AYEE'S Sni cr -jr n t- n n n TOR TTt TTirTM iT frtTTTt TVT f OX route lixtu xjujju, And for thcsyrc-Jy curt oft lie following complaints k-rofnlit and Srrofu!on ACrvf iirl Tumor'. l'!'rr, More, In;Morn ruti;;lc, t'li-ltl u-, I5lefcli'H. ICLiiua. 11 ii J till 5kln Ai.eilC". IJoiln Oaku.mi. Intl., r'-tU June. 13;!). J. C. ATEIt &. t.'o. (ieuu: I feel it mv ciutv to ao anowled;:? hat your arvirjarilla lias doue ir me Hin inherited a Scroluioiin mlijetion. J tinvi Snfll-iel from it in vniotis unvs !ur veani. gome :iine- t burn ii.t in I Ice r on mv liavls and arras toiiictimes it tiiri.. il in-.vard and : ir-ti o.--"il me r.t tin u.n..-ii h Two tear, iiiro it Lrol.e out on mv lit-at mil -n-d inv Va'i) i.i.d ears with one frorc, wliicl was I aiiilui uud luuiii.'umc Levond deoriiitiiin. J rieii inaiiT iw-diciitc-t and several plivsici:iiis Inv iviil.oiit iiittch relief rout nnvthiiiir. Iu (act, t U disorder grow wore. At k-ueth I ffji rejoiced t read in tlieCosiiel ilctt ifjer t Iwt you bad prepares an altorati.e (.ursaji:irillii, lor I kni-tv from yntii rep'itation t!:nt unytlJn jou made must bi p'xt 1 Kiit to Cincinnati end got it, uud used it till it :urcd me. 1 took it, as you mlvw, in mnall doses oi i tea-poonful over a mouth, nnd used almost thro Lotties. M'.-w niid hcalttiv i-kiu roou bcs-iu to lorn under tlie H.'ab, whicli u iter a Vihile leil olf. 11 kin i no.v c.t-uj. and I kno'.v by luy leeluiss tlui Hie diseit?e t.n - u'niie from my Kvsteiu. Vu:i c:ui wci believe Hist 1 feci v. l:it I urn savins vT-.en I toil you that I hold you to be onu oft lie ii'io-tles of the a'e aiid remain ei er irraic-iUJiY. i our, Al.YV.VD ii. i AIXF.Y Sl Ant!ojiy' "Fivr. Slow or i:rfci;wla Tcttrr nnJ S,ill EEitfUiii, Mcald tSvuJ. tiiiisvvorct. !m n I.v- ui oimt Lr. Kobe-it M. Treble writes liti.i bnlem, X. V, f2:li Sei't.. 1 tli.it be Las tuivj an iiinb-rMi cne of r'--v. wliifh thimlviiej to tc-rmiiir.re U tii'lv. bv ti.e i t4- iiiiiz ue of our r-arxapiirillu mul a!.-6a iiaiiKero;n Malignant Sryj'ttu by Icrx' riusi ot tl.L' Mi:n-; yuva lie i'Ui't'6 t..k. coiumuu .iujf t.ons by it coiir-taulJy. Uronrhorrlc f.niirr or Swells! Nrrlt. Ztl uloii .--.uii. of 1 i iv tt, 1 exits, wi net: " 1 lirc bottles of voiir haisnpaulla cured me from a (roilr a lii.lcrm-i v.i;:.n; . ii tl.i- ttuk, wliitU I liad but fereu lioin over two jeais. ' irnrorrh?-! or f v:n J t Tamr lir. J. U S- in:uui;i!Z. of Aew loik I itv, wntos ' 1 rrio-t e!,cf rf!;!!v coni!lv witli the rcnue-t of vtm at'iit ill ntyiiitf I have loiiiiii vour Siir.-aj.inilla I moot exceliuiil biteiuiive iu I lie iiuuierous cm rluinU tor vl!tc:i we einplov blich a reined v. bu e-Iiceially in t-'emil: IHsmixcx of ttiu tfcicfuiom iiiatlierii. I have cured mauv iiireteram ca-t ol ly.ucorrlKjca by it, and !-oine wlnie t!:j ccuu;)!iiUi wa cau-ed bv u'o r i.'ion cl tlie u'i riis. i lie u ur ntion it-ek' was? .-mm cured. iS'othii! within mj kuou Icde eijuals it for the-e fciiia.o cic. ui.Bineiiti-.' Kdward .S. Marrow, of Newbtirv, A!:i., writes Ainiieroi!i nrnrtan tumor on one of the female in my lamby, winch had di-iird all t!iu remedie w oouid eniplov, lias :.t length bvt-n coinple;ely cire4 b' our I.xliiict or .aoapaiii.a. Our piivHieiai liioiJLM iMiiiiii'' out e.Miri.aiion couia anoni reii !ut he ad iseil ti,o trial of your .-ar-nparilla as th hirt rf-o: t btioru ciitims, and it proved eliectual Att-r ibijr vo ir retnrdy riht weeks no symt toll ol l..e UiMKe let;. ail. b. Mvj:!ii!a mul .TJrroirial Iirar. Dtt. J. C Aykii: rSi r. I cheertally comply wit) the rViieiit of vour iijrent. and report to oU(oirn ot the eificrs 1 huve reaJized with your Sarsaparill. 1 hae cured with ir.iu my practice, liiurt of till cfuni laitits !ir whicli it is recommended, and hat bund its t-tlectA tritlv wonderful ill tile cure ol Vtiiercl mi l Mrrrvriil Jvitrase. One of my pa tieiiis bad Svi lnli'ie ulcers in ius tliroat, which ".-.cm coi Miii:;ur hi- I a. ate and the top of his mouth Vour :ii-.-:ir.i;i!la !" eailily taken cured him in tm v.i el.s Ai.otiier : attacked by t-econdarr eyrup toi:i in i.o-e. :hm1 the Ulceration had eaten away s ciiM-:i i .11 c part ci ir, eo mat oejieve me ais urth-r v. .m il .-o:i renrh his brain and kill him. l'.ii it yielded i. mv adniiiii.-tratioii of your riiiiapni-illi the ulce healed, and he is well aain, not of courst without sola.- dis!if!iiration to his face. A womar who !iu! Peru tieatid lor the fame disorder bv luer curv v i i i j r from this poi -ou iu her ooties i'i;-v had 1 -coine so seiiti'ive to the weatli' r tliat oi a daiiip ihiv m- sLi!'ri;d excruciutiu pain in he iuint ami b.i!i s .'She, too, was cured entirely by Mir a:t;;pHii!!a in a few uetks. 1 know from it! T'.rinuhi, whieh your n-ent pave me, that thi: 'repniatioii fMui fur laboratory must be a irreu' remedy; coiwoiii in! v, tSee truly remaikable ! bulls with it ha .e i:ot ;trpii- d inc. . I- ralei iiai.y yours, Ci. V. LARIMER, M. D. lilM-'iiiisitNiu. Cioiit, I.irrr 'oiupliin t. I.vI'Himilm i;, l'!e-t"!i Co., Va., t.tli duly, lr. J. '. A vi if .ir, 1 have bteu clilicteif with I Citinfiil fhioni' l:hnm irt.'hi ij- a Ion? time, whicl ali.i ii i.ie !. 1 1 1 of ph-.-;uians, n.nl stuck to me li spite of all the remedies 1 contd find, until I tr:e your iarsaj.:'iiia. One bottle eured me in tw( week. and re.-'.oit-d lay freiierul bealth fcO mucl that 1 am far . tt. r thaii before I was attsiekid. . tiduk il a w Oi.v.i lai n: die: ac. J. V 1;L:AX Jules V. l.etrhf!'. of i?t. I.onis. rentes: "I Lav been alMV'c.; f..r . ears with 5'jn''i (". u ffthe Lit er which ii'.-T.nid mv lealih. 1 tiled everything and cv.-ryi liinc l.i.led to reliee me; and I havi been "oi nki'ii-.l,n n man for n me veurs from in other e.ii.- ti.an li'.i-ffn.,iit ttf th I.irer. M) te'.oveo p. -ior. the i;. v' .Mr. K. py. advised ine t try your iti-iipuiiiia, becaie be taid lie kner you and at. ilnnc ou made was worth trviu?. liy th Lie.--ins nil it I. a- cured me, nml has i-o riufitie rny Lh.od as to ma.ie a new man of me. I feel youii aaii. 1 be l.e-t tout tan bu tiaiJ of you is not Lai good enou,."u.' 'hiri-ii. 'imrer Titmcra, Tnlnrsrmrnt I Ici-riilion, Ciarit-4 Jiiitl Uxlolintion ol the IS -. A (jreat vaiiety of casoo have been reported to n where cures of these formidable complaints hav resulted from the ii-e of tliis leniedy, but our tpu' here will not admit them. .oiiiu id' them may b lonnd iu our Ann-rican Aimuiiae, winch the tgent below l.ained are plea.-ed to lurnih gratis to a.1 wli rail for them. Iyp'Ii;i, Ilrnrt Iisrnc, F3. Epilcpny .ieiimct'oly , Xvnra Ifc-iil. Many remarkab.e cures of tliee atteetions hav been made by the alterative power of this inedioine It stimulates the ital function into vigorous action and thus ovcicoiiie- ili.-or.h'is whicli would be sup nosed beyond its reach, hotcli a remedy lian loiij oeen reciiiired I y the necessities of the people, am we are coiilidei'4 that this will do for thorn all tha medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.. FOR THE KAI'IIl CritK Of I'ouehs, 'rli!, Intlurncri, IIoanrnrM tronn, lroiielil. lileipieiit ( oil uuiitiau, nml for tlw tCelief of OIl-!llu;;lic I'lll't'Iltx iu s!ttir'4l tnt: of Ibe li-i4':t4. Tliis is n remedy so ui.n erhaliy known to Fnrpas my otlier lor tiivcuveof throat and luncoinplaiuts that it is in-elc.-s here to publish the evidence of it virtues, its unrivalled excellunee for coughs am cold, and its truly wonderful cures of punnonnr-disea-e. have made it known throughout the civrt ied iiatiuiis nf the earth, l ew lire the cominiitiitie or cren tauiilies, nmoinx them w l.ohaie not sort psc-onal t .p ri..ice of it elects seine livin. trophv in their miii-t of its virtot v over the sr.btl and dap.'eriets ii-nrihrs of the throat and lunp As all know the tiieiiiiiul fatality of llu--e liisorden and s tiioy know, li.o, the etleets of this remedy re need not tin more than to a-suie thetu that it ha now all the virtues that it did have when nakiri the cares which have won bo strongly upon tb :oulidellce of iiiankiud. Srepared by Dr. J. C. ATE2 & Co., Lowell. Mas IF a ui -r t ? i nt: i,.!n f..r Tl.'n,!. 0 .i.-he. Ursuci'sia, Kcver anl Acue, V. Liver Cotaplaint, lottven-s S? .... - i -t.. r-..l;-. 0 D' prav. d Ai'petite, Eisor- a t2A i'ei 25 CM- "WILSOK S rililiS are nnirers.ilTy a kni.wlidyed V' the best now iu uso. As a ranilly jiohi th'- .ircfiart iculu ly recorjrjcndi'd-simple and harmless, but highly nirdkiaal la their ccm tinnti"C. Ono "fill a doso, wi-.U rdld but rrr tain effects. Tiio roliust m m an 1 the d-Iicate cl i!4 u-e thetu alike, vtila Try a-.hiiranr9 it entire afety. V ith Wilssn'a Fills, every Mother iu "the land biix.ciH her cvru phy-ician. They hire provod ;henisIves a frrrtnc, and skuiJ without a rival fir the f-llrwirg atlectious: nUADACUK, rEVElC Ac AGUE, UKADACIIL', 1T.VER 3c AGUIi.. BYSPEP3IA, LIVHR COEPLAIHT. dyspepsia, xrvxa coiiPLArsr. Costiveness, Uilicusfiess, Keurals? CostiTcnesa, BiUoasu.;s3, ITeuralsi Boll Druggists & Dealeri evcrywhci FBEFARED BY B. L. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers &Vhclesab Druggists 2,o. CO, ccrntr Wood and 4-th :s. PITTSBURGH, PA. L. Fahnestook'iiVifuge Scrofula, or King's Evil 3 a corthtituiioiKil disense, ft covinjitiott of th 2ooJ, Ly which this fluiJ hcvoir.es vitiated vpak, and poor, lleiiir iu the eiri illation, i Kirades the whole; body, and tuny burst on n disuse en ny part of it. "N'o organ fxv ioni its attacks, nor is there one which it in:r lot destroy. The scrofulous taint ii various!; taust-d by intreurial disease, low living, dis irtlered or tuiherdtliy food, impure air, filtl md lilthy habits, tlie depresin vices, r.nd ibove till, by the venereal infection. What vcr bo its origin, it is hereditar- iu the ctm .titution, descending " liotn parents to i lnhhc i into the tl t seems to vill vibit heir children IU ciletts lioocl ol corrupt or tncerous mattir, tvl.ieli, n ho lungs, liver, nnd internal organs, is teimec ubereles ; in the glands, swellings ; and oi he surface, eruptions or sore. This foul cor ruption, which ponders iu the blood, depresses he energies of life, so that scrofulous t oiwitu ions not only HufFcr from scrofulous com llaints, but they have far less power to vi:h tund tl'.c attacks of otlier diseases; con-e-lucntly va-t numbers pcri-li by di-ordcrr vhieh, ulthough not scrofulous in tJitir nature .re suit rendered l.ital by tins tair.t m tl v.-teni. "Most of the consumption which d. ifiiates the littmnn f.nnilj' lias its origin directlj n this scrofulous contamination ; and manj lestruetive uieas -s of tiu liver, kiuuey-, Lraui Jul, indeed, ot nil the organs, anse irom oi .re airgravated by the satne ctiuse. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ' heir persons are liivaded Ly this lurking m ection, anl their health is undermined Ly it. ,o cleanse it from the system we must renovate he blood by nn alterative medicine, and iti igorate it Ly healthy food and txercisf. Such a medicine v.o supply in AYER'S onipouiid Extract of Sarsnparil!.!. he mo-t tftectual remedy which the mcdier," kill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have teen discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the ystem front its destructive consequences. Ience it should be employed for the cure ol tot only Scrofula, but also those other affec ions which arise from it, such as 1-"iuttivi nd Skix Diseases, St. Anthony's Fuse tosi:, or F.uysipei.as, FiMri.Es, FrsTVj.rs-, Ji-otciies, lii.Aix.sand Uoii.s.TcMoits, Tetti h .nd Salt Khevk, Scai.h IIuad, IIingwoum-, tiiruMATisM, Svi'iiti-rnc and MuucLitiAL Dis ases, Duoi'sv, livsi-EPsiA, Deiiii.ity, and, ndeecl, am. Complaints akisinu iiiom Vitia tn on Impuui: Blooo. The popular bclicl :t imjiurilit o f the blood " is founded in truth-, Dr scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The articular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa illa is to purity and regenerate this vital lluid, I'ithout which sound health is impossible in ontamhiuted constitutions. Ague Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CUBE OP 'nfermilteiit Fever, or Pvfr and Agnr, teulitteut I'tvtr, C'lttll I'evfr, liiinl; kt;iir, IVriotlirnl Ilendnelie, or Hillom leiMlachr, and Ilillonx I'cvcra, lnleel or the whole c-lnfts of illjrnscs or ii(iiiH t -ll a; In lliury ilrraiii;ritiriit, rMiiMril t lie llalnrla of ?Ilusiuutic Countries. "VVe are cnahled here to oiTer the cammuni'y a emcdy which, while it cures the above complaints rih certainty, is still perfectly harmless 1:1 any Bantity. fciuch a remedy is invaluable in distru U .here these afflicting disorders prevail. This 1 C'riic " pvpi k the miasmatic poison of Fevei: .Ni) Ague from the system, and prevents the Ue- clopment of the disease, if taken on the hrst ap roach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not otdj he best rsmedy ever yet discovered for this class f complaints, but also the cheapest. The la rut uaiititv we sunnlv for a dollar Irinus it within tn each of every body ; and in bilious districts, win i t EVF.n and Ann: prevails, every body should lave it and use it freelv both for cure and protcc- ion. A great superiority of this remedy over an) ither ever discovered for the speedy nnd certp.it :iire of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine ir mineral, conseoticntlv it produces no qr.iuism oi ithcr injurious clteets whatever upon the coiistitu- ion. J. hose cured by it are lelt as healthy as v hey had never had the disease. lever and A true is not alone the consequence o: he miasmatic poison. A t;rcat variety of disor- lers arise from its irritation, among which nr S'euraffin, Uheumalism, Gout, lh adachtr, Blind lest, TootiiTrfie, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Vulr litaiion. Painful Ajf'ect ion of the Spleen, llystrr' cs, Pain in the Jiowt-l.i, Colic, Paralysis and lc anacment ct the stomach, all ot which, wlicr iriginatin? in this cause, put on the intermittent ipe, or become periodical. This ' Cche " cxpeh .he poison from the blood, and consequently cures ihcni all alike. It is an invaluable protection tc mmigrants and persons tiavelling or temporarily 'csidiiu in the malarious districts. J f taken oeca- lionallv or daily while exposed to the infection :hat will be excreted from the system, arid canno iccumtihite in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ase. Hence it is even more valuable tor protec aon than cure, and few will ever sutler from Inter nittents if they avail themselves of the protcctioi his remedy atturds, Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES to CO., Lowell, llasa B I, C ( I) EAD i MAiii. G-cnts Furnishing Good-i Hats, Caps lJpots, hoes, Trunks, Valises, Sic. tC Also a lnro lot of UrUBI R GOODS and REVOLVERS always on hand. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their benefit to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Cash -puid for Hides, Furs and JVoof. riattnnoutb, May 2-3, tf - ili'd and i.jili th "cneration : unh i d r.,rTa- F-. o be the rod of Jlim who says, ! i h, Cl7."'':-,v;v1 LiiloU, the inniuiUes of the lathers upoi f ;Cv 'i-' i-s'" move on , g. r Hue ii:e commence oy urpo-uion iiom tin -si- ; - bod v into PILLS. Are you sick, fetble, an comiilainiui; r Are you ou of order, with your vstcfi (ieratieed. ami your feeling niiooailortable f 1 hc-fenymp loins are otten tlie preiut to serious illutss. Some li -".v i if tiukitts ifeereeiiini? nnoi v , vou.ar.fl ftiould be avcrtu J.?' ' ? Lv a timelv use i 'A'Y leincdv. Take S'- ' A and cleanse on c of the riirh Take Aver's 1'iiS out ttie disor nors purify tl and let the fluid unobstructed ii uirain. 1 hey Mnun luiictions ot tti iirorou activity urilV the system from the obstructioin which malo list-n.-e. A cold rot ties somewhere in the body, am bstructif its natural functions. These, if not n icvid, react upon lhein.-el a and the surrotindiDf rrons, produciiiir freneral iiirravation, sullerina .ud disease. AVhile iu this condition, oppressed b; lie deraugemcntg, take Ayer's l'ills, and see hov lircctly thi y restore the natural action of the srs em, and with it the buoyant teelinj; of health upaiii Vhut is true and o up) arent in this trivial and com aon complaint, is also true in many of the deep eated and dangerous di.-temoer. The same purtrti ive c-tfect expels them. Cati'sed by pimiltir ohstino ions and Ieiansi nieuts of tlie uutural functions ot he body, they are rapidly, aid many of them smelv ured by the" satne melius. INone who knew tfrt lrtues of these will pegied to employ theu rhen guileriug from the disordurn they cure, SjiiiiehKMs Irniii hading p'lyticinns in sonic of th iriucipal cities, uud from oilier well-know u publi niioi;: yroat a Forwarding Merchant cf St. Louis, Ftb. 4 Is.vi. Dr. Avrr.- Your l'ills are the parapron of all thai g preat in medicine. The.- have cured my htt!t laughter of ulcerous sores upon l.er hands and feet bat bad pioved incurable for years. Ilermothel las bci u loiij; grievously uthicted with blotches and limples on her skin niid in her hair. Alter oui :hild was ctiicd, she uho tiled your Pills, and they lave cured Ler. AA 310I'0Iilljii. As a Family Pliyslc. rrom fr. W. Ctrl in iyltt, AVie OrTeanx. Vour l'ills nr the prince of pure. Their ex client (jualities ruriufs any cathartic we jio-scss. hev are mild, but very cei t.in and efit ctual in their ctiou on the bowels, which liuikca Jhelil invaluable o us iu the laily tnetimeiit of tiisea.-e. Ileadaclic, PlcU 33en.5iu he, I'otil Nloiunch, J-'nmi Dr. Fdirard J'otnf, R-tltimore. Dear lino. Ayi.ii: 1 cai.not answer you what omplaints I have curttt with your l'ills better tlmu o say a'.l thit ice crcr treat iritlt a puriatirr ta-ui-inr.' 1 place preat dependence on that etl'ectual uthartic in my daily Coiiti'-t with disease, and lu ievinr. as I do. Ihut yotir l'ills ullord us the best we luru, 1 of course value tin in highly. riTTsnriso, I'a., 3Iav 1. 1". Dtt. J. C. Ayeu s-ir: J have been repeatedly ured of the worst o ail.tcltt- anybody can have by it lu.-e or two of your l'ills. It seems'to arise from a ou! ctomach, w hicli they ch anse at once. Yours with great rt.-pec:, l.I. W. l'KF.IU.r.. Ctrl; of Steamer I'lariuil. IXiiioutt "Disorders 1. 1 vvr C'o;ii;;lat:it. Front Dr. Theixlore Bef.cfXew York City. Neit cuily are your l'ills adiuiruhly adapted to their lurpose us an ajiei ient, but 1 find their 1 enelicial :ll'cets upon the Liver very marked indeed. They lave iu my practice proved more cflecttiul for tli aire of bilious complaints than any one remedy i :an mention. I sincerely i-ejoice that we have at entrth a purgative which Is worthy the confidence ol he piolerfiou and the people. Pepautmenv of tub Interior, I Washington, 1. V , 7th Keb., ls'i.3. Sift: I have used your I'ilis in my general and toi-pifal practice ever since you iwaile thetu, and nnnot l.tfitate to say thev are the best cathartic ve emidov. Their rc'-rulutiiig action on the liver is piick and decided, coii.-eijucntly they are an ad nimble remedy ftr li rini'eiiii iits of that orean. ndeeit, I have seldom found a case of tiilioii tlis ue K ob.-liiiate that it oid not readily ield tc Lent rratcrnally v ours, A I.ONZO LA LI.. M. L., Physician if the Marine Hospital. IJysentery, Dinrrhtrit, ICeliix, 'oi-uim. from Ir. J. Cl. f.'r rcu. ;f Chh-nyo. Your l'ills have had a long trial in liiv prartiee. .lid 1 hold them in esteem as one of the Lest aperi nts I have ever leiund. Their alterative e licet upon he liver makes them an -.'xcelieiit remedy, wheu ,iveu in i-mali iloies lor bititus ttyjcittery and tiar hra. Their suar-:oatiiij,- makes' tl.ein very ac eptable and couvenieLt lor thu ue of woiueu umj hilUren. ljpfi.i, Inii!irily or the Blood. ""ran Jicv, J. '. --. T ' tsfor of .ttln nt Church, Jtogft-u. Pit. Ayfr: I have u-ed vour l'ills with extra udlliary success lit my l'an- rl uud umun lliu.-e 1 am .ailed to viit in distress. 7o regulate the organs of llKCstiou and purity tlie blood, they are the very et remedy I have" ever known, and 1 can conn lentlv lecouimcnel tln i.1 to mv friends. Yours, J.V. IIIMKS. W.OiSAW, Wyoming Co.. X. Y., Oct. 21. 1-vsi. Dear. mr: I am usiiifr your Cathartic Tills iu my iiHct.ee. and find tlaiu an exec.iei.t purcative to lenitse the system and .ii.-;" I'ik fountain or' t lit Ivod. JoilN o. '.HLAl UA3I, M.T. !oukinnlion. ''li vc-r. iiicrsion, IthriiiiintKiii. tioul, e tiralia, Dropnj, i-r.ii) aii, a lla, ic. From Ir. .. P. I7i (".'ot, Montreal, C.-rnatfa. Too much cannot be' said of your Tills for the ure ol coxtirt tit yj. If i.tii-1" ol'i.nr fraternity hav bund them as etiicacions ml have, they should join ne iu proclaimii it. tot tu- bent-tit of the multitudes vho sutler tioi:i Hint col lplaiiit, which, a. though tail enough in it-elf. is the progenitor of others that .re wote. 1 believe costtrt in ,ss to originate in Hit in r, but your l'ills uticct that oiau unil cure tU lis-ease. From Mrs. . Stuart, Physician, and Midwife. JIO.it UU. I Gnd ono or two larire t-oses of vour Tills, taken it the proper time, are excellent promotives of the latnrot sicrition when wholly or partially sup- ircssed, and ul.-o very t-Uectual to c:anse the ton.ach anil exptl tcornis. They are so much the tst plivsic we nave tint J recommend no other to uy patients From the Xec. Dr. Ifatrhs. of the Methodist Fpis. f tiu.-cit. I'ulaski Hoi'se, Savannah, (la.. Jan. fl, ls."f!. lioNOKKIi Mil: 1 shotilil I tniirrateftil for tht -chef your skill has brought me if I tlid not report li v case to you. A cold settled in my limbs uud nought on excruciating vturalic pd inn, which litled in chronic rienma-i.-m. Notwithstanding 1 lad the best of physician. , the eirsease j;rew worst ind worse, until by the nit ice of your excellent ia nt in l'.altiinorc", lr. 3I:ickenie, 1 tried yotii .Jiils. Their ttlects were siow, but sure. ISy per evering in the use of them, 1 am now entirely well. Senate Chamber, rtaton Houe, La.. 5 Dec, 1853. Dlt Aver: 1 have bee.i tiiltr-Iy cured, by youi 'ills, of 7.'i unuitic iiont a j.rinful iliseaso that has tfllicted me for years. lM'tM SLIDLXL. ITT" Most of the Tills in market contain Mercury vl.i.-h although a valunble remedy in skilful hands t dangerous in a. public p. II. troiu the tlieadftil con eijucuces that fre-iitently toiiow its incautious Use 'hose contain no uierciirv or loiuerui substuuet vhalever. Price, 3 cents per lox, or 5 Eoics for SI. 'repared by Sr. J. C. AVEE & Co.. Lowell, Mass Hannibal 6c St. Joseph, Packet; I Bines ox .Missomi Kivcn. Tri-workly racket (llannitsr.l nui it. Joseph R. K. Line) leave Oiualia, Coun ; 1 I:iuQ Phtttsintuith, Nebraska City and iutermdiate points frr t. Joeph. eonnect'iig at St. Jusepli Willi trains on ilantiit.al Hiid fct. J iseph li. II , leaving tt. Joi.eiU at 11:B0 P. M., and arriving at aTJINCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS nj:xt day- On ami after M-v 10th. .lail. and rhi?e coanec- tions from t. J.isejdi to Atchison. Weston, I.'aveu- Wf.rth. Wyauilotte, Kana City, Lawrence, Topi-k.-i, via Matte Country U. H. and stejmer tluiilie(H. t St. Joseph U. H. I.it.e.) ' Leave St. Jusepli 5:L'0 A. M arr.ve at Abliuou at b.ao A. il., w isioti ,:.io A. M.. b-avenworth - :0il A JI., Wyandotte ltl.otl A. M., Kansas City ld:."W A. M., Lawreuce at 5 1'. M. Til HOUGH TICLIKTS rOlt SALE l.y purler A Pe'iel Oiaalui; 1). V. liitctcock, Conn- tl ll ulT-; E C. Lewis, l'U :siinmih ; E. ts. Hawley, Nebraska City. Buy tliim.h t.cketj and save mon ey- Kxtenive repairs on th" Hm nih.il and f t Joseph Itaitreud, uew iron tiws a. . d additional rolling stock nahl- ihttn t" otf.-r tlite iuportitiu thaages to la ilitate travel by lids ruutv. t . ..MrD.(iti I ipenntenleiit. P. B (iKOAT. tJeii'l Tu tet A w ut. H. 11. Cue liiuioiiT, C nT ic.j,Mt Aeent. IiHtiniliit I. Mo. Capt. Peres 1'oui', Supcriatea.k-at l'.icket Lines, t. Jo-t ph, Mo. J'dy l, l?e. Boot c Shoe Shop. h. mHcriber wauld recectfnlly cnll the attcn n of the citizens rf Tlnt-Miic uth ai.d tln puM; at arije b the tact that he hjis locate! one 'J" r eist of retail's Iimz More, wnere h" iup mis keepiDZ on baud and uikii f on ti e Lerte-t at-tice, every- article iu his lin. IJi si-k t eiLS Miee ltd l-y hini seif. aud liavliijf si't nttl s iu-t tf bia life in tlie luisiness, he feel ivutlJeut that lie cau give satisfae lion. Give hm a;all. April TJ tS..- J. TIIOCliJIOItTON. - 1 rsrS TOOTLE ?i r A I N STIl E ET, L A Ii r 4r "t JJ'cst of Wholesale and HARD lothing of every description. IVINSS AKD LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENS WAKE, IltM, KAILS, WlfVDOW SASH, DOORS fc GLASS. And every article required by 5:l!RAxTS, E KSIITI.KS, Itll.MSRS & FA5U1ERS. And eterylod else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive slock. -AT riattsmouh, April 10, "0-"5. 180 A3HSON, DOVEY & CO, North Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of vTv QUE liXS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, 11 vcr Offered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Parmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stoch riatttsmouth, April 10, 1SC-3 -tf J UST rtteived, 6rt cattes r f Canned Teiicbeit at AUlisON, DUVLV i CO'S. O to AMI50X, DOVEY & C0-3 to purchase your H spriug gijod. VN endless var iety cf Lsdies Ores? Goods at A. D. CO'--. 50 r. n ca: H3 Moltliy's Cove Oy bter for k1 at A. D. & CO'S. KEAT bargains in Ladies Brest! Goods at A. IL fc CO'S. F OR SALE at AM1S DoVtV & CO'S, Coffee, Tea.fruiriir, tiolil-n Syrup, hugur Iloue ilo :s, StW York Candies, etc , et?. A larire t of Chewing aud Sunk inp Tob ireo for stle at A. V. d CO'S. lOALOIL for stle by A. D. CO. 50 BOXES Star Candles fer sale by A, D. k CO. r you want to purchase goods at a bargain, po to A. V. k CO BAGS COFFEE jut received by A. D. t CO. Lai k-e lot of CLoice Tea at A. D. k CO'S. IIANNA & CO., PLATTSilOUTH, N. T G E S T '.x c-v Fti i 4 ,i 4 v 1 , .A.- s- SrA W St. Louis. Retail Dealers in W A1D- THE- ARE, PEOOF BEICK. Tootle, Hanna c Co. 1805. Main Street, 9 Lrre aiFortuient of mei's and for fale by toj-B t-luthillg A. I). C0- gliELLED COHN for fa.eby A D. k CO. J ACON and Lard for sale by A. I. k CO. VHKAVY INVOICE if all iinds of Faaiily Gro ceries and Outfiting Good-just received by A. V. k CO. VI. I. kinds tf Farming Imi'lementn for pale by A. D. k CO. VLargi .'ot of Two Uorse Plows for sale bv A U. it- CO. 4 N endless variety cf Hardware nnd Cutlery for A. V- & CO S. sale at SiSH, Dour, Shingles, Class, aud Nail of every description for sale by A - D. k CO. VLL kinds of Couaity Produce taken in exchange for goods br A . D. k CO; rPO enumerate all the at tides we hve for sale I. would C.l oue sideof th Hksil.-), aud other have as good a right to advertise as AMISON, DOVEY 4 CO. THUS l&igtbi Outflttiog Honna north of rt. Jocfh J X ia AMI5UN, UOVfcY & CO S. i'iattsmoutb, Ktra. T II li NEBRASKA "CwTi "r"2f? Is iLe place to get CARDS, i5ai.i.ticksi;t POSTERS. LARCLS, -on- I'rom a Q'i-Je'ti'tf.' Cfa,-f TO A ADVERTISE in tiii: NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET TIIH PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive k Stirring. STJJ3SCEI33H: FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP.YOURSELF POSTED. CABKvi'r L) t . J 1 IIj.'. tll' TV v illv Hain St., ri.;',t.r Would r.- pe. ' adieiuiiw ' fin rj inK t'U tin- U V In ; ii: the 5ic3TArrr.cv I a :u p. C II A I very .!,. SATISFACTio:, ( -f V ii t:i-n' ir .i : ; 1. 1 : -n ishinx l Ki-'i.vs. All kin N i.f li:.i!., r .1 . I'i.t :J s -io tl 1 1. . A - ' ! !, 1 . ' 1 1 srrc 1: BRICK LAY Tlie utnIrTsinod a re r; ' J :i 10 all' v,toi;x i:; LA. sff','"" "'I'll i till J REASON ALU. i r- i v. -rj H H fn O c H X ik r. . ; i - v. 7' r. ; r" o , zr" !y i f . 1 -1 ST S ri v- f ' o r" "- ' ' f -. C v. 3 C J - ;t...4 - v t ' . NO ' 1 r- c z m CO J1 E-ttVl-li-l ..i 1 (inoil, Citra ..' i i J 1 i ' -.f for Every M-,., V .-. ' C ' I IN" CI1V, VILLA!.!'., AMI i.iji :.T:tv. Tl I K Amcric an A s? vi cult urir; : F' 11 T.i: Farm, Garden, and Ilcusrhnl'.!, liicludin a Sj "-ii J) CSlii an I iifti vc (Jit i '' ti a:; ; t" Tli(! A.lri' lltt'li b- iii ifuily . ii.t--rt-liKt.li t.riu'riai m titul aud in-tn.c'.. V'd.nuc. I emit iin I- j i ' ; I'll 1 ! to b- pt-rf.rni . d i i aro. n . ia anil I t! 1 t. T1.C tli'ilin ri .N ,.f ,i,.M ,;, evi-ry v.i u t n ir'- ;i.:r"(i .- Woikiil'J Jt'H, I kli'TA Hi.. I The fi',m. h., 1.1 i'ii fo. tin,-.-! ': I?ou-M-ki-.-iN'r, air -liny vt-tv !. . liiM-cli.li-', t-.'tlcillii'eil lo 1 . -; 1 1 :i duyr-wt-i k Tha ' pa.lmen for ..'.' p.irfi.l with (p r.in-. I t'i ' nifut, but tiio ti i.icul u:t k " moral i.ritu ijil -. Tt.RM't. 1 he i i' ' 1 ei'tturint (ui'.r tl m ' , be furuinli.-ii nt t' Copien ou.j year. ""''I "' or iii'Tf, ijio: y i ' ,; ' '" ' ' " " : 1 ,1 'I'o'.I.d A., -'I- Ill ll It ?-xr.Y IT A . Ui- .a;.',;: 2ii z. r. 3. l'dtk I.i. V,