J if 1v " ny J7irm attempts to haul doicn the American lag, shoot him on the spot." John A. Dix. VOL. I. PLATTSMOUTII. N. T., WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11, 18G5. ISO. 27. i' THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED EVEKY WEDNESDAY MORNING, BY IT. ID- 1 1 ATI I A WAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Mf ('i! e on Main Ueit, opu8ite Amijon, Do- A Cu.'a. Terms. $2.50 per annum, invariably in atlvanc. Jia tcs of A d rcrlis ing. One fT'arc (space of ten line-) one insertion, $1 SO Knen ?ul''unt iiierti"n - - .ti riofesM Dal carilr not exceediou MX line 10 Ml Ou quarter coiuniu or less, per annum " six mooUn J.'i ( 0 ' " iliri e momhf i'.") One half colu';'n twelve niontt.n 4' In " six uioD'Lt V-Vimi three m'uth I'iimiI oa column twelve montli - b" i"1 I ix ri'm'h - 4 .'' time lum.tlis ... 2," ou All transient adv-rti-emenM must be paid for iu advance. tf We re pr. pared to do all kindi of J .1 Work r-rt iirwrt nulice, and io a sty le that w i. 1 give ati l'ln.n IJusincss givrctonj. R. R LIVINGSTON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, T-';de' tm pioTi i"r.al crv ic s to the citii-n cf C5 1'ijHB if . "r- tr-i.l-nre in Frank Wliif'n h u-e, Mrner rf Oak tvo l .S.xili nil.ee mi M.nn atfeU, nj.po- iteO.uii ilobi", I'l.ftnim uth, Jittrasia. WILLITT POTTENGER- ATTOKNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMor i II - NKIiRASKA. t. .ti. ii i:n i:tt, attoum:v at law And Solicitor in Chancery. PI.AT TSMoL'TII, - - NKBR.tSKA. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON D C F. M- DORRINGTON. C!1 AOtNT: "PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, lP" l'Vf.t t t.'o.-nt and r.i..-.wue i l.itnn f re Coi.ifrr--, Ci'j'l i f l.in. lu. 1' i.n-, II 'irrtl. ff I ill. i.t. ..in! IJ .ulitv I.hiiiK ie n.o.lv . an t 111 ;.r ..nrti."i t ' th mi. hih f rlie c.aim. A ill 1 1 I'), li i r. M. U KHIN'jTO.V I NOTARY PUBLIC AM CONVEY ANC I AX- aVm. t,xvJtL i .waui x.ira.-: Ba'. ka T i . '. ", ZTa.C7v,'ue will receive ! ar.-.Tr i't irt.-iiT n. Plat'-::i-i,tli. N.T . April 2mh. tf fr i a . v 1 1 k i : is e ti , 1J-'1V COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS j Fire and Life Ins. Agtf Afcut f'-r C'-I T,'n f lt!.n !i:it)-t M'V'rDincnt, f it oli r-. ( f.vir i'li.w aul inn. or . A; nl f. r ihf I'-ith iir-i -1 L;ittia uu 'i;y prvjr- ty, i.i4-in2 T :.. in ri', l iin Ta! in all jan of N :'Trtk;i rti:l W , tt ru hwa. Aiteii'li it luiM i' -p rt i irii i: tit iciitrl Lh ii1 , Insurance, Tit t':iyiiiir aiiu ' li.i'ttua Arta y. H.-i i iM ail buMin-Mi nit-o iu N-brAk. I'utiMti. utli. X. T , May 1 .. PLATTE VALLEY Q. W. CROW, PROP. 1 m prrpro.l t. furu.rh :i wbi rnr"f"r me ! li ir pHtroiia'.., With lnlj;inp, mrk'ie lne' or t I v t!ie nerk U. W.l'KUff. i'i l: -lu'.utli, April I MRS. L. golding, VR CTICAI. MID-WIFE, Ha pi -iciiced '-i ce-sfnry f.r several years i:i Si. I.i 'i.- it t i'i l.ea rii'vi.iif, city. Was educated, pro fefi..ia.Iy. iu ( Ki.dn.a li. Mrv i;..Minu ,a peiiii.intt.tlT lrM-ate.l in this city. K-M-".-.- in tic u..tlli-t l oftuwii. Ju y 1.V tf JOSEPH jSCHLATER. WATC?MAKER and JEWELER, I.HAIM SThEtT, n.ATTS.MOUTII, - - NEBRASKA. A r md o.iitinen r.f Wat e-. CI - Pens, J weiry. hir War-", Kane . Vi.iUns and Vi liu Tr.iiinnriis nl -is n hand. All work com auiite 1 1.. hi- t re id be warranteJ. April lu, FOR SALE ! Thirty desirable business dhnce and resi- tLOTS IX TLATTSMOUTII. Ten thousand ncrcs of prairie and tim ber LAND IX CASS COUNTY. Terras to suit cash purchasers. D. H WHhKI.FR. , . Weal :mi Agent. J'laeC, rr.3 Court II. .UK, r;itimouth. NATIONAL MILLS, DENVER, C.T., WHITTEM0RE& CO , Proprietors? fcny ail kind' of train at h'shest market rate. The atn-Btioa of the wh-'at Mroer of Netralta H cull' d to the mperlor lacil :! aff.n ded them ly the mills IB ei'Dveitinir into i&h the wheat iot'-need for the Ctderado niaik-1. an. S, :nH Probate Notice TERKITOUY OF NKHItASKA, t O'ttnty Oil. P'Jrsuaat to ma o'der of (he Probate Court of said eoucty. made on the 7th dny of Ausnst A D. li5. r.otue is hereby tr.veu that ail claims airainst the e ta'e .-f Wi.ey J.ne. late o C county, d'-ceased, tBJst heoQ file in the orfice of aaid Couit tn or before theSch Lu i.f Ftrbruart, A. D. 18GG, "hicb. day said Court will be in seioa to hear aad determine on all uch c nirrn. , Givru nndr my hand and the seal of said Court ! thi Tin Uy of August. A. P. 1?5. J W . M A K.-' H A LL, H T f robate J i-lg. NASRV ACiAI.V. Vr. Ji'asby Suggests a" Psalm of Sad ness"for His Friends South. Saint's Rest, (wich iz the Stait uv Noo (Jersey,) Sept. 12, 18G5. The utter and abgect stait uv cussi tood in2 wich the Dimocrisy find their selves.. North and. South, makes a day uv faslin approprit. Ef the Lord is ever a go in iu help us, now's his lime. Ef my clenkle breihrin uv the Church South desire lo appint a day uv fastin and prayer, I submit the folleriu ez a sam uv agony, approprit fur the occa sion : , A SAM Or AGONY. On the street I see a nigger ! On his back a coat uv bloo, and he carryeth a muskit. He is Provo Guard and he halteth me, ez wun hevin authority. And my tender daughter spit on himf and lo! he arrested her, and she lan guished in the guard house. My eyes swell on him, and my sole is a artesian well of woe; it gusheth with greet. For that nigger wuz my nigger I bought him with a price. Alas! that nigger is out of his normal condishun, he is a star out uv its speer. wich sweepeth thro' the politikle hev ens. amashin' things. Normally he wuz wuth gold ard sil- i ver now he is a nitemare. j Wunst I was rich, and the nigger j was the basis thereof. Woisine! I owned him sole, body, muscles, sinoos. Mad, boots an brichis. His intelleck was mine, his body was mice, likewise his labor and the fruits thereof. His wife was mine, and she was tny COIlheUine. . , e , . .. lilt? uUrilifll Jesuits Ol Hie lUIIhtUlll- j age I sold, combining pleasure and profit in an eminent degree. And on the price thereof I played ' poker and drenk mint gooleps an rode i gorgus chariots, an wore purple an fie 'en every day. Wuz this miscegenashun or nigger e quality! Not any. For the was mine, even as rav ox. or mv horse, or mv ! sheep, an her increase was mine, even was lheir9 Alilishin miscegena shun elewaies the nigger wench to his level I did it for gain, wich degraded her muchly. And when the wife of my buzzum lifted up her voice in complaint, saying. "Lo, I am abused this little nigger resembleth thee'1 half the price of the infant chatel wood buy a diamond pin with which to slop her yawp. And my boys follored in my foot- !-lrt", a,JU olco1 va"' "- uul iiviii- f. . . i . . .u : I.... r.. Bat my dreem is bustid. The nigger is free, and demands wages for the work of his hands. His wife is free, an she kin decide kvhether she'll cleaje to her husband or be my conkebine. Yesterday I bade her come to me, and lo! she rmarkt, "Go 'way, white man, or I bust yer hed." And I gode. Her children are free they are mine, likewise, but I can't sell em on the block to the highest bidder. Therein Linkin sinned he violalid the holiest and highest instinks uv our nacbur; he interposed a proclamashun atween father and child We took the hethen from Afreka, and was makin Christians of "em. Wo to him who stopt us in our mishunary work ! It is written, "Kin the Ethiope change his skin?" I was a changin" it for him, I an my fathers, and we had mellered it down to a brite yaller. Dark is my father. I obeyed the grate Law of Labor a I served in the army. by substitoot now shel I havetostane my hands with labor, or starve. In what am I better than a Northern mudsill ? I kin git no more dimund "pins for the wife of my buzzum, and she yawp eth continuosly. Arrayed in home-spun she wrastles with pots and kittles in the kicLen. Weighed down with wo she dips snuff in silence. She asks of me comfort wat kin I say whose pockets contane only confed rit skrip. Save us front IMassachusitts, wich is ornery and cussid. Protect us from nigger sojors, which is grinnen feends. Shelter U3 From the ghost ur John Brown, wich is marchin on. Petroleum V. Nasdt, Lait Paster uv the Church uv the Noo Dispensashun. FEXIAlClS.W. The World s Cork (Ireland) corres pondent say?: "In Limerick meetings of Fenians have been regularly chron icled, and the organization Las estab lished an absolute court wherein the name's cf those countrymen who are too timid or too lukewarm to give in their adherence are set down by com mittees appointed to wait upon them. Delegates from the parent society are said to abound in the country, well sup plied with money and actively encour aging the martial spirit. 4 Iu Cork the Fenians have boldly marched past the Capwell Police Har racks, their officers armed with green rods, and chanting as they marched a new national song, "The Green above the Red." They were pursued by the police, but the country people, at the in timation of pursuit went by a detour through the Melds and informed the Fe nians, who, without deserting ranks but by detached marches in various direc tions, at faster speed melted away. "At Nevagh the grounds of Castle Albany have been ravaged by the Fe nians. At Gungaven the police have been beaten. Bantry is given over to the Fenians, who drill in the town with out opposition. Through the deep fast nesses uf Connaught this organisation has extended of itself. Forces are beirg discovered and reported at Gal way, Roscommon and Sligo. "I am told, by a friend who fully understands this subject, that ilier are in each of the following rounties, men enrolled ns follows: Lim-rick, 6,000; Kerr, 1.500; Kirkenny, 800; Wexford, 1,200; Wicklow, 1,000; Clare, 500; Kildare, 500; Dublin, 8.000. This makes a total of nearly 40,000 men, if we estimate for the northern counties where Fenianism is yt weak and the ! Government has more partisans half as many. "As yet these men have no fire arms nor do they ever meet iu public or pri vate with weapons of any sort; but at th signal could fill the coun'.ry with muskets. Every Fenian, it is said, who left the Northern army has retained his musket. Enough Irishmen trained in war have returned to their native Island to officer the entire able bodied population of Munster. The nucleus of an army is being formed with its headquarters in America, and a bureau of intelligence as vast as the archives and indexes of your War Department. "Excitement over the previous alarm has bad an immediate effect on capital. Money is held more lightly, and Dub lin papers complain tint it is being frightened away from Ireland. Eng lishmen residents here, not slipendaries of the government, profess to be weary also of the many outbreaks of which this is the last, and anxious to leave the populace which hates them, once and forever. "It may prove to be the least signifi cant feature of this caprice that the very British army which is to put down the Fenians is composed of native Irishmen. In the army the Fenians are at work, and the gatrison of Cork may to-night pledged against the interests of the sovereign who employs them. There are in the Queen's ranks 5 000 men who are put there by the Fenian Broth erhood as a sort of cheap West Point, and instructed not only to perfect them selves fully in soldierly training, but to corrupt their countrymen of every gar rison When the Fenian revolution begins we may hear of a revolt from Canada to India, wherever there are two Celts in the same regiment with tfvo Saxons. "The Chronicle says: 'Upwards of 300 young men were seen, a few nights since, in one of the most retired cor ners of the city, going through military evolutions. Almost all had sticks and obeyed in silence the words of command given in a suppressed voice. There is, we believe, a Fenian organization in Limerick. It numbers at least 2,000 strong. A Belfast paper describes a similar meeting in that city.' " SyBusines3 men can make it prof- itable to advertise in the Hebald. A SAD CASE. Mr. T. B. Aldrich, the unfortunate man whose arrest, incarceration in jail, and suffering from delirium tremens we recorded in yesterday's issue, died on Thursday night, alone in his cell. Mrs. Ackley, wife of the jailor, had but a few moments before his death adminis tered such homely remedies as her ex perience ltd her to believe might lessen the sufferings of the prisoner patient; but alas! all in vain. The saddest part of this lale remains to be told. Mr. Aldrich was the son of a highly respected Massachusetts clergyman, still living. In 1S5G Mr. A. was a young merchict in Boston, and failed. Coming to Iowa to retrieve his fortunes, he reached the town of Dennison in Crawford county. Here his rare business qualifications, thor ough education, gentlemanly deport ment, energy and integrity, soon won him hosts of friends. He was appoint ed Postmaster, then elected Clerk of the District Court. Preferring the ad joining county, Carroll, he removed thither. His reputation had preceeded him. He was elected Clerk for the District Court there also, and twice re-elected. Then was chosen Treasu rer and Recorder ; holding these until last Fall, when he was drafted. Leav ing his young and accomplished wife he came to Camp McCIellan. A splen did penman, he was soon made clerk at headquarters. Here, away from home and its hallowed, associations, he gradually formed associations with drinking officers, drank deeply himself and became frequently inebriated. A short time ago he was mustered out and was again free. This event was tig nalized by a spree. Too proud, it is supposed, lo hasten homeward while bearing evidence of his drinking bout, he remained in this city, and again and again gave up to the tempter. While laboring under delirium tremens, he stole clothing, &c, as we have before stated, and soulless liquor-dealers aided h;m down to death and hell by still feeding the terrible appetite which was consuming him. The rest is known. Poor Aldrich died as thousands have before, a victim to the accursed traffic in intoxicating liquors. Far off in his once happy home his youthful wife im patiently awaits his coming. On her widowed lap reposes the innocent pledge of conjugal affection, born lo her since her husband's departure. A drunkard's widow and orphan, as yet unconscious of their loss, will there plead to Heaven for Justice to those who for sordid gain helped the loved husband and father to destructiuc. Poor Aldrich! lie was but twenty six years of age. Lieut. Tabor, with whom he boarded in Dennison and Carrolton two years and a half, and who knew him intimately, informs us that he never knew a nobler spirit, a more upright and honorable man than was Aldrich before he became a victim to intemperance. O, when when shall this flood of desolation be stayed? Davenport Gaz. EST A well known lawyer being sent for to counsel some men accused of horse-stealing, and then lying in jail, was also sent for by an Irishman who occupied another cell of the same buildr ing. "Well, Pat,'' asked the lawyer, what do you want with me?" "Yer, honor," returned Pat, "I jest heard that there was a lawyer in jail, and sure I wanted to see him." "Well, what do you want with me?" "An' what should I want wid you but to get me out of this?" "Well, what are you here for?" "Jist for burglary, I believe they call it." "And what is the testimony against you?" "Och! niver a bit at all. Only I tould the justice of the peace meself that I did it." "Well, if you have confessed it, I don't see but what you'll have to stay here." "An is it that you ssy? Sure, now, an' in the country I came from niver a bit would they kape a body in jail on sich a thrifling evidence as that!" "Brick" Pomeroy eays "In this section, the whisky is so weak since the war tax struck it, that it is run in candle-moulds, frozen, and cold by the stick.' " CAUL. ME PET NAMES" The following "'retorts courteous" are from the columns of the two leading papers in Louisville, Kentucky: You crooked old bundle of contradic tion don't you oppose the policy of res toration? Didn't you say you were in favor of a general amnesty, by which, of course, the right of those who had been in rebellion to vote should be con ceded to them? Democrat. You ill-smeiling and well-stuffed old sack of poudrette don't you know that the amnesty held out by the President to those wno take the prescribed oath does not embrace the right of voting? Journal. You diseased odor of bad cat in bad health didn't you know that the am nesty advocated by you, and even the President's amnesty, does not forbid the right of voting; or" have you lost all your sense in your scents? Dem. You old center of all stupidity, scent er of all creation; you old uncorked bot tle of the distilled essence of assafcetida, stink-weed, pole-cat and nigger don't you know that, if the amnesty recom mended by us, and even President Johnson, does not give the right of vot ing, they don't intermeddle with the right at all, tut leave it to the States, where it properly belongs? You old cess pool of six cities don't you know that if we are for the repeal of the Kentucky expatriation law, it doesn't foil iw that we are not for the enactment of some otht r law which shall protect our State, as far as pos.ible, against ag gression of the rebel spirit? A large class of non-voters of Kentucky would be a very great evil, but we wouldn't have those tu whom the present expa triation law applies clothed with the elective franchise without taking a strin gent oath of allegiance. You mean old poiuter and setter of Satan's man hunter?; eld edigy cut from a solid mass of yujno please mark that. Journal. SOUTIIERY ItlEKCIIAXTS- A correspondent of the Boston Ad vertiser, writing from Charleston, South Carolina, says: I inquired of the returning merchants on the steamships, how they were re ceived in the North? An Augusta man complained that he could get no credit, and that there was a disposition to be grinding and exacting. One Charles ton man said, "I asked for sixty days, and got it without a word of objection." Another told me that he asked for four months was given three, and treated like a gentleman everywhere. Another showed me his receipt for' a debt of about fifteen hundred dollars, contract ed before ihe war, which he had paid in full; and he asked for four months on a bill of eight thousand dollars, which was readily given. Still another settled his old indebtedness with one th.rd cash, and eight and twelve months notes for the balance, while he got nine ty days on three-fourths of his new bill. On? man said he had many friends in the North, and they all knew he had been a thorough rebel He ex pected some taunts, but tried to carry himself like a gentleman, and was courteously received "even in Boston. These are specimens of a score of an swers I have rpct ived to this question. CST" An inveterate punster happen ed to get into a bank just as the worthy cashier was running up, with his ac customed celerity and correctness, a very long column of figures. The wag gish visitor saw the sum completed, and then remarked to the official, with a very grave face, "B , I understand they think of sending you to the world's fair, as a specimen of the American adder." That was a handsome but ex pensive tribute to the great English novelist paid by a little English boy, at service in London, whom an unpitying mistress found reading Pickwick at midnight and took away his candle. The lad didn't wish to live any longer, and within two hours it was found had hung binself with his suspenders. Dickens should give the boy immortal ity in his next novel. EsSF An Irish peasant being asked why he permitted his pig to take up bis quarters with his family, replied, "Why not? Doesn't the place afford every convenience that a pig can require?" BRO-fTXI-OW OX THE SOUTH ERN METHODISTS. We have information that six travel ing and eight local preachers of Holston conference have determined to change their relations and to fall in with the new conference organized by Bishop Clark, of the old Methodist Episcopal Church, and many of the membership are falling in with the old church. Rev. W. Hicks tnd Dr. Charles F. Deems are giving the loyal church all the opposition they can. Deems is a Yankee by birth and raising, and the class of men, when they become South ern are more intensely Southern than all other men. He publishes that they are whipped but not convinced, and calls upon the disloyal brethren to go to work with them and aid in building their old disloyal organization. The spirit of rebellion is still in them, and it sticks out in all they say or do. The whole South is s'ill rebellious, and they aim now to divide the Union, and set up a Confederacy by common con sent. They aim to do their dirty work- in the Union, and under the old Consti tution, i he southern churches are in the secret and in the work. The old Methodist Church will organize con ferences in all the States, and provide loyal Methodists with loyal preachers and publications. Those who are for the Government, for peace and order, will fall in, and those who are for another rebellion will give opposition. Rebel preachers wi'l be slow to favor a loyal church movement. They are now what they were in former days "It was not until a multitude of the com mon people believed, that the Priests became obedient to the faith." HOW THEY OPPOSE SECES SION. A correspondent of the Canton Reg ister gives the following as a specimen of the patriotic manner in which a cer tain Democratic paper in Fulton county used to encourage the soldiers in the work of putting down the rebellion: On Tuesday last the great conscrip lion act passed the United States Sen ate. How signally these black-hearted traitors will fail they shall soon see. This infamous act of tyranny will be repelled by a million and a half of as good men as ever trod the soil of freedom. Can the imbecile ourang-outang at Washington coerce fifteen hundred thousand free Northern men to trample thsir con sciences in the dust by fighting a people who are to-day a thousand times nearer the right than the bloodhounds of despotism who are pursuing them. The first attempt to carry out its provisions Cill be the signal for the united uprising of a determined and desperate multitude of freemen who wi.l court annihilation rather than sub mit for one moment to the tyrannies of the Lincoln despotism. There are a million and a half of men in the North to-day waiting impa tiently to hear the magic battle cry; Down with the usurper! To Arms ! To Arms ! " We remember to have seen in the same sheet an enquiry something like, "how long will we have to wait before the strong arm and steady aim of the back-woodsman will rid the nation of a tyrant?" These are fine fellows to give reception dinners and hearty welcomes to returned soldiers. Wirz might as sist with equal propriety. EST" Takt one pound white glue, one quart rain water, three gills alco hol, four ounces white lead; dissolve the glue in rain water, add the alcohol and dissolve again; then add the lead; boil fifteen minutes; stir all the time; bottle while hot. The above is a recipe for mending wood, leather, &c, to make them as strong as before broken. J5S A Western pettifogger once broke forth in the following indignant strain : "Sir, we're enough for the hull of ye. Me and my client can't never be intimidaied nor tyrranized over, mark that. And, sir, just as sure as this court decides against us we'll file a writ of progander, sir, and we " II-re he was interrupted by the oppo site counsel, who wanted to know what he meant by a writ of progander. "Mean ? Why, sir, a writ of progand er is a a it's a wal.I don't remem ber the exact word, but Its what will knock thunder out of your one-horse court, anyhow." NEWSPAPERS. A school teacher who has been en gaged for a long lime in bis profession and witnessed the influence of a news paper on the minds of a family of children, writes as follows: I have found it to be the universal fact, without exception, that those schol ars of both sexes and ages, who have access lo newspapers at home, when compared to those who have not, are 1. Better readers, excellent in pro nunc ation, and consequently read more understandingly. 2. They are better spellers and de fine words with eae and accuracy. 3. They obtain practical knowledge of geography in almost half the time it requires others, as the newspaper has made them acquainted with the location of the important places, nations, their governments and doings on the globe. 4. They are better grammarians for having become so familiar with every variety of styie in the newspaper, from the common-place advertisement to the finished and classical oration of the statesman; they more readily compre hend the meaning of the text, and con sequently analyze its construction with accuracy. 5. They write better compositions, using better language, containing more thoughts, more clearly and more con nectedly expressed. 6. Those young men who have for year been readers of the newspapers are always taking the lead in the debat ing societies, exhibiting a more exten sive knowledge upon a greater variety of subjects, and expressing their views with greater fluency, clearness and cor rectness in the use of language. In reading the arrivals at the hotels of one of the principal cities, as reported in the daily papers, Yankee dom is fully represented; as usual, on hand, and ready for anything that may turn up. - -a-- i i i There is a great emigration going on from Canada to this country. A Montreal journal snys, "the people are leaving us by tens of thousands." JgiJS" A fellow up the country was fined for kicking Alexander Barn. He said it was a devil of a free country where a man dare not throw his boots against the gable end of A. Barn. ("The trial of the steamboat burner, Murphy, now goi Jg on in this city, has developed one interesting fact, and that is, that Jefferson Davis was opposed in toto to the operations of the scoundrels who placed the lives of hundreds of peacable men, worsen and children in jeopardy byburning steaaaboats on the waters of the West and South that is, if we are to believe the evidence of Fri zier. This is about the only white shade that has lately been thrown on the char acter of the arch-traitor, but it will not do him much good while the enormities cf his tool, the develish Wirz, aro placed on record against him. lie is the man responsible for the Andersonville atroci tios not this poor tool. Wo wouldjust as soon think of holding the bull dog respensibje for the mangling and tearing of a child when his master set him on. We would punish the do as an instru ment but as an instrument only. Tho master should receive the whole penaltj of the law. If Davis was opposed to steamboat burning, why.didn't ha stop it? It cannot be said he had not the power, because all the power of the Southern Confedracy was concentrated in his hands. It looks like a foolish attempt at whitewashing Davis. St. Louis Press. Important. The following important dispatch is published in the Indianapolis Journal, it being telegraphed to that pa per from Washington on Thursday; "C. II. Chandler, United States Dis trict Attorney for the Eastern District Virginia, has publicly stated that he had received orders to suspend all confisca tion." If this is true, as we have no doubtjit is, it proves that no effort will be spared by the President to induce the people of the South to accept wiHingly and freely tho duties and responsibilities of a restored Union: CTThe anticipated gold interest to be disbureed on 5-20's amounts to about $18,000,000, tho greater part of which will be paid at New York. ("According to the new navy regu lation, neither ensigns, masters or lieu tenants will bo promoted to tho next higher grades, unless they can speak the French or Spanish language with same degree of fluency- i .