5t gOjjfptigidvfrttoVm'tiJ. Tchaiha ih II E L M 13 O L d 18G5. 1805 AMISON, DOVEY & CO., &2) D. It ITCcJIECIIAtf, SI Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, IR0Y,'A'A1LS, STOVES AXD TLX WARE, : AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. North Side of Main Street, FLUID EXTRACT o ODD 3 ATm, Aire?it for the Sale of the Olohratcd .VAGEE COOK 6TOVES, AXD ERAXCf, CltUVXS A CO' S SAWS. Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of BLACK, BUTTERY CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal use, 00 3 W M , j3 3 - O W fed ri X to o 05 M o Q Q O a DOfl ft tivQ 6 c r1 M S3 SO tf 3) o 3 O B 8 W Ui c O OF THE PADLOCK SECOND STREET. XEAKLY-OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE,) feT- JOSKPII, MO- ' est in theestttblished Hai tlivare fleuse of VOLIIOCX tt C, i oner an extensive stock or EAEDWAHB ; CUTLERY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Wholeialo aaj Retail, at Low Prices! ATTS.WIO. FiUUlERS! I have a largo s'oi-fc of such Good as are need'd by you; call at the "iign of the 1'a.d Lock" to purchase , PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLAXTERS, IOES, filtAIX CRADLES, GRASS AS' ns US YTE. OA' CfAXS. TRACE A XI 11 A . r ;.' ) 7 A I. XX . HX ATIEH, SHOVELS ASl SPA ES, ! - V'JTIOX A. XI) VTOrtl. CARDS, WE A IERS REEDS PA TEST SPI.X.XISG " WHEELS. VOL LARS, IIA3IES. M'XJOH- (i .ASS, XAILS. LOVES. IIXGES, r.UTTH AXD SCJiEntt, AXES, HATCHETS, A UGERS, &A IKS AXD FLAXES. I call special attention t mv stock of BLOOD'S GRASS and ffRAIX SCYTHES, the Ixst a' tide in the ma ket. Apcnf for th-."C-l YUGA CHIEF .11 Eeaper and Blow r, uiHoul;U!yjhe tot uiachiue. In maikct. -Agent for MEXDEXIIA LVei UAXO LOO 31. J. Tj JRIliiigivoorf. T CTv" Will remove to my New Building, Norib iiJa Felix street, lietween 3d and 4th, about March 1st, 1SG0. i5 It - 4' G. MANSFIELD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in IHOIf , STEBli, he a rr HARD WARE, Agricultural Iiispleiisent. My stock of I-on aii'l Steel is large, complete, ami uperior to any heretofore cllered iu this market. Also a I.irgo slot k of WAGON &, BUGGY WOODWORK, BLA CKSMITIVS TOOLS, FAIIWANK'S SCALES, MO LIS E AXD ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, BROWN'S CORN PLANTERS, SILKY CULTIVATORS, IS UCKE, YE RE A PER S A ND MOWERS, &C, &C. 3 A(j ;nt for : i Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED SEWI X Ci ITI ACIIIAES. Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black Plattsmoutb, May 1st, 1865, tf ' TOOTLE, II ANNA & CO., MAIN S.TItEET, PLATTSMOUTH, N.3T SIGN OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, BpIott fbe Spymour House, on opposite side, NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T ocl23 LARGEST S. HARDING G0T TOST OFFICE BCILDIXO NEBRASKA CITY, - N. T WHOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IS SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY r Also Agents for all th prinipal MA GAZI.XES and NEWSPAPERS, For which Subscription, ate received at Pabli.-hers I'r.'ces . fisC, SECITZC. CRENSHAW, wmTimigm mmrnm saddles mid "iamss litest of St. ILouis. BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1C Comas, Sjturs, Lashes, Whips, eye. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - . N. T. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Yr TTfMa?' 9 W S HARD W ARE, -AFD- tfm Orders from a distance will rf:eiye prompt AttciuioD. -' No. 22, TITinD STREET SALYT JOSEPH, - - JlO. October 23th, 1SC5. C.n Clothing of every description. WINES AND UQUQRS OF All KINDS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, KAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. And every article required by EWIfiRAIVTSFKEIKIITERS, JIOERS & FAR.T1ERS. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. AT THE FIRE PEOOF BEICK. Tootle, Hanna & Co. rialtsmouth, April 10, 'G5 Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty and Glass P.it"nt Medicine nf !!! kimU T.l..f art:..!., r tiouery, an.l everythiu krj.l in a firt-clas 'lrug a We r. prepared to (111 ail orders, an l warrant uurt nuj iu uc iie-u. apr. 10 ti't Ii. FH0ST & Co,, WHOLESALE SS O C 3 S3, Opposito the Post Office, NEBRASKA CITV, TV. T. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Kver Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Eirw- E UCHU. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continuance of the same. Call and examine our stock. riatttsniouth, April 10, 1SG-3. tf 1 L rit assortment fit ruea. .iid bov' clothiiii: A.JNI.N, IloVhl i CD S. xl foralehy UST received, 60 caeg nf f'anneJ I 'T.elirsat CI O to A Mlt'OX , DO VKY A CO' tu iurchute your j HELLLO CoKN I.r m e by J I ' I ' ' ' VX end !cs var ietv of Ladies' Pres-K Goh1s nt "ACoX ami Lardfor t-.ile by A. l. i CO'S. J A. 1). CO. A I. A CO. " f CAbta Mullby'j Cove Oysters for nt )U A. 1). & CO'S. GKKAT bargains in Ladies' Lrctn Gi.oos:t A. 1-. CO'S. I Oi: FALE nt AMbOX, Po VK Y & CO'S . Coffee, Te.Nue:ir. CHdden Syrup. Snar Ilonse ilo- las?'ej, NcW York Caudies, cte , etc. , large lot of Chewing and Smoking Tob icco for x . ;aie at c M.) VLOIL for sile by A. P. iV CO'S. A. D. & CO. :o IJOXES Star Candles for sale hy A, D. & CO. IF you want to purchase i;oolsat a li j.'ai n, poto A I). Jfc CO A.fP. t CO. V1IK.WY INYOICK ..fall xind or FaHiily Geo ceries iud OtiUuin (i)od.- J list ree'ived by A. !. A CO. A LI. kinds if Fai miri liMjknieiiin lor s.ile by A. P. A CO. Ar Larb"! .ot of Tw o Horse l'lowj for sal- by A . M CO. N endles variety c f Hardware and Cutlery for 1 . sale at a. D. A Co"'S. CiPH, DiMirs, Shinales, Glass, and N.TiN of every O tleseiiption for salebv A. P. A CO. T) BA03 COFFEK just received by ' . n. rn A Lare lot of Choice Tea at A. D. A CO'S. I.I. kinds of Coun'.iy Produce taken in cxchanKe j V for poods bv j . j), (; , rp ennmrate nil tlie it'ticlos we have f .r file X would iill one sM-of tli" Hkkalo, and others have as irood a riybt to advertU a AMI? OX, DOVEY CO. rpi!!-: lvgest Ourfittiiitr Hon north of St. J,K,h ' AMISON, KOVKY & COS., lattsnioi!th, Nebraska. M. B. MURPHY, Main St., opposite Tlatte Valley Ilousr?, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NETJIUSKA. Has on hand a lanro stock of CIIAS. VOGT & CO, SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES- WHIPS, SPURS, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, tfce. Cor. Mam and 5th sts., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in J H OOLWOIMH! & CO , BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Papsrd3alers, SALYT JOSEPH, J,IO. c2o Cm . ADLEJt, B. A. FEISKMAS. - ADff.ER & CO., A-YD DISTILLERS. Pealera in all kinds of Foreign aid Pomefit WINES, LIQUORS' AND CIGARS. XO. 1 1, EAST SIDE MARKET SQ I'ARE, St. Joseph, 5Io. oci5 ly Woolivorth & Itarlou, ST. JOSEPH, MO., GENERAL FORWARDING, ST0R age and Ccmmission Merchants. K3 ITi?7 Xeivir aaf Fnricanl Freight i all poitUton iltstourl River ajter close of nacigatUn. cc-35 3tn ESTIM1 NOTICE Titen' p by the BrdTsigne.I, 3 1-2 miles tooth of Plattsniourh, cn the I5;h day of Pec. 1-03, onn red 1-year oi Heif-r. wittijt little bill ocj cne rel al vhitt spotted Heifer, 1 year old: one black Stoer, 1 yar old. with n n, lei tit in left ear; one red and roan speckled Steer. 1 year aid, with uu.lm b.t in right eir, eod of tail ort"; one red and v. bite siwtted Pieer, with a crijt ryljperbit m Ihe r.pht and nnd-r half cron in lefrr D. A McCot. Dec. 29(3, IMS. .anS6v W. L. THOMAS' ,v.mum M) mm UiUlltlUll lllV llllfil SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers'' Hardware Finding andTooI, WAGOiXS, PLOWS, &c. (TiTOrders Promptly attended to. lie can Outfit a Mule or Horse Train "VVitheverything in his line, on short notice. My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Repairing tlonc at all times at rcaoiiahlc rates- 3C Picture Gallery, Pictures taken of all Hinds. Ambrotvpes, Photographs, Gem Pictures, Ac. A good assortment of Cases Frames, TTitt Tv Ji ' 1 d I AlHams; &c, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding er Frames 1M C W jf eilOQlCcll btOI B StOVP Till Sllloof Ti-nn T?,ir,r, T 1 made to order, of any size A. K- WHITE &. CO. ,3IUVC5? A III, 11001 llOll, lSrflSS, Japaiied E. T. DUKE cfe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in w.n. r. rsxicK, A fut! assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS if- STA TIOXER Y i WH. LOVING. I Always on hand. I Talari 17 It - 1 r - 7- , l JiiMUIV CC lAJVllMjr, received dainj. I aii orar promptly uiiea.a NEBRASKA CITY - N. T t .'.! Cf fit C'lol lioya THE II 0 T T E .V TOTS Iltrt Jong used B U O II u rr Tnrie'j of IUfaie. the Kol-ih.. n,l l. h i,v,u i jn,, OI1 wl s. .' mril'laliou It Ml omii'ntril i t i . co,, into ..inern ' ' ,. U n, .V'" "V '" ,i'v-'. fhronio r.n.,1, H,e Hl.id.lor Mlj Irrta-.,.,n..f tt,e , U.lj.r ... Urethra, for female W.kneM and UEUILITY, For rr. la-stt .m l Fi ring Dun, r p, , I teri, Vi-nr .f the l',..Mat fi40j, n T" ..irom.n. K e of r, I,,,-. ,..! ail ,,,',;,'. ..I I of a ,,ule!,r an-i!:: f m a I... ..t .'. 1. "' !rt-cut.ceriid iu its h r j.itiun. '" It is ;w recommended in caei of Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Ctiianeoiia AlToctions and Di;,i.y. To eiprt tJtes.. ,1;..,.,. w .. he mutrln tin I, are ,.,,., , i , .... ... ,,, j, uu, Tunc in.n. j neglect lb.,. I:,wnr Mi-hl uiay b. la nttaek, I, sure to allret ,U bud,iy health aud mnul powers. Our Flesh and Blood me m!j'jortrJ from tbe source. FEEiOM AT KY ERY PERIOD CF LITM, Front In fancy to Old .tgt met in'orTr it.t. of h.M, ... i: . i i .... of tliese dlsedM-j, ' Ihe Causes in many instances ort unknown. The patirnt has, liowever. an Jiu.rabi rniJy la HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract of Buchu. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin EdiUri!, StPT. 15, l&Go. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIOBTS. His Solid and Fluid Kxtracts endjodj tk treuuth of the iorndlenls of wliirh tlirT arer.iwi 1 hey are left to the lt,tpe tlon of all. A rery ad conducive test of their roerti-H will be acoiniin iion with thuu n I forth in the r.'ti.ted uaes Ii,en fatory The?e remedies are prepar' d l.y J. T. He in bold, a dru'gi-t of sixteen years' er -i iene In tfi'i city, and we helieve ihem to h relial U; Jn f.ict, w have never known an anii !.j UckioK merit !.. with a permanent fuece-s, aud Mr. Helrnl. d .Urr,i is C'TtainI prima (lei evidence. Ilia Wru;! n4 Chnrnical Warehoune, in the it f.Veir Vwik, ' not excelled, if equaled, hjr any jn tlie eountry, ui we would adrise our readers, wliea TOiitlu thl e lf to giTe hint a call, and judgn for theml. Cash Wholesale Dealers in IDrug Store. AND, STAMPED WARE. Wp keep constantly on band Emigrants' and Freighters TFITTIjSTG g-oods, buch as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid. Oven, Camp Kettles, &c, We also keep Chain Pumns and ' fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee 31iils &c. ate2lfc Iw-TedlCinna. Callontheunder?ignedfo, Chemicals. Glass. Paints. OH. Pure Winn i F i.,, r,l PPRE MEDICIXES. T,V n... ... , ' ' .in fi f .nrn.' .,1 1 ' " . ' V e Routing done on short notice, xvitl. i J rAATAOLASTViTOAv. despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew- N OS. 3 8c i SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- ceieuratcil Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. D VIiITIIfGB. CiveiHflMl!- m ... t. ..-...-.m ,r.. o. , , 1JUL uc uiiucisu.u .nam at., soiitu bide, berAeen oecona ana inird Mreeis, : IIELMHOLD'S kxtimct or itvcnv. We are the North western Wholef!e Agent? f,r Dr. D. Jayne Son, and D J C Ayer A Co and caa fji u:h :he:r ra.;iciu-.-s in any rpaniitUi. ... itt l? ' NEBRASKA CITY, 57. j. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA- j HiSIM 33 OU X