1 I rm &.4 A "7 any man attempts to haul doicn the American Flag, shoot him on the spot" Jonx A. Dix. VOL. 1. PLATTSMOUTII. X. T., VEDiKSDAY, JAK. 18G0. io. i;j I . i I .. r-i THE HERALD t-i I'l'BMsIIKU DAILY AND WEEKLY, WEEKLY EVKUY Y.l DNE-DA V JiV IT. I). HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. --O.T.- -''tiK?r M.t.a ir ot an-1 Lev-, sonj ' ; V . Terras". Weekly, .2.SQ per annum; 'DaUj, $L per month. Hates of .hi cert is . ne "-vi'ir, ot e !Mv.-rt: n tarli iul-fi'-.ut tn-.eiuoti u ti.Ki.v: j.oO One s i'i:' ' .oa-e of t.-n line.! o-i irnertiorj, l ..'.0 l.i.ii mio i' hi in.-riiri - onal ".'.!- D-tcrC'lin? ix tin nMlnma orle, V r t.itniim l month 4 tt: r' e months i. ti.ilf -jia'i tw-lv- ni' i.tl." " MX IllQtlll .. il.r-e mouths u -. jtiiu twelve months ..i x nomthi three inc-nth- In on j.. no is tft 1 O.0O 4.YOI iiO.IMI 1 "l (Ml so ( Att 'r.-i-al a-lverti-'innt' inul te jaiJforin a lv.. i. We re prnar.-. !o do all kinM of Job Work i . i rt ho-.o-e. and in a i-tyle tht wut give sati- 3Juinc; JUrcctovjj. v R.RLIVINGSTON, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, T )- h j.r- f' -!. l 8rvic-i to tc ci'ix'u of j,, .-,'1111' i: r.- iii I'r uik Wl ! li u-'-, c-irii-T iif (.r a u.i Nix'U -t. ;!... u .Mini '--tec', ..t 0 "li! II 'lis.-, 1'iar-lllolltli, ''l.iask (. attoi:m;y at law AM- Solicitor in Chancery. rLATTSMuUTII, - - Ni:iiK.lSKA. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C- F. M. DORFilNGTOiM, Sl i; A(jKNT: rr.ATTS.MOUTH, - - NKBRASKA, t , T,r.- t t i.r-j.-iit iii'l V r.i-fi rl;ii ni lt f -re l-u'-. I'.'n li'-i: 1. 1 iiu.l 1 unity I. trnl -jir,-l ( iT-Crinrk-i- iiki-Iit ii , an.l m r. .,wrt i to iv Hnivi a Ittie i l-tiui. V. M. UORIUNtJTOX A,.ril Ii', '". F. M- DORSINGTON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, J'L.X TTSMOL Tll, A;.'., rrn'oft att-THion pniil t.. t.'i" .iir lia an ! ali of n.-al i:.ijt,., ao. ii.. nt of 'Tux, xf.il ail Lu uirs-t p- ri uniD to ;4.-uri: Luu-1 A-'iny- Titles iuvca- U. f.-r? lv crniUiun to !! n. K . Iu!i.lv. '.'.1 .1:1:. i ll Di-t . T ills I iv, Ni 1,-n-k.i; Mr.jr KJ-v'.l liurboiik, I'ay iiijmit 1' . I...".iviii!!i. K.m:-: 1! " J- II- Rurbsu.k, I. .: A.-.-or N.-l iH-k-i. Kli ity, N'l: Hon. T. M. .V.i.qii-ir... I' if.-m ui ii. Nil., II. K. I.ivnil -ii, . it ( .1 N.!-r-k:l lt Vrt. VoU.. I'l.itt-llioutli , S !.; V- .r l. II Wlir.l'r, 1".?. lr.li.iu Avnt. I'awnre (t.'vv: t'li.i's N.til-t..o, No. Ill !r..:.way. Nw irk. Il n y, H. iirn li i; 1:" u. W jliiiik'ton, I. C ; I I . u v, M (' .V fo., rhicapo, IsU.; K. i'' h. U clu-t-r. . V.. I'N.f. ll.-iiiy ArliiiR :n!, '-H.irtfor.l I -.iv:-ri- , " N . V. l. WIIII.LLR,. J. W. I AKillAl L, F.I.LEWIS 5. 13. Whcclrr & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Tire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTII, -V. T. Coilctit!fi jimmi'ily atton!'l to. .'nl pnoet-N re r;:tr .i at Mirrct.t r.ii 1 K'-Ii;iniv. Tuxrs pai-l in v ..-11 ii I . - a a it 1 1 i !'. ijk i fr in mi t-''M(Ji.t . I itlt-s ( lm.i inv "-ti i'' I. M'Mity luaii'd m lieal Kftalc s'ii:i :t:e. laril Warrant ! taltn. CLAIM AGENTS. Anont f.iro.l!-lion of c! innia iiuft (i.iverr.nifrt, f r c;ilif-r. t l.f ;r !-!ori :iti-t minor fiiMr-.. A iri-rita f r T tie I'Uii'li -t- ar.il ali' of LauJs uti'l C'ny J"roicr tr, Leair.i: of T.-io ni. nt. i:!:ri:iu:.ci:s: Hon. S. I!. KH-ert, I nv." City. O. T. M' --r. K.ointze Itro., Omaha. Neb. " Jlri'aiin t M.-tinlf, Nebra City. ;. K. Killry. ft. I.i!. Minxtuii. - 4Jr. Ilo UwiJ. i;..t.u. 31 lsaciul-clti- H W U:lHiar Clni'HH i, llluioi. " 11 M Mh'.U. CincMinaii. t'l.'.o. Tootle ll.iini.t. l'liittiuo'iili. Xi'liraska. I. II !:ii-li. TJ.rt-e Itivrr. Michigan.. II. ,n K Vk ! ItioiimtlfM. U i-i-oii-m. II. r. T M Mari'io:t, I'lattMiioiit h, Npliraka. I. Li-tv.;. A'to nc at Law, Hullalo, Nw Vurk. Cjri.T, y X Curl, llt iloiuc-, low a. 3ar.:j dlf. i . PLATTE VALLEY Q. W. CROW, PROP. I am reprcl to fariii-li a'l who may'favor me With their tiatronairc, 'ith ioili:i.r, .iolIo meat or V.iril bT th ek. (j. V . t'UOW. r;ttMii..ut!i, Ai ril 2, yl jcsepii SCHLATER. WATCyilAKER and JEWELER, '.MAIN S riitKT, rLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA. A f lo.l a-ort7iient of Wat .Cl- IVnu. Jiwelrv. llor War.', Fauov Goo; Vi .I!ns and Vi i ni 'lri:nn-.ina always n hand. All work coin ni ltv, to ,; c;.r; wiil fc war:a:iteJ. April Hi. l-i..! ' WILLITT POTTENGER aVTTOHNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTII - - XEKKASKA. Hess & Finisher Have juit opCDed and refi;te tlu-.r Saloon and Restaurant I.pvee str.tt, K.mth of Mala, "where they will furaUh t all tirors the best ili-hes the market ulTords.. J3"Fieh O'.ters constantly on hand. I REE L CX'If eyrr murninj Iweeen 91-2 3 1 10 1--2.- '&3rt"J & iTders acvotumuduted. liecfi 3m Vim. IS- Lcmkc, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE POOK EAST OF TOSTOFFICE,. Plattsmout'i, Nebxaskaf" ; v 16j tt" TlIK l(f:;iSTKV I, AW. We are pleased to know that the fee has been broken in the Legislature on this question, and we expect to see every man who holds the welfare of the Ter ritory and the preservation of good or der of paramount importance to a party Yictory (oral least the attempt to achieve one), whether he be Democrat or Re- publican, give this measure a hearty support. It is argued by some that a Hegi?try law would Iessea the Repub lican vote of the Territory, and the reason assigned is that men who rote that V.cUtrt are generally of an industri ous class, nnd that very many would not take the trouble to register their names at the proper time. Let lhatbe as it may, we are in favor of the pass age of this law, because we believe it to be founded in justice. Is there a man in Nebraska who can show that there is any unfairness in compelling all voters to be registered Democrats and Republicans alike? We have yet to hear the first argument against it, ex cept that it would lessen the Democrat ic vole, in fact, we be'ieve it is opposed on that ground alone. Now, is there a Democrat in Cass county, (we know there are some in other parts of the Territory,) who does not blush at the thought of acknowledging that a fair and impartial registration of the legal voters of the Territory would lessen their party vole? Dare they come out publicly and oppose its passage? We believe in the principle (hat right and justice should be a rule and guide to our action?; who believes in a different principle. We shall be better able to answer this question after a vote is taken on the Registry law. That there are men in Nebraska who would fiood the country with horse thieves and robbers for the sake of achieving a part' victory, no one will deny we have had a practical demon stration of it; and that there is now in process of concoction a scheme for rush ing illegal voters into Cass county next fall we are able to prove to the satis faction of any man, and we propose to expose the measure, and the men who are figuring in it, at the proper time. neo.Ti Tilt! CAPITA la. Omaha, Jan. 25, 1SG-3. Ed. Herald. You are aware that when our members are all present, that the House is a tie upon nearly all party (ucuiuua. Alio ucuiuti an uuvc ueeu unusually exercised over a memorial and joint resolution to Congress against the Morrill bill. For impudence, ar rogance, and a disregard of facts, the memorial is unparalelled, and reads more like a burlesque than a sober real ity. If it does pass in its present form it will be a disgrace to our Territory, and injure us more in the eyes of the peo . : 'T"u it ... t i ple of the States than almost anything j aIco rrmi.t il a T nf pi. i.Tpnf fimirrr.i nl 1 from the States will take this, to some j PYliint n nn Ptrrpusinn nf lhf npnnlp. 1 .... , T. a -n ! passed yesterday. There has been a great pressure brought to bear upon this bill. The objectionable features are, its not requiring the capital stock to be paid up, and the comparative absence of iLdividual liability. Two of the members from your county opposed it on that ground. The State question causes a great deal of discussion, and there is a great etfort being made to induce the Legis lature tot frame a Constitution and sub mit it to the people, on the plea that the people would vote against the matter if presented to them through a Constitu tional Convention. I hope the Legis lature will not undertake to frame a Constitution, because they were not electe,d on that issue, and the move ment does not appear to emanate from the; people, and the Legislature has more work than can be done before the adjournment. Under a law passed last winter, the Governer appointed E. Estabrook to collate all the general laws of the Ter ritory. The work appears to have been well done, but they will have to be re vised and rendered harmonious, which ought to take every hour of the session. Mr. Arnold introduced a bill to-day to attach a part of Cass county to Saun ders county. The alleged reason is to locate the county seat of Saunders coun ty at Salt Creek Ford. He introduced petitions jiraying rthit Salt Creek and South Bend precinls might be attached to Saunders county. ANON IMJIICIIATIO.V Wo observe t'int f-ffort nrc Lpi'iitr j made in different portions of our Ter ritory to orgluize immigration societies. This laudable purpose should be foster ed by cui- Legislature, and every citi zen who has the welfare and increase of the Territory at heart, should con stitute himself a committee of one to advise his friends east of the induce ments this favored portion of the Union holds out to the emigrant. Land is cheap, and ready for the pbugh no clearing or ?tump extracting required to commence a farm. No fences are required under the herd law, and this alone will save thousands of dollars to every settler. The means each settler brings can be profitably invested in stock or lands, instead of sinking it in fences. Our prairies afford the finest pasturage in ihe world. Markets in the east and west are al hand to con sume all that farmers can raise. In a word, there is no other country in the world where the settler bus so fair a chance of bettering himself as ia Ne braska. Mechanics are needed in all our towns and counties. In the line of carpenters, we have to put up with work from "jack of-all-tradea" fellows, mere ly because first-class workmen art scarce. Brickmakers can coin money here the clay and sand necessary for their stock are everywhere found, and the demand cannot bo supplied. In thin article alone, our towns are held back from building, for want of brick. Oth er occupations are pro rata wiih the above. Let our citizens write to their friends east. Let them send the Territorial papers to them. In each town let each citizen, who feels an interest in this matter, subscribe for one or two extra copies to be forwarded east, and in this way ihe advantages of immigration here will be fully advertised. It is in the ' newspapers of a country that intelligent men look for a full and correct descrip j lion of the advantages it possesses and from this source more good can be done to induce immigration than any other. Every able bodied man who setdes in the Territory is an acquisition. His labor increases its wealth and power. Let the comm JLiity be alive to this fact, and we feel assured that, if our sug gestions are carried out, the population and wealth cf our Territory will be notably increased the ensuing season MR. TKAI AXD I'LATTS MOUTII. The Omahi Herald, of the 24th inst. . contains some strictures on our remarks concerning George Francis Trainj and holds up i:s editorial hands in holy horror at our indecency!!! Ac companying, is the letter of invitation, tinned by some of our best men, (but men whom we have every reason to j believe, were not at that time aware of the language used by Mr. Train in hi. lecture at Omaha,) and published with the remarks alluded to in the Omaha Herald: rLATTSMOUTii, Jan. lOih. 1S66. George Francis Train, Esq., Omaha: Deak Sir: We the undersigned, on behalf of the citizens of Plat:smouth aud vicinity, feeling nssured that you have at heart the interests of Nebraska Territory, its increase in wealth and population, and that you are now uing your efforts to establish a colony in our midst, ws most respectfully invite you to deliver an address at this place at any time and upon any subject vou may suggest. Let us further trouble you lo telegraph to us when it will suit your convenience to come and we will pilot you across "The Platte." Very respectfully Yours, J. W. Marshall, Wm. S. Thatcher, W. E. Donelan, E. G. Dovey, T. K. Hanna, Wm. H Anderson, G. Fickler, Committee. T. JJ. Marquett, J. G. Howe, Jacob Vallery, Jno. Black, II. Amison, U. F. RufTner, S. Bloom, Omaha, January 17. lSC.G. Gentlemen Regrets and regards, I am off to-day to talk Nebraska and the West to the East. Hence cannot lecture if I would. When I return my first talk shall be with your good peo ple. Tell those who call me names, if I have offended them I am willing to accept their apology. Sincerely, GEO. FRANCIS TRAIN. We deny the imputation of the Ihr aid as false, when that paper accuses us of slandering 'Mr, Train. We have i it from more credible authority thin the Omaha Htrall, that Mr. .Train did in solently defame the Christian religion. and that too with a vulgar buffoonery that would bring the blush in any plug ugly. This very act was at Omaha, and in a church sacred to religious pur poses. We expect nothing better from the editorial sanctum of the copperhead sheet at Omaha than support for such conduct. The -traitorous papers that urged desertion from the army, and by their teachings brought about the das tardly assassination of the martyred Lincoln, are fit supporters of men who villify and ridicule Christianity. A pretty, high-toned fellow is the editor of the Omaha Herald to blow about our indecency, forsooth. Perhaps that sheet would like to publish Mr. Train's blas phemous rendition of the tenth com. mandment. Out upon such conduct, say we. Newspapers ought to be the preservers of public morals, but it is re served for the Copperhead editor of the Omaha ILrald to uphold a man who defames Christianity. Every christian in the land should shun the society of those who thus publicly defy the teach ings we have learned upon our mother's knees. The Herald calls us a "seven by nine sheet" but we thank God that our morality is not of the seven by nine stamp, such as that paper manifests in standing by, and pleading for impiefy, and we would remind this grandiloquent admirer of George Francis, that his paper too may drop into the grave of its Copperhead predecessors at Omaha. If he will be at the trouble of digirins up the putrescent villifications of his buried prototypes, in their traitorous anathemas against our Government, he may derive at least one moral that may prove advantageous for him to remem ber. iur:i:ii;s. Can a handful of political aspirants force a Constitution through our Legis- tture, ia defiince of the will of the people? Will the gentlemen, whom the peo ple have selected to represent them, sacrifice the interests of their constitu ents under the pressure that is .brought to bear on them al OmaJial Wili the empty praise each repre sentative receives from the aspiring friend" of State Consii tuu'on, as he be trays his constituents, save him from the rebuke he will receive at home and among those who have proved them selves his friends? Why is it that such indecent haste to force this matter through at all hazards is manifested by the officials at Omaha? Do those representatives who give way to flattery, and forsake their dele gations in this question, think the peo ple wili forget their unwarrantable ac tion ? We propound the above to our Legis lators. HOIIalXtt POTATOES. The lady authoress of 'Uncle Tom,' and divers other popular publications, has been writing a homily ou cooking potatoes. I should like to know if Mrs. Siowe does really boil potatoes herself? I do, and I have long since known bet ter than to pare my potatoes raw and then dowse them naked into water red hot boiling at two hundred and ninety horse power. That is one way to boil potatoes certainly, but not the proper one by a" very long way. Philosophy, common sense, and a month or two of practical experience over the dinner pot, teach us a gre;:t deal better than that. My dear madam, don't you know that about six-tenths of all the starch that a potato affords is deposited so near the surface, that however carefully we may pare the tubers in a raw state, we are sure to throw away the greater portion' of that very material that we eat potatoes for? Then, if we toss our potatoes into boiling water, unprotected by their overcoats, we have set in a second, and hopelessly incorporated with the mass, that semi-volatile prin ciple which gives the i!l-cooked potato its slightly acrid, something insipid, and always objectionable flavor. Any thoroughly potato-lred Irish woman would as soon think of commu ting regicide, as boiling her potato' s ' undressed in the manner recommended ! by our literary lady cock. And there J are no better potatoes or potato cooks i anywhere in this world than there are I in Ireland. I tell you, fellow housekeepers, ev- ; erywhe ?, that the correct way to cook ; a potato iu any country, provided boil- j ing is the determination, is to wash if clean firstly let it lie in clean, cold i water two hours ten is all the better- j place it in cold water iu the pot, with- . out paring boil -moderately until the I test fork goes' s'mooihly through the po- J taio without encountering a mite of core. Then drain off the water, et the pot over the fire uncovered, for five min utes, after which whipolf Mr. Potato's jacket in a hurry, and send him to the table in a clos cover, piping hot or if you are not over-fa hionableand fas tidious, it is preferable to setve "mur phy" m his coat. Sat E-e. Post, IIO.V JO IIa'cU .1 IMI AX. The Hon John Cijai'man, member of the Council from Cass county, is a man comparatively youug in" years, but cf an order of ability aiid range cf in formation which would do honor to a much older man. Possessed of rare legislative and executive abilities, in flexible patriotism and invincible deter mination, he has mads such a mark in the Legislative councils of our Territo ry, as to command for him the highest respect and esteem of his fellaw legis lators; and so general was this regard, that at the meeting of the Legi.slature the Union members of the Council put him forward as their candidate for pre siding officer of that body; a position which he failed to attain only by rea son of a modest and patriotic deference cf personal ambition to the best inter ests of the people as praiseworthy as it was unselfish. Mr. Chapmax Las been a sharp t'lorn iu the sides of the unscrupulous Corpirhead faction of the Council, and his ready parliamentary tact and prompt action Lave been very elfective in thwarting ihe schemes of the "rule or ruin" party in lhat body. No better evidence of his efficiency in this respect need be adduced than the virulence wi'h which he has been attacked by the Ilirald of this city, for ths damage which h.s invincible determination and aJherance 10 the right has indicted up on their intensely partizan schemes of legislation. Attentive to the interests of his constituents, aud assiduous and enenretic in promoting them, he has won the regard of the people of Cass county, and reflects high credid up in the good sense and discretion which singlnd him out as a proper representa tive cf '.he character, intelligence and interests of a greatcounty. Republican ami 3I(ii-Iei' on the Platte. .Jest tion, January G. Two men were found seven miles up ihe river last night, one dead, being shot in three places, the other senselesj and beaten so badly as to be unrecognizable. They had five horses and two wagons (two grey and throe bay horses). The men are supposed to have been robbed, there being every appearance of a desperate resistance. No trace as yet of the per petrators of the outrage. It has evi dently been done by white men will give the particulars as soon ns possible. The one who lives is under ihe charge of Dr. D. G. Wilson, Tost Surgeon, who has no hope of his recovery. Later. I proceeded up the road un der orders from Major Mayo, com manding post, to examine into the cir cumstances attending the murder of two citizens. One, Isaac H.Augustus, brought to camp last night, wounded in the back of the head with a pistol-ball, died this morning about sunrise. The other's name, as near as can be ascer tained, is II. Stuman, who was found dead about six miles from camp, on the river road, pierced with three pistol balls, one through the right breast and one through the heart. The murdered men are supposed to-ba freighters, from papers found scattered over the ground where the deed was committed. From every indication the men were robbed of their money. B. D. Palmer, Capt. oih U. S. Vols. 7 " New York, Jan. 25 The Tri bune's Washington special says the U. S. Consul at Manchester, England, tm- j der date of Jan. Gth, informs the De partment of State that the cattle dis ease ha made frightful progress, the cases for the week ending the date of his dispatch being 7,693, an increase of 1.437 upon the returns of the previous wvek. He reports lhat the authorities are making every exertion possible to restrain the plague, but wi hout the slightest appearance of success. The diseajei he asserts, has been discovered to bear some striking analogy to small pox, and many experiments in vaccina tion are being made. Many of the towns prohibit the driving in of beeves for daughter, and require that they shali be killed outside, and only the meat brought to market. The whole number of cases thus far reported for England alone is 73.549, and of thij number 55.-122 have either died or have been killed. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 25. Frow ley won the billiard match for the cham pionship of the State, last tight, by two points. Washington, Jan. 25 General Sherman will be here to-day. He was summoned hither from St. Louis by Gen. Grant, for consultation upon the new army bill. ' Nkw- York, Jan. 25. The Board of Admirals convened at the Navy De partment in Washington, is for ihn pur pose of examining into the merits f.ir the promotion cf officers of the Navy and Mr. rine corps who have been in j acuon during the war. ; EY TELEGRAPH TO THE DAILY HERALD. Cairo. Ills., Jan. 22. The (i;h U. S. Colored Cavalry, ot Gen. Brisb-ine's command, under G mi. J. W. Wnde, has been sent from Helena to Diivali's Bluffs. There was n mutiny in this regiment, as reported in the papers the whole story wns a c inar i. Gen. Brisbane has lp?n assigned to command at Pine Bluffs. The 1 2th Iowa has passed here en route home; the regiment numbers about 500 men, under commaad of Li.'ut Col. Nee. Wheeling, Va., Jan. 23 The mu nicipal election, yesterday, passed iff quietly; the returns indicate ihe re-election of Mayor Sweeney and ihe entire Democratic ticket. New York, Jan. 33. The Prussian Government has given Lotion to the Western Union Telegraph Company lhat the steam propeller of their Pa cific squadron will be placed at their disposal, and requested instructijns in regard to her destination. Col. Bulk ley, chief of the expedition, ordered her to report at Petropdatski, in May Washington, Jan. 23. The Senate has confirmed the following nomina lions: Leonard Holmes, cf Wu.-f.ington Territory, to be U. S. District-Attorney for that Territory; George W. Cham berlain, to be U. S. District-Attorney for Colorado Territory; McD.iwel1, ot TVnn., to be U.S. Marshal for th Eastern District of Tennessee; Capt. Tnornton A. Jenkins, U. S. N., to be Chief of Bureau of Navigation; Sur geon P. H. Howits. U. S. N., to be Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Sur gery, and John Bolles, of Mass.. to bp Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate General. Washington, Jan. 23. Senator Pomeroy introduced a till incorpora ting the Colorado River and Utah Transportation company, with a capi tal of one hundred thousand dollars, establishing a line of steamers on the Colorado river to connect with ocean steamers and an txpress and fn iht line from Salt Lake. One section ot the bill provides for improving the nav igation of the Colorado river by dredg ing and widening the channel, and grants alternate sections of land on each side of the river from the south ern boundary of the U. S. to the head of navigation. Another section em powers the corporation to construe, about -100 miles of wagon road to con nect the head of navigation with Sail Lake City and Prescott, the capital of Arizona Territory. The marriage of Mrs. Stephen A. Douglas and Brevet Brig. Gen. Wil liams took place this evening at niue o'clock, at the residence of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Lynch, of the Catholic Church. Information has been received here that Richard H Coolidge, surgeon U. S. A., died in Nonh Carolina, where he has been on duly for some timer The Senate will probably vote on ihe passage of the freedmen'? bureau bill to morrow, unless Mr. Sumner concludes to make a speech. The sec tion authorizing the President to set aside three million acres of govern ment bind for the use of the freedmen gave rise to much discussion, but was fiually agreed to by a vote of 3G to 7. The section regarding negroes' titles to the Sea Islands promises to produce much debate to-morrow. Sumner de sires to confirm them forever, and Garret Davis wants to out the ne groes. The Senate will probably sus lain the bill as it stands. The House is disposed to thoroughly debate. The Reconstruction Commit- ! tee's proposed Constitutional amend ment is not very likely to pass, requir ing a two thirds vote. The Senate Postoffice committee will probably report the Postmaster-General's bill requiring postage on newspa pers to be prepaid from the office of publication, but Senator Dixon, chair man of the committee, will oppose it when called upon for action in the Sen ate. Trenton, N. J., Jam 23. Joint resolutions in regard to the Constitu tional amendment were discussed in the Senate to-day and passed, by 30 yeas rind S nays. The House passed a resolution di recting 100 guns to be fired to-morrow. in honor of the event. New York, Jan. 23. The Com mercial gives further particulars, re garding the seizure of thj supposed Chilian privateer. The vessel was about leaving port to-day, when she was seized by the U. S. Marshal, un der orders from Judge Bats grafted on representation by Spanish Consul. She had no armament," but was well manned and in proper condition to re ceive full complement of warlike mate rial. The vessel is the Meteor, which wa3 built by Forbe3, in Bjston. for ihe purpose of chasing and ca; luring, the pirate Alabama. Sue is: a magnifiT.cni ship. Her crew consists principally of American seaman, and no doubt is en tertained that she was going to sea to receive an armament for Chilian ser- vice. New York, Jan. 25. Ttie mil of, ' rellicer, j iti'ly indicted with Gonz;i! s j for the murder fjf Joe Garcia Olero, I was closed yetfMlay in die BuoKlyn j Court of oyer and terminer. The jury, after an absence of one hour, returned j and rendered a verdict of guiliy. The j prisoner exhibited no emotion npon this annout rMin nt being inad. Gon zales and P llicer will Id h be arraign ed fjr sentence at ten o'clock this fore noon. Portland, Me, J.i:. 25 The steamer Hibernian, from Liverpool ll, via Londonderry 1 -J, h is arrived. The Damascus, from Portlond, arrived out on the 10:h. Tho Amencii, from New York, arrived out oil the l2ih. Cotton opened at a decline. New York. Jan. 2G A coroner's investigation of the circuuiMances m lending the d-iath t f Martin Haley resulted in a verdict that he came to' his death, as alleged, from a pistol shot iuttLted by Curw :n, seivi.d mate of ihe steam-hip Mt'uhattuii, during a li,'ht on board that vessel on Tuesday morning among several of ih empl .yee. Th evidence of several witnt-ssHs wrts ta- -ken. after which, on the rendition of it vvrdit by the jury iiadmg Curwiu guil ty of fir ing thrt fatal sho-i. he was cum mittt d to await the action of the Grand Jury. New York., Jan. 25. A meeting of ihe Shoemakers' Protective Association took placo in this city last evening, at which resolutions were adopted in favor of repealing the tax on shoes, as it , falls on comparatively few persons, for out of nearly 'J 000 workmen in thrs'' c ty it is said that only 320 pay the tax. New York, Jan. 25. The Tri bune's -Washington special says th Republican of last evening records the resignation of Capt. G. O. Fo.x, Assist. aui Secretary of ihe Navy, to take ef- , feet on the l.-t of March next. It fur- ther slates that he re-irrn to accept the 1 presidency of the new California steam- ship coinpant', recently organized in New Yt-rk, ui a salary of 15,000. Ni.w York, Jan. 2-3. Detectives of his city yesterday arrested Albert -Beach and Wm. Golden, two young men formerly in the employ of the New York Erie R. It. Cjmpany, on the charge cf having committed a suc cession of robberies on the trains cf that road amounting to over one ihous- . aud dollars. A large amount of the stolen property had been sold to citi zens of Port Jervi, Orange Co. which has been seized and is now held for identification. Cincinnati, Jan.2G- The Tennes see Senate yesterday toncurred in the House amendment to the ne gro testi mony bill. A safe of a dry goods store at darks' ville, Ohio, was robbed yesterday of $5,000. Specials in the morning papers re cord numerous looses of life by murder end accident on Friday last. A man named Green was shot and instantly killed at Grenada, Miss., by . some unknown person. On the follow ing night a man named Steele was shot at the same place. A man named Buchanan murdered his wife al Indianapolis yesterday. A difficulty I 'tween two prisoners in . the Indianapolis jiil last night res!l( d in the fatal stabbing of cni of the par- ; ties. ; A flat boat, containing two families, . wh le descending White river recently,.: struck a snag and sun!; nine persons were lot. A boat containing Mr. Pratt and eight negroes, while crossing the Mis- : sissippi at Fort Tickering cajsized; Mr. Pratt and six negroes were drowned. A train of cars were fired into at Meridian, Miss., on the 7ih. Lieut. Huntington was severely wounded. J ' Iu the Kentucky Legislature yester day the Senate passed resolutions post : poning the election of Uinted States Senator, and extending the present . session. The IIoue passed a resold- ' lion rejecting the amendment to' the Federal Constitution, and declaring ihe action already taken by the Legislature i as final. , Washington'. Jan. House . Mr. L'pon, frc:n committee on Elec tions, reported that Mr. Coffroth has on certificate, prima facie riht to a seat from the 16th district of Pennsylvania. Mr. Paine made a minority report that Wm. II. Kocz has prima facie right to a seat. Both reports provid-d . for taking testimony, allowing sTx'.y days for that purpose. ' Oa motion of Mr. Pike, the commit- tee on Ways and Means was instructed to inquire into the expjdi'jncy of reviv ing the Act of 1700, which provides ' no drawbacks shall b allowed on arti- 1 cles exported into foreign nates iinme- , diately adjoining the United States. : House agreed to take a vete on th r Constitutional amendment reported .by the committee on Reconstruction, orr 1 Tuesday next. Consideration of this subject was then Tesumed Harding, of Ky.. opposed the amend- . ment, paying that the object was to coo- . vert a'l ihe negroes into voters inorder hat they might support the Republican -j 'icket. .f EST'Subscrbe for the Hxkald. ' i I I I t i !