All miXer Viii L'!parti:-. h'm:i!J I; id..Hj-W. T. PARCEL. -f iio.e:.xocust. It Ins Icnj teen a ..-it:er of s'irprire with ni'i, that there shouIJ exi-t, in the n.inJs of practical and intelligent far mers, so'strcriij a preju-L'ce aiins. h cs, or live fences. Of course many have tried them, and som Lave failed; 1 tit it would re a curi)s anciiialy tufind one of these mc-rj who ac:ib-d his fail ure to want of p and intaKi jrent action. Hiving plani-d a few r-ds of o.age orange and never t,!;e:i pains to study out a proper method of cultiva tion, the rciult, of course, has leeri d is-a-trc.-, but lb'? Individ j-.l, with a grav ity truly ludicrous, dex-hres the whole scheme an hr practical md say: Hi 13 ot:"fut to know. How different with respect n the 'nil ture of fruit trees. In the climate of Wisconrcn great dilTicuiiy attends this branch of horticulture; and we daily sae men who, year after year, have lost n:-ar!y all their tree?, yet who were not discouraged nor faltered in their a tempts to raise good fruit. This is tru ly praiio-worthy, and each year rewards tueir perseverance wit.i CtiltlOl :al UC- cess. Jlut these eanie men will accuse you cf Utopian views when ycti claim that a. hedge is a cheap, tiling and desira ble fence. Scion Ilobinson says that the Isabella Grape has done more inju ry to thj advancement of grape culture than any other cause; for the reason that thousands have become discourag ed on account of the failure of the Iu bej!3, a-.d deemed success impossible with any variety of good grape. The Tame might be said here of the Osage Orange for hedging. It will not sus tain life amid ihe extreme low temper ature to which we are sometimes bub jected. There is a plan'., however, that will, and that is tho thres-thorned Lociut. It is as hardy, in this climate, as the oak cr hickory; is entirely free from dis ea2 and sufliciently iapid in growth to make a fence in four years which no animal can break- through. The year ly dctcrioratku m value of board i. estimated at ten percent. A hardy hedge fence glows its own re pairs. 1 cu are constantly taking away from Jt, instead of adding to it, and e.xpend- ing'orilyjabor upon it. While with a board fence there h rrcp-iu d u yeasly outlay of mate: hi. Vv'e will suppo.-e for the take of iiitration, ttt a farmer plants one hundred reds of three-thorn-cd Lcctist bed jo, nr.d ihnt it cost him all told , cne do'.lar per rod. At the rale before mentioned, his board fence has become worthless, cr ehe it Las cca Li:n ten per cent yer.riy u kuep it in repairs. H.r. i; shown the great economy of ihe h' dge. In four years, wiih ordinary care, it will become a fer.c. while it can be trimmed and kept in goid shape for five per rit, and it is continuahy improving with ago. I have repeatedly trimm.-d SO rods a day, and I have sjfn who could trim double that amount. UejiJes, the trim ming may be done in winter, when la bor is cheaper an J the fann.r has more leisure to attend to it. Tho three thnrneJ Locust is perfect ly h.rdy in :he climate of Winenn, Iilinneso'a. A number cf ni'-m.n in this Stale have hedges cf this locust, among whom may be mentioned Mr. Geo. Peifcr, cf, Waukesha Co. One cf the roost vulubbj qua'i'.ies cf this j lxnt i.-. that h never spreads from the roct. It is to I3 hoped that intellegent men will give this subject attention Cor. Prairit Fan,i?r. AdlUCJL riTL'Kfff T' Ol-RCO.1I- This is a matter of some importance in view of the future of agriculture in cur country. Some years jigo theplaa of instructing the children cf the rural population in the elements of rgricul tural science, while attendiig the dis trict schools, was introduced. A text book explaining in a concise nnd lucid manner the nature cf the plants the fanner cultivates, the animils he rais es, the character of the soil he cultivates, the processes by which its fertility can be maintained, the action of light, heat, fctc, upon both animal and vegetable life, and intending by its study to lay the foundation for a higher agricultural knowledge as the pupil advanced in age and his cirennstar-ces would allow of its prosecution, was prepared under tho auspices of the Massachusetts S-.ate ILard cf Agiiculture. V.'e do not know with what success the attempt has been attended, but are satisfied that the principle is a right one ar.d one that may be adopted ia thi West with prefn to the rising and f jmre generations. It is not of one half the importance for th;; farmers boy to know the capi tals cf ail the empires, kingdoms, con- feJ4 rations or states of the old worLl, . : to have at his toni'iie s ci;(l the names j J ; of a!! tho river?, where Uiey la'ie thtir : li-e. and wher? tht-y empty as it is to know th a way to ma!;e a barren toil productive, or to be able to prevent the failure of a crop, to save a valuable fruit from blight or insects, or know how much set.' is needed per acre and when and how D plant it. As preparatory to entering the agri cultural colleges, tha influence of such a primary educasion would also be in valuable. The seeds thus sown i:i the district .cho.l might load to great prom inence and usefulness in the recipient. As the man-Jgment of these schools is piincipaiiy in the hands cf farmers it will bean easy matter for them to make the trial of introducing some text-book of the kind ae indicate into them the coming winter term. Prairie. Farmer. STATEMENT OF THE FIHE MB TORNADO israicc Cozsspany. o? FilEEFORT, ILLINOIS. W, Thr m-K J. Turner. Pr?I 'l.l. ant !. W. C. T;ir:.r. S-.cret try, of the Kir? and T rua.l-. 1 i-v. runes Cttnpitiy, f 1'r'eport, lllim-iia, hei .l.y re t.l'y that said C..iiiranv i- it.-e. -e-1 ...5 a apit il "f i.t Wn- one h.uji-i-d I lit u-and liull.irt , . tcureit by Ten on ital es ih! ?nli at eai-li vai'iia'.uii at p-ast five t-.tne the i amount i:f i-aid eapit!, and not encumbered lo laore i l.jtn ci. fjrta vt at'.d ash a'uali:;n i IHi".J.ll!i.Kic, rro t 1. W. C TANNtK, St-o'y Statk of Tli.isok. I , . f ie;.lifii-i!i t'ouuty. j" P, rnnal'y nj ;i"an ! l efme r.:e. C'l.-i k cf tlie Cn'inty r t ,.f S'eiih-us' a comilT. 1 U:'. J. lurtirr u V C. T;.ut:er. t. la - kiv.wn it l ie i-.-e i eui arm Si-rrrtai v of the tire ami iornjui ipunance iinii(i. .... ... . '.!?.' .Jiiv su-,.rii ac'-'iuiiu: t i iziw. i v i-.a'l Iv i!f;f aii'l say that the ab t.j c.-rtifii-ati ?au-si.ri-.m1 t.i bv them rci .'ftivrly H true in -al.sUu re in flirt, as liu 11 V 111-- l-fCorusm taiu iim ,.n' . an J sr..ra to Wlon- me. thu iM Uaj of Aagajt, A 1. Mm. O. ll. m;mekmm. Vlcl Ji Ol .'a. vvu. u, vru-.uvii j. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY, To expire ou the Hl-t of J-inuary, liii. Iiitniiutnc D i-artttifttt. ij'K-v '' A u iitiir, (litirthu, N I v'-k.i, O I. 17th, -t;." ) WllKnuA-5, ! T. Ciiiupbrll, K-(., .lsji.-iant (iiTierti AiroDt f,u li e Kire ami Tortim! ) lnuranee C'oiiipuny 1. irate 1 t Freeport. in the .Mate of I)lin.ii, has lileJ in thi ..tliee a certtflvd Vvf-y of 'the Act of Inc- rpora lira of Mii'l Company, li trrther vi:h a wiitien iu strumeiit umli-r the "nil i l taiJ Company muler oatli. c-i-tif J'iti.- tnat -a;i! Company is po-ses.-fl or a ciit tal of at least One ll'.m '.ie l Tho'i-ai'd Oolhiii. sei ur e l hy li-ii on leal e tate north at en?h valuation at Ieu Five Tiifes t e aniouiit of saiil capita!, and not t m umber, il to laorc than one-i' iurth of said ea-h valua'inu," in accordance with the r iitiireiuents "f the Fouifetitii tcetloii of a law of the Territory of Nebraska. 1 ntit'ed "An Aft iu relation to lu.-urance . rnipanies," approTod Frbruavy loth, lstd; Therrfoie, 1 it known l y th pres-nt, Tliat ia purauanre of 'be al uesnid Jet, I, Wiliiam K. ii ir v v, tudit'ir ! 'th; Tei ritoty of Nebra-k. dole ieby .,.,'iifv ti.t.t .(id l ire & T''... ln-uratiro Cnnipauy !hm full Authority to transact bii.-iui of Insurati'e in theTerritrt-y of Nebra.-ka, nnoei- tlie of Iht Terii'.orv, unt'il the 31?t d.iy of January. -I. 1. lh Ia h i'u wheieof I hr.vo snl'Mi ioi-1 my tiaiae end iai:s -d the eal of tbe .liidioo's L. s. oil:.-; t.. Ii- aaised, tl.:-, Kill day of O.-tob'-r, A. l. lic'j. w. n. i.'.tnvev. 'i'ci iii. .lun.t..r. W 1 W . A . . M..irr;MoL"rir neb. Oct '-o r t E-tab'isluiI ia 1-1.. .4 Go?, Cktap ami c-ry ValnrtWe Prpcr f ir lhi vij .l..f. Wvi.ian, mid Child IN CITY, VII. LAG I", AND COCNTRY. TIIK -tl.77- LIU g L Iv; 111 L Ullist roit 'i :u: rarra, Garden, and Household, Iticli'iiL'tif a Special Dt parlii'o.jit of Liter estinti "iil Jtislnizlive II' adhigf-r Chill rcn and ',.vlh. T?i ? .:i;-ir'.7,''', j i r- Iar"e periodical of G- i'iif.'s h- .ciiifuhy iniated. atitlii-l-rd with p'ain, prae iral, elirtl le original in;:i:r.-, ii.cludiag bituirc !- of brau t Pi! .ili 1 ii,.-ou.-t;v : tt fcravli'-j; ia every iiuniu! vt-lume. It r .: Ii,' i- rl ; I it:: i 'r t ia ...- p; T-.-h a CnV: 1 r r,f Or e'.tious l d n th- !'),.:. ri tn.' tlrt-tr-i'l ami ii; 1 aroiiMrWie lhrt .7,i;', eu-. ! :irr, f hint- arid Mi'jev civell in very v ,' -irr pr. n i". d by ir..rfi-al, iutell icretlt W'trKiifj M-"y w ii" kno'.v v.l: it tliry v;i ite bt,ut. T'.. ll-,ixrh,.hl J). j. ti,l,.,r t i i valuabb- t. pvery !!.;i:-.rk ". .per, aslordiiif very many ixelu! l int.-; snd li; ' i ui ;, c ilLiiiate.l to l.'iitea i::;d iatiiitutc lu ll. -ui- wo:k Tt.o ') l iili,'(h t ff ;(",' 'I Jrft mi'l 1'uutU is pre ; vi - i w't:i -J e .i.ii i- . rr. to turn:h n-t only mu--pi Lt. bit: a!-. t i.iciiKute Lirj '.eii-e and o.;rid i.i' priux ;pl -s. TFR-vt-. Tli ciTcn'ation of the Au rri'ni Anri-i-r:iliu i'i (i.i :e tbatl H",o,..l ; -. -.. .i r- : it V;:i be fun, !, ! at the !oiv pvic ,' $1 : year; lour C' i:ii" yrar, teu ci.pies rne year, .1: twri.ty orni!ir?,itie year, $1 e cli; hinle copies, 13 cjt,t each. jrrr.Y it a yea n. CHANGE JCDD, Tt B. and Vnoe'it. 21 1'i.rk n .-.v, N w Y,.rk City Ccmplete Pictorial History o the Times." "Tiis lr.-!, tlisrtposi. ami mo-1 iuccess l'ul Taaiily I'uper in the Union." H arper's W eekly, SPLKNDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical c tii-es of tho Tr- .-s The 1'C-t fitinilv newspaper iu the d flalct. Y ..-ro' m .l.''r, r' '.-. Hie mu !t l lo-iv-j.aper of onr country c,:n 1 't ;a nil (lie Vp rt in" fi ts !' an Amriea'n rani:.!y Paper, llarper'r Weekly li.n earned for it-elf arilit In ii l::ie, "A .louuxAL uV C : v . lizatio . .'" A. 1' .iv tu'k.7 'o.ft. l'ii. vY-r f-irni-h-M ti btut ",'' (' .. Our future UUto. iaus iil envi. h th 'ii! !vi out of H ir p.T"i Weekly Puic after 'i iters, and rrinte". and puldi-he'S are tmped tn d-.iv A. 1'. iJlst. A ii ee.-sity iu every li,m- hold H .'ttt '1'itrn-. It i? at niii-o a'ir tu lttieil and historieil :'n-nali-t of the na 'in I'hi'iiih-li l.iu 'v.vx. 'J ii best of its cla-s in America. &s:ti)t 7"; refer SsiJiCiilioii!. S8GG. Tio-pui,il:, i have perfeettd a syi tem i f in , ;l;n by which th y run i,.pp!y the Mao.v.ini-: ai d v".:t:x lv pru'iiptiy o ihno v ho pre:'. r t. len ive their pe-rioiiieal-directly fiom the tiee ot nild iv-ation. ro'.!na-;er ui.d t tlu.e-s deMrotts of e.'ttin; up c!uU wiil !e i-uppiitd with haml-uine lictorial bow-bill on iipj,licaiion. llAnPKH. WfEKI V. .e Jt'ir, - St. All xt' a ,ij y 1 1 eilli -r tlie '.Vtekly or Magazine will be supplied t'ru'.is tor every t lt.b of Five 5--.ili- cr.l ersat $t, ia one remittuuee; or tix c pies i-r iK Ii.u-k mimh-.-n rnn h'.- foppl-el at anytime. 'irr ctrintial V''liint''j of UAiiPi:tt', in rea c-T -:li I indiriir, will be. sent l.y vpr f-, fr- e .f x i i-n-e, f.;r ii ,mcIi. A coiiiti.' to et, compriirijf k;Lht Volutne!', -eiiT on reeelji' of ra:b Ht the late o' $1 ft-i per Vl.Iii .,e, :V,'g!it at .-wen" of pun liaer AJdioi llAitt'KK UllOTHldt. riaui.liii ,p:aTe, N. Y- Estrny Police- Tt'i en ,:p :,t . o -e ot the iiliicril er in ?ouili r' lid I'le- tU'.-t, 'JI niiie-1 - f from r!:itt-iutli. one rtd t'ow, aliun-. G eld, line batik. i:n brands r marks p-'i-ieivabie. a!o, one rtd Call', Tvbile spfit o:i rn-iip. ai-out ij nioiiths tM; u brands vjr niaiks I er ccivablc I'lattsm.iut, Nov. I'.l'i, I;C3 no-,.'.' T. W. FOCXTAIV. Est ray PVoJice. Ta"en un oa 1 lie preun-e cf the snh-c iher 2 r.iile? so'ali of l'lattunciui'.. at? brind'e Cor, w: h htti-r ' K" I u i-ei.t a' .11 l- 01 14 3 jr ol I, 110 rati f.i or l.-.-ird. pe" . ival le. A ls'. one I'.i el re i 4 "an-. ,rr'p Lite f-n rumn. w hltp -i.y, tr iu i . .:. .1 t.i of t.ui wh.i ri,r;.t hvn all eone but aljut a inches; n o oilier trai ks or orands peronabie. pistujmcTith , rr.-r l-r co-.jj v saml'zi. :Ktx3Ar.", SEMINARY rcn the k'-ccatios or YO U N G I j A DIES. ?Ir. ant Vr. Sh.t.i.OCk c to Inform tlie tnhb t A", i . f !S:,trnioiiih and its v ii-iuitj that tby liaTe cp-neJ a i-emina'y for t)f- e3:.e.iti..n of young li- ti. - . Tl. f"ir- of i.i5t-nctl'.-n IW r.n(r:;B. tail "tit ia f.r.-t rl n fch-voh: in Ku-o;e; French. Mu : ""ifiano Ft-rte, t.'uitit auJ (iiwiag) Fancy Work, .Mi!icwi:llii :gbtas a erparun siuoj ii re- . . . , . . . . tj. rcsiitHnc.: In'ely occupi-'d 1'V" Mr. le!lo Tinrt tar.l. a a nip: !y o- lor sti 1 itt-uiuth, r t. H, r..;i. W M . S . WEST Is M.liri:iD!r i"J'i" f-c APPLE TR?ES ar.'l twurf Apple-1. l'ar-irees an. I Owsrf rrnrs, jiiii:ce, l'eacl.r, flmtis, Ai-iot, XM.ritie, Clior- virs, bruit', O i' TvutrriL, cnrrinis l: acKoerrie-, Wli ite K! v."-li- i ri1". Kih;'i!les. Sirawli'-rriei acJ 6veJyt!in:g !r :a lt g Apies lo Liu;.: Heriiea. A L SO: Ormr.:"!:!:il Tr'C, T.w.rz: e5s. Kit of il! c iior, Honev.-tM.kl -"i", Lilii'ts, -ii"-.vl .t U, FIoW'Tiiisr Alntiiiid, rinii all van. liex Xutsery l anta Jrr.ra'.ilr in the pititu let f I'ibimii "i th, itii. i n will be reiuly fur if Kvcry on the 1st of April, let : ReiC2 L. GOLDING, DEALF.R is 0 HATS Ct. CAPS, FDRHG GOODS, Boots & Shoes, r TruiiksValises, etc. Give me a call. I rropose "joinprenst in .i short time to puristinso poods, and will sell off my present stock at Extremely Low Figures. Kemcniber thi plncp. One doer WEST of the llt'RALD eSce, PLATTSMOTJTH IT. T- 53 p r o P r ' i 6 c H ef5 a: a; i v. r 1 5: o 05 m ? CO 3 ? ' . a o o wo rr. o C o 19 o O r-s 02 ex Unquestionably th3 test sustained i work of thfi kinrlin thn Wnrlft i II AIUMCirS 3Tew JTontlily Magazine. Criiii- il notices oi' the l'res It is the tmeint rt Maj.-aitp nf tde day. T!.e Cre-.ii.- never li.ol a in. re delightit! r.onpaiiHin. nor ihe tniilioa a ir,oi-e etiiei'i.riiii irii.n.l. limn Ha-p r's .Maci.zine. .V't.'io'ixt 1'i'ftr.l Hit i ilaliini'ire.) The ni i.-t jiopnla." .Muailoj iu the v.orlJ. -V. 1". O.Wi-r-i-. I Wo ui'i-t re r in terms of i u! osy to tt e high tone Ami vane excellences of II it ; erS Mai-'azitie a jour nal with a monthly rircul uio.i cf about 170,0UI eop ie ,lnvli,..-e i are to b. found some or the elleii-e-t lik-lil llu l i-'u. ial r:tdini; ,.f the day. We s;e-ak of tMU wurk .is an eviilt it.-e Cf the American peop.e; and the popularity it has acquired, is nieiit- d. Each namher cmit.iitia fi,!;y 144 paces of read iujr liiutter, appropriately iI!u.;rKi-d With i.cod wood eiiis; and it cenilniii-s in it;-eli the racy iii'.uthly and t''i-luore pl,i:.i...pli:cal quarte- Iy, Mriided wilii the femur-- of t he daily j..nrr. ttl. It has great power in the ili-reininat of a love of pure literature. Turitr'd fra.-.'e it A ffrii'ii it LIU t'tttttrr. (London.) The v., hi tin d constitute of themselves a li h'.'.i r; oi" mis.'elJaiHi-Ui reading, urh a caacut be fo il: I i i the same e mp.iii. ia uny ether pnl.lirat ion that hai fiiuc uiader o.:r n.,tijj:. i'lWfi,. Courier. SUIJSC'IIPTONS. -ISuG. The liuhii-hers h ive pr,i-.-t. d a rte,n '.if lnailirz l y uli.rh tliey can -ui p'y the Va,ra7i :.e and Weekly jToinpi l.y f il.n-f ithu pi-e vr to r.-c i Ve their pt riod--a N liir. ctiy f ot'i ;ie 1 ti: ..f imblu-a-i-.u. 1 ...s,e lk liaiper s .na!:.iii.e i. . tsum a ye ir, u hich uiu.- be p.'ij ;.l iije ? n nee. ffAi.Prn's i'.yr., v'-.u . - - t . An cxtr . i:o;,y et either the 3I.ici7ine or Weekly R-ii; be m;ir,. ied praTi6 fcr ..vcr t'lao it Five :ui-wr-.orrs at ft c-avb, ia one reoiiitatn e ; or nix Cojks for ."i. 1 u'i numbers can be tupp'ieil at any time. A ci u;p!e.e t-et, n w C'ltnpiii-.n,.' 1 f enty-nia Vol- ia n,at cloth bindin :. ivnl be vent by cxPfe, j BAU3 C0FE just ro fie-eh: .V exp'tie ef pnrciia.-e-, f.r f 'Jo per volume. , "f -Sinaie v.-lanif, Py t.iail, po-it pai l.$l. Cloth ca-es ' fj.- riri'i;!,., r cca'--. l-r n-ail. p.i-t paid. A'..r.:a HAPPKR liEOTHER. j . .'-Eklia f quere, X. Y' TOOTLE, II MAIN STREET, - - L A Ii C rj mi; t4l ' ii.-. V-i. --s JTcst of Wholesale auJ 4, H A R D a m- OIotMngof every description. i WINES AND ttrJOBS Cr ALU KINDS. j Constantly ca land a Larpe Stoc'v of i ! BOOTS ivND SHOES, QUEENS WARE IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASJ, And ery article required by And everybody else m be supplied at this establishment. Call and examhe our cxtamcc stock. -it FIEE PBbOF BEICK. ! i riaitsmouth, April 10, 'C3. 1805. AMISOiX, R)YEY & CO., North f!e of rvfain Street, IU e on huo ihe L AUG EST STOCK of QU: ENS WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING. &C, liver Ofler i tliis Jlaiket. LIQUORS OI ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Fanner, fechanic, Freighter or Emi grant vats. FLOUR, BACON, CP, OATS, Thankful for past Patronage, Ave ope by strict attention lo bus iness to merit a confnnance of the same. Call and cxaninc our stock. riatttsmouth, April 10, 1SC-5. if r-..m , ir.i...'n.n.l v i i.rtioa a t AMliDX, DOVEY & C"'a j I 4 O to AMISOX, liOVEYA CO'i to purchare tour VI 8prinff goods endless var ietv of l.rdii.' Pros fiu.uN A. I). 4 CON. 50 - f CAsrS Molti y's Cove Oyter for sole at -. u. &. t:u s. KEAT baraaiu? in Lad'es' rres-s Goodsnt A. i. v CO'S. I -(?; SALE at AM1SOX. DoVi Y A CO'S, ClTee, 't' , Sueur. Uolileti Syiup, S-igar House Mo- lasi!e?, New YorV: Caiiii'u s, tic , e!.;. . ... f .... .vln Sl,.Li,, T.ilwre.. f.,r . V .'ale at i'. ti a. lOiLOIL fr mie ly A. D. k CO. "Tl BOXti Star Candles f r ale t y A, D. A CO. J t" you want to ; nit bite itoodi a: a bat piic. t-o t i 1 ce'red I y A. D. Co. i Larg j lot r?f Choice Tea at 1 -TV. A. D C0'3. ANNA CO., PLATTSMOUTII, N.'.T (JEST ."-?: -V J dli iL. St. Louis. Retail Dealers In W ARE, DOORS & GLASS. m Tcotlo, Ecnna 8c Co. 1805 EI All D W A RE, I. irsre a-ort meut of mei's and bov-' ch thing V for tale by A- D- & t ' HELLED C'KKN for saleby A D. k CO. A . I. & CO. 1' AC0X aud Lard fur bale by i liK.WY INVOICE of ai! iindo d ran.ily Oro- aV cei ies add Outlit-.n,' (joods just d 0 A. I), i CO. ;A' LI. kinds of Kai n,;i: luiplenn nt for i le bv A. I. &. CO. Lar-e iot of Two Uoie flows for sal- by A ll. ti- O . j I X endless arittv f liirdrtare aud Cutlery 1 v sale at A. V. & CO 3. 1 L"aSH, Iioors Shins!. , Gia-is, and ITa':' of every O uesci iption for sale by A f. A C O. A I.I. kin-Is . fCoun 17 l'.-oi.uce taken ip exchar ,r pi. ods Lv A. h. i C. 'IO enumera e ail the aitieles we Lav.- f.r i would li'l one sider.f th I.'uk-LD, and other f t.. I!kkld; and otl idvertise as Lave as -ood a rifht to advertise as AMI? OX, DOYEY - CO. 'rilEU gefl OatSttin I!ou north rf St. Joseph I i il AMIiON, KOVEY A Co S., ; Plaui-th, X"braa. ; T 11 NEBRASKA Pi tL 4 Is the place to get C A 18 IKS, RILf.-IIKADS, BAIL TICKETS. POfTERS- L tB,irr OH From a TO A ADV IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, A"SD LET T1IK PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive Sl Stirring. I SUJ3SOniJ31i ro?. THE Nebraska Herald, AND IfC p VO ! I P Q V I F PfTPfl ;4-.. . v w i . v . V w . . II l r FIJIfD EXTRACT At t' Cpe of e.u.l II p T li ; II O T T !: .V T 0 T'3 tn 1 B U C 1-1 U t wai ! :r'. I l,--..- if n M'-ti i r i ' e 111 I y ! v - 1 ' ri: .1 II 1.!. i pi.-elit! i- tr, ! , ' ' i w Ii i rc.rijj . 1", ii ud 'iu, t, I- .IV : vel, ; 1: 1 c . ; -.ii . ! t.,e -.j at.J '..'Th (,' id!, m,j i;.... Ij', for I'eL.jie . !, Tor Pr i.f.'in rnd f -?r!ns' !). or I . ,' , 1'teri, I il,.- r, . i;i:4 j, K,.it..,L! ,L . J li Cm t Hi' l'e t I.' i inet ,i 1;(1 a 1 1 ii-e;i (j - :i . . : t1 , aid of u ilmie' le ai f ,, a uS L( lu pa it - L'ti ui; Led ia il, i ac.i.:l..u. It ; j :-' i recoiiini Mid !..,.-; of j Dyspepsia, Chronic E.hcuni3tisn., Cut. r.c uj AC To e-.i.o !i w di..i!i.;4 nn.--'t f::"r i',l., :c:l..ti tfce tliasvl ' "in ! I ;r,. . ..l'::,l i -i 1 h , .,., Hi, fun t ..nn. T,, tlr- ... . t', -,. I.. . i ,,' t ,., Id ti,, "t'ai-'.-, I iU; t , aitui.1 t!iu Loi!il l..s:h mii1 iu.uui po- ei -'. Ciu- Fic&Ii rind Bloofl I i e n-pp.ii ted fr.u. IjU- y. ;vj::y rr.i.i of um. Vvctiw B:;f.;jiCy Co OTd ,4t;p, and i'i cr -v t . d il: 'S'' o . a "? . P.iMe to I e tiiLJ c.t 77; e dairjca 11 71'inij inzi l.irrs an n(:V:ii. Tl:e p,!Ll. t.t has, 1 : a:i i-lu.i Jblc r- tn'dy In iuid ISxiraet ci' Hiick V I'LUciJ :p!,ia i'.t HELM HOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. ' 17,5 !...! au-I I:.-:-t Lr.!:-..-l ei.oi.dy th f-.'l i 'ren '-h of lh' prrre .:, ri - .t v I I h :!- y Are nin J j lii y i:re t lie ;n- t : -. i of all. A ready m.4 i ci. tic :u mi e I -( .r :!, . jii- ..t;' wi.l l.e a C'Oiii .it -' s..n H-ith th . t f i :i in ti e t li :t..-d i latei liii B I m-.-ry TUi-m tiirn. .ir .j'T'd I y H . T. H.'.m : I.' !1. ii iliyi-t i. i..x : - a y.-1 1 , :: p i iero e in t ? i i i it;.-, i.i.d v.-e 1 v.. !. t i i ' :W in, w P. I e u Vr l:';-'vn :tn : !i;el;i'r: l.'.eril to n.'.-t I Hill li pe r il i, ll tit m;.ti .rnd Mr. Il ilitlx'ld'. llf-- ii4 itain.'y joii.n fa t- id- i ;. fli I'ruA .: I Cli--ii"il W.uii.ii-i, , i i.'.y il X-w VorK. not n '.-tiled, if 4'i il. ;, l y jlv : 11 t'.'e Tunt ry, wo v. uuld a 1 v i i tei r i .. i i (.. , v, he i vi-i: ioi,' tl it t cii7 to n'txa l:: .1) a c .1, and j to. therji-riv. IIELMDOLD'S IJXTRAIT OP I5UCIH