate the sanguine and credulous parties who are ever seeking homes in the west, with hopes that would be blight ed. Our citizens have determined to build extensively, and certainly not less than one hundred new buildings wiil be erected the coming season; but we bave not thought it worth our while lo enlist the services of "Old Cottages," nor do we propose a "credit farcical"' our french may be wrong, but we think that's what the wild-cat concern is call ed which our legislators have given as a legacy of their wisdom to their friends at Omaha, and which is represented to us as one of the many clap-traps of fast limes in which the more you put down, the lees you take up. Far from receiv ing territorial aid, we know that efforts have been made to keep us down but we are of the irrepressible stuff that cannot, and will not stay down, and as we grow and strengthen daily, we feel more and more that the intelligent classes east, who propose moving to Nebraska, see the intrinsic merit of those qualifications that attract emi gration to us, and that our strength con sists in realities and not the shadow of things. As our aim in the past has been to keep the reading public advised of the advantages of Nebraska in general, and of Cass county and Pla ttsmouth in particular so will it be in the future; and all we ask of our friends is that thev will labor with us to that end. Help us to circulate our paper, and we will help to make you all wealthy. Let every citizen remember the words of the philosophic type-sticker, Beujamio Franklin: "A newspaper and n Bible in every house, a good school in every district, all studied and appreciated as they merit, are the principal support of virtue, morality and civil liberty.'' THE OMAHA II LIU ALU AD .i:oiiti: FKAXCIS. The above paper in its issue of the 29ih ult., contains a very amusing spec imen of the contortions it can make in backing down from the issues it unwit tingly forces upon itself. We feel somewhat sorry for the brilliant genius who conducts it; but as not one word is advanced to repudiate the statements we have made, we take it for granted he accedes to their correctness. We hope sincerely hope, that the billious discharge he has had may relieve his compassionate bowels. Poor fellow, he reminds us of a lubberly, poutiag school-boy who, wishing but fearful, vents his "pheelinks" in the usual puer ile manner, through indecent adjectives. Our co-temporary, however, should have allowances made for these little escapade?, as Le younj at the busi ness and no doubt. will groA wiser as he srrows older. SECTIONAL.. Under this heading the Omaha Her aid of yesterday assails the newspapers of the South Platte, and boldly asserts that they are opposed to the progress or Omaha. We challenge the editor to bring forward any publibed matter of ours that would sustain this unwarrant- able charge. It looks so excessively ridiculous for the Omaha Herald to ac cuse the South Platte press of sectional feeling, that it would be scarcely worth our while to call attention to this un founded assertion, were it not that, un contradicted, some credulous parties might believe him. We would ask the Doctor how much he considers Platts- mouth. Nebraska City or Brownville indebted to the Omaha pre?? for their growth or prosperity? Will he point out anything in his own paper that would induce eastern readers to believe that there is any other place in Nebras ka beside "Omaha" and ,-the valley where tho Cottonwood crows." It is the niggardly spirit of selfishness, and the jealousy that the pros-periiy of the South Platte excites in his own brain, that evidently prompted his unwarrant ed statements. If Omaha fears the progress of her rivals on the river, we take it that it is sectional to cry up only her prosperity, and ignore the solid ad vancement of the other cr.ies of Ne braska. The spirit of sectionalism that has persistently cried Omaha and Omaha only cannot expect otherwise than that the rising towns along the Missouri should crv shame at her. We take pride in the rapid strides our Cap ital is makiner towards becoming a preat citv. but we denounce as con temptibly mean the sordid selfishne that ignores the existence of her sister - o cities. We would remind the Omaha lUrald that when our South P'atte pres speaks in favor of this portion well named the garden of Nebraska it need not take alarm, and twist our language iuto an assault on Omaha There are other towns in Nebraska be side Omaha, and we desijn to let our eastern readers know it, whether it suits the editor of that pap?r or not. 1IOX. S- MAMVLLL. This gentleman appears tohave in curred the reat displeasure of the Democratic portion of the present leg islature, because, forsooth, he happen ed to expose the ignorance or willfuj distortion of their Speaker in regard to Parliamentary usages. He has been the recipient of a vast amount of abuse from the Democratic press of the Ter ritory in conseauence. and has been subjected to many petty annoyances by the Democratic portion of the House. Mr. Maxwell is too well known to the people of Cass couuty, and has served them too long in a legislative cafacity to need any particular mention by us; yet we would assure them that he is not of the class who will forsake their interests at the beck and nod of any political demagogue, neither will he be forced from his line of duty by abuse and vituperation. He is a mau of great asoning faculties, and immense re search, and forms his opinions from the exercise of these faculties; and neither flattery or promises of politicians, nor abuse by his enemies, can turn him a single point from that course which his judgment tells him is right. These are the qualities his constituents admire in him, together with hi vast legislative knowledge. We can assure him that every well-wisher of tne lerntory. in these parts, will stand by him in his endeavors to frustrate the designs of political tricksters, and expose thfir rottenness. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY. . m From the report of the Paymaster General we find that the enormous sum of 550,000,000 would be necessary to py arrearages of bounty to the soldiers of our army who had enlisted under the S100 bounty clause. The claims of these glorious patriots to equal pay ments with their comrades who sought the field at a late day are of a nature t that cannot le ignored, and we honest- U bplipv ihP I'm-mniT Onpml h - j ... based his figures on erroneous data. The numbers enlisted seero to have been the figures by which the enormous sum above named has been computed; but we all know sadly know that scarcely one-half tf the early enlisted veterans now exist. Be this as it may, we owe it to our saviors to pay them I equally with those soldiers who volun- - f leered afterwards, when bounties were I high and for a country and a govern ment saved, let there be no huckstering Shvlock found who wou'd calculate ita value (o a nicety 'n dollars and cent? Give the boys their money, and we will Ucarce rriss it in this land of plenty Editor Herald: iSi'r In the daily of January 29ih, I read an article commenting upon the objections of some of our mechanics to an article (previousIy published, upon the scarcity of good mechanics in Platts mouth. I have had over twenty years' experience in the carpenter and joiner trade, having followed it for a liveli hood, therefore feel that I am compe tent to judge something of the charac ter of that class of mechanics here. I think we have some good carpenters and joiners here; but the class of work that has been done here has not brought out their true abilities as workmen of art. Tho reasons are as follows: First, cheap buildings, of cottonwood lumber. and that green from the mill, are the common ones our mechanics are called upon to build, and they are expected to lo this work at very low prices; there fore, the materials worked, and the prices paid for said work, do not call out the true mechanical genius of our mechanics. But, give as good material. and pay us prices that will warrant us to take the time to do our work that is necessary for doing a good job, and we wiil warrant as good woik here in Plattsmonth as anywhere else; and if we have not the men here to hire to do the amount of work required, we can send and get them whenever our con tract prices will warrant us to pay the same wages lor mecnanics as paiu in other places. I conceive therefore, the reason of our not Having more good workmen and better work done, is the fault of the citizens not being williug to pay the price for their work that is paid in other places, to enable our mechanics to ppend iheir time feeling they are re warded for their services. A Carpenter. "A Carpenter" will bear in mind thai all new countries are subject to the m I t t same inconveniences or wnicn ne t peaks; also that the time has now ar rived when good work and plenty of it is demanded in Plattsmouth; hence our former remarks upon this subject. We know that, in days past, but little en couragement has been given lo urst class workmen in Nebraska, but we hope, and firmly believe, that that day is past. Let the country be filled with good workmen, and we will guarantee our people will employ them in prefer ence to those of an iuferior grade. Ed JgtSy We understand that an order, directing the muster-out of the 1st Reg'l Nebra?ka Veteran Cavalry, is now at Omaha, and that the boys will soon re turn to their homes. This will be glad news to their friends, and, no doubt, will be received with joy by tli3 war worn veterans of the gallant old "First." New York, Feb 2. The regular monthly statement of the National debt for the present month has been issued from the Treasury department, and shows an increa e of seventeen millions in the public indebtedness during the month of January. The Herald s Toronto correspondent of last evening states lhat the I enian attack on the Canadian frontier towns is hourly expected. The provincial military are under arms in all direc tions. J rains are kept ready at tnat place for transportation to any requir ed part. A meeting of the new temperance society was held last evening at Cooper Institute. A eulogy on the late Dr. Valentine Mott was delivered last evening under direction or tne new meuicai ?ocieiy. in Clinton Hall, by Drs. GunniDgs and Hedford, before large audiences. Thirty-three deaths occurred on the IJremen ship Albert Mayer, which ar rived in his port yesterday afternoon, after a voyage of seventy days from Himburg. She experienced most tern- pestuous weather during the whole voy Or those who died eighteen were children, and fifteen adults. The United States steamer Narcis- .1 ?us was iost during one or tne recent storms, at the entrance to Tampa Ray, Florida, and abot thirty persons, all un board, perihed. ESyA vigilance committee has been formed at Springfield, 111., lend the city of gamblers arid thieves. BY TELEGRAPH. TO THE DAILY HERALD. New York, Jan. 31. It is said that if the bill giving Grant the full grade of General passes, it will be followed by another bill lo confer the rank of Lieutenant-General upon Sheridan and Sherman. Admiral Farragut will be likely lo be made a full Admiral, the Vice-Admiralty in the navy being equal to the grade of Lieuteuatt-General in the army. Gen. Thomas gives a very cheering account of affairs in Tennessee, quite the opposite of the tone of Governor Urownlow's letter to Speaker Colfax. He will probably be called on to give evidence before the committee on re construction. New York, Jan. 31. Hon. II. L. Ilosmer, Chief Justice of Montana, de livered a lecture last evening at llie Travelers' Club, on the condition, re sources and prosnects of lhat Territory. Dr. Hays, the Arctic explorer, de livered a lecture last evening at Coop er's Institute, on icebergs, in which he gave a graphic description of the froz en north. On Monday next fifty-five new money-order offices are to be opened, in cluding Richmond, Charleston, Savan nah, Mobile, and many other important places in the South. A meeting of the Health Commis sioners was held yesterday, when resi dent physician Layre reported on his visit to Albany in reference to quaran tine accommodations, and a series of resolutions were adopted relative to vaccination. At the second meeting of the stock holders of the Columbia insurance com pany, held yesterday, the committee ap pointed at ihe previous meeting made their report. The Herald's Richmond correspond ent says that an effort is making in the Virginia Legislature to declare the election of Senators Underwood and Segar illegal. Gov. Pierpont and John Minor Holts are talked of as successors Both the friends and enemies of Gov, Piemont are -ys LIn to lesiyi. the former in order that a military governor may be appointed, and the latter lhat Robert L. Lee or some oth er prominent rebel may be elected. The ship Chieftain has arrived from San Francisco. The Secretary has instructed the Assistant Secretary to discontinue, after the 1st of February, receiving deposits for temporary loans at 6 per cent inter est; hereafter they will receive such deposits at 5 per cent interest, payable on ten days notice, after thirty days from date of deposit. A Washington special says that a rumor was qutrrent in Washington yes terday, and for a time received consid erable credence, lhat Secretary of War Stanton had positively resigned his po sition, and would vacate to day; but the report appears to have had no reliable basis. New Yoax, Jan. 31. The World's special says the House Military com mittee are still engaged in maturing the bill for an increase of the army, and expect to report it to the House at an early day. There is no reason to suppose there will be any conflict between the mill tary committee and the two houses in regard to the number of men of which the reorganized army is to consi.-t. Gen. Schenck, chairman of the House committee, favors the lowest possible standard, even below 50,000. The committee on elections will to day decide on ihe contested casa of Vorhees and Washburne, of Indiana. A private letter from Austin, Texas, states that the State couventiou meets on the 7th of February. Private advices from Vera Cruz of the t22d, say the French are tired out, and freely discuss the abandonment of the empire. There is intense feeling against Americans, and they say they want war with the United States, and to be senl to Texas to wipe out Bagdad affairs, which they say was the work of Federal troops. Cincinnati, Jan. 31. --The steamer Missouri, with about 250 passengers on board, among whom were 91 men of company B, 13th U. S. Cavalry, met with an accident in the evening, just after supper, while the passengers were assembled in the cabin. The ex plosion was of such force as to rend the cabin floor asunder, letting every person in the front part f the cabin down into ihe mass of fire and steam below. Great numbers lost their lives by jumping overboard. Th loss of life is supposed to be nearly 150. 30 of ihe soldiers were loat. Later The report now is that 100 will cover the loss of life. The loss of the boat is $100 000. Col. Roberts and Gen. Sweeney ar rived her? last night. New York. Jan. 31. No cholera it e clerk, has gone to Evansvilte to Havanna, but considerable small-pox at obtain possession of them, and w ill be RegoJa, a small town opposite the city, f at'e lo make out a complete list of the Report says the Gulf i. full of Chil- j lost, im privateers; and a sx-.hroner and! The remains of Capt. Hurd's wife steamer flying a suspicious flag have ' were recovered from the wreck yes been -seen. terday afternoon. No other bodies A steamer is reported to have left ' cave been discovered. New Orleans, and lo be cruising in the Gulf. War risks are being effected at Ha vanna by ship owners. One company rt fused to u.ke them. Washington, Jan. 31. House The House passed a bill that the pro duce of the limber owned ly Ameii can?, and sawed or hewed in New Brunswick by American citizens. th same being now admitted into U. S. ports free of duty, shall contiuue to le thus admitted. Washburne, from the committee on commerce, reported a bill repealing all fishing bounties, which was not acted on. New YortK, Jan. 31. The Herald' Washington spec al says the conference of the senior Major (JeneraU of the regular army now progressing here is causing the most extensive speculation as to the results to be attained. Among' the most practicable theories yet ad vanced, is the supposition that these of ficers have been summoned more to give their united views concerning the southern country they have tiaversed and as to the necessity for garrisoning the south with troops, than for a coun cil touching the immediate Mate of af fairs of the army. This proposition is thp more credible from the introduction and passage of n resolution in the Senate to-day, asking the President to transmit Gen. Sher man's report of personal observations in the south. It is supposed Mr. John son is principally desirous of obtaining the opinions of the Generals fo tiiat Congress will adhere to its original in tention of delegating committees from the joint reconstruction to make a trip of observation through the excluded States. The Times' special says the receipts of internal revenue from the first day of January to this evenini', amount to SIO'J.SOO.OOO. New York. Jan. 31. Worlds spe cial cays the Commissioners of Com merce hnve a proposition before them lo reduce the emoluments of collectors of customs to a reasonable figure. Un der the present system the salaries and reauisiiions reach the enormous sum of from fifty to one hundred thousand dol lars a year. It is proposed to abolish the offices of surveyor and naval ofii ces, which offices it is said ure very lu cretive, being nearly equal to collector ship. The action of the military court mar tial recently in session in Boston, in regard to the alleged kidnapping of Mormon emigrants" in the summer of 1S64 and the subsequent forcible en listment of ihe latter, very unsativftcto ry to the Prussian Minister, at the in stance of who::i the court was appointed. It appears they ignored entirely the ipi monstrances cf Baron G;ion!t, and tbe different foreign consuls at Boston. The court was also silent respecting the mode in which those emigrants were swindled out of six hundred dollars each. The city received about nine hundred recruits by the means adopted, and the result is that the Prussian Gov-ern-nent and other German States will prohibit the maintaining any labor con tracts, and will otherwise impede emi gration to this country. The atteniion of Congress will be called to the mat ter. Cincinnati, Feb. 2. Special dis patches to the Gazette state lhat small- i i pox u prevailing lo an aianmng exttnt through many parts of the South. The Huntsville Independent says un'ess some organized effort is made to ar rest its progress it will become atmos pheric and sweep over the land. Southern papers are filled wilb ac counts of murders and robberies. Washington, Feb. 2. House The House took up the motion made ly Raymond yesterday, to recn-ider the vote by which, on motion of Mr. Brooks, the day before, certain testimony on the latter'a behalf in the contested cte of Dodge vs. Brooks was referred i committee on election". Davis complained that Brooks testi mony had been delayed since March last. Brooks explained the circumstance of delay, and asserted that no official nonce had been furnuhed to him tv Mr. Davis to hand it in. Raymond said he had made the mo tion reluctantly, at the request of Mr. Dodge, the contestant, and not wrth any intentiooof prejudicing the case of Mr. Brooks. Brcoks, at the request of Mr. Gar field, gave way for a recess of ten min utes, in order that Gen. Thomas might be formally introdu t-d lie was intro duced in a speech by the Speaker, and made a lively response, amid applause and ihe waving of handkerchiefs. Louisville, Feb. 1. The Albany Ledger says ihe steamer Charmer wtnt to the wreck of the Missouri on Tueay, ar.d succeeded in getting the boats safe and books. Mr. M aline.