i i Else ilcbrarfui HlcvaUl ""l.(.)(;Ali NEWS- I it ; i " r.-ir -:-t ' r. m. t t Mown up- if-','- I'tiy. ;t a f '.v weeks sine-1 tli:it the i,it j-.i-i nine nvir l.fin II W.-tS th'3 I'uS'.IilJIStCT fit r.ro - r: t-'y 1:1 r : if ; l o. r'.'.i.e i vvi ''' :;..' i- i- ' ., r,-: -i'.-i if ' ; v. :. ) n t it :i : X: v '. 1 i n. - v. i . '. ! ti in 1 1 vl f .1: fill- i- '1 ::i'.l : ViTV -" a :!'.- "r .: 37"NVe are rlonsed to gee thnt Hod. Marcu' IJrush, Representative from Saun ders courrtr, nIthou.i claiming the name Democrat, iloos not work in the same true." of Democracy ai they are prescrib ed I'V M-irton, Miiler, Mae.ith, and other rV.iti-M.1 tric'itstcrs of the Democratic j -arty. Mr. llrush vra on, of thij com mittee to whom was rifereil the Heath Ciie, :t:ij an J Mr. C"Oim-:o uiaJoami- nority report, in which they showed con- thl fJMPStion '-!,;,.,, nr'niv.i.n' wIit Mr. Heath hoilM ri'.n;-mh:.- ; ,J0 a i;iiuu-j to his EMt. We think Mr- I.17 will :i- i;ru,h -, uiout "soureJ" on the Deraoc of Woman ! r;i,.v cf x0i,r uka. C-v"'l'iie AY-u-s snja the council effect eil i ii ml ', of th- I jtii, j an organization through a ''compromise;' m (i,:(rr;'! Francis , that the Democrats eltcted Mason as -f I'.'.i.tM.ioutli, in : J'ruMilont on cond'Aion that Uepublioar,? would allow Faulkner to hold a seat. Tint sheet has been famous for"com promise'' in days of yore, but we can see 'ttle to the credit of any one concerned di-usin .:.' Jit :i d .1 -. s the i that th'j people vrrv anxious to have him lie t:il:e3 occasion to dc ! I i:ivi:ati'iii, although he f.-!.: !.: h.;-l f. i t iri 1 . p III in itation, or even jn this 'coinpronii-R',"' provided there i f i. Now, we do not j wa4 anything of the kind which we do ;. 1 :...v invitation from 1 nC)t believe. Tho acknowledgement cf Ji 1 we would i e leased j such a transaction is sufScient evedence si-iit it. II: was invited j that the .Xcws did not consider Mr. Taulk- ';: sine", and accepted tho ner entitled to a seat, and that he did not lot 1 1 ..-v. M-". 1 :tts, v.!. os-2 ; obtain it throu.li the justice of his chiiiuf, 1 1. f aw f.t to release him but through a 'compromise." Faulkner ., , ..,,. .,fter loan. in;; that ! obtained his seat through the same kind ; 'v .! f.t!ud tho Chri-tian ! of "compromise" that Heath was depriv i( ,.'rar--s at Oiiiah t: r.d bad; ed of his the power of corrupt partizans. I:,I;;iVJ i" relation to the i r,olll Zh'.'u.TT.' ' .ii : to nrid 'i- him an , . b'tur was received by a gcr.tle- ; -t t . tiie reiii-us part of j mn ;n th:s c;ty iast week, stating that iliy. This ra in Train ha.1 a j ntg of tjlC jj, g. JJ. Kailroad company iy ,f publi-'..in h'n ac-'pt- j wer0 einriov'iD ' machinists in the cast l ti ;l! .r about i :.::d i. th? ; vita I t ) li ..'a. ' r. N'-'.t!. 1 i, t I V. li.j'.ll i:, l: ; iearti v. b.;' .i. h i. t. -1 1 ' ' til-? ' v. i;l in.; tiiilii.-' v to a ri ' i Jo i': ;'!it-1 in liis j-. f r.n iav.iiiUjn to .-.-c- . j,irparltory to commencirg operations v.hf'.'i'T he was invit- ; tl - i r "ti,e r0!lj ;n the brrinz. Tl'i of. Miller, Councilman from this county, arrived in tho city yesterday, on a living visit. iy tho way. the Omaha mid seems to think that the Professor is out of placo in the legislative halls. What is the trouble; won't the I'rof. be neither lioulit nor Lullied? ; v" Thu .Yt(i-s .says (no-.v that the De mocracy have control of the Legislature) that " the State question is aiuin ground." We contend Jhat the "wait and t(!C feeling is -riiinin; ground. Wo do , : .! : :;-ts a (:!i.r ' i r Hi 'i s '1'i Uiii a :i 1 he r riii,::; al t ;..:!ii!' i ti his r is he p irtieu.ar about : is dir- eted ever spein . i:i -ncral -e it and ra. man Train is. Wh'-n ,1 -ir. d at l'latt-rii'i-.i:!:. I, l hiiu hii'i-.v; and in the n d--Vi;e his l.-iv;rj hours f,.r liiir.si-lf, t i be j ub s?er, at Omaha. r, .... r not believe the South I'latte numbers are " ! In iiii TinrtiiMilar hurrv about orsrani.iP.Lr . r. . li.te.ic-.ck, D b-ate; jrovernment. "even if the Xocs ir, .,, f N-!.ta-ka, Ins our thanks d th;k thu feelit.- in favor of it is on fJra.u.:j i, I -.- j tho increase. f"' ; (VI. A. I", (iiliii ri, i:n o'.-l an l re r..v.. : i A. i:. (iiiiii f..M'i 1 ( it :r;i i.f Umalil. .11 .d ki.i'Mi .. mo.: p.-. '.; ii. '!. T- vritory, j . . ... I t L . I' . s:. ..a i .1 - '. iy ia-r., i.i .:r .l at ...s r. an i..u -.-i- r f v !... P M ': : I a i s . i i in 1. -s , M; jv.'. ' i laattir earn iiai'iii'.', i Hi I A 1 r7"'hat about that liru engine? Fires are prevalent at this season of the year. St. Joseph has had a fine fiourin mi" destroyed, and Council liiulTji has lo-t j:Jt.V 'i, within a few days. If a lire should break out in this city, then every V. : : . i i d:r"'-'e i , ,,jy would ''shell out'-' tlie 4reenba-ks dtor cits- ; necessary to Tuirchasa a fire engine. : ai.. I ab hi! Di. i .h i, with :he i ' I'l' -t j Would it n it be well to get the engine in- 1". M f' l v.i-r 1 i; t i itsdestina- ; ,,.,.,. wo have the lire, and thus be en- the iz.!ivnc-? ! n;ej to prevent the great destruction of ,;;.-r iv! it is "a real mis- ; property wh:eh would ensue shouid we j t.j j uhl:-ii a ii c v. j :i j i-r . have a !irc and no 'ngino. ( :'v. Wiii, 'S an: S'liryJ , .i; ... v ,ur ...v.i niiiy llotir j bin-- ii paper ti'.v-re will i.e i'.'. i i .ireil argues C5"The Probate Court is still at work on the estate of the late Col. P. A. Sarpy 03?" We" would call the attention of our druggist and others to the advertisement of Peiiick k Lovir;:, in to-days paper. This is one of the heaviest firmi in the. west; and their immense sales for the past year are a sure guarantee that their tenns are reasonubl'. Send your ord ers, and they wiil be tilled with jis great care a though you were there to select the ar ticles yourself. rTJ. T. Campbell, Asst. Gen'l. Agrr.t of tiii Fire & Tornado Ins. Co., arrived in this city last evening, looking after the interests of the company. This com nar y lias been doing a very suecfs f ul business in the Territory during the past sumiiiT, and bid fair for a c mtinuance, being represented by active and energet ic agents. We will publish their state mcnt in a few days. f"We venture the assertion that not less than one hundred new buildings will be erected in this city next summer, and it would not be a matter of surprise should there be double tha. number. If any one doubts that the improvements in this city will bo immense during the next twelve months, we would cite them to the season juss past. It is a common remark with those who visit our city that sho has "moved'" more within twelve months, in proportion to her size, than any other placo on the river. Last year this time there was but little said about building, especially good buildings, yet there was more of it done during the summer than had been done before in three years. This winter we hear of men every few days who intend building in the spring, but, what is best of all, a good propor tion of them will put up good substantial brick work. They not only talk about it, but they are making the necessary pre parations. This is as it should be. and indicates that our people are satisfied that the future of our city is curtain They have been waiting for a long time to see whether wo were to have any fu ture as a city of importance which was all very well, ns our citisiens are natural ly cautious about their investments and now they are awake to the fact that they must bo up and doing unless they arc v. illing strangers should reap the harvest they have waited &o patiently for. 25 000 DOLLAH3 Worth of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and everything pertaining to a lirst class Clothing House, for sale at cofit for thirty days. S. LLOOM. jan 1G ib'i. i ' I". e.n j.t-iiA-i!) j. "v?"IIoi). S. Mfcxwcl! has our thanks fur Lfis't'iva documents. ! r''Pat Miiirhv starts another train for Denver to-morrow .1 r i a i ' t ei:t t: ...... a: till I.Hl-t. ( s 'lit .y .1 . : " 1 ' . ) ill- i t if )::: ih-r t n '.!, - ,.f I m-vl c:rV..a iug t o :-t throats by r i.iere-t to aha fails all j iwns "can't and m i-t r.f u business 7"The mercury stood 21 degress be low zro at half past 8 last Saturday mornirg. ClT-JIoad the card of S. II. Walker in to-days paper. live him a call. f''Don't forget the donation to-inor-row evening, 'io and hear Mare-uctt de- .N- -.r i-ria : . 1 1 ; :: i I on ' "liver a lecture th.at cannot fail to interest ! and instruct you, and at the same time .s atcues 1 give your mite towards assisting a worthy .mparijon-."' between minister. whijli fii nvs best far rSTSomo of our Territorial r.aners are v . 1 Ilr-.i.. Miller, we d. l 'making faces" at (ten. Ilea'h because . ; .v-.i;! i i i j.'ct to our trving . he wrote a poem and published it. This ' r.v that wj bare a gj.id i is all wrouz; because you cannot write i i '1. n : : w i ; i: -1 1 a i.n it h is ! "verses" you ought not to sneer at peo- , '..'ral iiile to "elioke" Platts- 1 y.Ie that can. If tho Lien, is of a poetic w n T r th. .s 1'iariv years. W e I turn of mind, he should be encourar-ed j n:. .v : . rry t ive ii 'i- : to any . m it. Uut then, newspaper men, as well we h ive j ro!.ncd our ratrtr.- if : ni other people, will get jealous; and we suppose ''that's what's tho matter. vA law will probably soon be pass ed in Congress giving an extra ;200 iioun ty to such soldiers as enlisted under the k'v3 bounty clause. Soldiers entitled to this bounty will do well not to trust their business ia the hands of eastern bounty agents of whom they know nothing; but wait until the act has become'a law, and then get some agent at home to attend to the maiter for you, or attend to ityouv- -t.in 1 v us in our attem t to l.; new-; i!.'-r' in this city, known to the world tl tat .. j l' ott..,i.v,..fl. ...-.I I .1 a p.... . i'a-.t it his Miiieri.ir a ly antag 's to any .i" lu-r j oint on the Missouri river. We ! sir t see Nebraska City prosper, ! 'ii t lie ' c i.iii-it . .j.eet us to make a : ,z --h i win g for th it city and say nothing i.!' i:t o'.r ' vi. If t!.e.- 'L-omp;'.risuiis,r d i not t. 11 well f.r Nebraska City, we are .sorry for it (.for Nebraska City), but ; St.;f leel m itu k!.,.'vn. bjund to let the truth be Cv"Through carelessness we omitted I to call attention to tho card of Mr. and . .4 -' ';' ""'.' ! Mrs. Sberloek when it first made its ap- (7t-7"A iK-truetive t'.ro oecured in Cr.in- i pearanco in tho paper, but take pleasure e'.l r.luTs'.ayt Wednesday night, deMroy- in doing so at this late day. Their iiU property to the aiusunt of $20.W0. ! achool is one of the best, in the country, rv-Yosterday was a lively dav in town: ' a t!'c proficiency of their pupils will bear th. s:r.vts were filled with teams cot I evidence. They can accommodate only we I haulers," as sor;c of our neigh- a few more pupils, and those desiring to rs lv i-t c! 1 on tenuis from tho west, I enter Ibis school will do well to apply at as early a day as p JSsible. .l?"The Omaha H rald'is jubilant be cause they have a steam "whistle" up there; and one would suppose, from their great joy, that the eyes, thoughts, and n t.:e i .'y fev the i urpose of t iking bng t the western eiunties; . armers i-ftim l : led witli poik, corn, wheat and o-lo.-r rroduetijr.s of the banner county. I'Tli..' painters are at work painting t.. sh-.-Mi'g, Ac, in the east store room , "cars" of ths whole community, were c f M is, an 1 Od 1 Fellows Hall build- turned toward this tho great center of T:.i - room ni.l b ready to receive ! ut'.raction in Omaha. This "whistle' iy the L.'th or lth of next month. ; Appears, if we take the il-rald ns an in os: roj-u of the building is now ; jes 0f tho feelings of the co:nmunit-i to have the mortar spread, and , be as great a wonder to the natives of r i ly t V 1 rn bly be finished next month. j Omaha, as -was rrecmont'i "shoots n ( o iW,; are pleased to learn that our i wagons" to the natives of tho llocky " r-.l y iitien, Sumud M. Chapman, has : Mountains. ti nr-oint-as Local Agent for the j yronl tmU- DiUy. I i -fr .1 Merchants Insurance Compa.-j Q"??"Wc see that Hon. Mr. Arnold, of this ' :,'! -i:nr Illinois the leading western county, lias given notice of a bill for an t ,i y. It being safe and soual, with act to establi,h a Ilegistry law. Good a t ivy a.vui.Hil.itlve capital, we bore for Mr. Arnold. We will mw see who -- -Mr. ri:..;.iiiuti may receive tho pat- ; opposes and who favors keeping the bal r that i: promptness and satlsfac lot box pure. Place yourselves square up ' n c; '- A losses has so richly d?serv- j on the record , gentlemen It may be of im ' ! ; Ttariee jn tlv? future. nsr nil "w JEWELRY STOKE The subscriber having purchased the Red Store on 21 Street, lately occupied I. ? o.ii ' unit oihei s, would repootnllT inform the citizens ot l'lattsmoutn ami vicinity that lie lias r. fitted the store and opened a lare and full stock of Jewelry and Fancy Articles for Ladies, Cents, Children, and the re;t of mankind, and is prepared to do nil kinds of Watch, Clock and J.-welry llepaiiing in the bet manner, and would be happy to serve his old and as many new customers as may irivc him their patronage, assuring them of their work well done at moderate pri ces, and on abort time, lhe stoca, em bracing every variety of goods usually kept at a first class Jewelry Store, will be sold at low prices nnu warranted ot the best workmanship find material. He has also a small :tock of Family Groce ries, which will be replenished from time to time, and sold at the lift" est figures. Having permanently located in this city, I respectfully solicit a share of patron age, and cordially invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, as we would be pleased to serve you, and do not ask you to buy nnless wo can make it for your interest to patronize us. E. II. 11ATON. riatt'mouth, Pec. 27th, l!V.5. tf Valuable Lands for sale N w I M 12; S w 23 10 12 : E 1-2 s c 7 10 1?.; E 1-2 n o IS 10 13 ; S w 14 10 13; Se 28 11 11; Sw 32 13 13; Se'J 11 13: N 1.2 n w 8 ll 13; Also Town Lots in city of I'lattsmontb. All ot vsl ic!i i!; Ii" soM tow lor ri-!i. fail audeee lhe I'.b 'Ve laiiclj botTL' purchaunif. Ai i'iy to b. LlKn, de.-!7 Tax I'ayer am! J.au! lent. ST5MYED Fmra I'm imdvT.iirw n'' 3 reur eM Cow. i'h lire baclt an'l r'l s 1?, lnt" brlly, the rljht eir n it If any man will giva iu; inr..r:n-iii.,n of Mm 1 will pay Mm. K-A. KtlKIlACKEL. mrilu In INtray rVotice. Takeo up t'y th liii lei.-ipin'il, utie 1-rowu ..Id ll wciht, un ill itir in l 'i-lnad, an l rilit ..r. f mt white als-o one ve'.y .mull prifiK r. t; no n.n: vis il,. t'ttsili. I'AiteKL. jau!0 Sir W5f . R. TESICK, PENICK & LOVING, WM. L0V1NC. Ch-,U W"-ilMal Dealers ia L: GOLDING, Patent Medicin 3 UtALEJt 1M H ATS St. CAPS, FOPuMOIM! GOODS, Eootr3 & Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. Give me a call. I propose goineat in a short time to purctiase poods, and will 6ell oil" my present stock at Extremely Low Figures. Remember the place. One door TFST Of the Herald effice, . PLATTSMOUTH 2J. CABINET SHOP. II. BOECK, IlaviriK' rereatly built a new and. suit le chop an Main St., Plattsmouth, N. TM Wnutil re-iiectfulty inform tt:e citizens of Ciia anl a.luiiuiuir ciiuiitiea tint lie has the faciliiiei f'r car ryini; on tho CAIJB.ET RlttX.XaiSS In all its branc'ics IN THE KOSTAPPEOVED STYLE 1 am prepared to Urn out th'." CII13APEST ar t! iih yt durtblo . Of every descrij'tion, ever ofl'-re 1 in th Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. i-riirtien'.ir attention paid to making and ft n ishiiijlCOKFINS. All kin-Is of lumher t il:en inexchaiie fur woik. Piatta nouth. April 10, 1SC5. Chemicals, Cilass, Paints, Oils, Pure; Wines and Liquors, Coal Oil ami Lamps, Stationer-', &.c. MCS. 3 Zl " SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- (fll'i r:- the N.irtl.w. ern Whole-r1i Az- "'ts for Ir. D. J ijnv i Sod, act) Dr. J. C. Aver A ".-., hu.l vr. fn U' t.'i tli' i r intH icitvs in any qnantiiics. j ji. ; I I y mWL?Mm Iallery' Qmt f'sLtTrK r'"'. l'LATTSMi H Tll Pictures taken of all Kinds. Aiaferotypes, Photographs, Oem Pictures, Ac." A good assortment of Cases Frames, Alliums, 4c, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames made to order, of any nize W. niCXELWilT, N. J. EIIABP. IJ-lray IVoSicc. T..k"n ni by the ?ut-iriber 3 mile- soi Mi vefct of ri:.LtMii"iith, ou tlie 5'h insf., cn white and 101J eitttii heitcr, oue ytar o!i p;it v-Uiie lacu. iium 1 1 tt I horns; no aia.;Ls ur braU-i. jw WM. AIL UHAY. Tiiien lip by tho uii lrs-iiice'l. at Hock P.Iuir', on te lt 'lay of Jan , lM,oii; rel hPifer, 1 1-' v. lut ol.l, tiaH a white streak aero a the f.r' liea.l, an I left ear cro-p.J. P. ti. DOlitOX, January 24. ow NOTICE. Tali' n up t'V th.' K'llicriher, in M:. Pleasant Tre r'iLt. on 111..' ilih Cay of J.in.. lf'-.iV, one brindle bull :ih n.t 1 year old, taar'i.'J wilii tin iO'l-rliit out of r iilit ear. JO:I-' K. lilTK. Plauuiouth, Jan. 13:h. l?rii. jai.Jlow Eslray Notice TaVen up Ly the umlt rriirncl in Orf-apoiii Precinrt. C.-is -' iinty, N. T., on Uec. 6th, JSr.3, one 2-year olJ ro iu Heii'er, exie t r eck, nhith if. f a r .-Mih cat, ' rs marke'1 Willi au r.nd-rhit out of .ii h; also ont 3-year i'tl Steer. whuUli roan, ears cropped a lit.!, horn h-'kiy X other ciarki. . ii:5 5 Wn.LiiM Stevi.is. - IISTHAY XOTICE. Taken up ty the ut .ler'i'.'neil, ahou toae mile and a half soulh of 11 k lilull'. on the Pth day of le CBiher 1S-j, on 3; car old .Steel, whit" speckled, miikd w ith crop arid un.ierhit in the'vi-lit and a half c.-.'1'otit ol lettear. Mo other aiarka. ltc-JI 5w LtYl t'UVR it. ESTI1AY OTIC I a. Taken up hy the ural-r.ic!ie'l 4 m le suth i f Roi k niiilff, th'ee Steer- one 1-yt-ar Id past white and re 1 cpCi-kUd steer, liiarked w iih nnderl it in each ear, -pi t i:i right esr, 2 s; itt in left ear. One 1 year ol.l pl pale red jteer, crop and split in each ear.hrjnd ed on lelt hip, brand in.lintinct. One year old pat deep r- d Steer soma white oa flank. Wily ar.d f ice, ai!ow fjrk in lelt ear. N'o other h andsor mark... TltoMA L. CA.urtiL. Dc. 23:h, Ic'Cj. jin3 5w . t. U- WALKER, lerchant Tailor Qi.t door east of Si hhdcrs Jewelry slore, 1X1X ST., PLATTSMOUTH, 0-V'i liin erviee to the people rf this city and .ur.-oundiiiit country. J.u.Ji -linx LUMBER YARD. ITIicEacUvait &, Sharp Tleater it Pine Lnrnb t. Lath Shingles, Poors, Saib, i:iiii'N, l'itkers, aiivl very ranety of Cottonwood, iValnnt and Oak Lmiiher. Will ke- j constantly rn htnd Cord wd, iota Colto'! and Oak. All o ilers pioni)tly tilled. JTj- oi!i:' on I-eve-? itre'.'t, auuth of C. L. Coopi's iced and Oram Iieuot, TLATTSMOUTH, N. T. No7cmb r 8ih 1SS5. Cin NEW Boot & Shoe Shop. The mih.icriher -ould r-oectfully eill the Atten tion of the citizens of l'lattsniouth and tin t'Ohlw at ai.'e t the fact lh.it he lias l.ciited one l."r eat of ll.vnehiti's liri: tiion1, where h" intends keeping on hiii.tl an.l m kir p on the Fhortes-t n-'tice, eveiy ar'icleiu his line. II is m.-U hein seleterl by him elf. and havirii; spent the most of Lis life in the business, he feels confident that he can give satisfa tiou. Give him acall. April Id S5. J. TIIOCKMOKTOS. KLETSEIt & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. Confectioneries, Xenons, Toys. Coal Oil Lamps. &cl, &c. We are also oper.ts fjr the Biichanan Woolea Mills, of St Joseph, Mo., and have now on Laud a good aM-rtment of C LOTUS, JAyS, i'L A SXEL S, wh ch we have received on ''oinmiftioa, and ar prepared tj exchange for WOOL OR CASH, at very reaon.ibla jpu-es. fiivn ns a call, one door east of the lltKALD oQice, riatnuiouth, Net'ra- ka. May 16, ISSj. tf PLATTB VALLEY n k a. z -arjr r!. ja i . G. W. CROW, - - - PROP, j I am prepared to ftirnish a'l who mayTavor me I with their patronatfo. With lodging, single meals or j and bv the eek. G . W . fK'.iW. j ruttsruovilh, Apiil 1?, Ji i E. T. DUKE 4fc Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE- W keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters' OUTFITTING GOODS, Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid.?, Ovens, Camp Kettles, c. " Ve also keep Chain Pumps and Fixtures', I lydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Collee Mids &c. JOS i&U-tCZVlkZL Z Tin Hoofing, Cuttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give U3 a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTH. ... NEBRASKA- TOOTLE, II ANN A & CO., MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOUTH, N.iT L A ll G E S T if IVcst of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu VRSL HARDWARE, -a m- Clothing of every description. IVINES AND ttQUORO OF All KWOS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QTJEENSWARE; IRON, MILS, WINDOW SASH, BOOKS & GLASS, And every article required ly ETIIGRAINTS.IFUEIGIETERS, JSirSEHS & FAK.TlEBlfi. And everybody else can be .supplied at this establishment. Call and examine cur extensive stock. -AT THE- FIEE PEOOF BEICK. Tootle, Sauna & Co. Plattimoutb, April 10, '65 - WM. S. WEST I Pviliri!i0(f orilci!, for APPLE TRJ ES U-rf Arr?- Vinr-t f find - tHrnTf r-, W:iurc, lVarlim, t Inins, Afitis--'t Nfi'i.u i !.. C Ijt-t- Gr;iM, ;.. l.-iriw, Cnmit. lt'vKl.errit. White Ulackl" mi. r.:i-i'b.-r. i. Mtuwli-nkt nd vtrvtli.iig from B j A-jiIm lo L.t;le Iieni. A L S O : t)-rm-nt il Tri-o, ETcr;re -m. R'' H ry!fr, Ho-.i ys . Vl . Ll-ac. ?n..-l.ailii. Kiowr-r? A.inrli.l. anii ail Tri-tir cf .N :l".V !nl! drir. I.'r m !!: !:.tn:! .. of l'.i:.iin .:ith. t.;.-U will i'Jy '- I..- tn tn int ci i .'i:. -v .. P cT c a o I H H cn O c g- ' o o US a o X3 m TO CO 7s o c 05 3 o . ' o o . O SO IS . V. -- rn o o tr o B I B P a 2. o c U2 WV O S3 5 Q o vx O H U) 4 o o g H in Q o rl O w4 p 13 O o It. FROST &. Co,, WHOLESALE GR O O BoH 3. Opposito the Post OIEce, NEBRASKA CITY, IV. T. Apothecaries HalL JOHN REEL) & CO., Cor. Main and 5tli St3., NELEASKA CITY, ' - - NEB. Dealers ia DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty antKxlass- Patent Medie.n. of nil kindn. Toilet articles, sta tionery, and evtryihiotej t ia a lirst-clf s4lrug bt..re, at Evistero piio-n. 4 We are . re fared to fill a'l orden, d1 warrant cur i Ji to b f.'t.-ii. apr. 10 '63 i ir