Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 11, 1865, Image 2

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    Che itctofca JficraW.
nniin TTTi"vvr nnnnirnn
1 I J Vj LT iVi r Ul Hi V jUH
fr rr
The relurns, so far ns ihey are in,
fhow ihe entire Uaion ticket elected by
majorities ranging from 2?t3-75, with
Louisville, Salt Creek and Weeping
Water precinct?, and the soIJiers, to
hear fro:... The entire majority will
ltobal!y be 100 !
We have delayed publication until a
late bour, expo ctii.Lj full return?, but
are compelled u go to press without
tiiat"1i leiix a.
Posters were ki'jck up around town
last week, headed "Our Election," an
nouncing that J. I. Farley wcu'd speak
at the Urit !c School Iluu.-e on Saturday
evening:. Having' been very much ed
ified by this gentleman cd a former oc
casion, we concluded to hear what he
had to say, and accordingly ' turned
out" at the appointed time. Upon
entering the hall, we found the afore
said gentleman about winding up an
eulogy upon the talents, etc., of Hon.
J. W. Chapmin. (We don't know
that Mr. Chapman ever done anything
that should cause this ".Maryland man"
to try to injure him with his praise.)
After winding up on this subject it was
toon discovered that he was troubled
with disease called, iu these parts,
."HtRAtD on the brain,'' and his best
friends have concluded that the disease
is of such achrcnic nature that the pa
tient it beyond ail hope of recovery.
He used up serine hour and a half in
convincing the people that the Herald
was n loyal r aper, and down on all
rebels, whether they had been in the
Confederate service or only went to
Cunada Jisgvisr.d ct-n Milkmen in or
der to avoid bjing drafted into the
Union army. Although we do not
think there was much doubt upon this
point before, yet we fee very thankful
for the gentleman's assistance in making
it clear to the minds of his hearers, as
some of them are not readers of the
Herald. He even went so far as to
tell his hearers that we had a regular
corps of editors (we hope cur friends
will forgive him for this little prevari
cation, as he intends it as a recommend
for the paper.) and read numerous ex
tracts which lie is treasuring up as mod
els of truth for his grand-children to
ponder over.
In reference to the denial he made
of some statements relating to his po
litical course, we do not think it neces
sary, at the present time, to say anything
about, as he is too well known in Ne
braska. Ye did not make the state
ments for the purpose of giving him
notoriety, but only to show the consist
ency of the party that placed him in
nomination. As he came cut and de
nied being- a political man, and refused
to run upon the ticket, we have no de
sire u carry the matter further, lint,
should he force us to the wall by pur
suing the course he has declared in fa
vor of that of publishing a speech
which he says he delivered in Nebras-
la City, and by attempting to show that
he hns always been a Union man
we shall feel in duly louiitl to make
public some other things than those we
have yet mentioned, ai.d to fully estab
lish the truth of our former assertions.
AVith this, we will let the matter rest
for the present, assuring our friends
Uiat we "know whereof we speak."
EST The speaking on Monday
night by Hon. T. M. Marquett and
Hon. J. W. Chapman was well attend
ed, and the greatest good feeling and
enthusiasm prevailed. The speakers
indulged in none of that low and per
sonal abuse so common to some who
attempt to make public speeches. Their
remarks were pointed and tilling, and
their arguments such as none could
controvert. Mr. Marquett proved to
the satisfaction "cf all present that the
States Rights doctrine advocated by
the Democratic patty was of a treason
able nature, r.nd had been the main
cause of the late war: He also show
ed conclusively that the men who now
claim' to be "opposed to all wirs are
following 'in t'h-3. exact footsteps oFtlieTr
prdecessors!Le Tories of -l&f Ke
olutien. -- - -.- -
a en a: in:.
Wc see ly the Omaha Republican
that a change has taken place in the
proprietorship of that establishment
MessrsTaylor'Si -jMcClure Itftve sold
an interest to Gen.' II. II. Hedth, who
assumes'the editorial control of the pa
per. Ia-bis introductory remarks he
say : v
Politically, during the past for years,
we have been known and designated
rj a war Democrat,' of the Aridy John
son, Daniel S. Dickinson and lien. But
ler school. We sustained the policy of
Mr. Lincoln in every essentia particu
lar, during Lis fim term, and voted for
him for the second. We have been. in
ihe military service since the summer of
18G1, and are ti!l in service; we appre
hend, therefore, that cur political posi
tion will remain as it has been, unques
tioned by the Union party everywhere.
In the management of the lit publican,
therefore, we shall,
1st. Heartily endorse the administra
tion cf President Johnson.
2d. Sustain the inviolability of the
proclamations of Mr. Lincoln upon the
subject of slavery.
3J. Advocate the adoption of the
amendment to the Federal Constitution
by which African slavery is forever
prohibited in the United States.
4th. Contend for the enactment of
such laws as shall forever disable the
late slave-owners cf the South from
perpetuating their tyrannical labor laws
over the freedmen of the country.
JS-ST" We have heard it said that a
"retired rni'k-man'' attempted to speak
in Itock IiluUs a few evenings since,
but owing to "his early education" and
former occupation he signally failed in
making any very lasting impressions,
except that he had missed his railing.
We learn from those who were
present, that Capt. May done excellent
service for the Union ticket at Reck
Bluffs on Monday night, completely
riddling the "piece" that the Maryland
man spoke. The Captain's oiAy regret
is laat he was "detailed for such small
service" as he expresses it as reply
ing lo "such a speaker."
ma m m
At the Democratic meeting
held at the Court House on Saturday
evening last, Poppleton. the leader and
orator of the party of this county and
Territory, announced in his speech with
all the impudence acd gusto of a mon
Aitca that "If he had the makir.g of
lam, he would make it a criminal offence
for a Democrat to split his ticket!" He
would compel them to vote as he said
would roiiQE them to vote the party
ticket! and much, more to the same
amount Omaha Hep.
The above utterances are but a fair
sample of the consistency of the Dem
ocratic party. This is the manner in
which the- leaders of thepaity through
out the United States would guarantee
to all their "rights under the Constitu
tion" if they were in power. If they
could not enforce obedience to their
particular views, they would re-enact
their scene at Baltimore, and throw the
country into confusion if possible. In
fact, it has for a long time been one of
the main features of that party to either
"rule cr ruin."
w-S3 The case of the notorious
Champ Ferguson has at Jast closed,
and the papers have been forwarded on
for approval or rejection by the Presi
dent. This outlaw and guerrilla was
one of the most blood thirsty cf ihe
whole set that infested the west and
southwest during the rebellion, and his
fiendihness is only equalled by Wirz.
frS" The following named gentle
men were elected to the different pre
cinct offices, jesterday: Justices of the
Teace, James O'Niel and Josiah
Moores ; for Constables, W. 'Mickel
wait and James Failing; for Judges
of Flection, Josiah Mooies.C. L. Coop
er and C. Ripple; for Clerks of Elec
tion, Henry Shea and Fd. Ilutchenson;
for Assessor, E. T. Shamp.
1,1 S 5IE. ST I I.I. HVIXCJ.
Letters from Dr. C. F. Hall have
been received by Mr. Grinnell at New
York, containing the intelligence that
three of Sir John Franklin's men are
still living. Teis is extraordinary anJ
agreeable news. If they are living,
their narrative of that mysterious and
ill-fated expedition would be one of the
most absorbingly interesting stories
exer published. Dr. Hall says that
Capt. Crozier, who succeeded Franklin
in command of the expedition, and
three men have been seen. Crozier
was reduced to a skeleton, and being
starved to death, while his three men
were fat, they having lived on human
flesh the flesh of their companions
who all deserted the two ships that were
in the mountains of ice while Crozier
would not eat human flesh.
The man finding the party, at once
took, them in charge, and catching a
seal, he fed Crozier, sparingly, day by
day, until his life was safe. He thus
cared for four men through the winter,
during which one of them died. Cro
zier and the two remaining men were
then taken to Neithelle, in Boothnia
Felix Peninsula, where there were
many Innutes. Having guns and plenty
of ammunition, they were enabled to
shoot ducks, noureces, &.c. The Innutes
treated iheni very kindly. At length
they started for. Keobneras country,
since which they have not "teen seen.
All this Was in -1854, but the Inuutes
insist that Crozier and hi friends are
not dead.
Koi'Tiii:ie.v i:vi:s opest.
The Richmond Tunes, in an article
upon the political prospects of the South,
which it looks upon as promising, now
that ihe slavery quesibn'ts dead, makes
the following confession of facts, which
were utterly ignored by the Southern
men before the war:
The influence of the Southern States
was for nearly seventy years resistless
in the National Congress. Southern
Presidents, iu an almost aubroken line,
succeeded Washington for half a centu
ry and' wisely administered the gov
ernment. Slavery h;id nothing to do
wjth this political supremacy, but it was
shivtgy which ultimately clashed " lis
heading from our lofty pinnacle of po
litical' glory, and left ns a helpless mi
nority. It was slavery which diverted
emigration from the S'outh, and 6ent
millions of hardy white men to carve
twenty new States out of the unbroken
forests of the West and Northwest. It
was slavery which d.varfed tho South,
while the North was rapidly attaining
the" proportions of a giant. It was slav
ery that at last arrayed the North
against, the South, and stripped our
Southern statesmen of all power and
influence in the National Legislature.
It was slavery agitation which destroy
ed all those kindly relations which
once bound the d flerent sections of the
Union together, and then plunged the
nation into a long and terrible civil war.
We copy the following description of
this doughty warrior from the New.Or
leans correspondent of the Chicago
Tribune. It is pretty accurate:
There may often be Sden in his count
ing ruoai, or engaged in promenading
the shady side of the boulevard canal,
a tall man of about forty-five years of
age, with sandy complexion and hair,
keen gray eyes, and wearing a big
broad brimmed hat. This dressed fig
ure makes up the tout ensemble of M.
JtlT. Thompson, an ex-Brigad'er Gen
eral in the rebel army, former resident
of St. Joseph, Jlissouri. At the col
lapse of the rebellion, Jeff., probably
acting under the principle that "No
man is without honor, sive in his own
country." pitched his tent in the Cres
cent City. He entered as a partner a
few days ago the firm now known as
"Mix. Thompson & Rowe." A short
time before the war, Jell, was located
at St. Joseph, Missouri, engaged in the
business of a real estate or land broker.
At one time he was Mayor of the city.
At the inception of the rebellion he be
came a kind of monomaniac on the
subject of secession. Among other
vagariis he was accustomed to go about
with a bugle, worn suspended around
th? neck for the purpose cf cailing his
followers together. Scon after he was
made a Brigadier General of the rebel
army, and published a proclamation to
the people cf Missouri, of winch the
following is an extract: ''Come! jlnd
stand not 'upon the order of coining!
Take no thovsht of .Hi morrow! Far
the cattle vpon ten thousand hills are
yours. Unfortunately fcr Ihe rebel
cause, but few came at the call tf Jeff,
and he carried on a kind of predatory
war in Missouii and Arkansas. He
obtained once the honor of being cap
tured and confined at Johnson's Island.
Subsequently securing his release. by
exchange, he served under Tap" Price
whe n 'lie latter, was so soundly whipped
by Hosecrans. I understand that Gen
Thompson acquired (mite a reputation
in Missouri as a talker, and was also
noted for his self-esteem. -Among his
military exploits was the capture of a
merchant steamer, which he releaseu
r.fter drinking up the contents of the
bar. It is lioped that, as the transplan
tation of fmits and flowers often in
crease the flavor of the one and the
beauty of the other, so the removal of
Jsff. to the land of the cane and the
cotton, may be followed by results
fraught with b.essiugs : to himself and
Fort Smith, Are., Sept. IS.
The rebel Creeks, this morning,
came promptly forward and signed the
treaty of peace. The best of feeling
prevails among all parties, in this tribe
as well as among the Semmoles, ami
they setm to have entered in earnest
uron the work of reconstruction araoni
themselves, and of restoring iheis lor
mer relations to the Government. They
exhibit a good spirit in their willingness
to accede to the policy or the Govern
ment in relation to selling a portion of
their lands, to be devoted to internal
improvements in their own Territory.
The Southern O.-agcs also signed the
treatj'. It is now sigced by nil the del-.
egates of all the tribes. Fourteen were
represented, both loyal and disloyal.
As I wrote you last Friday, the pro
cecdings of that day were not given to
the public for reasons deemed prudent
by the Commission. Circumstances
since rendering- it nowise improper that
they should be known. I will state that
the Commissioners on that day refused
to recognize Mr. John Ross as Chief
of the Cherokees, for the reason, as
the" Commission allege, that he has
acted iu bad faith with the Government
has attempted while here to retard
the work of the Commission; has en
deavored to influence other tribes not to
sign the treaty; has sown dissensions
among his own tribe, and is not, as the
Commission believe, the choice of the
Cherokees for Chief.
These allegations are all denied by
Mr. Ross. Mr. W. H. Rosr made an
elaborate and lengthy defense, going
to prove that the position of John Ross
was one cf strict neutrality, until through
force and compulsion he signed the
rebel treaty; and that as soon as he
could and was afforded Federal
protection, he repudiated those obliga
tions and joined the Federal cause. Mr.
Ross also presented a protest signed by
the loyal delegati m of Cherokees
8gainst this .action of the Commission
ers.' Cor. Missouri Jk m.
New York. Oct. 8.
The Times' London letter has the
following relative to the Fenian excite
ment. Some fifty arrests were made, in
Dublin, nearly as many in Cork, and a
few in Liverpool, end some in the man
ufacturing towns of Lancashire. Among
the rest were a few Irish Americans,
and for others rewards of two hundred
pounds were offered. A reward of one
hundred pounds was offered for one
Murphp, from Boston, and on being ar
rested, said he should present his case
to Mr. Seward. One more letter men
tioned that none were set free by the
authorities at Dublin Castle. Panics,
in other towns in the southwest, had
not been diminished.
There have been funs made on local
banks. Steamers and passengers' bag
gage have been searched for documents
and revolvers.
A gun-boat is cruising off Cork har
bor to intercept Yankee ships, said to
have been sent to Ireland wi-.h arms
for Fenians. Officers of Cbrk garrison
that have been "arrested are numerous.
They say that a considerable portion cf
the garrison are sworn Fenians.
There is a lively demand for fire
arms by those men to defend them
selves. A notable feature in the affair
is, that they are men of humble rank.
The most of those arrested are small
iradesmen, clerks, arlesans, etc. The
most considerable prisoner in Dublin
is Taylor. The chief informer against
Fenians, appears to have been one w ho
had advauced to the grade of Colonel,
jn the Great Fenian Army, but having
no pay, rations, or forage suitable to his
rank, had been suffered to go to work
on a house. These unfortuna:e digni
tary proceedings were his work. He
concluded that low treason against his
associates, was more profitable than
high treason against our Sovereign
Queen, and sold them to Sir Robert, at
the Castle. This informer, who has
the credit of being first to sell Fenians,
is said to have been a virulent Orange
man, who went to Cork, and pretended
to become Catholic and patriot. Unless
ships loaded with American Fenians,
arms and supplies, are well on their
way, and succeed in making a. landing
in spite of iron-clads and gunboats on
the Irish coast, we shall not hear much
more of Fenians in Ireland. Two or
three hundred will be arrested, a dozen
or more will be tried for treason, and
sentenced to menial servitude as a mild
example. Even these, will soon be
A letter-writer from Fort Smith, in a
letter to the St. Louis Democrat says:
The Cherokees, Creeks and other
tribes, were very wealthy in stock be
fore the war broke cut. Immense herds
feed upon the luxuriant grass of these
rich alluvial bottoms, and roamed at
will over hills and mountains, and
through the forests, plains and prairies.
This Indian country is rich beyond
comparison. If the half-civilized In
nian coulj obtain so much wealth hero,
what might we not expect if Anglo
Saxon industry and enterprise should
find its application here? If the Indian
is wise he will make peace with his
Great Father at the earliest possible
moment; for the Avhu.e man has his eye
upon the mines aijl minerals, the great
forests of pine, oak ai,d ash, the fertile
and productive valleys, and rich prai
ries, and covet their possession.
The New York Times special, dated
Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 2-3ih, says:
There has been great excitement in
the convention, and spirited speeches
between straight-out Union men on the
one side, and the conservative or se
cession on tho other, on the subject of
secession occasioned by the two reports.
The majority report declares the s.
called ordinance of secession to have
been wholly unauthorized, and that it
was and is null and void, and the mi
nority was laid upon the table by a vofe
of 6S to 2G. The majority party then
amended by calling the act of secession
extra constitutional, which was carried
by a vote of 6S to 3S. The mnjority
party subsequently received this as the
springing of a new mine upoa them by
the minority party, and an exciting dis
cussion took place, when thj amend
ment was withdrawn. The minority
party then offered an amendment de
daring the ordinance of secession un
constitutional, which was voted down by
a majority of 5S to 34. The majority
report as originally reported was then
adopted, and the ordinance of secession
was declared null and void.
On various accounts, negro slavery
in Cuba has now a very uncertain ten
ure. As long as the "institution" ex
isted in this country, and was upheld
by our Government, the system in Cuba
had strong backing up. But now that
it has fallen here, it there stands alone,
in execrable solitude, on the North
American continent. The nsw power,
importance and energy of the Liberal
party iu Spain also works against the
continuance of slavery in the Colonies.
The Liberals of Spain, like those of
every European country, are strongly
opposed to slavery, and would ntake
short work of it if they had possession
of the Government. Even in the Con
servative party the system has many
foes; and it is not unlikely that, under
the influences now operating through
out the world m favor of emancipation,
the measures which have been inaugu
rated in Spain in favor of gradual abo
lition, will before the close of next year,
be pushed to their con.-ummation.
Janes Morgan, a printer who
worked in this city during the years
1S4S and 1S49. has fallen heir to about
SOO.000 in gold, which is now on de
posit in the Bank of England subject
to his order. If this should meet his
eye, or ' any of his" friends, they can
learn all particulars by addrossiDg this
cilice.--Dcircii Tribune. .
co.vxf.r-s i:i'i:i)riio.
Ft. Law-he-nct, Sept. I'G.
Information was receivod to-day from
Gen. Conner's right column, under Cob
Cule, to the 21st inst. It hajjbeen en
camped near Fort Conner since the
20.h. He had lost GOO horses and 200
mules, which were frozen to death in
one night. On the 1st of September
he was attacked by a War party of
Sioux, Cherokees and Arapahoes, on
Powder River. They were repulsed
with heavy loss, our loss being' only four
killed and two wounded.
On the 3d, the Indians appeared in
force and were driven ten miles. The
next day the engagement was renewed
and lasted until noon. The Indians
were again defeated with great slaugh
ter, their loss being from 200 to GOO
killed and wounded. The Indians fled
in every direction; our troops were un
able to pursue them on account of the
poor condition of the stock. Our loss
was one killed, and one otficer and . two
men wounded. The Indians lost a
large number of horses.
The Indians again attacked our troops
on the Sth, and after a short but spirited
engagement, were totally routed and
beautifully cleaned out. Their force
is estimated at 3,000. They lost many
of their principal chiefs.
Our total reported loss in the three
engagements was seven killed; one offi
cer and two men wounded. Another
battle was expected on Powder River,
but the Indians suddenly disappeared
Col. Cole will camp at Fort Conner
until information is received from Gen.
It is said that Pius IX, on being once
called upon to make regulations for the
protection of Rome against the cholera,
declined, and said he. would leave the
fate of the Holy City in the hands of
Providence. Lord Pulmerston, on be
ing waited upon a few years ago by a
deputation of clergymen, urging upon
him the propriety of a national day of
prayer and humiliation, to be appointed
by the Queen, for the purpose of stay
ing the progress of the then racing
epidemic, gave also, like the Holy
Father, u negative reply; but his lord
ship suggested to the petitioners to take
all sanitary measures which human in
genuity could devise, so as to propitiate
the Deity, by using the great powers of
mind granted to man in endeavoring to
stop or to mitigate the evil.
-5r As soon as the dispatch reach
ed Acapulco, giving the news of the
destruciion of American whalers by
the rebel pirate Shenandoah, the com
mander of the English war steamer
Devastation, then lying in the harbor,
sought an interview with Cipt. G. P.
Scott, or the L nited States steamer
Saranac, and informed him that he
would set sail immediately with the
Devastation in pursuit of the Shenan
doah, and should treat the rebel cruises
as a pirate, and capture her wherever
she might be found. He was as good
as his word, and left the port as soon
as his ship could be got ready. Pana
ma Star, Sept. 10.V
Probate rVolicc
NVtice is lier-ty j; veu that S.v.a'i . Livingston A L. Clulit ii.iv' in;id'' n .! ivn to the I'ro
b;t,. CYurt i f l'av n-uniy, rli n.-i;.. t b1 ai'poiritol
AliHiuitrati .f t '.. f Aieuuk-r t.iviu te
uton, t'-VH-tl. I;it of t'as coumy, Nebraska Terri
tory. The Court tlun;j,e appoints
Thursday, the 2d day if Xorintlitr,
A. D. 1SiI5, at 2 o'e'nck P. M., f-r hearing H apf.'i-i-ation,
at h UkIi time all person-" iult-resteil cu ap
pear ami show cause why is-iiil ajipuiatuieuts thuuiil
uot be in i ile, if any there i.
Witue-s my hnuJ ami ceal f office this 10th
L. . day ul Ocloter. A. I. r.5.
ocll 3w l'robatt-JnJc?.
Probate Notice. "
To the 1'rvl'atf Court I'eUfUm t- Hell Ltml.
Isabella V. Jones Guai!iaa of Murirarct 1. Junes
anil Samuel II. Jones, minor ht-iia of Wiley
Jones, deceased.
McAslaud L. Jcne, Ja.-c.b Bridetistint, Saiina F.
Kriilensiine, David Itruleii'tine, KlizaVieth C. Hi id -n-Mitie,
William It. J-.ues, A. II. Copeland, JIarv L
Copeluud, Isabella Jones, and a!l whom it may con
cern :
You Ere hereby Informed that on the 4:b day of
October. A. D. fi.i. U1 Guardian tiled lie- petition
in the Probate Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of said petition i t obtain an
cider from i-aid Com t for the fale ef tlr? followius
Kel Etate, to wit: A p irt of the south-west quar
ter of seciion 1:5, town-Tip 10, ran-e l'i east, and a
part of the nurih-wt O'larwr of ttie not lb-uest
quarter of section is, towuship , range 14 east, ia
Cuss county, T 1 he Court will hear said pe;i
lion on the Oih day of November, A. 1. 1M.", at 1
o'clock P. M , at which time a:l p r.soti inte-ei-isl
cm appear and bhow caue why aid prayer i-huuld
not be granted, if any they hao.
Oflllv l'n.bate Jnd?(.
By virtue of an execution i.-fu d out of the District
Comtof 2 1 Judicial IMstricl. within and for Cas
comity, and 1'i-rrllory 'f Netirar-ka, in a cause where
in W. K. Uonelaii is plaintill, and Au.ju.-tus B Uarr
in defeudaattnad tome direcf-d, I have levied upon
ni wdl s ll at Public to the highest aul
bent bidder for cash, in front of the Court li'ou-e iti
PlattMiiouth, in said county cf Ca-s, on the 11 ;h da
November, A. D. I -5, at J o'clock A. M. of said
day, the following described Ktal Kstate. to wit : A
lot ef land commeucinfc 20 rod wet of the south
east corner of the south-vest rj".artcr of the south
west quarter of section 12, township 18 range 1 3 eaft
of the (Jth 1. M ; running iiotth -0 roda,
thence west 20 rods, thence cast 20 rods, to the place
of beinninK, containing 2 acre.
Taken as the pn perty of A. K. llarr, defendant, to
satis'jr a judgement iu Livor of W. E. Donelau.
P. P ;ASS, fcheriiT.
Ehei iff ' Office, Oct. 11th, A. U 1663.
Probate Notice.
A. M.P. Whittier, Guardian of T To the Probate
Frank B. Arii itt i-r, minor heir of Co'irt
Elvira It. Whittier, deceased, (-
vs. j Petition to sell
All whom it may concern. ) Land.
To alt whom it miy cou -.era : You ar; hereby in
formed that fin the 21 day of October, A. D. ISC,
said GuarJiai filed his petition in the Probate Court
of Cass r lunty, N'-braska ; the object ard prayer of
said H-titioii is to oiitain an or-lwr from .aid Court
for the of the following P.ial L-latc, to wit : One
undivided one-third of the laud and fa. m on hic)i
the faM puardian now re-idts, and kxown as th- Da.
vis farm. beiur a part of sec'-ion li, townsl.iji 11.
range 14 east, in Cass county, Nebraska. The Court
will hear said petition on the
vlT.'A day (tC'IOBEtl, A. D. 1 ).". fit 2 o'cllc P. .V.
at whicu time all peisous iu terented cap appear aui
show cause why said prayer should not be praut1 d.
J. W. JaAKSliAl.l.,
Oct 2, lrC5. 4w Prol ate J uitse.
Eight or Ten Thorough
bred American
They were bred jr J. S. Walkfr, Wyoming County,
N. Y., and sired by his famous old block butt
"Heden." "ilaJea'' ws hred by Vei-trs. CutTitfS
of Vermont, and is a half brother of Lii ceiobiated
buck "Monitor-' 'old Hadeii" has hliorn 23 1-3
pounds of wool of one year's growth. For further
information inquire if
. J. y. VISE, P;attmnuVi,or
' C. JT WALKF.R, PuK Crt Irrt
JIA.Mf.VCTlUi-K Of AM rI.KK 1 ."C
Saddles and Harness
ur w J- rys, c 1 1, la it s, c i mi it;
' Combf, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, f-(.
Main direct,
Joseph Koach,
v .
Solon M. Johnson.
E. Jennet Jrhn-o!i, his wife, f
Joel il . Juhuson, I
In Chancery,
"WiMiam J. Armtrmv, 1
John L. A rmstroii, V
S--ah Annsironz. his wife. )
In pti Miance, ar.d by virtu' i-f a decretal or i-'r
to uu directed from the oliice of the Cleik of the
Dixtrict Court of the 2u 1 J udicial District, ia and
for Ca.-s foutttv, Nebraska Territory, bearini; date
on the ll'ih day of December, beinj; the ad
journed October Icim of said Court, I. the subs, riber,
Master in Chanci-ry for said Com t. will sell, at pub
lic vendue for cash, to the highest and best bidder,
in front of the Court House iu Plattamouth, N. T ,
Saturday, the 1?d day of September, 18G5,
at 11 o'clock A. M , the following described Heal
Estate to wit :
'J he west half ( V'l 'f the south west quarter ('
ar.4 the wet I hail ( I -2 of the uofh u est quart:'! ( I--1)
of section numtier thirty-four :M) in township num
ber ten (111) north of rallpo numler twelve (U) e ist
of the Oth P. M , iu Cass County, Nebraska Territo
ry Tcfrelher, w ith all Hn.l singular the improvements
hereditaments or appurtenance tuereou, or there!
leloiii-'inif or iu any wise appertaining. 1o be soil us
the pioperty of the dcfendeutii in the above rause,
tosatlfy aid decree, the amount ot which, is
$vK'4 33 and interest from the date of said decree,
and cost of suit and sale.
riattsiuottth, Nebraska. Auirust 24, 1 .".
Master in Chancery.
SWkeT A CaI.hovk, Sols, for Comp't.
Notice is hereby Riven that there w ill be sold at
public sale, on -six month-credit, the p' lxonal prop"
ty of the estate of Wiley Jones, deceased, coiiMstinj
of Cattle, Horses, Farniii-S t'tetifils, Ate, at his lute
reside re iu Cass count v, on Saturday, -September
9,h, I.V1.-1. " 1SAUKI.I..IONI..S.
aug25,w3 Aduuuistrators.
"A Complete Pictorial History o
the Times."
"The I cfst, rheapesl, and most success
ful Family Paper in the Union."
Harper's Weekly,
CriUcal notices of the I'r- ss
The best family newspaper in the I'nitcJ Stas.
.A Vto Jah d- ti A 'J c r itit f.
Ihe model in w.-paper of our mutilry c.nnpl-t--- in
all the departments of an American Family Paper.
Harper's Weekly has earned for itelf a rii-ht t i its
title, " A Jot R.AJ. of Civii.i.Ai Us.' A. ' AVr-
nhi'j Wt.
Phis paper furnish" the ?ttt ilhttmni Otij
future histoi ians wii I enrich theiuel' es out of 11 ir
per'a Weekly lonjr after writers, and pmiteis. and
pub'uhe's are turned to dust. .V. ' h'i-t .-i'lii.t.
A ll1 cc.-sity iu evei y household Ji ft- it I'ltnin.
It is at once a l-a-lin-? political and historical hii
nuljstof the nation. l.ihu4 j.hiti Pre.
'1 1.- bel of ilj cl- iu Amei ica. li niun Trtt ecler
S ii hscr i p i i o 1 1 w. I H fi 5
Tin- publishers have perfected a syot. in of iiiaiiiiic
by which they cansupp y iIm Ma iaink and in:i:
l-V promptly to those who prefer to receive their p -
i iodu-al.s directly from the .Pice ol pub! ieatio:,
Postma-lers end ot lie'! desirous of p, tl IU-' up lobs
will be supplied with a handsome lictorial show-hill
on application.
II xti vn-'-i VTkfki v one eir
An extra coi.v ofeith. r th Weekly or Ma
will be sniil-iieil eraHs for everv club of Vi-'ti fcul
feiibe-sal il each, iu vim remittance; ol- tin topics
tor .u.
Hack nuinbe: s can he supplied at any time.
Tie annual volunes of Haiii-ku's U'kki.i.t, in '
clo h bindiriL', will be sent by mit-m, tr- ' i f
....... i r. a . .-I. X ....... t.l.. I., no . ..itnoi.
eemc. for f fi each. A i-i-m ob-te set.
rouipi isii.jr
I llll I I'liillirs, m-iii uu icinjM i.m .i-ii ai inr,
Jl ftn per volume, freight t expens of pun linvr
Address JI A It PKIt MiUTII Lit
Frnnkliu J-q iate, X . V
American Insurance
We, liram Uricht, Prtsi.l-nt. and Cha's L. Curri.
er. Secretary, of i!io Aiu'-rn 111 In Company,
of Fn epor t , 1 lliuois. bei eby cei tify that i I Compa
ny is possessed of a capital of at least one hu-id'-d
thou-and dollar., secured by Pen on teal estate worth
at ca-ii valuation at p ast livetiiot-s the. amount of
said capita I, and not encumber d to more than one
f jiih of cash valuation.
Hiram n-ti(.iT,
CliA'a L. C. t.Kli:!!.
Stitk r Iu isotv I
fclephenson County, f
Personally appeared bofeie me, C'erl: of tne Count
Court of ftephensou county, Hiram Ilrijrht and lia's
L. Currier, to lue known as the Pre idetit and r-eci a
tary of the .-fmerican Insurance Company, who Peine
lirst duly sworn accordim to law, everal ly iepo
and Say that the fibove certificate subscribed to by
them respectively is true in substance and in Uot, aa
sho"." ti by tie- records of aid Company.
t. bscri bed ami sworn to before nv-. this lrtli day
of July, A. V. JSil.. I). II ?iM'i:t:i.AMi,
Clerk of Co. Court, tteph.-nsor. Co.
I'.y A. W. liHtK sniK, Deputy.
To expire on the 31st of January, lsi;c.
jHtut-tiiiff lit purl ment. OJli-e iif Tr. Auditor, I
Omaha, Nebraska, Aug. 17th, l-tl i. f
Wi;fria, (en W. Wilton, .-Nsistant general
Agent for the .taieriran In-uraiico Company, loea tel
at Freeport, in the Atate ol I liiiois, has bled in th."
ollict; a copy of I lie act id incorpoi anon of sail Com
pany, and a atat -ment utidy- oath, showing its con
dition, as required by theFouit enth secilou of a
law .f the Ti-rntory of Xeleaska. ertifed "An Act
in relation t I nsurince ompanics," approVod Feb
ruary lflth, IH'4 ;
Thercfoie, lie it known by th' e piesents. That iu
pur.'usDee of tr e afores id .let. I, William I, liar,
vey. A aditor of the Territoty of 2'elira.k i,
certify taat tai I vtmeric ;n In-uranei- Company has
t'.ill authority to transact business of Iu-uranee in
liieTerritory of Net la-lia, tito'er It e Law ofthi"
leiritury, ud'.il the llst day i f Jauu try, A. I). 1
In U itlless whereof J have pobscrl '-i d my
uanic and canned the r-al of the -todltol's
L. s. ofii'-e to be aflixed, this 17th day of .lugust,
A. D. I-C3.
Vv. E. IMItVr.Y.
Teriitorial Auditor.
J'LviTTsMOl". I, JiLll.
nu tr "0 vt
Mr. and Mrs f'HKM.ot K ber. to in' rm the Inhab
itants of Platt-niouth and its v ieinit that they have
opened a Seminary for the education of young ia-di-s.
The course of instruction incliiJs Ln-li.-h,
taught in tir-it cl ss schools in K'irii French. Mu
sic, i I'iauo Forte, (juitai aud siutinfi Fiijcy W'oik,
Music will he taught as a separate study if re.
quired .
T' rros (in advance) ear I known l applying at
tr,M re-idenee lately oirc-pid by-Mr. F-l!ows
Pianos tuned, and a nipel) of music lor sale.
Plittsniuutb. Sept. S. tie!.
Music I Music T
ha ymomj, mim:h f CO.,
Piano Fort s,IIelodeons, Music and
Musical M'dse,
(At the stand formerly used as the J'ost Office )
Orders by mail for Music. Book', or anytafii per
taining l-i Music, promptly attended to
"t"5""""Orders for tuninor Piano Fnrtes
and Melodeous in I'latttuionth and vicia.ty will be
attended to at our earliest eonvTu net.
KAiiit:;, :ii.i.j( & co.
, 1-iZ- tf
iv I . O . V jyf
Will fca l the IV d off... ia I'.!-, ,, .,,
o ci( ck every dl , . , t nr. I i y -, . r : ;. ...,'
receiving -ruei s l..r gn-l li.-.; '
Which will be delitr-. 1 in Pi.i't - i . , o, , .
It.t of Jat.aa-y, 1 :. F..o-b j i. .-.-!.,...,. .,,,., . '"
m-Io J with rititej di;titt-.s i , i ,ii i r , . ,' .
lag the seed, pl.'ititi-ijj, i-t!tiva;-:i- .,:u' i ., . ''"
huVe ' '-
WM S. WKsT i Is.- 'la Pic or.'- . . f . ...
trees .11). i Hw.ilf A pie-, I'e.ii-t-. . - ,io 1 '': p, ' .'
IJuitices, Pea. he., plums. Apri ..(-, N. . ,
ries, ; rates, Ooos.-b-ri i.-, Cnrrut-, . ., (.. '"'
SV h itu lilackb l fi t. U.ia b 1 1 ie. t li a w l)u i i le, -',
evelj tiling front II tf At pie to l.ittl- Her;..-, L
A L S O :
Ornament il T" IIver'ren. !;.. of ;,ii ,., .
Hneyst:ckles,, Sii -w balls l'1-m -1,1,4 ,ilu' '
and all varcti'-s of Nur-e-y p .ini. .1 i(i .'. '
latitude of P at t-i:i Ml tii, w 1. a :i iv . ii ; 1 i-.uiy o '
livery on the 1st . f A pi it. l-r.'i. s. -
Seed !
One of our firm is ill TeX'i-, t lvin, ),; . -.
sonal attention t the
aud we will
Warrant i'cm Fresh and Sound.
We expect tlie sc nI 'iTc te.t ty t ) f I oi,!n
l'hAT'i'.s.MiH i ir, .v. t.
sO enlist,
Warrants a cure or no i. iy "4il "fllco I. v
store of II. we i; Thatcher,
'l l.!l.sK
Sept. V'
New Periodical Store!
A fill' i "'el ! ui.-iit of
Ahv.ivs 0:1 hard.
Latest llastrrn ''.'Tf and 1 ri d'. -.:s
rtc. i,'r-! daily.
tf All ere:s vr.impttv f'.'el -jj
NFI.HASKA CliV - - N. T.
Eig Apple-Tress
littli: Al't'Lll.TlU:i:s,
Tn suit ;'a ('.' ' r.,
Ail iU-Iia'ole kiiid-ii, T'l -, O st . -t
Tree- . Mil 1 1 bety, 1.'. .-!. to, I's. &c , ill I'" r 1 ' t r
d.-live ii i: in l'lc'lt- :u .11: li as t aly jis lb-- 1 i! A;. ,i
.-s tn ler uc iv. 1 ! y 'I'M. r-. Wi s I .
1)1 l'S' ' X ) DS
Iw i:lse!la:i .i. i'.. ! ... ll:y-Sools, e .ns - n
cf ('t itb, ("a '! , I' 1 Il-i...... Mo- - e. i. -.pi-.,
I III Pru t slid d ! H -li ! iiel u !-ii 1. 1 s. J; .
ii. I. ii'c'oiio i.e : -iy e y'lnui A - ft i.i a i' ta
.lore. 'oniioeni:ii-, t!-i io s :..l eoi t ' n ii-- im' -i si
is r. s. v.-ni 1 1:, A'i. t. u-'t
Fcr Fa!e by
V.rm. 5. WEST.
Iicp;a I.'otice.
Nicholai M. osre, C .ih,i!.i .'ii..!:', 1
J..-Iie F. S. olt. Pi--..'t,.l lit )
Tin- j' i.i'.' I..H I 1.1,1 1. s ...r. I . b-iel.v r-M
that sai.l Nh I. M Wii- !.;. t li .' ' v
AiiL'U.'t. f.le in too l'-t. i..' t'-.-i' t i't ir: in t'l a- - v
in and fo.' -iss t o .et ;-.-r ,vl Jn :-.- i.ii I . i '
X. 1. 1 a-1 a T.rri' . i y, la . .i :i i., ;o'i ii. I: -
tt tJdl! lll W I'll illl- I".: 1. 1 t.e- 1 :t e . I ' .1
per ii th ft i. hi t'.e -.'-:'i .1 iv if J-:ly I , , ..
from sa il le- nd. t" .- id eon.i.l ii ..i.i : r
tjiu i-roinis.'-'o y :t- t l...jfo.- .:i'.ol.y : -p.
Tel lit to e a. 'i, Colli l.ooai.l , 1:1 1 : to. : ii I
that tin- paylae.llt ot -II. I lll't" t s ,,. .J by , . . I
ot trn-t i . j - i n hn'i'li I M i!" . f : : -
li ft i n ( le) in to' ii -1. ip i.:i t 'a r ten I' e id. t.
im.;:.- u ii!!..' - in. Iv.- I '.' i . L-t. ! . ,i . i;. :
ol I ' ass ii I. I I . i i i toi y I ;i I..M- ...i, i 1 ! ,i .. j. 'i
said I at id inp y I." so1 I ;o'n li up t . ! 1 c ;oi i n ;-i -coeds
al plied to ',i rioM i I :.:.l .! I :
And re, p .nd. n" - b'-i.-l.y i i,--r i
be. a ud n ppear b- t.o e ' . .1 c o;i t rl . 'i
the .'."i'Ii day of .V J ti mi er A . U i -l-' ; . .i n
swer or ueninr In sa id b i 1 . r.r i b s. i-o- u .. ; r ' i
ken ii o coj ft s nd - ci rr nd - . e-i i -M '
lh:tel Aiij-iist J.: It, ls.;..
f?. II. I'M If I N,
.sol. foi C .lip't.
Fzra T. Fish, '
vr. - I n ( li an eery,
Pnlnowu heira oT Uil ejT'l! j; 1 anan, )
1 u pill soil ice li I, 'I
by virtue of a d'-rr.-t i! ei.I.-r to nn- .ii-. . le.t fiom i!
ellice ot III" (' Ilk of Hi. III. Il I.I C...O I i.'.i .liolierU
liirtri' t in and f r I'.im ejnnty, .Nel-ra-ka T- iritory,
made in t.'ie above ea us.-, and bea; inr ilat. on th
14th day of Apt il 1st;.'., I.i iiiir tlie A pi il tertn of it I
court, I, the nib-rriber, M a-ier iu t'l.-auccry lor s.-ii-i
coin t, will sell Ht pu I. lie vendee, tor ca-b, to ti-l.khe-t
and be-t bidder, in Irolit of th'? Court lluiir
iu l'lattsiiioutli, Nebraska, oil
Siitvrd-iy, Sfp!a;dtr2"l, ?'',,
al J.) o'clock a. in., tl.o foilowinK de.-ei ibc l le... ro
tate, tQ-'it.-
Th- south -west ijna ter (1 -4' -f til--' no. th r;i -t p.
tor (1 A) and the uoitli '" -t ( a. ter il-l.i f t ! e .o.t ii
oast iUH rter ( 1 li au 1 ti.e uoitli east .piui i l-l,
of the soutii west ipj ii t. r (1-1) an I llm s..i li . it
(piaitei ( 1 1 ) of the no h est (ju.ltr ('C
lion number tw-dity six iS't) in tj.'. nship irnnle'
eleven (1 1 ) ri ir'li of r.u.S't tiuinb -r li-.eiv I !- ei-i- I
tho Itth P M., ;n t.a- niiMj- ."sebis-'ii l- itit-i v,
and c-.ldaiui ii' on.-laii 'lr.-d and nxly u'-.i ..
T-'.-ef l.ej- w jii .-, il a i: l oi. .I t r 1 1 e 1 u 1 1 -- ' ' i ' ' ; ' J
l.ei-e'i 1 1 a no-ii i s oi a j I-'i i leuaiic s t :,r on i tie'- '
I eioaicitr- or iu it li . i.- app'-rt -iiini: f.j In- . .j 1 i"
the property ol t'i .'' tidaiits in t' c .-:. . '
s : i-.'y siiid d- ..-:.e, t h .-iiioi nt of 'l.iin is
and iiiteiest from tl.o 'late of shkJ o -, siel c s
ol'su.t and sale..
I', Nebra -ka , A -:i-'Ut l-.i, 1-.'....
f. -vi. iMnt'tiv; rr.v.
Master iu CiijtU' cty.
T. M. MA'.4i t.TT,Sol. lorComti't
IjCgtil Uoticc.
Jatues powtn ii will take notiee that ma'i I..
and I-a i ; oe del, i.ii tii'; -12. 1 day of Aui'iid A. I.
Is.;-., tile their pc'.ti in in tne Iio-ii-i.-t (..nit.f':!
Judicial . .f N'e i i a ii:i , wl-h;nati.l I -r .
county, A. I' , iu'a:n-t l':e 1 Ja-ne, I: .-.' i:.-.a
feudant, setting f.rth t !. at tl.o Mi, i.,f,t (..
a mot U' it'e to the said Ham!. L. oe, en tl e 't'h
half of tl,e sou-h-' a-t ., n l rl.'r . .' s. , : ..ol o.iI)ln
to-pstaj, iHirnler t1' c-1 ' (Uj le. til of r.n .'c twelve
(I-J -ai of tho ftn J M , in saiij c '.niy o.':a-, N .
I'., to tix-iire the .ayn,. nt '. one huu I mi l f i t
dollars, fte'e'dii if to a e-rfain not.- rf. r,el pi in
said morttrai'e, I. lid piayiij- that s lid p . in . . t'lar
heboid to pay the s.rfi..-; and thai ti,o s.oj
H"i--T.l 111 is li-ri by liot.ticl t.e'.t !e- IS ' pal. i ! !.!-
pear mi: I ans ver sa d p. titi ,u i a or b' b'i e tae i l day
of Oriole r. A. D. 1 -'., or jud; laent wi : 1 r. nd i d
against you s-traved for Al;Ai h.Ci'r.,
Ji.ited Auif -:Z, lsH.i. IsAiUt'yt.
T. M. Maiujlk t, fa. 1. for C'om't.
Chancery Salo
Mix Sta-ller. Martin H ,id-, WiPh-i-i i
Criinsa, I.. W. .!., k, a linn A ,ti .
biwine in the nun n- .f.-t i ia . ,
er Jk Co. -oinplu.ijan'.s,
- ', la t f. it y-
J.n'b-r It I"', i ll-1 i: -:- y, I a-
I'e-.l' e atld tluul-. Vy -
) V
In I - ir-it.i -if'- a' 1 1 v -. i . i n. .r ft pt.rr,.t t , i. . -
me din-.i.d iM'iu t'.e ofti e cf the I' b-iKrf 1'ie I'.-tri.-t
I'.-inl. .1 J ii icia: Dist-iet in and fi r :, (. ' .
Nebraska 1 1 1 .lor y, n. i.le in i iie i.l,.,. e rvi.e, at I
bear ui: date on the 1 1 "i day of ii I-'.'i, be insr tl."
Aj.rii term of ea.d Cou-:, i, 'he , ul.s. riber. Master in
Chaiic ry fo-said Com :, v ill ,;! nt pul.'.c en. ....
lore is i to I'.'- t.iele.t and I e-t bi.i-le.-, h, fr.,,,t.r
the t" u: t Iloc-s in l'i ittsm jutli J eh: isil-a, ta
Saturday, October 1SGjs
at Id o'c'o.-k A. M-, ti e f ollvwirg lfcril. I r-.-i -tate.
to wit:
I.ot nuinlr titelve t In bl k numl " ' '.
south of the. pub lie square in the towu if Hook I .' '
13 Cuss couuty Kebiaska Territory,
Tou'-thtr witli all the t--neni"uts sn l "( ;-'ft-ces
tliereou or thereto : 1 ... i, j ; r yr- 'p. i" s... I .is
property of the ili-l. .i:.n in the at.oi ri r '
satu fy said decree, tne a o .iM if .(..;
and luteiest from date tf s..;d i.', t ie:l, . .:'
all costs.
Pl-att-mouth, Fcp;. 5;h, ! "-' a.
F. M Tli'T - tT ViIT"1
' a;'a .'i '. ...... j-
1 1