Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 25, 1865, Image 2

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... OC T. C i, ,
A notice of the Ihirligoon Mi-ionri
river uanm.j aN earea m u:e m ham.,
of last wee!,-, F.:aii;iS that a !ar?- forte 1
was employed, and an Pgent wa hiring j
hands in r.nJ west . f Omaha. where- j
upon the JlqmUica.x attempts u take us
I 1 . 1 IT
to task for making such siaifments, ay-
mi?, 'dou t try to pu.l your iiigi;urs
down to your level just because you :
can t nsc to meirs. iNo, no; we have ,
no desire to pull cur neighbors down ;
from their imaginary height; hut it a I
fair statement of facts has that tendon- 1
cy we do not know that it thou! J 1 e any
reason we should withhold them from ,
the public. Let us see, for a moment, i
how these- railroad matters actually do 1
etand, and then let our reader; 1c tlm j
judges tf what the future may hrintr
forth. The U. & 31. 11. It. Co. have j I'EXAMLVAXSA I'J.S'l Tli.
surveyed and Iccnted their refid direct; OiTiciai returns from thirty-two c-.un-.
to this city, amf from tiiis point west up tit-s show a Union gain of iMuyO.
the south side of the I'latte liver. They j Thirty-two counties arc yet to hear
have iierei- vuvle any oiurr survnj than ' from, which will probably increase the
this, and Live never expressed a dej-irft : -aiiis so as to inako the actual majority
to change the present iotrat.on. Tin y ' jn he S ate f?.$,000 or 2",0(!!l.
are now rushing tie wi.rii iap:uiy,
ihrcih Iowa, and are anxious to secure '
, , , , , , ,
war, labor was too high for any ot tile
... ,
il;il.rMit tmuU 1:1 ih wf-t o Midi V1V
hard, and the 15. S. M. K. It comj-ar.y
disp'nved their Ljoud sense in v.-aitii:g
until 'the prcnt time, and they are
no. reaoy to go utiea,-
iter s'and wi;h
n?vvuoes tno m
? TV..i- :
dent ki.cJ;, designated a ctrtaia poij
' !
L i , - . L . Ik. XL. U 1.
at or near
(1 eilv v. ii, re I:ie itf.iLi .
thuuIJ cross the, or m le t
to tlic in or.
Ii. j ccu.i"t.V coir. ;
operations, and have been continually
propoinj changes, and the pt ; i ; cf
U:nnha hav as cel. tinea!!: been mvi -
to ' down" (net from ;h-ir .,fty !
. , , . . , . !
rosuion. l ot wi'.u their greent ) i
' & J
thinkii.g they could thus retain the r.ii:'.
The contract for the fust section of load
was let. and the work hi.s teen com- :
i t - i" . . c ,i , I
minced, (lao Jj-rccior l-l tlie road,
. !
as wo unuer.-taiid it, arc intc-re -.ted in i
the contract.) IusteftJ cf di-
rect'y west from Oy.hha, the road has
been curved towards Utlievu thus .
fceciii in a line that u ovs nat r-tioiie so
mueh uradi.jr, and out that the vonima
can If i'ilol on v:iifioi- reitchiny: 'he dif-
fici'U itrciins h Irilye After hati,.:: 1
iii.. ,- c ..., ,. .i ..
occoi'-ln-.i niece or s"tra.f',v, taey ;
, . ,
immediait-jv a: k for a rctociioii f Hie
r(1 ; n(,i .1.. ,, i .- nr"., . l
by Trrtiideiit Jolm-cti.
Now, taking into considers i--n that !
the lower I aisch of tho I'.icihc rosd is
being crowded as fast es posaille by a
l !nT.'. res
that it i i an
Actual Hrcey-itl'j for the inn-rests of Chi
cago that n road be pu.-Lvd throoh
Iowa niA thence westward as fast as
possible; that work ii being pushed !
jfs rapidly as posibhi c:i the 13. oi Til.
Kai'road through Ijwr; that the U. P.
R. R. Con rany have cltoiaed p imis
2on for a relocation of their rc-ad; that
n rad cati bo. built from the Missouri
live r to l't. Kearue-v on the scuili si .it
of Platte for h-ss than it wid cost to hlter are ro.M.vnle, Ilulo, Ar.g j and
liuhi ikt iri.ft.-i-s on the north sile of j V luUi Cloud a.l cf which gie tmdii
said stream; thai u road can do we I 'uUll,;t" tviJtfnces of I paity. As
ivsine, and at a much hs . )t e, on j lLe cou,lt,l' l''-'- lo So.ns is
tho ioulli side than on the nuh siJe of ! i Ict! l'P ui;!' ul nners, the Lui
said stream; after taking these things j u"ss c' lli0 l',!ace is ifccrt'afeeJ lo 1:ieet
into consideration, we ask vvhdt concfu- i li-ir demands. The "paper towns"
sion will any reasonable man come to j earlier days have passed away (if
in regard to the railroad hue-tits in CVt'r "aL a:i t'xiteuce), and those
this part cf the woilJ? We have ,n) 1 Iis along' the river that maintained
desire to knock the props from beneath j lIi-ir -'' -' trying times
cur "elevated" friends at U.naha, and j lhat prec-deJ the rebellion have now
will consequently leave cur readers to i
form tneir own conclusions.
minictsMTii: nov.
On the morning the lOdi inst.,
while the Democracy of Nlracka
were huy "endorsing" Pcidellt John
son, that pc-rionage was delivering a j
sprech to a regiment of "ni-gers," and j
addressing lh, ,!l ns """jfJlow country- !
men!'' Ilornbe to think cfl Andy
Jthr.son, the "exponent of the timc
lionored piinciplt'3 cf Dome., racy" call
ing a lot of men with llac'.i thins his
"fellow-countrymen'"' Eat, listen, he-
goes on to tay that "ibis count! y is ,nen Irom various parts of the States,
foimded upon the principles of equality" ; ancl we tn& xvil PJattsmouth has a
and "he is the most exulted thut iu the ! greater name abroad than is generally
mo.-t meritorious, without regard o supposed ly our citizeDs. It was tten
colorr He tills, them that the only I t.raJy conceded by all widi whem we
ttanda.rd is that of intelligence and j (a j;t d i.pon the subject, that our chances
merit that "this is the way to make j fur feiny; the great city cf the Missouri
white men Hack and Hack men white.'1 i river we re in advance of all other
What you cf this, you who have ; points. Let cur business me n and other?
l.eeu so loLd iu your endorsement of : interested in the prosperity of the plate
President Johnson, and at th? parue ; hot continue the edforts they have made
iauh does not stop here. He goes on
; to sny to this crowd of "chatties" whom
I the Democracy so much fear will sup
plait them, thru this is toiu coi
jtor.v'inv!" OL! what a sorrowful day
jfor ihrt Democracy; thnt they should
have ever ?o far forgotten their dignity
as to endorse a man with smli a dtbs-
. m;n: a? to ca; a t'.ick man Lis fel
low countryman," nnl tf.-!! him, contra
ry to all rincip7s cf "Democracy,"
mat tun was "!,n country as wen as
RIjyLojv ,.pe8 roui.tiy." I Jut what
ndJj w fir(J cf tht.jr ind igM,jon
15 whh a! ..eujorsii;g t!lc-v
,.RV0 faife(, (fJ carry lht.jr pi.jnl Thy
,,ave met uilh cverwhe!mir. defeat in
eyery quarter. Wcnlcr if the De
,0(.racy cf JS' raska will "endorse
Andy Joimsotrat their next conventiou?
OHIO I2i.iA'lii)Z.
Complete returns give Cox (Union)
a majority of S,2S7, while ta average
majority on tho Statu ticket is about
,'50,000. The L.f gislaluie tand.-: Union
2-5, Democrats 1 1? in the .-V::a!e; and
70 Union and o Demcr:: in the
House. The soldier's vote w.ll i.ot be
counted till next month.
At the recent election of a nv !-.(?
islature iii Cuiifurnii, the Union parly
... 1 2
trained a comrh'te vietoiv. The State
1 n ' -'
i Senate is comj'ost-d of forty members,
! p .. U. Ill c-. ... I . .
" ' ' nou, i.:m
a!ld ,wrmJH,1,e WOTe lea on
hold over only t.vo are Democrats, and
' ve c'-''er Deiiicciats have been elected
l.i.:... i. : . i- .
lul- j' 't niJKing seven x-'emoerais in
aM 1IiSt e::.y tnrue Lnionists.
1 ... I. . A ...... 1 !...!, I . . .1 "
' tweiity-n'.o memoers.
tl" 4a a "'"JUUl -A
Ult-itiv;!! reiiu i.s from all the counties
' ' 'et n-pt rtc-d, thow a ma-
j'-riiy lor hit i ' tf a J;tJe over ittteen
J,, . ,r,
tnou.-auu. I l.irty-iiine countie-t yet to
j j ,.cill v.hi tu Jl this majority at
lm-t live iliousind, tin.l jirohabij mure,
;ir-l r, -pot's seem to have come from
(opperheiid soi:rc-s in ( very instance,
'.' ,- , 3 ., . '
i-.s t!:e iltiLial returs mvai nl !y raise
Ston-'s maj-ritv more or !es.- above tliu
first report. l'.:pers on the Uasi side
eiai-u June's elecfon by .3,00U. This
o-dd bo t-n ihuusand moro than h.s
msjorny a the home i. i.'.e two venrs
, , . - r .i r , ,. , . , ( ,
n; ,', ansl is rrot ficiv a ,;ttie ti.o ;i 'jh,
U. we cons id. r it e'mirely safe to put
tiowr. the Suite at i.'0,(i(;0 majoii:y on
w, aid ab.ut T.O.Ooi) on county ciii-
eels. i'lotty coed ju..-t that lit.l'.-.
., J - J
. .
WOWS TJajC illVLllt.
- Some ten days ao we concluded to
mai;e a journey to our neighboring uty
of St. Joseph, ?.Io., anJ accordingly got
aboard of the excellent steamer Colo
rado, commanded by that Missouri liv
er vac ran, Capt. IIcoj cr. It had been
seven ) cars since we before viewed
Uie rucr scenery ueiwecn mis city ana
St Jofph, and time haa wrought many
cnan.ges. e iinuscmool tno "ci:;-s
of seven years ago have dwindled
avray .o two or three houses, and o'.hoi
have increased somewhat in tho nu.a-b-ftr
of houses, as well as the amount of
of bu:-ines transacted. Among the
tircomi V3111 or consijerab.e imj.ort-
nncc at least to the localities ;a wh-cii
they are situated.
The city of St. Joseph we found to
be full of life, notwithstanding the e-n
tire liisines and growth of the place
was paralyzed during the rebellion
Improvcmciits are being pushed forward
as fasl as building materials can be
uLtained, and tli3 business men of tho
place are alive to the importance of se
cunr: the trade from the upper Alis
jviuri. During the trip we met and convers
ed with many threwd and calculating
i t f.-t oi".t'.'n o P;")!:? It
it will lo tut a short time ere Platts
mouth will outstrip the expectations of
the most sanguine believers in her fu
ture greatness.
PIa speakit-g of ra.lroad connec
tion in the west, the Omaha Rej-ullican
says ;
"And as we have no connection
make west of us kl us look to the East.
There we find, iii the mail', two rival
peinti Chica'.o find St. J.oli? ; both
ar-xioos to exiei.d their trudo an 1 inihs"
i'iiL'l-; io'.h txteiiding their rai'road
fartloT and futiiier west each yt ar, m.a
thus, as it were, thrir great
-Mi! farth-r an i -aitnor west to i-ras-p
and cf.trol, if j osribio. the aht-ady a
tordl.'ing trade of Omaha. We bid
them welcome, ai;d w id dl" cour?e Li i
to the ftaat ji nt, the one reaches
O!:, cratkt-y ! won't there bn a strife
between Chicago and ift. I.ouu? Just
to think, that the one that gets there
first has the auction of the Jleillica.i
to "control, 'if pox.iblc, the already as
ton iii ing trad-.- of Omaha!"' We are
of the ( j :::i jn about all tin 'a.-ton-uhment''
co:i:oct- d with th-dr trad is
that thc-y s -Ii any 'good at all. IN .v,
doiit, we beg of jou. frtend Heath, u ?c
any more such "asto: irhn.g" language
it a lie i ts cur lisdb'e-t so.
X'.-riT The Union maj ri y in Pawn- e
County is PJ-j votes. Tiiere wero J7 j
votes cat for Auditor, (iiiie.-pie gut j
12G, Harvey 1, Heaton COO :
Jfj-jZr"" Brazil is making extensive
preparations for prosecuting the war
against Paraguay. She is addinir ran, -and
iron clads to .her navy. A num
ber of siuve-htl-l ng Mi.-sourians are
reported as having arrived in I3ri;i! to
U.nder the homes; ed law tf l'.j'J,
(!U'--sti-)ns l.ave teen proseiit-,l to thfc
general land ifiice, &nd answered as
1. Can a pie-emp'or In ullowed to i
file his declaratory siatement a
tract c-f .'in d previou.-!y euteit-it und.r
the he!..tou -nj ac-;
He can, if Ids dol:ira'ry statement
is rrccompnnied by hu- at'ie.tvit ihrt he
had actually tr.adj hi; stuiement prior
to the date of (he homestea:! i iglit.
. Can two or tut re parties enter
tho j.; -5,e iand tn.iler th- homestead net?
Tin y cann-.).. The tract .-h, uld ! c
awarded lo tho first applicant. I: .w
or more apply for th iraet at the sam-'
tnue, it should be al.'o-.veil lo the party
making the latgeit bid fr the privilege
t niitiving ine iir-t -nti; th? sum thus
lit. I '.I 1 . . . .1 .1 . . .1 .. I ". .
O.O mi.iuiu Of 'I. l. i. tot s-j t.. ij.ieu
S' in the returns as an t x?f--is, with
3 Can a p ii :y enter under tie- home
: r. I ;a.t a ti::i t upon which a pr- emp
tor ha fil-nl hi d-i-lai a-ory Matcuo nt
lie ran if he plea I .-if- alii lav i '. i;.:i i
t;- ro is no ; i o- 10 1 tor .; .1 en ;, '!. and meiiri his t i.try subj;-. t to the
pi i-(-!ii !: ci.tim, in eoso Mi. h i to -
...r.. ,r. vt,.,,:! I I ,,-,,!!;.!., ,1 t,..,.
noii'-e a i od ht-ai ii :' of partit so :n i i.t:i.
It ii ni'e-restiuo lo v..-.n.-h t!-.- cot.lor-
ii jiis e-r tne "U no i rary ia tl-eir c.:-.. ns
w:I-; th nif Iv-i-s to the s-.irfai t.
,. - . . I . ,
; i.i-y oa it t see vt ry 1 u r ::ln :u i-ut are
.'.I r,i !!.! ,1 1 . .1 l.. .,. .i
low of tiii-j aitv -'now fa,!..-d and I
o ne." y urj-l by they wid t. t
i-ii tn:it tie- ;r.-t.:::a ot lhf-ir party it
days oone t j is i-'i.i ;e.:.nd eit:
i-JiniT lo
and ttipportintj tl-..:e trndii of imo- J) -mocraey,
to wi :;, oar m : l, rn Uemo-
erats l:avo. prov.-n wo rimy re-crr-ant.
liow tk:i;;u.iy tne-y ora:: a'ter lhc-ir
wb.-elm- i M .urntn-r, .he name which
etice was tne mn and i-yniiioi e-I ttii'
, - I .. , ,,.,.(,.. a, , ,.,,,. ),. ... ,i.
tiotiiett tin iirf wiotii eer lay at toe
foundatio:) i f nnv o-ov.-ri.mrnl, and the
I " i . , ,
pure at pr.neiplea u utoi over colli roned
a nation cf frc-.-m-'ti So dear iiad the
very nun
l)i';;:i:i ri'.i " Lc-com
I,J.I., ill" . '- , il tli', ,,,IU IL
!..,. . v.... CO..,. ;.
where it is :rii;'d, t-.?cardlois (-f wloit
!itis and foiiies it 'n employed t eov-. r.
'Ihc-fO blind l't vutcc-s oi a "name" or a
"title" follow afttr the t-rion dema-
-ftie that ever ioo-ht f uciide a
- . ... .
I'Ct j in tt:oir ineon.-ioo nci'.-f , in tne.r
unaccoiititab'a antics, t-ven unto the
Ill ff.osr ' I :, I .t... !-... 11. ;t. 1 . r
v.-re 01 trctison, antl then agaiu A - . "''. "! - " ':"'. 1 . : -r !,.-i.rif.s o.n a,.;.ti-ibroiii-h
their remarkable soute-rsauits i''-l.V';.'i.a'v.ft "aU'l i! '"!.':a Ha.C.'!!t' th.'u it
w hioh their professional Harlequins are li"t l'- ''''', u a:,-v.,,",'",1 '" , , , .
nuui;!i:, raeu as-eeiiains oy sore
irj'crioice, tliat In? is amusing tho world
at his own expense, putting: his own
reputation for common seme in duner,
play im; second to : onu aceiess schem
er, and has sacrificed the solid principle
to an empty deknivt? sound. St. Jo.
. , . ,
Jf-S The followiiiir is a copy of the
nr:itie?ty cittli ul?crlL.ed to ly Genera!
Lee :
Omen of IxoT arv,
Ilookbriye- Co., Va., Oct. '2, IStb).
1, Robert 11. L.oe,f Lexington, "ir
giuia, do iolemnly swear i.i tiio pres
ence of Almiglry Cod, thf.t I will
henceforth faiihi'ully supjiort j rotn t and
defend the Con.-tlmiin of the United
Slates, and the union cf tio? States
thereunder, and loot I will in like man
ner abide by and faithfully support all
- ,1 u.., ....;.a. 1
: r.y.: .:, . L . v: ,
t-tcu i iauc t. ji i.i uiu c.iii.ii, 1 c li t:i oon
with reference lo tho Ihnaneipation of
Slaves, so help m ; Cod.
nouEitT 1:. li:e.
A Copperhead paper in Chi
cago comji'ains that in the recent re
ception of Gen. Grant none tf the
Coppe rheads w or ? askeit to take pan
in the ccrriiKini-'s. Thi?, we think
showed a del it ate regard for Grant'?
feeling. lie had seen Copperheads
nouii heforo Richmond to make any
:,.:th--r !:!;. :-; diaore'al le. A"
Dingus Jid a dream the other
iiipht. He dreamed it was the year
1900, and that being in Washington,
he saw an imposing funeral procession.
lie inquired what grer.l man was dend, !
and was ans wered that it was a person
named Wirz, who had hem 'ii tiiil
for the last t.iirty-five years, for some
thing he was supposed '. h-ive d ne
tolourmg th. greit rt !--. 1 n no one
knew exactly what. Th.r. tho n-s'.imony
j for the defence wis drawing to a c! -se;
j and, although he was growi-ig wry eld,
he might liav- lived until the vt-rdict
was reached, had not gout set in, caus
k! !-v hijh living-, and taken him oh".
While Covl Chief.
J'-..:" The IlT)Mr. Crmnl has
sign.lifd l.ii intention t-f aj'jiearing in
Cor.grt-ss, at its next 'ses-don, dres.-c-d
in c! ith cf Iowa manufacture. The
wcoi from wh;ch the cloth is to be man
ufacture was sheared from Mr. din
neli own sheep. It is to be niHtle into
cloth a i:d dres-ed at Davenport by Mr.
Shields. Mr. Crinnell sent thirteen
fWcs, l.'h) ;-ou:iJs,of woo! to he work
ed up for the purpose of making the
cloth. Ho stys he wishes to wear what
is fabricated at home as an argument
in favor cf protection.
r:.-3" The Central Pacific railroad
company intend to lay a tiaek to T.e k
er river, on the entrn slone of the
! Sierra Nevada, before next year. Tii
li:-!!ince cf that point from Sacramento
is 11S miles.
c r rrr "9. n i nm
Now is the time to provide against
winter fires by insuring in the
a .vi:j:ica. iysi :n iac: co.,
of Preeru-t, Ills. Kates as low as am
otion" Company. Los-. promptlv paid.
" C. i;. PAIiClIL, Agent.
Befere crossing the Phiins insure your
selves ng ain't Aeeidonts and Indians, by
j insuring in tho Travelers' Insurance Com
panv, of Ch:eago. Kates low for Coiu-
riis.iti -n or Death, or both together.
C. K. PAKCJIL, Ag't.
v -M-' -,.!! i. n. i,!-u-t i ; : i : r ,! , ;,t ii.P
Ti--i,:, l. ,- r K. o. Hot ii'.K. in U,". : ! i ' ii,, :, ."
.MO.XB.1Y, OCTOn'JK 30,, ISu-j,
1 Miltli Cows and Calves,
4 Ileifi-rs from 1 to 3 years old,
2 Hull. 1 PL' v-ars eld.
Si'- tvi.iti. at 1 i uVt , ; . A. M.
-fJ". I JAMl.-i LVSAiOf.
. i'LA'j"rsr,i(n;ri:, . ;;.,
!.. , 7 . . i 1
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II,'f r- ! v j ..:! n ! ,
I! is. F. S. I !.. .1 -.1 Jl-d-.-i ,1 l.;-r , r,.:
I'. . A
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I.-; ;iu : An1:.' - i n: ;,-r, 11
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X. .l..I,.-..-r, u. .--.: d,
A i w ,,n it i; h y (.! !"!.
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j "- -m i i-ny-r -ooM ..-: .e .ui.-1, if.iy
i. .,,i .;, i.
J . W. A! Aa -n AIO.,
i'i ..i- .in i -
N ti, ,- i.- 1 ... --.v.-u tint S iv. Oi A . I.h i:
j at (I A ... ml l.,.v in., ! ; i.-ati-'ii i.. ih-.-'l'r..-
l.iO I , Hi'; .1 , 1 , .,111.: . , .."I,! .l-'r.l. f., I , ii ,,, ;. J
A-hhi,i,n'..t.r ., o , .--t : .a a :.-.,.!.-- 1.0:,,...
i-foll, .1", il.-. '.. In!",, . .. C-'III, ... ALJ.rtMIll i"l',l-
i i.,rv T. . ,,111 I ; I ..11 , , .ti.ii in. v
I . 1, T . I.',,, ' .,..'. - ' tl 1 v',,1. llil ..'III
r.. K.l da- ui Ui'iilrr. A. D. 1 .!',..
J. VO. .M.-,i:-llAM..
.ill n-v l'luO.a Jua.-f.
Er!jtc rolioc.
' t!.f .' i'..ut-lftiun t-. Xri f.-iti't.
Tiiil-,'tl V. J ill.-. Oil nOiilll i,f .'i.i r.,irc! i'..I..;iis
a;.,! Saiuu,.., II. J ,iu--, mi:i"r luaij tl t i 1
J- u- s. ! ..: :i?' a.
v .
i!!-i,-:. I.. .? Ml. .-, J:.. ! I r i T -M -l i l..-, Si-Hiv. 0.
l'.ri.i"ii -1,1 ,,, r ,t v i I !:.. li 11-On , I.i .zui . ill .'. H.i
tin,, w ,,i'.,r. .; ,a. ii. f'i..i..i.,i. -M.nv 1.
(;......iii.t, i.-nt,a.i J'.m'.i, 10.. .i .iii jut it in -wii-
c ... . 11 :
V..u fcp lif.-1'V :..! m-l t!:-if -n 0, .,.;:!, of
Ocl"! r A. 1. lilj. -..i- (ju.rOi.i.i III-.I .V.-- lo.ii, n
111 'ii.? i'r.O t'.-Tiit ..I' Oi,.- 'i ,ty, N.'-i iiOi-i, tiic
i L.".."t i.r.,1 ji.iy-r oi saiil l'-;i:;..!t i-. . .,l,.i,ii. ;tn
i.l'T frum -uiil f: t f-.r I he !!! t tlf f..-:. -t-.n
IIi-i. 1 l.Vtn;.-. t i.ii : A i'i'!''. li".. ..ntli-wf.-t j i 1 r
tor i,r s- i' .ii lit t 1, 0. i , 1 i n.i I-- ! ; r ui ini i ;.
part .,1 iii." uori l.--.v -t ,j;il"r ,,'' tl.,.- i" r. i.-f. l
'I'liiti' 1 i.f mc0.1i 1-. t-.wi.-iai' 1". i.' ir"-' I !. -i.-t, iu
1 ii.-s i c.oity, X. T 1 lit.- 1 '.,111 1 1. ill li.' ..- -lO i j.-a.
tit 11 .11 tl.i- li. It : i- ,1 N vii.,"i-. A. Ji. I-
0 er. A. 1. I-, a i i
'.j. '.-ic to l., ;,i ..:..(;. i.iii,' a 1 i
1 ii i-:i ii t- t-'ci
r ,.i .. ia. i.r i.ii'l il.,.., ciu.,. i-.v i i-.i I i'lay. : il,ou ,i
i.ol Lc fti-auii.I, it' at.j li..-v
J. W. .VIA H-H !.L,
til' i- i-,..:, ..t j ji!.:-.'.
iEit or Tna 'ihoyzh
Fim I Amerlcaii
I'iu y H ere l. in! i-y J. S. WjiU -r, v.'j. mi:. Cum.ty.
NO Y., an, I fii.ii ly I.s li.i.i.i.s tnd i i-k-lau-k
I! -leu." -Hit l.." ti.,- ' red ly -r. r.itni.g-,
f 9-.'t- ni, i..: is a i." i i"'.ii.-r . f Li ie...i, n.-.a
i u, k --.M .,..,.- '' -o. : ti-... i." "ii. I -
V "'I- "f iv .1 f . i.e y.arV j.. 1 o oi.r
it., ii in ..iir- "I
J. -V. WJSK. 'tii'-'.'.'.:,-
i: II Ji-.tA-AV.. Sun Crol- t.r-T
S. BLO om ;
Dealer ia
if -f Q, t t - !
r ti
1 milk
iSlC, tvC., eoVC.
Also a i .-ir lot ,.r Kri;i;:.K nooos
and IMA'DhVIIKS always on hand.
will bin,', it to thr-ir Icnofit to examine
my stock before jan chain el-evliere.
Vazli paid for .', Purs
(til (I VooL
riattsuiouth. Mav C", tf
"UiiqueKt.onably the best sustained
work of the kind iu the World "
IVevs- oTJoiitlilv 32 :j no. i
1 :
ii.:V. 'l'i.'- '.'
li i- t:.- : . :.. : .
. 0 : : .11 . I: . : , --ri ,--, ! i . m.' ! I ' I ..II I i .i ; i '
Til- li' . t ,.,;.i- .i .0 u.I.Iy il. ll.c v.i. .,!. .v. J
t . i: . l.i!;!i I - . -
V-! iv in t- r-v
:,;'.! i c-l x i - . I
. I V Ik!- rt T!!.':i : ,! ,
:i..: M .Tr-
Ii, 'li .lv
,: .1 : !, O
!- r .. :i : ..-r.
in 1l- i!.r.:.:t .tl 11 t I .,v
: J. - i- ,, : l
,.v , r
in,- -.1 i-..: ,' !
V!."l ,!..i., !
T!'" . i- in.'- I-
I ' I, I i.. 0. - i.ii" i 1
Oi.i: I..O c,,.:c l.'i-.t :
-ion,- , ! :., ,- .v-
I, 111 . u. ;. s,- .- t .
0, .;:," . ii r pii',.1 , t ;,ji
. ,ii Cv,:. i r.
- I t - 1. o.- 1 . ' i -y - i"... : !,
- 1.
' - : .1-1 . :
111 !.- I "mi ! .1
l;,, i iit
111 , I.
V " f
. , T i i -i,
--.u: , i.t Y.. . i I
n i ': o.i i'! ; ,: s.
i- on.-v.. . . . .
i a :. ii -i' i crtv.
T! , ' " 1 1 ' n y ,
. . v.-' l-IH
i.r i'r -,)i.i
' '
,1-,-t v. i:!i 0,
ti..- i.i a
'-'-n-.l ..i.i l..i..t
.... ii n t '!.- ti-; l.i.i.' u I. t..t-
tint !! I
. i-,i Iy s a i'.' ti i." , ,n , i." , ui- , i. o !. : ' : i .i i
1 I . V ," 1. - - 0 . . - 1. 1. . I : ! - l i ' "i V , ... I
v.!-: -- ! i - ,,.',ii i ,.r a mi hi.
l'-. i- , r i , . , ' ri , a , ..o ;, ini i .a W,-i. vu ir.-ii
I -""'-' .', ' ,' ', ; ' ,,
-..'!..:.., 1 -in.. : v .11-1....-...: ii... ,.1, in ....
: ".;';.; ,",r:,;:::;:; :"..,"': ,..-;ru
,.i.r- o't'i- ,1.1,,,, tii.t ,1. 'ii. ,v
....t .t-t ...ii i.-.N I ! - . .ui ;,t 1) - ! .
. V l. I . i I . (-. I", 1,1 l !. 1 I'll t
i 'O i ; O- t !'c 10" .V I1' . i 1 j
t 1 IV 1 ,i !f. il - 1 1 i.ti il l l.ii j
0 1 - i 1 ' i,, :: !-..-, : i: i...-v I
I " i-vi-:
i .,, tin i-'.'T... ,..-t , ,,; .1 -
V, V I:l". :,l:'l .110 y
iT..i i.-.ii i 1 1
,1 ,, r 1 !. 1 11 11 1 1 "
i r .-..,. r 1 ') it ! : i. 1 in.- 1 -Si.
.1 ii, t'," .!'- ;,i.- v. i'.,-
i.t y, i.r iv i j -..), sn.; Snij. . li ri.-
I: .1! i:-"I:i 11 v, !'V I .,'ti. u,, ,.1 i'l tii" I.- 1 11 I'll, . 1
.iii-l II" 1 . r. .i ! , v ,. ' l.,i - 1 I- r .' 0 i i l:.iu- v,-i 1 .i y ii.,
i c i-'i ! i li." e ii-ii:;.ii,,n 1. 1 . or I .0 ,n. i
'1 n 0 i" v.- li x I ii i ui n i , i, ,.i ; i .i, .1 O. 1 - I ! . u-i'1 ii
'e :7 U- ".1 it - I V. . i I I '
ii ,l ,- i,"i ' l.liuj ,i in. .ins .f ., in,:,, I;- i..,i., ,-
; it y v.'t i vv lilt !
.',. . li, ,.,I ii., r -t . 1 1 -r i i - nt; ii i.i- ,;i" l!i" Oill ,ri, ii
I 111, 0 ' I I " 1,1 , ! ill," i 1 ; , ', ' . i . , t , I , f 1! .1 I'M'' .'-
,., Ill i. !. .1 11 ,1 ,,K n 11 y . W Ii 1 1 I ills t IU I. -i,:i I ; i..i , ,.
I. Ill U.-,,", li.y !..(',, u, .,.,! ,l,.i ".IiilOi: i." 1 lis til" 1,1
is ,,ur iii-tau: 1,11. ..n.i p., it v, tlint i'.iitoiii- O. the
J, 1 "- I. 1 1 V. i, hr-1. 1 li' .r,"-1 (H--( 1-- ,1 , 1- I. I, II 1 .1
iiii-tnio tint in, o. .;. in iii:;.- ". M.U.- cn'i :0; .ii 10
at.. I l,. k o.t : n.oe 111 li.e c.iiin t-u union" cf 1 1 ate
I in: I lOijf.NK h is f..r ti c !...-t y-.' !.--n I
'. I I ".-. Oil. n i ! nr . u: i -ii' V I ' I..-.V si .. si n, I.i r .! ,
,..,.,,.,. , . I., I y .11. 1 ,:1,, r 1 1 i o n, i.
-.-t r .:i-i I -i-i.t "y a-.'-v,- ! ..iii.n.t i --"it. -I l iu
-M.S. ci Oi. .ii- u t.!y ..ja.. i.. ti.v i..i
lins iii'.','! t s,-v .0 t!i u--..', Is ,.f ,i" ; .i,n. -
ir.r :,;- tiv: I nOv- :i,t,; hoe I. i, i: ,ly
Mil; ,V.U li i.a'lil.Ii-t I:., ll.l.i-. Oi II tllil ,111'
in s , 1 1 ,,a I y - li. . - x i ii ' i ! i i - i. y --XI . ii - !' li i
..r. As VO- I, 1,' t s i.
i.i-; ,t, ,.i-.i.-ii... a..'t
,l..v-..t ' .,r ,, . 1." .
sin, O'l it ik I .r li.t.,i "t ,,n,- ..-si. iir.O ji."l..r t. I 0
l.e I -ti .'iilz .1 I'viii,'. ii'l., M.v il -in- iu " l,iv
r.i .",'ir1-1!.;.1. i- I--'.'. i'y .!.'1ri v.''.'.' !"y!"'stwri.'"i a'lIlNy
I,,..-.,o. :i.,.-e..!..!! ,;..iiy ..ii.,..!... -i i-jei, i
1 - I , ' ., , t . V I ' . 1 1 , 1 i , a : 1 1" i ,,.-v, ,- Iii-.'" Hi'."'
I w I..-, ii.. f ii iii is i.i ,..,!, v c lu.ti v I I'liv
.' ' I'i-ii.' : r Of i- - i li. :,' m
iLvr as iiie , al. I;- li." ,.ii!- ; .11
x jatiiju
neiv 'iiiti.rxi:,
f-iii r if y
M.Oi si.ici O'er, nr..-y.-iir, oi- issii s
SK ii-ivr KiCi.Y -i iii :-;f.:t:,
10'" .- i,y ;, lul i
I -a ,, c a.,.-- i ii y , a r,
I c- i':,s or . . "r. ,i'i ' . ;. r .-a, ii ,-rj y,
4ri. 1.
ii l't.i-il
' -
-. , l.,l
;:; : .1- f.jl- I'l O .Oil s, V. i
tic- U'.ir, '.ji is
"! v "M il. flails.
vir,u rtfii inius; l..r-.i t. ;.-v. w. I r".-. iv,- ,.nt
) e. ,,'v s,.,: j. i , ...(,;,. sr,,ti.
lVrf.j.s i- f..r 4 '.'.; i, n iii i .in-
t-;-.v l:tiiy. -rr.-io-.
I Iri.rts .,n Tiew-v, tk. .nvia,.e t ti ...-.Itr tf Tl.
; T.-i-.n... ,'' i.ei, -a , ai.i i. , I i.o. tj ai.v i.ii..-.-
i i,i O; r"i.a la.,,.' Uuf tij.tre .i:a;.s r.i. ,!,..'. he'
'I,.-Li ..:. rii" ;, f.-.i o l sto-, -r .N.e ..Kit
V',.. , ' , " "i ,:" y ' ': " ul ' -v '
"-. is'f - - -
1.1. -, 1 . :-Ii:J i -mJ I i. .mi ,,: 1 1, i alik, ,i-.. I
H.),l r, li'il "r i ,! I ... I ,.l . ... in .... i ,,f
: a.-u-,,, ,':.-; 7.7 "'. I
Dealers in
wall a Es:r:,
n r .
C o ii f e o 1 1 g n o r i e g.
Coal Oil :ui.
."'IiO-, o! .M J..., .li, Alj., ..nU have
' -w
iaxcy vassim ;:ui:
r.Axxn. f, f.-,
i ;it r.-!i!ri'r.. , fii'fv 4 if Hi''.' u- :i. :
T ol 'I I'l" 1 1 ! : ! i A 1 . 1 . . :i;i- ', i'l..
.'I V l-l'.1 If
I'FAI.ti; IV
Boots' tx Shoejs,
; -r. .,...! .. xr j;
! jc x mi iu.. 4 1 1 im''-, t;ce;.
(. - no
ill. I
- 'will sell off 111 v prt'sf-Tii s-to.-', ;;t
h' n rii - trcs.;
i . , . ,
' iK'ine-iu.-K i i ii j.i
O'ln ,p.,r WM.--TI
of tlo: Hi.u.-.l.ii e!a'e
r .' ;
i- h.T. i ,.iv l ! 1 .1 I !: M :.! 1 .
, , : - i i, i : u
't s . .;. .. .-.
' II t . 1. 1 . .-. , ,-. . . -
i -.m :.! i ., ", i .
.-..ii t o , i ; e
0. 1 .1 . 1. 1 - ' .,. ' !'-
lain l;L,.i..i i.ijjli,
i'.-.r. r. i.i. ,
1 u t"',:i, ,-r v .
' wi !: a- , f II 1 1 1 .' JIu- 0;,:
I.i .:- I'll -.
f :, it n - a
' I, O.I , I 0
111 . I I , . ..
, ' 1 i, ' ' l .1. I 1 .0 I I ;r . I ,i " I
I. . '." I .-i li ! ! t ! I !!'. i , l . . 0
.11 1'..!!!.!,. ...Oil. Xtlii- 1, .,!!
.V. ', ,..';., St j.', ml. r
.,. in . ' it ii. in.. i'i . a ii. a
I 1". !,-- i'.-
1 't .-nir.l. ti ... l.-r i 1 -! ,. 1 1,, i
(1 4" a ii.- i...rii, .... i ..,i . :
. .. . ,. -.,
i I .,;.. ' i. -, ,1 ,,' in I! i . , .i , - I,
I ' , . i ; v , . , , , ii i t r 1 1 -1 ' ;i 'i I ! ' " . : : . i i , ,; :
1 . ." ' ." '; ' ;" .,: '.
ii ii- ( i i . i t. , I. i .in., ii . i-
it ...I- I' M . ... .... ,, N.' ' i , .i . v.l
I .. I .... i. , i , - i .. ..
I i,; .0 !. 1 1, - i,n- iiu 1. 1 1 iv, I io.,l i -a :e . ,
I" 0..-1- io-i i,ll Mii.i i,"l:iO' 1 1 !:n JU' li-.
j ; 1 , r 1 1 i. :, 'i l - ii I .;ii: 1 1, ,. l ( - .'. , i, i . h . .
Iii" : i ' v ,f I ' ,', ;,.!.i nt . in II v lO, u .'. i i. i , .. j
, - 1 1 1 . . i . ii m i , i -" . - i i . , . 1 1 1 i , , i ..
f-.e.-:v -.i: i .'(! , i.irui.ia . f v h:
1 ; ,'l,::t:'.;'',;'.;1i ,:" "" ,l ',! "-'-- "
1' ri'a'',':..:,!;-N,,,,l...,.A,! ,,,
I K. .V I". ...
,. .. '':''
1 . -i .1 i; i i , 1 1 , - . . . 1 1 ' j 1
l en tii:: i.i rov: io or
Mi-. 1.111I Mr- ii.,,, ,, Ii :., i i I i , l i, . ' i: I,
, i j t;.t i i I'i..!P:i! .i t't ;fr..( f - -
t ih !; ,
i ' " 1 1 f 1 " i i i . .i . i . y J , . c tii- . ,l , .ii . . . ..- .
I I I," .' fi" , I MirO II"' I" II Mi ll.. I i'i i , -
! lii.l'H iii l.r-t i i - - -, !., ,i - in I in-.. . ; ..!,, ii
s ' I I'. Ill J f'u I t", O i . i.i I .1 C ,i i 1 , 1 , . I 11,1 ' 11,
! - ... ! , ., , ' ' ; 11 1' "
; 'i"ir"l .... .
' -Mm iii,.l" I 'ill 1 Kli'.-IM iv f,.;, yt. ;- II
r.-.d-i..- ! iti y , ,n i . -l l y .M r. 1 11, .. -
I'i .1 ' "i t'.i I ;i i I I. i.'; I v n, u -i - I .
' ' "
) 1.-1 .hi is!i -,l in ' - I L"
j , ' , . ,,
j 1 ("''.. (.;.-, uu! n nj I ...'- '. :
j f ,, mi M-ln. l , c.i'i C. '.'.
V CI IT, VI M.AM:, A.VI C0t M'lt .
'I'l I 11
Aniorifn-i r v i ri-. lt-T r i 'ii
1 oa 'l iii;
Farm, Garden, and Household,
,, J ; , r . ...,..., aft, ,,., of Jnttr
. ' I , ' .. .. '
I C.sO'OT ( i'l J 'l!rvr V ii' U.mi'Jil- V
I ii" A. I--,.' , o :. n ,..i v.. " i :.,j..'.o i.r r.-i -j. . i
, I t 'It ,K. 0 . I , . I II I -1 . i, 1, i li ','. e, " 1,1.., , . ,. j
j I. i..,i !- i.i .ill i' l.i . r, i.i-.-.i. ;.-,. t, i, . ...j , , , . J
; t no an i. -ov l.'bi.iii . i. . 0, c.eiy in,:.,..: i
i ..i' j
' 1
I I r- ii' o n- ii. ii mf,'i . -i f .! - ; ! . , f . i ... ,, . ; 1
j I i.- !! '! .! ii it, . '.,, .. . ,....., ... ;
;!,' i in all I ;. ,(l r t J., .'-.", ; . i .
j '1 1" ihvii -ui. Is -f liini. in. i ,.. .-. i . - i -v-.n i-i j
, 1 V. ry V(, j,f ( ... , ) , j , 1 , " I . il. -1. ,
! i;0..iv M v. i, . ki,.... v. 1 1 i. - v v. : I-.0 . '
- I
' -ri... ir . . : .. , .. .i , . . . .
1 1:. . ' .....V" .'..".' "'I:.:. ,
- ' ', '-, '-. ' " -
i'-- i-n;-, c , l-j iik-i.... "I ! '..:: A :r.- !
i ' "r '"'
j Tl;.? :,it,f,t fi.r i l.i.l.-- ,i.t . . ;
' I o" I n I. i , i r..r . I , i-iri -a ,,, ,..,iV ( ..
in- ut, Im: h- l i.iiii.nii Lii'i Oe.v ..'.'I n, t. d '
. t.. -ral i-i : n,-i.a. s. !
Tip a ' h-ci r-i ' '
,.,..',; im rl- t!,..ii":i
" .I...". 0 .i A;.--
. ' ' ' '.t ' li
i.-. '. : a .-" . : f ,ir
- i". : t : i t
' . f s:..i . , ,u. ,
v it: :i.
, r"' "': y"r ' e f!:: Uj
tTi'-Y.'i IT A VI II.
n. o .r in
TIfirclY;aro, Cutlery,
j t(.v. .V.7..V. .sr'J7;,s
! . r.vir. ,;.
t '-, e ' . t-i- r.f t',-r !,! ...
' i ''O a . ; -. . .,.' .-.! ,'
I ,,.- ; .v.
! main- strhkt,
I ir I tv !!. i: ii r II i-.-. :i . , .
! "' -
wiiiit.;:-- m.v.
., ry j -5 m m m - -m W m j.
" J;. SJ
O j,(o-ito the i'ost t
I :e;; i.i ;m , ,
';;:::'. -.-::, a cm v, - . :, ;
tvi! i - : i; a i- ,: i . 1 1 I, i , ;:s ,
a ;
Ai-r, A : .,11 A - : :. 0.
...w;.jz.v:.s- ..-. .':u sr.n:::-
I ..- wJi'rti Si;'
'i i- al i: i-,ii,i
I i-:io::as c. cr.E.NSHAV,'.
: I. - m, he i i l i. i
.m, i ,. i i i i , t tea to i
! '.)..:
r, '. . .-.v. r ,-,'
! Ni:i::: i; en
- ,,,. . a..,o vl0re.
I .V ,
i i ,1 ;
' ' I
.: i i
J ' al ...juUliU)
( ) T i V P I'l,'! J . )
Cor. M .in ' ,. ;.;. M ..
NEi;nAf.'ICA CTIY, - - I. IE
i i .1 i -. la
l.i. Oil-, J'liJtv ami ( il o-
i ji j " .. -1
o ii r t ' ' 1 - -' ' i
l- J--- . VV. I C.
Cor. Main nuj .V.h -t..
!:ze::aj:a city, klbrafaA.
Dealers in
'-jl.eiiiUl iM i Jt UA.
' r. . , r r . . . f, (-,
' ' i J . i;0. o- O li O LLATIlt.'
Sad! I crs ITnrd war-"
E'isina;4 nn! Tool's
.vac.h;..s, rLows, Ac.
C'CrcIerr Promptly atter.ucd to
I v. i.l -..'
I i , Oiy-'.-'ii1-, .' , i . -1 r
..., !,,!. , li I r '' , -' "Kill1 i; .
1 M ,', I ' W "I . ii ,1 1' '
.-, ;v . i y k. ia ia it ro.
.'. i- ."IV lllllt I.', .I.t i -!ilf 11:1' i '
v Willi, V. i-
; fi
I i I li , ,. '
iii mm