AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PTJItlTYING THE BLOOD, And for the speedy cure of the following complaint aVrrofnlia and Scrofnloue Affection. ntl n Tnmon. Vlrm, Hvwn, . Irruption fin pirn, finl. Illcl, Moil Vluius, onit nil hUiti Dim-a-r Oakland, Ind., Gtli June, 18o3. J. C. Ateti & Co. liente: I feel it my duty to co riiowledgc what vour Sarsnpiiriiln litis done tor nie Having inherited a Scrotuious infection, I liavi inffered from it in various ways lor years. Some jines t burnt out. in Cictrs on iny hands ami arms omttimes it tun ed inward nnd distressed me at tin iton.ach. Two tears aero it broke out on my beat uid fevered my fca'p an J e f rs with one tore, whicl was paiui'iil and loathsome; bcyonil dest riptlon. trieo manv medicines and several physicians, bus without niucli rhuf from anything. lu fuet, th disorder ;rew wow. At lenith 1 wan rejoiced t read in the iOspel Messenger that you had prepares in alterative Cjnrsaj'iiri.iut, lor I kuew iioin you) reputation that anvtliin? you made must be ?eod I rent to Cincit; nati and ot i:, aid u-cd it till i: :ured me. I took it, as you advise, in small dose ol a teaspoon ful over a nxnith, and Ufcd almost thre bottlCH. Nuw and healthy skiu. toon bepau to tunt under the scab, which nil-ar a while lull oil". M) ikin is now deny, and I know by my i'ec!in,:s tiiui ttie d:sae has pone from my system. Vou can weL believe that 1 ioel wliat I am sn iur wliou I tell you that 1 hold you to ba one el'the t;ties of -the ag and remain over gratefully. Your", ' ALFRKD li. TAIXEY. Si. Anthony's Fire. Itow or KrvMlrn-ln Teller mid Nail lihcum, Scald licail Kins worm, Wore I-lj'e, !ropy. Dr. Hubert 31. Frcble write from a&'em, X. Y. 12th Sept.. 1553, that be has cured an iuveterat. case of Jrops'i, which threatened to terminate m lallr, by the persevering use of our Sarm;ori!!ti and"aliadaiiKLTousjW(i7'H'rjip7aj by largi doses of the same; says Lt curi-s. tc common Erujf (ions by it coustauUy. Jlronchocc-Ie, Coitre or Swelled NorU. Zebuluu .ioau, of rror-te'ct, i'txas, writes: Threi bottle!" of vour f-arsapur.ila cured me from a (ioitr. a hideous sweliiu;: oti the neck, which 1 bad sut fered from over two jiar.:' Lrncorrhirn or Wtitr, Ornrina Tumor llcrine I'lccr-alion, I'rmalr I)iror. Dr. J. 1 S. lianniup. of ew York City, writes "I most cheerfullv comply with the rr-iirect of you. agent in saving 1 have iound your Sarsaijarilla i most excellent alterative in the numerous com plaints lor which we employ such a remedy, bu especially in Female Useas'es of the Scro:'uioi;i diathesis. 1 have cured many Inveterate case? ol Leucorrlneti by it. and some "where the eoroplaiiv was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulcer ntion itself was soon eim!. Jtc tiling vitliiu mj knowledge equals it lor tlitte fuma.'e tlsinrieineuts.' Kdward S. JIarrow, of Ncrtbary, Atn., writes "A dansernus ovarian tumor on one of the ftuule: In inv taiuily, which had defied ell the remedies wi could einploV, has at It iith U'-u completely curec btr vour Kx tract of iSa: sapai ilia. Our fdivsicisr thoi,'ht notliinz but cxt:rpatiCn could ntfur.i rciii f but he advised the trial of your iarsapat ilia as th lst resort before cuttin;, and it proved ctlictual A Iter taking our remedy eijiit weeks' uo fjrmptaa of the disease remains." Myphiliw anil Merrti rinl Diipnw. Ntw Oulkan. li-'nh Align -t, 1359. Dlt. J. C Ayeii: ."Mr, I cheerfully cbiupiy witl the request of vour ap-ut, and report to jousomi of the effects 1 iiave realized with your Ssrsapniilla I have cured with it. in my practice, most of th( complaints lor whi.-h it is recommended, and hovi found its cfltcts truly wonderlul in the cure ol I'eneredZ aiicf Mercurial Jfu(ar.r. ue of my pa tients had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which wen consuming his alute and the top of his mouth Your Sarsaparilla steadily taken cared him in liv weeks Another wui attacked ly secondary symp tomsin his nose, and the ulceration had eaten awuj a confiderahie part of it. so that I believe the riis order would soon reach his brain and kill him. Itu' it yielded to my administration of your Snrsaparilln the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not ot courst without Mini'? disfiguration to his face. A woinat who had been treated fcrthe same disorder bv mer cury was suSeriiiR from this poison in her loneS l uev had become m sensitive to the weather that ot a damp dav she suffered excruciating pain in hei joints and bone-t She. loo, was cured entirely bj vour Sarsaparilla in a few weuks. I know from ib formula, which your ajretit pave me, that thii Preparation from" your laboratory must be a prea remedy: consequently, these truly remarkable re ults with it have not "surprised me. i 1'raternally yourf, Ci. V. LAIIIMni:, M. D. Rhrninaluni, Oout, lArrr C'oiuplninl. lMJtrtMiCM'Kt freston Co., Va., tjth July, 1J I I n .!.. AVKIt: Sir. I hn e h(-eil utllietel wirh f painful chronic Hliewmitism for a loiifj time, wbicl J battled the skill ot physicians, ana muck ro me u spite of all the remedies 1 could hi.d. until I triei your Sarsnpari la. Oim bo. tie cured ne in tw weeks, and restored my peneral health so mucl that I am far better than before I was attarked. . think it a wonderful medicine. J. UitAH Jules Y. Getchell. of Pt. I-ouis. writes: "I hav been alllicted for years with au a'llrHon of the Licet which destroyed" iny health. I tried everything and everything failed to relieve me: and "I hav been a broken-down inau lor some years from m other cause than tlvriivyrtntn! of the L'trtr. JI teloved pastor, the llev. Mr. Kspy, udvi-el me t try your SarsupatiKu, because he said he knew you mid 'anything you made was worth trying. By tin blessing of God it has cured nie, and bus so puritiet my b:ood as to m:nle a new i:ia.-i of me. 1 feel ouii n'aiii. 1 lie best that can be said of you h not lial good enough.'' 8rhirru t'anrer Tiimor, 7?n1arcntcul C'lermlioii, Cnrict ttutl xfolialio ol I lie Miotic. A frreat variety of cases have been reported to u where cures of these formidable complaints had resulted from the uc t.f this remedy, but our sp.ic here will not admit them. Some of them may b found in our American Almanac, wh.'ch the aent below named arc pleased to furnish gra.is to all wh call for them. Dyprpi.i. Heart T)Isf nc. Fits, Epilepsy .Tli'liiuclioly, rVcurnlin. Many remarkable cures of these allections liar' been made by the alterative ower of this medicine Jt stimulates the vital functions into vigorous action and thus overcomes disorders which uouid be sup Cosed beyond its reach. Mich a remedy has louj een required by the necessities of the peopie, am we are confident thst this will Uo for tlieni ail vha medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral TOlt TUil RATIO CURE OF Cough, Cold. Ii;Hirry.n, HorjrHnct Croup, Itronclsiti, Iiiripirnl l'ou auiiiplion, mitl for ilie ie!ief of CoiiHfisuptivn E'nticntsj iji ndtaured NlneM of (tic Uiwaw. This is a remedy so universally known to surras any other for the cure of throataud lun;: complaints that it is useless hen; to publish the evidence of it virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs am colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonar disease, have made it known throughout the c4vi) ized nations of the earth. Few are the communities or even families, niiionir them who have not som personal experience of its effects some livin; tropliv in their midst of its victory over the sabtl and dangerous tiisordein of the throat and lunpt As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder and as tiiev know, too, the effects or this remedy we need not do more than to nssure them that it ha now all the virtues that it did have when makin the cures which have wou to strongly upoa tb lonlidence of mat. kind. ..... frepared by Dr. X C. Arm L Co., Lcvc!!, JIasi A. A r.t Ter fii inr A nti V te f r S:-.k II-aJ- l rAii.nc -S Drpraved Apictite, Iiisor- V durd Stomach, I"enia'.o Cibttructioas, ic. ft? 25 c. S PILLS are nn'versMly a Xno-wlcilgcJ tot the best now in use. As a Family jjicine they areyarticnlarly reeommended-eimpl "aud harmless, but bislily iueliclnal lu their com biuotior.. Oco I'ill a d.)se, with mill tut cer ' tain effects, llie robust roan and the dulicVe eliU4 ua theui nlfkc, ith evurr assurance of entire ' UV ty. With Wilson's Pills, every Mother in ' the land beeoniM ber own physician. They Lave proved themsolrM a specific, and sund without a rival for the fjllwirj affections: nGADACHT, fETER ct ACCE, ILCAOACUE, FEVER c AUl'C, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER C03PLAI2JT. IY8PEPSIA. 1IVEB COMPLAINT. CostivetiesiS, Euioasuesa, IJeuralgii Costiven-j:, Biiioasaess, Ifcoralgii Soli "by Drcgglsts & Doalerj cvcrywiei PREPARED EY B. Is. FAIINESTOCK s CO. Importers &. Wholesale Druggists) "So. 60, cormx Wood and ith. Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA.' " mix ssiMsncHs er vB. L. Fihnestock's Vermifuge. THE TRIRI"VE for 1SG3. PKOaPECTlV. 1 he Mi'.itirT a':d Navat tDcceue" of ;64. with th' Oai iui. iis result of our I'resiileaiial " e'.tittst, hvi iKtd a l-e..vy veii;ht irom ll:e iiras: ef the lcyrf railii. d r f our countrymen. It is uw felt, evenly lhii: lin hive Ixca di.-trus!ful r.d fiiint l.enrt.c 'i it M.e L'uion is tu emerge tiiiiniitisn'. turn tin e,ir:y s'rif wheremtoste w.is s. i kelly pr. iij.i tv her aeiail.iins. and th:i t Hvrry, lier re su'lesi f'',i s t" eiiconnter th" f te if Hainan. 1 h e:iU cf t it!-u itei Vtl.teii, and of Wrsteru i."iS..i- ecii a ;ir safely pase t; ABaHAH LisColn. n or.fr r : s iiaUte as a ch"iee Vf the n.i'.io iiy.'h :! he t.t lin f sti'te Iit f.jiir ynar lotie-i; the ei". Iiiou a iui'ly wea-.!! '1 by its d' fran uiii lies liuiiiu' :i pa-i y.a: witn. its creeit so iei uced tbt its ,.ur---N;..rrr i tliria ly d ei. r. s th-.t its lramy :.'..- cifi i .1.1 - he eX' h r -i; .1 ljr cii n at the la'e 1 ftt'y livtf f '- oi.e. v lnlr its hi.niis r. -111111. u:'l ti. ix C"!MS I'll t! " i.olllr-' I.IH fVltltt ti e bl-'W Wl.iet It , I i ...11 -1 i -.e t h .' sw- r'i !i'ni it- H';iCiilil h.ii.ii iinl rem t i-n.asttr piriis t II. e justice, or ii it :ij e t" tin e'enn icy, ot a rely rn tilled iiud just j : ceti-rt but I'-ib-antir 111. d ni t iaoiiii"Us t e'lpie. ill' h -ire ti. e jiiie. k wii.eli j is'ity our laith thai 1 !. i.e- lit y-.ir iv i I s, e I'.e jtnr- an I finp fl .i t ui; ii li- i.tc 1 fi' in ni v b.itil- ijieiit in tli- li i-ab.ie. 1 .I ii e perect !aw i.ib rt.v f -r A I itiioiuvably im . J.-l in t; e Con r:t jti.ii, ot ur I'uioii- ' Tits. XfcW Cults 1 MBf.M, '(-u.-.'1t in 1511 nill-n et u;3 its t h e'i! 1'H.rili Jiar ttn quUkiiii 1 f-.'s auJ t-niartr- d liuau f :uine..s lis p. iuei :ii s i.e.-il 110 re-ft ner.i- 1 t: i:- ii;ins urc II. e iiii!ii-n.i it lttellip. tic H id it. iU"Cjl:-t; 1 f a s-.i: it et 1' 111 aii 1 i:-.i:i aait.r. Vnu this t u'h shall L.n. -e. a hi i.ua'iy rt ci-ij-x-ii and e-l-ildisl-e I as the b is of e if in t'iU'i'i'is and -o ity, 1 h -it i:ijusnce t.. th y r-.--l, ti e w-al-esi, Tti- im-st cr is-d, is a fo-itii;. ni-tik . tlmt no r .n.mi-ii.ty ii. slate can atf -id t . r 1 la; evi u iis iitiiiil'le t lu'-inliti ih-u u i:l ou 111 d ba k 01 ce iiioie lu the taim tunshiuJ of j-eae an 1 jro ; i:y. I'hk I MiHrxK h.s for the ':ft year been pobli-h''-v i t: . : y i lit ta .t--r..-; 'i. 1 -is, r It ly b :u lse of lepnvi i'i ii -f "Ui- cirrmcy ti. J,:w- Kprei: -mu h'nl couiii l.ii'i; us t1 buy pii-er and c-iii.jr materpus at s e.i.-c c-.-nsi Jerably alsive the aui'iiint leecived f'i'in mr s'.lcribeis. On our Wei k.y ediiien. Hie ntt l"-s has anitmnte i tc st-vt-inl th n-.ii.iU of i1i-1his i w'i.i! jiir I n-.'-- .-.'v.ts fr.jui ailveitir niif have b -u uin .ly jb.-o-beil by the extiirliuaiy exunnses for t'oirss- 11 :eiu e. i eiei ai l. 11, etc., devolved i n us by the iv r. A we to noc ,upiuse our bairous Oc-tio thai m -lio'iM w. rk for tliei'i at our cost, nr.tl p-eter n -t t' be t'-'-t-on . ed by hii.v win mr drsi.-e 11. we have s- tiivw h a ii ivauc'' iir ilie -nsu.n; y.-ar tL-.- price- : our seiii i- erk ly and Week j, ai.tt's ii.i.l aiua.lj Lu e itli lin e ot ur daily ei,iii..ns. This luci east 1 p'i ; 11 e-1 ti 1 1 1 ; t lu re i.e er but'ore wis a litiii - be" ii" f-n inei s of our eeaui ry c-uiitiy C"iil-1 tu. I'l.e 1 ' ib-:..H t'er so ilt!e of t;ii-ii- ewu pedueis ! .ali.ir .i.-, tni-y can t y 'tie loit jw.uj; TEPwMS: P.ULV Ht.'I'-fXF, .-ir. i-Iec-p - - .'I..i aiibserihei's, oiic year. Oil i-si-s. "MUMI-wKLKLV TltlBLTXC, 'p." forty one year lot i-; e-, i -...'';. u-- l.'O ' ir, - 11-c e- ;s or i-ver. oneyrar. each cpe, "Wl-.r K LY I KlUCNK, 're c ?-, one year, 0 L i-..-vie -, 4 cf . ts 4 U.ot - -t - 7 3. I'I -s . live I'.I.IIO ivo l-ll. iitrf SJ ) fir 10 odpies, will ric. r'i;-y e.xt a. Claris. -i'ei s i:s reini't i a-: U ho ii 1 ... :e-s. Wi'l riciivt? i n. e -y e 1 1 e--k:y. -ii r i . i"ci-soris rniit 1:; s-u t-r -to e it-s, mil ri ceiv-.- on, copy baity, -rn'.is Di a.'t-i u.'e'V- Vi Ik. l'a.Vi.b!e In the orirr cf Tie iibaie', !:! ifsate-, are p rf ruble t.i any o'be 11 I-.- ,-1 rn.i t:,i.' IJnf u l.ere ilia'ts r.iaii'it ! i ri inly ; r en - I, iiii.-l S t.i , r Niu .011.1 : iitU l-i:( - a- ' r.eX" 1 '--t. a il iiii'V l-e s.iit t-.vi-iail; ill 111 i--e .f it -, I 1 i' - il iii v . I i 11 11 1 I t- I"--" -i.s i it- t.i-Ie--- f-ii li : -1 1 - d xvi-li a fi.lt !' s i-.:: 11 iflb--i;l-, iu.ui laii; the tnm" of tu t batik, det'i mi'iat :r n il inn 1" r, ,'iu-l fie tin e and J-lace ot tnailn-g 01 h- !t-it-r wi;a the in - Insures A.ldie.s 'IIIE'nafiiWT, l'.buue Lu Idioms, '.v - ii. "Unquestionably the best f-ustained work of the kind in the World " 11AKIM Oi itiral Dotli is e f the 1'iei-s It U Jl.e ! ea.n;t Ms-az ic of 'lie !ay. Tlefi.e re er h.i-i a 1.0. te url.sh::ul c niaii on. "01 ih. nitlinn :t mere erieri r;-'nir 'r.-'ti'l tban Hap r l:t.iT. Mtth ve?;'.vf Jt- t-'t-'tii : .P.alTii.i ne.) '. .1-.- n.-i.-i p-tpu'ar .M-.Li'h' iu tLe Worl.l. .V. Y C'.i.- r, ,-. We iuUtI ri T r .11 t rn.s of en'i-py t j II. e Li'h toa nil v -.ieil tx e I -in v- f II ii 1 e. s Ma zip.- n j..ur .tl w .;a a li.' i.i' ''y ' iirui .1.01. ef nl.'-ut iT'J.'io i-- 1 -it; v. lie-e i-i'es :.re In b.' teuu.t simi.'I : ii. I e-t li.bt ai.r. -iil :il 1 ca inc cf t' e d .y. -i a'.: i f tliis w j-i:iii evifV-iKe if the Aiui-rieai ;-e.-i' e ; and T be '.. pn i a f. t v it ha?, ai-ipii.-fi islin-tit .1. K.u h iiutnti-.-r toi l tin?, l-i'ly 141 i-k.-c i-I ii ii-i 11. 4 n...i:e'-. a;'r''pr:aiily i:li;- i.tl.'l n.:!!1; '!''! wk-u .ii;.; .ind il cirhiii in iiseit the n.ey 11. utl.ly au.. 1 li mo: -e phi us- ;li e il I- lane-'y, 11 udfd inu lie 0- si f--.it!ires '-f : jfil.i lv j-iura'-.l. 1 1 h is 1:1-' el 1 owei n :IiO '!i--e:r.:r;a' K'U - f a b-v . f pure r.t rr.i-.-fe. U'itfi.t r'x iii..'e tt A ii" i n LI rut 1 rt. vLoiai. n. 1 be v.. H tins I. n:i 1 c:iii-::'u'e of tlo-rrs. ives a b- 1- rai" "1 !:.i e r..iiii-i'is t-aii.i.i.-, sip-h as r.ii'i.t b :'. 5 I i i Mi.-.- Hue e.-mp.i-s i'i any mh -r pni-li -.i'. 101. iria; n r c-jiii; uin-Vr u it i"-ti.e. .'ts''i-i ti in iti'. S V I I'TONS. 1 bb-1 1 !; v w 4'U : Ii-v c i i 1 y t.i" VH.;i:in :hh. V ts. : r t v tve ilu-ir n- i - i.r -ft !y in-ni ttit f.) .iv i..iu'-c t 1 1 1 .i r 1 -e 1 ' ff 1 ultlu.t j.iU. a X'i4,'-it-' -4 evil? . rt -4 hicti mi s: Le ij at tii eul-ciiUL'i i :-t 'ILKMS: Ilir.i-Ei;'.- 5:.to.i7'si:,-i' .var - - - An exti-i eo y ( e.ilirr tiu- MsifiZine it ei-k W :l 1- Ml Ipiif.l f-r.l'ls litY VtT t llln it ilVn Mill -ei il't.rs h; 1 ejeii, in oue t eoi;' tola e ; . r six e.'i'ie-f'Jl- ?.i. Mtck nirnh r-i ran be snpplied at any t'.aie. A c .nilI,-te set, new e- n.pi iin 'fwi-nry-uine Vol-nu;-.-, ia le-.-.l elt'tii bui'itii--. ,v; 1 b --ni by expf'-s-. fieiirbt al ep- tse i ! p'i-cii.i -'-i", f.r . J -j. per vi i.ir." sio-: e volume, by rn.il, po.-t pai-1. L'lotiie.-e for t'imi.Du, ' 5 cents, nv in.- it. i I i i 1 Adliel. "ilAlll I'll ii HI.OTHl.l:. F'aukliii Square, N. Y. S. BLO OM , Dealer in EEADY MADE Gents Furnishing G-ocds Caps, Uoots, Shoes, ' Trunks, Valises, Sec, &c, &c. Also a lftrcf. lot of RUBBER GOODS and REVOLVERS always on Land. AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their benefit to examine Hiy stock before purchasing eleewhere. Cask paid for Hides, Furs and i oof. Plattsmouth, May 25, tf -1 v:.- 3PILLS. Are yon tick, feeble, am complaining? Are you ou of order, with your tysten deratijred. arid vour feeling uncomfortable tl hese tyrop toms are O'ten the preluii to eriou? .Mlness. Scute fi of sickntfs is creeping upoi ou,nnd should be averrei tis.f.'n cv4 - I . t:-', ... : 3 ty bv a tinieiv t;.-c c f the riph "?''.7- . I '. ? J n i medv. Jake Aver 1 ilu U ckan-t out the disor ;V6Sr?'i&.-ft!-:-l dered lir.niors purify tlx W'VlT Y-'r'-'-t-' tluod, and let the fiuii t f Cn: ,'J',.:tZ& move on unobstnicted ii E 'h, t ;;-.;-. if : -i health ,;a5n. They stitnu 5,J K"? "t'i? '" fanctitms -f tin -NkU.'- hndv into irorous activitv inrify the system from the obstruction which maki lisease. A cold settle sonru'where in the body, am ibstructn its r.atural functions. ' l.ese. if not re ieved, react npou themselves and the surrouudin irpans, produeinir pctjcral apgra' ation, sutl'erin g ud disease. While in this condition., bppi-essed bj he derangements, take Ayer's I'iils, and see hov lircctly thev restore the niittinil tction of the sys em. and with it the buoyant feei;n of health rpain Vbat is true and so apparent in this trivial and com aon complaint, is also true in muiiv of the deep eated ana danjjerous distempers. The fame purfa ive efJcct expels them. C'au-ed bv similar obstruo ions and deranpfeuieuts of the r.alurul functions ol be bodv, they are rapidly, and maty of tbeta stireiy ured by the same means. .None who knew tlrt irtues of these Tills, will neck-ct to employ theu fhen sutl'eriiiii from the disorders they cure. statements from leailinp physicians in some of flit mncipal cities, and from other well-known public leitons : from a Forvrarding ilerchnnt tf St. Louis, F.b. 4 lioij. Dr. Ayert Vottr I'i'ls nre the p-rng" of all that t frreat in medicine. They l:r.v, cured my litt? laughter of ulcerous sorts upon 1 er hands and feel bat bad proved incurable lorytars. Ilermothei las been louir prievously aiilicte-l ivith lotches and riniples on her ekin and in her lmir. -'After out ihilu was cured, she also tried venr l'ilis. and they inve cured her. ASA 3iUliOKlDGL Aa a Family Physic. From Dr. E If". Carlwr'njht, Xeio Orleant. Your l'iils aru the prince "of purges. Their ellent qualities surpass any catnaitic we possess. They nre mild, but very certuio unl effectual in theii xtion on the bowels, which makes the. a invaluable o us iu the daily treatment of disease. Ueadaene,NicU Headache, Foul Sfomnrh. From Dr. F.il;cartl Lnyii, Jlaltimore. Dear 1r. Ayek: 1 cannot answer you xchat lOmplainls 1 have curtil v. ith yotr l"iiis better than 0 sav nil th'it tee erer treat icit't ;t puri;atirc riedi inif.' 1 place great dcpcinlence on that effectual athnrtic in my daily contest with di&ease, and le ievinp, rs I do', tiiat your l'iils i.f.brd us tlve best we tare, I of course volae tUeia ti.trly. FiTTSnciti, Va.. May 1, 18-Vi. Dlt. J. C. Ayeh .ir: 1 hav!- been repenteiily ured of the worst headache anybody cau have by a lose or two of your l'iils. lt set-nis'to urise frorii bul stomach, w hich they c!eau--e at oi.ee. Yours with great .respect, K;j. W 1HEI5LE. Clerk (f Steamer Clarion. Bilious DiHorilcr I.iver C'oinpI:i:;itif. From Dr. Theodore .V.", of Xni York City. Tsot only are your l'ilis udtnii ably adapted to iLcii mrpose as an njirrient, but 1 find their ber.efieial fTi-cts itfwin tlw l.iver very tmukml indeed. They lave in "my practice proved more liiectual for the ;ure of bilious complaints than any one remedy I an mention. I sincerely rejoice that we have tit enptii u purcative which is woi tny the confidence ol lie proieaiuu and the people psPARTMENT Ol'VIt lyTKHTfin, 1 VashiiiKton, I). C. Ttll I'eb.. 18o'i. ) 5ir: 1 hflve used your 1'ill.i iu my ireneral and lospit::! jiractice ever since yo:i r-a-le them, and aunot hesitate to say they aro the best cathartic ve employ. Their reguiatin action ou tlm liver i: (uick and decided, consequently they aie un ad nirable remedy lor deranireiVints oi' that ortrsn. ndeed, I have' seldom lound a case of titlioit dis use to obstinate that it did riot readily vield tc hem i ratemally yours. Ai.ON to HsVl.L. M. 1).. Iiysician rj fie Marine Jio?2ital. Dysentery, IDini-rlicra, ttelux, Worm. From Dr. J. (I. VrecVs :f Chicago. Your l'iils have had a lun? trial in inv practice, .ud 1 hold them In esteem as one of the lwst aperi nts I have ever lound. Their alterative effect upon be liver makes them an excellent remedy, when riven in small doses for bilioi s dysentery ami diar lirta. Their guur-conting l.iitkes them very ac eptablc and convenient fur tl: use of women and liliuteu. UyxrirpNia, f uiput iiy f tlic Clooil. ron Jlcv. J. V. Ilimez, r-f.-.'c- f Advent Church, Jos ton. Dib Avert: I have u-eU vour l'ilis with extra irdinary success iu my lumi!y nnd amont; those 1 am aDed to visit in distress. To" regulate the oraus of lipesimii and purity the blood, they are the verv est remedy I have ever kuuwn, anil 1 can confl leutly iccommeud them to n-y fiieiuii. You s. J. V. MIMES. Wahraw-, "VYyomin-,' Co., X. V.. Oct. 21. V.io. Di ah .siii: I am using your i "athnrtic l'iils in my iraetice, and find tin-mail e:,eei;:iit pnrj-atiye tb leanse the system and puri'ii t'u- fountains of the lood. JOHN O. Jli-ACTIA.M, M. D. isnMipnlioti, CoHtirrnrMM. Muppmokion, KliruuiMlivm, tuul, ISural;j:i, Uropy, anralyis, l it, c-tr. Fror.i Dr. .. P. J 'ait 'jhn, Motrnt, C mada. Too mueh cannot be suiii 'f your Tills for t!:c .ure of costici msx. If other of our fraternity have bund them as eiiicacious as I have, they should join ne in proclaiming it. lorthe lictieht i-f the multitudes vlio sutler from that cumphiiut, which, al: Iioiii:1j iad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that .re worse. I believe co.stir- n ss to oiifiimite in the iver, but jour l'iils ullcct that organ mid cure the liseuse. From Mrs. E. Stuart. n it-ician and Midirffe. jl)so,i. I find one or two lnre.e doses of your rills, taken it the proper time, are excellent tiro-motives of the laturat secretion when wholly or partially sup ressed, and also very ellectiial to cleans the tomarh and cjpil irohn. They are so much the vest physic we have that 1 recommend iO other ta ny patients From the Rev. Dr. Ifotrl-r. cf the Mcfhodift Epis. t 7ii(.-. 7i. rt"LAPKt ITorsr, Savimn:.!). fla.. Jan. fl. l-'iC. IlONOKEU t-tit: 1 shcjild be ungi atetul lor tilt elief your skill has brought me if I did not report nv case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and nought on excruciating vi iiru(;ic pains, which nded in chronic rfunmaliun. Notwithttuiuliuc J iad the best of physicians, the dh-e::se prcw worse md worse, until by the in! vice of your excellent i'elit in Jtnitimnre, l'r. ll.:i-k-iirc, 1 tried ymit ?iils. Their e fleets were s:.w, but su:e. I'.y'per everiug in (ho use of them, J am now entirely well. Senate CnAMB'ri, Pntmi l.'oucc. I.n.. 5 Dce.,lS--5. I)R Avkii: 1 have been e itiiely ei'ted, by youi 'ills, cf y.Vien matic tioitt a painful disea.ethat hu; ifliicted me lor years. Vl-NCi-ST S.1.ID10.L. Zf Most of the Tills in ciaiket contain Mercury vliich although a valuable remedy in tkilful bauds 1 dangerous iu a public inll, from the dreadful con equences that frequently lo iow its incautious use Tiese coutoiik no mercury or mineral eubstauct yhatcver. Pries, 23 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for SI. Tepared by Er. J. C. & Co., LoTjrell, Mass Hannibal Sc St. .loeph, KAILEOAD AXD Paclset; Zsines . on Misscrri kivkr. Tri-Wkly lVirkets (H iui.ibl and St. Joei p".i K. It. Line) leave Omaha, tl. 'line 1 Tluirs, I'W Vnoiinli. Nebraska Ci:" ami in termed lit" no ::.t- f r M. Jo-oph, onnect'ng at St. J -.-epS sri'ii tr i'in, i n Hanuil. ti ao'l Su Jjsei-h K. It , leaving f-i. JosCjili at ll:i)u 1'. M, and ai living at QTJIKCY, CKICAfJO & ST- LOUIS NICXT DAY- On and offr May hub. .1 11!, an.l cb-e connec tions fn-n t-t. Joseph to An tn.nn. VVt-ston, l.enveu worih. Wyamiotte, Knws Ci.v, I.nwrence, Tcpeka, C, via l'latie Coui.trv It. nnii stt-.imer htai'ie (H. !t Mt. J'ph K. It I.ir.e I.eaveSt. Jo-epli f -' A. l arr.ve at Ab hiso.i a- 0 :i A. M., W"e.-t-.n T::t A. M.. Leavenworth s :0 ) M ., W a i.-iott Ifl.vn A. M., Kansas City 10.3 A. M.. Lawrence al 5 1'. M. THROUGH TlCKT3 lull SALE bv Porter & Peuel Omal ; D. W. Hitcl cork, Conn cil Bluff-; E. C.Iwis. Plirisnionth; K. S. Hawley, 2'ebrska CitJ. liuy thfOUiTh t.ckets and save mon ey. Extensive repairs ou the Hannibal and t Joseph Rjilrnad, new irn tie and additional roiling stock enahl- ihem I off -r Ihes l.-nportant changes lo fa eilitate tiarel by this rf ut-. C. w. Head, iien'l pe::ntn.Ieot. P. B Groat, Gen'l lu k-t Att-xit. H. H. CoVBTatciiT, Oea 1 ircighc Aren. ll.-i mill' al. Mo. Capt. Kcrrs Ford, Superintendent farket Lir.es, St. Joseph, Mo. Jolyl, litit. Boot &. Shoo Shop. 'he snhscriber -wtield -etectfully call the atten tion of the citizens or 1'l.nt? tncuih and thepublia at aige to the 'aet that r e bss located on e door east of Donelan's Drnj etore, where he intends keeping, on hatd and m.kiip mi tLe ebortest notice, every, article in his lice. His stock being selected ty him relf. and bsvir-i srett the most of bis life in the business, te fecis cccfi.'.ea-. taat he caa give satisfae Von. Oive bim a call April 10 't5. J. TECCEM0RT0N. TOOTLE, HANNA &CO., MAIS STIIEET, - LARGEST -J" - -I JJ'cst of Wholesale and II A R D -A FD- Olotliing of every description. WINES AND ttQUOaS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hnnJ a Larjre Stock of . : BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEiWARE, IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. And every article required ly EMIGRANTS. rRKICJIITEirS, JIIXERS & PARSERS. And everyLody else can te supplied at this establishment. Call and examine cur extensicc stock. -AT PIEE PROOF BEICK, Tootle, Hanna 3c Co. rialtsmouth, April 10, '65. 1805. 1805, A3IISON, DOYEY & CO., North Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE ENS WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, Ever Offered LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. in fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi- grant FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope ty strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouih, April 10, ISOo. if ,-;-p rTeived. 50 cs- t 0nneI Peaches Ht Ayisox.wiva sto'i. f O to AMIfOX, DOYEY & CO'S to purcbase your Vi spring p"ds. X enaies Tar ietyef Leaks' r.ess ond' st CASES Moltby's Core Oysters for ''".g C EE AT bargains in Ladies' Dr? Goodsat "J" A . l . ot CO S. rORFALE.t AM1.-OX, DoTKT 4 CO'S . CofTce, 17 Tea. bucar. (iulden Syrup, b'igr iloase Mo lMes, New York Candies, et" , M. lare lot of Chewing and SrockincTob ico for sale at ' A. D. t CO'S. c OAL OIL for sale by A. D. k CO. 50 rn E0XE3 Star Candles fur S3le 5y A, D. t CO. IF Ton want to purchase coeds at a bargain, fro to ' A-O.sCO 9" BAG3 COFrEE ju recelTed by O A. D. CO. A Larg lot of CholoeTea at A- D. k C0'3. PLATTSIOUTHJN.Tj i V 5 -iff fc ----- ."TB -" -A Vie virtA St. Louis. Retail Dealers in W A R E, THE- 3 Tain Street, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, &C, in this Market. wants. A Lrirr assortment of mei'a and boys' clothing for f ale bv A. D. i CO. s HELLED CORN" for sa.eby A D.A CO. ACOX nu-1 Lard for sale by A.P.iCO. HEAVY INVOICE of all iintls- of Fnaiily Gro- ceries and Ouiflung Gooos jusl received by A. I. 4 CO. A LL kinds cf Farming Implements for sale by A. U. Lars'! Jot of Two Horse Plows for .a! by A I). & CO. VN endless Tariety tf Dardwaze and Cutlery for sale at A. D.A COS. SaSH. Doors, Shlnglos, Glas, and Nails of eery description for sale by A -1. k CO. VLL kin is of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods br jl.V.k CO. rr0 numerate all the. articles we have fur sale JL would fill one aide of th IlaaaU), ana other have a good a right to adTertise as AVIIfOX. D0VEY k CO. ! THE la'gest Outfitting Iloone north of Bt. Joaeph i':asuioatb. S'brsska. HE NEBRAS AK L4 vw: Is the place to get CARDS, CI SfjriiARffi, mLT,-IIEABS, BAILTICKETS POSTERS. LEG Ali RLAXKS, OR ilnstr. ins Frcm a TO A BILL, ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET THE PUBLIC KNOW TIIAT T0U ARE Alive 8l Stirring. SIJBSCEIBE FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEPYOURSELF POSTED. 3NT zn w CABINET SPIOP. EC. BOECK, Having recently built a oew aaJ talti. ; taf Main St., Plattsmouth, N. T., Wnnlrl respectfully Inform tfie cltlfeas cf Cm til mli..iiiinjr eonrities th tt h bat tlia fatibUes fur r rvingonthf cabinet nrsiEss In all iu branch ss IN THE HOST APPROVED STYLE 1 am r'cpared fo tnrn out tLa J1 II U A Iy E S T ar.il ni.st duritla Ofevt ry rtescrljuioti, ever off.'re in t3e Territory SATIbFACTIO.X G UARANTEKD, ifr-ii-:'"i'.ir n"ri':!,.r. l:ilj to tnak Ing anil Ja. ii!i:i.KCJ i ! l.'-.s. Ail klu-l' -r !-:mlii'r taken I $ exchange for wotk. r'o::3 -u.-itii. a j.ri; '.: c:. I J , ASTER I IN G, s I BRICK LAYING. Tli"; uriJcrslr.riO' art; prepared to Ja ALL Vfr0IiK IN TIIEIfi: LIJJE ON SHOUT NOTICE nr. J r.t REASONABLE RATES- SAMI KL HANKS. liKoin;!': NoRias. Ai'i-i! 1 i r.-fl a I e O H H rn ST O cz Z C5 -J W s O -s p -- e o o 02 Pi O B v o o in o o C2 CD CO o o o a 5 o rr. Li: b:ieJ la 1-12. A (rood, Chrip and i t ry Valuable Pap'' for LJf-y Mm, 'o;iant and Child IN fill', VII.r.Ac.K, AS'J COL-.NTRY. tiii: ikmerican Agriculturist TCI Ti!K Tarm, Garden, and Household, Including a S..::iil IJrji'ir.'ii'nl of In'tr esltttz and InslritctiLd Heading p.r Ch 'iilri.n a l Youth. The A'jrirultfirl.t is a 1-irr pTio.l-rt 1 of l vV b'-aut ifn!! priuti-'l. and filled with p'ain, praz-iirn1. reliable orinifial i-hI'-t, inciuding h:od.'e.l -f lean tit il and ir.": :--t.r - Li.gravirgs ia every aons.l rol'inie. It eontiios ei-h month a Calcn'lor of Oi-atlon" t pvrt"-rfri -d i n ?ie Farm, in the frchard ad fjarden . in and arri'ind li.e Lu:!linff, etc. The thouian N ' f bint and suc'estioas siren i every volume ar p--p-ired by pr.ietiCal, intrlliifel' Working nh know wimt they write bcat. The ffu'tA'h'id paitmsrt is valuable to every Houseke-ritr, sffird.iiK very many nseful hints Sti direc ions, Cilculate4 to l.ghwa aud faciinits id door-woric The Dpartr)nl f,rr Children and Touth is pre pared with cpe ial care, to lorn it h not only anrn' roent, but aNo to inculcate kno Hedge ani kims moral principles. Tebm. The circulation of the Amwicai A' culturist (morn than lOO.nOO; is o larpethat il a be furnishel at the low price of tl SO t year; fo-r copies oae year. $3; ten copies Oue year, $12; twec'T or more, one yeur, l ech; atngle eocies, IS v each. 53-TEY IT A TEAR. 03AVGE JCDD, rcB. aappaer'a il I'.rlt S'jt, yw Yr-rk f"'