Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 30, 1865, Image 3
LOCALiNEWS- f fcZTWe are indebted to Capt. Marshall, j of the r. O., for Into St. Louis papers- ;: Q-Our reporter says the Fair ntthe ; rarsbTterian Church last evening was a ; corrplete success. ; fIIas the Ornaha Republican fiis J peDdcl ? We have not received a copy '' for two weeks. : gjIt is reported that coal oil has been found on the Platto bottom near Ft. Kearney. r"Mrs. Kirkpatrick has our thanks bunch of Rhubarb 6ent us last for a Gn wct'k" g"Mr. A. I. Fuller arrived in tho ci 1 tv last week, having peen absent for ; eome time visiting friends in the east. yThe Territorial Union Central Committee will meet in this city on the ; 7i.Ii of Sept. yAuiison Uovey ..V Co., are receiv : ing the largest stock of goods ever brought , to this market. Call and see them. ryOat of 2.",(h) applications for par Jjn recieved from the ex-Kebe'.s, it is nated that tlu resident has actually pardoned less than lL'0. M 5"lt is a seven days' wonder to some how Bloom tnlls'so much clcthinfr; but when you examine his jruods and prices, the th'ng is male clear. C"S?"M. 15. Murphy i-i furnisiiiri liar ness t' nearly all the freighters who run mule or horse trains from this point jTThe work on the second story of the Masonio and Odd Fellows Hall build ing is progressing rapidly, and from present appearances the building will be completed at an early date. - - - m - Wanted. A city fafe othorw ;sp ' konwn as a 'jail,"' "calaboose," '-Lock-i tip," 'jus," &c, Sec. riattsn.outli is a 'riin" town, and ur.lnppily needs ' something of tM sort. will be observed tiint the call "for a meeting of the County Union Com- mittee has b" ti changed to the 7'h of ' Sept., that being the day on which the Ter. Cum. meets in this city. We Jearn that there are some Email bridges on the road leading west that are in need of repairs. Whose dutj is it to see to this? Let it be attended to at once. If we would retain the large trade we have with the C8t, and increase it, "we must, keep the roads in good repair. It will be but a slight expense, as there are but comparatively fo places that need any repairs, even in the worst time?; but w hat is needed should be attended to with promptness. C&yir. Cha's Parcel, local agent of the American Insurance Company, is now engaged in convassing this part of the country. Some individuals have been endeavoring to create dissa'isfac tion in regard to the company because their statement did not appear in the IIkrald of last week, and stated thak we were working in the interest of other companies; but the facts are easily ascer tained, and the lie sent home to roost. aioniejriome Institutions All persons wishing to secure a eure preventive from damage by lightning will do well to secure one of those Star Fluted rods, with Sprats patent Insula ters, and the best p.ated Points. All work warranted. Leave order at Mur phy Sb Glenn's t,hop, or vith the under sign jd. Having permanently located in the Territory, I solictit vour patronaze. J. S. WATERS. CHEAP GOODS 57" A Charter has been procured and h lodge of the order of Good Templar, will be instituted in this city on Faiday evening of this week. This is the second organization of this order in the Terri tory, and ppeaks well for tho moral and temperate elements of our town. Some forty names have already been enrolled for membership. It is an excellent tbinr, and is calculated to teach the young, as well as the oM, good morals and steady hnbits. We hope the order may be emi nently successful in this city, as there i3 need of it. Q'Tleniember that the Farmer's C'.nb meets at the Sheriff office next Saturday nfti'rnoin. Dn't fail to attend, as it is high! v imr 01 tnnt that this organization fhojll be kept in aJSonrUhing condition. 57"Mr. Forbes ornamented our sane torn the other d.iy with eon Iihlia i'.owfTs, for which wo are truly thankful. We understand Mr. Forbes has a limited amount r.f the plant for a'. Firf! What provision i being mad by rtur citizens for the better protection of pror pi ty from Cn If trnr..1, would it rot be well f r some of onr active young men to organize a Hook mi 1 I.atMiT Comr-a. nj? Think of it, young Lii?n. m CV'Now is a pond time to get boots anil shies made for winter wear, bi-fere the "rush"' communes. J. Throckmor ton can accommodate you with the best fits and the most serviceable material of any shop in the wr-t. Give him a call at Lis shop on min St. Rolled Oct. A train of fifty wagons, belonging to the Ni Wot Mining Companv undercharge of Wm. A. Davidson, start ed west from this ciiy last Friday. This train is loaded with a "') stamp mill, and ha 1 ?,,! i r ounds ou each wagon. liTMr. I. Chcs-hire, of the American Insurance Company, is in the !ty, star ring at the Ibtuse. Mr. '. proposes making this bis head r,urir tre for pome time, and will call on the Itizens of this s.-vthn of cou;;trv. 37"For proline yield of potatoo, plant the white Sprouts- On the loth day of April I weighed 4 pounds of White Sprouts and 4 pounds of the Mercer or Neoshamks. I cut each kind, two eyes to a piece as near a possible. Planted two pieces in a hill, about 15 inches apart one way and about 30 the other way. Hoed them twice slightly. Dug them on the 221 of August, and got CO pounds of the Mercers and 150 pounds of the White Sprouts. Beat this if you can. I also sttte that the White Sprouts are at least two or three weeks eailicr than the Mer cers, and eijual in quality. S.DUKE Pistols A large lot just received by Amsox, Do vey & Co. Notice to Tax-Payers. The City Council ha ext-nd. d thu tira- wh' n the city UX will becoini; litlinqueut, until the 17th of Autiui , ls6a. Now U the lima to ettle, rd rave penaltv and iDtareat J. W. MARSHALL. Ireas. City orriatttwoatb, N.T. Probate Notice. Netlc" is hereby given tlit Sulxraja Baibee. of Mills Coun'y Iowa. h&- raad" ap.i cation ti bo up. primed Aituiiumtralur uf the etitie of Margaret Johnson deceased, late of No mwa coiiDty. AliMuri. Iba Court wi;l hear s;d itpplicatioa for appointiuetit on ThurtJay, the Zlst day of August, 18G5, at 2 o'clock p. id. of day, at which time all per- Kins mterefeteJ can appeitr. Witiii-g my hand and eal of office L a. j on this the ad davof Anpust, A. V 1-05. J. W. MARSHALL, I'robate Joilxe. NEW STORE! Howe & Thatcher, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DIAU13 I NOTICE. Filing Claims against Eilatc vf P. A Sariy. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claim jmt tlie tette of IVter A. Sarpy, deceased lnte of Cass cuii'itv, nut file thern duly uotheiici cated by oath. v ith the Pn.t.ate Cojrt of Ca oiun ty. X. 1'.. u o. b,-f re the SlA (NL DAY Or JAX- L'aKY, l?'3'j, !it which time th"re will be a hearing of ul' ci.iiins tnu nl-d, and hii allowance mud- by tlie Court ola:l ciaitiia proven to be just. Wituf my band and teal thU 15' h ?ay of May, 15 II. U. H1IKEI.IK, May 15. m3 I'rotjate JaSge. "Unquestionably the best sustained wcrK oi tne Kind in tne woria " gTho annual meeting of the Chris tian Missionary Societr for Nebraska, wiil be held at Brownville, commencing Thursday Sept.l-lth, and will continue for several days. I'reaching of nights, and on the Lords day. Some of the best speakers in the United States are expect ed to be in attend iue', and participate in the meetings. Ample provisions are being made to take care of thes who will attettd the meeting from a distance. All, therefore, that are disposed to aten J ojr Christian meeting are cordially invi to dj S3. I). It. nUNOAN, Cor. Sec. X. C. M. S. . Cv7"IteaiJ the Statement of the Ameri can Insurance Co., of Freepo; t, III., in to-days paper. Tlie number of policies in force on the Srt of April, ISoj, was HAIUM'.Ii'S IVew .Uontiil' Magazine. Crit'ra notic t of the l'rens It f 4 the to eiuot M.i;ai eif (he day. The fire id" iiever had a more delightful coini,ii on, nor ihe million u more enteri.ri-MDif Inond. Ihan llarp r's U .ii:.e Uttujtlist I'TutextUHt ualota -re.) Tbe most popular Uouthy in the worlJ. .V. Ohnerver. W must ref r in tfrm of enl"y to the liigh tone and varied excellence of Harper's Magazine a jour With a luotit ily rircul .lton of .ilxiut 1,0,000 cop- it s ,m hose paes are to be found ome or the rlo it est liutit and i;eU'" al readnii; of the day. We ftp'-ak of thi-4 w rk as an evidence f the American peop e; and tlie ppularit it has acquired i4 merit e l. tai h number contains folly 144 pat-es of rea 1 iug matter, appropriately iiliiK-rated with ood wood cms; and it cunijin-s iu listlf the racy uionthly and the more phiios. pli;cal .inarte'ly, hi ud'.d niih ti e bet fvature, of thedailv journal. It hati ftrt-al piwer in the di-j-eiiiinat ion ( f a lov . of pure til-ralure.- Turner' truide t- At.uriiin Literature (London.) The volumes hoi n l constitute of themselves a li hrar of mi--cllar.eoiM Teadiiir, auch aa cannot be found in the same C'nira-a i:i any oth'r puolicat ion liiat has come uu.Ier our notice. iloston Courier. SUI5SCRIPTONS. 1 5Go. The puh'ishers have p. TieoteJ a ytein .of nini'lii" by which they Can ,ui p.y the Vagaziueand Weekly promptly to those hi) p- ' Tcr to r - ive their ptriod-K-als lir--ctiy f om theoltic" of publica'ion. The postage ou Harper's M igaziue is 24 cents a year, which niua; Le paid at the fcubscriber'a post of fice. terms : IlaHPCK's Magazine, one year. - 4. An exlr, ci pv of e:t:ir tne ilajr.iz'itie or V'eck y he eraiin for ever. Club of Five Suh- cnberj at H eacii, in oae remit ttne : or six copies for 5.'. Htck number can he fnpp'ie.l at any time. A c mpleteset, now c mprisini: Twenty-nine Vol. nine., in i-t ciotli tiiiihuu, wi.l b sof by express, f.eiizht at exir-nse of p'ltchaser, for 2 25 per vo uinf. Mtf voluui---, l y post pail $ i. Cloth easel for binding, li cents, t.y mail po t p..iJ Address UiK KIi & ttkOTHKKS. Franklin qllire. N. V. Music ! Music ("I'ersoris sihti.g iir:tf"s can pet hem at the Vineyard of S. I'.i' He informs us that lie has a large quantity m!Ih-ient to supply the entire demand of lias section of country: and weknowthev are an excellent article, for, by the gen erosity cf Mr. P.., we have had the pleas ure of testing them to the extent of a basketful!. The city authorities have finally pass ed an ordinance compelling lot owners between Secondhand Fourth streets, on Ma'.n, to construct side-walks prior to the first of Xovember, or the eitv will perform the labr and charge it to the 'froperty. We understand arrangements Lave been made for constructing the proper crossings, at the intersection of other street, hy the city Government. f"An Irishman named Leslie is aston ishing the world with his wonderful feat of crossing tbe Xiagara on a tight rope with his feet enclosed in baskets. Dur ing ene of his performances, recently, he lost his balance near the middle of the stream, and only saved himself by sheer Occident. lie caught the rope with one hand and had to work for some time Le fore he could raise himself onto it. 12.25. Capital.. $2o4.0:l. 2S, which is secured by lien on real cstete, wortlt ovt bi'ien ic ilium vf lHUurs. I h:s company was Chartered in A. D 1835. and from the fact of having paid promptly, and in full, the many losses which it has sustained since its incorpo ration, nnd being managed by old am experienced insurance men. who hav' made its business keep pire witn the fast devel oping North-West, the companv is worthy the entire confidence and patr n- nge of Western property owners for whose interest it clearly is to patronize a Ke.i iblc li'ine Instiiuium of thi9 kind. This company insures ngainst all dam ae by fire or lihfiiinu; against loss hv stock being hilled by lightning, whether in barn or field. Issues policies on the yearly-payment plan; upon this plan a definite, fixed amount is paid each year, without inter. est or cost of renewal of policy. Kates as low as those of any old-estab lishcl, prompt paying Company. r-j t or the benefit of ner,.-ns liable to tlie r.xetse I wou.d state that rotion 103 requires a duty of two and one-half per centum on Gross llrcipts for tho transportation of passengers, merchandise, Sec. for hire. Freighters are considered liable to this Section. Persons delivering the freight aro the ones responsible for the tax. The proviso in the law mentioning the right ot adding the amount of tax to freight, "over contract," only applies in cases where the law of the State, where the contract forcarrjing the freight was made, ban fixed the conipcnsalior.; and in those cases the Act cf Congress gives the right in the freighter to add the" tax to the freight as fixed by law. Persons liable will save heavy penal ties by muki.ig requisite returns as soon as prHctictble after the tleliverv of the freight. F. M. DOUIUXUTON, riattsraotith, Aug. 30. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CifSpeeial Cor. Herald. Lost Reputation cf Harper's Weekly. Disgraced The Goddess of Liberty. Fer particulars see inside engraving n Harper's, dated 12th inst., headed "Franchise;" also comments of Anti-improvement organ, cor. Main and 2d Sts., ated 24th las-te." ror fel-ler. "n't reach yo.,. NOTICE Is hereby given to all County nnd Pre cinct Officers who are entitled to the laws of the lOih Session of the Legislature of Xebraslta, (l y virtue of their respective offices) that sai.l laws are now readv for disiribution at the office of the County CiTl uS provided for hv law. U. SPUKLOCK, Co. CPk, Cass Co., X. T. riattsmouth, Aug. Sth., 105. RAY.voxn, mi.i:r 4-'. co., UKALLBS is Piano Fortes, Uelodeons, Music and Musical H'dse, COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - IOWA. (At the stand forroe-:y uel as thff IVt OtCce ) Or.lerR l y mill fr M'isie. Books, or aojthing per taining to .;uii;...roriiptiy attended to f f'-Or.I.-rs far tiioinir or repnirinii Piano Fortej nu .ae..deon in 1' attsuiouth act virinity will be ati n,itd to at our iaiii-st eoiivuitnc-. KAVMtfM), MIXER & CO. Aug. l-oo tf FANCY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, Hardware, Quecnswarc, STAPLE AXD FANCY GROCERIES, OUTFITTING GOODS.&C TIIET mil NOT BE UfJDEnSOLD. Call before purchasing, and Examine Goods and Prices. If you do not buy, you will Oot Posted. ! REMEMBER THE PLACE, TjLcfiTt streets (JITOSITE TOST OFFCE, PL ATTS MOUTH, N. T, July 1, 1SG-3. tf PROVISION STORE! M. B. MURPHY, Main St., opposite Tlatte Valley House, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA. Hag on hand a large stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES- WHIPS, SPURS, Combs, Brushes, Cards, cfee. C urry Ho can Outfit a Mule or Horse Train My With everything in his line, on ahart notice. motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Repairing done at all times at reasonable rates- BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kiedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stufls, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black. Plattsmoiuh, lay 1st, 1SG5. t U &.4 "iiJ rrti zfi-t re " ' 1 ' -u-i " U ULU Vi LI VJdLJLJ Ve have opened a Dir. Marble Yard. The undersigned have opened an Esteasive MAIiBLE YARD In the City of Piattsmouth. where thev have PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Call and Examine Specimens. Y e are nrcnared to do as rood a & r- work as can be fouud in the country, at as jE5. HI Ileasonable Prices As any establishment in the West. JOSEPH BUTZERIN & CO. July 1, 1SG5, n.6 Opposite the PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, Where we are r Offering and are Everything Usually found in the Provision Line, E. T. DUKE tfc Co., Wholesale and lielail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japancd AND STAMPED WARE. W keep constantly on hand Emigrantb' nnd Freighters' OTJTFITT I jST Gr GOO DS, Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens Camp Kettles, A:c. e also keep Chain Pumps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Collee 31 his &c 0"OS "VXTOjES-jESL 2 Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew arts celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Street?. PLATTSMOUTII. - - - EBIIASKA. eH AS. VOGT &rGQ- Cor. Main and 5th sts., NEBEASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. Dealers in LEATHER AND IRON, SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER. Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tools WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. ("Orders Promptly attended to. KLEI SEU & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, Notions, Toys. Coal Oil Lamps, etc.. &c. We ar also 8ger.ts fur the Buchanan Woolen Mills, of St Jowph, Ho., aud have now od hand a gifni assortment uf FAA'CV CASSJMEBES, C LOTUS, SSA&'S. FLANNELS, r , which we have received ou commission, and art prepared a exchange for WOOL OR CASH, at very reannal3 icurn. Give n a call, fap door east of the Heiild office, Plausinouth, -NrlTa k:i. May i6, 1SG5. tf L. GOLDING, IKALF.R IX Tin Roofing, We wish to buy all kinds of Country Produce. MM mm n n.,n fiw.M HATS &. CAPS, FURNISHING 7 Boots & Shoes,., Trunk s.Valises. etc. Give mo a call. I propose going cast in a short time to purchase poods, and will sell off my present stock at Extremely Low Figures. Remember the place. One doer WEST of the I lea ald effice, PLATTSMOUTII W. T. $ HAftDIKG G0T North Side JIain ft , - X. T. " inst., hcatieJ ''Matter of We feci f jr you, tut Farm For Sale. I have a pood fiinu for pule, consisting of lC5 acrrs ; ll'ti ffnucd. t'O under cul tivation, and about Ga acre of timber.' It is situated 7 mile south cf Tlattg- niOuth on the main thoroughfare to Ne- the preuiesis, or of Hiram Davis in this cniCKens. city. A. M. T. WIIITTIEU. April, 26 m I. Loots & Shoes A larpe lot just rc. sieved by, AsiifiCK, Iovet t Co ., AUCTION SALE! Will be oId, to th hi(?Iiw??t bidder, at my farm near t. IMe.isniit. C a cu-miv, oq SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2D, 12 Milch Cows, (J of which will have calves this fall; 7 head of Yearlings; 13 Calves; hesides hogs, farming utensils, i household furniture, &c. r- Sale poTtive, wiihmit any rr-rvation. Terms of I o.ilr: th ion fu- all amonnu under $5; fonr ! nju'h credit, with (rHKl -urit, for all larger nuouDto. on dedwtico of I'd p!i cent, for emh I i:wo. T. H 1!'"1.0V. An; 19. - Such as Ituttcr, Vese tallies.- &c., For which the Highest Price will be paid In Money. 55?Those having such articles to sell will do well to call aud see us Lefore selling. J. II. IIEYSER & Co. riattsmouth, Mav 22, 'G-j. Pictures taken of all Kinds. Ambrotypes, Thotoprnphs, Gem Pictures, &c. A j;ood assortment of Cases Frames, .iinums, ivc , constantly Kept on nand. out and Kosewood M made to order, of any pize. J6 Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REEL) & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Puttv and Glass. PafDt feiine of ail kind.. Toilet articles, cta- tiouerv,ard everything kPi-t id a first-class Drug Store, at Eastern price. J" We are rroparpj ? t-r "rr!'a. and warrant THE PRAIRIE FARMER, LiEVOIED TO Agriculture, Horticulture, Mrclianict, Ed ucalum, Home Interests, (Jtneral Ae?y, Alukcts, tfr. Tntl'shorl Weekly. In a reat octavo form cfsix'een j witli an iudix at the eud of each volume (six icoaths.J TZrHTS-.n-OO A YEAR, IS ADVAXCE. For t7ti6 ofticttre and $24, one e-yy free. 3Au.roririRte advertisements wiil be planed in tbr MKMHi f..r IS ctJit p r line of 8;hce. Nonpi riel, acb ir,sertijn, ia advance, frpecial No io-s, Uaded, preceiling iverUteuienta, tveulv cent ptr line of (pare occ uried. A square comprise tea lines of (pace. ItThecirrulation of the PRAIRIE FARMER Ig now the latpest i.f any paper of tt clat. in the Wet and NoriU-West, and offers so NurBerymeD.Fiorisio and Implement jlaaurartaieie, ttie best medituu to reru the masse interexted. I EME: Cr.?A4 Lsk F.. 1 fb'esgo, I 1. POET OrPICE BVILDINT, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AXD STATIONERY Also Agecta for all the prinoipsl MA GA ZIXES end yE WSPA PER S, For which Subscription are received at Publisher.' i-rice. L. FKOST & Co., WHOLESALE C-EOCER8. Opposite tha Post Office, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. , , .. ..