i 1 - V :' " i ! o?ills. Ar tick, feeble, am complaining? Are you on vi grucr. nn your svmen drracjred, arid vour feeling uncomfortable fThese syp torn aie oltcn the prelud la veiious illnesp. Some fl i or mkMM ia creeping itpoi 1 ou, and should be averHi bv a tiuielv iic of the rlirii remedy, lake Aers ai.d efrane out tlie tln-or deied liumois purify ttt- duou, ai.a lei tne nuia t more on unobstructed n l.ealtb aeaio. Thev rtimu late the function of it ' Lorir into vigorou activitv mrifr the ardent from tlie obstructions which tnak. lireow. A co d ett!e somewhere in the body, am batructa t n'utnl fnctioi.s. These, if not rt ieved. react npou tliemrcivesand the furroutidiB rraii. piuuiiciiia" irci.etal atrjrravatton, suffering jid disease. WW e iu thia coi.Uiiion. oi)ircd b; lie derauzemeuta, take Avers lill. and eee Lo uiecrir tiiev irstore the natural action or tue em. ai.d with it tut buoyant feeiing of health again Vhat true and W apparent in this trivial and com oou cmnp'aint, ia also true iu matir of the deep rated ai:d i'.aii:erou Uistewpera. The ntne purga ire effect expel tbem. CaU'etl br siuii'ar obatroe ions at.d derangements of the natural function ol tie bod v. tliejr are rapidly, aud many of them oreiy ured br the otine mean. 'one"wlio knew tin iitues of theie Jllla. will neK'eut to employ then rheu puflerinjr from the disorders they cure. Statement fiom leading phjiiciana in feme of tbt rii.cipal cities, and from other well-ktowu public crioua: Tram a forwarding ifrrehant rf St. Lov.it, Feb. 4 1S56. Dft AYS- Your rills are tte paragon of all thai gnat in medicine. - They have cured my Jlttfi laughter of ulceioua sorrs urou her hands and feel hat had provrd ii.cnrable for vear. Uermothei las breu lonir grie ously afflicted with blotches and rim pies ou Ler skin ard in ber hair. After out ihiid vu cinrd, she alto tiled your 1'il'n. and they lave cunU Ler. ASA. M0UGK1IH.E. As) Fainlf jr Pbjralc. From Dr. K XT. Cartvrigkt. AVttt Orleans. Your l'llls are the priL-ce of purges. 1 heir ex ellent qualities sun " any cathartic We possess, "hey are mild, but very certain and effectual iu theii ctiou on the bowels, which makes the in iuvaluablc o us iu the daily tieef mcnt ot disease. Headache, nick flrndaclse, Iroal Niemach. Frrm fir Kdtcnrd Itrtgd, HaUimore. Dcak I'.bo. Atkh: I cm not answer joa tchai oraulniut 1 have cured with j our J'ills better thao 0 ay all that tre errr treat w'ith a puryatirt meili ine. 1 place Rrest dependence ou that effectual alhartlc in my daily content with disease, and be ieriutr. as J do. that your Ill's afford ui the best wc lave, 1 of course value them highly. riTTSBCSo. Ta.. Jtay 1, 1855. Da. J. C. ATIR ir 1 have been repeatedly tired of the worst htarlache am body can have by a loeortwoof your Tills. It seems to arise from oul stomach, which they cleauseat once. . Yours with g neat, respect . EU. W 1'RRBLE. CVert of Steamer Clarion. Bilioos Disorder l.lver Ctupliat. From Dr. Theodore Belt, i.V.u fork City. Kot only are your l'llls admirably adapted to their inrpof as an aperient, but I tfnJ their beneficial effects uiiop the Uver very marked indeed. They lave iu niv practice proved more effectual for tlx mre of bilious complaint tbau any one remedy I n mention 1 kiucerelr rejoice that we hare at eufrtha purcative which Is worthy the confidence ol lie proltisiou and the people DKrBTJIHT OP THE ISTEIttOR, 1 Washington. 1. C , 7th Feb.. Sis: I have used your l'ills in my general and o.pital practice ever since you made them, and aunot hesitate ta say they are the best cathartic e employ. Thtir re'eulating action ou the liter it uick ai.d decided, coiuequently they are an ad nirable tetnedy tor dcianemeiits of that organ ndecd. 1 have seldom found a cate of Oilioui tits ose so obstinate tl.tt it did not reaiiilv tield U kem A raieiLaJIy our, ALONZO ISA LI.. M U.. i Physician of the Marine I lor pit at Dyarntrry, Diarrbara, Relax, Waruis. From l.t. J. :. t.'reen. of Chicago. Tour 1 ills hat had a lung tiial in mv prarticc. Xd I hold them iu esteem an one of tlie beit apeii nts J have ever to-ind. Their a. triative effect upon l.e liver makes them an excellent retueilv, when it en in mull dotes lor tntious th,ientrry and ditir han. Their sugar-coating makes them very ac ceptable and cotiteuieut lor the ue of woineu aud Widicu. DyitpopaJn, ?mpur!ly of ibe Rloori. Trom Rev J. V. Jlimr. Pastor of Ailvent Cliureh, lios'nn. Dr. Aver: I lave in-cd four Tills with extra ruii.ary miocbi in my family and ainoiig thot-e 1 am ailed to visit in disticsa. To" regulate the organs ot lip-Miou ui d purify the b'txnf. thev are the very ei-t icmt-Uy I have ever known, and 1 can coiih leiitly lecoiunieud thcia to my liiends. Youra, J. V. UIMKS. Warsaw, Wyoming Co.. N. Y'.,Oct. 24, 155. DfcAit Mi:: I am UMug yourt uthartic Tills iu my iractice. ai.d tJi.d them du exceiieiit purgative tc leaiife the sbteiu ami purfi the fountain of the 4ood. JOHN O ilKACiiAil, il. I. aalipttioii. CiMlivrnem, fSnpprewaioH Kbraimtlisni. (ont, Neuralgia, tsropsy, Paraljmw, t'itx, etc. Fim Ir. J. P. Vaughn. Montreal. Canada. Too much caunol be paid of your l'ills lor the Uie ot eoslirrnrn. It otht-ts of our fraternity have uuud them as ttl caeioui. a I have, they should join ne iu pioclaimitt; it. tor the Ix i.cllt of the muifitudet tho sufler tiotii that rompiaiiit. which, although nil ei.oiigh in ilrelt. is the propel it or of others tlmt .re hoim! 1 Ic'ictc cottirent to originate in the iver, but your 1 ills ahect that oryuu and cure the titeare. From Mr. . Stuart. Physici-tit and Midwife. ' Host on. 1 find one or two large t!o?e of your Tills, taken it the piuper iiine, aie excellent promotives of tin laturat snreliitn n In u wholly or pr.itialSy sup lieM'il. ai U uim very eth-c:'uul to clcnnse the ton. at h ii d erprl trnrnts. I hey are to much tin M-Kt phasic we hate that 1 recommend .o other tc n .ntit;i.ts From the Eee. Dr. Ilatrle. of the Methodist Epi hunk. rcLASKi Hocpe. Savani.ah, Ca.. Jtn. 6, 1856. I1oukki mil. 1 houtd be ungiatelul lor tlx chef tout skill-has bi ought tne if 1 did not report ny care to j on. A coid settled in mv limbs and nought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which tniieu in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding 1 lad the best of phyriciana. the disease grew worn ind worse, urtil by the advice of your excellent igeut in Taltimore. Dr. Mackenzie', 1 tried voni .'ills. Their elfi-cts were slow, but sure. Hv'per vering iu the uh' of them, 1 am now eutirely w ell. Pexatk Chamwer. Baton Ronge, La.,5Dpc.,lV pit Avkk: 1 nave beeu eutirely cured, by youi ills, of Hheutnatic Omit a painful tliiieosetnat hoi ifflictctl ine for years. .VINCENT tLlDKLL. Most of the l'ills in market contain Blercury vhicli although a va'uable remedy in skilful hands I dangeious iu n public pill, from the dreadful con queuce lhat irequentlv follow its iucnutious use contain uo mercury or xninerai substanct tuatcver. Price, 29 ctiU per Box, or 0 Boxes for SL fif artid ty Dr. J. C. ATER & Co., Lowell, Mass Marble "Yard. The undersigned have opened an Intensive MARBLE YARD In the City of Plattsmouth, where thev have PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Call ana Examine Specimens. Ve are prepared to do as good work as can be found in the country, at as Reasonable Prices - - As any establishment in the . West. JOSEPH -BUTZERIN CO. : IVJtfiiT? J. I STATEMENT FIRE AND TORNADO . Insurance Company, : ot? : FRliEPORTv- ILLINOIS; . Wf, Thom-s 3: Tomer. Pr-siih-nt. and D. W. C. Tanner. B rrHs'v, f tte Firf ami T rDiulo to- i.tmic 0 mronT.'f Freucrt. tllioeis, rierety-: eeTttT thm ha id Cuiiiiary Is pesel of a mpitjl of at !e.it one bund ! th'iusnil U.llr ,-rctirei uy ren tn 'eat et- :te wgrth a. tarB valuatioa at I . I flvr-t:uie- the muouut of saiit capitl, ami aot encam srid iu Dor Ali f'ailh vf said eh valQati..ll I THiis.J I U.JNKK. Pie-'t, 1. W. C 'I ANNtR, eec'j - - Stt or Ili.ihom. I ; ctepheuwu tuuty. J Personally appeared beVie me. Cera of tlieCoiintv i Hurt of Mrph nson county. Thus. J. Turner and U W. C. TnULti", to me kn -wn a the ''re I letu and eo(tary ot ibe Fiie aid Turnado lusuranee Cum pu ny, who beuig Cr-t duiyeurh uccurdiog t law, sv elly dep4e aid . that te abve cei tificate suh Scril.e.l t Iy Ihini rp:tiviy is irue i'i uotauce and iu fncl.as In tvn ty tu rfCraanr vaia tonipany h.-cnb d aud wri lo beiore iue. ihn 21at day Of Auguat, A II ISOJ U. II iVDICHLMtiU, CieikofCu. Couit, silepheusuu Co. CEfTlFICA.TEOF AUTHORITY, Tu i x,i c '.m lac 3lt uf Jannarr, f6i3. Insurtiiic thiHirtmmt, 'tjive of Trr. Auditor, I Oni.'l.i, N.hrak;i, lift. Iiili, l-tii J M'UtsFAS. J. T. t aUil.bWl, t-q , J.l,taul Crner titeut or the t ire and Turudo lavurdure Company, iwnlei at Kreeport. in tlie ta e of Illinois, h tiled in I hi ofIie a Cri titled Copy of -'llie Act of Ir.c rioi a i ti of aitl Comiany. together with a written in -tiuiin nt under the ?etk ot ail (Vmp.mv muler ualti cTliiyiti: ihia su-d Cniptny is posdtt of ac.ipi lal of at least One llmnlie'l 'I hou-ard Unllars. seeur ri hy hen o rea: e tte w..rtn at riinh valuitlo i at eaM live Tunes t e aniouiit of raid capital. tid not ii uiitheril tu mute than one-fourth of srtid cui-h valgi ioo," in accurdaiica wi.h tb r qu.rements ol hr Kouri e-.lh reel. n of a law of Hit: I errit..ry ol .Vet aKA, entit el "Au 4ct in relation to Insurance biiipunie"." atiuroTod rebru trv loth, IStvt ; Then fo a. lie it known ty thi-s.' pteteats. That in )urusa- of the kfores id Act, I, V illiam H. Ha .-ey, A jclitor of ihe Tetritoty itf Xebrask , ito hrchy er-ify t. at nai.l Fire Jc Toi tiadu lot urancf Compauy nas lull authrriiv to transact busintt! of lu-turaii 'I heTriruo y of Nel'raka, um er the Law oStifii- reirilory, un il the ttlft day i.f Juuu .iy A. U lut la wiiuri-s whereof 1 have uhiinel Ult Danfaiid c.,ue,i itw- aei of the 4'idiro f L. s.J otie to l.e tfhxed, this ITih Jay of October, A. 1 lso5. W. E. H.lRVrT, Territorial jluditor. F. M- Dor rin Son, Agt, VllTTiMOUTU NEB. (XI '23 wi E.t thl iched iu ltl I dW. Cheap and very Valuable 1'aptr fir tltrry .Man. W'omfi, and Child IN C1TT, VILLAGE, A.N'U COLNTRT. American Agriculturist . FORTHK Farm, Garden, and Household, Including a Sj.eci-l DffHtrtment of Inter esting and Inlruclif" litaditigfor Children and Ymilh. The AgricultitriKt is a larce periodical of 82 pri to'autifuiiv itited, airl fl'leii with n ain, prac ical, ehahle urivioa' m-tllfr, iociudiug hitudicd of heau till and inst'Uctiv K fe-rat i .3 ia every sunua volume. It cnntilnsescli mnnth Culealer of Ore a'ion ii l p rf.prm d u the farm, in the JivuirU and burden la and around the Ihrtlling, etc. The thouxnfl. of hitit-4 and 'eii-jc-tiows elven ir. verv Viifome :ir p ir d l.y priictit-al. inteiliiie'l' U'ilr'iir .Wu, hnk:iow h t they write about. Ths HouM'htit'l lh nttmrvt i r.ilu.itile to ev"V tueki- r, .fr .din v.-ry in .ny n-rful l.iuts an. Ii .c iuai. e tlculateri tu li' la and facilitate m i:o. rk Tim Ih-fMilnfht fr Children and Ymth ia pre tiatfd with n e ial Care, tu tun -sh not only amuse m ut, hut also i i .eulcate sttu'leriire aud sound inoiat pr!uri.lr-ji. Tmit-. i heciieulation of the Amfricin Aari- ult uriet (m r- than IW.iWi is o la-pet, t ii ran furi.ihed at tne low pik-e of 91 Ma Yen: fuui c .pie one year, $5: teu itjiir. oi.e ye:i'. 62; twity m .r ,iiie year, $1 e ch; siiir;r c t'ir. 15 cent!- etch. EJ-fRV IT A TEA R. OU A KG E JUDD, Tib. ikd Pa.P'a. 81 l'ark Kuw, Mrw T.s City A Complete Pictorial History o . the Times." Thf hpst, theaptsi. and tnn.t succp? ? ,'fu! Family PapT in ihe Union." i H arper's Weekly, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical notw es of the Ptv. Th I'ft fatnilv net paper in the United States. Wtc L"tid ' A'lc rf . he aiudel n w-paper of our c .miry conipltc in ill Ihe dcpa'iineoi.a .f an American Kainilv PapSi. arperV VVetly h;i tarne! fr itself a riitht to X it.e. " Jhirj'al r Civ. 1. 1 , Tin .'' .V. J" fo -uing VokX.. I'hN ijiir fnrnNh- th h ft illtittt ff-. On ftilo elut'i iau? will en ieh hins'veH mi of Ha, ;.erV Werk.y !hik after w iter. i,ml i.rmt s. and uhli.he ! are turi.d to d'is. .V 1'. fviiiitf'l'St. A n1 ceiiy in eve y household li xt. ii T an. It is at ..nee h lending 'lit-cal ami hM'uiicl n uili-t f the iia ion. iuitel, hia Prr'si. 1 ha best of its class in America B'ls on Traveler Subscriptions. 18G.T Th" t tib.ishers tiave Krtected :t syotem nt muilinir w hich they can supply the fAHAZte and W'eee lt promptly to thoae who prnfer tu rtjceive their pe. riodh-als directly f oni the Lice of publication. l,nstm"ter hi d oihe-s desireus of gettiuK up clut will he nipplied with a haudKome J !cio:ial show-bill on application. TEBMIS: Harpkr's Wkfklt, one year, ... $t. au ext' a copy of either the Weekly or Mngaziue will be supplied gratis for every club of five fitth- rrihe's al $t each, in one remittance; or six copies for 0. Back nume s can be rupplie I at any time. T. e annual volumes of IUbpF.r's W eei.lt. in nea cloih Miidiriir, will be seut hy rxpn ss, 'r e of ex en-e, feir ( e ich. complete fet. compriinjj Kilit Volumes, sent on receipt of ca-h at the rate o $1 50 per volume, freight at expeow of pnn haer Address HAH. tR At IlKOTilKK- Frankiia Square, X. I' ll 'Unquestionably the best sustained wotk oi ine Kin a in me w oria - IVew lion I lily H.igazinc. Critical notices of the I'res It Is the foieuiobt Mapaaire or Ibe day. The fire side never had a. more delmhtful compainon. nor the million a more enterprising friond. than Hamper's Magasine. Mttluxliet I'rutecUint (Daluiu re.) The most popular Mouth ly iu the wotlJ. .V. . Obnerxer. We- must refer in tertr.s of eulocy tu the hlh tone and varied excellences of Harper's Mauaiint jour nal with a monthly circulation of about lJO.UOO cop ies ,tn whose paies are to be found some or the cht icest lik'bt and ceneial leading of the day. We sp'-ak of this work as an evidence of the American peop e; and the popularitt it has acquired ia merit ed. Each number contains fWty 144 pases of read ing matter, aiprotriate1y illui-rated with Kood wood cuts; aud it combines iu t'self the racy uioathly and the more phiios. ph'cal qusrte'ly, M. nded Willi the best features uf Ihe daily jt uruai. lt has great power in Die difcfeminal iou f a love of pore literature. Turner' Ou,de to American Literature (London.) The volumes hound constitute of themselves a li bra r of miscellaneous reading, sach as can lot be fotind in the same compats in any other puhiirat ion that baa come under our notice. b'vtn Courier. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1SG5. The Publishers have penected a lystem ,of mailing hy which tbey can ui.p"ythe sai;azine and Weekly promptly to those lw prefer to r-ceive their period ical directly from the otfice of publica'ioo. The postace oi. Ilar;er's Magaziue is ?4 cents a ye-ir, which, uuu be paid at the subscriber's post of. ilee. TERMS: Hareb's MaaAZlaE, one year. - - $4. An extt4 copy of either the Magazine or Weekly will be t applied eratis for ever. Club rf Five Sub scribers at f 4 each, in one remittance ; or six copies for J0. Back number can be supplied at any time. - -A c -replete t-et, mow comprising Twenty-nine Vol nines, in neat cioth bindina, wi:l be sent by express, fieiftjilat X(X osa oXjwrc baser, for 1 1 23 per roium". Single volume, by mail, post paid, $ Cloth caes for binding-, bS cents, ey mail, po-t paid .AtUrb UABtttBKOTHtRS. . - ' - rranklm esow1. Jt-y- Scrofula, or King's Evil s a constitutional discau, a corruption of th loocL by which this 11 aid becomes vitiated veak, and poor. Being in the .circulatioivi ervades the whole body, and rnay bunt ou a disease on any part of it. 'No organ is fre rom its attacks nor Ls tlicre one which it nia; .ot destroy. The scrofulous taint is Variousl; -auscd by mercurial disease, low living, dis irdered or iuihea4khy fooJ, impure air, til tl ind filthy habits, the dcrrressins vices, end tbove all, by the venoreal infection. Wlmt ;ver be iu origin, it i.s hereditary iu the con titution, descending from parents to t fiildrti into tlie Uiird and fourth generation ; " indeed t seem to beitiq. rt'J of Him who rays, Till visit the iniquities of the falhcrs upoi heir children." Its effects commence by deposition from 'tin llood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, wliitji, it he lungs liver, and internal organs, is terimt ubereles ; in the glands, swellings ; and ot he surface, eruptions or horv. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, dcpressei he energies of life, no tint scrofulous constitu ions not only sufTer Irom scrbfulous com ilaints, but they have f;ir less power to v::h tand the attacks of other diseases ; const juently vast numbers perish by disorder! thich, although not scrcfulom in tJieir nature ae still rendered fatal by this taint in tin ystem. Most of the ct-nsuntption which tie dmatcs the human family has its origin directlj n this scrofulous contamination; and man) lestructive diseases of th.i liver, kidneys, brain., jid, indeed, of all the organs, arise from 01 .re aggravated by tlie same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous : heir persons are invaded by this lurking in pction, and their health is undermined by it. 7o cleanse it from the system we must renovate lie blood by an alterative medicine, and in igorate it by healthy tootl and exercise Such a medicine we 6upply in AYER'S ompannd Extract of Sarsaparilla. he most effectual remedy which the medicai kill of our times can tlevisc for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com lined from the most active remedial that have leen discovered for the expurgation of this foul lisorder from the blood, and the rescue of the ystcm from its destructive consequences, Itnce it should be employed for the cure ol lot only Scrofula, but also those other atTec ions which arise from it, such as EntTTivi rid Ski Diseases, St. Anthony's Finn. tost:, or r.uvsiPFi.AS, Pimpi.v.s, Pis rti.r.s, h.orciiF.s. I'.i.ains and Ilou.s.Ti'Moiitt, Tettf.h .nd Salt Itiirxw:, ScAt-n JIr:.i, Kinowokm-, tu kcm a i ism, Svi'iiii.itic and Meuccuiai. Uis asks, Ditofsvf Dyspepsia, Demility, and, ndecd, am. Complaints auisinq hiom Yitia- or Imvi'uk IJlooiv. - Ihe popular bclitl a " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth-, Dr hcrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The articular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa ilht is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in ontainiuated constitutions. . Ague Cure, FOR THE SPELDY CURE OP ntermlttent Fever, or Fever and Aenr, ieinltteiit Fewer. liill Fever. IliimL ti;iie. I'cilod irnl IlraUaclte, or Itlltoiis lenilitclie, ami IStliimx Vcveri, iudrril or tlie vvliole claas cf uutaiti orlRliint 11 U In liiliary deiaiiuemeiit, eaiiseit It J' lie malaria or i'liaatnutlc countries. We are enabled here to offer the comniunitv a emedy which, while it cures the above complaint; .jia certainty, is sun turiecuy naimiess tn an uantitv. Such a remcd is invaluable in district; (.here these attticting disorders prevail. Thif Cuke" expels the iniamatic poison of Fevf:u .nd Ague from the system, and prevents the de eiopmcnt of the Uiseuse, if taken ou tiie first np roach of its premonitorv Rvmptoms. It is not only he best remedy ever vet discovered for this ciasi f complaints, but also the cheapest. The larse i ,i t, , , uair.,,1 1- f. w f, .tr.lt -ir V-t, itc It tiMt tit,, t r eai-li of every body ; nnd in bilious districts, wliere 'ever ami Aot k ttrevails. evcrv bodv bhould lave it and use it freely Loth for cure and prolec- ion. A ijreui fcitpcnoi ny ui tins renieuy uiit any ther ever uiscoverea for tne speeuy nnu certan ureof Intcmiittents i. th.it it contains no Quinine r mineral, consequently it produces no quinism oi thcr injurious etlects whatever upon the constittc ion. 'those cured by it aie left as healthy as t' hey had never had the disease. l-'evcr and Ague is not alone the consequence o; he miasmatic poison. A trrcat variety of di6or- lers arise from its irritation, among which nre 'euraliiia, llhennuitisiit. Gout. Hratiaehe, Wt'id uss. Toothache, Earaclit , Catarrh, Asthma, l"alt it at ion. Vain fid A faction of the Spleen, Ilyster is. Pain in the liowcls. Volte, Paralysis and De angement of the Stomach, all of which, wher iriginating in this eniiac. put on the inti-rniittem live or become penoincr.1. 1 ins t-t itE expt ii he poison from the blood, and consequently curei ;hcm all alike. It is an invalntible protection tc mmigrants and persons travelling or tcmporarilj esidinti in the malarious districts, it taken occa ionallv or daily while exposed to the infection Jiat will be excreted from the system, and canno' icciunulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis- iase. Hence it is even more valuable lor protcc ion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter nittents if they avail themselves of the protectioi his remedy anorus. prepared by Dr. J, C. ATEB 6t CO., Lowell, Mai 53 O o O O i - o o B e- H H cn O cz o B a p Pi 1 B p pa 3 a a s a 0 5 law o - o 055 O o o c XJ1 K o o p zz o m CD CO 7s Q o re o CO m 9 ID , TOOTLE, II r TAIN STREET, - LAUGH ST West of Wholesale and HARD Clothing of every description. WtWES AND LIQUORS OF ALU KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Slock cf BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEKSWARE; IROK, KAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOOKS & GLASS. And every article required by - 1 cniGRAXTs, Fi:s:sEiTa:i:s, tiixkrs ac faraers. And everybody else can be .supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. AT THE FIRE PROOF BBICK. riattsmouth. April 10, '60. 1805. 1SG5 ! 1 AMISOiX, DOVEY fe CO., I onh Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of UEUNSVARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &G, Ever Offered LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. riatttsmouth, April 10, 1565. if TUT rcleL 50 caws ft Canned reaches at C O to AMISON, DOVEY C0'3 to purchaM your J ipring goods. 4 N' mllea var icty ft Ladle' Dies' Gvd at A. V.ACO'A. 50' " t CA&Kd Moltt.y'a Cove Oysters for le at A. U . Sa. jJ O. GREAT bargains in Ladies' Drets Goodsnt A.I'.ACO'S IORFALKat AM105. DoVr Y A CO'S. CvCeu. i Tf, huer. liold-ii iyiup, f'i'gar iloa?e Mo Usurii, Nt York C'undu, etc , etc. larae lot of Chewing and SmckirifrTobirco for faleat A. D. k CO'S. COAL OIL fr sale by A.D.4C0. 50 r f BOXES Etar Candles for sale by A, D. CO. IF yon want to purchase goods at a bargain, po to ' A 1. CO 21 " BAti3 COrrEE just received by A. D. Co. Larg lot f C boica Tea at a. T. coa AN IV A & CO., PLATTSMOUTH. N. T SB St. Louis. Retail Dealers ia WAR E, -a r d- Tootle, Hanna 8c Co. Main Street, in this Market. wants. Lirg axsortmeot of men's and boy' clothing fortaleby A. D.4CO. s HELLED CORN Mr a!eby AD. CO. ACOX and Lard for sale by A. D. A CO. V HEAVY IN'VOrCE of all ind of Family Gro ceries and OuLutinn Good just rece.el by A. D. CO. ALL kitdj of Fai xuing Implements for pale by A. D. CO. Largo :ot ol Two Horse Flows for aU- bT AD.. CO. AN endless Taritrty tf Hardware xivt C'tlery for saiaat a. D. A COS SH, Doors, Phinelen, Glas, and Nails of every description for sale by A D. A CO. ALL kinH of CoaBliy Produce taken in exchanee tor goods bv A . D. CO. TO enaireraie all the articles we have f.rjl wonld fill one sideof th- Hirild, and otber e era liare as good a right to ad vert1 as AMl?OX. DOVEY A CO. rfHE U-eest Outflttiog Hoom north of 6t.' Juaepb Xls " '$ AM1S0S, DO VET COS., Plinsanctb, STebrisia. T H E NEB-llASKA' 2r JL Ha z& Is the place to get CARDS, DILL-HEADS, KALIj TICKETS rorTERS, fiABELS, LEGAL BLANKS. ou- From n TO A JV'O ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD. AND LET THE PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive Sc Stirring. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED. I I r ELM B 6 L -I. . . Ill .('.. ( . ? 1. FLUID EXTRACT or BTJC IX XJ. At lha Cape cf Co9 J IIpe T II E II OTTK X T 0TS Dave long us -d 13 TJ C II TJ For a varie'y of 3irt It mi t..r-( w-1 f-. m tli se rn'l.i pi ., ,., . the h n ;mIi iI Ii iirli J'br -.an.. wi, . r.c hi- n '!"i u if Wi rlui ..i)c, hi Lull,, , auJ , r , t'linie milt in ine'ul i.-i. I' i- K,v' ' ! fi. I'llJ aval, Chr.rn,- ( ,. lie Hl;i.i .rr. M. rl id Ir!- I .n ,.r ,. i.n., ,(! Liet..rJ, loi i fcn.r iVr.k-it.ii i.J DLDIL1TY, For Pr la sas i.u l B-.rla. D-wn, or ( ..;,, , Cteri, I-'ii'r-i'f the I'i i m'ttr ; I,. u l, i:!." i, ,. ". iirontiui lire o' I' . lur, ii ul I i nra""-. i ,'m. , , ai I or iliuioi m ihiii.- f , , a 0f , ,u. a part. ioi.m.hJ iu it. ivacjal.. n. It Is o trcunm'T.Jed in caiss ef Dyspepsia, Chronic Eheumati. Cut-tie' uj Affci-tlaus Ero,y. To r': I'm'".- d in w nri.f i riti.- n V e nni" l' hied arr , ni.,i I in t'i n i.m,.u. f t-I't-n. t it p- ,.ci tlirn, e''t '"r I u t'ack. is euie t atr.ci thv l..tlily iieai.h ,.u-J Cur Pksh and lilcoj aie s'tppoitei fiom ta-sr sj.irts. rsKoxs j.t rvY rthiou r-r j:rs. From Iiif nu y tu OUl Av, and in v y -t te of ealsh, a s to Is u j cU f ill sr dl' n. Tht Caxtscs in miny iustxnuts art unl nov n. The pad-t.1 l.s, h'Wi vtr. an admirable r-ra'j :a HELM 3 OLDS Fluid Extract of Uucfiu, Philadilyhia llvming Bulletin Kd-turia', SirT. 15, lfcti-3. UELMDOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. II.s f-oiul aol Fluid Extract. tm''ij tbe fa.: s'reiis h "f l In lotreillents of irlm li il,. r tn,jii' 111 y are Irft 0 llie iii.j.e't:iti uf a'l. A .,! k:! t oijclijNi te-t of ; hf i r jri.t.-i ti m l l,o m i.m, r !! Willi li'.e .et f.irih in tiie vii;,.l 'iti.-. . t a ury These n me-lii-i m'r p'. p ir d I y . T. II' i:. Im.,i1 a d H(i-t of n X eeu yt ir' .-xp n;.r' ia tt. city, aud ir? I te lin:i tj h"1 ri- iai.it , I'lfnt. ' ha e o v-r hDuvt i an ar(i:i :ci hk ih mi ' '' n iHi m perm ,nent mnfi-, snl - r I iiui. d-- mr' U c rtj.:nlv priui t ili eid nc:. Hi. lru;'hl l.e niral M'r, !n.u. , ill t. s n;y t S, w Vl i ol excelled, if f(inie l. hy uuy in the '.i,t!ntr, we would atvi.' -ur re.nlern, whe i V .uiiii,' tha to give him a cill, and j'il(e tor tliui-rlvss. HELMBOLD'S IXTRACT OF BLt'JU J