..1. "W v 1 "7 wrn attempts to haul doicn the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." Jonx A. Dix. VOL. I PJ.ATTSMOUTII. N. T., WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15, 1865. i0. 3:2. VIT f,1 II H H I- THE HERALD IS i rHI.l.-IIED EYEItY WEDNESDAY MORNING, II. I HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. - "j-Oir.ec cr.inwr Ma:a 9t ft ui.vl Ltvee, R'voiid ry. ' Xercis: $2.r3 pcrannam, invariably J 'ales of hfrertifing. 0n'-' ar.- !ijr' nf t. a l'ne,.) oi-- insertion, I f.O X i .iiti.ini-rit 1nrti' n 1.' '1 10 nil 1 .-, I O 1 A't )) I', :'l S'l ufl 4 ...OO we quart r c!'k:iu or It-", i r :1:4:1.1m " t!.r - UfU 1:1 h:f i-.;u"'n twelve m-i!iiii .. . x rn"Ut!is .. " t '.r-.' rr. , .-(..ima fir.-ie m .-ith-i . rr.- ci t. - 1 ,; !r?.!iiut " IV'-rn-'-i i Tits -;n : le f.iJ ft-ria H W- r- p'.M!--l t- .1- a'l k !'' f W"rk -n ,'rt I: 't: ! iu a - liiot 1 guinea JSivcctcviu TL. R LIVINGSTON, M. D Physician and urge on, 1 r.i.i ' . . , - l:,.. ill I'Mllii W l:if - fl U-. C .n.. r .,f f. V.1 S L .p .-s ):!.. on M.i m sll-.-ct, J-po- l 1 oar 1 ll n.s.., I I iit-iM'.iitl!, 2s'-l.i .t '. WILLITT POTTENGEH ttokm:y at law, PLATTSMOUMI - - NK1.UASKA. T. .11 53 ikqi rr a ATTOIi.NEV AT LAV Solicitor in Chancery. rLATTSMorni, - - nki'.i: iska. JOSEPH WATCYHAIIEIl and JLYvELEF. vain Stki kt. ri.ATTSMorni, - - r kisiiaska 1 (..ilwn'il i'::' " i ..itl.i.-n' . f ':.! ... . ,.. . i - J w.-!rv. .-ilirr W.ir '. l.iL:-' ila T'liimtiMBf nl .- t h ifi ai irtr-l I.i- '-nrt; l 1 U' l::J n:.l A(.tii 10, l--". t.in.ri e..u-i ' NOTARY PUBLIC AM CONVl-A'ANCiai- 1.. v.-tt A." T:,x I'.iy. r f..r !... S'-hnt- fc. -:'; , .M. Ui 1 lin .-t t'.l'.- I, fir . , fT A ! t : - rut. u - ' ' - ' h . wii. r.-c. nf .Satiuiial Claim Apciicy. WASHINGTCN D C F. M. DORRINGTON, M il AOENT: ri.UTSMOUTII, - - NK BP. ASK A, I,r .,.r! t- j-r . i.t ir. l jri'H'iiV i :.nn t.. f rt- c.'-i. , i " i' i i.ft'..i.'ii.. au.i 1 1..- :.-.:i't! .. r.i- iv ii r. "lit n.i r...in:iy i,!i.i f. ou r f f ' f ar.'iH ... , l.-i .t-. ti-t iii i r.. -ti. n t tb. .nun ! tlir i Uil... V. M- l' )I'.UIMTO 1, I'-, -lift. N OTA KY 1 U 15 1.IC AN I) ccmmissioneficfdeuds Tiro and Life Ins, A't, Jvoul .or collivti -ii "f claiiiM hhh: (.ovrnniei.t, 1r S..M-.T-.. tluir hIJiiwi Hii-I ii : i f r t..-i. Ac-nt loi thv r-u-li.i- an'! f I - f ' ! i"i'! ' "' IT"I'T- Lr-ini! ifT.-i.ruHi.t-, i'4t:i' u: Tasi. iu all pirt. i I Nf Iri-ka ini'l Wi-M.-rn Ii. .t.ili.N to l.n r rtainiiieti.a r;,-iirrl L:.u.t, lnsurautf, Tk Y, itiir ari'l i ' 1 1 . 1 1 n Airrm-v. t f" . : r t- :i!i hu.ir.r i-ifn iu Nti: a?ka. Fill.' .i. nth. X. T., May J5. Viv'i. PL &TTE V ALLtlT ki d m 9 in. r f-j a -z. G. VV. CROW, PROP. I ; repar.'.l to fui i.i -li n1! wli.i r.iy" ','V.tr me w:tL - ir p8trui.nrr, wi:h I..J,.l'. ir ni..:i! tir U tiie tk. ' O. H . Civ 'W. 1 in, ut!., Aprii 1-, 1 MRS. L. GOLDING, I'RACTICAI. -1N-L .L A-J W 1. -I-"1 ; Has r1 tier it Mici-.-sfuI'y f.T mv l.oui .i. J im I.r.ivriiMoiih eity. V v tUv'iiU-i, pi"i. - Mrs ... iluu tia. ..- uui.ei;tly 1. ca'.-d in iliU lily Rf-i.tr:..-.' tn the U'.riti-wrsl par! of I. --v.i. Ju ;.s tf TOR SALE ! Thirty desirable business and rcsi dhnco LOTS IN FLATTSMOUTII. T-n botifand acres of prairie and tira Ler . LAND IN CASS COUNTY. Ter-ni to suit cah purchasers. 1). II WIIIU.fK. R-:il Kr:ilf Afn', J::ue 5, n.3 Court H..U...., riAt;-iiiouth. '-NATIONAL BULLS, DENVER, C. T., T7HITTEM0RE & CO , Proprietors, I aj nil kinils of craln at hicht m.nrke! i. to. Tlio i ' :tvi.ti..n of Ihr wh.nt pri'wrrs of Nt-I ! a i -r..:i d : I I the iiprrlfr taclliiirs atf iiiii'd tbei:i by Ih.'-r mil's in rcnTfrtit.u into ciisti the wheat imrm.'.-a for iiie "clr.lo market. ".;. 5, U.8 I FOE SLIi). Eilit or Ten Tlioronsfh Iired American MERINO RAMS TifT t- re hred ky J. S. Watker, Wjrtnin? Co'inty, . K. V and airrd h- hm fulximm vtork-hiirk "i?i,r, - Ha,ien" wasr-ivr! ty vp- rs. ci:fires ef .Y-mnt, and is a half hro'hcr .f l.t ceiubra,,,! ! hrt -ynnuor-r 'otri H.i!.-n" fca lu.rn ti:.! - J "of wsol of (in. Trar"s erowtti. For further lajjunition Inquire rf - - '- S. X. VISE. FIattmuhtt,or . . C. B. WALKER, Slit Crttk Font ' CONVERSATION H1TII presi I)EM JOHNSON. Medfoiid,' Mass., Oct. 8, ISG-j.' My Dear Sir: I was so much im pressed with our conversation of last Tuesday, that I returned immediately to my room and wrote down such of the points as I could remember, and hav ing pondered them all the way home, am to-day, more than ever, convinced hat, if corrected bv you and returned to me for either public or private use, it will go far to promote a good under standing between you and our leading men. It will also unite the public mind in favor of your plan, so far at least as you would carry it out without modi fication. You are avare that I do not associ ate much with men in political life, but r.-uht r with those who, reprejenting the advanced moral sense of the country? earnestly iibor for the good of our peo pi o, without hope of. or even desire for cilice or oiher immediate reward. The latter class desire earnestly to under stand your plans, and, if possible, sup port your administration. I think the publication of yjur pro cess of recoup! ruction, with the reasons for your faith iu it, will commend itself to tiuir candid judgment, and, as I told you, inspire our whole Northern people with confidence in your administration. The report is meagre and unsatis factory, but I think it conveys, for the most part, the spirit of our conversation. Therefore, although the whole tenor of your words leu mo to believe that it was net intended to be kept private, I have refrained from anbwering the spe- -c . : :.: t : . ........ Cl.it IliljUIIIUS Ui UUAIUU1 lUCliu:, llliuill 1 ,utft on my way home, lest I mighi, in some way, leave a wrong impression on their minds. Truly your friend, Georoe Ij. Stearns. The President of the United States. Washinoton, D. C, Oct. 3. I have just returned from an inter- j view with President Johnson, in which j he talked for an hour on the process of ! reconstruct!'.)!! of Rebel Slates. I lis manner was as cordial, and his conver- satioii as free as in 1SG3, wLen I met j him da.ly in Nashville. His ccuntenancR is healthy, even more so than when I first knew him. I remarked, that the people of the North were anxious that he process of rt construction should be thorough, and they wished to support him in the ar duous work, but their idras were con futed by the conflicting reports con stantly circulated, and especially by the present position of ihe Democratic par ty. It is industriously circulated in the Democratic Clubs that he was going over to them. He laughingly replied, "Major, have you never known a man who for many years had differed from your views because you were in ad vance of him, claim them as his own who he came up to your stand-point?" I replied, I have often. He said, so have I, and went on; the Democratic party finds its old position untenable, and is coming to ours; if it has come to . 1 1 1 . n.it i' in T n m o-1 n , 1 tf ft Vnn nnrl I need no preparation for this conver- s-aiion; we can talk freely on this sub ject, for the thoughts are familiar to us; we can be perfectly - frank with each other. lie then commenced, with say ing that the States are in the Union, which is whole and indivisible. Individuals tried to ca'rry them out, but did not succeed, as a man may try to cut his throat and be prevented by the bystanders; and you cannot say he cut his throat because he tried to do it. Individuals may commit treason, and be punished, and a large number of individuals may constitute a rebellion and be punished as traitors. Some States tried to get out of the Union, and we opposed it, honestly, because we believed it to be wrong; and we Vinv cnrrpisjfprl in rntitrr A n it- n trSo T? n- I o l)oJ;on. The DOWer of those reTSOnS who made the attempt has been crush- eu, ena cow we wani ro reconstruct tne State Governments, and have the pow er to do it. The State institutions are prostrated, laid out on the ground, and they must be taken up and adapted to the progress of events; this cannot be done in a moment. We are making verv rapid procress. so rapid I some- ,tr,J at',VJ I t ' . times cannot realize it; it appears like a dream. We mast not be in too much of a ! t i l. .1 nurij , i. is oeiiei 10 tei laeui i ecunsu uci themselves than to force them to it; for if tney go wrcng, the power is in our Laud and we can check them at any stage to the end,, and oblige them to correct their errors: we must be patient with them. I did not expect to keep out .11 who were excluded from the Amnesty, or even a large number of them, but I intended they should sue for pardon, and so realize the enormity of the crime they had committed. You could not have broached the subject of equal suffrage at the North, seven jears ago, and we must remem ber that changes at the South have been more rapid, and they have been obliged to accept more unpalatable truth than the North has; we must give them lime to digest a part, for we cannot expect such large nflairs will be comprehended and digested at once. We must give them time to understand their new po sition. I have nothing to conceal in these matters, and have no desire or willing ness to take indirect courses to obtain what we want. Our Government is a grand and lofty structure; in searching for its foundation we find it rests on the broad basis of popular right. The elective franchise is not a natural right, but a political right. I am opposed to giving the States too much power, and also to a great consolidation of power in the Cen tral Government. If I interfered with the vole in the P.,ebel States, to dictate that the negro shall vote, I might do the same thing for my own purpose in Pennsylvania. Our only safety lies in allowing each State to control the right cf voting by its own laws, and we have the power to control the Rebel States if they go wrong. If they rebel, .we . have the army, and can control them by it, if necessary, by legislation also. -If the Great Government controls the right to vote in the States, it may establish such rules as will restrict the vote to a small number of persons, and thus create a central depotism. My position here is different from what it would be if I was in Tennessee. There I should try to introduce negro suffrage gradually, first those who have served in the army; those who could read and write, and perhaps a property qualification for others, say $200 or It would net do to let the negroes have uciverjal suffrage now; it would breed a war of races. There was a time in the Southern States when the slaves of large own ers looked down upon n m-slavedolders because they did not own slaves; the larger the number of slaves their mas ters owned, the prouder they were, and ihis has produced hostility between the mss of the whites and the negroes. The outrages are mostly from non slaveholding whites against the negro, and from the i.egro upon the non-slave-holding whites. The negro will vote with the late master whom he does not hate, rather thtin the non-slaveholding white, whom he does hate. Universal suffrage would create another war, not against us, but a war of races. , Another thing. This Government is the freest and best on the earth, and I feel sure is destined to last; but to secure this, we must elevate and purify the ballot. I for many years contended at the South, that Slavery was a politi cal weakness, but others said it was political strength; they thought we gain ed three-fifths representation by it; I contend that we lost two-fifths. If we had no slaves, we would have had twelve Representatives more, ac cording to the then ratio of representa tion. Congress apportions representa tion by States, not districts, and the State apportions by districts. Many years ago, I moved in the Legislature that the apportionment of Representatives to Congress, in Ten nessee, should be by qualified voters. The apportionment is now fixed until 1572; before that time we might change the basis cf representation from popu lation to qualified voters," North as well as South, aad.'in due course of time, the Slates, without regard to color, might extend. the elective franchise to a'L wha possessed certain menta 1, moral or such other qualifications, as might be determined by an enlightened pub lie j ungment. Boston, Oct. IS, 1SC5. The above report was returned to me by President Johnson with the follow ing indorsement. George L. Stearns. I have bead the within commit KICATIOV, A 'D FIND IT SUBSTANTIALLY CORRECT. I HAVE MADE SOME VERBAL ALTER ATIONS. (Signed) A.J. IUX1CL O'CO.WCLL OX AMER ICAN SLAVERY. The following is the concluding pas sage of an address written by the late Daniel O'Connell, the great Irish agi tator and patriot, to the committee of the Irish Repeal Association of Cincin nati, ou the subject of negro slavery in the United States. We commend the sentiments to his countrymen in Ne braska: "We conclude by conjuring you, and all other Irishmen in America, in the name of your fatherland in the name of humanity in the name of the God of Mercy and Charily we conjure you, Irishmen, and descendants of Irish men, to abandon forever all defence of the hideous negro slavery system. Let it no more be said that your feelings are made so obtuse by the air of Amer ica that you cannot feel as Catholics and Christians ought to feel, this truth. this plain .truth, that one man cannot have any property in another man. There is not one of you who does not recognize that principle in his own per son. Yet we perceive and this ago nizes us almost to madness that you, boasting of Irish descent, should, with out the instigation cf any pecuniary or interested motive, but out of the sheer and single love of wickedness and crimet come forward as the volunteer defend ers ot the most clegrading species ef human slavery. Woe! Woe! Woe! There is one consolation still amid the pulsations tf our hearts. There are there must be genuine Irishmen in America--men of sound heads and Irish hearts, who will assist us to wipe off the foul stain that Lord Morpeth's proven charge has inflicted on the Irish character who will hold out the hand of fellowship, with a heart in that hand, to every honest man of every caste and color who will sustain the cause of humanity and honor, and scorn the pal try advocates of slavery who will show that the Irish heart in America it as benevolent and as replete with char itable emotions as in any other clime on the face of the earth. We conclude. The spirit of demo cratic liberty is defiled by the continu ance of negro slavery in the United States. The United States, themselves, are degraded below the most uncivil ized nations, by the atrocious inconsist ency of talking of liberty and practic ing tyranny in its worst shape. The Americans attempt to palliate their in iquity by the futile excuse of personal interest; but the Irish, who have not even that futile excuse, and yet justify slavery, are utterly indefensible. Once again and for the last time we call upon you to come out of the councils of the slave-owners, and at all events to free yourselves from partici pating in their guilt. Irishmen, I call cn you to join in crushing slavery, and in giving Liberty to every man of every caste, creed and color. Signed by order, Daniel O'Connel, j Chairman of ihe Committee. EQFThe New Orleans tribune, own ed and edited by colored persons, relates the following incident: ' When Carl Schurz arrived in this city he became the guests of General Canby. It was in the evening. Next morning after breakfait. General Schurz said he would be pleased to look over a loyal city pa per. "There is none," replied Gen. Canby, "except the Tribune, which is a negro paper." SST"A lady in Boston last veek as tounded a female pickpocket, who in the crowd had thrusted her hand into her pocket, by turning and coolly inquiring: "Why did you put your hand in my pocket, when I have my purse in my hand?" L3The house -of Baring Brother & Co., of L6rid6n,reaehed' its hundredth yea'r 3 'few days ago. .- : - A (ItltKTFJlMASTER'S FAUE :. U'LIiL ADDRESS. A frtend sends the following humor ous orer issued by an Indian Quaner masteif. It makes some very fair hits: Hind Quarters Indian Brigade, ) Near ft. Gibson, C. N., April 2o. $ Gctral OorJer No. 1. I Cubs of the Quartermaster's Department of these Hindquarters heroes cf a thousand mud-holes and "nary 5a fijhi" after four years ardu ous service, marked by unsurpassed iuk-slinging ; find uuparallelled hard cursing, your Chief bows to the edict of thei General Commanding, and de clares' these Hindquarters "non combat ibus in swamp." I ned notjteJl you, my gallant mule stealers, whd have to the last braved the danger of being kicked to death, that lihavc not thoroughly given up this "goout egg," or consented to the result from any distrust of their abilities, but feeli.Tjg that itKvas worse than useless to steal against such superior rank, I have this day capitulated to the Post Head quarters. - By the terms of the agreement, you can remain at home until exchanged, (or sieal yourselves into the penitenti ary,) taking with you all your private property, such as mules, sugar and spun truck;. I wonld suggest that the cubs take as much sugar and coffee as pos sible, or it will be wasted by being is sued to the troops. You will toke with j'ou the satisfac tion of a "nest well feathered," and I earnestly pray that "Old Bill" may not catch and bless you, as you deserve, for your noble ivijid self-sacrificing conduct. Many have sought glory at the can non' mouth, and s:hed their blood upon the altar of. their country although this glorious privilege has been denied you, yet you .have ever had the first picking at tne spoils, and in the hour of batilu I hive found you at your posts far, far in the rear. With an increasing admiration for the . adhesiveveness of your fiDgers to Government property, and the wonder ful stretching qualities of your con sciences, coupled with a grateful re membrance of the many things your "aflidavy'' has enabled me to put in "Abstract L," I bid you a sorrowful farewell. A. L., Q. M., Indian Brigade. "Caught a Tartar" The Copperheads of Sandusky, Ohio, undertook to seduce a soldier of the Re publican ranks by nominating him for office. But they offered their bride to the army man, and got the following stinging kick for their plans. L'eitor Register: Whereas, with out my knowledge or consent, the Cop perhead.-" of Erie county, in their Con vention at Huron, September 22d, did there present my name as candidate for Connty Recorder, and did actually elect to give me the nominnation, therefore; I hereby declare, and request my friends (if they bear me any love) to make it known that the proceedings of said Con vention as regards my name, are wholly repudiated by me. On what grounds their expectation of my acceptance of the nomination was founded, I am at a loss to conjecture. If I baa remained nome during the last four years of rebellion, fighting the Government ly word and bsllot, plotting the death of friends and the overthrow of liberty, if my name wis Vallandigham, Booth, Wirz, they might have had a pretence, but I don't drill in thai squad; I have been a soldier I liave seen B!le Isle, Libby Prison, aiid as they (the Democracy) did not yield their- support in time of need, I re ject their Jove now. ' A. C. Van Tine. , Thatcao't easily be improved. EST" Keep coffee where it will not imbibe odur, for it takes it on readily. Whole cargoes are sometimes lost by the presence of allspice or rum. CSTFghthard against a hasty tem- per. Anger will come, dui resist it strongly, i A spark may set a house on fire. A fit of passion may cause you t mourn all the days of your life. Never revenge an injury. ESF"In most of the French lunatic asylums medical men make it a point to enrourge their patients to give vent to their oivn thought", either by writing them down on paper, or drawing and painting them on canvass. The results fre most satisfactory. NATIONAL. NICIi.-NAJ.IES. The followinc is the nick names of the different Stales which we find in an exchange. The origin of them would be an interesting study for the curious in such matters: Maine, NewHampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, Wisconsin, Iowa, California, Oregon, Kansas, Minnesota, Texas, Nebarska, Foxes. Granite. Green M'nt'n Boys Bay State. Gun-flints. Wooden Nutmegs. Knickerbockers. ('lam Catchers. Leatherheads. Blue hen's chickens Clam Thumpers. Bepgles. Tar Boilers. Weazels. Buzzards. Corn Crackers. Buckeyes. Wolverines. Hoosiers. Suckers. Tukes. Toothpickers. Tadpoles. Fly-up-the Creek. Badgers. Ilawkeyes. Gold Hunters. Hard Cases. Jayhawkers. Gophers. Beef Heads. Bug- Eaters. TIIE FENIANS. The English Government seems to become more and more frightened in regard to the supposed movements of the Fenians. A number of detectives from London arrived in the last steam er to this city, with special instruction?, it is understood, to keep an eye on the Fenians, and inform the English Gov ernment from time to lime of whatever facts may come to their knowledge in regard to them. One or more of the detectives, it is stated, left for Chicago, where it is believed that the Fenians are organized in greater ttrencth than anywhere else in America, excepting this city and vicinity. It is understood that the Fenians have lately adopted a stricter secrecy in their communications and action than formerly. A. Y. World. A novel claim was settled by the War Department lately. In 1863 Geu. Granger ordered all women of ill-fame to leave the city. One hundred and seventy-three were placed in charge of an oflicer, with orders to leave the cargo at Louisville or Cincinnati. The authorities refused to allow them to land, and the officer was kept cn the river about a month, at the expense of about S6.000. the Government declin ing to furnish provisions. The claim has just been ordered paid. JVashville Ex. Probably the worst speculation of the Democratic leadeis was when they professed to ignore their platforms and to make tenders of support to Pres ident Johnson. They lost both ways. If their penitence was genune, still the Union leaders who had been tried in the same works and not found want ing, would be preferred. If it was false, their own followers who knew them best, would turn upon and dessroy them. And so, between the distrust of the one and the contempt of the other side, they fell into grevious disgrace. What is the Monroe Doctrine? Mr. Monroe stated in his message of December 2J, 18:23, in clear and explicit words, as follows; With the existing colonies or depen dencies of any European power we have not interfered, and shall not in terfere. But with the Governments who have declared their Independence and maintained it, and whose Inde pendence we have on great considera tion and just principles acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any manner their desti ny, by any European power, in any other light than as a manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States. A story is told of a vain New York ycung lady, who, dissatisfied with her good but irregular teeth, had fifteen of them pulled out to make room for a new and false set. In vain the dentist wished to save her eye teeth. She would have them out. Nervous pros tration followed the operation, and she died a victim to her pride, and leaving the false teeth uncalled for. WINE-SIAKINti. Wine is not a thing made by tranat all, only modified at most. Ii is a pro duct of nature. In the purest and best grape wines this is most remarkably exhibited. The grapes are easily press ed by a wine or even a cider press, and can be kept separate from the lees or allowed to ferment on them a strength is required. Not one drop 1 f water, not a lump even of sugar is re quisite, although most of the wines in this country are prepared with it. But the fermentation is all an act of nature herself. She it is who makes our wine, and while the fermentation is going on all that man can do in to watch and let it alone. And when that has ceased, the drawing off into a clean cask and keeping it undisturbed in darkness and perfect quiet Ly itself, is all that man can do. A lump of loaf sugar in each bottle when bottled, may give a cham pagne freshness to it, but the simpler, the purer, the less of cookery in wine, the better for it and for those who have good taste enough to prefer it thus. The pure juice of the grape is best;in sickness. The best grapes, and if sugar be added, the best and purest sugar, should alone be used. rhil. Ledger. ty In Chicago a petition, signed by a large number of respectable citi zens, setting forth the danger incurred by allowing females in the city to carry fire arms, has been presented to the po lice commissioners, with the requei-t lhat they may take action thereon, and have all females disarmed. - - m ESIt is said that no single instance of a submarine telegraphic cable being injured by fish cf any kind or size has yet occurred. Every creature with fins flies from It, so that it fares much better than the wire on land in India, where the monkeys are persuaded that the poles anl lines are erected for them to use in gymnastic exercises. ESS0" Some body has estimated that fifty thousand people will visit Europe annually for the next two years, each will expend on the tour two thousand dollars, and the whole sum of one hun dred million dollars in gold will thui be taken out of the country. 5S?"The Herald says petititons to Sec. Seward are circulating in Boston, already received the signatures of some of our largest ship owners of lhat ci y praying him not to press our claims on the BritishGovernment for depredations of the anglo-rebel pirates. The peti tions state that when England becomes engaged in a war, which cannot be far distant, the position that Government has taken in regard to fitting out vessels, if allowed to stand as a precedent, will give us such on advance lhat we can in flict on her commerce damage a hundre d times greater than she has allowed to be inflicted on ours. JSKLucius Robinson, the Copper head candidate for Comptroller of New York, when a member of the Le gisla lure in 1S60, voted for a proposition to amend the constitution, to extend the right of suffrage to the negroes, and there is no public evidence that he has yet changed his opinion. lySyThe three latest -fancy drinks in California are called "ladieg' tear punch," "anti-divorce cock-tail," and "soul stirring solace." ESFGeorge B. McClellan, whom our readers may remember as a Major General in the United States Army at the commencement of the war, is slay ing with his wife, at th French Capitol. Av2r"The Jackson Mississippian says: "It is the natural right and duty of all freemen and freedmen to Uear witness. This rule of law prevails in the State of Mississippi, unless there be legisla tion to the contrary. 5FThere is in the British Museum an almanac, written on papyrus, near ly three thousand yeras old, which, hav ing been used by some Egyptian of the olden limes, was buried with him. JgSF'One of the great Harris family pa.s recently walked one hundred miles in one hundred successive hours, at New -Orleans. tS" A Negro, particularly a dead one, is not considered worth much in New Orleans, judging from the follow ing item cut from the local of a New Orleans paper: "There is a dead .nig ger in the River at the foot of Custom House street.'' That is poor Sambo's obituary. x ! t ( r