1 M I SI E L M HOLD WM. S. WEST r.,r a DDI tr TP. F PR TOOTLE, HALVNA & CO., IAIN STKliET, - v PLATTSMOUTH, N.5T I IS .TIe.lIECII.VA'. Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, JiOwV, .VAILS, STOVES AJYD TLYWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. J Fiuieiliujr uru ' - -, i i. . . ..' . t iv.r.trptM an.t Dwarf 65) CABINET SHOP. QuiuceS. reaches. Plums, Apricot', Nectarines, Cher- ries. U ral es, oooseo-rrie. w;niiF, - ; .ww:. uin..v,...:A n-a rtt.i.rrin Ktrawberriei and everything from Big Applts ti Little Berries. ALSO: Ornamental Trees, Evergr.ens Iloseg of all colors, Honevsucklea, Lilacs, Snowbalis. Flowering Almond, and all varieties of Nursery Unts desirable in the H.BOECK, FLUID EXTRACT latitude or l'lattmnonm, wuicn win rcuj mr livery on the 1st of April, 1H;6. ej.2i o Si LARGEST Having receatly built a new and ulla lc shop on L. GOLDING, Main St., Plattsmouth., N. T., Would respectfully Inform the citizens of Cass and A Tsi. A?-nt fortheSale of the C'lebratfd MAGE OK iTOT:, AXD T.HASCH, CliUVIiS , COOK CO S .i oi- adjoining rountiea that he has the facilities for car DKALKR IX SIGN OF TIIE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below the Seymour Ui'iise, on opposite file, NEBRASKA CTY, NEB. T. -or- : i ' 1 -.-A fit' 03 M O O O p Q o SI r O b CD -8 8? fad CO e O w 1-4 M 00 W w w to O ca H d H o f H to w a r1 H w ca ca O C W 3 SIftX OF THE PADLOCK SECOND STREET. SCAIiLT OPPOSITE TUE P OS T-OFFICE, ) ST- JOSEPH, MO- navlrir purchased of mjr old partner all his Inter t in the established Hai dware House of VOL1IOCX it- Ci., I offer an extensive stock of HARDWARE CUTLERY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Who!eal a ad Retail, at Low Trices ! ATTEiVEIOlY FARMERS! I hare a largo stock of such GooJ-i as ar needed by you; call at the "Sign of the Pad Lock" to purchase pl o ws, a vi. tiva Tons, PI.AXTERS. 110 EH, CCA IS CCA PIES, GliASS AS It CUV All SCYTHE OX CHAISS, TRACE A SO II A I. J El: CJIAJS.1,1 SXATIIES, SHOVELS AS) S'A PES. CO TICS ASD WOOL CARPS, WE A Vk US' If E EDS PA TEST SPISSISG WHEELS. COL LA RS, HA31ES. WISDOM' fi LASS, SAILS. LOCKS. IllSGES, CUTIS A Sit SCREWS, A XES, HA Tl HE TS, AUG E US. SA WS ASlt P LA XES.. . , I call special attention to my stoek of BLOOD'S GRASS and GRA1X SCVTHES, tfc best articl iti the luarket. Agent: for the "CA TC'GA CHIEF" Reaper and Mower, undoubtedly the lest machine in market. Ajent for JfESDEXHALLS Il.iSD LOOM. J- TL EHiiiswood. Will remove to my New Building, North side Felix street, between 3d and 4th, about March 1st, 18G0. oc25 ly A. 6. MANSFIELD, Wholesale and.Rail Dealer in IROET, STEEL, HE A VY 1L 1RD WARE, Agricultural Implement. My stock of Iron and Steel is largo, complete, and nperior to any heretofore offered in this markst. Also a large stock of WAGON & BUGGY WOODWORK, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FAIRBANK'S SCALES, MO LINE AND ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, BROWN'S CORN PLANTERS, SULKY CULTIVATORS, BUCKEYE REAPERS AND MOWERS, &C, AC. 5 Aent for Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED SEWLG MAC II I XES. 5T3" Orders from a distance win receive rrompt attention. No. 22, THIRD STREET SALVT JOSEPH, - . MO. October 20th, 1SG5. 6ai WG OE WORTH fc CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders & Paper dealers, SALYT JOSEPH, JIO., 23 6m a. ADLBB, B. a. rEivaaiAX. S. ABLER & CO , k:k C TIFI EES DISTILLERS, Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND.CIGARS. XO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQUARE, St. Joseph, Itlo. oe25 ly Woolworth &, Barton. .S7'. JOSEPH, MO., GENERAL FORWARDING, ST0R age and Commission Merchants. 3" Wi'l Etctice and Fnrirard Freight io nU point on ilistuuri Hirer ajtrrclote of navigation oc25 8m WILLIAM. S. THATCHER, Oculist, C3"Warrant a enre or r.c. pr "C Offle at the atore ef Uowe It Xhathr, PLAtTS MOUTH, XSBKASA. Sept. , 63. rying on the CABINET BUSINESS In all Its branches IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLE I am prepared to tnrn out the CHEAPEST and most durable; Furnifare Of every description, ever offered In the Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AParticnlar attention raid to making and fin ishing CO Ft IS. All kinds of lumber taken in exchange for work. PlatU aouth. April 10, 1SC5. W. MICK EX. IT JIT, N. J. SHARP. LUMBER - YARD. Ulickelwait fc Sharp Dealers in Tine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Hlinds, Pickets, and every variety of Cottouwood, Walnut and Oak Lumber. Will keep constantly on hand Cord wood, both Cotton and Oak. Ali orders promptly nltea. S3 Office on Levee Street, south of C. L. Cooper's rred aua drain uepoi, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. November 8th 1SCC. 6m CHEAP GOODS AT TBS NEW STORE! Howe & Thatcher, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DiALias IN 3 FANCY GOODS, ISoots and Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, STAFLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, OUTFITTING G00DS,&C TIIET WILL WOT BE UNDERSOUD. Call lefore purchasing, and Examine Goods atid Prices. If you do not buy, you will CSrOt posted 2 REMEMBER THE FLACE, IMItixx streets OPPOSITE POST OFFCE, PL ATTS 31 OU Til, N. T. July 1, 1865 tf PROBATE NOTICE. The Territory of Nebraska, ) q, Cass County. J Whereas, Ambrose C. Xayfietld, Administrator of the estate of Samuel llahn and Aneline H ihn, de ceased, did on the 6th day of December, A. D. 1 S65, file a petition in the ofllce of the Probate Court of said county, praying- for a license to sell the follow ing real estate, to pay the debts apainst said estate, to wit: Tho north-west quarter of ,ection number f"ur(4). in township mmibt twelve (12), north of ranee number thirteen (13), east of the 6th principal meridian in saii county; therefore it id hereby or dered that 4 Thursday, the 5th daxj of January, A. D." tCf, at 1 d'clock.'p. m. cf said day be set apart for hearing said petiton. at which time all persons interested can appear and" show cause why said peti tion should not be granted, if any th'y have; and that notice "f the tune of hearing said peiition be given by publication in the "Nebraska Herald" for three consecutive weeks. Give" under toy hand aud the seal of the I'rohate Court ' f said county thil 5lu day L. 8. decfl 8r Deiember. A. Dl5. MARSHALL, l'Mbate Judge. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! e nndersitincd is prepared to furnish the f I'laitsUiouLh and surroundii g couuiry wi: ANY DESCRIPTION of Pumps they rnay desire; either FORCE- SUC TION" or CHAIN. Call at the oi l Ha. d of J H. lleyser A Co. and examine the different ki. ds, aud tbo make your seitrtica. Nov. 10 m8 T. CUilUllCS. HATS Sl CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, Boots & Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. Give mo a call. I propose going cast in a short time to purchase goods, and will sell off my present stock; at Extremely Low. Figures. Remember the place. Onej door AYEST of the IIeralo cliice, PLATTSMOUTH N- T. O I O - O p o o 5 . - 55' o a I. O c a c p C. a a a i f zn o o Tf o P Oi O B S3 S3 Q o r2 ' ' 03 o o o o o P n j UJ 73 CO - o T3 o Cl 5 5 o KLEl'SER & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, IVotioiigj Toys, Coal Oil Lamps. &c Sic. We are also afreets for th Buchanan Woolen Mill, of tit Joseph, Alo., and hare now ou hand a good assortment of FAXCY CASSIMERES, C LOTUS, JEAXS, FLASXELS, ., wh Ich we. ha t rerel ved on commission, and are prepared to exchat.ge for WOOL OR CASH, at very reasonable jgures. f Give us a call, one door east of the IIebaLD office, Plattsmouth, Nebra-ka. Slay 10, 1S65. tf F. M. DOE3INGTON, REAL ESTATE AGEN", , PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., Prompt attention paid to the purcliae and sale of Heal Estate, and payment ff Taxrs, and all business pertaining to a general Lacd A jency. Titles inves tigated. Refers by permission t Hi.n.E. S. Dundy. Judge 2d Judicial Pist.. Fails City, Nebraska; Major fcdw'd BurLank, Paymaster V. S. A., Leaenwoith, Kansas; II n J. 11. Burbaf.k, late aiicbor Nebraska, falls tltv, Neb ; Hon. T. M. Maiquetta, Plattim uth,leb., C'Jl. It K. Lirincston, late Col. Nebraska istVet. Vols.. Pla:tsnioutb,'b.; il-Jor D. H. Wheeler, U.S. Ii.dian Apent, Pawnee Agency; Cha's Nettleton, No. Ill Broadway, Vew Tork; Harvey, Deitneh St Brown, Washington, D. C ; Tracy, Magoire l Co , Chicago, Idt.; K. G Fi'ch, Kochester, X. Y.. Ptof. fienty Arling.'aUe, "HartfnM Cnivtriity' V. . c25 . West of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BRYeOftBS, R0aS3EUQESS HARDWARE, Clothing of every description. WINES AND UQUOBS OF AIL KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS fc GLASS And every article required by ETIIGRAtfTS.lFREIGHTERS, MINERS & FARMERS. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIEE PEOOF J3RICIv. Tootle, Hanua Sc Co, Plattsmouth, April 10, '65. 1805. i05 AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. riatttsmouth, April 10, 1SG-5. tf UST rtceived, f5)Hes canCnned Teaches at G1 O to AMISON, D0VEV4 CO'S to purchase your spring goods. N endless Tar iety of Ladies' Drese Good at V. A. D. 4 CO'S. r I CAStS Moltby's Cove Oysters for sale- at i)U A.. D. &. CO'S. REAT bargains in Ladies' Dress Goodsat T . A. 1. CO'S. IOll FALE at AMISO". DoVKY & CO'S, Coffee, Tes.Suear, (iolden Svi-up," apar House Mo lasses, Stir York Candies, etc , etc. . large lot of Chewing and Smokii'g Tobiceo for i. sale at A. D. Si CO'S. J.L0IL for sale by A. D. A CO. Tll BOXES Star CanJKs ftr tale by A, D. k CO. "F you want to purchase goods at a bargain, po to A. L). L CL O; BAUS COFFEE just reaeived by t A. D. i Co. Largo lot of Choice Tea at A. D. CO'S. -ATD- THE A Large assortment of mei's and boys' clothing for fale by A. D. Ai CO. HELLED CORN for sale by A D.A CO. f ACON and Lard for sale by A. I). & CO. VIIKAVY INVOICE of all iitids of Fawiily Gro ceries and Outfiting Goods just received by A. V. & CO. A LL kinds of Farming Implements for sale by A. U. CO. Large ;ot of Two Horse Plows for salf by . V A I. & CO. A N endless variety cf Hardware and Cutlerv for XJL sale at a. j. a CO'S. SaSH, Doors, Fhinjrles, Glass, and N.iiTs of every description for nale by A D. A Co. VLL kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods by A.T. & CO. ' ''po enumerate all the articles we have for sale Ml would fill one sideof th? Herald, and others have as good a right to advert! as AMIfrON, DOVEY & CO. T'HE la-nest Outfitting House north of ?t. Jeenh ! ,1 il AMISON, DOVEY 4 CO S., f latttraocta, elragka. oc(25 Xi. FROST & Co,, WHOLES .4 LE GEOCJSES. Opposite the Post Office, NHKftASKA CITYIV. T. N. S. HARDING GO, rosr orriCK bvildind NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T WnOLECALK AND RETAIL DEALERS I SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY . Also Agents for aM the prin"lrl MAGAZINES and NEW SPA PERS, For which Subscriptions are receited ntl'uUi'heri i I ices. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, A.srr Acri KKR or i.vd dealem m Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1I: Combs, Spurs, Laslifs, Whifis, tJ-c. Mdiu Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T New Periodical Store ! A. K.-WHTE &. CO. A full assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS .J- S I' A TIONER Y A lvTy on iiapd. Ea.'cft Eis!rn Piij"rs and Prri.Jicals rceiv d daily. Cf?i! ' rdrs prompl'y fill-d.-O NEBRASKA CITY - N. T Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REE I) & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - KEB. Denlera in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, I'utty and Glass- Patent Mc'lkinrn of all kinrK Toilet arlitlfs. Kta- ionery, and evt-rythin,' kept in a nrt-clas lrug tore, at bjftern no'n. We are prepared to fill all orders, and w;i-rant ur goods to be fre. apr. 10 '6lt CIIAS. YOGT & CO Cor. Main and 5th sts., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER AND IRON, SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hardware FiiaJiiS ami Tools, WAGOIXS, PLOWS, &c. CSOrders Promptly attended to. Drug Store. Call on the un Jtrsigned for PURE IVlEDICirYES, PAINTS, OIL i STA TIONER Y. D WniTIKGEE. NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. 33 XT At t!i C;e of .) ! n0, T II E Ho j TK.YTO is B TJ C IT. U Tor a t ,r:e!y uf D'a..,, Tl w.Mvrr, T-l t-, ,:, i!4. ,e tn'. ,.,a.:;i .. ,., k Mi." ! .i.'ll.-li ;,r,. K ,:, ;, ';V.(. ,, wU M Li i n ialic u it iv;n r,,, ,,,,.,( , tui.ype, :in.i h.iV -line mi i iji im r.il it pivrn i!y , , H avH, Chr..;-!,- CijN . 'l.e .!:sd .er, M .r!.. I-r,.iv , f .,.., . L'retiiia, f.r Ft-i.ittle k. .(., Ei;iLlTY, Vnr Pr In-mn ml Erin,- I). wi r,' Tr ri.Ti, R ,f t!,,.i',.vai.MSIani; K,:,!-!.'. ' lUCOII.'IMl'tKV ..f I ' ii. ;,ti.l nil ili.r.xw. ..,,, . .' ', ai 1 ..t a .l.u.W ir ac:i I .., i vr WU,J t"' I u rta t'ot'Cvi r ed in i; w.ejit . a. It 11 y.fj rer.,u: -n 1 f Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatliis, Cutan-u Arvtluut nj I)ro;. T :. til' ?.- !ie.i't- w mmt t.ri'if the n'Bi ! v hi- Ii are . nni j,i r ; i r .,,i fu! .. I .. I:,.. 'I iy Mffc '.ft 111. 1,1. Jif-weve -.in; ,i iial . , '' ' :e lv t i lie l,dilv j.ca, j, MU,j u,c:k. iun ci Our Flesh nnd Dloocf ate rrpr.vtc:l ! i,i t li'" .oii'Fa. TFR-iJ.'.S A T i:-Lt: Y I' E IlIOl 0 If I II M J'j jisa Itk fancy to Old Age, n,! in.evvy H ,t; f l,e;t!(fi, a o I to la ,ukJ.i f lli- s'' di-.a' The Causes in many itislanctt wt iihl.iiown. The patl nt l.as, howr.vr. an adii.lraMe retard j Ii. ITSLPOOLD'S Fluid Extract of Hurlm. Philad:lj liiu Ex nhig Hull' tin Editorial, Slpt. 15, IbCj.j. OEKUIKE PREPARATIONS. His Solid an I I'liii.I Er.tnoM embody th f'i'l strTic'h i t Wit in:,.-cd'eri, of r.liich tin y areiimn'J Th'-y are left to tin; in-p-' lion all. A ready ani conclusive ic-t of tiu ir propeiti'S wi! be a c on r -son " ith lb fet forth 1 1 1 the vnited h'u'.e Ii,ira a'ory Tliee remediv hi -t p.tr'-l tyn.T. He m boM, a drivi.t of Kisv-'Ti years' cxp'-neD" in t!i; ily, and we I. ci i. ve Ik in to b re.iabie; in f t, li.f.e n vrr k uown an urti.!.. luekinc i-n-rit lo i. - vith :i pi-riiiiiin iit ni au. Mr. lieliiiboid's suc-. is c r'ninly pi ima t.i id nee. Hi lro '' t'l.o.oi' al Warc'ionne, in iho i ity r,( ,,w York. l.ot cX'.o 1! I'd, if ' ipi il'- l, by any iu t!i- 'ouotry, mu v. e wotil I uiiN ii" our r-1 iders, whe-i vitmg that tit j to ;.vu biia a call, ai.d julge for tl.etneivi. HELIIUOLD'S KXTRACT OP I8UCIII