Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 30, 1865, Image 2

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    Eto gjfbrajsfca gcralcl
'.'Crw. I'-'-i'T r-s-r . n
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30, 1805
The m'mb'n of the Union Central Committee cf
Case County, S.T., are requested to meet at I'iat:a
mouth, oa
Thursday, Sept. 7th, at 1 u'clxrk P. AT.
It will be observed that Km of the member o'
this Committee have remeved, or are ot herwise ib
eent from th"ir predicts. However, it is hoped that
very precinct will be represented by some voter
residis thertin. as business of ili-soi tatice will ccxnc
before the meeting.
The Cc.Bitmttee, as elect-si last Tear, la composed ef
the fallowing names, to-wjt:
I J.W Marshall, Ch'n,
! P- H. WmiLU.
P. T BtiHR.
J. T. A. Hoover.
C. H WlLtCB.
Dr. F. B. P.Lab.
I- Jju. Jout.
Plattsmoutb Precinct,
Oreapolia '
Sooth Bend '
Louisville "
Malt Creek
Bock Blnff.
Mt. Pleasant "
Ktfht Mile (irove "
Weeding Water '
A vocn
Lloerty "
J. W. MARSHALL, Ch'n Ceo. Com
Numerous letters are being; received
by our citizens, asking information in
regard to this part of the world, with a
iew to settling here if the country
i-rits. To all such enquirers we would
say, come on ! This Territoiy cannot
tail to please you, unless, indeed, you
will not be pleased wr.h anything.
Here you have as gcoJ a climate, all
things considered, as can be found in
any part of the world; end as regards
toil, we defy any part of the United
States to show better. Here we are
not confined to any particular class of
products, as are some localities; and in
fact any kind cf crop yoa may deiire
to cultivate, can be produced in abun
dance, and with as little Liber as at any
place in the United States. Fruit of
ihe various kinds does well here; and,
although our Territory is yet young,
large quantities of apples, peaches,
plums, cherries, grapes, &.c, are grown
in abundance, and ar3 found to do
as well as in the East.
As regards business facilities, Ne
braska, and particularly this portion of
it, offers the best inducements of any
part of the United Slates. H;re you
need not follow in the old beaten track,
as there is a demand for all kinds of
legitimate business, and if you have a
turn of mind to establish some new and
novel business, here is the Lest place
in the world lo make it successful.
This is a progressive country, and now
is the time to get a "foot hold." It
will be but a short time before the
"iron horse"' wi'l be running at light
ning speed across oui broad and fertile-prairies,
transporting our wheat,
corn, &.c, to the far West, and bring
ing in return the yellow ore that is
found in such vast quantities in '.Le
Mountain regions between here and
the Pacific ccast. Nature Las made
the Missouri river the las? for all this
trade with the West, and those who
pet thoroughly established here in ad
vance, arp the cues that will reap the
harvest at the proper time.
The item cf ti;nber Las been consid
ered by some, more particularly those
who have lived in the heavy timbered
regions of the East, to be something of
a drawback to the prosperity of this
country; but is estimated that there is
considerably more timber in the Terri
tory now than there was ten years ago,
notwithstanding the constant drain up
n it for fencing, fuel, building,
Coal has been known to exist in the
Territory since its first settlement, but
our citizens have heretofore lack'd mon
ey and enterprise to determine to what
extent; but of late they are awakening
to tLe importance of a tlurojgh inves
tigation of the matter, and it is now
demonstrated beyond doubt that there
are extensive deposits of coal here,
and Companies are being formed in
different parts of the Territory for the
purpose of procuring it. In the South
ern portion of the Territory it has been
procured inconsiderable quantities; and
new veins are being discovered to the
west of us, which promise fair to be
very productive. This will entirely
quiet the timber question; for if the
amount of timber has increased here
tofore without coal, it will certainly not
be diminished with coal and the facili
ties which railroads will give for pro
curing lumber frcm the pine regions.
FoaT Rice Attacked by Indians.
A letter in the Sioux City Register
gives an account of an attack on Fort
Rice on the 23th ult. The Indians ap
peared iu front of the fort in strong
force, but were driven off. One sol
dier mas killed., and two wounded
one fatally.
ESjA movement is on foot (by col
ored men) to purchase the Charleston
Mercury and publish it as an anti-slavery
journal. Some progress has been
made, and money is being subscribed
with a good prospect of success.
iyS Now is the time to subscribe.
MOCRACY. It must be particularly refreshing to
the war-worn veterans, who have faced
death at the cannou's mou'a on a hun
dred battle fields, to hear the "blarn
ey of the men who a short f ime since
were denouncing them for everything
they could think of that was mean and
despicable. It won't go down, howev
er. These men who hive offered
their lives as a sacrifice upon the altar
of their country have cot forgotten
neither are they likely to forgei the
cowardly enemy who have feughttheni
in the rear for the past four years.
ineynave not rorgoucu that the war
was prolonged, and consequently large
numbers of ineir friends and compan
ions, in arms were killed, by the en
couragement these would-be friends of
theirs gave to their co-workers in re
bellion those who Lad the "pluck" to
tuke up arms and fight for the doctrines
they advocated. They have not for
gotten that these same individuals, a
short time ago, were in the habit of
speaking of them as "Lincoln hire
lings," ''Hessians," "Murderers of the
true Union men of Maryland," and ev
ery other eprobrious epithet which
they could think of. Even here iu
Nebraska, we hear'ihese men speaking
of the soldiers as though they Lad al
ways been their bosom friends; and
why is it? For no other reasoa than
that they are anxious to get into power;
and iii order to do so they must, by
some means, create dissatisfaction in
the Union racks. In order to do this
they have chosen the returning soldiers
as their material to work upon. But.
if we are not "muchly" mistaken, they
will find they have "caught a tartar."
Better have taken hold of any other
class of community than the men who
have fit the stabs in the dark which
they have been dealing to the Union
cause. It is uot the class of Democrats
who stood by the Hag of their country
in the hour of need (of whom there
are many) that are engaged .in this
game. These men almost invariably
denounce the actions of those who are
now endeavoring to "reconstruct" the
defunct party on the basis of State Sov
ereignty. They see the tendency of
the doctrine, and do not propose to lend
their aid to any such treasonable
scheme It is a fact, patent to every
one,tha:the present leaders of the
Democratic party are men who have
never let pass an opportunity to retard
the progress of the war, and have in
variably assisted the rebels with all
the means in their power. Now that
the light in the field is over, thy are
using ail the arts and wiles of which
they are masters to try and get sutfi
cient power to control thejjovernrnent
iu a civil capacity, iu order that they
can restore their rightful masters in
the South to their former stations in
the Government. We find that in
Virginia, at the late elections, the can
didates ran upon the issue of secession
and anti-secession the secession can
didates being elected by large majori
ties. This shows the tendency of the
fight with the ballot, and we uuift meet
it boldly, as we have don? in the field.
We can only expect the Copperhead
party in the North, and even in Ne
braska, to play second fiddle for the Lig
reL.-is of the South, as they have al
ways done. Let the Union men, sol
diers and all, stand firmly Lv the cause,
and all will yet no well.
TIO.V. The Democratic State Convention of
Ohio met at Columbus on Saturday last,
and nominated George W. Morgan
for Governor and Win. Long for Lieut.
Governor; I. Van Trump and Thos.
M. Key for Supreme Judges. The
resolutions adopted maintain the doc
trine of Slate Rights, and that the
Southern States are entitled to their
due representation in Congress. They
denounce all effort to confer the right
of suffrage on the negro, and compli
ment the soldiers on their valor and
fortitude probably in putting down the
rebellion, notwithstanding their endeav
ors to uphold it, and in making the war
a success after they had declared it a
"failure" and endeavored to make it so.
They denounce the actions of the mili
tary authorities in protecting the Union
voters of the South at the lrte elections,
and declare them revolutionary viola
tions of the Constitution. It is sufficient
to Mate, however, the concern was run
by Vallandigham, Pugh & Co., and it
is easy telling what action would be
taken by this class of men. Their
former course is still fresh in the minds
of every true American.
g-SfThe Evansville Journal tells
of a new kind of coercion which the
colored people of Kentucky, opposite
Newberg, Indiana, practiced upon their
masters, on election day. Ther threat
ened to leave, if their masters or em
ployers would not vote the straight-out
Union ticket; and as the "Conservative
chaps" would not comply, the negroes
were as good as their word, and left
them to hoe their own corn and pota
toes, and sucker their own tobacco. -
J. P. Finley, editor of the Leon
(Iowa) .Veirs, who was n member of
the Fourth Iowa Infantry, and lost an
arm at Tea Ridge, thus speaks of the
so-called "Soldiers' Contention" called
by Tom Claggett of the Keokuk Con
stitution :
"Clagpett, the Copperhead editor of
the Keokuk Constitution, has called
a 'Soldiers Convention' 10 meet at Des
Moines on the 23d inst. This is no
doubt another part of the plan of the
Cop to break down the organization
of the Union party, and carry the State
over to the interest of the rebels. But
it won't work. We had the honor of
serving our country, and losing our
right arm in defence of the. old flag,
but we cannot think of affiliating with
those of the Clagfrett. Clay Dean, and
Mahony stripe, who are so very care
ful of the soldier's right?, but who two
years afjo belonged to the fire-in-ihe-rear
party, and denounced the soldiers
as "hmdintrs, IIesianv, hed-hounds.
&c" We can't go that much, not that
we can see, no."
-STA soldier who was present at a
Copperhead meeting in Davis county,
Iowa, a few days since, moved that the
rneeiin? resolve itself into a deba'ing
society, and that they proceed to dis
cuss tht followin? question: "Does a
long snake suffer more acute pain
while drawing itself through the fire,
than a short one ?' The meeting re
fused to "resolved."
ESSThe Constitutional Convention
of Colorado Territory has appointed
the 19th of September, as the day for
an election, to decide whether the Con
stitution shall be adopted or rejected.
f5SrConcerniijg the facility with
which the colored race acquire the ru
diments of an education, the Indiana
Journal says :
We hear it slated by those who have
an acquaintance with negro regiments,
that almost all the soldiers have learned
to read and write. That on the first
pay day, about all mad their marns,
but within a year about all signed their
names. Ail well-conducted negro reg
iments have, as a part of their disci
pline, exercises in spelling, reading and
writing, so that the army has become
to them, in fact, a school.
Mr. Carpenter, in the last number of
the Independent, tells the following
gocd s-tory of the manner in which Mr.
Lincoln regarded the Wade and Davis
manift slo :
When the President Lad thought
profoundly, however, upon certain
measures, and fell sore of his ground,
criticism, ither public or private, did
not disturb him. Last year, upon the
appearance of what was known as the
'Wade and Davis manifesto." an inti
mete friend and supporter, who was
very indignant that such a liocmient
should have been put forth just pre
vious lo the Presidential election, took
occasion to animadvert very severely
upon the course that prompted it. ' It
is not worth fretting about." said the
Pres'den; "it reminds me of an old
acquaintance who, having a son of t
scientific turn, bought him a microscope.
The boy went around experimenting
with his flaas upon everything that
came in his way. One day, at the
dinner table, his faiher look up a piece
of cheee. ' Dont eat th it, father,' said
the boy; 'it is full of wrigglers. 'My
son,' repiied the old gentleman, taking
at the same time a huge bite; 'let 'em
wrigjle; I can stand it if they can.' "
- Emigration to the Far West.
During the sixteen days ending June
30, 2 2S7 emigrants pa-sed Fort Lara
mie Nebraska, bound West, with near
ly eighteen hundred l ead of cattle.
Nearly as "Urge a number passed du
ring tha fourteen days ending June
14; and during the month of May 5,
000 teams and 40 000 head of stock
passed fur the West. If emigration
continues at this rate, it will not take
many years to erect States on the
broad prairies of the far West, and to
build cities on the slopes of the Rocky
Mountains. These large bodies of
emigrants have, with a single excep
tion, passed "safely through an intense
ly hostile Indian country, escorted by
the officsrs and soldiers oi Gen. Con
nor's Command. Ex.
Virginians Sncbbed. The tele
graph says that a lot ol Virginia Reb
els appeared at the White House in
Washington a day or two since, and
when one of them boasted very pomp
ously that they were from Richmond,
the President remarked that he saw no
occasion for pride in that fact, and then
turned his back on the discomfited Vir
giaia Reb. We guess old Andy will
get waked up by and by, bo that the
Cops will not be as eager to endorse
his administration as some of ihem
seem to be just now.
grSBy virtue of a proclamation of
the President, of March lOtb, issued
in conformity to a law of Congress, da
ted March 3d, 1S63, all persons duly
enrolled, who departed from the juris
diction of the district in which they
were enrolled, or went beyond the lim
its of the United States to avoid the
draft, are prohibited from exercising
the elective franchise It will be the
duty of the autnonties to enforce this
penalty in all cases at the coming elec
tion. CsSFThe history cf the war is yet
to be read iu the South. Several in
telligent Southern men ore now at
Washington who never saw a North
ern paper for two years, and never
heard such items of news as the at
tempt to burn the hotels in New York
untilafier iueir. arrival, at .Fortress
Murfreesboro, Tenn
Aug. 14, 1S6-3.
Ed'rs JTo. Democrat :
Having been detailed by order cf
Major General George H. Thomas as
Superintendent of the "Soldier' Na
tional Cemetery" on Stone River bat
tle field, I take this mode of informing
the friends of our brave comrades who
fell on this memorable field and other
battle-fields, that we will disinter all
the bodies and bury them in the beauti
ful grounds now being prepared, and if
b.ny have determined to remove the re
mains of their noble dead to their
homes, they will do me a great favor
if they will notify me of the fact, by
'etter or otherwise, giving name, rank,
company, regiment, brigade and divis
ion of the deceased.
I ask this favor so that they may be
sent home as we find them, and be
fore they are reiuterred. .Mr. John
W. Ewing, of this city, will furnish
burial cases at the lowest possible price,
and by writing him he . have the
bodies expressed to friends as they may
I will say for the comfort of the
fritn ls of these fallen braves, that ev
ery effort will be put forth to make thi
sacred spot beautiful and attractive.-
Any information desired I will gladly
All loyal papers will please copy.
William Earnshaw,
Chaplain U. S. A. and
Sup't Soldiers' Nat. Cemetery.
The following Slates have elected
Governors :
Kentucky Thomas E. Bramlette.
Maryland Thomas Swan.
Tennessee William G. Brownlow.
Virginia Francis H. Tierpont.
Missouri Thomas C. Fletcher.
Arkansas John Murphy.
Louisiana James Madison Wells.
The President has aopointed Pro
visional Governors for the following
States :
North Carolina Willwm W. Hold
en. South Carolina Benjamin F. Per-
Georgia James Johnson.
Florida J. Martin.
Alabama Lewis E. Parsons.
Mississippi Win. L. Sharkey.
Texas Andrew J. Hamilton.
The States which select Governors
this fall are Iowa, Maine, Massachu
setts, Vermont, Minnesota, New Jer
sey. Ohio, Wisconsin and Virginia.
Struck by Lightning. 'Twould
seem the Heavens have caught the
'war spirit,' from the number of thun
derbolts being hurled at the earth this
season. Mr. Mollman's store house at
Arago was struck by one of these bolls
on Tuesday, the loth inst. The cur
rent of electricity passed through the
roof near the &tove flue through th"
upper floor to an iron h-iok in the joist,
upon which wns suspended a number of
tiuop-skirts, showed its respect for la
dies by traveling the wires, melting the
same and returning to the upper story,
running along the weather-boardiuu
to the gable end, which it struck with
great force, making a hole of four
boards the whole width of the build
ing. This opening was made only
a tew inches above the faces of two
young men who were sleeping near
the window, without inflicting the least
injury upon either. Ilulo liegister.
Crime. Poisoning, shooting, stab
ting, revenge, insanity and suicide
seem to have taken possession of the
stage, and are acting their bloody trail
edy from on end of the 1 tnd to the
other. In one issue of a New York
contemporary we find twelve horrible
account.- of deaths by violence. A son
poisons his mother; a woman stabs the
parnmour of her husband; a man shoot-,
iiis wife; a lunatic firs into a railway
train and kills an infant in thj nurse's
arms; a disappointed lover drowns him
self; a ruflian murders two lmle chil
dren and buries them in a coalpit, and
a girl lakes arsenic and throws away
her life to save her character. It is
very sad, this array of crime the re
sult, perhaps, of war, but most likely
of the incougruous organization of soci
eties iu our great cities.
Gen. Grant Speaketii. General
Grant and suite arrived in Detroit on
Sunday morning, on which day and oc
casion, according to the Fiee Press, the
city "wore her sweetest smiles." In
the evening a large crowd of people
congregated about the hotel where the
General was stopping and cheered till
they were hoarse. He finally appear
ed on the balcony, when a couple of
"Hon." orators seized the opportunity
to inflict long speeches but one at a
time, however. When the two hon.
gents had doae. loud cries went up for
a ''speech from Gen Grant!" and was
at length induced to throw aside his
habitual taciturnity and deliver an ad
dress. It was terse, "short, sharp and
decisive," and was received with every
demonstration of satisfaction by those
who calmly listened to the end. We
are indebted to the Free Press, which
paper had a reporter on the grounu, for
a copy of the address, which was as
folloA-s: "Gentlemen I bid you all
good night !'
5A Washington special to the
New York Times states that at a re
cent political meeting in Charles coun
ty, Maryland, a negro was badly beat
en for cheering for the Union.
geFA Richmond dispatch says that
Governor P-erpoint has decided upon
changing his poiicy in his dealings with
the Virginia rebels. He says they
have deceived him and proved un
grateful for what he has done for ihem
under their promise of loyal and de
cent conduct, and that hereafter he will
not tolerate their trifling andjubter-
U"ge. , . -
Coronor's Inquest. The body of
a man was found among a lot of drift
wood on a sand beach ch Frazier's Is
land, about six miles below this city.
on the 23J inst. Yesterday Sheriff
Sroatand Coroner Humphreys went
down and held an inquest, the jury re
turning a verdict of death by drowning.
The man is unknown in this locality,
and is supposed to have been a car
penter on board the steamer Fanny
Ogden. SheriffSroat brought away
with him two keys one Valise arsd
one trun'c key; thirty-five cents in inon
ey, and a piece cut out of the pants and
one out of the shirt found on the body,
hoping that these may assist in identi
fyingtheman. People Press.
?l5In a churchyard at Alexandria.
Virginia, the following can be read up
on a large sandstoue slab which has
been broken off at the foundation and
leans against the corner of the church:
"Erected to the memory of Eleanor,
the ninth wife of Mr. Diniel Wren,
who departed this life on the S'h diy
of April, in 'he year of our Lord 1793,
aged 32 years."
Nebraska Coal Mining Compa-sr.--Mr.
Croxton Co., have leased
six blocks in Had & Co's addition to
Nebraska City for the purpose cf bo
ring for coal. They have now all the
necessary apparatus and intend to com
mence operation immediately. No
doubt is entertained of the fact that ex
tensive mines of coal exist in this
neighborhood and it is to b - hoped .hat
Mr. Croxton's efforts will result in dis
closing them, Peoples' Press.
RSTSeren railroads are in running
order in Texas, comprising an aggre
gate of over four hundred miles. New
rolling and other stock is much wanted
For Sale by
Win. S. WEST.
Motice is bT(fbv giri-n that there will he sold at
public sale, on silt iruntlif credit, the p'rsunitl propf
ty of the estate of Wi!t Jonfs, droea-e(l, consisting
of Cutile, llors, firmins L'tcnsi.s. Stc. , at his lat
refine re In Ca-i county, on tuni y, September
9lM, 1-5(55. ISAKKI.L J ON US.
A. n. COPKl.AXD,
ug25, w8 Ailiiiiaistrdtira.
Notice is herrhy pivea thai Mrs J. B. Girrion
has mad' api lication to tde !. b.te C"nrt of Cass
roun y, Wetranka. t hve i:en;'nin A. bin a) p.iintcd
Administrator of the K,tt of Th .:ns J. Nit-h"!,
lit'.' of Cass CjuMy, drrceattd.. The Court then-fore
appoint '
Thursday, the 21s7 day of September, 1SC5,
ar 2 oViock V M , for h'-arin tn id ar.p.'icti in, at
winch time persons lntTe'-t-.l cm Hpp-rar.
Witness my liai.d ami al ofotSce th:a 2oth day
of Augu.-t, IsOi.
ft-.- i. W. MAHSHAI.L,
1'rotaie Judge.
Jfotice is hereby given that Henr C. MayfleM has
this dy filal 'wo cUirns titn the -;t; of G-.'orge
tayfie'.d. deceased, as follow. t- t:
One account for ferTices rt-cJe J. amounting to
$9 .io; and eue cia m for elt-vo faei.l ot Cattle a d-
propriated by the sa id Mjyr.ald wr.d aol t br trie 4i-
tn .m-trat.w of ail stnt- fr rpe t uiuircl and Mvn-ty-tffo
dollars aod fifty cnT; whif-h i'lm, with ia- !
tert, tha M ifisi i u:w cla-.nts. I
The Cott thertfo e appoints j
Wednetd-iy, the 20:h diy cf X'pt., 15G5,
at 1 o'clock P. M., for h-aiiojf s..i l riaiuis, at wL;eh
tiiu " ali p'.-rons luiarvstei tan ap,-ar.
Witiie my b iu.t mJ sejl of cilice, fi is 2sV'i day
ol .1 Jfc'Qst, lsu '.
J. r. 31 A I! SUA LI.,
Piota-.e Judt.
American Insurance
We, liram Britht. Pr :d-nt. and Chi's L. Curri
er. S crttary, ,f t ie Aru-ricau to t.rnce Company,
cfFr ayor t , Illinois I e el y cv tify Raid Compa
ny is p"e-ed ol a rapitat f ut least olie hundr -d
th"U-aiid ioilsr , wcnr- by Ten on ?n es-att worth
at a-h vnIUHtiou at I j't fiv-tim- the aiuouul of
said capital, and not encumbered 10 more; lllan one
fosutti of oaid eaoti valualiou.
Hibim I'aieiiT.
C'Bi'c L. C . Bums.
f tat of Illinois. )
Stephens, n C unty f
Personally app".ir"d be'"ie rr.. C'erk of tne Co'iuty
Court of st. ph. nsa ro irty, lliraiu B ltrht ao.1 (,'lui'i
L. Currier, to ni" kn wii as t!ie ''e l ru: an J -ecre :
tary of the ylmerji-ati I.-iura' ce C't iiipany, who being
first do.T sw'.rn accord, u to 1 1, a -veral iy depose .
and fay that the above certificate sul scribed to r,y
them irspactite'v ia true in ubt.iee anl o fict, as '
h. tvn by tb r-C3'd of said ompany.
t h-ciib d and sworn to i c.'or me :hi lsth day
of July, .4 U. Hi:V D. :
Clerk ofCo Con t. ph -us o Ci.
By A W. Hk-if., Deputy.
To expire on the 31st of Janoaiy, 1S6S.
Iimuranc Department, OJir of T'r. Auditor, I
Oroaka, Nebraska, Aag. 17tti, lso5. (
Whf.mas, ?eo W. Wil on, 4sitant C'-nerai
Apent 'or the -4aierir.-in Insurance Company , Iocs te 1
at Fret-port, in the M: of Illinois, has filed in this
ofncf a Copy of the act ol incorporai ion of -aid Com
pany, and a statement under oath. hhown its con
dition, as r'qui red by the Fnii't er,th fcectlon of a
law f th Tern torv of Nebraska, entit'ed "A a Act
in relation to Insurance mpames," approTad tat
ruary 15th, lSt'4 ;
Than fo-e. Ba it known by thse present, That in
parsuance of the afurea id ct, 1, Wiilsam E. Har
vey, Auditor of the Territoty of Xcbraska, !o h'-rcby
certify tt,at paid Xcnericsn Insurance Company has
fall authority to traaaaet bu-ion- of Iusuran-a in
the Territery of Nebraska, unfer the Laws of this
Territory, antil the 81st day of Jauu iry. A. 1 1S60
In witness whereof I have subscribed my
Dame and caused the eal of the ludiioi'c
fx., t. office to be affixed, this 17. ti day of August,
A. . IsOo.
Territoria I Auditor.
tug 29 w4
IYEGAIj notice.
Thomas J. WatS" will tike notica that William
1 eich did. on tbe lfth dav of siept mber. A. L. 1564,
fl'e his bill of co:np laint in the District Conn of the
2 I J"d.cial Dis-rict f the Territory cf Nebraska,
w ithin and tor Caas county, 'ii.ut the said I'limn is
J. Watson, crimen D. R:cn;t'.lon, and Calvin C
Woo I wo rth , diendanta, seitinur tor.h thstcu the
18th day of Jj '.y A. O. lbi, the said d-f U'lant,
Thoms Watsou. pave a n:o tpsKe to one Ca:in C".
Woolworth, on Oie s--uth-ea-t j-iait.-rof section No.
twenty-one (21 ) in luli-K.p No. t -n (10) north of
rLi;e tbirtn i east of the th P. M ., in said coun
ty of Cus-, N T.. to i-cure the paymcLt of two hun
dred and 'jfhty dollars to ,,n,. Oneen 1) Ilichardsou,
according to a certain promissory note refer, ed tO in
said mo'lHge That the raid note aal mortgage
wasalterwaids duly assigned and delivered by the
said Ontfeu 1 Kichardson fo the said Wil.iaiu
Leach; and praying that said p einises may be sold
to pay the ta d sum due on sud promissory not--.
At.d the said 1 homas J. Watson is hereby notlfld
that he rtquirei to appear and answer, pi, ad or
demur to vatd bill of com dam's on or before the 2-i
day of Oct ber, A. D, IS65, or judgment ill be ie!i
dtred against yon. WILLIAM lEACH.
Dated August 22, 1?63.
T. i. Jlikiii-BiTi, bol. for Comp't.
T. M. MA licL ETT.
- Solicitor in Chancery.
Legal Notice.
James Bowur-n Wil! take notice that Sarah L. Coe
and lsa : C-e dol, on th i'l I day of lOfU-l .1 II.
1CV rile their peliti n in the KtMrict jurt of 2 1
Judicial Oistrtct of Nebraska, W'tlun and for Cass
cwunty. Ji. I" , atraia-t the said Ja i w B" mun de
fendant setting forth that the said defendant gave
a mortgage to the sa.d Sarab L. Coe, on the aouth
haif rf tbe south-east qua ler of section o ie(l)iu
township number twelve VI) ne th of rtngi twelve
(12) east ol the titn P. M , iu -aij f juntv ol Cass. X.
I .. to ute the payiueut of one hssanre-l and for'y
dollars, according to a c rtain Ut-te referred to in
said mortgage, and praying tht said p en. lies may
behold to pay the same: and that the sa.d Jan e,
Bowra in is her by notified t.iat be ia re.U re 1 t., ap
pear n 1 aaswer sj d p-tit.ori n or b'-f re the i 1 day
of October. A. I. lsiij. or judfrneni will be m.J-ioJ
againt you i- pro . d for SAKAil L. COE,
Dated Aug 2 J, IsG-V lsA(J Cut.
T. JI. MaRiiCt-TT, Sol. forCom't.
Klij lh Gibbs, ill am Gibs, Jefeil -a B Gibbs,
Anntiil bs ni a'letb Peatman, ant G;le- F. rar
inan. defendants wr.ltakenot .ee that a,nth"nv H
Cowen did u tne 21st day "f Auttust, A. D. Ie6 ,
file bis p ti ion ,n he District C u t of 21 Judicial
liisti ict within and f -r Ca county N. T., against t- e
said defendants, setting forth that ou Lewu w
Uibhs, on tn ll day of Noveiubet 1-563. sold unto
Aiithony U. Coweti the foliowinf real e-t.ite. to-wi :
Hie undivided ore half of
Lot No five (5) irt blck No. forty three iH) la the
cit of Puttsinouth, Cass county N. T., for ttir sum
ot tiiu ty-thre dollars in htnd pai l to sa:d tvinos,
and under sa d contiacl sonii C'ewen took pos-essio:i
an. uow holds is iceao e po-srsion or said nrex.ii-9
That sine said ti e the said Ui W. Gibbs has
uie i, leaving de-.'e:i'ianis as his lawf'jl heirs ALd
praying that said de endanis e required In link' a
ile d for said to lh- sai l Anthony .. CoWrrt;
an I in d f.iult ther of tnat a .Master in ihancervof
thisc uit oe lequnesl io ake the same And thai
the said ds.feiidaut are hereby iioiin.d that th y are
ri .ne it appear an answer said p titlu'i i n or
i eioie the 2d d.iy of Octobei, A. D . litS. or a dV c;ee
will i e reudrred aifaitist ihem as praytd for.
Dated Ant;, 21, lsoj,
T. SI. SURCrETi, Sol. for Ct-uip't.
David Pa inert will take uotice that Albert Bacon
did, on the 22 I dy of August, A D lst5, file bis
pe'ititin in the District t'outt of 2 I Jndicial DiS'.riLt
of Nebrtska, W illi . and lor C- county, asaint the
aaiii David nauiat rt, ii- fciulai.t, sttiibg lo: th that lh,e
s -id d- fendati'. pa.o a ino t -aste to the said A !o : t
Dacou on the -oudi ha f of t' e s .u b-est qua le: of
Se'iOil N i tw my l-o) a; d llie ea-t la!f of tn.- noun
east i)'ii,r;tr of ei.iaii No- tenty-aiue (29' m town
ship N i. t'-n (If) rorih if range No. t'lirt-cn (13;
east of the 6th l'. M. In Cass cu ity, N T., to seen
the payment cf two hundred and eibiy-eUhl dol
lars aicoidiug to a ceriaiu no:e re.'erred le in said
mortfatc; au.l P' aying ;hat said premises maybe
s.o.t to pay th" sau.e. At.d the Said David Baume'tt
is hertby ne'.,fied that he ts requred to aipe;,r abd
answer said petition ou or bcfoitt the 2d day of Ojto
ber A. D ls6 , or judgment will bf ren lered aai::st
you as praved for. ALLLUT bACJi.
Dated Aug. 22 1?C5.
T. M. MAtilL-srT, Sol. for Cornp't,
Jos pu Koaih, 1
vs. V
Solon JI. Johnson, )
L. Jen m t J Im-oii, hie wife,
J' el M . Johnson, I
In Chancery,
William J. Armstrong, I
John L. Armstrong, v
tarah Armstrong, his w!:e. )
In pa suance, and by virtue of a d-'crrtal orl'r
lo ina directed from the ouVe of t'-e O k cf the
District Court of the 2nd J udicial Di-t-;c;. in ard
for Cass Comity, Nebraska Territory, b arinit date
on the 19th day of Di-cetober. lst, !;. ih; ad.
joiirued October term of said Coj:!, I. tnc siib-crl'r.
Master m Chanzi-ry fur said Lou-t, w..: ii,a pjV
lie vendue for cah, to tie i-igiest an 1 b-i bijder, ia P;iU;2;t-:fj, S. T,
Saturday, tie 2"
' day 1 f S--j-: m '.?r, 1 ; 0 j,
nt 11 o'clock A M , ta I ji'.CTtiz cesc.-il-d Ii;a,
Lstate to wit :
i he west ha f (,v) of rb outh vr- q urt t (V),
and the west ha.l il -2 of tio uotti, we-l qaitn (i 4,
of .eciion number tu:riy-f ,ur (34) in township ii'.iro
b, r trn 1 1 Oj north of range number twrelr(12; e-t
ol the 6111". M , in Cass County, Nebraska letrito
ry; Tog-ther, TritU all ar.d singular the improvme-i ts
h?roditemeiiiH or aiipurtcQalices thereon, or thereto
leloi.ifmi! or in atiyw's apia.'rta!uiliz. 1 o be sold as
the piopeity or the deiende-nts in lh-; aLoie cads, !
to sati-ty sai.l liwrre, th ) amount ol w ich, i i
J3i-4.';J. and int. :e-t from the date of said decree, I
and c .s; of suit and s.ilj.
rlatkinouth.Ntbiafka, AuitactJ?, ls,r.
F. Si Dui;KIN(iTOV. I
Mste-r in Chanci-.-y.
f-WEi.T Jk CAI.Horx, Sols, for Comp't.
xra T. Fi,h, i
rs. V !n Chancer r, j
I'nkrown heirs of Kob-v: Da;, )
deceaced. J j
Iu an 1 i
bv vlrtrr- of a d vr.tu! o-el ?r t tee di tet-.l ton the j
f fa.:-- o' tb.: C eik ot lb-: Distrn t Court d Judicial
Dirtri.'t in ar.d t' i C. s, e-oun:y, Nebra-ka V- rn: i y,
wade in the .o..iVe raus. and neanrrdati: o:i toe j
llth day o: Aprii 1 ;;,, ( lh Ap .1 t-rni ol sii : j
r.ont. I. thtf -nli cnlir. Master in Ciiancery 1 r -aii '
t' Utt. s,li at poHic vendue, lor c.-ii, t the i
irjihe-t and Inj.t h tiie-r, i:i iroi.l of th--: Cou.l House '
iu l'lattsnion h, e'bl aska, on
SaiiirtLiy, Srptemlir '2ZJ, IPG;, j
al 10 o'clock a. iu , the fo:Iwics; described real c-
late, te-- ii .
I he south-west qua - ler (1 - 41 of the north r-asl quar
ter (1 4 ai.d the i.orth et n'iai ter (1 -4; of the s ju h
i'a-1 qjaiU'i iu-1 tb u-ntti ea-t qiai ler (i -4)
ifdiii .-vjtii w.'-t qii.tiT II-I) and the sou'h ea-i
q'lailei (1 4) of tl.e norili west quart, r ( 1-4; i f -c-Hon
number twenty s:x (-t) in to iisl.ij nuiuber
eltvei il 1) n-jr h of ran,-e numb -r teiT- (12) ,sstol
the 6ih t M.. mi liss coin ty Teiritoiy,
and cs.btaiai tir oije hutidred and sixty acres.
i 'Kcll.e Willi a. 1 i.i, d the lmprov bleats,
hereditaments o hpput tchaures thereon or the-it-lu
I e oiii-ui-.r iu auy ni-e appertaiiicp'; to he soi l as
tL- pro. er'y ol t -c iie.'-ridai.t . iu the above cau.'to
sa' isfy said a ciee, the an ouiit i f w hich is .40.3j
and interest fro o the date- of said dec ee, .no costs
of suit sod s;i ie..
p.attsn.ou h, Nebraska. AtiKU-r 23, lf65.
t. M. Dottitl TON,
-Masie. m Chancery.
T. M. IIabcivett.SoI. lorConip't
Estray Notic?.
llsvinj tak'n up on tny enclosed premis'S. in Cs3
c.-unty, I err. lot y of Nnraska, (.-ne niiie west of the
lower Weeping ater bridt-e. on tbe Nebras-aCiiy
road.) on 'h- ";h. day of August IsCi n Gray
Mare, flea-bitten, rifrht hind foot whi: , snip on tlie
nose, a lit Ie ro lar tilarxej, su. posed to be ab u'
sven yjatsoid. A lo one hors c It. is o veat s old,
'.igh K ay, loth hind feet anly white, no mber
nmks prec, ptii.l'.-. Tne own rs are r quest, d tJ
proTe pr..iny, p y tane- the animnls.
ti 1 fcep 2d. Wii. KtlL.
Legal TXotice.
Nicholas M. Ware, Compiaiuan:, 1
Jamea E. Scoit, Ree-on.1ent )
The above ramed Jam" K Scott Is heiehy rotifed
that -ai j Nicholas M Ware did. on the 5 h day of
Ancnst file in the District Curt sittinit in rhancry
in and fo. Cass County, tsecond Jndtcixi District of
Neh a-ka Territory, his petiti n, claiminz the sum
of t2id tht wiih interest at the ra el five p-r Cent,
tier nioti-.h fioni the 2sth day of July IsCd, as due
from said respondent to said complainant ou a cer
tain promissory n te h-retuf re tiven by a-il res
pond "nt fo said'coini lainatir , and sei tine forth fori her
that the ptynieut of -aid note was s.cur--d by a d-d
or trn-t op'.u south-east qua rler of section uurubt-r
fitt en (IS) in t.i n h ip Ku-i.ber ten (In) north in
range n rube- twelve (12 ea-t. Iritis in said county
of Cass an 1 Territory of Xebraska, and ;rayi g that
said land may I sold according to law and the pro
ceeds al plied to 'he payment ofsaid d-bt
And said respondent is hereby furl her notified to
be and appear heroic s id court on or before Monday
the 2.1th day of .V'pteuiber A. D l't.5, and plead, an
swer or dera ir to said bill, or the sioe will b ta
k"n ,ro ctmffn, and decree rendered accordingly.
DateJ august oth, I?Co.
S. II. CALH'it:V,
Sol. for Comp't.
A Card to Invalids.
A Cl-rgyrnan, while r siding in South America as
a tuissjuniry , discovered a safe and siTple itm-'dy
fT th" cure of "ervui Weakness Early Dei ay,
Disea'es of the L'linary and Sem nal Oigans, and
lh-- whole train of disorders brought on oy baneful
and viciou6 babi's. .reat Ltt-n hers have been al
ready cure! by his noble reiJedv. Prompted by a
desbe t . benefit ibe ai:iict-d and unfortunate, I will
tend the recipe fir prcparin? and using thlj niedi
cii e, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it,
Frte ff CV'ore.
PI-inclos : a post paid envelope, ad l.essed to
yr t-self.
Jnne 23 Station D. Bible House,
Jt'ew Y -rk City.
d. ii. viifi:i,ei:.
Fire and Life Ins, Ag't,
Apent for collection of claims against novernment,
for Sold era. their widows aud minor bet's. Aeent
for the p-ichase and saie of Lands and Cliy propr
tv, Leasjnc of Tenements. Payment of Taxes in all
parts of Nebraska and Western Iowa. Attends to
all bnsiness p rtaininft to a General Land, Insurance,
Tax Paying and Collection Agency.
Kef era f all bu.icfcit men in f.b-a;Vi.
Marir2"j"r. T , Viy 15. J?cl.
The American People.
Just diecovern J, nnJ now puV.IsheJ f )
tbe first time.
Tha !or, I3.
ny 5nrpr9 are ''rervchinrr for ni"." .Sou
I must ''jro for it." A worJ of R.lvi jj
before I go. The rloriom mn of Hips
P"I'pi"n UP from hi imperial couch.
He dresseth himelf ia the full no- cf
Royalty. lie putteth on his mosit c ipti-v.-itinrr
grin, to ir. ike glttil this, the c.'.v
of Proniiie. Th day of our Re.lerr.p"
ti-.n from UK ill nnj OPPKESS1VF
PRICES drawcib to a close.
Throw high ycur
caps: yell forth ye sturdy youth"; bellow
luud ye bro id che.steJ; prolong the
clnd, fcoul thrill i rip ahout, ye lonjr necked,
until the slumbering echoed of the far
off rocks, are aron? J; Mothers, tench it
to your children, that all the enlH of ths
eirth m.iy know, and rejoice with ei
ceedinj crpat iv t'1'11 tli 0 IIYDHA
I'RICES, the idtJtt.cul YAM I'l HE tbatbo
long bath been sccking our life Lice J,
13 nOW 7 hrtnllt d hj
Wholesale nrd retail dealers in all kinj
of Staple and Fnncv
At their large and innjjnifi-er.t Pst-iLIis!.-ment
C()n 21 Street, FIRST IiOOlt
This House i d:inz as idu'r" triid.
Help them, fellow-c'.tsztDs, .i :c.r grea;
efl'orts for your j::oJ.
ria:-..s::.5utL,Ju:y ::..
Of the cji:i:n of tie HOME I.XSIR
A.CE :o.WM.M',.rif IVr-V"
the diy i f Jl iuiry, A. I). IttJ"),
vail' to the AtsU-r f t:.e Ttrritury if
.-trtj:f.n, pur hi i-t: !j tht Statute ij thai
Name and Location.
The nsme i f If. is com; any i I a k IIwuc hil'tKi i
Con P A NT, itr. rji.rated in 1 Ld located in IL,
C ity if Ne-Yor.
The Capital of said Company actually
pa.U tip in Cash, is f 2 .QhT 000 oo
The sU' piuson tiie 1st day of Jan , 1S65, J,.-7.C ;
Total aiuouut of Capital ni surplus, f i sT ,' 1
ii.C-.nt.Lieiit i'. Ilabk, N V. 2i0 TiJiiT
Am't cf C
" In I.. i'. d, i I Ai'.i at.J lu
c.o- is of ti ai.sri.ii.siuu S.J.2V3 .s
I". S. l:.-Kit'd at.d Cou
l .n s'. k Issl M'ii'l vi.l s'.'i 00
I'. S. H.nds, b 2'J,
market v Iu-, I i2J.loo.Cv
l. .-. C' ttif. -atus ofla-
d.btodu's ui k't val-
1 Visso'ir' State I! ..f..'.s,
C p. cniir, tn'a' I i al.
.s. . Caro li,a e n Ij,
0 i ?r ei.t , in 'i: t vi.
'I curu--..-e 1', i. -is, 0
per ent . n.aikei v ai ,
trtno. t p -r cent., mar
ket a, ,
liJi'ii.i", i i ':r out .
Il.ii ket in- e,
I.l.ol- l,.a..l, t rcr
cent., m ,rket value,
4 Ca.iiiro.a r-tH'e i,oijds
7 per ci.t, m'k't val.
Conti. tt i:e Domia,
znai ket va ,uc,
N Y. CeM'al I'ark
boltils, martet Val ,
' Queens Cou-.ty bonds,
inai tk-l al" ',
1 Kicbinotid County
Loud-, uiaik' t value,
Hi o ki' ii t ity aler
Lul.ot, c.aiktt viue,
1 Id.'
li'.Oia b
2",li 0 ((
t0,'J OJj-
C3,'-oO Co
21,(-0 .to
11,2 )0 CO
41 5 fCl V
in.ioo oo
" St.M-k-. ni.irket valu.
" 1. ans on l;otnl and -Morigien,
bein first ii. ii cf r i o:d ou unn
tuiube'r.d i eat estaie, woilh at
least S.U'hsu", rate of iutere.-t
6A7pe c r-.t. !,04.Ct2.5.
" Iaans on stocks Lil bonds, pays
bie ou demand, ll eniarset value
ef se.utltiea pledged, at lea-t
a-.'ii-J Ms, 2;i,t'2 J
' " M.-atiier .Maftnet and wrecking
( pala us 73 7.
' Due f or preiu. unn co policies idsU'd
at otrlee 4,&oi.:5
" Bit. Keieivable for prrmiamson In
land Naviation Kisks, fcc. 80"i37.i3
' Inland sialvaj;-s. 440.43
t:her pu.peitv, miscellaneous itema, 5!o,14'.2'
O' Siianips, ir'O 00
Ia' due ou 1st January, la.5 v 19,Ji(ii.a
Am't of '.ossea idj isied, due and unpaid, 'oc
" incurred, and "i Process of
aojustuient, $58,iol It
" " rt p rted, au 1 on which no
acnou has been taken, 1,051 vo
" Claimsfor los-es resi-t-d by the Co . 20, 140 "0
Divide uis decia.-e: , due and uupaid, liid.1
" " either cash or scrip, de
clan d but net jet due, ?jr,u
" Money borrowed, Koti"
all oi her ex isim claims against Co. Naae
Total ara't oflo3ses, Coi'nis and iiabilitlcf , (77.9ul.b-
The creaiest amount iosun d on any one risk is
$7I OLi). but will uot as a a-t-n-ral rnleeered lu.O'Xl
The Com; ay has no rcueral rule a to the htnotiat
allowed to n -insU'ed in at y city, tow a, vi la'e o
olo'k, b -iuat Kot trued in this ma. ter, in ea' h ate,
by tie: t;ei.eral ctiaraiter of buildioi'a. Width of
streets, taeiiiii.-s f-,r piit'int; out tires, etc.
A cei :d oi) y cf the Charter or Act of iDccrpori
tioii, as aweitded, aecoiicauies thu statement.
CVf arid Cvutity of -Veto Xuik.
Pre-ident, and .Jll.N' Me'iEE becretary, of tb
IIoxh Lvrmu r Ci.sp a n v, Itmf severally and duly
sworn, des and say. and each for himself asys.
that the f'lriV'ins Is a true, fail and correct etate
luer.t ' f U.e aff.Ois of (tie said corporation, aui that
they ate the aoov des. r,t ed odlerrs thereof.
A. V . Wll.l.M AKTII, Vic-.Pres't.
JOHM lU,Lt, beeretify.
Subscriber! and sworn beiore me, thi 25lh daf of
ir. i.) January, A. D. leW.
L.b. 'ctary f utlic
Kaofc all Men by t 'nt I'rrntt, TLat the IIoms
I.xsiHANCi: Cuhpa.v Y, of the City ol .New Vork, do
I.ei eby authoi lie any and all agents that said Coin -vauj
has, or may hereafter have or appoint, lo the
Mate of .Sesna-ka, for auil on benalf of said Colli! a
i.y, lo accept and atkho A- eJg - service of all procefS.
wtiether no iue or hinil, in any action or proceed. c
UK imst ai . Company, iu any ef the c urls ef said
siaie. AU'l llisuei-oj' s'liuuiro sus ar'cu, msi
sai l service of the lroces af oresaid ahatl be taken
and held to be- vand and si:rS:i nt in thai behalf, the
same as i! . erv.-' up u said cauipany aceoraicg to lbs
laws aad piactice of said Mate; and all claim or
riKht ot e ror i y reason of the manner of each se'
vice, is h-ieby expressly waived and relinriairked.
Witness our band and seal ef the Con-
e.g. pany, this 2jd day o ' Januar y, 166.
A I . WIELM MU'U. Vice Piei.
-.. JOUN MctitE, Secretaiy.
J. N. WISE, Ag't.
Aub. S, liC& w 4 tLATTtVIOClU.'- T-
Win. Herald, corner of Main and Sec
ond streets, is still seilinc Groceries, Pro
visions Farm Produe, a low us
any House in tbo West. Farmers 'who
have produce to sell will do well to call
on him before disposing of their trade.