in our annils. Vitt ns is its amount, it fades nway into nothing when coni5i'iriJ yrith the countless b'ebsinga th:it will be conferred upon tho country upon man by ths preservation of the nation's life. iSotr, on the'first occasion of the meeting of Congress aince the return of pace, it is of the utmost importance to inaugurate a just policy, which hall at OLce be put in motion, anj which shall commend itself to those who come after u for its continuance. Wo must aim at nothing leis than the complete effaceineni f the Gnancial evils that neirossarily followed a state of civil war. We rnmt endeavor to apply the earliest remedy to the deranged state of the currenc, , and not shrink from devising a policy which, without being oppressive to the people, .hall immediately begin to effect a reduc tion, of the debt and, if persisted in, dis charge it fully within a definitely fixed liiinibcr of Tears. It i our first duty to prepare in earnest for our recovery from the ever-increasing evils cf nn irredeemable currency, with out a sudden revulsion, and yet without untimely procrastination. For that end, we must, each in our respective positions, prepare the way. 1 hold it the duty of the Iltecutire to insist upon frugality in the expenditures, and a sparing economy is itself a great national recourse. Of the banks to which authority has been piven to issue notes secured by bonds of the United btates, we may require the preatost moderation and prudence, and the law uiut be rigidly enforced when its ':mits are exceeded. We may, each one of us, counsel our active and enterprising countrymen to be constantly on their j;uml, to liquidat-3 debts contracted in a p iper currency, and, by conducting bus iness as nearl as possible on a system of cash payments or 6hort credits, to hold themselves prepared to return to the standard of gold and silver. To aid our fellow citizens in the prudent manage ment of their monetary affaire, the duty devolves on u to diminish by laws the nmouQt of paper money now in cir cilation in 6ecuiities that nay be redeem able at the pleasure of tho Government. Our debt is doubly secure first in the actual wealth and still greater undevelop ed resources of the country; and nest in -the character of our institutions. The most intelligent observers among political economists hav.; not failed to remark, that the publi j debt of the nation is mife in proportion as its people ara free; that the debt of a republic is safest of all. 44ur history confirms aud establishes the theory, and is, I firmly believe, destined to give it still nure signal illustration. The Secret of this superiority springs not merely from the fact that in a republic the national obligations are distributed more widely through coutless numbers in all classes of society; it has its root in tha character of our laert. Here nil men contribute to tlu public wel fare, and bear their fair share of the public burdens. During the war, un ir thij impulse of patriotism, the men of the great body of tha people, without reg ird to their own comparative want of wealth, thronged to our armies .in 1 filled our tleets of war, and held themselves ready to oiler their lives for tho public good. Now, in their turn, the property nnd income of the country should bear their just proportion of taxation, while in our impost system, through means of trhich increased vitality is incideutallv imparted to all the industrial interests of the nation, the duties should be adjust ed so as tofall most heavily on articles of luxuries, leaving the necesaries 01 life as free from taxation as the absolute wants u' tk jyernment, economically admin istered . .ill justify. No favored class should demand freedom from assesmcnt, nnd the taxes should be so distributed as ii to fall unJuly on the poor, but rath er on the accumulated wealth of the country. We should look at the nation al debt just as it is not as a national blessing, but as a heavy burden to the in dustry of the country; to be discharged without necessary delay. It is estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury that the expenditures for the fis cal year ending the 30th of June, l.SfJu, will exceed the receipts $112,184,'J47. It is gratifying, however, to state that it is al so estimated that the revenue for the year ending the 3Cth of June, 1?67, will ex ceed tli 3 expenditures in the sum of"l 1 1,. G82,S1S. This amount, or so much hs is deemed sufficient for the purpose, maybe npplied to the reduction of the public debt, which, on the 31st day of October, JXJ3, was J:2,743,So4,7oO. Every reduc tion will diminisli thetotul arnouut of in terest to be pid and so enlarge the means for still further reduction, until the whole shall be liquidated, and thi, as it will be seen from the estimates of the Secretary of the Treasury, may be accomplished, even by annual payments, within a peri od not exceeding thirty years. I have faith that wj shall do all this within a raasoD ible time; that, as we have sur prised the world in the suppression of a civil war which was thought to be beyond the control of any Government, so we shall equally show the superiority of our institutions oy the prompt and faithful discharge of our national obligations. The Department of Agriculture, under its resent direction, its accomplishing much in developing and utilizing the vast agricultural capabilities of the country, and for information respecting the details of its management reference is made to the annual report of the Commissioner. I have dealt thus fully on our domestic affairs because of their transcending im portance. Under many eirumstanccs, our great extent of territory and v'ariety of climate, producing almost everything that is necessary for the wants, and even the comfort of man, make us singly in dependent of the varying policy of for eign power?, and protect us against every temptation to "entangling alliances,'"' while ct tha present moment the re-establishment of harmony, and the strength that come3 from harmony, will be our lest eecunty against "nations who feel power and forget right." For myself it has been and it will be riy constant aim to promote peace and amity with all for eign powers and nations: and 1 have every Tcason to believe that they all, without exception, are animated by the same dis position. Our relations with the Emperor of China, pa recent in their origin, are most friendly. Our commerce with his dominions i? receiving new developments; and it is very pleasing to find that the Government of that great Empiro mini fests satisfaction with our policy, and re poses just confidence in the fairness which marks our intercourse. The unbroken harmony between the United States and the Emperor of Russia is receiving a new support from nn enterprise designed to carry telegraphic lines across the conti nent of Asia, through his dominions, and o to connect us with all Europe by a new channel of intercourse. Our com merce with South America is about to re ceive encouragement by a direct line of mail steamships to the rising Empire of Brazil. The disti.-guishe i party cf men of science who have recent Iv left our coun try to make a scientific exploration of the natural history and rivers and mountain ranges of tt-it region. bv received from the E.nperor that generous welcome which was to have been expected from his con stant friendship for the United States, and his well known zeal in promoting the advancement of knowledge. A hope is enertained that our commerce with the rich and populous countries that border the Mediterranean sea may be largely in creased. Nothing will be wanting on the part of this Government to extend the protection of our Hag over the enterprise of our fellow citizens. We receive from the powers in that region assurances of good will; and it is worthy of note that a special envoy 1ms brought us messages of condolence on the death of our late Chief Magistrate from the Bay of Tunis, whose rule includes the old dominions of Carthage, on the African coast. Our domestic contest, now happily ended, has left some traces in our rela tions with one at least of the great mar atime powers. The formal accordance of behgerent rights to the insurgent States was unprecedented, and has not been justified by the issue. But in tha systems of neutrality pursued by the powers which made that concession, there was a marked difference. The materials of war for the insurgent States were fur nished, in a great measure, from the workshows of Great Britain; and British ships, niar.ned by British subjects, and prepared for receiving British armaments, sailed from the ports of Great Britain to make war on American commerce, under the ehelfer of a commission from tho in surgent States. These ships, having once escaped from British ports, ever afterwards! entered them in every part of the world, to refit, and so to renew their depredations. The consequences of this conduct Mrere most disastrous to the States then in rebellion, increasing their desolation and misery by the prolonga tion of our civil contest. It had, more over, the effect, to a great extent, to drive the American flag from the sea, and to transfer much of our shipping and com merce to the very power whose subjects had created tho necessity for such a change. These events took place before i was called to the administration of the Government. The r sincere desire for peace by which I am animated led me to approve the proposal already made, to submit the questions which had "thus arisen between the countries to arbitra tion. These questions are of such mo ment that they must have conimauded the attention of the great powers, and are so interwoven with the peace and interests of every owe of them as to have insured an impartial decision. 1 regret to inform you that Great Britain declined the arbitrament, but, on the other hand, invited us o the formation of a joint commission to settle mutual .claims be tweca the two countries, from which those for the deprivations before men tioned shoul I be excluded. The propo sition, in that very unsatisfactory form, has been declined. The United States did not present the subject as an impeachment of the good faith of a power which was professing the most friendly disposition, but as in volving questions public law, of which the settlement is essential to thd peace of nations; and though pecuniary repar ation to their injured citizens would have followed incidentally on a decision against Great Britain, such compensa tion was not their primary object. They hud a Higher motive, ana it was in the interests of peace and justice to estab lish important principles of international law. 1 he grouud on which the British Minister rests his justification is. substan tially, ihit the municipal law of a na tion,and the dowrstic.interpretatiuns of that law, are thw measure ol its duty us a neutral; and 1 feel bound to uttciare my opinion, before you and before the world, that that justification cannot be sustained before the tribunal of nations. At the samo time I do not advise to any present attempt at redress by acts ot leg islation, ror tho rutue, triendsuip be tween the two countries must rest on the basis of mutual justice From the moment of the establishment of our free Constitution, the civilized world has been convulsed by revolutions in tho interests of democracy or monar chy; but through all these revolutions the L uited State have wisely and hrmly re fused to become propagandists of repub licanism. It is the only government suited to our condition, aud wo have never sought to impose it on others; and we have consistently followed the advice of Washington to recommend It only by the careful preservation and prudent use of the blessing. During all the inter vening period the policy of European powers and of the United States has, on the whole, been harmonious. Twice, in deed, rumors of the invasion of some parts of America, in the interests of mon archy,have prevailed ; twice my prede cessors have had occasion to announce the views of this nation in respect to such interference. On both occasions the remonstrance of the United States was respected, from a deep conviction, on the p.irt of European Governments, that the system of noninterference and mutual abstinence from propagandism was the true rule for the two hemis pheres. Since those times we have ad vanced in wealth and power; but we re tain the same purpose to leave the na tions of Europe to choose their own djj dasties, and form their own systems of government. This consistent modera tion may justly demand a corresponding moderation. We should regard it a great calamity to ourselves, to the cause of good government, and to the peaco of the world, should any European power challenge the American people, as it were, to the defense of Republicanism against foreign interference. We can not forsee and are unwilling to consider what opportunities might present them selves, what combinations might offer, to protect Ourselves against designs inimi cal to our form of government. The United States desire to act in the future as they have ever acted heretofore; they never will be driven from that course but by tho aggression of European powers; and we rely on the wisdom and justice of those powers to respect the system of non interference whici haa so long been sanctioned by time, and which, by its good results, has approved itself to both continents. The correspondence between the United States and France in reference to qu tions which have become subjects of dis cussion between the two Governments, will, at a proper time, be laid before Congress. When, on the organization of our Government, under the Constitution, the President of the United States delivered his Inaugural Address to the two houses af Congress he said to them, and through thera to the country and to mankind, that "the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the repub lican form of Government are justly con sidered as deeply, perhaps finally staked on the experiment entrusted to the Amer ican people." And the House of Rep resentatives answered Washington by the voice of Madison.- "Wo adore the invisibl-3 hand which has led the Ameri- i . i v j: ire w: to cli3rlr.h a conscious responsibility for the destiny of Republican liberty." More than sevenry six years ute nut-u away cinco thene words were spoken; the United States have passed through se verer trials than were foreseen; and now, as this new epoch in cur existence us one nation, with our Union p-nified by sor rows, and strengthened by conflict, and established by the virtue ot the people, the greatness of the occasion invites us once more to repeat, with solemnity, the pledges of our fathers to hold ourselves answerable before our feilow men for the success of the republican form of gov ernment. Experience has proved its suf ficiency in peace and in war; it has vin dici ed its authority through dangers and alliiction, apd sudden nnd terrible emer gencies, which would have crushed any system that had been less firmly fixed in the hearts of the people. At the inaug uration of Washington the foreign rela tions of the country were few, and its trade was repressed ly hostile regula tions; now all tho civil-zed nations of the globe welcome our commerce, and their Governments profess toward us amity. Then our country felt its way unhesita tingly along an untired path, with States so little bound together by rapid means of communication us to be hardly known to one another, and with historic tradi tions extending over very few years; now intercourse between the States is sw.ft and intimate: the eiperience of centuries has crowded into a few generations, and has created an intense, indesturctible na tionality. Then our jurisdiction did not reach beyond the inconvenient boundaries of the territory which had acheived inde pendence: now, through sessions of land, first colonized by Spain and France, the country has acquired a more complex character, and has for its natural limits the chain of Lakea, the Gulf of Mexico, and oa the east and west by the two great oceans. Other natio u were wasted by civil wars for ages before they could es tablish for themselves the necessary de gree of unity; the latent conviction that our form of government is the best ever known to the world, has enabled us to emerge from civil war within four years, with a complete vindication of the con stitutional authority of the General Gov ernment, and with our local liberties and State instutions unimpaired. The throngs of emigrants that throng to our shores are witnesses of the confidence of all peo ple in our permanence. Here is tho great land of free labor, where industry is blessed with unexampled rewards, and the bread of the worl.ingman is sweeten ed by the consciousness that the cause of the country "is his ovn eause, his own safety, his own dignity."" Hero every one enjoys the free use of his faculties and the choice ot activity as his natural right. Here, under the combined influ ence of a fruitful soil, genial clime nd happy institutions, populatian has in creased fifteen fold within a century. Here, through the easy development of boundless resources, wealth has increas ed with two fold greater rapidity than numbers, so that we have become secure against the financial vicissitudes of oth er countries, and, alike iu busisess and in opinion, are self-centered and truly independent. Here more and more care is given to provide education for every one born on or soil. Here religion, re leased from political connection with the civil government, refuses to subserve the craft of statesmen, and becomes, iu its independence, the spiritual life of the people. Here toleration is exteuded to every opinion, in tho quiet certainty that truth needs only fair field to secure the victory. Here, the human mind com tortii uuslinc.kclcd in tho pursuit of sci ence, to collect stores of knowledge and acquire an ever increasing mastery over tho forces of nature. Here the national domain is offered nnd held in millions of separate freeholds, so that our fellow citizens, beyond the occupants of any other part of the imh, constitute in le ality a people. Here exi-ts the demo cratic form of government; nnd that form of government, by the confession of European statesmen, "gives a power of which no other form is capable, be cause it incorporates every man with the State, and arouses nverythiD that be longs to the soul." Where, in past history, does a parallel exist to tho public hnppiness w hich is within the reach of tho people of the United States'? Whare, in any part of the globe, cn institutions b found so suited to their habits or so entitled to their love as their own free Constitution? Every one of them, then, in whatever part of the land ho has his home, must wish its perpetuity. ho of them will not now acknowledge, in the words of Washington, "'every step by which the people of the United States have advanc ed to the character of nn independent nation, seems to hate been distinguished by some token of Providential agency"? Who will not join with me in the prayer, that the invisible hand which has led us through the clouds that gloomed around our path, will so guide us onward to a perfcot restoration of fraternal affection, that we of this day may be able to trans mit our great inheritance of State Gov ernments in all the:r rights, of the Gen eral Government in its whole constitu tional vigor, to our posterity, and they to theirs through countless generations? ANDREW JOHNSON Washington, Dec. 4, 18G5. Estray IVolicc- Tpkcn up by the subscriber, 1 mile wnt nf Ttoek B lulN, Cass county, Neb., on the 1st of Ie-., 1155, one tt year old isteer, vale red, so trie white on luck acd l-lly, tail white, und.T lope off of eacli ear. d-cl35 L. Vf. Pai ikkb ,n. She Slfteaiha sScralcl Est ray lYolicc- Taken up by Hie subscriber, 2 m;les west of Hrx-k Bluffs, Cms coui.ty, Nrb.,un the lt day "f Deo. l-,63, two red Steers, two yrar olJ, a little 'white on tLe brash of the tail of e.ich. No marks or brain! per ceivable A . 41. Uoi.Mta. dec 1.1 5w K-tray Police- Tak'n up by Ihe liul.scnber, one mile west of Ken osha, Ca county. Neb., :St5, one Steer, 8 yeart old, roan speckled, ears l.i;t half i:one, supposed to have been froziu otf. X j ther narki 'ktr b-nnds perceivable. LEliBASl) B. Browx. decl3 5w NOTICE. All perwrn .ire hereby notified not to trnt my wife, Elizabeth Wa'il. as J wid pay no debt of her con traitirt from andafur tine date, he having left niy be I and lKard. John Waul. December lUh. lSSI. 13 3w Eslray IVotice. Taken ap at the residence of the undersigned, five miles south wen of I'laiU-mouth, on 4-Milv reek, 1 red rteer, two years old, some white on belly, end of left er off. Also. on. other Tvif Steer, two year old. Urge white Fpot in f, whi'e back, and some white on belly, end of both ars otT,lit iu left ear and hole in lisfht ear. Also, one Uoau ttet-r. 1 year old, enit otf ot left ear. A lo. one black Calf, white back and bcily, under bit out of left ear. flatt-mmnh, December l,t , 16V dec65w HENRY SXTDKR. Eslray Notice. Taken up ly the subscriber, at his resl.Ience, In eapolis i'rei'inct, Casa county, N. T.,on the Platte Bottom, abont throe mile, north of Pratbtniouth, on the2lst day or J'otomb-r, a.d. 1s65, one yoke of Oxen, described as follow , to wtt: one is of a brindle color, with very lotu horss; the olber is of a light red color, with two white spots on light hip. In; owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charg es, and take Htm away. w? t , fjunk;g. tarcel. ft. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1SG3 NEDU.4SK.A CITY. Tho Press informs us that there is no truth in the report that the people of that city are calling for a vigilance com mittee. We are glad to hear this, a; it pained us to thin 1; that any portion of Nebraska had become so over-ruu with thieves as to require such measures. The Press admits that a large number of rascals have infested that city lately those who responded to the invitation of the jVews but that the law-abiding citizens have nearly rooted them out of the community; most of them having gone baclf to Missouri. ! cap tal increased, thus enabling them ! to ulTer better terms to policy iiuiders. ! We have been shown a circular, j-igned ! by all the principal bankets of New j York CitV, recommending this combi ' nation as one cf the safest and best ' companies to insure with that there u ! in existence. Their agents issue a com (bined policy, wherein each of the four companies are hld responsible. Their manner of doing buiiness is comttte, as a reference to the books and papers in the hands of their agent, J. N. Wise will bear testimony. People should consider well this matter of insurance, and allow none to assume riaks except such as show undoubted procf of their ability to pay losses. Let our property owners and others call on Mr. Wise and examine the standing of this agency. ea?iac;es uy ice. A dispatch trom St. Louis of the l6.h inst., say? : The ice in the river at this place, which has been gorged for the past twenty-four hours, gave way this after noon with a .crash, causing great ex citement and great de&iruction of steam boat property, and attracting thousands of people to the levee to witness Hie scene. The o!d hulk of the iletropol itan broke loose and was carried down by the ice to the fleet of Missouri river steamers lying at tha foot of Olive St., and causing a general smash. The stern line of the Highlander tore up the levee ring with a whirl, striking a by stander and killing him instantly, and injuring several others. The Highland er was crushed between the Omaha and Big Horn like anegg-sheil. Sev eral barges loaded with government grain wei sunk. The ttpamers Ca lypso, Empire and City, like the High lander, are a total loss. The (ieneva sunk the Amanda, and Capt. Perkins' new stern-wheeled steamer, not named, was sent adrift, but brought atdiore again below. The Big Horn, Moun tain. Post Boy and llandv, were dam agtd. together with many barges. The firo bells ranjf, and the engines were brought to the levee in anticipation of fire, but none occurred. The ice still moves slowly. All eastern passengers are detained on the Illinois side, except some reck less persons who ran across on the cakes of moving ice. Tha ferry company were offered" Si, 000 by the O. &. M II. II. Company to force a passage through iht; ice to bring passengers over, but they declined. m . JEfftj'" A pair of fallen angels, resi- eminent for the eole purpose of keeping I dent on this side, went buggy riding to THE MESSAGE. )Ve devote most of our space this week to the President's Message. We are somewhat late in getting it before our readers, bu. it is the best we could do under the circumstances. Knowing that many of our readers take no other paper, and realizing the anxiety of every one to read the message, we thought it advisable to publish the doc ument entire. ItlL'RDEIt. Just as we go to press we learn that a ma-n by the name of John Baldwin was murdered in Nebraska City on Mon day ntg-ht, and another man robbed of 8500 on the sa-ne night. A meeting was called for the purpose or orgauiz ing a Vigilance Committee. Several robberies have been committed there lately, but this is the first case of mur der for the sake of plunder. STATE OKA.IZATIO.V. We find the following communication iu the Press, of Nebraska City. We have no objections to "Colophon's' go ing in for State Government, but pro test against his motives for doing so. He b. lieves in organising a State (iov- the negro down, while we favor the measure for the purpose of benefitting all men within the jurisdiction of Ne braska, whether white or black. But hear what lie says; and if he or an) one else, is inclined to do a good act, wb ha!l thrnw no obiiaclrt in their war. let their motives be what they will: Mn. 1'ditoh: The undersigned, a pro-slavery democrat to the back-bone, perceives with surpiise that an attempt will be made in Congress this winter, to force nigger suffrage upon the peo ple of Nebraska. A bill provid ng for the voting of the colored cuso from Africa," in the District of Columbia and the several Territories has already been presented and is awaiting consideration in me iNationat council, it win uti , doubted ly become a law if not m its j r resent shape in another. The right of j Congress to pass such a law, I presume : no one will dispute. Congress, in the Organic Act, fixed the qualification of J electors, and it has the unquestionable , authority to amnd that act, and make the "intelligent Ethiopian" the co-equal of his white brother. Now, what are we going lo do about if Negro suffrage is an unpleasant thing to contemplate, and it will be in flicted upon us, except as we prevent it ourselves. President Johnson states distinctly that he will use his best en deavors to protect each of the States in all their undeniable rights under the Constitution. Among these rights is that of fixing the qualifications of voters. We can do this for ourselves under a State Government. Shall we hot have one? Shall we not prevent the African from becoming our political equal? And will not gentlemen who profess that On. aha cn Saturday; efier arrivinc there lliey took in anuiher '"lady" with a baby, and while driving about town some accident happened the buggy, the horses became unruly, got tangled in the harness, commenced kicking and stirred things up promiscuously. Du ring the fuss, the baby was struck bv oue ol the norses and hilled, on'i of the women received a severe kick in the head and a broken arm, another was seriously injured internally, nnd one of the horses kicked lo death. Rather a lnv cUstlvcrtijucmcnt!. Taken up by the t-uh eril'tr. I'tie-half tui t e.t of Cei.tfT Vali-y P. o. in Ja i-'Uiity, mi the Hull dar of D.'c , !;., oue twj-vMi' old Meer, white and rd spotted, re.1 neck, star in forehead. MtXU.AS JIALMES. December lrh. 1;.V de '-'Oflw CSTIMY aOTICI2 Taken up by the tub.i iber, livn I -2 miles west cf PiHt .-iiio ith. on t tie 4:h dy of December, lstJ. one i aie red ana white year.iDV st-e' Calf, crp oft of riUt ear, ul- face and belly. Al.-o, one wh tcand black ,p .IteJ spring Ca f So mark uor brands. The owners :r repieici lo prov pr.jpcr 'r. Pay charj; ar.d lake the .-aic away. J V. CUMMINS. December 14'b, 1S65- t!ec20 5w ESTRAY IVOTICff Taken up by the sub-criber, Iiviua4 mils s-outh of Plati.iaiou h, one year old ter, color Jack brin'lle, crop otr left ear. No brand percei vable. Owuer will call, prove property, pay chnrt and take the ; tame vay JOHN JUHNsoN. dei-JO Sw Est ray IVotice. Taken up ly the undersigned liing 1-2 miles souih-wesiof Kick Klutfj, iu c'ass county , N. T.. uti the 1Mb day of Dec-j oaf Steer, of a pale le i co or, dro. p hoi up, crop otf of each iar mid iii.d. rl. t t ol each car. Alt-o nuikcd with ilew lap. .-upj.o-e 1 to be about 3 yran vl I. JAS. IA. l llALl'A.M'. tier) 5w LSTKAY XOTICi;. Taken up ly tar undrsi!i d C miles vet of PUiltioutli, oa D c. 10th, lu.", one Cow in.i ( cow ied tiQ'l white vpotted, sl'J.3 red, Lack uod bsily , , r - . , wiiiie. . inrrras ui or'itius. tney wouia give up any rignt, even tne j d. a. b. tailor. most cherished franchise, ihey possess, j Jegal IVoTice. rather than euch a result should happen, , j p Fox 9 William Boxlev aid us in defeating ihe proposed scheme . Tu Vli;lam ioa-ie,: I . .--I-I I M . " ny aiuing in any movement wuirn Mian be made towards State organization? Won't the Anti-Staters, who are chi- fly Anti-Nigger Equality Democrats, rath er have a State government for Ne braska than ni?ger suffrage in the Ter ritory? Your3 Sec, CoLcrno.v. J5" Congress adjourns to-day until after the holidays been done except organizing, and in troducing a few bills. After re-assembling, we can bein to look for interest ing news; aod if the citizens will give us the proper encouragement in the way of green-backs, we propose to commence the publica'ion of a daily paper on the first of January next. We have, already, a considerable list of names, but not enough to justify start ing. Walk up. and give us your-names, You uro hereby Uotitl'd tha. aw order of at- titclitnenl wi obfiued ii-'(iu-t yu ty J. F. Fox from lh Jusli e's Ourl, J. II. Alii.n, a Jus tice of the r"eJCe m ud f r Cms , Nebraika Territory, for the sum of oae huudrcu dolVir. rtfid ohI-i oI Attachment wia issued oil Itu i:li Jrir of November. 1S65, and you are require I tu nppear imd lieffiid on the Iflth dry ol January, lboG, ut 1 o'cbick r- ' ' j- y. fox. Legal lYotice- J. W. Conn vs. William Boxley To William. D'xlfij : Von are heieby r.c.iified thnt an order of tit- L.' r !:..! t ' i-u lai , litue lias ( tchnicnt wus obtamed aKinsi jvit by J. W. Conn, f Oia the J uli e's Court, belure J. II. A !i ison, a Jus- tic- of tie I'eo- in uml f jr Ciss couhty, 3iebrski Territory, for the sum of one hundred dollar bdid order of Jimr m'nl uli iu t on the U.h dy of November, 1 Vi5. and yoa re ieuired to upiwrt and defend ou the lolil day of January, at i o'clock p. m. J. W. COSS. decgrt 3' IjCS'.xI ftoticc- lo the District Ourt of the 21 Judical District .f Territory ft Ne!'raka withia aod r the county of Cas, in Chau-Jery kutiu : James beakey, c 1'lainan', St'llUtit William it. Slaught-r, and M:r:ha SlauKht'-r, his wife, defendants To Wi iiam M. Slaughter and Mariha iluuuhter, de fendant in the al-ove entitled cwue: Yoa are heraby notified that the above named complainant lias tiled iu t!;e Di-tnct Court of Ca-s as manV Of VOU as feel interetted in the i S,"""1 aforesaid, on the Chancery side thereof, h i J ' I 1U1 of Comp mat a7iuit you, the .,i,ct and prayer matter. RF We would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of ihe Underwriter' Ageucy, in this issue. This agency consists of a combination of four prominent insurance companies, representing a capital of some 83,000, 000. By this combination their expen ses are materially reduced, and their of which is to obtain a riecrse of said Court fo'c.o iuKacsnaio mortfeajre oa the fdioiv ntt descried real es'at-, situate iu su id county, to wit: lh norih east 1-4 of south west 1 4 cfsec'i-m 9, towuhip 12. ratif 10, and the west 1-2 of lot no. 3 in block no. 14, kituaie in the city of 1'latt-moutb, in rud county, ex"cut-M ' y you to taid compluinart aud beannit date May 37th, l$.e, to secure the priueQtof a cer tain promissory no'e executed by the aid vVm. M. Siaushter to the said coBiplainant for (43?.6 and bearing dat- May 24:h, lsos, and for the ta.eof the said ui..r. Ruse i .rem!es to saUKfy aid debS and that unless y"u appear and answer mi id Bill oa or btore the 29th day of January, A. 1. IsCo, the same will be taken pro cunfetto, and a decree made accordingly. JAM tiiAKhY, Cu;p t. By ktAs 3. Ehampacoh, i.!s Solictor. de-.-EO 4w . Underwriters' Agency. STATUMQXT Of the condition vf th: GERM ANI A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Xt-w York, on the 1 Jay af Jt-i'tt A. I). 1865, in cur.formily Willi the laws if the Territory nj Xebraska. NAME AM LOCATION. The name of this Compmy is the fierminiil Firt I ii4 urn m 4 I via pxih V . lu.oipofaiod iu loO, acd lo cated iu the City of New Yolk. CAriTAl.. The capital of said company actually Piid up in cash is otf "iO 00 The surplus on the lit day of Ju'y, 1G3, 1.17 I.VI 74 Total amount of capital and surplus, $637 2 VI 74 ASSETS. im'l cssh in Park Bank !5 123 SO ('o iu hands agents, and in course of transtinxioii 6 Oil 00 739 80 im'l or Loans on Moiids and Morten; s. U iui; Ilrt i it-is cf lecoid, on Improved Krai Estate, unincumbered, worth at least double, the um'i loaned thcieoii, rate of lnfrtst, 7 per cent ' 1T5.T50 00 atu't ot U. b. -'JO Uouds 6 p 'r cent mrk'l yalue 2iS OOl "0 am't L .S.B0'ids,lSSI,Gperctilo22u,0Ud fM) 423,000 00 do stocks of Park Kauk 7,IK0 OX) do lusursuce Stock 400 00 7,400 00 do Loans on stocks and Bond, paysbloon demand, the market value of the secu rities pledged, bi-.uK worth at lest 10 percent, more thau the amount loau ed tloreon. 6,600 00 di Oov'l stamps ou band, 147 16 do due for Premiums on Policies issu'd at orthe 2,97 24 d Interest secured but not due S,42J 4S do Heal Kstate unincumbered X. T. City 8.oU5 mi do other securities ll.'s'srt oG ed l i:t u I vtl . : do til ''- ' do all ..t,.e. ;j -r : " Total siii't .,f ! e?, iilm kail . i ', - T.iit:ea;,si...ert .. r , , , , , k . . ' '" but will not as 1 , , - ''" , Tlioroiiiuaf.y r i ! : :, , ,. ' allows, 1 to I t- i: ti , i .,, . .. . w - i !! ck, beine feur - I . ::. . , . ' . i the Kenemi ch ir. i i , : , facilities f ,r pnui-' :t !! '' An i'f' d c ) t i th , .. , , , , ration ac-oiiij-.irtie ' ta -,. .t ' 8,it.- , V . '.. t City a 'I'l I' V.l'y tf -:0 Y h. '' JoKAIH4Xl !!. ri. i'l ' . .. ; (. ., Mm, :! try, of .Wi.; . . , , . j.' Cumj any , but, . ia..y j,,,, '' ' antl each for 1 lni- i f ? . v -. ' -, . t:ue, full UU I rone.-' !..-. ,n , i d- , ' , ', said Corpora'.ion, nn, tii fl: 'v . ; ,, ' ' ' scr.bed oflie- r l!.-r. ! JON A 111 AN hi i'l ! r r r. . ia, :- $007,-64 74 LIABILITIES. Ani't of loss .-s ad iu--i l, due and unpaid none do do incurred aud in process of ad- jutuint 14 100,00 do do repoitedon which no aclioa has been taken uone ain't of cl.-iims f..r los-es r-sisted by Comp'y none do dividend declared, due and unpaid, uotid do dividends either in cash or tcrip, decla red but not due none do inoi.ey berrowd, none do all other existing cluitns ag'nst Cotnp none Total am't Losses, Clajms, Liabilities, 14,100 00 The greatest amount insursl on iny rik it 25,0nn, but will not as a general rule exo ed 10 u 0. TheCompiny has uo pen'ri.l rule as to the amount allowed to le injured in any city. town, villaiteor block, beiur Boverucd in this matter, in each casr. by t he fteaeral character of buildings, width of street-, facilities for putting out fires, etc. A 11 attested copy of the t baiter, or Act ( f lucorpi raUou accompanies this statement. Stats of Xew Tors . ) City a tut Out ut y if Aeiy I' irk, j lisi'KiCK Hu-Ukk, PresidHMt, an! Joits KnwArtD KAIIL. ."-otrcLirr of tllt iVKHMAMA f'lKC IvsuhA.ncf ('oii'a.vv. beinx severally sw.-ru. dci-ose ami s it, stid each for himself s s, the frojnj is a tru, fu 11 and com ct sta:'in"iit of the aittir,- of the Mud Corporation, and thy are the a ove i t!i--d officers tht,re f . M. IIII.UKK, President, JOHN LliNV. KAIIL, tsecn-iary. Subf'-'i U'nl and strori' bfure m thin Id h iln; f .Voreiwber. A '.!". Witness my h'Hul t S awt Ojli -itil Snil. TZiJS. L. TJIORSELL, Xutiry Public STATKMF.NT Of ihe condition of the HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Xew York, on the 1st dnj nf July, A. I). 1805, in conformity with lit', laws t f the Territory i f Xebrash-i. NAME AND LOCATION. The mm' of tin- Company is the anocsr fir'. Insurance lumpatiii, incorporated id lSj'J, and io cat' d in the C:t of Sew Y'ork. CAPITAL. The capital of sni l compauy actually p:i: l up iu cash is Ki0 (kill fO 1 he surplus on the 1st day of July, 1 CO, 117, 1)47 US Su? icribed ttntt r.i -,!- :t JOr rnf .1 1- ' L Si and iii' i 1 1 nr$$. sa !: !:." r ' r .stati;mi:nv Of the cohcilt j-.i o' FIRE INSURANCE COMIAUY Of the. City of Xtir 1 ., , .. . if July, A. IK l-".". ,'',?, f.,, , tin! liiUS Of tlf 7'c M -.,; r, .,(.,;' NAUi: ... i M,'). The riun?if Hih i,ii,i .i,,y it,,. . Innuriine I 'nma'i i, inc,' i ,V catcd iu the City oi NewVoi k. " ' "" CATITAL. Th capitrl of ,il,l company a' t'n.' y pa Ull IO .IS U IS The surplus on t! e 1 t Jjy , f Jii'y, 1 - Total atli'l c.ipiui and m-p)u As i ; s . Im'l cash in H'k Connnsi ,N V. 1 do th l.'.'.' l do Laiidsof tn!i ai: I i i c mrse of t ran-iii:s ion J ain't V f. 7-;to 1 r.a-io y iii.f. s maik' t val ue J i am't t'. .x. i p-r c nt, Ifcei , i- oisr kt v,.iue 0 am't in Nail oiiil I'.-.i,!; I'ouir .r'i in N . Mo. k. ,ij o, ain't tllatlii Niiti r,j! B .nk , . N. Y swek ' , i Ktll'1 liiHUri nn II lih a 1 M., t.;-, i , linit lin of rf'T.I, Ii.io1 I 1; . I. slate, Ui,i nil:, ,i l' i, ,i;c n ;.,.t ten l-er ceil', mw 1 1. a i t ii'- s m I 1 thertoo, am't accrued lute -t u iaimiB am't Keal L.:r m ., u, ( j ! ' i- r. i.j.-.-j-i ; 1- rTiTI i '7 1-4 1. 'j nn 'I Ivl 270 ; ! I . Lt Aiii!.iTr:H. Am't efloesadiurel an il-i r:. do do llo-ui i'- I- ii I j ad -n-i iii.-s t do do lej cri- d i n i h,c .i i u l-s be-a fa'.en am't claMiis .r hic rri-i-d by r.e, ll't dividend drcl.n r-f, lv.r- :ir '! "I, ; do divid'-nds ruber in c .sii or sc.i, e i b'tt ti' '. due do mom-y 1 i i.v, I do n'l o! .. .Jl Ll.t 111 Total am't of I )-s -s. cl.iitns , I i Total am't of capital aud uipius $317 i47 SO do Ul'l V do do do do am't of ASSETS. Am't cash in Hanow r liar.k.N V.I0.'.i)5 33 office 1.6-4 84 f 12,43') 17 a. c at iiwu-is, fjin. iTO oo B per t i-totk 1"S1, 2 I 4uo f" d-r io lr,T, :t,4:j7 .11 rtitl-Vof ind'idn's, 1.1, '"0 OO 7 8-Iu Tsi asury .Note. 10.970 On 321,OS7 SO Loans on ltoiids uoil .Jor(,pes, beiui,' "r"' -i n of record, on in,T',v. Heal Kstate, utiincumb-reJ, w.oth at least double the auiouut, loaned at b and , jior cent interest am't N Y. Comity li per cent Ponds do Tenio set ii per cent bonds uo Losns on stocks and I'.ouds, Iisvabb, on deiuacd. f uc iimi ki'l v a ue of ieou-ritii-s iCedced, at ! ast Id per c't more than miiount loittied l'.lhOf) Outsiinidii K Pi em, urns I ,7J 47 Int'-ifst accrued f, u ad other aecur tis 2j.i70 v4 do do do 119 10 r.o oo .7-0 fiO K0 0 00 The grea'est sm -o-.t ,n-'i . 1 -,i ..; lul wi 1 l:.-t us a ,11. - ., r,.,. i i. The I ' mn j a i y ii ii in .-.'"'. l e s : . -ail.iw'd in be lo-ii 1- i m (.;,. : bl..l k, b'iuK ,' iH" J li., i ,i , . , by Hie re"v ,i I ' o , r I i I , . , etredr, fc c r i : c i v : , ,, ... . r All Httsici i.c , t 1 1 c ( I , t i i if!."' pi. ra. ion aci'oii.pi ,s t i.i - : n !';: 6'rif X'f Yli i I Ci'y imif L'i'Ul.t i ' ir Y 'il. 1 U.'Ukut S. II i . Pi - i ; n'. , v, Sc. ret ii ry, ci tf- .'..-.'. .' -C'tO.'pil, y tl'lllil! hi., v : 1 1 . . . ; . , and t.ich l'.r if true, fuil a fid c ,-. -t ? i.i i .-.j', r , i . i , tioit. and that lh--y nr.' in,. v n t; :' d "1 thifcwf. ltnUT - luil - . .'.-. I I !...., ,. ,., S'ubs.,'i''t''l ah. l o'.'r, : . . .,, 1 : Jn t , i . A ' 1 -l..i. '! : '. ., .1 i L rj liM' l''- i '. '. ' i n... J. 1 1, i':. ...! .v t I'l.ATTSMOl TH, Ai.;;.' i '' :. I' i 20 iir KSTIJAV .Ts V, Taken up I v !.'. i i.,.'- i .1 ! . Of-s co:i'.i -. .V. I , i ., . ; , : , , - - , uid Mt-,-tii:i."i i.i.i , .' i.i, ii,i . . i II riu'bt t r. A ' . .- r,i , fit .. c'.lo, wi :ii a a v :.,;s ic dec "JO ,'.s" o t 01 r...';t $'i. 7.947 S(i LIABILITIES, m't of losses adjusted, due aud nupiid cone do do incuired and iu process of ad- .ju.iinejt S! 1,000 00 do do rtp..rt.l oo which no actioa has bcn tak-a none am't claims fcr los.-es resist d by Cotnp'v non" do diviil'-tids declared and due and ux.paid none di dividends either in cash or scrip, ihclai- ed but not yet due none do money borrowed noun do all oihTexisting claims a;'nt Comii'y fiooe Total am' of Ioscs, claieis and liabilities $ 11 ,ioo OO The create.! nmonnt iusured on any rik i 2.',00 but will not as u cem-ral rule rxiri'd tld iH-i) The Couipauy Las uo t:eueiat rule as to the am juat allotted to be insute-l in any ci'y. i.nvn, vilintfe or block, beiuK governed in this mutter, Iu each a-e, by the general ibatarter of building, width of tiro li, facilities for toittin out fires, eic. A n attested copy of the Charter, or Act of Iacor poratiou accoinpunii's this statement. Ht .tt nf Xew Y irk. ) Citji ami Cnuniy nf Sew York. ' DoKss L. Pi end -nt, and II. S Vi:i)tt, recretary ,i.f the llininr- r fire Ir.nurance i an pun y , beinK severally s worn, d' p.,se ar.d say, and eii' h for lumse f ayj, that the forecion i a true, lull nnd correct statement of t Le alt .irs of tic ai 1 (.rp na tion, ai.J thut Ihey are the aiuive desci if.e.1 officers thereof. I'OKAS 1.. STONE. I're.-idcnt li. S. WAI.COTT, Secretary. Sulseribetl and tworn l,fu me thin 17 day of Svrtnilier, A . 1 I.-C5. Witutm my twiiii L .V inul lijirinl Neaf. 7 UO HAS L. TIlORXnf.L, Kutarij rblic STATEMKNT Of ihe condition of the NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Xew York, on the 1 Jay tf July, A. D. 105, j; conformity with th laws of ihe Territory if Xtbrnma. NAME AND LOCATION. The name of this Company s the Xiniurtt Fire Jnnuranre C""ij.on , iu' orporaled in 1 sJfi, a nd lo cated in the City of Sem York. CAPITAL. The capitalof said company actually paid up in cssh is tl.C-oo.til no The surpius on the lt day of JuIy.lS'A 21S,21 Sii Total amount ofc?pit?l and furp:us, f 1 21s ,121 96 ASSETS. Am't nf cah in tie it. Nicholas Bank and iu Ortlre $2CI,922 tS am't of Loans on Bonds and Moricvres, bcint; tlrst lien f leco'd, t,n Improv. ed keal folate uoin Ul'll e: ed, woi I il at least :oub:e the um't loan d therefi rate of inierest 7 per cent, 2i.t,7'0 00 am't of V. S 7 5-10 Tr.-a'y Notes, market value 175,00 0 00 am t U. S. 5 SO Bonds G per it market value l.".12 .10 Am't V. S. B iud-.lSSl, do l-i-i 00 423 7!57 JO do Wisnin 6 r cei.t Bonds 7 4.10 CO do California 7 p-r tent Bonds l,l."0 00 do Real E.Iatc, aiiiticumh-rcd, 43,C-:3 4S do Loans on S locks and Uor.d-, psyah Ie on (Jtraaud, the market value of tlie tecurities pledged b-ine worth at lout ten per cat more than am't loaned thereon 399. .TOO 00 do c nice, furniture, scampi, etc 4,-07 25 do due for Premiums on policies issued at office 14.7S1 $3 do Interest accrued 4ri,4'lS 09 -,2is,Cl 86 LIAB1LITIEP. Am't of losses adjusted, due and uapai l asne do do incurred ar.d in proe-a cf iisiuieut $16.(00 00 do de repotted on which no ac tion has been taken nr ne am't claims for losses resisted by comp'y 2,00 0 CO am't dividend; declared and due and unp.ild lii QO do dividends either to ea!j or scrip dcl-.. Taken up by ihe i S'is : i. 'c o in o c r, I - , iner; i V- county, N. f , i,:i '' 1 ; !. . ',,' 1-.1. i lie Hbile .Si- i'i , Mipi".-c! I , I.- S la.-t si'iii.g rrt,p oj i iiht , (i . , , n , '. . 1 1 , ; , ,, Plattsmouth, lie- 2oih, 1-01 ' ESTItAY 01K i:. Taken up by tha u:i!e-K j.e I i.ea il-. k i Dec. l'Ji, 1 -,i',,1, ,jii .,i , nn,, 1.11.1. ,.f ..I.I,.. Kock Lli.ll,, N. T., I,.-,. 1 ' K'',e I i. i-ii I .- I o : , -. Taken up by tl,.- .r!,-c id ,.;.... jis. areillt Hire iioir 11' , 1 !i .1 ,,'., , : c.oinly, ou trie yoib o ,,l N'.i er;,f . ': , ; I'oui'V .Male, sup, i..-- il I b.. I r, .,. , t,.v. tiiMrked s foll.iM , c-i i-1 1; ,. , , . i, f 1 and tail, white s;.ot in f n :. i ' s I : -T . . striji rul.llin dri'i n ny r the r.c!-,'. emu. Hi i brnMie' . n p ft -I. ;bl i ., i ! the b-tters " K . Cr." 'Ilir ii.iii,r,sr,.(; prove -,i.. ei tv, pay eha pr-'s m nd t i - i dec5w C.IAKI.K H. It' 12 stray rVliM. Taken op by till sob c 1 1 .-r on ! ;-; fl.. Mt. I'lessint l're. met. C i . i- .c. 1 , ; 20tli dav of Novem 'c , a i l-i, . c , - ; , to be atM'Ut riiiii' li'.'iiil... ocl i - i i n I u , n. , has o!ie uuderl it o . i of J-.- t ear. .', . ..i . i , porcsivabie. The n r v. i.i c...,(.ve t ;,,t pay ' Iihi sp.s, and in'.," -ui : iriio. .1 .. y, Mt. P!eiisnt, N 'vcui:,': 1 It, i -'..'. lleco j f I,. K. I I; ,. I, : , laSTIIAV WVlVil. Taken up by the i' i . v r. . : -house in Lintn. t N -.. 1, . n - i . 1 Cass C 'Un-.y. N. T., t 'i ,i c -, no i.a . one is red nd wh ie ap tte i w i.i ; otf. and winle sp- '. in t"i'l...ii l:-:l-..! t year old' t he otic-r i - -i j p i . , i e . . . i ar.d is tiioi iy reil li.'c- v i. ; u..i k p. rceiv.ible. 'P.. wi t, i r '.ii .-.:.'! ( .i p-i pert-,', ,HV c,, - -. n, .il ( it i . I at.;! ! :.. . Mile li eye, I. 10 II, 1- .;. d'Cis i:..i p.r."i itisay Tko i nri: Taken i p ly I iv 'iLrr, iv ar Mr i'.-4 Crthi Cfuniv, N 'I . 1 d 1 1 ! t' f, -' ' ntute olMr, innrHtr l i;i. m nn .ii vv - .n v) ear. at.ti au.wiii oi.i w tl- : r i: nittrk-t "r ( ui u..i-. .it i. 1'lna Utitlt ilnjr ui i-JV-.:;:!. T, !-' .' tier's 6w '. J ' l iken up ny it er. ,i i . CMUnty, NeOr.i-'it.t, on if. I'.iU . . one yeji liriL' st'-er. rii "sii 1 :., ., . .;,u. no n.nrk or l.r' ' - , ,r iv .1, 1 , i .i- i w oi. I heller, runiev wh.lo anJ ioI J 'e 1. n . r brands ( er 1. . ... ., Decern!..!' 6 r Eslray Taken up I the -.u: .c-,i .- . , . : , Ml!, on VV ee.r. Z Hl.-I . i c. jt, , .-, ', :i the th day i f l e en, ,r 1 -t 'i. i e -r. while with red i- .t a. d .; ; i i, ' i . and cop otf of i .. ft e-,,i i r ii, i . cr, supp. S' il to 4 . . .,.-,i,,,i ...... bl' K, ceil'ei till.. : t . . ;t . I 1 1 ' I ' ,i ' and crop o;r ri.'.t f-.-.t , I ; . .'. : let-e r -.r j -; . ; v lis tray Vtcf insrn up ny 'f," M.t'S r.l,- r, tu., a n jr.h-M r-1 i l.t, l' nn ; , m . COtmly, N T ,Jk It i 4 rn.inpied l. jn.-, a. ,1 . ;,; . , .,, , .. , telly. i;., .,f i ,;i v. ! , .. : , back with t!.e ltt , , ' A" iii tv. ., ,. i c- FOB S 160 cres of Gccl Yell wa'.e.ed, s :i: A, ri 7 1 mouth. A fil f, ocable. Apr. j t i r. si. tSrft5r6rrr I'!.'i t i A. r a i:.,.... J hi: p. I l:. ..l K ; e c 's . . 'r 1 1 -e , r r '- '- I' --- 'r