Underwriters' Agency. STATEMEXT Of the condition of the GERMANIA PIRB INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York, on the 1st day of July, A D. 18G5, in conformity with the laics of the Territory of ieorasna. NAME AND LOCATION. The name of this Company is the (lermania Fir Insurance Company, Incorporated ill lbOf and lo cated in the City of New Yoik. CAPITAL. The capital of said company actually paid up in cash is The surplus on the 1st day of July, 185, !' 2o4 ' Total amount of capital aud surplus, $o7 14'el t ASSET?. im't cash in Park Bank 13 "25 iO Co in bands agents, aud in course of tranuii-?iou 5.011 00 H5.T33 SO Am't of Loans on Boruhand Moita ? . be ing first li?n cf record. n improved K-al Estate, unincumbered, iih at least double the am' t loaned tae;eou.rate t.9 inttYfKt. 1 i-r rect 179.T30 00 am't of V. fc. 6-'J0 Bunds 6 per cent mrk't 203 000 00 am't U.S.Bonds,19Sl,6p"rcldo2J0,00iJ 00 423,000 00 do stw ks of Park Bai k 7, MM) 00 rt Insurance Stock 4"0 00 7.400 00 do Loans on blocks and Bund, payable on d niau'L, the market value of the secu rities pledged, being worth at least 10 per cent, more than the amount loan ed thereon, do Gov't stamps on hand, do due for Premiums cn Policies issu'd at onVe do Interest secure"! but not due do Meal EMate unincumbered X. T. City do other aecurities J C00 00 147 16 8 973 24 8.423 4S ll.SSd OS SGi7.i--l ; LIABILITIES. Am't of losses ad iu-rfed, doe and uupai 1 none 4o do liicurrea aou in pruicsi oi o- justmeut If 100 00 do do reported on which no action has been taken I,une ara't of claims for loses resisted by Comp"y,uone do dividend declared, due and unpaid, nom do Uiviilends eilher in cash or scr.p, decla red but not due none do inoi.ev berrovreil, Done dj all other existitg claims as'nst Cor.ip.cone Total am't Losses, Claims, Liabilities, $14,100 CO The (iri-atist amount insured on acy risk is $25,000, but will n.t as a pencral rule exceed (10 tilW. TheCompiny has no (-'eueri-1 rule as tultf amount allowed to be iu-ured in any city, town, village or Mock, being coveruei in this matter, i.i each cas-i, by theKeae'ral character of buildings, width ot .treet, facilities for putting out fires, etc. An attested copy of the Chatter, or Act of Incorpo ration accompanies this ttat' ineot. Statu of New Tork , sg Citv and Co4inty tf Xew York, MiiiUCK Hilokr, President, and Jons KdwAro Kami, Secretary of tie Gebmania Fihe InsibAnck CoMPi.sr, beinu severally sworn, depose and say, and each for himself sajs, that the toreiriiug a true, full and correct statement of the atlaiis of the said Corporation, aud that they are the a ore described officers thereif. M. HI1.UER, President, JOHN ELW. KA1IL, Secretary. Sulscribed and sworn b'f.-re w thin 6(h day of Horiiiri: A 1. l;6o. B7fe. my hand L S and O'fisiai Sal. Tli'oS. L. TUOlZSELL, 2vtary Public STATEMENT Of the condition of the HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York, on the 1st diy of July, A. D. 18G5, in conformity ivitk the laws of the Territory tf Nebraska. NAME AND LOCATION. The name of this Company is the JIanovfr Firt Insurance 'omjmnn, incorporated in IsoJ, audio cated in the Cit, of New York. CAPITAL. The canital of said ccuipauy actually l aid up in cash is 400 00 00 The surplus on the Istday of July, 1.65, 117,947 96 Total am't of capital aud s-urplas $517 947 96 ASSETS. Am'tcash in llanov.r I5ai.k.N.Y.10.S05 33 do attiee 1,6-4 84 $1.2,490 17 am't U S. 5-20 Bom s, J2H1 t,. o do do 6 per ct stock ISM, 21.4(H) 0 do do ilu 1S07, M.4:7 5 ) do Ceriiflc'sof ind'idu's.l5.0'0 I'D lo 7 3-10 Tseasurv Note. I,y75 00 821,657 iO m't of Loans on Bonds and Mortgages, beiuir tir.-t li-n of record, on improved Heal Kstate, unincumbered, woitb at lput double tho amount, loaned at 6 and 7 oercent interest 119.c50 00 am't N. Y. County C per cent Bouds I0,7i0 00 do Tennessee 6 per cent Hoods 7,200 00 do Loans on tocss and Bonds, payable on demand, the market value of secu rities pledced. at p ast 10-Per c't mora than amount loaned 16,100 00 do Outstanding Premiums 1,979 37 do Interest accrued ..90 OS do all other sccur lies 22 270 84 $o!7,947 90 LIABILITIES. m'toMosses adjusted, due and unpaid none do do incurred and iu process of ad- ju.tmeat $11,000 00 d1? do reported on whi-h no action has been tak-a none am't claims for loses resisted by Conip'y nonr do dividends declared and due and unpaid nous do dividends either in cash or scrip, declar ed but not yet due tioia do money borrowed none do all other existiu; laims ag'nst Comp'y noue Total am'f of losses, claims and liabilities 1 11,000 00 The greatest amount insured on any risk is $25,000 but will not as a general rule exceed 410.000. The Company has no general rule as to the atn at allowed lo be insured in any city, lown, village or Hock, being vovei ned in this matter, In each ca-e,by the pen era I character of building-, width of streets, facilities for putting out tires, etc. An astested copy of the Charter, or Act of Incor poration accompanies this statement. State of Xfto Yk. ) Cittl and County of yew Vorfc. ( Doras L. StOSB. Preiident, and B. S. Walcott, Fecretary.of the Jfanvvtr Fire Jhturance Company , VeioK severally s worn, depose and say, and each for L i rose f tays, that the foresoins is a true, lull and correct statement of t ha affairs of the said Corpora tion, ai.J ihit they are the above described officers thereef. I'OUA.- L. STONE, President II. S. YVALOOTT, Secretary. Subscribed and gicorn b' fore me Vii.Yi' day of yoremtfr, A. i IrOj. It uness my nana ami Official i-ral. 'IHOMAS L. TIIoRXELL, Xotanj Fullic L S STATEMENT Of the condition of the NIAGARA FIRE IHIUKAHCE COMPANY, Of New York, on the lft day of July, A. D. 1865, in conformity wiih the laws of the Territory of Nebraska. NAME AND LOCATION. The name of this Company is tbe Xiagara Fire Ineurance Company, incorporated in lSoO, and lo cated in the City or se York. CAPITAL. The capital of said company actually paid up io cash is 1 1,000,000 00 The surplus on th': 1st day of July.lSS, 213.621 93 Total amount of capitsl and surplus, $1,213,0-1 05 ASSETS. Am't of cash in the St. Nicholas Bank and in office $20,992 63 am t of Loans on Bonos and slortgaces, being tirst lien of iecord,on Improv ed Keal Kstate. tinincnmtered, worth at least double the am't loaned thereon rate of interest 7 per cent, 263,700 00 m't of U. S. 7 3-10 Treas'y Notes, market valne $75,000 00 am't 17. S. 5 30 Binds 6 par ct market value 15S 12 50 Am't U. S. Bonds.lSSl, do 1?9,923 no 423 737 50 do Wisconsin 6 per cent Bonds 7 4oo 00 do California 7 per cent Bonds 1.1'"' M Co Real Estate, unincumbered, 43, t- 46 do Loans on Stocks and Bonds, payable on demand, the market value of the securities pledged beins wortn at least ten per cent more than am't loaned thereon 399.300 00 do ofnee. furniture, stamps, etc 4.207 25 Co due for Premiums on policies issued at offlee 14,751 95 do latereit accrued 4,4t59 C9 . $1,814,621 96 LIABILITIES. Am't of losses adjusted, daeand unpaid none do do incurred and in process of adjustment $'.6,000 00 do do reported on which do ac tion bas been taken none am't claims for losses resisted by coaip'y 2,000 0 mft dividends declared and due and unpaid 1,029 00 do dividends itker ia easn or scrip d:clar- ed but not yet do i nionay borrowed now all other existing cl- Ims sg'nst tomp'j nofl do do Total am't of losses, claims sad liabilities 19,02fl 00 The rraatest amount i 3 s tired on any risk Is $25,000, bnt will not as a general ruia exceed SlO.OuO. Tho company has no general rule as to toe amooni allowed to be insured m any city, town Tilings or block, beinir coveniod in this matter. In eacn ease, it the peneral cbaractel of buildings, width of atrsats. facilities for pulling out Ares, etc. An attested copy tf the Charter, or Act oi incorpo ration accompanies this statement. State of Xew York. ) City and County of Xeu York, f JaXlTHli 11. OTE Ele, I'resiueoi, BUU rxi.m . v . - mm. MrttarT. of the Aiaaara Fire Insurant Company, being severally sworn, arpose aim j. r,.i ci-tt for himself savs. tnat tne foregoing is a mo full and correct statement of tne anairs ni lot said Corporation, and that they are tho aoove da scribed officers thereof. JONATHAN U. si KELt, rresiuent. P. NOTif AN, Secretary. Sulscril'd and Suorn before me this Yith day of I November, A- l 1583. nunessmy nana. L S and Official Seal. THoS- SADLER, Cum'rfor Xebraska, 11 Wall ttreet, -Arte l or. STATEMENT Of the condition of tha REPUBLIC FIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of the City of New York, on the 1st Jay of July, A. V. leGo, tn conformity with the laics of the Territory of Nebraska. NAME AND LOCATION. Tha ramerf this Company is the Republio Firt Insurance Company, incorporated in ltsoi, ana lo cated in the City of New York. CAPITAL. The capit il of said company actually paid dd i cash is 800 000 CO The s ;rplus on the 1st day of July, ltfoo. 229.5'J7 iO tal am't capital and surplus $o29,587 18 ASSETS. Aui'tea-h in B'k Commerce.X.Y. M.1SS 11 !o c.tlice J,"JS1 bi do handsof Aprents and in cmrseof transmission 12,3j7 09 $14,497 02 am't C.S. 7-30 Treasury notes market value 210,000 00 am't V. S. 0 per cent, 1SS1, coupon market value 6&.500 00 270,500 00 am't in Natimul Bink Comme'ce tn N Y. Stock. 2320 00 am't Gallatin National Bank in N. Y stock 5 500 00 84,220 00 am't loans on Bonds and Mortgages.beint? first lien of record, on Improved Ileal Kstate. unincumbi red. worth at least ten per cent more than the am't loaned thereon. 43 009 83 75 11,3 3 40 am't accrued intcest on investment am't Beal Estate in New York City t529,597 50 LIABILITIES. Am't of los es adJusteJ and du and ut paid none do do incurred and in processor adjustment $a,5C3 06 do do reported on which no action lias been taken none 3,000 00 nune none none am't claims lor losses resisted by company do dividends declared, due and unpaid, do dividends either in cash or scrip, de ed but not yet due do money borrowed do all other existing claims ag'nstcomp'y none Total am't of Issss, claims and liabilities $10,562 00 The createst amount insured on any risk is (25:000, bnt will not as a General ruleexceed SlO.nOd. Tha Company has no general rule as to ths amount a!lued lo be insu;-ed in aoy city, town, village or block, beinc Koverned in this matter, in each case, by the peneral character of buildings, width f streets, facilities for putting out fires, etc. An attested copy of ti e Charter, or Act f Incor poration acoompanies this statemeat. Ktatfcf XfW York, ) Ci'u and Count ti of Xew Yo'k. s ft Bob T S. llo.NB, President and Dl'SCiN F. CcR- iv, Secretary, of the Republic Fire Ineurance Comjatiy, beius severally sworn, depose and say, and tach tor himself says, that the loreoiun is a true, full and correct staiement of the said Corpora tion, and that they are the above descritwd officers thereof. KOIl'T S. HOK, President. 1) F CUKKY, Secretary. Subscribed an'l tncorn before this VilH day of Soreinbiir, A. 1. 1 bC5. Witneaa my hand L E and Vpeial fat. THUS. J. THO It NELL, Notary Publ-e. J, ?i. WISE, Agent, PLA rrSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. dec20 4w STRAYED. Strayed from my farm, 2 Steers, yearlings, part marked with under hall crop in tight ear, upper slope or crop in left ear. Also one red spotted Calf not marked. I will pay a reasonable reward to know where thev are. it. o . doom. dcc!3 tf" 12tray IVolice. Tiken up at the residence cf the subscriber, in the city of Plattsmouth, on the ,oth day oi .ueceuiDer, lti5. o ne Cow ai.d Calf: the cow is large, red, wila white flanks, both hind feet white; supposed to be about 12 years old. Calf is red, with a little while in forehead, stipp sed to be S weeks old. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay ciiarges ani take tlieni away. u. r . n 1st. dccVi j Etray police Taken up by the subscriber, 2 m:les west f Bock Bluffs. Cass county, Ni b. ,on the 1st day of llec. lt65. two red Steers, two years old, a little wbite on the brush of Ike tail of each. No marks or brands per ceivable A. M. HOLMES. dec 13 5w Elray Notice. Tak'n up by the sub-criber, one mile west of Ken osha, Cass county, Neb., ICS, one Steer, 3 years old. roan speckled, ears about ban gene, supposed to have been frozen ill. 2o tner marKs or b,'anas perceivable. LeGrabD B. Brown. decl:3 5w Etray rVolicc Taken up by the undei signed, living on the farm of K G. Doom, 4 m-les south of Plattsmouth. one yearling Heifer, red and white spetied. marked with crop oil the riht ear,- and unpei half crop in the left ear. Also, one black aud while yeailing Steer, nn- derhalf crop in therignt ear, and swallow fork in the left ear. The owner is itquested to call and prove property, pay charges, and take them away. Bk.nj. MlKLEI. Pecember llih, 1665. 13 ow Elray IVoticc Taken up by the subscriber, 1 mile west of Rock B Ii. Us, Cass county , Neb., on the 1st of Dec., l-Co, one 8 rear obi Steer, vale rtd, some white n back! ai-d beily, tail white, under slope olf of each ear. decl36w L. W. PaTIEKSuN. Le?al IVoticc. In the District Court of the 2J Judicial District of Territory of Nebraska within and for the county of Cass, in Chancery sitting : James Beakey, complainant, against William M. Slaughter, and Martha Slauehter, his wire, detennants. To William M. Slaughter and Martha Slaughter, dc fenduuts in the above entitled cause: You are hereby notified that tbe above earned complainant has tiled in the District Court of Cass couMv aforesaid, on the Chancery side thereof, h;s Bill of Comp aint against you, tbe object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of sanl tourt lor ros ing a certain mortgage on the following described real estate, situate in said county, to wit: The north east 1-4 of south-west 1 4 of section 9. township IS, range 10, and the west 1-2 of lot no. 9 in bloik no. 14. situate in the city of Plattsmoutb, in said county, executed hy you to said complainart and bearing date May 27th, 1S5S, to secure the payment of a cer tain nroinissorv nole executed by the sanl m. 31 Shughter to tbe said complainants for (437.1$ and bearine date May iWth. IsoS, and for tbe sale of tne said mortgaged premises to satisfy taid debt, and that unless vou annear and answer said Bill on or before the 29th day of January A. D. Is56, the same will be taken pro confesso. and a decree made accordingly. JAMES BEAKfcY, Comp't. By Isaac N. Siiambacgh, his Solicitor. dec20 4w Music ! Musio ! RAYMOND, MINER f CO., DIAXtIS ! Piano Fortes,Melodeons, Music and Musical BTdse, POTTNTflT. r.T.T FFS - - - IOWA ASD OMAHA, T. Orders br mail for Music. Books, or anything per taining to Alusii, promptly attended to fS?Orders for tuniajor repairinS Piano Fortes .nd ifpiodeons in Plattsmonth and vicinity will bo attended to at onr earliest eonvecienee. KAYMOKD, MINX It CO. 1865. AMISON, DOVEY tfe CO., North Side of Have on band the LARGEST STOCK of QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered LIQUORS OF Farmer, In fact, everything the grant FLOUR, BACON, mi i.f..i i'. noct P .trf.nflo-P up i 1 IlclIlKl UI lJl uasi j. no"-,v-j a iness to merit a conuiniuiicc ui me smiic. Call and examine our stock. . a 1 f,v." a C Flatttsmoutli , firm IU, 10-J. TI'T received, 50 cas -s of Canned Peaches at TLsI rt-eteu, .,IISl,v DUVKY& CO'S. (lOto AMISON, Jt spring goods. DOVEY A CO'S to purchase your A X endless var itty of Ladies' Drese G'wd? at A. D. 4 CO'. CASES Moltby's Ccve Oysters for snle at A . X). & CO 50 BEAT bargains in Ladies' DressGoodsat IOK SALE at AM1.-OS. Do YEY & CO'S . Coffee, 1 Te , Sucar. Golden Syrup, Sugar House Mo lasses, New York Candies, etc , etc. A larce lot of Chewing and Smoking Tob cco for sale at QM) ALOIL for s ile by A. D. & CO. 50 BOXES Star Candles for sale by A, D. & CO. r you want to rur' hase j:ooda at a bargain, go to A. D. & CO (yy BAGS COFFEE just received by A. D. fc CO. Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. k CO'S. TOOTLE, II MAIN STREET, LARGEST 4 W. Ar- West of Wholesale and BEY HARDWARE, -AFD- Clothing of every description. WINES AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS- Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEN SWARE; IKON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, And every article required by EMIGRAXTS,r FREIGHTERS, MIXERS fc FARMERS. And everybody else can be Call and examine -AT FIEE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle Hanua 8l Co. Plattsraouih, April 10, '65- Main Street, in this Market. ALL KINDS. Mechanic, Freighter or Emi wants. CORN, OATS, &C. lionn bv strict attention to bus- A e i, .,v A Large assortment of mei's and for tale by boys' A. 1) clothing il CO. HELLED COBS for sale by A D.& CO. It ACOX and Lard for sale by a.:i.&co. A HEAVY INVOICE of all iinds of Family Circe ceries and Outat.ng Goods just received by A. D. & CO. A" kinds of Farming Implements for sale by . " A.V.& CO. Lar'-e lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by A D. & CO. N endless variety t f l sale at Hardware and Cutlery for A. B. CO S. s iSH, Boors. Shingles, Glass, and Kails of every description for sale by A f. to. A I.L kinds of Counti y Produce taken in exchange. for goods bv A. P. & CO. T i) enumerate all the articles we have for sale have as aood a ritfht to advertie as AM1.-OX, BOVLY A CO. T ''HE la gest Outfitting House north of t. Joseph is A3M?o; i'n ti i f., Piattstuoutll, Nebraska. ANNA & CO., PLATTSMOUTH, N.'.T ss. Sc4 Nrirf C St. Louis. Retail Dealers in DOORS it GLASS. supplied at this establishment. our extensive stock. THE' St. Zitetxih admtform'te. aSS p CO r-t za M ch O r W r-l w ZA o ci ft) 4 o IT O B Q a O in O Q Q O 9? O a o f w f n a pi M 3 OF THE I'ADLOtK SECOND STREET. Xeahly orrosirr the rosrvtiii. feT- JOSEPH, JIO- Ilavirg'purchasel of my old partner a!l his inter est in thee-tablished Uai dware House utl'JLUUL.y ts. CO.. I offer an extensive stoci of EAEDWAHE CUTLERY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Wholesale and Retail, at Low Prices! IXL. A lli.l AlVil A iall.tllJiS' I have a large stock of such Goods as are needed by you; call at the "i-igu of the Pad Lock to purchase PL O ITS, C VI. TI VA TO ItS, J'LAXTEL'S. JIOES, fiKA.V Ci: A VI.r.H, GKA! AM BRl II SCYTHE. ox chaixs, trace a xi uai.tei: i iiaisaa sxa ties, shovels ax 1 svai'es, cotiox axd woo i, carps, v:i:a vers reeds pa text si'ixxixg WHEELS COl.I.A RS, NAMES. WIXJKiW (il.ASS, XAII.S, f.in'KS. HIXGES, RVTTS AX It SCREWS, AXES, HATCHETS, A I'd EH S. SA WS AX H PLAXES. 1 call special attention to my stock of B L"0I' S (7RAS and fj RAIX SCYTHES, the b'st article iu the market. Aceut for the "CA Yl'GA CHIEF" Reaper and Mower, uudouhtediy the hesl macliiiie in market. Agent for JfEXI'EXHA LL S IIAXIt LOOM. F. Ij lEIIiEigwond. fT" Will romove to my New TJniltli npr. North pi do Felix street, lietwoen 3d rind 4th, about March 1st, I860. A. 6. MANSFIELD, TVhoIesii'" ir.d retail Dsa!er in IKOIT, STBBL, 1IE-7 VY IL 7RD WJIR E, AsrricuUtiral Ii.iplcmcnl. 5Iy stock of I-cn aud Steel is larje, complete, and superior to any her-toT-re offered iu this market. Also a large stock of WAGON & BUGGY WOODWORK, lit. A CKSMITH'S TOOLS, FA IR BA NK S S CA LES, MOLINE AND ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, BROWN'S CORN PLANTERS, S I LK Y C VL TI VA TOR S BUCKE YE RE A PER S A ND MOWERS, &C. '&C. A sent for Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED SE1TI X G M ACIIIXES rj- uruers ttciitiou. from a distance wi'l receive prompt No. 22, THIRD STREET S-1LYT JOSEPH, - - M0. October 2th, ISC' 6ra WOOLWORTI1 & CO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealers, SA1JVT JOSEPH, .MO., oc2o Cm s. AULFI, s. B. A. FEIStMAN. ADLEK & CO-, EEOTIFIEES JYD DISTILLERS, Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS ANDCIGARS. XO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQUARE, St. Joseph, Itlo. oci25 ly Woolworth As ISarton. .ST. JOSEPH, MO., GENERAL FORWARDING, ST0R- age and Commission Merchants. 1T5 Wit Receive and Forward Freight it all poiiu on Missouri River after close of iuiciga-tion j oc-2". 3ra JOSEPH SCHIiATER. WAT C )T MAZER and JEWELER, 'M.VI5 STAEET, PLATTSMOUTH,' . - NEBRASKA. A road assortrcent of 7ai . CiO' rent. Je-weiry, Silver Wars, Fancy Goos Violins and Vi. I oho TriinmiDgs always n nana, auwh m it ted to bis cara will te warranted. April 10, 1W. IF3 sfat CIIAS. VOGT & CO- Cor. Mam and &th ets. NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER AND IRON, SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tools, WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. CTF-Orders Promptly attended to THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, MAMTACTrRKR Of ANO DEALER I.t Saddles and Harness, nnrOLE S. COL L A R S, C VR R IE Combs, Sjiurs, Lashes, Whips, tyC. Ma in Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. L. FH0ST & Co,, WHOLESALE G- H O C B H 3. Opposite tho Post Offise, NEBRASKA CITV, N. T. tU 3e HARDIIVO C0M tost orricK bl'ildino NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WnOLKSALE AND RETAIL IEALEBS IX SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY T Also Agents for all the prinoipsl MAGAZINES and, NEWSPAPERS, For which Subscriptions are received at Publishers Prices. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN HE ED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Putty and Glass- Patent Medicines of all kino-. Toilet articles, sta tionery, and everything kept in a Srst-clas.s Drug btore, at Eastern prices. We are prepared to fill all orders, and warrant cur goods to bo f.e--h. apr. 10 'Ci D II IcIKCISArV, Deaitr ia Hardware, Cutlery, j 11 on', awls, stoves ji.xd tlyw.irt:, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also. COOK .K j-rit for the of the Celebrated MA GEE STOVES, AX It BRAXCH, CROOKS CO'S SA WS. SIGH OP T17.E BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below the Seymour House, on opposite side, NEBRASKA CTY, NEB. T. ocl25 New Periodical Store! A. K. WHITE &. CO. A full assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS S TA TIOXER Y Always on hard. Latest Eastern Papers and Periodicals received daily. t3"All orders promptly filled. "S NEBRASKA CITY NV T Drug Store. CiU on the undarsigaed for PUKE 71EDICHES PAINTS, OIL k STA TIONER Y. D WHITINGER. NEBRASKA CITY, NV T. H E L M D O L O FLUID EXTRACT -or- At I', Caps of eoJ 11 rf. t ii i: ii o t r i: .y to t s Ut lung used B U C H U Far variety of Diseases. It was borrowed from three ro'le prartitio- n kj the Ku-'lisl) aii'l Ii ileb I'l.f-u ia. on wkots rroa meri'latiou It w:n i-iii;'.y.l io Europe, aad ha, luw C)ine into ceiiieral oe. It i piven chi' fly in (i avl, t'lironlo f's'sirh f i'ie ItlatMer, M .rl i.l I-nta.iou of the ladjsr ss I'reltira, for Female ne.ikne.s and 13 K 131 LIT Y, For Pr lapsus anl Bearln,' Down. r Prr'l9la, Uleri, l)ieapes f the I'rosinte Claod, F.slerKivc, r iiicontinei.ee off rine, uu4 all ileaxei .eiiuini g iht ail of a diuretic arinini: fiom a loss of ton :u ts, parts concerned m its evaeaale u. Il Is also recommended la caies of Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatiim, Cutaneous ATectlonssad Di;y. To cure t?ee diMee w tn",t l-iri'g Ists sstlsa the mu'i-l' J hi h irr n'al In I h' ir arisui f ss tious. lolifkl,, t ,eiii. lieue.er sli'it may ss lis nlltc k. i- euie to s.'IcU Hie bodily hra.ih aad Msatai powers. Our Flesh and Blood kit. supported fr m ths siurces. FEROXH AT EVERY TKRlil Of lilt. From Infancy fo Old Age, anl iu ev'ty t ae of hea' of I'u'-so diaeas' s. h, l abia lo t s The Causes in many unknown. instanctt art The patient has, however. m: admirable riiassy la EELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract of Hiick. PhUadrlj.) Evening Bultiiin Sipt. 15, 105. Editor ia'.f GENUINE PREPARATIONS. His Solid and Fluid Extracts enihody ths fail strength of the iuKredlents of which they areoair They are left lo the inspection of all. A rea ly smi eouclufive teht of lh" ir properties will h a c in. sr -son with th'e set forth in the vnitc 1 fates lli.es ,atory These retne'Iies are prepared Ly IJ.T. He .u bold, a dru'gift of sixteen years' exp'-rieoe io lh:, city, and we helieve hem to he reliable; i" I1 1, w have n' ver k dow o an ariieie lackius no r.t to n 'l with a permanent mere-, and Mr. IIcluilxld's w"" is CTiainly priini fae.o evij-nce. Mi Iru 4-. Chemical Warehouse, in tbe city it Sew Vwi k . 1' not excelled, if rijaaled, iy .ay in tbe country, st-4 ne would advise our readers, when visitiuir thatt.:. te give him a call, and j'Jdf) for themselves. HELMIiOLD'S extract or nucur