Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 31, 1866, Image 2

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tiic c;iu:at scab, of tijc
TEieitiTonv or col.okaio.
We see from the lloikti
.Veu'S, of the lt5.Ii int., that ( j
Cumutings has taken pccs-esion of ti. j
great seal of the Tf rriiory of ColpraJo.
This has he en ikna with the eviJeu
design of comj eliing all laisiM'sa re
quiring the impress of that seal U be
transacted where the? seal new ii. It
seems that certain speculative halils,
of which His Uxctllency showed him
self strongly possessed in his military
career we allude to his ".-traw hat
and cotton breeches" improvement of
"Itegulation uniform" still dominate
over his otherwisa iron will, in tha ca
pacity of Governor of ColoraJj. On
Lis arrival at Denver he rented premi
ses at his own expense, and ctdertcl
the Territorial Secretary, Hon. S. II.
Elbert, to move Lis cilice to the new
location. On a refusal to this raihcr
arbitrary procedure of the Governor's
being given, a system of petty persecu
tions was instituted to force the Secre
tary to accede to his wish-:?, resulting
ultimately in the military expedient of
capturing and carrying "fi the "great
seal" but this having failed to reduce
the Secretary into a submission to His
Excellency's will tLe safe was bur
glariously made to follow the seal
through tho astute tactics cf the whilom
commander Lut, notwithstanding these
heavy losses, the gallant Set-relay main
timed his ground and stiil holds the
banner entrusted to him by Secretary
Seward hung out upon tho cutward
So far as the published accounts of
this singular transaction go, we consid
er the conduct of His Excellency deci
dedly wrong. The great seal of the
Territory cf Colurado properly belong?
to the Secretary of the Territory, who
holds it in trust for the St treury cf the
United S.ates, whose officer he is
and the' Governor of Colorado has no
more right to it by virtue of his cilice,
than lie bas to the Secretary's signature.
To arrogate to himself the right to
domineer and tyrannise over ttie ap
pointee cf Secretary Seward, because
he is Governor, is an absurdity so very
detracting to his reputation for common
sense that i. .would not surprise us to
hear of his speedy removal.'
coiuiEsro7uci: waited.
The litne has arrived when Nebras
ka, as a whole, should do tomething to
let the people of the east, and of the
whole wjrld, know what a beautiful,
healtty and productive coun'.ry we have.
We should not stand with our hands in
our pocket?, wailing for piuplu to find
out these things as Lest they can, tut
make an effort to spread tho knowledge.
This can be accomplished very easily,
in our opinion, if each individual in t!ie
country who is capable of writing an
intelligible sentence would devote an
hour or twa each week 13 teiliug his
friends in the east what every one
knows who has li ved in Nebraska twelve
months. Write fnr your Territorial pa
pers, and give such tacts as may bo in
your possession that are calculated to
give the public a general knowledge of
the country, climate, soil, products, fee.
We would again nsk the people of this
locality, as we have heretofore done, to
place these things before the people;
through the medium of the -Herald.
Do not expect us to do it all. We are
willing and anxious to do all we can;
but cannot be expected to be conversant
with all matters of interest in the Ter
ritory; and if we were, there are many
in this community who could lay them
before the public in as good, cr better,
shape than it would be possible for us
to do, and therefore we urge upon you
the necessity of this courso
We not only invite correspondence
of this nature, but also upon any sub?
ject that may be of general interest, or
even of local interest alone. We are
just as liable to err iti judgment upon
either local or general mailers as. any
individual ; and haviug no desire to
force our particular views on any sub
ject upon ihe people unless" thy will
stand the test, we therefore urge such
of our fellow citizens of this locality as
are acquiinted with matters of import
ance to the welfare of the Territory in
general, and this locality in particular,
to make known their views through the
IIekalb. We are notv sending a 'arge
number of papers east each week, and
a series of correspondence; such as
we speak of, would undoubtedly be cf
vast ' benefit to the Territory. Don't
wail for some one else to do something
and then find fault because it is not
done to your liVing; but tike hold and
help to doit jight yourself.
From a letter received by one of our
citizens we are happy to announce that
our old friend Gen. John M Thayer
purposes returning to the Territory
with a view of taking up a permanent
residence at his old home, Omaha. v e
are right &lad of this, not only because
it gives us a sterling citizen, but because
it ia another proof that any one who
has enjoyed the healthful climate of
Nebraska cannot find any other country
whose attract ions can wean them from
our favored section .
a iit.i i o is i.s ; atio. s.
e tip the following from a late
number of the Council Bluffs JS'onjr.i-
reil, believing it to bo as applicable tu
this locality ns Council LluiFs. We do
not publish stab matter with any inten
tion of finding fault with any of our
business men, for we have no such in
ttir.iiun; but merely tj show that others
entertain similar views with us i:pon
this subject: '
There is not a man in town who will
rot tell you, if approached on the sub
ject, that ii is the first duty of a
r in Council Hiufis to wrk for the
general good of the town; but little space
in i;s columns thould be devoted to po
litical mutter.-; but htt'e to miscellane
ous reading, and a great deal to local
interests. This position is eminently
correct the one rrreat work of the pi
per should be to teli the world at huge
of the advantages of the town in which
it is published, to encourage every good
ivoifc, to use its influence to draw trade
to the town, and, in short, to devote its
columns mainly to building up the gen
eral interests cf the place. We admit
ull this to be cur duty towards the citi
zens nf Council Bluffs. Then, 'on the
other hand, let us inquire of the people
if tL re are net certain diries which
they owe to the paper? Dj you think.
Mr. Lawyer, that you are taking jut
the right coursu to encourage the local
press, and through the press to build
up the town, when you send to Chicago
or New York for your letter-heads be
cause you can cet them printed there
five cents a hundred cheaper than you
can at home? And you, Mr. Merchant,
when you send east for your cards and
bill hesds, do you imagine that by this
act you are doing anything to "build up
Council Bluffs?"' And, you, Mr. Me
cbauic, you who conside r it the duty of
the newspaper to work year after year
for your interest did it ever occur to
! you that you owe a duty to the newspa-
poi? it not, a!lcv us to intimate that
perhaps you Lave never looked at the
matter intlie proper light. According
to tie vulgar b'Jt very truthful old saw,
"money makes die mare go," and the
same principle applies with equal force
to newspapers a publisher can give
you a good paper or a better one, just
according as his receipts shall be large
or larger.
You may talk as you please about
shops, and mills, and factories bringing
money to the place, but if you want
money, and people, an I business, you
mu:t have t,eit:pipcrs! The press is
the foundation of all progress, and you
can no more build up a town without
papers than u can build a wail wiihr
out a foundation you must begin at the
base, and build y.
Furliier Indian Uriirrdationi
Ft. Douce, Jan. 10, 1S66.
The Indians ar'ij' agaiii heard from
On the night of the 8.h inst., Thoma
Branuon, working wiih Hen J.c-rson
Scott's train, was killed and sculped
about four miles from here.
Last night the hands of ,a train com
ing in were attacked on ine mile ridge,
but sustained no loss. 'To-day a mule
and t horse were taken from the stage
just above here. This is all yet heard
from. The party appears to be small.
Quite a number of small parlies cf men
are on th road, and we are afraid this
is only a beginning.
Major C. M. Bait, '-15:11 .Wisconsin,
in comman here, is doing till in his pow
er for the protection of the road.
Yours, Respectfully,
J. M. LADD.:.
. . m
Skating. A Rochester correspond
ent of the St. Paul Pioneer, communi
cates tho following:
On Thanksgiving day, as the young
people were having a pleasant time on
the Znbo, skating, a, young dandy,
with kid gloves, polished b jots and scent
ed locks, in Lis efforts to make very
graceful curves, often lost his balance
and would slide some distance on his
unmentionables.. One of the young la
dies, after '. witnessing tha '. perform
ance several time.-, informed him that
she. thought he could do better, if he
would wear his skates where lie did his
sliding. ...
Secretary fctautou lias no great love
for music,, but Secretary U tiles, who
is quite deaf, has a great fondness for
it. A professor of muic in Washing
ton, who was trying to get up a series
of subscription concerts in that city last
winter, called upon Mr. Stanton to get
him to subscribe, and mentioned as an
inducement that the Secretary of the
Navy had already put his name down
"Oh!" replied the bluff hsad of War
Department, if I was as deaf as the
Secretary of the Navy, 1 would sub
scribe too."
O.xe of tbs largest slaveholders in
southern Kentu( ky has gone mad on ac
count of the liberation of his slaves,
and i no;v n inmate of tho lunatic
asylum at Hopkinsville, Kentucky. He
owned over two hundred negroes, and
had accumulated by their labor a large
fortune. He was probably worth one
hundred thousand dollars, independent
of his slaves.
Ir Tou want to pain a reputation for
eccentricity, and to be universally dread-I present week, of Generals Sherman,
ed, if not hated, blurt cut the plain truth ! Thomas, Meade and Sheridan, is caus
oxi all occasions. ing numerous eurmHes there as to the
Iiatest Despatches.
Touonto. C. V.t Jan. 6. Hon.
Fergeson Blair, the newly unpointed
member tf the Government, who was
ejected without opposition, recently
made a sperch in which he said that iu-tellig-nce
had been received from
Washington that the prohibition to the
cattle traJe was to be repealed and re
moved immediately.
N. Y.. Jan. 7. Thl" Tribune's
Washington special says Admiral Far
rari ha received a report from the
I West India squadron, statinir that six
, large French transport vessels had put
! in at Havaoua, on their way to Vera
iCruz. The transports were empty, an 1
it n believed thai iney intend to carry
back troops from Mexico to Frnnce.
New Yoiik. J'ic. 27. The Times
Washington special says Gen. Sher
man entered the Senate Chamber this
evening, in company ivnh h s brothi r,
Senator Sherman, while the Senate
was in session. Immediately a general
buzz and hum of suppressed voices
broke forth from among lb numeicu
auditors in the galleries, and there was
a rush to get in a favorable position for
a eo od view of the military hero. The
Senators one by one approached the
General and warmly shook him by the
hand, and for a time he was surround
ed bv admiring friends, ani the l u-i-
r.ess of the Senate was almost entirely
ftipended during his reception. Gen.
Sherman came h?re on ollicial business,
and it is said will remain for th com
injr week. General's Sherman. Mi-ade
and Thomas are all ordered here to
form a military convention.
The records of the Treasury depart
ment show ihat from Marc!), lSbvJ, up
to August, ISO--), abandoned and cap
tured cotton, valued at 85,7-14.000 was
seized by the Government in the vahey
of the Mississippi. Of' l'ii? amount.
8:j,300,COO have b.-en paid into the de
partment, ihe remainder having been
returned to the original owner?, of cot
ton, havinc been improperly seized.
For the fiscal year ending June 1?0,
IStio. the mint and branch mints of the
United States coined 83.!41 ,0'2 1.S64
in gold, silver and copper.
New York, Jan. L'7. The Tri
bune's special snys intelligence has
reached the Commissioner of Customs
of the transfer of a large share of the
smuggling operations on the St. Law
rence, to two di'Terem points on the
boundary line between the British
provinces and Dacotah. The Commis
sioner has taken the necess-ary steps
for the suppression of this illegal traf
fic in thai distric.
The case of Mrs. Cobb, pard ;i bro-
keress. against Detective" Baker, was
continued to-day Considerable argu
ment as to the adiniisability of testimo
ny relative to lue character cf the
pUintitf but nothing of impcrtanc-j ir
interest was elicited. ;
New York. Jn. i'7. The editors
of the National Police Gazeuti having
published in their last paper nn addi
tional disci inner, Mr. Stewart, through
his counsel, ins w ithdrnwn hist suit.
New York, Jan 127. Tribune's
Washington special say. : A gentleman
just a i rived here from Ch irlcsion, says
that in consequence cf thf; ciuelty and
oppressive Ipgiib'.iota against the f reed
men enacted by the So"th Carulina
Iegisbi'urc, Gen. Sickles has been com
pelled to i-suo a very! order an
nulling all such legislation.
Nlw York, Jan. L'7. Tha iilan
chester Guardian of the 13th, just out,
has a Liverpool correspondent .who lias
received, from some source, informa
tion wLich he assures us i strictly true,
however absurd and improbable the
facts may appear, the purport of which
is that in Liverpool, winch bas always
beta one of thu gt i.eral Centers ot
Feminism, an I where. the chief mem
bers have had active means of ommu
nicatiou with other towns in Lngland,
Ireland and Scuiiand, as weil as with
America, the movement, is as vigorous
as ever. Tho proceedings of the brn'th
erhuud are n-nv conducted with much
more caution ihiu leiore the recent
trials and arrest-?. Delegate meetings
arer constnntJy b.dd in Liverpool, aud
attended by persons from ditferent parts
cf the United Kingdom and North
America; but th- ae meetings are never
held twice in the same p ace, in order
to battle the police and prevent the sus
piciou of outsiders, an 1 u put the spies
and informers, who seem to : be insepa
rable from an Irish conspiracy, on the
wrong scent. The communication w ith
America is now more active than ever,
but i-j net carried on by writing. Fen-'
lau ambassadors now arrive at Liver
pool, aud leave to and from American
ports weekly; and as many of them are
persons of good address and education,
and as they always travel first class, no
suspicion whatever is afforded. So far
as cur informant has been able to
learn, the latest move of the Fenian
body is to appoint the notorious Meagh
er, of the sword, as dictator. Meagh
er, it will be remembered, was ihe
leader of the Irish brigade, in the re
cent American war. His plan is said
to be to divide 'lie Fenian army into
two 'Immense bodies; ui'h. one to in
vade Canada. tnd with 'he other to
join the Linperor Nap d ?on iti sustain
ing the throne of Maximiilian in Mex
ico. By this 6trokeof policy, Meagher
hopes to secure the eternal good will of
ihe Emperor Napoleon, and to eain his
support to his scheme of establishing
the independence of Ireland.
New York, Jan. 29. The projected
assembling in Washington, during the
object of this important in-feting. The
most probable,soluton is that they have
been summoned by the President to
give him a true statement of affairs in
iheir several military divisions, in view
of congressional proceedings relative to
The Tribune's special says thar thy
have been directed by Gen. Grarjt to
confer wi;h him at his headquarters rel
ative to reduction-of the military force's,
the dispositions of troop-;, and affairs
generally within the limns of their re
spective commands. Other prominent
regular army otiicers would have been
ordered to be present at the conference
had it not beeu that ihey are stationed
at points distant from army headquar
ters. For the 400 vacancies in the regu'ar
army there were over 0,000 appiica-tion--.
The proper filling of these po
sitions, Gen. Grant remarked a few
evenings since, had caused more anxi
ety than the management of an army
in the field.
But one bank was established last
week, the Chattahoochie bank, of Co
lumbus. Ga., with a capital of 8100.
00J. The number now in opera
tion is l.CoO.
Deliveries of national currency were
made by the Treasury, department last
week amounting to 8' 2, 80S. 200. The
total amount delivered up to tlate is
The disbursements of the Treasury
department including transfers for the
w eek end ins on the 27th inst., amount
to 82-5 .430 293.
'Ihe Academy of Science on Friday
evening hist, held a conference with
th'e House Committee on coinage,
weights and measures, to consider the
feasibility of introducing some new
system relative to these mutters.
Much inquiry has been made ns to
when the money will be distributed on
the prize lists for the Charlotte and
Stag, captured by the United Slates
ships Malvern, Mantanza, Wilderness
Nansemcnd, Advance, Montieelio aud
Samuck No. C. Ii may be interesting
lo many to know that the lists have
been received at the office of the 4th
Auditor, and the distribution will be in ihe course of a month or so.
Orders have been issued for the re
duction of the force of clerks in the
Ordnance department from 200 lo 40;
ihe reduction to take dace on the 1st
The applications filed for clerbships
at the Treasury department have reach
ed 22,000.
Ntw York., Jan. 20. The World"?
Washington special says western mem
bers of Congress oppose the removal
of the prohibition on the importation of
cattle, as they .ay the cattle plague is
known to exiol in New Foundlaud.
It has been ascertained that upwards
of forty counterfeits of the o-cem tur
rency are hi circulation. The Secre
tary of the Treasury has ordered them
to be called in and another plate pre
pared j
Ntw Youk, Jan. 9. The Times'
Washington special says Raphael
Semmes, f Alabama n jturiety, .Rear
Admiral. Brig. Gen., cic, has himselt
prepared an elaborate argument, which
was presented lo the President Satur-
ni-T!it liV Lis counsel. JuJire
Iluihes, in which fie claims the benefit
of the Sherman-Johnson parole, and
that under lit is paroli he is entitled lo
be discharged from prison until tried
and couticied.
Secretary S-iuard and party return
ed to Washington Saturday night, iu
the steamer Desoto. The Desoto pro
ceeded directly to St. Thomas, and then
m-ide a complete tour of the West Iii
oies frwn St. Thomas iu the east to
Santa Cruz in the west, stopping at St.
Domiriiro city, Port An Prince, ihe cap
italif iiayii, and at Havanna, spend
ing a few days at each po.'t, and baing
moni cordialiy and hospitably received
by th-3 authorities and people every
where. TIim two West India Il-pub
lies, ihe Doming) und Hayiien, were
unexpectedly found at peace-, the recent
troubles Laving bweu quieted.
Ntw Yon k, Jan 20 The address
of ihe Council of the Irish Republic,
dated at Dubliny -and ptiblishfd to day,
say live work nf preparation m Ireland
is done. Ue know our strength we
are not groping m
A point
hae been reached from wh-ch we can
see the goal clearly, ami cail upon you
o aid us-. Tne Irish will soon stand
face t .face with the enemy. We a?k
a loau which shall be paid within fix
months after the establishment of Irish
independence. The address, which is
quite lengthy, is .endorsed! by a- card
from Cul. (J'Mahoney, urging prompt
action by the Fenian Brotherhood.
New York, Jan. '20- The steam
ship Leo arrived here yesterday from
Savannah. When she was od Cape
Ilatteras, on Saturday list, a fire was
discovered among her cotton, of which
she had a large cargo on board, but by
great exertions it was extinguisned in
a few hours.
New York, Jan. l27. Police officer
Stellee. of the 25. h precinct, was ou
duty ou Carmine street yesterday morn
ing, when u man dressed in police uni
form come lo him and lold him that he
had been detailed to arrest a counter
feiter, and the assistance of a patrol
man would be required. Shortly after
the reporter of the Greenwich Saving;'
bank, named Thomas Quinn, came by
with a tin box on his arm, and he was
at once arrested, making a slight re
sistance. The bogus oliicer snap-ed a
pair of hand culTs on Quion's wrists,
and bade the regular puirol man lake
him to the station-house, while he pro
ceeded to report the arrest. This was
doue, and the strange man made his
escape wfth the box and its contents.
New York, Jan. 20. The Herald's
Washington special says a circular has
been issued ty Brevet-Major General
Donelson, Chief Quartermaster of ihe
military division of Tennessee, request
ing surgeons ani chnp!aii)s wf the san-
itary and Christian commi-'fion?, Quar
termasters, ofucers and soldiers, who
may have been in the army ai any time
during the war, in Ky., Tenn., Miss ,
Alabama or Georgia, having knowl
edge of the location of cemeteries, pla
ces of burial, or of the scatted graves of
nj of our brave soldiers in any of the
3tate. above named, to send the same
to Capt- E. 15- Whitman, Ass'l Q. M.
at Mui freeshoro, Term.
New York, Jan. 30. Tribune's
Washington special aays investigations
recently made by the Commissioner of
Customs, in relation to .smuggling on
the Canadian border, have exhibited
the fact that th- hostile Minnesota's and
Dacotnhs have for a long time past been
Supplied Wl'.h nlieS Cf the Lugllsh pat-
, i-, i- i i ,. .
tern by English smuggleia.
New Yokk, Jan. 30- World's fpe
cial Washington dispatch sajs the trial
of Semmes will commence ihe latter
part of this week or the first of next.
Senate military committee decided
to report against the proposition to turn
over to West Ya., ihe government
property and appurtenances at Harper's
Ferry. It is the intention of the Gov
ernment, if necessary, to re-bui!d the
works at that point.
The World's Havanna correspondent
says Secretary Seward had an inter
view at Havanna with an Aid de-camp
of M aximiilioij, butdoes not know what
W orld's Washington special says
the U. S. consul at Leghorn, under
dale of D 'C. 31st, informs the Depart
ment of State that ihe quarentine which
has be?n enforced against -all vessels
iminrr frnm J u rso i 1 1 1 lSTunlp fi m!
w .,,.0 .. .. ...s ,
other ports where cholerr has prevail
ed, has been removed.
New York, Jan. 30. Herald's St.
Thomas letter says report says Secre
tary Seward informed Santa Anna that
the Monroe doctrine would lie enforc
ed, and on no account would the Uni
ted Slates permit an I2:npire in Mexi
co. The cholera has somewhat abated in
the principal towns of (Juadaloupe, but
remained in full form n the interiur.
There has been
HO dimuilitiotl ill the
number cf deaths, w'rch number ia all
The Herald's llio Janeiro letters
give in full the letters of-President To
pez, of Paraguay, to Gen. Mitre, the
Argentine President, alluded lo in pre
vious dispatches, and instead of contain
ing propositions of peace, as al'fir.-t!
surmised, it proved to be of a verydif- I
I ferent character. Tonez . charges the i
aiiies with conJucling ihe war in a mu:t j
'parbartins and outrageous manner, and ;
avows his determination, if satisfaction ;
is not accorded, to retaliate in the sever- !
est manner, and to prosecute hostilities !
a ith frcociiy and renewed vigor. To j
this Gen. Mitre replied at length, de
nying the principal allegations cf his '
antagonist, and avowing ihat he 'has'
i ij'ithing to regret or tal.e rack, and ;
warning Topez against pushing mat- t
:ers to tlie threatened extremity.
Ntw Orleans, Jan. ;9. General
Sheridan refused lo allow t' migrants to
ave nere to go to ..lexico, acting un- )
lie re lo
Ixr nrdeirs f nun W.i.lili, Tr.i. I I !,i
not prevent vt-c is front going,
bx Gov. Koiiin di?d here to-day
Both Luuaes nf ihij lit-tjiEla.ure adjourn
ed in honor if his im-ni iry.
The Mississippi is falling.
The Great Morganze levee and Par
ish Point coupee will be repaired in
about ten days so as. to Keep out water.
German laborers and families aro
j arriving to labc-r titiucr contract on
I p'anta'iori.
I Oiaitcerv Sale.
Lruli L. Coe mi I lmc Cos
JamtB l'ltician. )
- In CUinci-rjr.
In iT.r-unr.e.i an 1 by vi'tne of adecie'al o-.ler to
iiil- fcjrerroii' f the i fllce i-f t ':i-l'e.-i k o: the Iis
tru t C'oui-t .f :l.e id .Iil.' i.l l;i,lri t. in and f..r
C.ii county, Nel-ra-k i, made i'l th ah 'V.- cao-f, und
lie .11 ill- tl lit- OU T hr oll.i tJ.t V of I 'Cl .Itel", 1 SoCi, D-'J
Lie a'j; .)'.-:oi,. r t,-;m rf p:ii I ('Vu t, f, t'.:'.-Mil'.-c
in r. Mvt-p in J.tiiiCeiy fr a.iid Court, will
ott" r at j.nlilit-vi loin , f .r e.t.-li, l j tiie hi.hc-i atol
ist t-id ler, in I'ibiii f iatj Com t-ligu , iu eiatt
in ;a. !i.'ix.i, on
Saturday: the P,d il ml ef "f,irth 1 Mtfi I
at 10 I'cloel; a ni cf sti.1 day, tin f. liouieL- iles..ri!.
e,l iva'. 1 iai, ta i!: Tin-south halt (l--, of the
si rtilt.eui rpurt-r (1-41 ii se-tion nt. "a-- tl). to I
towasliip no. tw- - e (i , north uf kiol-c uo. tut-ive '
f 1 -Jl, t-a-t of li e li i innn.l ni-r jian, in ' ei j
1 omit v, Ntrl.te -ka, 'J'ojr ii er wilIi a 1 jm-l m.ul u ti..- j
iuiioVeinei.ts iiol ar-pa lenauce-1 th- reon or tht-r-to;.! , or ia any wi.-i- .ipi-e taming. Tn told
as 1 ;ie .!-..;.-ri,- i f liie d f -:nliu:i iii.-.-.-o n;.nied, to
-:'!-- .-..-tid tit e-(.e, in-.-.t-iit u-.t i U,jU i- I'l-jf i!i.i
of :f I nuA o-t of rr.t and- t!-j.
li lted J inu.tiy Viotii, lrfi
y. m. uo:;RiX'iTav,
.Master 11 Chune-ry.
T. H. MARQii;rr, Solicitor for e'oio.l'u j.inJi
CIiatccry Sale. '
Isaac Coe ) -
v-i t Ia .
Enorti' Sl-.nrti )
In pti.-Mittoc aii'l f y virfaof it tfeerefil order
to 'trout" I., e olli e of the Cittik of the
Di-'i it-t 1'o.irt or the 2 I Jn 1. i-tl li, s 1 :c:, in ml for
C.wt c.nmy, Mel-rUliM, made: Iu 'he ab' came e.nd
lejriiij; .l.i-e ..a the 01:1 tiay ot Novc 1. bur, 1--GI. be
iotr th- .itfj meaed i term of fa.d Ctmr:, 1, the
snh.ciil r, Jl o-it in CTiant tii y for iid I t -jr:. will
oiler for s.i i.nhlir vend ;e, t r ca-h. t". Hm lih-u-f
anal hes: Wilder i.i froi.t of the. Cotrt hcUre, In
Fiatt-Hio.i.h, bra-k,i, ua
Saturday, 3d day of Jlarc, 15Gti,
at 12 o'el k n .oa, of aaid day, tiie foltateine d
i scritied real e-ta'e: Tlie t.i rth-e.,.-t quarter (1--1 of
-ttiun num'-ei-thirty. rive ('ICi', io tiiwiiship tirt. ve
( l-.i. not ih of tuue t el ve (12), '-list if t tie
ti'.ti p in. in Cass county, .Nebr.-i-ka. lerntori
ti .- ti r with ail and siniiiar tiie-imrnovemenis, h
i.i.t.i :utrius and uf.pci t-ji atiPes tii' ma tr thei- t i he
lnoffrir, crmany -je appe't JiiJin?. 'lo ben id as
the probity ot the above named d- fenditit to sati-fy
s. ml deciee, the auiontit of whi h i t the sura cf Tsii,
ti.'etiier with c.-wi? of ? it.d s.aie.
Djt.d J.jiu ry SOih.l-o-i
t. 41. nORUIXCTOX,
Ji irlcr in Cham-.-ry.
T. JI Mjnovntt Solictor for Compi't jan3l 5tr
Jiin W. Uai ns, 'juai 'lian -f the minor chiljrea cf
i hutua .V. lljrnes, Occeasei,
- T3
Elizalx th Barnes, Rod th-; next of kin, and all por
w ia in teie.ted :
Too are hereby iiforin tl that in th 2'th dty of i, a D 1-61, haul g mrdian filed bin etit ou
iu the I'rob.ite C 'iit of Ca-s county, .'. T. . the oh-ji-n
and prayer of l-aii petiiiun U u obtain an order
i' said C.u t b.r the ale of the toliotrintr ical et
a ate, to wit.- The hlf -f the s.uth-west qnar.
t r of section u . ei-'lit (.si, in tovrnihio no. ten ilJi.
p.jrth of tin, tliirteeti (13), east of the Oth p in,
io as eounty, . t. The Conrt will hear sai l r
t'tioi' on the. day of February, a u 1S0S, at 1
u'e ecs p ni, at wii'.ch all iiersoiit iulaiested can
siiieir ua I ihow ciiim why uid prayer tOonid tiot
be laiti-il, if any they have.
jnn31 3w ITo.iat- Jjt'ce.
IoiIeiicc Tor male-
We iril. sell very low far" car h a g o I frame 11-2
:oi j te.i.leoee, a of pine situated in Pitumout!
Inquire f Mariiiall, at the Post-office, or of
V ti- WHfiELEH ft 00.
r!aotith,jr. T, J-auaT 1 l '
Clinnccry Sale.
DaviJ I'earco
Anl II. H.irktM
J.uckjlU liaikur.
ml f
In Chaucery.
F. UuJet
Ansol II. Purt-f and f
Lucin.U llai ker. )
la i'tirsuJnc and ly virtue of tw decretal oritur
lo nif d-ric'-M from Ihe nlcc ul' tlie Cierk of lh ri-tri--:
Co-uit of ttiP 2rJ JuIui:U 1'iftt i-t. in una for
C.'is v:nty, N' brask.i Terrtfmy, b-min lUti-a re
pH!rtiti7 'ii llif t'ilr il.iy ( Ai'll,lit'J, tuni th t- i til i f ni l Court, k'. 1 n l!i- Pili day of !.
cemher, ls'J'5. lfinc 41a- 'j'Uitird H-"ber term , if
said I'i.rr;, I, the -ulr riN-r, Jl.ntor in Cliau' ery
said Coii't. will i.fTr lor p.-tii- at pulili : vtuduc. (uZ
cn-h, 1 1 hijrhrst and Inst Lidder. in front vl lu
Coui, lu I'i.itiMB iutli, NXia.ka, ou
Saturday, the 3il of Jfirci, lSGG.
t 1 o'clock V f s":l day, llie following dt-M-ril.rd
ri ul e!-tai.v lo v.-i:: Th- tun!' .i! I oiir-li.ilf ( I iloll c
w'st hif (.1 2) " lot uo. 1 1-1. i Idivk uo
twentv-s -vrn CiTj, ia tli- -i:y of Plattlil0t!th, Cuss
ed upon tlio rminlf.l i
"nil and nin-"iU- tlie
I nryutU.x ua,.t.s ,ta
uutv, NitirH-li.i 1 o. : it it , as me same is ueMciiai-
latcf fc.iid city, lo.'i titer ii"
iinpro ;ii -ills. litrHii.iiiieuti-
lliemia or tht--reTi I eloiiiiiti, or
in any wise miiierlaimiur. To Vv ild ii" the projier
ty of tl-.e iieiViidiom elmve tia:ned lo iatis ai I lie
crees, til'; amuuut vt h u Ii is tlie sun- of '.'1 1.51 and
inti-rest at td- rt if .) pr tent from tut:
fcaid di-crrt"?, tpi-thor witli cota of suiti and haicn.
Dated January "Jtiili, lMit;.
Master in CliatCi'tr.
T. M. Mabqi ett, Solicitor for Cj;u;ilaii'auis.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is liereliy piven Itiat the'e "ill be faUl nt
jiublic ..i!o tlits n-isoti:tl iio'ie.ty of tlie ct.ile if
'i'liornas W. Iiurnes. cVo aMil, ront.isiin(t of iieises,
r.ittlc, slu-rp, larmin uten-iit1, A , at his Lite isi
lieucu niur 41:. 1'Iea-ai t, Castt county, N. T., cm
Saturday, the llth day of March, ISoo.
j:in31 3
Cliancery Sale- ,
James C. B.iyden, Ccr.ip't, ;
vs. j
Khci'a LoD, G' Orpn 1-nntr, Cnlvin Srwaid, tary
Mt-wu'-t, J.ic'o (iish. an. .'daiy liiN, ilvT'-iidjiits. I
In iiurni.ini'a and hy virtue o a Jicretjl nrderto j
me directed froti th otikv i f t!:e 'c k cf I lie Di-t let '
1'iiU-lof tti Distr.-t in and for Ca,t I
tv, N'elirask i, in ole in tU-' aiiov tut i tied r i :i -, .i n.l '
I eaiioe ndte on tlo- 19Ul d.iy ot I)i ieml.t r, 1 lie- I
I tn adjoiinied Octolier irrni f i-d
t ouit, 1. the
. lilt. Will
I fiili-criU i. Ma-tr in Chunc rv for sav
t'H at iiiMic vendiif, foi cisti, lo t!ie liiiiliest aud btst
bidder, in front I" tlie C'jt;rt house in riattt:n"u' h,
Jsebrska, in
Saturday, the 10A day of February,
A D IsO-, lit 10 o'el
ck A IT. cf said day. t!, fi.ilow-
I inn ilewrilietl K'-iI, tj wit: All iht d-naiii
j piece or parrel of I Hoi Mtu ito-I in tiie eoiuity f ('.in- i
I and Territory i f Nebiaska, known and d-i-ciibt d a
: foi iw: Tim cast one hall cf l ie Mii:tii-w -t qu titer i
i and tlie west nue-li ilf ot the souiaei-t iiiaiternf
! woli'ic No. twcuiy-uine (20), in lowri-iiiji o. ten ( Itl) :
I nu-tli .f rau- Ko, r nitt-cn (14), ea-t i f Cili I nuc ip.a
nieri liiin, uccurdiucr t t!;'
"Veicm -tit !irv y o! s-nj
Territory toeihir i:U all ai.u la4u'Jf tl.iliiie !
ments and aurteuano.s I In it unto I el. n-'ini; or in j
any vrie appenainink'. lo hj so'd us tb property ct
the tlefend.iut! above n:ini' to u 1 1 -fy sai'i decn j
amo'iiitof M-hicn i.-i tl.i Ti."J, t'-d ir.tetest tUneou
i lr"" "l0 ilateof said decite, and sta of suit and .
I Date.
i l'laltsniou'h, Nebra.-Va, 14th Novemlier, 1 Cj. i
I'. SI. Ulltlltis,!, us, , I
lla lor iu c liani e' y I
JiS. SvtkET, Sol. for Touip't. J.iDldSw I
For S.!; j
"aluabl limber land and improvements j
The w 1 2 or th" e 1-2 of section IS. t.nvn-1-.-p 10, j
rarie 1 1, with a 'pletnlid rtimih of youni; ninl'i; .
a su 1 1 act s of in ay timoer, jiat t ii tin isiao'l, 3 j
mil'-K foiith f t wrt. the 4n acres lttar Wm (I aV' ' j
o!d u:ii!; aivo iniTJi"ov,(iueritj on lije s e 1-4 cret liwri i
"ii. town range 13 : ::t. For riuther i- t'.t u!..l s '
Alpiy W i - I'.JltiiiNU
l:-;.l ltat" Ak-enf, ;
jiirJ3 4w or S. O, Tan ban k ;
mm sAi.63
A r.-,J 'wo s'o ry lir;ck store building. 22 te 0 f-t.
Willi cood cedar; f--r fjrthei i trticn 'ars i nj.iir of tiif
jatllltf hoAKII OF ,-C'HOlii. ilUkCTulU.
EST 11 A Y lOTI V W.
Taiieii up by th tin Jersijinrd, liviiic in Mt. I'leja
ant I're-.-iuct, one h-iTI l.iilc u--'.i t,f tin Union I'o-t-oilier,
one roa :i Cov si.pp., ed to he a yeara oM,kq,aare
crov off a:M uu-teib.t out or e;icti
I'MI Lll- C. KNiiKLL.
eein lie
I, IK'..
j ..:,o .
up bv the uu-'eisipDed. on tl
.t of e,.l il ! si,rld .l:' 1 i
20. h l:!t , oi,
f ri Wi en lie
w.,1-1. w re i ox. -uptus ii f. i--c 3 -;ar.
i ! e w .
old n'-xi
ile tidily.
Serine, no? If ii,iit -hi- i-rvl !it in i-ft.
c ill ' vhlt Knits o;i
It:!t ii ie (Hie re 1 1
i' . . ,
;l r. t
( ye.fs t, d iie-t M;rin
, fort hi;a 1 he:; y v
ill, huo l-:;t k., jiitiiK v. o ;
I rel h- li -r. -2 ea'S o
w 'uite Le'ly.
ijr. rei l.ei! '. - v.mi oVi. t i,i;e
j Est raj' IVoiife-
j T.tkt ii up hr the iib.crihr livi-i,- n-ar ? Mii .' !
j (iruVe, one red Cow, alf ia 4jer .ld.klar iu fur- I
: head, crop and - lit iu left ear, b. audi el "k " i. ' 'L''
. on ris't.l hum, Uiaud u ..iiic I.
I SAMl'KI. r.HUil'D
J tuunry 4, lrf0.". . 6
A A'aluable l'arm and Itancbo.
TUel'.um ai.d Rnucho t) l.jrginu lo U " c.-iat'i of
III" 111-. -1leit Dtjei I.IVII''-lOl MlllJirii i ,i,i- yoill ;
freic :,uoi; ar d eiuizrant rod. 1' Iniiea west of .its.
iii .ii'h, i- tor rent f r o..j and prolahly I.' r. j jivh.
The farm U soum C." acr. oud.r cu!, wait
jr. od I Oil -e, stub es, t-!t.-. Jr o;. is I tin II. i ! ... i fi'iV-
ed by the tiude'--oi'ed till Kebinary Jillii, ls.,i, either
in ,...'. ill t.r lv ii 't.-r. wlita the 1-e-l i t! r wi;l. if
1 seen-, d. ntj i.CL" - ii i e l. ie- nm eusii, p:iy.iu e j iti- '
nary 1st, I siJ7.
jiin.l if
I, f II li.I-
, Adrniri r t'
I Tliten I'T th- ui.iU-r-i;r ed -I f ll" I ui ulll of Rnik I
I lllnTs. tti:e Steer- 'fie 1-ytar old past whit': and '
i red st- er. n rkM with under! It in Ae'i vr,
j f.; t in f ir. 'Z sp il, in ! It enr. one 1 year (.Id j
past naie rel hie- r, crv e.t-il phi i efleli ear, I.thivI- .
. d on iett h:;-, bi-..n 1 ii,i-it:iici. ) e I ; mr oil a-t
-wailuw 'eiii iu ear N a ft tit r h amis or nink?.
'irrr.iiAH L. CAM rLL.
I'ec. istli, Icj.". j iu.Tovv
Takeu up by the uif er-ifrn. d, at 8 Jtiiu Urrts,Ci-4
ro'.iiily, N b , rn (be 2 i li mf ue Hui;, 1 j-Oiir old
I ! spi :n. ir.', w l til hi It- t-nit tut too t, f ,iu ldi;rs.
White ! :v unj wttiti rt 1" forehead. X. , iVu
or hiautl-. jAils.b CltAUTlttK,
j tr. l j-.v
1 Kstraj' IVoiice.
Taken ud Lv tjie uudei si cne-L one brotrn 2 yei.- Id
II irfe colt. siaiJl t.n in toioboMl...-' m.I riir'nt f.,ie6 ot
w t-tt-j a i.-o one vciy small spr in jj eo!t; no m.n a 4 v it- i
!bl6. ' aKI U. l'Aurtt.
j.itilO iw 1
" AND '
W. H. Shea's
I am now fully pref.ared to take your pleture tn I
unv style j.iu may de-irr, Unoti jfrapt, A miTotyp", j
o' m piet'jn . e'c. All kinds of p!ctur-cop ii d eqiul t
Uithe oriis,o.t., an 1 t nnirti ra. ii'vil ;
'i nine., U.ttiitKtiif, Altiuron, he , will ty- oniiatamiy j
k.-j't , a Land U trrirnioer. i.'.pa hut ffi 1 t o'k vi ul i
pemiitied to Uave the ioou.. fcatisfH -'ion g-zt- )
aMteed. at:17 J
fencral Education, !
The KnpHh r!e jmrtrrent nrul-rfli" inrintrnJnnce
of Hr. hherlock, late Innpectorof PxUuic behoof In
Canada ..
The ilasi-al department l-cnducf d hy Mr. Sher
lock, paoll of c-lebrated maie.-'t In Ktib.nd.
The c,ure of inMruc ion indices ihn va-iout
branches 'uua'ly taught m f.rst seho dn, B io-
Ke,.ing by donhle and a ug.e rnttr, 'ieach Mane,
CPiano Fcr'e, Guitar and rinyini?") e. The tenn
e rnn.i.ce ftoji th tntrauc 1! pupil; payment
in aiifjiic-.'
.r. and Mn. Sherlock return thnk for th liber
al aupport they I are received, and hU ry uureimt
tmj at ten ton to their pupua eadeavor to mailt It
eootinuiDa Tfcre a re ca'y ;nt:'. for a uw
:or fnp , -s .'laifrBa
TaVsa up by tlio uinlaniKii?.!, at Kntk Ii'oYj
on t.'i 1st rtaj of Jati , ISo'j.oio? ted Lriftr. i i j
ram old, haiTa wl.ii jiick a-r0. ti,, fir-tt-'
and left ear croj p. d. 1". O. DOBSON '
Jauuary 24 . 5w ' '
T.ik'-n up by lb" trril rr in M'.PIrmmit Pre
cinct, i.n tb; 1 Iili ilv of Js.o.. 1 - .T, .i, trlcUIe lm;
asout 1 year old, inaiked witu :i uu l.rl,lt o, t!f
riK-'nt ear. JolIX K nt'l K
r'MtM'ioiith, Jin. U.h. 1?. nlril iw
I soliriiinir ord". for APPLE TRFES
-.d Hwaif Apl'lt-s, rear-fe.-. aid Kw.rf ..f
Winces, I't-a. ii-", I'luins, Aj i i---t. Ni- I inn., i.i t,'.
i o i,rn e, (loos, b'-ri .e-, Curr ti 1 1, : a.-klir. lei
White liiarkti.-rri' -., Ha;h'iii-.. Mrwl.Mfl
evcrytlni.g It uu li. Aj-olei to l.ii.i - Utr:,-i.
A L S O :
Orii:iniiitnl Ti'-e-', KTi-rpreH-. JJ. c n rn!ir
Iloiitysuikli'.s, Liiars, Siiowliaila. liow A nivhc'
and a I; vanotiea cf Nursi-ty p nts J-,i., ;, m t;jt
latitude rf 1 utistnouih, Kliii-a w.i. h ready for
livery a the lt of April, lr. e; t1
IlaAlo bjughl asi re t: 1
Aro biw detrminft not t be exoellel
In 'ebtask for
by Lf mi.:
GOoa Flovir !
W I-I E A. T !
Trnipt attention paid to
n17 S:n
mmm mm,
Boots 3c Shoos,
. fl T 1
i I'uiiks, V ahses, ;(c.
Give trie a call. I propose j;r-iijr pti.t
in a short time to pincliiie "ooiJi, unj
will sell olf my prercnt stock ut
Extremely Low Figures.
. Ileinembr t h plarii'
Onu d')r
of thu Hi ri.i efTjC,
j - - -' - '
IMiiKic I Music I
llKAI.I.Kn I
Piano Fortes, Ilelcdcons, Llcbic ana
Ilnsical Il'dse,
council nixr rs - - - iowa
AND 021 All A, N. T.
Oi de-n by tnfiil for Mnie. Booki, or an tiling ;er
tiiiin t.j .Uu.ii-, I'loinpliy attt-ioit-tl tn
J'friliiin for Itinln; or rnalrintr I'l:-. n" I ,:'.'
ami Mel dr.,04 in H'ttin -th an'l v eiuity
aii'-nd d to at our eatpt-st cr ..v riit-rie'-.
UAV.M'i..'l, MINER fc CO.
Ahj. f .165 t
, Dealers in
Coal Oil Lamp.
I &c, &c
" ai alM aicer.lft tr iba Bnrhinaa W.,i.o
Mil:, of tit Jw ii i, ilo. ana liave n- - o batMi a.
go tl a ,ffOI ttel.1 vl
wh Ich we ha re revr& cb riBuniutoo. and '
prepared to exeba! for
at vary reatona'o! itu AS" Give ul a ca.'.',
ana duo eat of the liXKALD eUi P1(ibmi'V
1 1