L i 5 8. 7 attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the spot.' John- A. Dix. VOL. I PLATTSMOUTII. N. T., WEDM:I)AY, JAI. tM, ISISG. Mi fl -Y . , - -J I a V " V if LI ! U v THE HERALD la Pl'IiLISilLD DAILY AND WEEKLY, WtEKLY EVEI'.Y H I DNE3DAT LY IT. I HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. f -j-fifli.- co.tur Jlam itr-.tt and Leree, coud ec-1 j Terms: ".Virklv, $2.50 per nnnum; D $1 per month. Jtates of . I dccrlising. 1 00 vet sit: Otic tinn.' v t.-a lir -) o-ie insertion t.:b-t (tit-nt iu-'i; 'ii " ' ii. il c. j it ii"'. tx"..T jin;' bix l!llf X:r c o. cum or !.- -, t-r 11. nnta - sit lll..Glti- .. " 1 1. r-; inoii'.Ls f jrl.ilf colu'-'a twilve tiontl..-. MX l:l"nlh " t!.r. s irt'.-u'.l.s i :o i. n V) "t i:.i f M ir. 4.1 O ?.".'.! 1 ", l"t S 0J ill "J 25 ', -r:i'i.ril ;i-H'er:t omenta must be j.ittd f'i- in ,.-.. - Aii- We e'C r .r"! t 1" rt! k i" t J..b Work j,, :. hot.-.:. , ail'! in r-Sj-l tli.il wi.l fc'ivo aiis- t . ! '- ;ga.cinc.o$ iivcctovy. H. R LIVINGSTON, M. I Physician and Surgeon, ' - T.r-. f. i.-il s--n ic 't t-J tit cOix 'U if l-.... i .1. I ' ' ! .r; 11 . l"r:.!i'i: i.st'-- Ii u-?, r. rm-r . f i; 4 ;ti( i.n Mini -j- ATTOll.NEY AT LAW Solicitor in Chancery. rL.VTTSMOUTH, - - Nr.UH.'.SKA. National Claim Agency. WASHIMGTCN D C F. M. DOR.RINGTON. S E it Aijl'NT: I LATTSMOUTII, - - NKBRASKA, 1 i.r; p. il 1 tu j.r'"iit aii'l fiswn'.' il.ii m lit f 1 1' .. i ,, hi ,.f fi.n'M aailttii- I'i r:nt!:i-tJ. lu I'.-ii-ion-. H-iUf.l :ui-l li-iuiify I.IIIS ft' ri i,;irt'.-i ititj'ler.u , :i i;i I n -r- n i nn w o'tlie cltilil. F. .M. lOiilUNt-iIO Ife lll 'l"t A,..,l l' F. M. DORRINGTON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, ri. ttsmol Til, a:;., 1 t-t ;it:- :i!ion pat B -.1 1'.-: ;!U l ;..ivi:.,n t i,r I aw, m.J 'i i a iu-- I - ! I lllltll to cu-r.i Uiii A;-'tii-y. K.-i-r- I v t-r-n i-iin t tT-n. r 1 ..-t . Fi.U lM iii isttr i' , N-.i--.t-ka; ii - r l-.i" -I I'm T' A , 1.. I ' 1 1 M I t ' I . I !!-. J. il li t. nil. k. ; A-- -i r N--!-: ;i-kj . K it-, N. i. : 11. .11. T. M. M.i q 1 it--. r'..f-n .,:--! N. i . ..i u ::. i.ivit ---ton. .-t. . I'.ar:-iil -l'l , N-l-.; u-j r '). Ii ,,'!-."v- '-'- r, 1". . li:.:iiu .U'-r:, TatviM-- . ..itl--t"i. N'i 111 It' hv iv. N'w v. Il- I'll' !i -V llr.-Aii Wa-iiiiit-ifi, ll. I : M . .V t , "t-i.- III.- K ' K.i- h. N V.. 1'i.jf. lle.ny Arltiijj N Y. ale. ' Hirif-rd -.. v v I" - IX II. WIlLUm, J.W. -M AR-MALI.. r. C. LF.WIt S. fl. Wlicrlrr & .'o., Seal Estate Agents, Commissionera of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, 1'f. TTSMnrrir, a. t. r ::t I at rairri.t rv. s tf K'-'lun-c Tax cm in f 1 i 1 i n t . i r -1 . M -mi-y ). !?! t ttvLUi ::.('. l.ii.-i W.rr.int" i t .;, . CLAIM AGENTS. --n' - r :.- .ii i.f cl.t : iu :tjttini (;.srnment, t !!- r i-l-.w t; ii t ti. .!.,.! ii-... Ati.t. i -- nr.-! - t.o tf Lau-U a:i I Ctiv pr-.pt-r- H Le.i ii. u' "I T- ii. t: i; i:ri:u i:cns: n n. S. II. I. li;i,K t'i y. 0 T. 2i--oi-). K ;t-i:t- i;.i - . i tin. in. N-).. .Mvi'iinil i .M. 'i'.i . I", N rl.ru-x l Citv. I . V- Vxilry. M. Un:.. Mis-oua. r'. I'I - L --. It. i, hi, M isu liu-rtt. Ii V )iii.rtr lliiCiM. Il Piw. It M M :i,l. t'n.. -! ,111. mi 1-. T .t ti j. I'i ni-i -ii. X-Vastj. I. I. Il.i 1., I ill..- Kit . r, M , i;j-.( I. Ii II !' I'l l'..-l...ll.l-l I. U l-.-.iIl-it )i it I" 1 t .; .(il.-tt. I'.lt.-lil.'!itli, Ni-brtska. I. I ---it I. A'M I.--." at I.-.w, !!.i:!.il... Ntr York. C irv-. i i u-.' y . t it: Ucs M t ine-, I j a. JOSEPH rfS SCIIIiATER. WATCYMAKER and JEWELER, 'v.tl-1 STUI IT, PEATTSMornr, - - Nebraska, j 1 y. siU-r W ar.', K mc- f:.. . -i Vi-Hno and Vt- T -i '1 . .ii.r; n-- j'. jn n 1. 1.1 4. A .'I -.irk r.ii. II V-lt .t::-.;,re ; 1 II w-.'-ai.tt-I. At" ' "i. ; -t t-. WILLITT P0TTENGER i ATTORNEY AT LAW, j j ,i:th --xi:brjska. PLATTE VALLEY G W.CP.CW, PROP. I -pi j.rrri"A 1 to fa-ni-'t n't who mar f.ivor Tr.e .:h it.'-.r j .itr..ti.lh-o, with toilii'B, i i.' me' or t:i I t the wrtii. U. W.l'ltOW. 1 iosut ittth, Ajril Is, )1 . . IIes3 & Finisher Have just npent.l anJ relr.te.l the.r Saloon and Restaurant Tve- ir- et. ouIh of Min. w her Ihf y wi'l furaisli l; Ail :.in? 1 1 t Lest d i-Le- tti mm WM a Colds. l"rh Ouster comlat.t y on hand. "AT K LrXi-lf etfrr m.-rnir htlmntn 9 1-2 s 1 in 12. Fjr& 'y B"H.'tiT (iccom)noduttd. AVin II- I-emkc, MERCHANT TAILOR, IK i or ONE DOOR EAST OF POSTOFF1CE, Plattsmoutii, liebraska. GOLD HAS FALLEN" ! V3I. II ERA LD irm BM into hi n"- hrick hilMii'fr on ie co--iirrof Main n-tiia Lrve, whei ! i, d4:jr ir iiv!'.(t iiJJ.lijUi i J,l (Xlrusive GROCBHIES AND Ij Z TJ O 2FL 3 tie eff r Hie ttt t-t of f'r?a:nn to rmtoTncrs, iiii.l le'i'i' .-U it rail Ir in til vi, t w.mt aoj iliin lu liit Iiii- i . itt tLe ad k ii.t. i'-a in rii ei wuli itiike rl in huri, Jtt uiiiiibcr the BRICK CORNER, an 1 (f'vrt hira a c:fcII if you wUh to buy cheap. S. B L O OM , Dpii'ur in READY MADE 15 it 1 Gent5 Furnishing Goods ! 'ats, Caps, ISoots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, &.C., &.C., &c. Also a larsri lot of RUKBF.R GOODS nn.l HEV0LVERS always on Land. AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will finij it to their bnp!lt to Pxnmine mj stock before purchasing eNf where. Cash paid for Hides, Furs and Wool. riattsmouth, Mav 2-5. tf KliEi'SEll & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. jG'OllfeCtiOIieri 6 S, j j I rVotioiis, I ' Toys. Coal Oil Lanipti. Ac, &c. ar r1o ascr.n fir ilt Kurbinan Wooi'n Mill, of S' .'o. .ti, llo , aaJ ItiVa a,-tt, ou Ljud m faxcy c.tsjr.?, CLOTHS, szAys. flAXXELS, which we bra received r,n cotumi-sioa, nd ar Pt"Ttrclto exenam-for WOOL CR CASH, at very reaonsiVa icii-e. ilie ns m full. cue iloor ra.'t i-f the Hkbald iK.-e, riatttmouth. le lioor eMt i-f th - k. Mjy iii, 1oj. tf --i-r i. Boot & Shoe Shop. The mhcriber wouM roctfallf cll the alter- I ttou ci ine ciLiicii ci ri.t.Mnimin ii a lnepaw: at Hte to the fuel turn ne dm it.caied oi 4ior east t.f U.mrlMii'a Dm Store, where he iufndii keeDins i on hand and nt.kitp on the shortest n.-tire. eveiy. article in ri line. Hi M.K brine Mltsctrl by hin.--e:f. and hnTinjf tt-nt the moi of bia life fa the buine. h fdi coDdiient tbat lie caa give aattafae lica. (jive hiic a eait. aril 10 J. Ti;OCK0ro. V. V. It. II. Att.llIY. "Wo recollect seeing, a few days ago, an article in one f our Nebraska ex changes, the statement that the Union Pacific Kail Road, which ban Omaha for its Eastern Tertnir.m, was only a b'tindi of the Great Koad itself. This idea we feel it n duty to correct, because it is a gross error. 'J he rmul thai .lurl. fn,m Ih is point ix tht Main Trunk at th? Great Pa cific Kail Koad. which is to have two branches, one running from Sioux City, (touthwesterl, and th other from Kan sas, northwesterly, to intersect the Miin Tfunk from this city, nt or near the lOLlth meridian, whit-li point is about fifty miles west of Fort Kearny Congress, if we are not mistaken, fixed the Eastern ter mini of th.'! two branches, am! the point of intersection with th Ma'n Trunk; but President Lincoln-, under the act incor porating the Company, fixed this city as tho eastern termination of the Main Trunk. We cannot understand how ftny ono should err in tins important historical matter. lut some, persons do so. It l.i because Omali i is the terminal point East, of this gigantic enterprise, that now gires it such importance in the ryei of tho great capitalists of tho world. And wlnl-tt capital is always chary of its fnvors to tl m'liful point-!, its ryos are w iuo open tt tiio advantages which our young city now presents, because of the fact nam'.d, among others, and h"nce the commencement already of investments here by men of enlarged viws and ener getic purposes, iuch as do not now occur in other towns on either tho Mississippi or Missouri rivers. The above is from the Daily Repub lican, publi.-hed at Omaha. The lfiri to cotrtct a "gross error" is made about as clear as liiiu. "Congress if we are not mistaken," etc ; "President Lincoln fixed the eastern terminus," etc. How conclusively is it proven thai "this is the main trunk(?) IJ is no argument, and as we have nothing but the iaws of Congress, we are willing to found our opinion on ihem, resting sali fied thai :he main trunk commences at the 100th meridian, and whether it is at a point fifty miles uest of Kearney, or sou;h west therefrom, remains to be proven; for when the work on that is commenc ed it will have been previously decided by Congress whethor it should bw on he Republican or Plane rivers which uetision nas not yet been made ami is in view of the importance to us oi" the selection that we have felt called upon to speak on this subject. The Daily I'rcss, of Nebraska City, is in error when it states that Colorado favors putting ihe main trunk on the Smoky Hill. We have it from the best authority, and those most deeply in'er- i containing false information, nor yet to j ice , sti 1 their antipatfiy to animal mai- ested, that Colorado favors the Repab- j ihe fact that the Democracy "ained con. u'r3 's fc'',c'1 as l" Prt-'vent them from lican route in preference to all others. lro- of lhe Legislature, ihaiwe' protest luf"Z ;l " "V 'vhich a few drops It is the most direct to both northern ! U is in the moral eilect of this manner l ' '''e ,ee,i spattr red. Grease, ... 11 is 111 uie moiai cut.ci 01 i.ns numn.r L,r ni)V j.t,i,,ial matter will answer ih'j and southern tries east cf the Mi-souri.0f procedure where the great danger ! purpose, but these substances. e.-j.jciaUy river. V"e are sorry that any of our j iies. Our g-overmnent is supposed t0 the grease, shoulJ be sparingly applied, coiemporaries should lake offence at our be based upon the w:il of the peoplr; ou a';ccun,t 10 VKJ,1 tr po-ition nevertheless the" will heir ii ' i . 11 1 u m . i which wou.d ensue u too freely used, po.iiiuu, uei crimeless tne, will near u nut. we would ask. how is the wi.lof!. ... . ... : . -.1 out in the end. Where is now that hot-bed through which our present Leg. isiature was to force a Constitution up on the peoplt" Where are the impel ous, chafing friends of that measure now? We hear very liul about the matter lately. Our political force at I j the Capital has been out-flanked and j ou! generahed the same munagemsi.t will inevi;atly produce the same re: ults j and our recommendation to the thoughtful of our creed is, look before Jou leap. M (t CECAL 1ICID L.AVF. The desire to have a general herd j law passed appears to be on .he increase. itiany wno opposed tne measure a year ; ago, are now willing and anxious to have it. This subject should be looked at by our citizens with both eyes open, 111 order thct their mental vision may not be obscured by a small amount of j fencing whit h they may happen to have. We have no doubt that most of our citi zens look at this matter from their pres ent stand point; and ihose who have j rery tning needed by who now have rootl fenc-s l lio I amount of monev it lakes t fem- a i farm. 1 f.O aores. in a Pnn.1 nnd rnnv. ' T e - nient manner, at the present rates of fencing mateiial, would buy about fifty j cows. New, is there a farmer in Ne- t braska who can show us how he can make more money in five or ten years from a fence than he can from this number of cows. Suppose you have a fence now; the probabilities are tha1 three-four.hs, at let, of the fences in Nebraska will rreed re-bui!ding ict the course of the next five years, and when that time arrives you will wish that, for your own conrf nience, there was a fences already built do r.ot look at th- 1 en and sttcii f rincip.e-; and w!;y? j Representatives a bill for an act to es- kl;1 15 aiil) P-uomy .or th-j Imperialists, j ,y Department en its final arrival, future quite so sharply as they shoulJ. Ihcnute they are af.ai l of being called ,i4blisl, a uniform system of bankruptcy j atlan alone leu.ains in the hands j ,llld IJ!Ui, tiaim-d its pesscssion. The They do not aPP ar to comprehend that Volition ists." That name is a con- j io ,he Cmted Stnt. ! is ZoZlZ ' 7' "h !" X" v Yor rt n,' .heir fences will net last always, and j mm terror to them, even ye-; and tho j - .'v '". " " " - ,lth lof .ho revenue t.x olikers of the lie- s10. and ac-r'jingly n warded ,'s nay- that when they are worn out a herd law leaders oi the party know that in the i -v a!,""luu uu ' lUI Uit" publican General Corona. I ment to the Rjstcn holder. law. ou.'is!ue tune to proviJe 1 it for when your fenc is pone others . may not want il. But agiin, i!ie farm er wlio Las a good fence can malie more money wiih a herd law ihan he can without it. Hut few of our furmero have all their land for. ceil, and they can devote what is fenced to pasturage, and take that which i now lying idle for cultivation. This plan wnnid give more tillable land than there is at pre?en, even on the farms already opened. CAUSC AIVO LI TECT. It is a common raying" wi;h Hiine neoDle that "evervihinir is fair in puii tics." ThtrV lauh and Lnat over an advantage gained by any of their par tizan friends, no matter how reprehen sible the means imp'oyed to obtain that advan'age, and trent the matter as a first-rate joke. We .-ny this is the case with some people; yt t not with the intelligent a nd tlnnkit g portion. We are glad to be able to say that we have yet to see the first man in l'iattsmouth, either Demoimt or Republican, who publicly endorse the cnurs por.-ued ly the Di inocratic members of the j resent ! legislature. The trick of sending let- j Iprc I ft K Hni.hl l-.'l rt inpit.tira t-lrtrl t " from the interior countie?, telling them that the meeting of tlie legislature had been postponed several days, in order that they would not be present at the organization, is a tiling which any one but a Dijm ;craiic pohti. ian in Nebraska would blush to be accused of; and we are glad to know that such things are discountenanced, and the au'.hrrs look ed upon with contempt by ihe strongest paniz in Democrats in this locality. Another sample of the cnicanoiy and ow p.mizaii trickery t f these lights of Democra. y in ihe hgislature is the ad 111!.- sion of Mr. FaitlUner to a seat in . the Council, in dtfiit.ee of all law, in, j order that ihey n.izihi have a majority J, nlso itie U r;.:. ,.f Ileatlt of a seat in ihe House, to which he was as justly entitled as any mem- ber now sitting in that body. Now, it is not so much the injustice done to Mr Heath, or to those members . iii- who were delayed in consequence of the knavery of sending them letl-rs the people to'be ascertained wlien po- litical demagogues and tricksters are nllovvPil In llitvarf llml tvill In- n. It m, scrupulous means as has been resorted to during, and immediately preceding the present session of the legi-lature? Where will this thing end, unless the people, in their imj?siy. put down the men who would thus trample their rights utilerfoot. .We have had one example cf what ihis style of statesman ship lends to, in the late civil war; and we opine the people of Nebraska do not care to place men in power who pur-ue the same line of conduct that caused the war, even for the sake of party names or party victory This is but anothir w . :ess in proci , j of what we have often a5 t .1, , j ins lea-Iem of tin? Democratic party went on the principle f -m ule or ruin." Now. we know thai bo: few, if any, of the Democrats f Cass county wouk . . .f i t , . a uilllll't tu liai.lt Ul 1. .IVIU UII3HI1.1ICI I- 3 1 - of the ''lights,"' yet wh-n el-cti.m day comes around th'V will vote for ju.-t j is ill-i r onlv strength. How long will i hones', well meaning men.be duped bv these unscrupulous demagogues ? j . M'ow long will th"' permit a lew aspir- ! ing politicians t-j trample under font their rights as freemen? We answer, - . i t i- iirifil iKut' hira cfif7iiM.fcarif rftrt'O l' K r.itit i off the spell ihat binds them to a pariy ! name; un-ii they consi.ler ihe welfare cf , ..... . ih government and our free institutions j of paramount importance ton party j organization; until they have sufficient independence to vote against that which their better judgment teaches them ia wrong, even if they should be denounc ed as "aboliiianists, "nigger elevation- i herd Oven thus tree use or mat anu similar argument - 'J b.. . ...... tunc . iii.d j hundred ctntr hnnulets and meaning- We (Jo not speak thus for any ''Lun coiiie," nor from any pariian spirit, but we are honest and frank in titi j matter, an l hope our Democra ic frirnd ! will so eonsi J r i and look this thing ! Mjuare in the face and see if our ideas j are not ct rrect. If they are correct, j why n .1 adopt them? If no', convince j us of the fact and we will renounce j ihem. T'au cause of this manner of j procedure is an insatiate desire for pow- er; the tii'tcl of allowing such men to i continue in powvr has been wimesed i in the late civil war. PO.MOOX ACBiOSS PLATTE. Uj reference to Legislative j-roceed-iug-, wo see .hat our worthy rerresen tative, Hon. S. Maxwell, proposes iti iroducing a juiril resolution and nieinoi i alto the Secretary of War, rejuesling him to authorize ih construction of a por.tocn bridge across the Platte river at a p.in'. a- near its mouth as practica ble. We hope this matter will be press ed, ns there is great necessity that i something should be done to render the a'.te cr )-safle at all reasons of the ' i1'" We knew not whether pontoons III! I t ... .1 . I. couiti lie niaot: t nfiive, out we uo uuow that no harm could r--su!t from the trial. Something must be done to. enable the travej iii d mails to cross this stream at all season-; and, if pontoons will answer : lie purpose, they are lite very things we want. Protecting E'ruit Trees against At tlie annual meeting of the Horti cultural Society of Illinois, latt ly held at Normal, a member said rubbing trees wnli liog s hk-er was a sure protection aga nst rabbits. Ry taking a piece of hiver in each hand it can be cioicklv rubb-d all around tho trea for several i inches i.bove th ground one man . ,.nM jual:,; ihe application to several Lun- ' dred trees in a day. The following is j from the Prairie Fanner: j These psts are very nice feeders. aJ though so partial to ihe. bark "of I "Z uife. lTs as 10 attach them 1 'I 'i'e early i-'i 'he season, wnen th-re i , . . 1 , .t,r f,.i ., 1..,,, 1 is iit'iuniauce tu Outer 100J at natiJ, SUch as ? ras. cabb-i-es. turnins. ( am. j inueeu.u eiy sui:i aj j'ticau 1:1 wi:i j answer the purpose of keeping thi rub j bits ai 3 re.-p i. tl ul distance. ! Tile best method is believed to be to scattt r or spatter a ii tie blood upon the stems i;nd the lareial branches, if they be near the ground or snow-line, as we should always like to see them in the nursery or game-orchard. This is easi ly and rapidly done by using an extem poraneous brush or sprinkler, made -ol a f ;w heads of broom-corn or St-rgh un, or the husks of tw 1 ears of corn, tied to the end of a slick. The bru-u is 'lipped into the I lood-bu.'k-t. an J by a! puck jerk the fLiJ is made to scatter I upon the trees a very liule has been i found to sutlice, and one hand, with a i gallon cf blood, can protect .-o:::o hu:i- j ureus 01 trees in a uav A singh op r-lijation will List the who! winter, u.i- h'ss a deep snow s.'ioul J enablr the r ib- biu to reach an unprotectcu portion of; Ule trees. . - " "" " - to Thero seems to !? a general desire in ihe Kast ti pa, by tliis Con gre.s, a general Hankrupt Law. A bill - i- tf- i i . i. u il i K I II ill iru III '-Its l.tu tl.-l OU ! ' gress, bat .Mr. Jencke. ci Rhode Is- 1 has introduc -I in tho IIous : of Mr.s-r.ih'.i-ett-', will introdure a res d"' r the Government to tale pus- session ot all leiegrapn wirs, r.n.i con- . 1.1 ' "' ,l i I ' daft"e business sunnar lo ui. postal ; service. Qcincy. Ills.. Jan. IS The river i iK. n.iirf ia ruinrr T il.it' in i'-.,t t moved down and blocked up the chin- "el- b"1 ,he, fe"y boatsfui their way i through and make cccasonal trips; the rrctiCXi for CTCtfior wiih boats are ! good if the w?arher gets no colder. ! Trains both from th- east and west made time connection here to-day Nothing from Keokuk in relation to ih condition of tne river. Report says the ice is too weak to admit of crosing it at Hannibal. 1 i-ts. "niL'irer tui.alnv men. ur.u ai or ai r.s.-r.i nti-ett. win introuu.e a res uuee nuuuifu, among wuom were sain p- kw BY TELEGRAPH TO THE DAILY HERALD. Wheeling, West Va., Jan. 17. The hegi!ature of West Virginia or tr.iztil tsin('ay 1 r t n.i t.n usiy. ly the re-election of ihe former otlioers. The Governor's message is a clear and forcible document, and the result of the financial exnioit oi inn --in ntor s arm Treasurer's rejiorts is very lhntermg. The report of the Adjutant General hovs that West Virginia furnished to the Union army over 3, 000 men. The Governor commends tho free schools to the foteiing c::re of ihe leg-i-liture, and recoiiimeuJs liberal l-.Jgis latio'j to facilitate compeiiti.m on the James river ami Kai.awh i canal ami Covington Ohi ladrt-a 1. An impostor, s'.yling himself 12. M. tM'Cook, of the celebrated M'Ci ok family of Ohio, was arrested here yes terday. He h.as been traveling about the country personai'ng (ien. Mc'Couk, and cairitii on very boldly. A h tter found on liis person indicated that lie wa's engaged in Counterfeiting. lie wii! have a hearing this morning. Cincinnati, Jan. 17. The Gu zette's Na-hv:!le dispatch says that dur ing the del ate on the bill granting civil rights to negroes, in :he II use, a fierce altercation took place between Messrs. Steel and Armei! the lie was given anJ returned, and the house adjourned in great cji.fu.-ion. A dispatch from New Orleans says the steamer 0tawand was burned io Ouachita river. LossSoO.000; insured lor 30,000. Nashville Tenn., Jan. 16. A fire broke out ibis evening at the store of Thomas Gorman, College street, dam aging' nrc-nertv to the amount of StiOOO ; l'0. insured. ft I u Gee's Uaiiery, colored troop--, o long stationed in this city, were muster ed out yesterday. Tile finding and sentence of the court-martial in the case of the mur- 1 cVrers of Win. Helferu.an, has been ! approved, and Gen. Thoma has diretl- eJ that the sentence be carried in:o ef - . r i i-ir ii- i 11 lect oy tncir being puouciy naugeu ny the neck, ul or near this cuy. on Fri day, January 120 h, under erection of Col. W. R. Chtifter. commanding the post. The names of the murderers are James Lysotight, Wm. Dean alias Mc Cluskey, Geo. Uravot alias George Red, and Thomas Perry, all Govern ment employees. They are now con fined in the military prison; and up to the present time have been confident cf their ultimate aauillil. New Yonii, Jan. 15. The Hera'd's Washington special says the Canadian delegate is not in Washington on. behalf i of the reciprocity treaty, but to ascer tain i n is not possible to estab!i-h j invesiig.ning tne matter ot tne burn-f.-iendiy commertia! relations between j i"g uf S"20 0CO worth cf Governme;.t the two countries. cj;i.m in Richmond last Tuec!.ty. Tiie Tunes says tliat the decision prohibiting th. of cattie does not apply to the importation of dressed beef. La Crouica, the Spanish organ, con firms the reported suicide of Admiral Parega after the ensure of the gunboat Canaduga by the Chilians. A collision occurred in the Rowery yesterday, same place where the Jo.s of life occurred in December, between tt street car and Adams' express car; the fault was in the driver of the for mer. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, though several were bruised. Nr.v Yortii. Jan. IS. Advices from Gua Jaloupe, via Rermuda, report the cholera stifl prevailing; tlie average of deaths being lUr ptr day in a popula tii.n cf 10 000. 1 Tho rumored proposal to ced& the i island cf St. Domingo to Fngland is j creating som comment at Jt-rmuda The Ti;::es' Havana correspondent cf Jan. 1 1th sas the latest advices are un- j favorable to the Imperial cau.-e. Tite t inhatitants of Mout-ri y fet 1 no secsir- ity in Maximillian's Mexican troops, iiiil are leaving t;ie city en nif.sse. over i u-'juy ti nc i.:,t i;i uiirc tiiita, iiie i j nrirt t ..... i -. .i . .i , ti.. I I ! i I merchants ar sending goods ami j at !es to San I.u.'s. va;u News from tl:e u'eparttTin' of Sina- three hundred, among whom were tail! to hive been several Americans, cip lured a place named San Juan Degnuda . , , , f , , r compei :!y destroyed it they left and attacked the town of Miguel Drl Mis pip.e). The guerrillas were headed by two native American The French' f.,.A kml h.f. lY,foi,fTi ii nnn. ! r ' The Imperialists claimed a victory at i ihe town of Comiilapa. in the S-ate cf j Puelda. They a No claim a victory over i th- Renablican Gen. ll-guls. j The Times' Washington special siys ' there is a curious rumor here to the ef- 1 feci that the outbreak on the Rio Grande ! was preciritated by a belief tint fooie i understanding had leeo reached be tween our Government and Miximil- j lian, invoking a withdrawal of French r Ci g:.i:ion of the was m:;Je, t-ays re- p.rt, to preivi;! any m.c.i rcsir.' New Vor::, J in. IS. The. Fenian Serate did net mevt yetterday for want of a fiuoruui. The Herald's Fort Monroe corres pondent says the vigilance of the mili tary authorities in their search for any person who may bo concerned in tho supposed plot 10 liberate Jell Davis has not been in any degree relaxed since the expulsion from the district of all who were known to l.;;e been at t ne time in the rel-tl service. A sharp look ou' is still kej t ; n urii- n!s both by land and water, and t! ..nspii alors, it ihe plot really xi.-t, ate lelt lii r- portunuy for tho prosccntuu of t! teir scheme. Th" Kingston (Jannica) Standard, of D-c. Dth. in totiiing the out cry with which the wholesale executions in that island had been received in Forope, says ihat the ngro pint was a stern and horrible reali'y.and was only prevented from developing itself by the rapid movements of the troops. The Herald's Washington special says the President is considerably inJis p j.-e.l, though t:o fears entertained t f serious i!Iuej. Cincinnati, Jan. IS. Ti e Union caucu-i at Columbus !a.-t night nominat ed for U. S. S t-nator John Sherman by i'J I allots; St henck received -fb, ami lkngham 11. The Legislature meets in ct n-enuon for election to-day. Nlw Obleans, Jan. IS. General Hood lias returned from Ins iicrthera trip The planters in Lafayette, Ham ilton, and ot;er parishes in We. 1 Loui siana are adopting the system of planting tin a small scab. '1 ho catt e interest in thai section is very large ai d valua ble, and regain s fewer hands. It Legit.-; to uuract more atAtntk-u than during the war. I'lanta'son-i of twenty-five acres, with improvements, near Baton Rouge, sold for ti'.OOO; L'J ucres near Poit Hud son for -.100. The city of Raton Rouge ha3 crea ted a .-iuUng fund of one-fourth tf all money coming into lli-i treasury , to pay nil outstanding h iliii i :s. bofuls. including It is e-timatej hat the war has oc casioned a loss to the parish (if Fast Haion Rouge, alone, cf over & 1 li.000, 000. Over ttiiny paristies were raid ed over during the war. New Yohk, Jan. 10. Tribune's Washington speciil says a. new 8-30 note was issued jesterday by the print ing bureau of tho Treasury Depart ment. The Secretary of the Treasury will reduce the number cf his clerks from 2.700 to 2,000, and divide the pay I c-f the former number among the latter. j Col. Loomis, special I rc-asury agent, j John Humphrey, collector of customs ! in Kn hmond, i.s at Washing! m ar- ranging lor a new bondjd warehouse in the former city. Gen. Curtiss and sialF await their mu-.ter out ia Washington. Nlw York, Jan. I'J. The rteamer MoM.'Zuma brings Kingston, Jamaca, dates to th 7ih. The i.land was qui et; Christmas holidays passed without any trouble. The special commission to try political prisoners lately confined at Joratit Pay, commenced its iCssion on tlie ir3 1 ult. Woi Itl's special says Government wii notify cur effictrs ou the Rio Grande, at once, that aria neutrality um-t be preserved. Herald's Wash.ngt.on special says a case was recently brougat before tin treasury Department tor decision, of I considerable icitret to hol-jirfs oi cer . uficaies of indebted ness or other (gov ernment securities. The holder of a thousand dollar certificate mailed it to the Department for redemption without fi hng the blank space making it pay able to the order of a nartici.lnr not son. j h wa ihjt u frulI1 ,ai!, and' finally old to a --.rty in Ro-t, the blank filled by Oils holder aitd the ceicficate fc.-aarded to the D partmeul the sec ond time. Roth tarti.'s f owardinir it uhk, Jan. 10. J. rI. t-r. formerly Superintendent U.S. ! Smitary Commission at Wilmington j v , , ' ' ... v., iiii.i u .ii.'s-; jiivi'.-.-j l-s Ulll 1 1 IJ, j Wilmington Post Oliice. publishes in 3 h box 110, city pspers a h-i of the paroled j prisoners and discharged soldiers who were lo-t in th-. steamshin Gen. f.vnn .? mf ' t. Joseph. Jan. 13 The Eagle " lourmg ?Ii o-vn-d by Mrs. Argile, wns destroyed by fire at seven o'clock o-"'1 r,'5-T'- The mill was valued at fj-o.OOO, and wns not insured. It was occupied by M. II. Tloy l & Co.. who '5t about 1.000 sacks of hour and S3 000 worth of wheat. Insurance SS. 000, in the JDna and Hartford corupa- ni -s troop- an.) a 1,11:11 eu p:re. The raid tit'ft i i. u' ii i tk ci t: ii I'm. ' t, to rinri ( ! j i i i. i I 5 1! 1 1 t'v f t I 1 9