ilia tw c & iv & FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, And forthe speedy oureoftlie following complaint Srrornla nnd M-rfulon Aflectivn-i, ! n 'nmn. fleer,, for-. I'Jrupliont I-iiuplr-i, utiil-, Iltcli., Uoila Rlini, ill', all HMn If UeuU.'r - J. C. ATEtt fc Co. Ceiits : I feel It my duty to ae knowledge wlmt your tarsaparilla has done for me flavin inherited a Scrofulous infection, I liar, uttered from it in yarioas ways for years. Soma times t burst out in UJcem on' my hands and arms onietunes it turned inward and ditrcd me at tlk uon.8Lb. Two years ajro it troke out on my heat ud covered inv scalp and ears with one sore, wtiicl iras painful and loutluume beyond description. J tried raity medicines, and yaysimasw, wul wttbout rauch relief from adf-toing. la t'aot, tht lisorderKrew worse. At length' i rejoiced u read in tie Uo'Ml atoaaenger-iiaata 6a ta. J prtparet sn alterative (sarsaparilla), for I knew from you) reputation that anything you made must b good I seDt to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it ;nred me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses oi teupoouful oyer, a month, and used almost tlxret , oottlei.: brf arid' heaUby skis sooav bja. to inn ander tbe scab, which nfler a wliile fell off. Ml ikin is now deug. and 1 know by my fteliuRS tliai the disease hss gone from my system. You can wcl believe that 1 feel what I am savins: when I tell you that I hold you to be one of the apoi-tles of th at St Anthony's) Fire, Rsm Erysipelaa TrlKr and Null Ithewm, Hcald lieu 4 Iliiigworai, More Eye, laropay. , Dr. Hubert M. I'reble writes from balera, Jf. V. 12th Sept., HSJ, that be lias cured an inveteratl cafe of DropsV, "inch 4,lirftttiDe V VirUstcste f k lallr, "bv the perseverinfc use-of 'ouf iJarsaparill and" also a dangerous Malignant Erysipelas by larjrt doses of the same; ray be cures tliecoiainou Eruy tions by it constantly. . Uronchocelr, CIt- r l Swelled Week. Zfeuloirsiban.of Prtispect,'Texa, writes: flire bottles of your fc-arsaparilla cured me from a Ooitn a hideous swelling ou the lieck, which 1 bad suf fcrcd fiom over two year." Ieticorrhipn or IVhitrn, OrnriniuTuotor . t'lerine ITIcerAtion, aVrauala Diviura. r. J. II S. Cbanhiug. of New York City, write I mo?tclieerfully comply with the request of yon. agent in saving I have found your Sarsaparilla most excellent alterative in tli uuirtutu com plaints for which we empJoysucU ft reitsVdr, bu especially in Female Oncost of the Scrofuleui diatbeeis. I have cured many inveterate cases ol Lcucorrhoca by it, and some where the complain' was caused bv ulceration of the uterus. The ulcer ation iteH" was soon cured. Nothing within mi knowledge equals it for these female derangement.' Edward 8. Harrow, of Newbury, "Ala.,) write '(A dangerous ovarian tumor on otio vC the famaXa In my tainilv, which bad defied all the remedies w could employ, has at length been completely curec by rour Kx tract of Sarsaparilla. Our plivsiciar thoiV'lit nothing but exiirputiou could afford relief but lie ad voaedjle trial ot your Sarsaparilla as tht last resort beiore cutting, and it proved effectual Alter taking your remedy eight weeks uo symptom of the d it ease remains." Syphilis aa Jlrrcnrla! JOWnse. New Ohlkamj, S2.Mli August, 1853. Dr. J. C. Ayib: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply wit the retiiieft of your agent, and report to you form Of the effects I tinra realized with your Sarsaparilla 1 have Cured with if. ini my pnicticp, most Of , tht Coa planus lr whioh it i rtcowimenefcd1, aird bart found its effects truly wonderful in the cure ol Venereal and Mercurial disease. One of my pa tieuts had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which wa consuming Lis palate and the top of Ut raoatli Your Sarsaparilla steadily taken cured him in 6n weeks Another was attacked by secondary symp toms in his nose, and the ulceration bad eaten awaj a considerable part of it, so that I believe the dis order would soon reach his brtiu and kill him. Uui it yjtjldiultpwvttiinirfctratio! of your Sarsaparillar trtefcefwrfc-a'eflfiMld he fs well again, not ot courst without some di.tiguration to his liice. A womai who had been treated Dor the same disorder by mer cury was suffering 'fiora this poison in her bones Ibev had become so sensitive tot lie weather that ot damp (lav she suffered excruciating pain in hei Joints and bones She, too, whs cured entirely b) year Sarsaparilla la a few weeks. I know from iti formula, which our agent gave me, that tbii reparation from' your laboratory mutt be a grea rcmedv; consequently, these truly remarkable re suits with it have not surprised me. t I raternaily yours, Ci. V. LARIMER, II. D. R hen iiinlim, Clout, I.iver Complaint. IxnrphsUEWca. l'realou Co., V'a., 6th July, 1359 Dr. J. C. Aver: Sir, I have been afflicted with I painful chronic Hltemnatism for a Kn;r time, whicl La filed the skill of physicians, and stuck to me it spite of all the .remedies 1 could, -find, until I trict your Sarsaparilla. One Uittie enrad me in twt wseks. aud restored my general health so raucl that I am far better thaii before I was attacked, think it a wonderful medicine. J. FItEAil Jules Y. Oetcliell. of St. Looia. writes: "I bar. been atllictca for years with an ajfcction of the Liter which det-troved niy health. 1 tried everything nd everytliing fuiltd tu relieve nus; aud I Lavi L-een a brokeuiowu man for some vears from nt other cause than derangement of the Liver. M; beloved pa(or, the Itev 9r; Ktpy,' .advised me t try y out i-repai11l, because he siiid he, knew you and anything you muJc was worth tr ing. liy tb blessing of Ooil it has cured me, and has so curitiec mv blood as to made a new man of nit. I feel younj again. The bebt that can be caid of you is not hai good enough." ScbirrHa, t'anrer Tnnisn, Enlnraetnent L'lcrrntioa, C'arict.aud ExfeUutisn ol the alone. .. ' A great variety of cases hare been reported to a where cares of these formidable complaint ha" resulted from the use of this remedy, but our spac liere will not admit them. Some of them may b found in our American Almanac, which the agent below named are plckaed ta furnish graos to alfwhi call for them. . SO . s Dyspepsia . Ilrnrt HLwnw, Fit. Epilepsy iIelmif holy, iMruralia. Many remarkable cures of these affections har been made by the alterative poweroftliit mtdieins It stimulates the vital functions into rigorous action and tlni overcomes tliwirder which weald be sup cosed beyond Irs reaeV. Snch a remedy bas lonj been required by thu necessities of the people, am we are confident that this will do for them all tha medicine can do. . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. FOR TBI itapio CURB or Connh, Cold; " laflat-nza,' llearsenat . 'Crsup, Broiicfaitia, Inciaieat loa.. aumjtlion, and fer she Itrlicf otT C'onsuinptirc l'atieuta in ailraarrd sHtas;:e of the Eienac. ' -' y . This is a remedy to universally known to turpi any other for t lie cureof throat and lung complaint that it is useless hern to publish the evidence of it virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs ant coltlx. and its truly wonderful cures of pun-nonar disease, have made it known throughout the civil ized nations of.tbc earth. Few ase the communities or jrtrr li trillion, anion? tbem who have Dot torn praaAatkJLxpv.-ience of its effects some livio trophy in their midt-t of its victory over the subtl nd dangerous disorders of the throat and luugt As all kiiow the dreadful fatality of these disorder! nd as tliev know, too, the effect of this remedy we need not do more than to assure tbem that it h now all the virtues that it did have when makln the cures which have wou so strongly upon th jonfideuce of mankind. Prepare i by Dr. J. C. AIEB It Co.,' Lowell. Mdsi PILLS. &.7 aaw M -v ' -A never felling Antidote fcr Side Head. ache, Dyspepsia, lever and Ague, Liver Complaint, tostiveuee JUlieusness, Neuralgia. Cfi j J 1, VAmmiM Obstructions, Ac WILSOS S PILLS are universally s Xnurltdfod tot theiet bow in um. As a Family . Jiciii" they an; particularly reeoratncnded-eimpl and harmless, t ut nimbly medicinal in their com Un.tioc. Oho Fill a 4-., with mild but cer tain effects. Tbs robust man and the dlirate cliOit . tin tbem alike, with, evsry assuranea of entire ' safety. "With Wilson's Pills, every Moth in tbe land becomw her own physician. They have proved themselves a arscinc, and stand without a rival for tbe following affection: HEADACHE, EV2I St AGUE, HEADACHE, FEVEIl Oc AGUE DYSPEPSIA, ilVER COMPLACTT, BY6PEPSIA, LIVER C031PLAIST, Costieness, Biliousness, Neuralgia CostiTenesa, Biliousnens, Neuralglt Soli by Druffgists & Deolera everywkei . ..i . ... JKPARZD Jll. ! B. Tu PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers &. Wholesale Druggistj 2,0.60, eornt Wood and ItiiSts. J i eau Tiuraurio4.o . . i il B. L. Fshnestock Vermifuge. mM:w i rtmzzrm& TH fTi? S 151 7 EforlOff. rr.ocPKCTL.-. Tbe Miiitary ami Naval jnci'tneHtiKits ths u-.fici"US reult of our I'reoicient ial einte!, bava !iltd a heavy w iplit from ibe breasts of the loysl millicua of our couoiiymen. it is now felt, even t-y thoe who have been nj faitit bearttd that tle L'uion is to einenM;.tilsnrphaat. fibm.tac ;eadly s'rife wbereiatoate ivas si i kedly pr.cipi tated t-y her assailants, and that slavery, her re-,.t,i-l ir it' em rtajit.jf the f.tof Hainan, lhe perl's bf f;ire1f? and of Western iosur recti. n are safely pased ; Aukaiiam Li.vcolk, no lui)j.--r assailable m a choke 't.f the, mill ll, 1ki1 the helm of-tate far four yoars longer; tlie reb.-liioa. weakened ty ftsritr'at an.l lohses durine tl.e pail yj ar sWitli-Jti credU so reduced -Uat. lit yarSe-le,aer i tici.iiiy1 deciaSt s tha Uif l-.-aoy ut kVxkUei;-rifor ciltn- alf ttie-rnfe twenty five for one, w hile its ttonds command bui ix cents on the !i'lr- but awaits tbe blow which hail soon nt ike the swr.rii from iu paiac baud and remit in master -pirin to the Juiue, or it may ie to the, 'of a rtljx rrne.t k JuM J it ctn-rl but forbetriuir and mti.ajiiu&u 4duilia. Su.'li are tbe aipic.s wbicti j'istity our faith tba ti e liie!-nt year will see tl.e Mar an Mrip i float un- ti Ib'uKed from everr battlement in the K. pubiic, and O.e perfect law of Liberty fur All immovably iui-te-Media tt.e L'ofcjiiUiUoo of our Union. ,4 . . . ? Tiaf ew k.Vis&nc, founded fn ITU.lwKI ta . er U)uo in twent -fourth year with quickeue" hopes aud nlarjred mtaus of uHrfuinei-a. ln priuci-j.-- nerd no re-M.iietii' nt: it aiui. are the diil'u.iuu ur Iotclli(f-LC; and the iuoculatio cf a npiiit oti'lbe rm and llumauity. Wht-u this t u:h Khali have n genciaily recon led and e-tHbln-tie-l as the b,i .in of our ui-tau-jouidiid h iiy, that JuiUJi'-'"-' to tin y ret, the wakestlhuia4(lerictilr ki a Soaih,! .mi-take that Do eaeimaeity Vi'Mnlt atlofd J -rEK even its hunibleit membei lh u will oui ai.d ba. k more in the calm tunshiue of I tac and pro-purity. Tut i RiutMt b is for the last year beep.ptiWfrhea without piotit to it proprietors, lol-ly because of tin depreciation if our currvnev below specie standard con:p. l;ini us to buy paper and other material?, at i. cost consiTerably a'wve ttie aiufnt Received froai uilrsiitisciib. ru. Oil our weekly editidbi th'enetlof ban amounted tc several th of dollars i wLili our larise tece.pis from advc-riisirig have been wholly aborbei by tb- exti aordinaty for f.'orr.t poauemre, aelci tipliiuK, etc., devolved m by . Uhl war. Ai Wtf do not suppose uur patrons desire' that V bonla siskfu.-theiat our Cual. Mbd pivter B-.t t bepntrfoired hy any who mit deire-it.-we have n iQ-wli,it advauced lor the euinitig year tbe price- t our em i-w eekly and -Weekly, as we b id ahead lure lhoe o( our daily rdmou. - Tim mciea.-t. i puiely nominal; tht-fe never before tittn he'i the farmers of Our cewmry country -coold but Tl.e Tiibune for bo iittle of their own products or labor as tbey can by the .ollowing TERMS: DAILY TKlbCNE, -inplecopy ... 4ce. t? lla'l subscribers, one year, 312 i-isues. $10.0(i SEvH-wt'KKLY TRIBUXE, )ne copy, one vear lOViscueti, - 4. I'w4'!iii ni year, i 1 .' ' 7.' t-'i rcftjifea 'or over, on'e yar each crpy, $3. WKtKLV TK1EU.NE, One copy, one year, 52 issues, - $2.50 i'l(iss of five , - - S10.IHI Persons r mitting t'20 fur 10 oopies, will receive out- cpy est-s.fiiAtis. f ... I'eisons remi'titur t-fO foi 2 copies, will receive tu.- e- py Sen i-Weekly, gratis. Persons remit ini; .-0 for 40 copies, will receive one ropy Llaily. gratis Drafts on Xew vtk. pa.v..ble to the order cf "Th. rrihuni',i beif f fstei. nrts'purferableUi aiy Uie tu irfe-Oi'mni sai-ie ; Let 'w here chafM iraonet f.rfV. nT-ntly procured. United S talis, orNa(ion"a Bank t ill.. ae uext bet,ai d may be tnt by mail ; tul in rase of Iocs, The Tubune will not be rponi ble urle-is furui-h- d with a full d ci ipth n of tht oil-, including the name of the bank, denomination nd inimbtr, and the-.tiuietand place of mailing ol the lettor wilb the futlueures Address THE TRIBUNE, Tribune Bu.ldingg, New York. pV.V.'.i "Unqiiestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World " HA 111' UK'S Scw xllonthlv llasazine. Critical notices of the I'ress 1 It Is tbe foieoioit Mi-puzir e of the day, Tlie fire" nver had a more delightful companion, hot tht mi.liuu a more eDtcri.ri-iui; tnoud. than ilu'pi r'. MaPi.rine. 3Stthixlist 1'rutentant ( Calum ire. ) The most popu'ar Slouthly in tbe world. A. 1". Obeervr. We mnt refer in l-'nni of eulopy to the high 'on and ied cxcelh-nce? .if Hartcr'a a iuux Val with a monthly rircuUtion of nlw-ul Uo.WMjmp. i- :. ,in whoie pa(.es are to be fouad some o: th. cht ice.-t liifht aud Kenetal leading ofthadxy. V p"ak of ttiis work as an evidence of the American peop e ; and tl.e (..pularit it has acquiied. is me' it . .-d. E.ich uiimbtr e-ont iim fultv 144 pawes of lea.i op matter, appropriately illustrated with i,'ood wood cuts; and it coinbitu-?. in itfelf the racy uioothly and the mnT-pbilnsriptiicnl (iartcly, in. qd'd Hb JJ) brit features iff ihd.Ui j jwrual. ( b (Tt t n Wi i n the dremmatiou flf a 4ove of purejuli rati t . Tumer'e (ruitfe to Amerlran Literrrt-fre (f.oud..D.) The volumes hound contitu'e of themaelves a I--bran of miscellaneous reading, such as canbot b fuund in the same cmplm in any oih-r puldicat ion that has come under our notice. Boston Courier. SUHSCRIPTON8.4-1SG5. The publishers have priected a y.tem .of mailirtr by wl.-cli tbey can m,-p y the V;azi' and Weeklj promptly to th se who pr-fer to r.eivetbeir pi riod icali dir.-ctly fiom the office of pubhea iuu. Th. i.r..t. llMi-iir'fi l:.t.7in is 9i rpntil m re-ix. cbicb must le Did at tbe subscriber o-tnoi of- ribcr'o irhI i fcov. 11 tj I - . TERMS: rfiarEB's MacazIse, one year..j .-' ' c '4. An extrt copy of either the TTagazine or Weekly will be fupnlied grain, for ever. Club cf Five tfob-l-crihers at (4 each, in one remittance ; or aix Cop!e for J0. - Back numbers can he snppliel at any time. A Complete e(, now o"mpu-i i? Twenty-nine Vob uoies, in neat cloth tdmlitijr, wi 1 be sent by ezpfes freight at expanse of pu'ciiaser, for f i ii per volume. ,-ins'c volume, by mail, post paid, (. Cloth case. for PindlD, t(j CeUU, by mail, port pHid , . - Address HAKCLIl i UKOTIlF.RS. ' : FranUia to,uaie, N. Y. : S. BLOOMS r Dealer in i . . EEADY MADE Gents Furnishing Goods T t i r Hats, '.; Boots, . . . - Shoes, a- Trunks, . . ' r. Valises, &C.j &c, &c. Also a large lot of RUBBER GOODS and REVOLVERS always on hand. AXI COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their1 benefit to examine ray stock before purchasing elsewhere. . - . Cask paid for. iJlides, J?uys -'and Wool. Plattsraoatb, May 25, tf PILLSJ Are you sick, feeble, ani complaining? Are you ou of order, with your tysten deranged, and your feiling bGmf.rtable ?Tes symp toms ax often tbe preluq to serious illness. Some fl of sickness is creeping npoi you, and should be avertei bv a titoelv use of the rieti remcdv. . Take Aver;a F-flls and -cieansa out h-4isor kitt&FtLt'f'y 'i er hutnora rU th. r-SKRuf' xf'A blood, and let the fluid move ou unobstructed ! ii i health again. They ftirtu late tbe functions of th. r1 1 hfwfv intA vijvrtrmia aetivav )irify sjstem Q-ofrt tbe ut-uctioiJS which mak. lisease. A cold settles somewbfre in tbe body, am bstructa its natural functions. These, if not x ieved, react upoti themselves and the surroundixt rrans, producing; general ag rravation, suffering jid disease. WiiQe in this condition, joppreesed bi .lie derangement,. uka Ayr' Piilsi an4'sebv iirectiy itiey restore toe naiur.ii ircuou ui ioe its em, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again Vhat is true and so apparent in this trivial and comj pon complaint, is also true in many of the deep eated and dangerous distetnpe.s. The samo purjra ive e fleet expels them. Caused by similar obstrac ions and derangements of the natural functions ol La body, they are rajiidly, and tnany of tflaru surely Bred by tha aame-meann. " one li, knew tlrt lrtuei of these 1111a, will r.egiect to employ then rben suffering from tbe disorders tbey cure. Statements from leading phyr.icians in some of th iriucipai cities, and from other well-known public lersons : . ' - Tront a forwarding Merchant qf St. Louis, Ttb. i 1866. Da. Aver:. Your Fills ar tbe paragon of all that great in medicine. Tbey have 'cared my littft laughter of ulcerous sores upon her bands and feet bat bad proved incurable tor years. Hermothei las been long grievously allHcted with blotches and jiinplet ou iier skin and in her hair. After oat JuloV was cured, she also tried yoor-flUs, ami they lave cured her. ASA MOKGK1DGE. . : A av Family Pbyaiiev - from Dr. E W. Carturrig-U, Xew Orleans. Your lills era tuo prince of purges. Their x lellant qualities curpasa any eat liar tic we posset. Tbey ar mild, ant very certain and eflectual in their .c trou on the bowels, which m-ikesthem invaluable o us in the daily treatment of lisease. ' tIcadacbe,Mick Headache, Foal Stomach. ' from If. Edicard lioyd, Baltimore. Dkar Bro. Atek: 1 cannot answer you what omplaints I have cured with your Fills better than o say all that tee ever treat tr'ith a purgative medi' -trie. 1 place great dependence on that eflectual atliartic in my daily contest with disease, and be ievicg, as I do, that your I'ille afford us the best we tare,! of course value them highly, . . . . PiTTSncn , Pa., May 1, 1855. Dr. J. C. ATER. Sir: I have been repeatedly ured of the w-orst headache anybody can have by a lose or two of your 1'ills. It seems to arise from a bul stomach, which they cleanse at once. : lours with great respevf, : "EI. XV. TREBLE. tterk bSf earner Clarion. IXiliona Diaordera iAver Complaint, ' . From Dr. Theodore Belt, rXtto York City. Kot only are your Tills admirably adapted to thclt mrpese as an aperient, but 1 find their beneficial C'eots upon tbe Liver very marked ladeed. - Tbey tare In tnr practice proved more eflectnarfoT the ture of bilious complaints tln.u any one remedy 1 an mention. 1 sincerely rejiice that we hare at ength a purgative which is worthy tbe confidence oi. ce proiebsion ana tue people. Department op Tiiii Iirrenton, I Washington, D. C , 7th Feb., 1S56. f Sir: I have used your Pills in my general and ospital practice ever since ou made them, and amiot hesitate to say tbey are the best cathartic re eniplov. Their regulating action on the liver it luicH and decided, consequently they are an ad riiraVa remedy for detangemeiits of .organ. udeedX have seldom found a case of bilious dis asa to obstinate that it did not readily vield tc htm. fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. !., . . , Physician 0 the Marine Hospital. . Dysentery, Dinrrfava, Relax, Worana. ' . . , From Dr. J. O. Greeii, of Chicago. Your 1'ills have bad a long trial in my practice. Jid I hold them in esteem as one of the best aperi nts I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon be liver makes' them an excellent remedy, when dven in small dose for bi.'iot dysentery (indtitar. hcea.- Their sugar-coating make themvery4i eptable and convenient for the use of women and luldren. Dyepepeia, Impurity of the Blood. Trom Rev. J. V. Vines, Pas'.or of Advent Church, Host on. Dr. AVER: I have used vour Tills with extra wdiuary eaceeaain my taunrfy anaamowgthose I am tailed to visit in distress. To regulate the organs ol lifrestioii and purify the blood, they are the very test remedy I nave ever known, and 1 can conn. lenUy recommend tbem to n y friend. . Yous, J. V.IIIMES. W . no aw, Wyoming Co.. V. V , Oct. 24. 18o6. ' Dkar ir: I am using your Cathartic Tills in my iractice, and find them an excellent purgative to :Itame the system and pnrifii the fmtntatns of the looiL : ) f JOIIX O. IKACIIAM, 3. D. pew-vtlpnrfon, C'otlvenrH, Huppreaslbiii . ItheunintiMiii, dloal, iNearalgia, lropsy, A'aralyaia, t-'its, etc. From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your Tills for tbe ore of cotttioeness. It otl.en of our fraternity have bund them asetlicacious us I have, they should join ne in proclaiming it, for the benefit of the multitudes vbo suffer from that complaint, which, although ad enough in iUeJC, is the progenitor of others that xe worse. . I believe cost items to originate in the iver, but your Tills affect that organ and cure the; lisease. .... , - 1 From . iri. E. - Stuart, Phtsician .a e-Vf-fa - Bottirn. ' J - ! I find one or two large do-es of your Tills, taken it the proper time, are excellent promotives of the Vitu Kui secretion when wholly or partially sup iressed, and also very eflectual to cleanse the tornach and expel irorms. They are so much t lie est physio- we have that I recommend bo other to ny patients r From the Kev. Dr. ffau-tes, of the Methodist Fvis.' ChitrclL. 1 " ' Tclaski II0U8E, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 16. Honored Kir: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill bas brought me it X did not report By case to you,- A cold settled in ray limbs and wrought on excruciating neuralgic pains, whicb ndetl in chronia rhevmiUism. Notwithdandiug I lad the best of physicians, be disease grew worse aid worse, nutil by tbe advloe of your excellent icrnt in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried youi ?JIs.. Their cJJecta' were slow, but sure. By per evering in tbe use of them, I am now entirely well. Srsatb Chamber. Baton Houge, La., 6 Dec., 1355. Xyn. Avau; I havbn entirely cured, by youi 'fTls, of HheUmoltc'Vout a painful disease that hat fllicted me for years. VI.SCEST SUDELU Most bf tbe Pills lit market coiiraht Mercury vbich althougb a valuable remedy in skilful hands s dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con equeuces that frequently follow its incautious use "hee eontam no mercury or mineral subetanct rhatever. Price, 29 cents per Sos, or 9 Boxes for $1. -repared by Dr. J. C. AIIE b Co., Lowell, Mass Hannibal SSt. Joseph, RAILBOAD AX1 ; Pacliet liines OS MISSOL'lil RIVER, Trt-weekly Packets (Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R. Line) leave Omaha, Counc'l BlufT-", Plattmouth, Nebraska City a ad Intermediate points fcr M. Joseph, connecting at St. Joseph with trains on Hanoilial and Sc. Joeepb K.&, Joseph at 11:30 T. M., and arriving at ' " QUINCY, CHICAGO & ST.tI0TTIS ; NEXT DAY- - . On and after May loth, dil and close connec tions from St. Joseph to Atchison. Weston, Leavea worth, Wyanrtotte, Kan-as Ctty, Lawrence, Topeka, via Platte Country ft. It. and steamer Emllle (A. 6l St. Joseph K. K. Line.) Leave St. Joseph; 5:i A. M arrive at Atchison at 0:30 A. M., Weston 7:3o A. M., Leavenworth A: 51., Wyandotte 10.-00 A. M., Kansas City 10:30 A. M., Lawrence at 5 P. M. . : . TJ1R0LOHJ1.CKIET3 f OB SALE .1 br Porter A Denel Otnat a; O. W. Hitchcock, Coun cil Bluffs; K. C. Lewis, Tlatismouth; E. $. Hwly, Nebraska City. Buy through t.ckeu and save mon ey. Extensive repairs on tl.e Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, aewiron, ties and additional rolling stock enable them to eff.-r these important changes to fa iliitate travel by this route . C. W. Mead, Uen'l Superintendent, ' ' '' P. B Groat, Gen'l Tick. Agent. H. II. CovaTBiCHT.-Gen'l f reight Arent. Hannibal, Mo. Capt. Rcrus Foan, Superintendent Pcket Lines, Ft. JvMeph, UoK , , - , .July 1, ls65. NEW & Shoe Boot Sliop. the subscriber would rnsoeaifully call the atten tion of the citizens ot Platctmouth and tbepabhe at see to tbe fact that Im k.-.s located ooe door eart of Ponelan'a Drag ritoro, wbora he Intends keazneg on hand aod makitg on tbe shortest ntaica, evwy. article in bis line. His stuck being selected by aim salt, and Laving spent th-j most of bis life in the business, he feels confldint that be can give satisfae tion. Give him call. April 10 '65. J. TCOCEM0ST0K. TOOTLE, OANNA & CO., 1STAIN STREET, - '- 11 rs 'it s If VT ' L A TFesZ of 1 , i x Ll 1 L.iYIiolpsale'and ' : H A R D I S' i t V. f 1 . J , s . I Clothing of every description. v - ' WINES AND UQUOBS OF ALU KINDS Constantly on hand BOOT-Stj AND SHOES, .J , t i C S . S 4 . QUEENSWAliE; WINDOW SASH, .v" Ana every article required by EMIGRANTS, FREIGHTERS. MIXERS & FARMERS. And everybody else can be Call and examine -AT FIRE PROOF BEICK. Tootle, Hanna 8c Co. Plattsmouth, April 10, 'G5. ' - 1865. - jo: 1805, AMISON, DOVEY & CO., " -- North Side of Main Street, v., v-. .. t- -- - - ; : !'.;"" Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of BET- QUEENS WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, jMechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus- . ,ines9 to. merit, a continnance of the same. DO Call and examine our stock. j Platttsmoulh, April 10, 1S65. tf r VST receiveil. 60 cases cf Caooed Fpacbes at I . AMISON", DOVEY & CO'S. G O to AMISON, DOVEY C0'3 to purchase your spring goods. N endless Tar iety of Ladies' Dress Goods at . A. D. CO'S. r CASES Moltbj's Core Oysters for sle at OU A. D. k CO'S. GEEAI bargalna in Ladies' Drese Ctoodsat -..".- A.LtCO'8. IO R SALE at AMISOZV, DoVEY t CO'S, Coffee, Ta a. hue.r. Golden Syrup, Sugar House Mo lasses, Ktw York-Candies, etc , etc. A large lot of ChewiDg and Smoking Tobjeeo for sal at A. D. aCO'3. QOALOIL for aale by A. D. A CO. PA BOXES Star Candles for sale by . OU . A. D.4CO. IF yoa want to purchase goods at absrgaa,gottt A. D. A CO. 25 r BAGS COFFEE Just reeefTed by A.D. 4C0. Large lot of CboinTea at PLATTSMOUTHJN. T : ; ...ij io -tt..f.:--f'. 'J T -St. Louis. Retail Dealers in'- W A R E, AFD a Large Stock of ! '.M IRON, NAILS, DOORS fc GLASS. ,!: supplied at this establishment. ' t js our extensive stock. THE- - HARDWARE, A Larg? assortment of men's and boys' clothing fori ale by A. D. & CO. HELLED CORN for sale by A. D. A CO. B ACOX and Lard for sale by A.D.aCO. HEAVY INVOICE of all iinds of Family Gro ceries and Outfiting Goods jusl received by . . ; .... A. D. a CO. ALL kinds of Farming Implements for sale by A. D. A CC ALargi lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by ' A D. & &. CO. AN endless Tar iety of Hardware and Cutlery for ta'oat -- A.D.aCO'3. SaSH, Doors, Shingles, Glass, and Nails of eTery description for sale by A.D. A CO. A LI- kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange .XX. forgoodabr . Al. A CO; TO ennmerate all the articles we hare for sale would fill one s deof th Hiaau, and oibera hare as good a right to aderlfe as r - AWIfOW, COVITACO. THI largest Outfitting House north of St. Joseph 1 A M I30N, IK) VET CO '8., P!ttso-Jtb, fstrsik. : vj-.-U II E NE BR ASK A ii la the place to get CAIIDS, CIRCULARS, BILL-HEAD. BALIi TICKETS POSTERS. LfAREIsS, LEGAL BLANKS, OR- From a ro a ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AN'D LET THE PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive & Stirring. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Nebranka Herald, AND KEErYOURSELF POSTED. ' . . : -i : . :. XXFr-2ZS CABINET SHOP XI. BOECK, Having rcbtly built new aad suks is ,,0p Main St., PlattamoTith, U. x., Wonld eTeet?bl1e Infhrtn the eltlteaa of Tsi !. a'lluininr counties tht be has the fcii;:iei j,,,,, rying on tha . : "" CABINET BLSI.MJSS la all its branches IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLE 1 am prepared to tarn oat ths am e a p e st cd niost durabi Ofcvcrjr description, ever offtrH la the Termor, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. -VPart;rolar attention paid to maklr anJ in. isliiDKOOKUNS. All kln ls of lumber taken la exebsngs for wot, rialts-noutb. Apill 10, 1 j.C5. plasterTiv G , stoistic -AND- EllICK LAYING. The undersigned are prepared ta Jo ALL WORK IN THEIR LINE -o. SHORT AOTICE and nt REASONABLE RATES. SAMcnr. hanks, GEORGE NOUllIS. April 13 ni j. O o r: I O o r -z H H CO f 4 1? o O 6. g '5! a - era t in B O w rt P Pi a p a 3 IB : & p o Q Vs cs o o S3 - 3 Z o" " 5 g o Cu -s. C S V 3 OS (V J a T3 5 5 o Cl EUbliahsj in 1842. A Good, Cheap and 1 ery Valuable Paptf fur Every Slan, Woman, and Child IN CITY, VILLAGE, AND COUNTRY. Tin: American Agriculturist FOB TUE Farm, Garden, and Household, Including a Special Department cf Inter esting and Instructive Heading fr Children and Youth. Tbe Agriculturist is a Isrfe periodica! of 82 par' beautifully printed, and filled with p'ain, prsmr..:, reliable orieinnl rnMtu-r, including hundreds of bra-i-t'lnl and Inatructir-j Ki graving! n eTery sanaM volume. It contains each month a Calender of Operatl mt to be perform 'd on the Farm, in the Orvhard sal (Harden in and around tue Dwelling, ele. The thousands of blots and supgestloes aiTrn in eTery Tolnme are prepared by practical, intelligent Working Men, who know vhat they write about. The Household Vepartmtnt la Taluable to erory Housekeeper, sffordinif Tery many useful Mnts sod diiecucns, calculated to lighten and facilitate in- aoor-woru The Department for Children and Youth Is pre pared with spe ial care, t furoisn not only amuse ment, but also to iucolcate knowledge and souni moral principles. Tesms. The clrcnlatton of the Amwican Ajr culturist (more than 100,000) is to l'ge tnt it cso be furnished at the low price of 41 60 a year- fiar cojMes one year, $5; ten copies one year, $12; twtniT or more, one year, fl each; single copies, IS ew each. tJ-THY IT A TEAR. OBAKGE JCDD.Pca. AvoPaor'i. 51 Park P,?w, fsw Tffk C:7- A. V- CO3.