Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 06, 1865, Image 1

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    ) I a
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If any man attempts to haul doicn the Jlmcrican Flag, shoot him on the spot." John A. Dix.
VOL. 1
A O 22.
-VN- v..
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f(Tti"on 5T;iin sir , pi--ite Ami.ion,
ry & Co.'.
Terms: r0 per annum, invariably
in aiivancG.
Hates of 'idvcrtishlg.
or,fi')arc(fi or t.n lin.-i one iu.-rt: ..n, 1
K.neh ml-"im-nt 1ll-i-rti H
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Cue quarter comma or lcs l'tr iiiin'iru
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On'J half column twd v-nmntlm
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" t'iire ni 'Uilij
Onrolar:.a tT. Iv.' montli-)
' nx fn j; tf - .
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thrr- months
Atl trfr.oint avcrti'emnts mast le f- r ill ; ueuei iu.iu imctu )eau a.i, auu uaa
,,1va""' . ,. , . . iJ since then been sustained by a volun-
r,i. ,u .n BDiuv, au-i i a iyio that i i b'.vc f:it;-i tary contribution, of from twenty to
' ' f Ti" ill hi -) 1 1 tli Tir per annum, is
"lUOi nC IVC CtOVU ' froiJ lia' c,mi'deraule interest is felt
I ... . ' in the subject of the D.ble revision;
R. R LIVINGSTON, II. D. j and iinderlying which, there must be
Physician clSlcl SlIYgSOIl: an e'jiially extensive belief that the
Tet jpps i,.8 .rori--'."tiai rvicf to tiio ti:iz. us of ; present traaslation in use is defec-
( 3- rr.'ii-iy. ... ..,'.:,
iW Hr-!enr i Kruut n inf k n c ' ;
oBk au.l .Vx'h -tr.-.-f; dil Lccn M in st:rt.t, -
IV? Court Il'msv, rUttsinulltll, iFlriit :i .
''J U LI !
-T?T,T (CI.'
TVatioisal i E.iim Agency.
j. pr-purM to vf'- f' ar't piwnte b f r
rinarr. Curt .f t'!:ntim ;iml tin; leirtiii.,t.ti'. I'ii-
imt., B.-mt e-.. nud u-.utity L-.i!.i. e
cured. f t:tiar nm l. r-?t -, in .r.i.. i 'i to
th-imiuxi of the cuh.i. F. it. uiuitiN' LoN
'65' - -
Ij. C f.,ewi,
Kal F,-t ,te AL'r.t. Tax l-.-y-r , m- I...V.1 au.l .N. bras-
k. Ti'i-K of i h.,.1 iiive-tii-;ti.-!. Ac
A ;1 I,,,,,,,, ., eiitru-1 t j lus cr - i:l nceive
r ,.u,pt i..r.-iie.ii.
. - -- -
T. II- .TS A Hill. SYT'V.
Solicitor in Chancery
- NKKIl.lSKA. 1
Tire and Life Ins, Ag't,
Alien! f.T r.iU ti"n of riainn au'iint (4'ivcrr.tiiont,
f..r Solil nrs. I hi-ir iiiwi ari l minor Ihm-. A'r:t
fur tin- pn -h.i-i' ari'l miI of l.a'. fl t i-r pn ..-r-tv,
Li-ina of It'iicuints I'jiii' fit of Ta.s in alt
j.aris or NV1 ra-ka Mini Wetcru Iowa. Attnuli to
all huiii-! I rtaiiiiiii; toatienrrtl Lan-1 , Insurance,
Tax rain a!i'l C. M.ctioii Au-.-nry.
iv to nil buMre-s mHii in Nebraska,
l'lall-m.iut n, X. T., Stay !.'. lo'J".
! nm p' rafil to fiimMt n't who tnayTivor mc t
With T fi r I
ilh ih- r pationawu, w. h lod,!;-.- Mo.o 1..-. - or ,
Wo. I t.v tlit- -rk
W.t-ivOW. ;
l.t!-r.i u:li. April yl
3I I D " V I F 11 t '
--I'.i Hiicr,sful1y f.r s v
i'i l.i,t t ii uri fi rii v. i
I....;- .
: : . . m I'-'it'.m, a I K.
:r. ha j .-'in i!i'.-r.tly Uca'i it in this city
II. ; in the u..rth- ct pat .i t-wu.
Ju y I... ;f
A f..'.i! hS' rliiiiTi' rf M'at e. Ci ' i Tri.
J.wlry. !-ilv.-r Wat , Kane (no 0 Vi. Iius ind :
vliu Trl-nnur!i; aii n h.iaJ. AiltVuti i-ti.'rl-ciittnl
t ln rr; wo! be warranteJ.
Aoril lo, -t'.
roa SALE !
Thirty desirable business anl resi
Ton thousand acres of prairie ami tim
Terms to Fait cash purchaser-.
V. it. WHKF.LKK.
m3 Ktrti A.ent,
Court, l'laii .mouth.
WHITTEMORE & CO-, Proprietors,
Bny 11 kind, of train t highest market rats. Th"
a:teati.,n 0f the urai oirs of Nehra.-ka u caii. .i
to the nuerlor tarilui'-s ..fT'n!t it thtrn fy t!s ui:i:-i
tacoayertine into cash the inf f .r th.-
t0l.ra,iu market. i vw. s,-n,
Probate Notice.
Pursuant to an ordr of the Pr.batt Court of sa i 1 on ih.;ih dyrf A..-..,t a i . i-i..
notii ei hereby t'O'tn that all cl:ti:n ak-ain-t the. --
u-t .f w.iey j. nes, late c.umy, d.ceaw.i,
mist beon tie m the otHce of sal J Court oil or Lcfore
tkr&h Uy f February, a. D. IStiC,
ohwit, ixytMCmTt inse.sioa to bear
and etrruin on alUucu ciaims
G.T;n ;:, :-"V.Tj.TT.;. ,t .1 n ....
1 "-1 Uy TO. . t ..... .fh1-.
1 tih d,j- cf Anpnt.A. I. I-6.1.
j w MAitiMLL
The revival of printing," gave ibe
world, in succession, ten translations
of the Bible into English. Among the
last, was the King; James translation,
then, of great ami unrivaled meri'.
It has commanded the assent of Pro
testants speaking the English, tongue
so Ion.7 that il now has their Teverence.
The arpearanoe of a competitor with
the common version, is from the im-
VI ',"5 i portance of the Book itself socially and
v. hi , religiously an event worthy of impar-4r-
im iial comment, not only from the religious
i " i j but secular press.
'fhs fait that this society was formed
-. ,i rf,., 1
The folrowing are some of the poin'.s
claimed by the friends of the new trans
lation : '
The common English revision was
first issued in 101 1. The Euglish lan
gunge has since then undergone great
changes, so that no book of that date
can be intelligibly read without a cor
responding vocabulary, gome words
have ir.terly passed out of use and are
, never met with except -in the Lible,
j , ,
t auu wlitnreaj they are not ucuerstooa.
j . .
1 1 tius . "wist occurs thirteen times;
"wot" is used eleven limes. "We do
j you to wit" fails to cqrivey the idea that
i it otice did "We make known to
i you." The latter is therefore substi-
iuiei Lt it -in tha revision. "Days-
J . J
j man lor umpire or iudge. "Trow
1 ,
for think; "Leasing" for lying; "Ear-
inig for plowing; "boa ana 'sotMen
' fur- ivlrln r; .J-:Sfhev" for s'urr'rK !--
en" fjr advanced; "was" for become,
purtenanct?, ravin, laches, thode, du-
redi, mini-di, garner, crackness, bested,
bray, albeit, astonied, magnifical, and
many other words we could cite, had
we time and space, that could readiiy
bo exchanged for terms familiar to the
modern reader. Sometitnss these
words, though retained in the language,
have so changed their meanings as to
convey erroneous ideas. Thus "con
versation," used eighteen times in
King James' version, in no instance
signifies the talking of persons with
each other, which is a meaning that it
has acquired since 1611, and is now
its only meaning. Thus Paul is made
to say "our conversation is in Heaven."
. . , ns!nrta ,.:. :..ont.. :n
1 11c utiiuiii uci.iij uui woiii
is m Heaven. So the word "prevent"
! then meant to come before or precede,
I now, it means to hinder. As the ver-
f iu" nmV stands, David declares to
LioJ. "My prayer snail prevent lnee,
"I prevented the dawning of the morn
ing.'4 The original says : "My pray,
er shall come before Thee;" "I antici
pated the dawning of the morning."
The word passion formerly meant suf
fering, now we use it in an entirely
different sense. So list for wish, tale
for number, "all to" for completely;
"quick" now means, except in the Bi
ble, in haste. There it means "liv
ing." The profane freedira, which still
prevails among the French, in the use
of the word God, prevailed io. England
at the time of the former translation,
and has marred many parts of that
translation, by the irreverent, not to
say blasphemous introduction of the
name of the Deity where it' does not
occur in the original; and in a manner
too, which tends to promote profanity at
this day. Thus "God forbid" occurs
! twenry-three limes in our common
1 vers-.ou, where the original simply says
J "'' no Inen3," or "may it not be."
j "God speed" is ued several limes
i 1 . 1 e , r, ,
j where uiere u no mention of the Deity
t nrr- Wnnl.l " nnt
tne Original. OUM to Uod, and
j iiU-0Uij God," are used twelve times
j where the original expresses only a
j wish without any mention of God.
"God save the King" is a mistransla-
. ton cf tiie same character. . The ori"--
I inrii agreeswith the instruction of
Christ : "Let your speech be simple,
ves. yes, and no, no, for whatsoever
u more man mese comes 01 evil.
.1 . . e -l
tw... r t - - .
i lv-in Ja'nes translation, it 13 ciaimea,
vi0iateg it.
At the period when the translation
was made, they were not characterized
by delicacii and modesty of expression.
Some parts of the Bible are needlessly
so translated as to make it improper to
read it in course in public or before
mixed audiences. The authors of the
present revision promise to furnish a
version equally faithful, . and nior in
accordance with the purer standard
of taste now prevailing.
The Bible ought to be a standard- of
grammatical accuracy. The changes
in the language affected by lime, have
made some of the expressions of ihe
common version ungrammatical. Thus
'be" for are; "things that "be not,' "we
be," "they be." "Which" for who' or
whom. Formerly "which" as a pro
noun represented persons. "Them
which," "them that," are ungrammati
cal.errors of very, frequent .occurrence.
"His" for its, occurs frequently, - the
pronoun its being little used in 1511
now generally used in reference to
things. Adjectives are used for , ad
verbs, the nominative case of pronouns
for the objective, and rice versa. Shalt
and will are confounded.
The common version is the work of
fiftyfour men, all of whom, except one,
were connected with the Church' of
England. So far from being non sec'
tarian, the translators in their preflato
ry dedication, express the hope that the
' Church of England shall reap good j
fruit thereby.'' In accordance with
this lias they translate the word "epis
copos" variously, as bishop.or overseer,
accordingly as may be necessary to sus
tain prelacj'. They insert the unau
thorized statements that'Timoihy' was
ordained the first bi-shop of the Church
of the Ephesians," and that 'Titus
was . he first bishop of the Church- of
the Cretians," nciiher of which is a
part of the original. They put the
word "Easter," an unscriptural term,
derived from the name cf a Saxon
God less.' in place of th? word
over,'' (Acts. xn. -3,) as divine au
thority for the observance of that day.
They call robers of ienj)Ie.i robers of
Churches, to sustain the Romish idea
that edifices of wood or stone are conse
crated to divine worship as churches.
They sanction tha Ilomish practice of
cancnizing Christians by prefixing St.
to the names of the writers of the New
It is claimed that in many instances
the defects of the old translations have
formed the basis of valit skeptical as
saults, which a fair translation would
have disarmed. Thus in Exodus, in,
22, the common version represents
God as directing the Hebrew women
to borrow from the Egyptians what
they never designed to repay. The
same deception is inculcuted in respect
to the men in Exodus, xi, 2 . The
original means to demand. Having
toiled as slaves without pay, they had
a right to demand a part cf what was
due them. So in Samuel, xn, 31
1 Chron. xx, JJ. Divid, "a man af
ter God's own heart," is represented as
sawing up the Ammonites, hacking
them with axes and burning them in
brick-kilns, thus inhumanly destroying
a whole nation because their King had
offended him. A correct translation,
it is claimed, would thata that "he put
them to," or set them to work at saws,
axes, brick-kilns, etc. i e taught
ihem to labor at agricultural and me
chanical arts, making them a peaceful
an l a useful people. In Jeremiah xx,
7, Jeremiah is made to ay: "O Lord
thou hast deceived me, and I was de
ceived." Il is claimed that it should
be "Thou has persuaded me and I
was persuaded." In Isaiah in, 23,
glasses are spoken of at an age in
which glass did not exist. It should
be mirror. So in Numbers, xn, 3,
it is objected by infidels that Moses
says of nimself "Now the man Moses
was very meek above all men which
were upon the face of the earih." TLis
passage Dr. Home re-translates thus:
"Now the man Moses was depressed,
(or afflicted) more than any man of
that land." . .
These and similar cases, are not on
ly familiar, but so numerous as to give
rise to the habit on the part of preach,
ers to translate for themselves. Noth
ing is more common than to witness
these otf-hand translations from the
pulpit b Hebrew and Greek Scholars
of the most superficial attainments; yet
who feel compelled in jastice to the text
to translate it.
But besides correcting the errors that
have arisen from the . change in the!
English language since the translation
was made, and defective translation of
the common Greek version, the Bible
Union have entered upon the work of
collating ancient "manuscripts and cor
recting the errors of the Greek text of
the New Testament. .'
It ii gratifying' to know, as . stated
by Dr Home, that the very worst man
uscript extant would not pervert one
article of cur faith, or would destroy
one moral precept. At the same time,
the greater the accuracy to which the
original text can be brought; the ; more
perfect will be the light that we will
receive from a correct translation; of
There are three sources for ascer
ta'ning. the true original text of thd
New Testament, viz: 1. The Ancient
Greek manuscripts. 2. The Ancient
versions into different languages. 3.
The Ancient quotations in the nymer
ous theological writings of the early
Christian Church. In the second cen
tury the New Testament was transla
ted into the Latin and Syriac languages,
anl in the third, into many others, and
so closely rendering word for word as
to show the precisa word that was be
fore the mind of the 'translator. The
quotations in the numerous theological
writings in the Church, beginning with
the writings of Paul's companions, Bar
nabas and Clement, are so abundant as
to cover the whole New Testament,
the same words bein quoted again
and againby different writers, showing
precisely what was the text read by
those who lived nearer t the age of the
Apostles- The first attempt to com
bine these evidences for the purpose of
ascertaining the .true and original text
Mill, iu his critical Greek Testament
published in 1707. The King James
revisers corrected a few errors in "the
received," -Greek text frpin which they
ii-pnflipd and rr.4rt mnf rhan"f hn
were not corrections, but they had but
little of the apparatus necessary to en
able them of its correctness as none of
their manuscripts were older than the
tenth century. The Bible Union has
collected a vast mass of rare and valua-
uable works, including fac-similes and
lciuuing lac-simues ana
copies of manuscripts dating from thc
e .1. , .1. .,t, r,,.,.. V,Qf
(liientlv, the very existence of whiclJ
was unknown by the revisers employ
ed bv King James, in no library m
the world is this collection equalled.
The history of these manuscripts is in
teresting. The Bible Union have also
had before them the ten leading transn
la'ions of the Testament into the Eng
lish laniruace. viz : That of Wickliff,
t '
in 13S4; that of Tyndale, 1536; Cover
dale, 1S36; Mathews Bible, in 1537;
Crammer's Great Btble, in 1539; Tase
mer's Bible, in 1539 the Geneva Bi
ble, in 1560; the Bishop's Bible, 156S
the Doway Bible, (Roman Catholic!
in 15S2 to 1609; and the King James
or common version, in 1611. Al
these versions were made, however
from the "Latin vulgate" or received
Greek text almost without attempt to
ascertain the correct original by the
ancient manuscripts, the materials foi
which were then but little known, anq
the few that were known were no
used. The first attempt to correct thdj
text used in translation was made b4
Mill, nearly one hundred years; afte
the King James versions was issued
Since that time many eminent scholar
have continued the work with result
heretofore known only to the learned!
but which are. proposed to be embodie
in the new work.
Writh these advan'ages before then
the question arises whether the Bible
Union is sufficiently non-sectarian for
the work in which they are engaged.
Of course, no such work would ever be
attempted, except by Christians of some
order. In King James' translations
fifty-three out of fifty-four were Epis
copalians. In the Bible Union, there
is no sectarian test 'of membership.
All who contribute are members. The
Beard of preliminary revisers, includes
the best scholars procurable from nine
different denominations. The final
committee consists of four members
representing three denominations. For
fifteen years they have been engaged
in this laborious work, accompanied
incidentally by the translation of the
Bible into other modern languages
The result i before us inlhcrevised
New Testament, the Book of Job only
of the Old Testament Laving been
completed. ;
We need not say that it possesses
many merits. Many antiquated, rough
and awkward fxpressiona are changed
for those that tire more smooth and
modern. Yet on the whole, great rev
erence for the common version, and
caution in changing it has been dis
played. I might offer a number of examples
that would b;j very profitable, as well
as entertaining, but I propose a shorter
and better method : every one procure
a copy of., the New Translation, and
comparethem at leisure. The liberal
class will do this; the zealots - will
not. :. , . T.uly, ; ; . D.
A New Match'. A lucifer match
is now in market that differs from
anything hitherto in existence. Upon
the side of each box is a chemically
prepared piece of friction paper.
When struck upon this, the match in
stantly ignites: when struck upon any
thing else whatever, it obstinately re
fuses to flame. You may lay it upon
a red hot stove, and the wood of the
match will calcine before the enfLnfk
ignites. Friction upon anything else
than this prepared pasteboard has no
effect upon it. ' The invention ia an
English one, and, by special act of par
liament, the use of any' other', matches
than these is not permitted ia any pub
lic buildings. : The discovery is a cu
rious one. There is not a particle of
sulphur in the composition jo the luci-
fers in question. . : ,"-'
. i 1 i . -
JSTA young minister went out to
preach, and cbserved, during his' dis
course, a lady who seemed, be much
affected. After meeting;, he j conclu
ded to pay her a visit, aiid (see - what
were the impressions of her mind. He
approached her thus: ' ' ' ., -""
"Well, madam, what .were . ynn n
auecieu aoouc, during preaching - to-'
day?" - !' '
"La me !" said the lacly, I'H tell
you. About six years ago, rne and my
husband moved to this placej and all
the property we had was a - jackass.
Husband, he died, and me f and the
,, nlonP. Ai Ut th Kmt
- TrTr "
John Taylor said in the f Tsibernacle
lastSundaj', with ribald jmpjety, too
profane to be ridiculous, that! they
the Mormons "had entered into ', a
copartnership with J esus Christ !" A
stranger, who heard the lang jage, re
marked that "the Saviour appeared to
be a very silent partner in the con
cern. ,
' lyF"That was a wicked ? boy, who,
when he was told that the best cure for
the palpitation of the heart wns to quit
kissing the girls, said, "If lhat.'is the
only remedy for palpitation, I say, let
er palp." v- - '
jSO'Larey, gazing wtH astonish
ment at an elephant in a menagerie,
asked the kecDer. ' What linl? ,of a
! baste is that atia hay with fiis tail?" -
) i -
J5SJ"The season has arrived for
warm cellars. Nothing , is easier in
our changeable climate ihan4o keep a
cool cellar. Open windows at night
when the weather is cool, and shut
when getting warm. Keep shut while
warm. For fresh air, open when cool
again. Our warm cellars are caused
by the warm wind blowing out the cold
air and occupy infi the cellar. When
there is no windJ the.cold air will re
tain its place, as il is heavier than
warm. ...Open, then, in cold - weather,
and shut on the approach of warm; or
when the cellar ia thoroughly, cooled.
This has always been our i practice,
and we have found it invariably . relia
ble and efficacious. ; mi
EfS5aTo make peaches grow without
stones, an agriculturist who has tried
it with success, says :
"Turn the top of the tree down, cut
off the ends, stick them into the ground,
and fasten so with sticks; in a year
or two these tops will take root, ' and
when well rooted, cut the branches
connecting these reversed and rooted
branches with the tree proper, and this
reversed. peach tree, will produce fine
hoa etsnes. Th same
experiment may be tried with; plums,
cherries arid carrentsj - -
; Want to see. Grant . mighty
bad, do you ?" said a .blue coated vete
ran to the people crowding aboard the
cars the other morning, on their way to
get a squint at our famous General.
"Wa-a-a-11, why in thunder didn't .you
come down to the front whea he want
ed to see you, hey ?" i , r -
Sharp. At a festival of lawyers
and editors, a lawyer gave the follow
ing toast : ; ,
' The editor he always obeys the call
of the; Devil. ; ' ' ;
To which the edr.or responded :
The editor and the lawyer the dev-
....... ' . - ,.. -- -
but requires the original ,,ot ther lat
ter. . - V
JgfS?"A Detroit officer who was tak
ing a female prisoner from Saginaw
in the cars, left her for a few minutes
to go to another car; when the conduc-
tor came aloot?. arid the woman refu
V .i' n W far. h nut her ofTiln
off the
1 e r J r.
train. The officer was not a little
cbopfallen on learning how he had lost
his prisoner. (
In a recent ride, we discovered
the following placard upon a gate post:
"Fur sail a too storey cows pen. The
oner xpect 2 Go 2 0811610.'' .
gggIt is a common error in cook
ing rhubarb to peel ' it. Thi3 should
never be done, as the skin contains the
aroma of the plant, and is not at all
fibrous, but cooks us readily and be
comes pulpy.
' Curb for Warts. Thomas Wood, of
Penningtonville, Chester County, says':
My hands being lite?lj covered with warts
I tried so me doion recommend-cures,
with no good effect, until I proonred
some muriatic acid." A few applications,
with a kitting neelle, to the top of the
warts, entirely removed the whole of
them in a few days, without causing "any
soreness or pain.
' A Good Receipt. To take out pitch,
tar ,,resinj paint, &s. pour a little alcohol
on the place, and s let it soak in, 'about
half an hour, The n rut) it gently, . and
you will find the fdcohol has soaked out
the glutinous quality, eo that it will eas
ily crumble out. ... t ,. - ri ,
Is aTVord. It is apparent that either
bayonets of ballot! must be constantly
employed to proteot the loyalists jf', the
South and make it possible for them, to
iiye-amonj their rebel neighbors... Shall
we keep an immense standing army in
the Southern States, and hold them in
subjection by a military despotism or
shall ' we give all loyal men the ballot,
and eo enable them to govern themselves?
These questions mast ba answered. One
thing or the other must be done. And
we firmly believe the . signs of the times
indicate that ballots will be preferred be
fore bayonets, and that the South will
soon be under the peaceful control of
loyal citizens. Dubuque Times.
C"A western reporter in one of the
cities on. the .Mississippi announced the
arrival from New Orleans of the lady of
a prominent Maj. General after the fol
lowing quaint style; "Mrs. General C- :
came up a passenger on the Handy
Her cargo consisted of . three handred
and eighty balej of cotton . and - eiht
i hundred tons aseort-d private fridgEI."
- -' !
Who said that all men are created free
and equal? Thomas Jefferson, the father
of Democracy.
Who gave the negroes the rlht of suf
frage in New York? The Democratic
Who presided orer the Convention
which gave this privilege to negroes?
Martin Van Curcn, a Democrat.
Who nfterwards elected Martin Van
Buren to the Presidency of the United
States? The Democratic party.
Who married a negro woman, aud by
her manufactured mulatto children?
Richard M. Johnson, a good Democrat.
Who elected Richard M. Johnson Vice
Preeident of the United States? The
Democratic party.
If President Van Buren had died and
Richard M. Johns om had become Presi- '
dent, whojwould hare become the Demov
cratia mistress of the White House? The
samo negro woman.
Who made the negro a citizen of Maine?
The Democratio party.
. Who enacted a similar law inMasa
chusettes? Tho democratic, party.
Who gave the negro a right to vote in
New Hamshire? The Democratic party.
Who premitted every colored person
owning $250 in New York, to become a
voter?, A General Assembly purely De
mocratic. -
" WIiorepeated the laws of Ohio, which
required negroes to civo bonds and secu
rity before. scttling in that State? The
Democratic party.
Who made the niulattocs legal voters
in Ohio? ADemocrntic Supreme Court
of which Reuben Wood was Chief Jus
tice. "
What became of ;Reuben Wood? Tho
Democraticparty eleoted him Governor
three times. .
Who helped to givo tie negroes the right
to vote in Tennessee, under her constitu
tion of 1795? General Jackson.
Was General JaekoV a good Demo
crat? Ue has Generally passed for
such. - - :
Who, with the above facts and many
others, staring them its tho face, are con
tinually whinin about Vegro suffrage and-
pegro ecmalitv? The it emocrattn parMr.:
...Who do you say uidiiese things? All
these things were done by Democrats, and
yet they deny peing tai favor of negro
equality, and oppose $ving the right of
suffrage to the negro, anil charge all theso
things upon the Republican party solely
just like the theif whoViies "stop theif!"
the. loudest. - "
C2"A New England'.litor who is trav
elling in NevadajSays-jji'English, French,
German, Spanish, Irish, Chinese. Pi Ute,
and other : languages, fiire spoken there
with much fluency ltd freedom, but
none seems so generally understood as
profane language." I
French IIoxet. As one of your sub
scribers wishes to knfcr how to make
French honey, and aa have not seen
any receipt yet, I send 1 ee mine.
Take 1 lb, of white sbgar, 6 eggs Icav
ing out the whites of ti-o, the juice of 3
lemons and the rinds if 2 grated, and
1-2 lb. of butter. Pal taese ingredients
into a pan or preserving l ettle, stir them
gently over a slow fire aatil the mixture
nearly boils and becomer thick as honey
then'it is done. Put i into a vessel,
cover it tightly with . pajper or bladder,
set-it in a dry, cool plrce. and it will
keep for a year. Cor. Grmanluwn Tel
egrmph. I s
To Preserve Scgar Corn. Gather the
corn when in good condiiion for table
use. Pat the ears intoM boiling water
long enough to harden the starch, but do
not cook qaite enough for eating. Then
cut it from the cob, spres it thinly, and
dry rapidly in the sun, oi i dry oven, or,
better still, in a drying house made for
the purpose. It is important that the
corn should be dried rapidly, as it sours
very readily when warm pad damp, and
! is thus ruined for use. Jjhnsas Farmer.
To Preserve Fresh
at. Keep the
meat as long as possible f
'ithout becom
over entirely
little salt has
ing tainted, then wash it'
with vinegar in which a
been dissolved. In this
ay it can be
preserved far some wee!
longer, accor
reather. This
ding to the state of the
may be of great benefit
farmers, who
of meat on
eserve for oc-
sometimes have a quantir
hand which they wish to
casional use.
CSTThe preparation of fruit by peel
ing for canning purpose has always
been a slow and laborious one. There
is a process which reduces; this trouble
to almost nothing. TakfJne lb. of con
centrated lye to eight gallons of water,
brins to a boiling state, t ''and put the
peaches in a wire basket, Jip into the
liquid and remove instantlv, throw them
into'-a tub cf cold water ail rub dry.
They will be found derrilM the outer
covering, and more pcrfcXtltban if peeU
ed with -a" knife. ; . -" -
1 litl
' I.
! t