f h L She Ubva.sfc atcvuIiL LOCAL NEWS- ' lgYe notice that Mayor Cooper is making e.tortive iaij.rovjrriviits on his business hoiiMi oa S.'eonJ Si. rf The Car.a.ljn n ! -!t is stated bv the AuJi' r-G-r.cT't' of th-: Colony to La $7,0:.'0,t,f,!. . ("M'sscra. Fitney Lave sold out the Leon (Inv:i) News, to Messers. De-trick anJ IVr.iwtll, who propose publishing a neutral paper. r"Gne of I'armele A -Squires freight trains arrived from the we.t a few diva ao. They are reloading, and will be ready to start out ajain in a few days. xWe ire under obli.ition-- to James R;eJ, of Nebraska City, for interesting timelf in our Lehalf in securing advertisement and subscribers. Send cs some uvro. Jimmy. EjSm Car 1 of Win Thatcher, Ocu list, in to-days paper. Mr. Thatcher is a resident cf the city, iind those in n t od of his services can rest assure 1 that ho is do humbug a-? arc too many f our "traveling"' eye doctors now-a-days. CaTKl-l.-r R. cTl.r7o"w, or the Chris, tian Church, will ImM services in tin Trick Sclio&I IIouee this evening, lie 11 ? ii - . -i . wi.i remain in ims city several navs, nnu wiM pr'd.rr.iy 1. il l services each t-v-.-i.in,-durin bis stAy. Q?"Ve would acrnin call tho a'ienti.in r.f our readers to the adveriNiiv:-. of John Heed A Co., r.f Ntbra-ka C'.tv. TliO."" r-f our readers who trad at that point will find John oni of the i.i- t iikti t) deal with: and they always have fre.sh ponds, nd anr amount i f th-m. CMr. J hn l'en", from nev.r Stoc tcn Califn'iiia, arrived in this city a few days sin.'e. He was three months .,n the road ha l trouble wilii Ii.diar.s. 1I-; proposes frelglit'.tig f r':a t Kl ji'ont we.-t. as there is more mori'-v in haulliig fr i::it over thr-road from IMjtt utii. at tli? prices raid, than there I j in i : ir 1 1 : in California f ;r it. ! . iiot.ce that Iji.-uon Itihtof Uie Frot. F.;i'. Church has beenunaai mously el- ctt d to the Diue-se of Indiana. It is ut t:i'.ed wh-.-liier the ir.-h-.p i-..:s accepted the p. js'r.i in: but t-h.iuld h-; do i to, his fh'iri h h -re will loso a valul cversec-r and the 'J't rritory an excel!': friend sn 1 clerfrrmn. 5?Do the I 'ops. of this county pro- I pose to n.ake tne diil'eri H basis f ir cl :--ifvir;. d--s of o : S the te.-:: or I 1 (,r I Will t!iev l'l akr 1 r 1 1 c . . - j -ii We would advi-'" thorn to las.-ifv rh aci-irdi nr no Ud :h-i' s "t nrid c'.n-- i'i- nt'j ns ;!,,- !.- t '.' e s t . morn ti '.-.Olid t nliV ' I :;rr . be .-o l.-i'.L- ! l to err. ' Chr-'.Uyo ir.z fri:i-l,"f.-.': it:;' ttra..-.- ! j HiL-rni : n t . a . - .nirr-.-l at v. '; .m ! ? h . I ! A! 1 at v. :; .m J ? ii. 'if ye wi i t. - ;! i':.l i e so -. : : . been vai-i'v r-hj l::', ind of 1 1; nu ye w u Won! 1 i: not 1" w fire arma c irri 1! f.-r to -se who i. slv io our btre: :s, ascertain that there is no one -i:l.or b e fore or 1 --hind ti: -to l!a!.!? t. be hijuicd by a str;iv bubet. C3?H?ad the new ad f ertisemeiit cf T. C. Crenshaw, in to-da;. s paper. Mr. C.is a thorough business man, and under stands the benefits of advertising in a widely circulated paper. Also the advertisement of A. K. 'White A Co., dealers in books stationary, news papers, periodicals, Ac. Let us bear from some more Nebraska City men. Freemasons Oddfellows an i C; ,- Templars Lodges seem to be now '!.!! the rage" in town. This is quite right: but while attending to the .pr-culat: v.-" would it not be well t give the "practi cal" a chance in the shape of a"I.itcrarv Society"- for th- purpose of m--ntal cul ture ml of in' irin-r a l-vo of ihe S.-i- nee!. 0.- A ours of goo 1 1, leciurcs would be of prf'it bnf.t. Art!iti:i M.i:-iiiii; ii;. v ti -.r.-r.I 1 arrested severn! dri!:,k nn I u;sr,i tiv' Tieraon1 who wrre di-niayin l.jded re voIvrs tbroi:j:'i tii-; strei''. The arms weru t.-iken frosn tiieri, di- charged, and the wi-i rers m Jo t t-now in th'S M IV'ir'ri I'.lnrt. t!i it s:th 'Vt'S I cannot 1..; tuleratcJ ia Nebratka C.:y. " ' 8.'.. It w'.'.l be observi-1 that t!.o 7th w.u a "l'eai )cr;ttio d ,iy" i:: Nt-'jr;:.-ki Oitv the ; Detrocratic Tcnit..ri:il r..r-i r . i tee b'-'.n then anl there in C asseiub'.e 1 . iven;on Tl D.73 M.c-.rr, 0f a're cent u.it-. has a eat rerre.-eni::.- the r.t itud) of th-j cop; eriieadi toward t'ae soldier! dunr: t the war. The g M':er "m represented as --iartir. to tin war. "and j aa oil Copp. in his rear with pi,toi r.ndj nn election will be held for One T.-rri-knife, and every feature of .liis u-ly ' t.irial Auditor and one Territorial Trras "mug distorted with ra-e. ' Tho nest ' : V:lj County, 4 members of the ... ! II ia.-e .f B.-prf-sentativ-'s of tne lernto- cut represents the so Idler since the war, 1 onla crutch, and the same o!J '"villain, with his knife concealed bi-bind him, erinin !ief ore him and endeavoring to ftisume the atitade cf friendhij ; but it " "no go- the soldier -zives bi:n the cold ehou'deie. (!"Cas Couutv is hard to beat for raising ypetables. Mrs. Andtrson who lives onth of town, !rfr a vfimrle r.f the m , . . . , ''Mum tu potato :s n oar o!ac, w'ucii ; we'Kbed 1 1-2 lbs. -Mr. T.J. Todi nr.d Mr. .r e:lch let; a hea-i of ca'ibae, wg.it 13 1-2 Its. Wo Lave the larst c&bbae, potatoes, tomatoe?, rhubarb, COrii "wheat, water mcions, ic, horneiiest ''ea -.rettiest woman, cf aty I jculi XJ 10 tho es. We defv compctilion-- ' brlrr pi . r ' I nir free -men. rMr. C. V. Uuit, of Omaha, is in tr,,vn. Mr. Purt is nn extensive whole- na!e dealer in Iron, Steel, Stoves, ic, and is rnakirjr heavy sales in this tlace. His advertisement will appear in the Herald next week. - . Can any one tell us why the bridge on Main street, Lttwecn Fourth and Fifth. . , . , , . ,.- .... , ., . , .s not ctapieted. J Jus brid-e has been on ins way nearly nil summer, and still does not seem to ho much nearer comple- tion than the next day aiter the old one , , . . , . , , , was washed out- Ibis loois bad for a place the s'izi of PJaltsraouth, and we would like to know where th? fault lies. Wili the ' citvdadv' please silence us ,. , . about this matter the same wn v it was done about the aide-walks? If not, we shall "hammer" at It until some good and sufficient reason is 3'vcn for not da in so. QAnother "knock-down" occured oa Main street last Monday evening, "tangle-foot" the principle performer. There are circumstances nn !cr which it is di!Hcult to avoid these kind of rows: but it app-iars to pur judgement that there is no Ti-'.es-ity for quite as much of it as ocv-ur in this place. It may be as well to state in this con nection, tii it we are uncompromisingly opposed to allowing men, either citizens or strangeis, to indulg-; in the amusement of f.'hr.irg and n'ng indecent language i I f.n our streets: an 1 v. e shall continue to ! , e , ,1 ! ;': if 'lUss of who may be . and up r: ,1 I them in it. CVioo Cops, of Cass County are tru ly a progressive people They arc bound it) lie in nuvance, :;u j r.ci.'ur.jingiy one i.'. H. Kin.r lsu.-. his cali for assemhling i "ill who are opposed to wgro .1.'V.,, J We have ben aware, f jrsoui; tiia 2 p lt-j that numerous in livida il- claiming to be j Democrats were afraid of the negro out- st-.i.j ing them in moral an.l inteicctual t-tii-iaits. and were bitterly opposed to : o-s :.o con -en ;qu . i - M . . ! t aware, lo.-or 6ce:i-g tu:s can, that ( i;'. . vu. u n a c i. tii"y x: r- i r i i-e d 10 o:J :ro L'.ii T-a:n o i:, all of you. We ar anxious to see who, in Cass County, nrj Iis;.osed to clas-ofy t he negres, and 1 1 - ' tne uiiitrent causes. Cr"!: is sai l that ecery house has its ii-it, an 1 wij beliuvo thr.t every town ,nUj nave its romance. lhat of t .at:s- m' uli occurred in the f-'r.upe of a female vc?iej in me. my ot a man. wao made I h-.-r rif f-arr.r.ce hr-re a few days sine, swingi.i a iiine-f .of over a freigat- ing l--a:n. .'sli al l t. h . e traveled O- ' throtili I ..v.-i in tills w;;t- v. ir Ct her Se j ' o r.g discovered (slightly mist tins n! tc--1 it was d!-c jverc-1 L 1 At 1 r-d tii t :"i: ' T.Tvi tior-ro jo-ift or C wiili h:r ft! trt !ii cor.cf.i J to dl C';-C i .Ci..-. s-ii.j ! ;t I or -j o r .i a ,1 Mvi..lay m .:."-, fti.l in the ti man. lit.;- cicu-e f-..r th DIED At Minooku, 111., Soptemher j 1 1, 1 - J , in thrt 21 t yvtir of h'.s , Wa. ; i'aia;: iir.TTi. i i .USi: li-.TTS At Ski-rries, Ii ft'.:i!iJ. .Tune 12. h, lfn, in tho l(i?h yt-ur tif his aj'S Kuun IIkit-j aoci Jeiitnlly tirowiipd vvini- lidthinj. Uolh the -ibovo wcro Lrotliers of llcv. ieo. Botts, of thi city. DIED In this citv, on the 9h int., of 'J'vphoid Fever, B2NJ. 15ick, nged 21 viirs. Mr. Buck w.ii a nntivo of Baltimore, ! M.l. Ilo came to tl.id city al.out eigh teen montLa ao, ince v"nicli time iie lias bo?n engage J in f .- ci-hrin- r.ero-ji tlie :'.. litis. !! was a youii; man of !; Oil hab't--, and darin.z li stJ aruon us ii'i'l dra;.n about him iuar.y v.arrn Irion:.-. Th-2 bo.lr was takca to B.i'.ti l.irre f'T iriternint, ;ice nTar.ied by his iirot!;r, Mr. .J.ii;:cl- liuc'. LOCAL ADVErVTISEM E.-JT3. j Wanted Al nbont 12 or i-l years t old, t. d li-i':t li!"i-ework in a sinail i'lm'.'.r. For T'ai ticila:3 cr-j iy at this rnatsd T- rent a si;ia!I house near t:. ' I'li-iiiess part of town. Appiyatl this ci N01ICL. Nj'.ioe is hereby piven that r are h -rr warned not to t!"u -v're '-''''t' Pce, n 1 win r-av II UUiiS i- - i:-i UUli 1 r ,t-.:-. 1 11 . Vol .Sl'ENCi:. Mattsuioutb Sept. Cth lS-j-5. w3. Notice i-5 i. rc-by cven l'i:,t on Tues day. ths 10th iay m October nxt, at; tin"- (usual places cf h-'dding elections j 1 in tii s'.vi-ral rrccincts, or ns ne".r to such idac:-3 as practicable,! f 'x,hrU'x'. o'ne'fountv Con.niis- sin in r.o.-k B'ulV IHtr.ct: one I'ro- ..a.e .Jal;;e, one Sherill, one C or nc-r, ; one (. nunty Treasurer, om County L'Icrk, i on -j County Surveyor and on- Prosocu- tin-r .tto--niy; and for each precinct 2 .Justices of the Pence, 2 t 'o:italiks on o Assessor. .". Judges of Elceiioji an-. two Cl-'-rks of Election; an 1 -one Koad Juper-vi- -r for f-neh Ilo-t-1 Diitrict. Which eb-etimi ""ill be opened at 9 i"eb);k A M. and will continue open until G o'clock P. ?d., f the earae d:iy. Bv order of tho County Commissioners this '(5th tbv of September. A. I). laOj. B. siPL'BLOCK, County Clerk, riiittaiou'-h, Sep t--jJ CissC0j Notice to Tax-Payers. r'let'ity Coar.rll tin ex n l d th? time wli r. th. c;r.vttx "'j". tac-me it.'i-itKt, uatu tUe iT;n -f A "Co'w V'V-i-.-c -t:ic . sv-. p.:i:a.ty ml :t.t.,..,: J W. MAK.-HALU. Trei. d ' c ,-o.iuct v; a to;:: v.hiic- t : t ; tiiu j la .-. v-ii'ic ,-iie co ti Id nsn'ce ; :.Lt.:. T, nr.l tl:-i.J-.;I.t ' : -:ld -ct ! o i.:'.; tho we: i 1 i; :. r i v t o-.---'ii h.r-'i - - ;(i:i f f i. fy I. . - !. i ij ii . 1 i-r. r T - t 1 . . o:;r .istota ; C?"For the benefit of persons liable j to li,e Excise Law I would 6tato that section 10-J requires a duty of two and j one-half per centum on Gross Receipts .' for the transportation of passensers, ; mercliand se, &c. for hire. Freighters ' are considered liable to this Section. ' i i civim ueuicnnj w: o jrei-ju. are me j j cnes responsible for the tax. . ilt VTV in the law mentioning tliei ,r:;;htot add;nfr the amount ct tnx to , f.,,i?!lt 0ver contract," only applies in cases whero the law of the State, where tne contract forcarrj!:; the freight was I hfl!" fixeJ, ,h(? compensation; and i in those cacs the Act of Congress gives i ,-, .;Fu. ,i r:i,, ....i i ,i. " . to the freight as fixed by law. Persous liable will save heavy penal- ! "l" l' ".""f" 7 1 X , , uru" "V 3D : as practicable after th dnhverv cf the freiabr V r DniiMlVcmv Flattsmouth, Aug. ZO. Asessr. Farm For Sale- I have a pood farm for sale, consisting of acres ; 100 fenced, 00 under cul tivation, and about Go acres of timber. It is situated 7 milee south cf Flatts-" ! raouth on the main thoroughfare to Ne braska citv. For pirticulars enquire on the premesis, or of Hiram Davis in this city. A. M. T. WIIITTIER. April, 23 m 1. Patronize Home Institutions All persons wishing to secure a sure preventive from damage by lightning will do Weil to secure one of those Star Fluted reds, vsith Sprats patent Insula tors, anl the best plated Points. All work warranted. Leave orders at Mur- phv ti Lilerm's shop, or with the under- H--" Having j ermanently located m the Territory, I solicit your natronaje. - j. y. WATERS. ntOBATU NOTICE. St.l'ct is !:ff" I'T Kiven that .Mrs. J. n. Ojrrion I'Txiia'!1 ji lira: cja t.j tKe i'rub i te Comttif Ca nn ' v, NV ra;;a. to h ive Den j nia A:lin tt:titUr-J A'iiiiiui-'r.'itor tf the hst-tt of Tlnniiai J. NichuiH, :.! , IV?) c ,ua-.; , tl:rcitt4. 'IleC'jrl tli-rt fvic i .i : t s ThnrfJ.ij, C.e 2ht day of Scplanuer, 1S65, t!-Vi V. M-, r..r h-.nir? s ii.i i ,i.c-.;,u, at Vt ilLt-.s- my i.ai.'I stai o:Ujic lU.s 20tb day L ; A"sl,l-v.MAnsn it.. lt:, 3 '.$. LEGAL NOTICE. Th- inn ". W;!i'i! v.i!I t.il; liutice that AViie.tn I,' ilIi i!m' on Hip l..r)i i(i.i,fSMLitmr.r X Fk me 111 ui.i ciinp 1.1 :uc in i un ji.ttuct uutit't el :a- -M J".l.cnl Di?'rict it t:.e 1n:--.,iv it .ei ia-k, w ith:n -or Ca-. r.-,.y, uK (i.t"t:, said ri.oui J. a!-w, Ofj.-ru I). UU-u .1' 'u, iil! Cj'-.m Wo':v.'ril), U-.-.'i .jT.t, M't ' i ..r ii th it m tae lS:li I'.-ty i'f J j!v A. Ij. l -,".7, t;,-. l ii t u-'ai.t. 1 i. n it on, l-'.v.;.i in. i te iL- to or e C alvin W o'iaor.li, oil ti e . u-.ii-,M t i a.u.-r ef -;ia uu N. i,-. -ia.v-o'.e (-H io lonilni S.i. I a (le n.irtu of r;u il.ii-v !! --ii . f tii- tti I. M., i i nij coiin IV ! t'as-, ' 'I'.. U fiurt Ihv 1'aytiiC Lt ef two lit:;i-'lie-i ami t'i'lity collar- to on- Orije:: 1 lich;.T.iv,Qf Jc'i-'i J:!:;' ;i i- t iiu -ri.iiiis.(iiy not--' iticiicJ til m s-.t:l ir..:: if: 'Iii .t tl'e hai-l hvl-. hu.1 ninrt-.-age v.-i aiot-i i.ols liii'v asit.:J ami d.-iiv- rii liy" iltA h i ejK' ii I). i;icl;a r i-.iti the id Wiiii.ua i.f. h; and jea y ng th?.: -ai l p ::i)i.-e- ni.-iy I i? foi l t'i ;i.y the a d . uai iiu.; i a ..li -rju:is.ii y Il.vt'. A:: 1 iLe -said 'llu-nias J. Wats-tu tioreiji' uotill-.-l t-at lie is ih-i:ip1 t uniwir tai aasKif, pl-nij or n.lir t- Mril toll .-f cr.in-.luii.ts cr I (."ort- lii- 21 .'.. J' i !" i t ... -r, A . I), 1 t i r tii.j2U-!.1 wililv rcti-.!-r.-d .-iB.ict y..a. "WIU!.iM I.Kw 11. i it- j Atiu-t lC:. T. M. MAt.ucKTlti. f..r Cvaij-'t. Pro bat orjee. K ' t ;rf ; i-:. -.. v-n O- -i t ..1 ..... I-t luuiitv. io-va.. La- n: id a;..ii t.ti'ja t-. aj- i ..i.teJ Ait.rO Jo-.::sm ..- - rift a d'-o'vii i' v.i c-.-e.ty, 5:il,".u,'i. ! of M-.r . .: .u i .r t-ri'J.iitiieria W. . ''.'j ! Aviiu.-l, 1 l'l. rf.Ml fj", at -vi iiich tiiiif a'i io. OOlI.. ... . Vl. f.:s tli, 2-1 i) of A-lii-l. A.U.I j. vr. y ak.-h ai.i.. i J---. 2 ' I . -O . t : a . -.i -i !. i..o t-- .e t.f l'-:- r A. S-r-jy.'t'v.MreM, l --; si :f. i :'i-: !l it'-m tij.v :nthiiri iv. r: . T.. t- : i t' r h i i S i 1aY ok J.V N"- I'.' UV, I ui v(tii li tint. t;t iv wi;l b.; a. .:.ai ti. I 1:1 ,v j....-.-,. M- ml .l ail .in:-, ii... t-- If I'm:. :. i::y ta:i.i a:;.l rv I:.m !.'. h .'iv uf yur, i. ii. W!i!-:KI is, : '5. r. j I'r- : a to Ju "k. Music ! Music ? KAYMOXD, MLXLIl 4- CO., TKA!.cns ! Piano Forts,JIelodeons, Music and Musical M'dse, COUNCIL BLUFFS ... IOWA. (At tht bland f .-mer:y utcd as tin Pst OfTire ) Or ierj t.y mail fjr M':s.:c. Bo. '. cr ar.j-t'aing por ta" ni:ig : Music. ro:uptiy attci.dt'd to ft Orders f.ir t ud injr or repairing Piano Fortes iigJ y.'l..iIiviDi in P.att-.iu .n:li ar; I v.- iDiiy wi.l l.c ii!..-!i. d to at car earlit ci-iiv-ni.-n!- i'.Al'lliiM;. Jjl.I-;r. BcCi). Ar?. ?, 1-t.' tf IVIarble ITard. The undersigned have opened an intensive MARBLE YARD In the City of Platlsmouth, wliere thev have ITJniANi;NTLY LOCATED. Ca!l and Examine Specimens. Q arc prepared to do as COOd , L , , 1 WOrk as Can be tOlllld in the country, at as I ea son aide Prices As any establishment in West. the JOSEPH JIUTZEItIN & CO. July 1, ni( T. W lIARQlTrr, ATTOIliNEV AT LAW Solicitor in Chancery. T'LATTSMOt'TH, - - NEBR.-lSKA CHEAP GOODS AT THE NEW STORE! Howe & WHOLESALE Thatcher, AND RETAIL DKALLHS IN FANCY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, Hardware, Quecnsvare, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, OUTFITTING GGQDSj&C TIIET WILL KOT SS Call before purchasir-rf, anl Examine Goods and Prices. If you do not buy, you will GS-o-S posted. ! RE3IEMJ3ER TIIK TLACK, (OPPOSITE POST OFFCE, UI.ATTO.MUt VH, N. T. JUiV 1, 1S05. PROVISION STOBE! Ve have opened a "X" O JErL JU Opposite the PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, Where we are Offering and are Selling Everything Usually found in the Provisiuu Line, vt 1 - ri ;r- We wish to buy all kinds of Countiy Produce. i Such ns 15 utter, Vcseta?)Ies, &c For which the Highest Price will be paid 1 I j In Money- : f-"ryThe?e having fttch articitr to sel i will do well lo call and see us before ' ellin-r- J. II. IIF.VSKR Co. riaiumoui!, Jlay 22. 'Go. 3aTE3'W X3C-3lTJ3I:S3 shop. M. B. MURPHY, Main St., opposite Platte Valley House, lLATTSIOTJTir, Has on Land a large stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES- WHIPS, SPUES, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, fcc. Ilo can Outfit a Mule or Horse Train With everything in his line, on short notice. My motto is "Quick Sales and mall Profits." Repniri done at all limes, at reasonable rates- BLACK, BUTTERY fc CO., "VVLoIcsale andKetail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes ami Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for medicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye StuiTs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black. PLlfcrYlllI, iUllV let, lStlt, tf E. T. DUKE cfc Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WAPE. We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters' OUTFITTING G-OODS, Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Camp Jvettles, &c. We also Keep cnain 1 umps anu Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coifee Mills S:c. TOB Wr02FLIES. ! Tin Roofing, (Juttters and Spoutinc; done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents lor tne saie or Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South SiJe, between Second and Third Streets, PLATTKMOUTII. - Picture Gallery, r7fLi --itv North rLAlTEMOUTII Pictures taken cf all muds. Ambrotypas.'Photosmi.h!, Gem Pictures, Albums, &C-, conftnntiy Kepc on nanu. maao to oruor, 01 tiny size. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN HEED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - IIEB. Perior9 in DRUGS & .MEDICINES, Paints. Oils, Putty and Glass- Pjtcct JfciiciRf of n!l kinds T'-iltt rt:r, Kta ti.inery . r! I fvcryth:? Vep v, a f rt ?!ls fir-;ff btorp.'at Eate.u pikfs. SS" We a-i prcpdri-i t a!! o;.jr-. sni! "rrsi' nirf -nlit?!": I';; li. rr t'i NEBRASKA. complete. Warranted Genu I 0 i Iron, Brass, Japaned Pans. Skillets and Lid?, Ovens, - - , mL Side Man Tt , &c Aood assortment of Cases Fritmes, ' Frames ; uui mm i1-1 '''j'u'"c' THE PRAIRIE FARMER, hi-.votlu "i J Agri;ui(nre, Horticullurp, M -ch.anics, I'd ucriiLV, yniit? Inttrnlf, General A'nr.vj .12.1. .V-.-, i',--. Iisl'lhed V-.ftlT. in iioat oi-tuvo form "fij;-i-n I'jtts, witL :.a i!il-x ul the o-l of e-.t i voa.c;- r-oii.b..J TZZKMZ 1 2-10 .! r.-T.ti?,-V J XCE. For Ct'-l- r.fliclrt ('J $"l, or e ct ;. c. ""fArr.rriHt ? ailvei tis.-r. Cii(i Ki.'i he p'lofl.I It j liie Ar.iiKH. f.,r I., r.-tits r-r line cf s;.:-.cr, Noi.pi- 1 rieT, ,a-Ii ins-rfn-e, in .Livance. Spci:il KD.if.-.. j pne- Ii" adreni-i.ii.'.nis, twenty cents ptr li-ie rt pacc ticc t.pted. I A Ea jan- c""vr-iire ten Una; r.f ?pa-p. 2f"Ihe eii c'-'utlun cf the i r.AIHIS l AKMm ..-. now ihc larkot if aoj- pstir u! its ciar in ttve W-: I ar.-i N. r'i1 , i s j c .r-i to Virte.-virv-a. I !' .? s i )pi"inc -nt Mjuu'i-.t'i : r--. i --: ni- liri'i t n ., I.ir rai.( il'frFtr!. l.MVKV tfl. "i'4 1i'-5l.. CIIAS. YOGT & CO , Cor. Maiu and 5th sts., I NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealcr3 in LEATHER MD IRON, SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER. Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tools, WAGOKS, PLOWS, &c. ("Orders Promptly attended to. KLEI SEU & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW -SHADES. Confectioneries, i Coal Oil Lampsi &c. A:c. ! We ari alfo aponts f jr l!ie Buchau-a Wool'n jiilTs, or at Joi -f i, ilo., n-l h ive now on liana a So ;d a'ortaiect uf faxcy cASsnrzzss, CLOTHS, JEAZ-'S, which wo ha vo receive d on ecnimisfioo, and ara PiipartJ to t.xci au'J for WOOL OR CASH, i j .- t very r-a-.r-n .'-c i'oi. 49" Give 114 a call, l :r-il ''r eart i f ihu lirKii.o . 2ic', riatistuout'i, ' Srlira ! May 16. tsC5. If L. GOLDING, l'EAI.KR IN" HATS li CAPO, FUIINISfiliVG (100DS, Boots c Shoes, Tr u n 3i s, Ya 1 i s e s, e ( c. ! Uive me a can. i propose gumg eaufc j in a short time to purchase poods, and I will sell off ray present stock at I . - . 1 L i Extremely Low Figures. i Remember tho place. One doer WEST ! of the Herald effie?, PLATTS2I0UTM tt. S. HARDING & CO., rosr office EriLoixo NEBRASKA CITV, N. T WI10L!:5AT.E AND RETAIL DEALERS IS SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Ag'-ntB for all principal MAGAZLWHS ami ycWSPATERS, For which 5Ql)5crij.t;cr r. receireJ at rnb'.tsher' IM'M. L. FROST Cl Co., WHOLESALE T") "', " " j"! ?2 fi IJ 1 Jlj , Opposite tho Po3t Caee, AEBRASKA CITV. N. T. N Si ( t-v or i'.i: : --hi-"-'! a . . I. j :'