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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1865)
'I'M j i i ,1 i ,mnm i i.i... i -i f f ! J. 4 i I L 1 i : CiJi RECOIL ILiLkC FOIl PiJIlIFYISa TH" BL003). And fort lie hpccUy cure of tho .'oiloi.-inir complain' Scrof'ii-i r-;l S"ro'nlon-i A.rrr. tM-: hi Tnmr nrri. l-l-rapt'on BMrilii.f , !"! full. Bftc;. Ai-iH Ulniu-i, aaJ nil Klti-i Diwn. I riil.. li Jui n. 18.V). J. C. Arm & C. Ci'Im': I I-l'1 it in.- tltity to tr inovvlptlsir tchst vour ?2! pnpuni.'a has done fcr rru. Having inherited a Seroftilotm infection, I liav iufTerea from it in v-mom wars tor yenr. Some Sine t bimt out in Ulcer on mv hnnds ami ai at? ointrtirtK- it turned i.i ward atic cii?trewl me at th iton.ath. Two year azo it broke out on my hem ind severed invVca!p and enrs with one sore, wliici was i. toilful Riid lontltfome beyond i!ecripiioii. j trieo roantr medii-ine-i anil feieial J hysicmn, bti n-ittiout iimcii rvtii-r from anvthinpr. In tart, tw licortitr pre w w nrc At leii-rth 1 was rojokwd ti read in the C.opi ! ls.-eii;;er timt vou had pn-patei in aitei-afi-.-e (Suit npaiilia), lor I feuen- Iroiri you repitation tiiat umt lin yon made tnii-t bii gooe! I sent to iiuini.ali mid j;ot it, and u.ed it till i iured in i. I took it, m vnn advice, iu Hiuail limtnoi tciu-jmotnl o. er a imn:t!i. n:id n-cd niinot f lirei .ivmiil In nltliv skin won be;; nil to lorn mirier the stili. ivl.ii:!i n'.tc-r a wln'.e lell oil'. M kin I? ntnv c eiij. sml I know !v my t'.-clin;; tiui tin- dirraM lian Irom mv yteni. Yoii c:iu tv: believe th:.r I loc i u lint I mil savin..' tvhe-:i I toil on Unit I liojil. ynu l be one ol tlie apti'ties of the ugts lud remain e.-.c.-r jjriilcl'alle. Your. ALFHED 1!. TALI.F.Y. St. Aa'K.onT'o Pir?. Rmt or Krytsi-Jno Xetit'r anJ ISIarmn. MraJJ lti:iuvor?u, fore ICye, Uro-r. lJr U-iU-i t .l I'u b c wn'ii Iruiii fcalein, X. V. 12; li So; f.. lVJ. Itiiit l.e ha cured nn itneterr.ti ca-e I rtj.i". wliitli tliM:iUi.ed til tei miiintc I:: I m I : v . hv rfktrin3 lic t" our S:uiiarj!Tr a"oa liau.'fioiiK Ji:'jyw "it A.v'.. by l-r dn ir ol Hif MiiiH-; -usi lit: c.iivs t i.c c jiumou L'ruj. ttoim by it cou.-iui.liy. IS roiirljor-3e. I.5"r or f-lwrliril rli. Zt bun. u on i , ol I lo-'.i' i't lVx.-, wi nor : ' Tlire. bolt ift oi o'ir a : : pii ' euri 'i me fi out a ( initr u liidii-i'-(! .niiM'ii tl.e Lick, wliica 1 badkui krvu l.oia or tv.- i'u!f."' J.eirrr"7iTi or lVliVi-i.tOrnrinn TpTmr I "Irriiie .Jeer:t - 3.-J . 1'riatl Iieai-4. lir S i I. tin. M.-. ol , Vo. k Citv, vi;!e "1 mo-t e';ci rlu!i ci.ii.j lv v itli tiie reiiiifi-t of you ts?'-i:t in aviIl 1 bii.e iu;iiil yuar Mfiuoaiiila i tnot cxcMti.t Ailerutit e' in I be i.nmeiou com pluiitt.- lor wliicli e fiii;t'ov iueli a remeilv, bu -;vciu!.y in 'rnhi'n H-W4 of t!ie teroiiiluu: tsisit l.f-i-. 1 liuve cuied niutiy inveterate cae ol Lnucorrl.'tNt b' it. in. (I ome where the comi.lai'i :is t:iiife. bv u'ei r ' of tiie i'crm. Tile uieer ation iiK-lf wtis mkjii cured. Xotliins Ivilliiu inr ki-owlr-det'aaii lor lime fi'iua. cieianxemeuln.' K'hvSrrt S. JInrr.w. of Hwbury, A'a., write A iia!iir-i on4 of'tr'titi turner on oi:e of the female! In niv tuiuiiv, h,cli dor!tl ail I In- rrnioil.n wt couid liij' or. Inis ut l-ti -rt li bten i'i)iiiH-li-!i rurec bv onr Kxt'act .!;ir:ipa: ilia. Oor plivnciat t! I orliiii but exti: p2:t.on coniil aTltl le let but lie ad. i-tl li.i-1. i:il of o:tr f;i'apari!i'a a tin l:ii-t nr.ii t l.i uiie t uilii'i. pud it pio.i'.l t-lliT.tuai Altrr tatin I o n- icm-.'.jy tijat cvks Liu V) wylou (ji U.f di ' lt:iiiaii.6 '' . K .v ..i I. . !. A:i;itt, 132). Prt. J (' Avi.i:: n. 1 . ! in t'Oiii!y will tlie r i 'i. 't ol uiir jr'-tst. ni:d ic; nr! to oiifoint oi l!.e d'fi I Iiy.e le.i'i.i il with your JSiTMipnii hi 1 l:a' f cu'e-.l uitli i . i it my pruef :ce. uio-t of tki e'.mij.ait.t- l . iii.-li it i- ivc"!iii;wnd-d. and iiavi Imiiiil it i ".' e's tiu'v nondeil'iil in tiie erne ol I'at r 't! i.i l 'ivvi'v' r' -j. i.:e of my pa t:' iils !: d . I t no u.vei iii lii liuoat. trkicli wert ronti:ii.:. i I i pa. ale a! d lie lup of bi inoutll Your il a i'iai:i.y taken cmed Inn in tivi Mee! s A; i.1i.-i waJ ntlacKed bv n-coiidary n mp loin-in bi inw. in d the u.ctvrtion inid eaten ana) a co:i-!'i e pail uf il. mi lh::t 1 be. lei c the dis crd. r tvoiiUt . on rescH l-f bii in and kill him. ltu; it j'.c'i'ed torn-, nuiniut-ution ol o:ir .Saiaiiaril n the ii!ee. hiu rd. i:d I e i.-. well a jbiti. Hot ol com St wifbo'i" "til..- li. li u: a' ion to hi laciv A r.iiiiui who t::-d ! --r-t f i d lur t lie i-ani'. ut-o: i!cr by iilur riirx via-- M.:!e.ii- 1;im t.n i.mi:i in bones I !i"v ! id hetiei:'- mi -et.fii.e to the weather that ot a i!n:i'; dav H v Miiffietl exerm:iiitiiir pain in bei join!.- r. nil IxiM'-s Mie too, wn cired eiitiiidv b oir Msi.-i'p::: iu a lew wevkn 1 ki.oiv from it! joininia. vliult i:ir s'rnt pnvi; me, that tlii: 1'iep.ii: in. ii .0 :1 ii.boratorv iuu-t Ik n frrea renieii. : ci.ieijiieui.'.', tl.e-e truly remarkable. 10 bliHr iviin :t i::i.e t.i.t .in pj ;..-il me. , Ifiaii-.-fcuiy ou.. O V. J.AhlMKi;, M. D. K?j 'iiiit;m. Cln-jl, 3ii v.-r Co:nla I.m i !.. in M 1 . p.e-ioli . o . Vu.. lit. 1 .iii.y, IS". 9 IfS. .1. . . Mr. I 1 111 . e In en tlfi.c'eit w ith 1 C: ii!,-i ci : 1 H' '1..-M lor a 10:1 nine, whicl ahli ii ti.e t? i I ! pn ; ;v.a 1 . ai.d htiiL"' 10 me it ..iie 01 a i th.- teuie.h - 1 li: d. until I t;ie voi r ti mi ai i'l-.i ) e lo'.t.e cmed me iu tv.i iuli. : t: 1 n-to-cd mv nifial health .) mucl II 'tt i hiu iai I "i ier I bt-ioi v 1 w a.s alliiekcil. . thnA il a iii:. t.e iii iia.1.. cn.e. J 1 l;i.A ji Ju' Y. . eih''l. of !. I.on'c. mite: "I liav beei. ll.'iil-j-e.. in: v I'll' s W'Tt II uti i r'l'.il f tir Liver tvlc!i Lt-riiiH'ii 1111 h.-uitli. 1 tiled eteritluiiji rud ev 11-;. ! hii. l.o. ed to leliove me: anil I havi Lk i. ii a i; ti'ni'I.-ilui. li man lur miuh- vea'" f oul n oiner e.-iLi' li rtt.'tt-.tirii ff Ih? Lirt-r. JI 1 le.". 1 ,! -j 1'.. t :i- I.e. Mr. Ivjiv. jid.ised me t try -. i.cir a 1 1 -i, l.t-vrro he , he knew on and a . 1 .I . - in ma le . .11 vim. t It t r- i:i Iy t h f!i--.i il ... r .. i c ted me. tii.d hi.- i-o pnrjliei HIV !; ii. : Ut i!l; i.e i' l.e'i .ill; . ol 111'.'. 1 feel OUU; aifa.ii I i t- I'.-. : 11. ut can lu of vod is Lot (jnod i.-j,;!i."- Cflitrnw. 4'rm?"r Tamo;, Enhrirtttint I ai rlinj, 1'ai'io 1 ujJ Zli..a.i.itio:i ol lite tl Biie- . A j;ii';:i .Mie'v of r:1 V'.'en reportoil ton V?.eie Cil'e- ol tlie.e 1111 laiihih e eut.1,1. Hints ha v. rtMi'ted tiimi 11 c! . . h'tt our fpac hne v. : : i t.ot adni:! tiieta. home of tlicin may u lomid li. 01- Anieiicim A' nll.'eli the upelit ca:l l )i- 1 ih--.ii ly'rrt-i'-i-i. tl-nrt ITi-4n. rjf, Epilepsy .li.'i ijtlniv, .i'iu'a!i!in. Jlatiy remaiki U.e cinis of thete ailection Ijf' lieeii nul l., by the a'teiuii.e power ot this medicine K :ir:lu:ale-l the iial iiii.ctious into riurou actin m.d ilnif o . cicoine" :i-o.i!eis w.iicli would be nip i.osed be; iii.ii its reah. neli it lemrdy has louj been ler ni i-d l.y the M-ee-Mlie of the people, am we are cuuii .1 ut that thu tv ill 1.0 lor them a.l lha i:u ihciiif cui. io. Ayefs Cherry Pectoral . . , , -i:: tijl i:ai'i: cr::t: of C'bn'"j vl'o'.l'. f nfl "- c-t, E I rrirntj C'rii'iii. Zi' ivtt'"m. lii-ipleiii I9u Mm ni.i, ;i)i'l Tor rln tC.-I.c of 4' ij 1'ii'itiri- I'ntlrul- in siil'iiaif-tl Wia-jprt Of tljl? EJ4f-t4C- "Thi i a r'-me Iv o 11 ;.i , cini:t ,- known to rnrpa any ot .ier 1 u on. e 01 throat ai.d luu eoinplan.ts that it i- u.-e!e-- here to p-ib t-'u the evidence of it iMtie. it. mil i . a: ed ac" iuioi lor couh mil colds, at.d its tutlv u.H.iicilui cuirn of pininouar-di-ia-e. have made it known liuoaltout the evil .yd na of tnt-earth, i ev are the ci iiitnitaitieJ or icvi'ii la:ui:ies. tinioii tliotti who have i.ot sont .eroi.Kl t xpvnei ee 01' in esTect fomi; liv in. tropin iu tuiir innlt of it victo v over the nubtl ci. 11 ilaiieioti .'i-on!e's of the thinat ntul liingj A all ki.o.v the dreadful lala'i' v ol lhe.e disorder! and a ti.rv ) rim-, too. tl.e -.fleets of this remedj nc T.i'.'.i 1 or ii more t l.u-.i to a-ure them that it ha nuve all the liitties that it did have when makin the cities which la-, r won tu ttrongly upon th ;ouli4uce of lu.inkit.d. PrcTiirod 17 Tr. J. C. JLXT2 li Co., Lowell. Masi A. A Direr ti'.'.ini uli l .to f -r Ficli Ib aO- v -ufce. l!yi.-i f l'vif atii Ajrue, . AV Liwr Co-ajr' Cvt'.lvouc-vs jj - V llUUsHH-oa. J.earaSj;i-i.C..:iv V j. .. ... ... t, r.. .,.:. IV 0'tru.-.ioni, ic. , f 4 '" VTILSOrvi S PILLS ar Tin Tcr-."? KnuRUJ.tJ to l tbelst now In asc. As a Vaini'.y ."icliie tb j are rartic: laity reeeratuetdvil-simple ; H liurtnUn, fcot hi;b'.y meJ.ciaid iu their coin Uuatlrr. Ore IV ill a with miM but cor- tiin effects. Thv robust m m ai; 1 the Jc'.i?ate ci il I 'nil than, alike, witta eTry f enUu teJS.-ty. iih V'l-3on"3 Pi.l,evory M ;tb-;r iu tliB larid brci'tae her r.-wti 1 ijy-irisn. Thry have proteJ theai'C-lvi a :T..ino. an J staad wUUuut a fival fir tba f 'llowii'afroetii nn: UEADAC'.IK. I" I" V SI II A; iSLK DYSPEPSIA.ilVErl C3II?LAi:.r. CTSPEPSIA. ilVXR coaPLAisr, Costiveness, IJuioosness, Jieuralslr . Costiroaejfl, Bi.loasaess, Ncuralgi , all 2rug2is.'J & Dealers everywiei'Aiti:i bv i B. Ii. rAIH7E3TOCK s CO. Importers &Whc!e$2!o Drjgaisto Ko. C3, corstr "Wool aai 3ts. T ' PiTTSaaaCH. PA.- "&x vtnraicioiis or B. L. Fahnestock's Vermiitige W V ! Icrofula, or iung-s Evil a coiiHiirurioniil tli.scasp, a corruption of tl joJ, by which this tluUl lictoiut's Tit ::' enk, ami poor, lii-in iu the fii ;nyt;-!!i, : rvaiL-s the whol.' body, un l may Ltirt ci. 1 disense 0:1 nay jiai t 01 it. No ornn is flv . j:h it iitta. ks, nor i.-; th-.-re onv v. liti-li it 11:11. ut cl.-stroy. The t-ciot'uioas taint is variwii-i tisod by ' int-riturhtl dt.--casp, low living, ti rclcrcJ or uiihc:t'.:liy 1'joJ, inijuiic air, ;J ili:!iy liuliits, tiie ci -pici-iti!; viL-cs, t.uc" bovo oil, Ly this vetieroal infection. What vcr be iu origin, it L hertiifary ia the c-i titution, desceiwlitig from rjariiit to i-iu'drci into the third and fourth generation ; " indeed : seem to be the rod ot" Him who nay, . vill visit the uiirjuitiej of the fathers xitiot lifir cliildiTli." It t H'eots commence hy djpo- ilion from tie .ood of coriitpt or tilccrons mutttr, which, ii le lung-, liver, and internal orp ins, is t. unci abercle; in the ghnuls, sweiliiiojs ; jnid 01 lie Mil-face, eruptions or Mires, t his foul cor uition, which ejeiidjrs in the Llorn!, d'.'presstv 'ie energies of life, mi thtit .vciofuhms consti'ti tons not only Mir.r fioni si-nil'iilons co:ii Iau:ts, hut they have far less power lo will. 'and tiie BUacks of other diseases; iou--e tten'ly va-t ntnuhers pcri-h by tli-oi chr .hich, tlthouh not M-rofuhnis in Hictr nature re titill rendrred fatal hy this tair.t in lh ysteni. Most of the consumption which tl---niatrs th? human f.miily litis its origin dir. i-tij 1 this scniftdous conr.i:iiin;ition ; nr.d )nan v-trnctive discaws of the liver. Kidneys, hnr.n ni, indeed, of nil the organs, arise from 01 e ntravntcd by the Mime cause. Dneiitiartcr of nil our pi o ilo are .frofiiToti ' eir persons nre iiivaihil by this lurking in-L-tion, ntul their health is mulct mined by i". ) cl'. anse it from the system wo must renovate C blood by nn tdreralive iri'dicine, and in ;4oratj it by 'healthy Too: I and cxercis? ueh a medicine we Mipp.y iu AYER'S oinpiiid cf S;irsnp;iri!!n, no must cfrcttial rcni"dy which the medical of our times can devise for this every . here prevailing mid fatat malady. It is coin in ed from the most active remedial that have 2c:i discovered for the expurgation of this lotii isorder from the blood, and the rescue of the vstc-ttt front its destructive consequences, fence it should be employed for the cure ol ot only Scrofula, but also thoe orher tiffec or. which arise fiom ir, such as I'.m'i-1 1 v; nd Skin Dim: sj:s. Sr. Anthony's Fn:r. '.ikk, or I'avsn-r.i.A, I'imi-i.f., I'ivii i.i:s, !i.(iti mi s. l.r.MNsimd I'.oir ,'l't mo':, Tr.TTi:i: nd Salt 1 i 1 1 i; -m. Scii.h II i:. i. It inowoum-, in.rim -isM, Sv en 1 1.1 1 ic and M kiu 1 ki.m. l;s si:s, liitoi'sv, Dvsitpsia, lh mill v, and, ll'.'.-ed, Al.t. CllMri.AINTS AHIMMi 1 ItOM VlTIA- i.ii on I m i'i 1:1: !t.oon. '1 lu popular lit lit I 1 impiiti! -i uf lite liouil" ii fuuuiiid in tit:"! . r scrofula is a dejtem-t a lion of I he blood. '1 h. articular Jiurpoe mid viitue of this Saisapa iila is to purify and regenerate Ihi vital thud, .ithout which sound hca'.th is imjiosbible in oiitu::iLi;uLid ioniitutioiis. Ague Oures FOIl THE SPEEDY (IRE OP nteiiiilt tent fever, or T'c-rrr and A-jue, tenilt tent Kt-vcf, IiHl I'Vvrr, H11111I: tsjne, Pt-rlodlcnl tlcadni lir. or llilions Irniiiu lir, nl Kllioii I'i vt r., inUccd or tlm v 1 1 : 0 1 Inns lit i.iM a.fsiu !?lnl" lifj I : lI!iarj' ririaiifciatut, inustii by lie .Malaria of Iiiaiout ic Countries. V."c are cnahled here to olTer tho eommui.i' v n emcdy wliieh, while it cures the above com !a:i Is fil'.i eertainty, is still t.rrfeelly liaimless in iit.j u:iulity. Such a reuieilv is ir.taluahle in distr el .here these atiiit titi-i disorders jirrvail. 'lliii ' CliKK " expel the mtasmalic poison of Fhvhi; .mi AfK from the syslcm. and prceiits the i!l el ipment of the disease, il" taken on the lilst ap iro.ieh of its premonitory symptom.. It is not 01. !j he best remeiiy ever jet tiiscuerd f..r iliis class f complaints, "hut'o the ihcupcst. 'Hie h:rs;C we supply for a dollar I nties it withir tnt e.n-li of cery body ; and in b; lions disliit ts, wh : 'r.VKtt A xii A':i 1: prevails, every I n?:v shmilJ mve it and u-e it fre e.v l.olli ft r cue tuitl 1 n lec ioti. A i-rent miifririty of this lettudy ocr n titer ever discovered fir the speedy at.d cciirir tire of Intcrm'ttcTits is that ii cimiaii s i:o (J iinii t r mineral, ciiiisf.pienily it produces no quit. ism 01 tther irj.irioe.s elie-ls nhateicr i.pon the cnn-titu-ion. 'iliose cured by it are lelt as healthy as 1' hev had never had tiie liisease. i'ever and Ague r.ot alone the cnnsprjtif pee o. he uilisiimilc p.'.ir.. A Zr. -k!.V of d.sor lert aviso fiom its i:rita'ini nmotig w-hnh r.r' Setti a'.iia, lihi-unnttism, C ut,' JI' iii achr, L'tititl let?, Tuotli n iic, tisiff!i-r. Cat trri, Aslhmn, 1'ul utat'inn, Painful Ajl'crtion nf the Sj)Ueu, Ihrtrv is, 1'itin in the i.Vir. .., 'olic, J'rrttfyih r.nd He tnirjcnifnt of the Stumnrh, all of vhieli, vvher irigmating in this cause, put on the int'innt'tin ipe, or become periodical. This C'fitK " expeh he poison from the blood, and consequently ci.res ihcni all alike. It is an invaluable protection le milligrams and persons tiavclling or temjiorarilj csiding in the malarious districts. If taken ocea iiuuallv or daily while exposed to the in'ceiioii :hat will be excri-tcd from the system, and cam o iccimitikite in snllii it ut ipinntity to ripe n into elis ase. Hence it i een more valuable' for protec ton tl'.an cure, and few will ever suffer from Iete r nittents if thev avail thcrti!elves of the pruttclioi his rrinedy affords. Prepared ty Dr. J. C. AYEB &. CO., T.oTrell, ITass 8. B L O O M .. Dealer in KEADY MADE 4fi 3r3nt3 Furnishing G-ocd. ats, Caps, IiOOts, Shoes, Trunks, Valises &c, &c, &c. V'.fO il :irirl U) r.r nn;T5'R finop' and I.EVOLVr.US always on hand. F.TY8 igraiits AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to Ihptr b-nefit to r-xnnvn tny stock before purchasing elsewhere Cash paid for IJidrs, Jtirt and Wool. Plattsmouih, May 5, tf At h-ii.'v.-i-.tV- :- r PILLS. Art yo'.i fick. IwlV, am ei-.iiip'.iii.imz" Aie you ou t l oit.ei. Willi jour'sy.-tcn at el -iour le-i-'juff 111 e'.ia.o: !: b e 'l hese e mil toti.s 'f oiten the pteimi lt M-iioli iiii.t-ss. -seme tl of f ieki:e-f s i ciei plm; npert tor., to d fdiou'd Le mriM b. vi limeiv i ffol the rtli rin.edv. Take A' ri'n I iPft a::o clefltife out ti.f di.-or i.eiod Iiu men a puiifv tin inrifv the KV-'fm from ti.e obstiiictioi.n w hich make li-easp. A eo d sett v stint -tt hi le in the body, am ibstittcts ds i.uttnal f.ii.ctioi s. 'I'lirse. if not rv ieved. iciict upon tlietu.-e vef and the siumuudin; .rirniis. piuiiuciett pel eml ajfjri at ntiuu. nitlciinij lid dit-ease. Whi p in tin coiuntioii. opprerd bi be tleraicgeinei.tfi, lake Aver 1 ids. r.nd see bov liiect.y they lesiore li e i.i.tiiral action of the em. ni d h it h it I he buoyant tee ing ot health aeaiu Yhat is true and so appiiiei t in this tiivial ri tl com mm co!tip:iiii.f. is alto triu in many ol ti.e deep eatcd ai d iianrerous distemper. '1 tie same purga ive et'ect expel them, fi i..-ed bv siinihir obsti no ions and tieiangemeiitN of ti.e iiaiuinl functions ol lie bodv, lh-y nre lapidly, Mitl many ot them suie iired by the' iime iiu-uiis. Moue who ki mw Ihi iitue of ihese I ills, tvi l ncu'ect to enip'oy then fhci; sutleiiti.i fintii the oiMiiiicis they cuif. s-tatea ills bom iei'dies J hv .-iciri.s iu ie inc of th nil ci j. i-1 cities, ui.d lieuii'iher iic.I-LliiHU publn leuoi.s : Vron a FonrariUvg J.' -rrlant rf St. Louis, Feb. 4 l,e. Pit AYPlt- Yonr l'il.s nto ll:e j riago'i of all thai n jHeat in itaiiicii e. '1 1 i-v hav e eiuid my litl.'t linijil.ter of u cei tins n it s iij on I.M.ds i i n Iret t.i't I. mil p.ovctl lieiin.Ht- lor ; ciii-i. iieriuotliei li's 1 is-n lei g K' n t ousl) iilhctt el Willi b.o'cl cs tl tl limp es on l i r si in ai.ti in hair. Alter out ihi tl v.t.s en cd, l.e ui:o t-.inl tutu i il!-. in d il py lave cuiid Le.-. ASA JIOllClllDUE. Aaa fat-iity lli sic. From Ut. E 11'. Cir.'t -ritht. .Vet" OrUnn. Your 1 ids me the piii re of purges, 'i heir ex 'hei.t t; snip:.!- auv cathatlic v. e os-ei-. 'bet a:e mild, but very eel lain and cttccttinl lutl.eii etiou on tl.e boue's. w hich makes thrui invaluable o us in tl.e daily titiilnient ot cucai-e. tlcatlai !ic,rl:cZt. Ilcncl.iclie, I'oul Stomach. J-'rnm Dr ,!'.', Ha'timor. Oeai: 1'.ih. Avuf I ciinn'ot answer j on n-Aal 1 lave iiirtl w . t Ii t our i ids li I lir tlnu o tiiy n'l that tre rrt r tient irith n jntriintirr meri-i'-. 1 place prent eh pel; tlc-nce on I nut elTecUiul athattie in mv daily coni.-st wilh dhi-ase unu be ietiug. ns J elo. tl.nt't our ! ii!s alibid li the Le-t we :avc, I of cauiee value tiicm highly. rirrs-:u-i:o, l'a.. Slay 1. 18.Vi. Dr.. J. C AVEft Sir I hate been i ci-cUciily metl of Hie wor.-t hr.t.laehe tint tody can have by a lo-e or two of j our I ills. 1 1 -t i ins to til i.-e li olil Oul sleiiiuich. which thev c'eau-eal once. Yours wild gieatr.'ptci. KI W I IlKri.T. i'i rL ij' S!tnim-r Cmriun. CiliatiH risoi tlrr r 'oiiiiil;i::itr. J-'rom Tin im 'r .'ii'. Xt Yorkt'Hy. Mot only tiie v um 1 i,'s i i n .nuUvitc.aiilt 1 In I licit mi use us tin iipeiient. but I tint! their Lei el. cull ifect i poti ti e l.itrr te.y inaikril inoeid. 1 lave in mv pitic'iec piuved nioie elleetual for the aiie of tiliiiHx ctin:fi'itt.i llitiii ant ore leim-tly I an nci.t.oii I sii.ct.eiv lejoice ihat tve have at ci.gth a iu cat ive w hn:!i i wol ti.j thecOLliilence ol be j"'u-"tou m.d the pee pie pKr.tnT'.'ENT OP THE I -tTKillOR. I Vi'i..-l.ii.:oi l. t 1 . VU. I il . l.o 1- I fsin: I have u-ed yjur Ills in mv cilieial and cspllal I li i-tico iter slice- toll made and r.i.i ni hesiiaU- to :-u- tley aie the lot calhartic te employ. 1 heir 1 1-jn.u'it.ti i clnm on the liver ir U;ck rial eleciued. cu i.ut-ntiy they me au ad niir.ble lemeiiy lor ticienjiements of Ihat organ niit-vtt. 1 have M'liioi.i tein.d a cte of 1-iLioug iti. ae in t.l i-tii.ate thai it eiid nol lei.dilv tie d tt Lent 1 Jiiteii.:..!; imn, Al.ei.XlO HALL. M L., 1 hy-sictiiit I'j'tke Mnriiit Jin.jnial. D)-sc:i!cry, Ii:2j r!ii-:i. ICclax, IVortai. From lr.J. V. i rnii, if Chicuno. Year 1 i. s hat e Liu! a -org lual in mv piartioe. lid i ho d 11. em iu I'sleeia ; s one ol the btit apenl r.'s I l av e et t r loi. :ul. 'I l.e-ii i.'tei ative p!ec? t J en he ni: 1 es ti...-.n m. ece. t:.t letiuuv, v neu .tven ii. H' tlcM-s Mr 'limit I'usciiffrif itrt't ...' i. i i.e r f 'ijiir-cnuTi-.: makes 11 c:a very tie t pi: I e ai d conv enii Lt lor ti.e u-u ct wouieu and hi.t.ien. IJ-s?3t-;:;.i, Inptirrr of the niooih ro.-u .Vc J. I'. Jl.iift. r i.r if .li'n ut 7.rr)i, I)i. AYEtt: I have u.-eil tt.ur 1 ill with extra ni.. i :ir. M.cei-t n. my lt.miV. and anuu ir tho- e lam al to lo visit in o.lte-s. To regu.ute li e inpu t of Uji.-lion mil in il v the- b etui, tl.c-v aie the terv n-.-t leuu-tlv I I. me ci el kiotvii. m.d 1 can cunli lent.y iccouimend tiitui lo mi Hici us. You is. J. V H1MK3. T."ai: v.-. W- omittg o . X. Y.. tic'. 114. lS-Vi. Di ai: m.. : I am t: .inn i oui : :.. i:c i i r u lily ai d III il .Li in ri. ece. ei.t j iir.ativ e.- o Name the a. d ;. ;lir f'tin'oin ff tin looil. ' Ji:l. C ".Ul. AC li AM, .M.D. )ot ti?n:o-l , " --': v:'Krw. Mrij,rt-r.ori, t:!i: Tiin:isi -in. I o:i'., .'Xcai'ilig;.!, Sviops), E'sir-iij sis, S its, :-. 'on -... P. l'ii)n-':ii. .If mi' i ct, Cnvai'j. Too lunch cs.i.i ot be .-. ai ol i ntn 1 nls ur the III e ol rot u rn. m. 1 1 o i ei in o-i r I. : to: i it i I in e oui.u iht m i s el. cat . oil: i s I l ave, tlei jt.iu lie Hi loi-laiiiiin;: it. .ol tie Le! cat of the mu. tit aces tbo Miller p.oin that cinnp aii.l, wlioii. a.u.oiih lit! et t.i'g'n in iUt-M, is the ni.jei Hot- ol ntlit-tr Ii al .le luiiru 1 belieie rn tiri -u .. lo in igit.ati- in the iter, Lut tour 1 his l.lic.'l tiiut uiyan and euie ;ht lueate. 4"-om Airs. K. Slxtrf; rfnixlchm anrl Midwife. Jivx'uu. I find one or two lage t.o-es of your l'ill. taken It the p!oJ t-r lime-, aie exce. :ent ptoinotit cs of the irt'iinil a. 'i'i on when tvl.oiiy or pait:iniy sup ncsMil. nntl a. mi ten ellectiiai to c'tmixr inc ion.itch aid t.rjn-1 rii:in. ll.cva.e m lunch I he ic.-t htsic we have thai 1 iceommeLd .u to 111 1 Ucl.l From the Per. Fr. Jiau l-m. tf lite MttTtotlint Fpis. i'ijlll'iit. I fLASKl IIofSF. Si-. ai nab, (in.. .1: n. C.. lxi'1. l.o.Mn.l li Mil 1 Moii.U he in. li :.!i ml .or the -e.iel tout ski i I as l iiui.t lee il 1 t.ul I ot lepoil ny care to ton. A ce ;Ci -t-tiicd iu m-.- limbs s. i -il bought em "i xeriic iim.. ?..i.-ci.yic t. lacli !l.tled in t limine i r, i.i.;h I. tin. Svltv ill. situ. eiii g 1 ir.d the I c.-l ol phv mc.i.i.-s. tl.e disease gietv wore u. d tioiM'. ci.tii b1 tl.e iii.iL-e til' lo'ir excel t-nl ijent it: llait.noit , Lr. 31;. cl ei : ie. 1 men t tiai .'Hi. Their tilt els v.t.e si.ii.but i-uie. iiy per ci ci iug in the tie oi t i.e in, 1 ion entii ciy we.h FHATK CHAVfrrKn.llRtlltl IletlrM. I.n., " IeC, in: AYKi:: 1 hne I ceil ei.lneii cuito, by toui 'is. of Jlhftinuttie ttoet f 1 mi .id ui.- asfthat lict Xiitttd mc lor jeau. YINtTCM --l.UiI.LL. CTT-Mo-t ol'thn 1 i'i in miiikct contain Meicnry rl.ich ititt.oult a vii'ui.b.e it-metly in skillul litmus S uangerous in n pub a- pill. In. in the dieatlltil con CTUeii'.es that lieip.ienti.' lol'.ott its it catil ions uce "he-e contain ho ineicuiv or minciai tubstauci rbatever. Price, 23 ccata pa.1, E32, or 5 Boie3 for $1. Tcpared ty Dr. J. C. AYEH t Co.. Lowell. Usui IIanni?):tl X: St. Josep!i, PvAILHOAD AND Packet iLiiies OV .-.llssftt I!l Tri-wppkly 1 a. kri ;! 11 in I .. n i M. J.i-piK. H e) l.aiv Hii.i.b i C-.tin 1 Hluir . I'I i r - -1 1 - n li ebrHSi.ii Cli y ats. iui( r nt-tii.-.t ptiii.t f r-t J.. i-li, niii.e-et ng ni Si J ,.t.i.. i ) r i -n-. u II .ht; ii.;. i n.i '. J -ei li K. It h a i'j S: Jote,ih at ll:;:ul'. M, i-ii a i ivit'K at GUIECY, CHICAGO : ST. LOUIS N MXT DAY- On id nf'er t i n. .'ail ana iI-hp c.iiinec ' ..i:f frein ISt. J'i-e.l l . A i liis.D.- We-Oui I.''hvvm vvi.t ih, M y an :. ate. Kit -i - C ity. I. aw n:ce, it p.-ka. if., vi I lit et iiiitilry I'. II. and .-leiim ' hiu-ii.'i I. s St. J pi i:. it I.ii.-.) Li-'t- st. .i.,-,.r.r, s -'i t 0. , arr ve at Ait'tiis..ii .it li.:n' A. M , W st .ii 7:.Ci A. '1. h-avonw .1. li 0 I A AI., .1 V U.I..U- III 'HI t i , kau-i' liav i A. M.i aiviru.-e ut .. P. .tl . Tll!:0t't;i! TICKt.Ts Kilt AI.E 1. v Pt.rtcr i l.c"cl t in i ;; Ii W. Lite "ck, C.-itin-:i: 1; l M t. C. I !' ' siu ei-li: f. f. lli.w ey. . hr i;'.v. bav ih uh t.-. Li d s .vi r.u i y. I xtet sivo rtfaiis ei. t: c IInniK.i I -d t J -.-p'i A: r. d.l, Le VI l ' li l a U ui ! i ' UL-a I ri i! ! I llg -l. k .Mill irit ti. t-i .If h--e iui..rt i.i . c.i.itl.g.& it) U ih tp I ;-tl t y ;l i- ...t. C iv..;k.vh t't-i '. .-'T'r in enilent. P 15 I. sua i i..-i'iTi k-.-tA,' nr 11. H. e.'. ChT.iiCitT O.-il ' itijht A7t-nf . - I ni.i ii-al, tli. tAt-T. I reus Ktiai), cp -naiea h-ni I c. et bi iem, I JO.Jh. to. , J: n i : yv Shoe Boct Shcp. T" "-'1Rv-t , J blt.oel, ai.U let llip tlutj ilTr- ftii"'i'''-rfmov e on ur.i.bstriteted ji L ?s".'ltti:1 ': - VZSA enlth iigiiin. I hey ittmu t:Tf-''fcV-:fji..-? ll- fie fni.ctioi.s" if ihi i-- .--" : bmiy into ioiuus nc'ivitv h snS-cr;her tv nul.l ie t ecifa'ly ell the :ten ien f i I.e c i.ii r I I li I n i tut J 1 1 u I I at .ifc-p t'. il c aa-i 1 ha- h Crtied o e "1' or c si tif .) rim's li' Hull, lie p In- iLf" d crpitiir it I hi d aii.i ti ilea u a the -hnitert ai t ce. eve-y- irticiein hisiinr II i- u i k I rii C u c' li ii ly li id (f. and bv. tax t ut it e lacs' of 1 I- lite in He business. I't V e. & alicat tlial be caa sliafe uon. One iiitn a cj.1i. April l'J '!. J. TiiOCKilOBIOS. TOOTLE, HAiXiVA & CO., AIAI X s ST11EET, - ... PLATTSMOUTH.'N.T LA U -ii - 1Jxt of Wholesale and HARD Clothing of every description. WINES If.'D LtQUOHS OF Ml KJND3 Con-?taritlj' on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEE?iSWAPtE. IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASII, DOORS i& GLASS. An. every article required by Arid eerjtocJy else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine mir extensive slock. -AT j riausiipji.!h, Afii! 10,. 'Co. 1805. 1805, AMISOX, DOYEY & CO., North Sitly cf ILive ij hum. ih- LARGEST STOCK of qui: mxs ware, maud w a re, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, liver Offered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant FLOUR, BACON, CORN,. OATS, &C. Thankful for pat Patronngc, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continntmce of the same. Call and examine our slock. riaUtsrnouth, April 10, ISGo. if JiT r ceived, IiO cas s . I iuued 1 . aches nt AUIivO"".' 1UVI V JieDS. i ' O t' AMl?n, POVKY k CO'o to pur- lia-e your AK cndie-var . I Li U et' 1 ef- Co .p ut A. I- CO' . -4 CASKS Mvi.lNy's Citv Ojste i)0 .- !- K lit A 1) & CO S. ' KKAT barcaiusia Ladie. " tre-nG.olK .t VJ -- A-ct.'S .. - l ORfALEai AMI OX. PoVi V i CO S. C. ff-e. i" T-,M.e r. i. "Id t?y up, !5 'i;r l.oase jlo- ! N W V' TlC It .Ddt s, e.c , etc. c "OAbOIb fir ailc by A D. .4 CO. r 1 1 UOX E Star tai.db s f. r -ale by t IV A, D. A CO. IF Jen wnt to guoda at a bsrpa'n. to to A it. k CO O BAGi COFFEE just received by Zy A. D. Co. A Lugs let of Choi Ten, tt GKST ?'-? rTt tta s. SS4 Viv'l " 1 ' 1 ' ' . St. JLotiis. Retail Dealers in Yf A R E, AfD- THE- :,Idi:i Street, wants. I Liir s-t i' f.e .allit Liir iis-oit i.eut .1 n.e .'it and boys' cl.iibmg A V CO. Htil.l.liii COK.t. lor u ehy A D. k CO. j ICOX and L.r.l lor sale by I 1 A. ! 4 CO. i V certo iAdd eiu fit ug liood jut lece ve ' by A. D CiU. LL kinds .f I'j wig IiiiLitiiitnis for -le hy ' ti A. P. Il CO. Vli'Tgi ot ol rrj -Ijise piuws or sal- by A l & CO. A Ni;He?ii rail ty . f IlartHr.r' rni l C' ti-y for sale a: A D. A CO S aSU. Hiinrs, Shln:l", G'a a. and Na ' of . v-iy de -ri.t oti fur sp b . ! Ai i' IL 11 s . f Cm.B y Pc .. uo-- Tasen te ''X ha' Ke I'.r i 1. i. A II. tl ' I II ulu . era I ti-M m ti 1 v. Lain t r . e I I - wou d fl 1 ore b d ottl luaau) m.d othe, . AMI OK. COVEY t CO. r 'HE la gett Outfietioit Hon-e no.ttn.f 8t. Jus-.-ph A i AMIiON DOVtY 4 CO S., fialttuivUtb, tLrlli.. T II E NEBRASKA 3 1 a :!: l -s--A 4.Jti. vMlW -i-s Is the place to get CARDS, CI 1LXTLARS, BILMIEADS, BAIL Ii TICKETS TOTTERS, LABELS, LEGAL RLAMiS. OR From a TO A ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET TIIE J? TT B L I C KNOW TIIAT YOU ARE Alive 8l Stirring. STJBSCriII3lE FOIl THE Nebraska Herald, AND KE E P YOU R S EL F POSTED. T.KF 133 CABINET SHOP. II. lTivtns- reenitly built a nw an lauiti -a! ITain Tt., Plaitsaouih, . T., tV. n' I r..tic'fi.Py iti'i-tn t'trlt in,,,- (,,, . ;na e a:.i.j, lU It a La, t.i I ..c.,i;M fj. r.i in g en th j In uHl: brmch- IN THE IIOT APPHOV.ED STYLE I i.v. pi. -fared to tarn out t.-v C II U A 1' K S T ft: J i.i ( d'irablo Of every i!e,ctj'J en, ever cli -ie I Hi :LC Territ.-, s a t i s r a cti o a u a it a n t r.w. Aa-t's-'Vit'ar awcctioli r .i.l l-l Clkicf uj i., -I-O . ill's. J--1 A.i v In 1 , i t !:,!-. r t.i'o-i hi evcVian.ta f t ..:, 11-1 1 1 ...u'a. A :il la, I -.a. STOoSTdi: BRICK LAYING.' : The nmlorsi,-;neJ ure r repared t j dj j ALL VOIiII ZH 1KIIE LI3 ; . ON shout ao'xtci: and nt REASON AD LE RATES iji'.'jiui'ii N'ji.iirs i Af rtl lij-rr.0 Cl p o 1 t-r P o o 5 Q 1 """ - . "3 H H a 4 X- -T- Z id. rh P Pi O a li o t o o o - x -- VS ?: --l, v . o 7. m CD CO O o o o . Cs -l o o X -a a 22 o o m t K-t i'j-i-7i- J In l-t? J A do'nt, r.V. ; iiit.l rrrtj Yul.ia'iie Pn' fir I'.rr-,, 11',, ,.,;.,, Uil 'ld IN CI1 V, V.L'.A' I , AMI CUUNlilV. tiii; Am cii can floriculturist I"::t ii: i Farm, Garden, and Household. I lucttittiti a Sjeci I l) i if! rn-ul of t.''jii e..J Th A yri'-ii't'tt iC i-i a 1 i r-; j.- i'.'..ii" .! 'ii t't'' I.' ..Ill f ..1 .' II HI I . 'I I I f! H-i v.-, - i f -,: - in . el nil" m- .ii I m l' r. 1 .i-,i l B. l,i a j . . , ; ' r .1 t - ..i I : ..: . in-) K ,;r;vi. r, iu t-i. y Vol :,i e. I', r-ii'iii.,-1-.'', ni.-i'ViCi! -s'v r.r'1 it:' t li- Ii 1 1" : 111 '1 n ii ; , ,-! i i I ', i .,-. l i Gillll:'' in .,!. I ar III d tl.e Jli.r'.i. ; , t. T 1. tl .11 - I I . f .li,'.4 .,.., c '" -v v v. -i' i- . r- r. 1. 1 r, , i ... j, ,, It- . ' II'.. I.i;, j .1.'- .1, v h . fc,...iv s i, i ii,. v .. ,t. Ji- Th- -.,', , t..r I- ' ' Mo-like 1- ,,.1T .iiil V IV 1,1 III-'-' ,1Cl- "j1 c i":..ia'til to l.a- t, -i" ' -'' ie '-' d O WO A lh- V-j a.-: ,ii t . i t,.ii ! r"':'' ir- l l:i .(,. ii.ip, i - ii - J m nr in .... ... . i,r il- ',e:e alitl vi lli'! a. j.. . lv . ,1 s. Tkrm i... ri-c-i .'"'' !' ' AwrUnt A?" cult.,.i r - : ' ' ." ' 11 b-fr - s-- :' ' c a .o- ve.r. ti- ' '' I a in r ,,!. j.r. ' k;iic V, i '" e ii-ii. ETTKY IT A YKtr.. 'JEa viE JUUD, Tt 1. iJirsfl 21 I'ark, w Ycti C! r i A. D. k CO'S.