tou pumrYiNG' the BLOOD, ; ,- 1 ?rtieipcedy cureoltljc following c.iuipluiiita .'-l-j nnd irfnlu A- liana. ncl -i " imir. Iy'lrrr, orc. Irruption --'!-. fululr. IIIt:h-x, Uuiiw Ji.rius, nnd nil Skin lir.aa. Oakiaku, Inil ., tkii Juu. l5t. . Aver Co. (.wit: I feel it my duty tf. uc "ii.;e what vuur Sairparii:a has iioi-? fr ma : inherited- a Se.'otul.iHS iiilectiou, 1 liiivi ec. from it ia various ways lor years. S::n t burnt out in L'iccrs ou iny hautU anil on:.- ... ::::n? if. t 'ir licit inward and lii.dresseil mo rf (hi .cm li. Two year njrn it brok out on tny liefit d i i cred niv sca'p anil ears with one M:e, wliic-1 . - .ai.iiul aiid luatlisome beyond description. . iriai.v wedieim-s and Mveral physician, I1"' :tt.4!iit iii'.ii:ti relief trnta nnyt'iin-. "In In.-t. l!i . omcr jituw wow. At length 1 wm rejoiced, ti .-Mi Ui trio Gospel Jlis-eugor litttt you had pr pr.rct in n tcrative .sar.-ai in iilu', tor I knew fioui you: recitation that aiirt.iin' yon niude rnii"t le pVrtxl I -cut to Cincinnati and got it, nnd used it Lui ii Mred Hi''- I took it, t you HilvUe, in small Unkes eil 5 t'.r--Muiii'ui over a tnoiitli. and used i.hno-t thru i ' NVwauil healthy fcktn soon bi'V'Jii I ) dim :r lurtiie cub, which alter a while. oil". M .kin is now cIchj. and 1 know by my Ieliu,rs ti:iv :h- ilinciifij has;.".i'e ti"om my system." Yon can wet .-':. -ve that I fe! what 1 urn savin;; vhii I tell v uu : ;it I hold you to t a one of the upon lea of tLe. uga and remain t-ver trrutelullv. Your-", .ALFRED li. 1ALU:V. Si. Anthony' i"ire, Hosn or S'ry iirln Teller and Hull Itheiim, frsttil llc rtin-jworin, forr Kyw. Iripv. :' Dr. Hubert M. Treble writes from enlem, X. T, . 12.ii Sent.. V'i), tlmt ho ha cured an iuietcrati t.i-? of timpsf, which threatened to terminate t':i t;;!!y. by the p-M-eveiina use f our Sartftpuriti-t iiid' alvni dangerous Mttiignattt Frrxipetis by laiyi i; -.- of the sune; ays La cures tL.u tvUiuiou l.wjp turn by il constantly. Uroiii'hocelP Ci:tr or S-.-rrll: 1 IV -!. ' t tilciii Moan, of I'ro-pect. 1'eMi:;, writes: Tiirci hct! of your iai3i:Brilla cured me froia a Coitr :i hideoii rueliiui; on the lucck, which 1 LtaX sut tered fioiu over two y tars.'' I furerrhira or Whiti. Ovnrinn Tumor I'l'rii?e l'lcfr:ilioii, l''it:ilr Iip:mr lr. J. It ?i. Chnuniiijr. of Xcw York rty, writer 1 most cheerfully con ply with the reijuurt of v;u. r. jt nt in tauif f have found your arsiipuria.i i ii.o-t esceiieiit alterative in the numerous eota j-Uiit.t lor which we employ such n reinfr!'.", Int -;i-cia!ly in ftman liise'ist of th .i3rotuldiii t.iuthesia. 1 have cured ninny inveterate ca.-e? ol I. ui.ori lirra by it. and pome "where the eompliiltr w:i cuu ! Iiy ulceration of the tr'Tin. The u; r ii'em itr-eU' was fot.n cured. NoTlii;i within in? kiiowltueeua'cit lor these luinia'e iteiaiigeuieii'ui.' Edward S. Marrow, of Xewbury, Ala., writes "A uanperous oriiritui tumor on oi.e of the tetuule: in i.'v lamily, which Imd deril all the remedies w wiu'd emptor . has at length leen connit rel' curnt by --our F.xtract of Sa'mipnrilJ.t. Our phvsiciat tho'VCht i. oil. in a but cxtiipulion c.vild a?oid ruiii-t but Ue ud.i-ed the trial of your Sa aji.iri!!a as th liit report before cutting, and it i roed efiertuut Attnr tatinjr your remedy uight weeks no fyini lia ol the di-ea.-e ii inaiu.s.'1 NjphiliM Mini .tlrrriiriiil lii?ar. ,iv Orlkanm, i"it!i Auuust, lCT. Vr. J. C AVEit: .Sir, 1 cheerfully comply witl the reiiuet of your, and report to you 6oni ol the eject 1 have reuli.ed with your SaraapariU.l 1 have cured with it.iM my practice, most of tin rouiplaitit for which it is recoinmendeil, and haw f.iiiid itn efiec" truly wonderful in tno cure ol I'tiierenl nnd Mercurial Iviifuse. One of my jm tiei.ts hud sv.hilitic uicers in hit!iroat. which wen roiiMiiuiii his palate and the top ot liii mouth Your Sariipariiia Mvadily taken cured him in fiT w ";s Another wt ttackeil bv neconilary symp ton.- in his no-e, and the ulceration had tateu away ii ci.ii-idi'iab!e part of it, co that I tw-Iieve tho (lis i ni. r would von reach bis brain and kill him. Hut t vii.'.-il to ruv ailm: nit nation ofyour i-aroaparillU' tn. uieei s ht a:ed, tiud he well nain, i.ot of coursi wi.l.iHii -oi'ie iiiii n ation to his lace. A womat v.-h i i..:(! bom treated (orthf fame disorder Lv mer nirv j' rutiennz lrom this poison in her hoii'.-i i'hev nad become so sensitive to the weathertlmt or a damp day tiie fullered excruciatins pain in hei jo.n:. and bone? Jdie. too. whs cure l entirely 1 our Siirnparll'a iu a few wetkn. I know from it; '.ruiu:ii. wlucii our npeiit gave in", that thii i'rcpai -tiioii tiom'your laboratory must b a Kr-' liiir.dv: onii-oijiiehtiv, these truly reraarknb'e r si.:ts w it )i it c net surprised me. , Fiati iONlly your, o. V. LARIMER, il. V. Rhrnmntimn, tiout, I.irrr Comrhiint. 1 iit irtavi'SCK, fieston Co., Va., i'l!i July, lsf.-J !.:; .!.'. A vm: Sir, I have been a tT'.icted' wi !i i r-i 'J' .Vet)"ji'M., for a lonjr time, w hicl . i u li e id-ill f ph' sieians, and stuck to me it . , ..- t.l a'i the rtmedieii I could lii.d. until I tri ir aiap:irilia. one l-ottie eii'iil me in twi v.-. utj.l required uiy jreiieral bealtii o mucl !.: t I 1.1:1 tar b:ti--" T.hun beior I nil? atlaek.-d. . ti-;.. it u woinleriu! inccliciue. J. FREA?t- .'i;t Y. Outch.jt!. of St. I.oui. writes: "I tiav be t; auliule.i liir yeu with an af'rcti"i o lh- I.irer :. i, ii c.-.-troyed niv health. 1 tried everything n or t!i:t:ir fit Jed to relieve me; and I havi rt a 1 i..l;-ii-down man for i-oine years from n 'i -r csiiM than rt-rmujrmtmt f the J.ivcr. Mj ! '..i d J a tor, the Kev Mr. Espy. ndvied me ti trv i oar St:riapa-i!ia. hecauje he 'aid he kuew yon nd :i!ivthin you iiu.Jj was wonli tr in. Iiy t,b iile-siiiij of tioil ir has cuied me, and has so pur;ie( nr. biood as to inar?e a new maw of rue. I f-el youii) s iimi. The be-t tbat cau be t:,id of you tiol Lai -r.-rJ euoujh."' ii lirrn. C'anrfT Tumor, f nlnraeuient H Ici r ijion, C ttric.4 mill E.l )iitiliou ol the SJciiri. A ?r at variety cf cans tuive been rf-ported to u where cures of these formidable complaints lia? resulted from the use of tliis remedy, but our i-pac-bero will not adm't them. Some of them may b fo'itid in our American Almanac, wh.'ch ths a :ent i.eiow nnmed are pleased to lurnich gratis to aJl win eaii lor.them. Iysprpia. flpn t TO i rise, Kits, Kpilcp7 .tli-l.tuclioly .Vuralgia, Many rGinarkab cures of tiic aliectloiis hat" I -en made by the a'.terative power of this medicine It stimulates the vital functions into viorou" action and thus overcomes disorders which would be sup posed beyond its reach. Such a remedy tins loii bt-on required by the necesijith'S of the people, am we nre confident that this will Co tor thuiu all tha niL-dicine can d j. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. rOK. THE CAP1D CTRE Off l ouilm, 'old. InfliiciiT-.n, HonriM-ncM Croup, Iti oin !iiii, lui ipiei' t .'u . iusitiiii., for tU ffteTscf of on-liiiipiivc l'nricutt in n.lvaiifH-i" iltiii(r of Clio Dio'iisf. TliU If a rcme 1y so universally known to Fiirpas any utiier lor theeureof throat and lun?comphuuU that it is- tre!v here to publish tlis evidence of it virtues. It-i unrivalled i xcel!nce for coughs ant colds, a'ul its truly wotidi rfut curi-s of pulmonar ui.-eoe. have m-ide it known throughout the civil ie.l natioTis of the earth. Few are the communities or ercn famihe, tmonp them who bavo not iom per-onal of its eAecls soma livin trophy in tinir midst of its victory over the subtl And dangerous disorders of the throat and luiifji As ail kuo.v the dreadlul fatality of these disorderi and as they know, too, the ellecls of this remedy we need not do more than to assure them that it i.a now all the liinus that it did have when makiii :he cures which have won so strongly upon til jonlidence Of mankind. Prepared by Er. J. C. AYE2 & Co., Lou-ell. Slasi ttr. fir A. v 3 CVs PILLS, A m vr f ii'.inr Anti.V te f r Ei.4. lift-!- j i.-lie, L.pei.-i i. 1 Liv.r Ceitpl -lint, t and Asui!. t'o.'t.r-n'-.-, . r, i U.U4UCM, Xears:i!.i...i-, i tmv.-ii hi I'isur i. 1 stcmaf ii. I'cmnio v ... , A? A 7i 3 cts. 'if WILEOH S PIL1LS are tinlrersaVy a- Ude-1 b to the l.-est now in two. A j a Kamilf ;. :nf.tli.v ar tici.tar! v rKimc;?n(1i-I-5!n-.pJ lunuluM, t.ut hifihly wxii' iaal ia thoir rr.m 1 ic. OttO Till de, with mil 1 lut rer Uiae:T,t. The rbuit loan ao-I the rthrstac! il l - tUeui Vk, witl Try assunmca cf entire ... r. V itli WilsnS Pills, erery S!i tbr ir. I he land beevia.v her o rn ph;.-ii inn. Th-y li I ,t-1 tlicine!.-fs a s?e Trie aui staui w...:o u : ,;..t i'..r the fallow ia? a!Tcrti'Uit IIKABACIIE, SETCB Sc AGl'E, lir.lUAC Sli:, FEVER & AGIIA, rYsrrpsTA, iivek coxplaist. DYSPEPSIA, IIVEr. COJIxLAEST. Coitiveness, Biliouitueis, lVeuraJfji Costive-no;, Biliousness, Kcuralgi Boli ty Irujgista & Derdera cvorjrwhei rr.Er.tnKD bv B. L. TAniTESTCCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists ITo. CO, coTTior Vi'ood (tad 4th Sta. PITTS3U3GH, FA. t'.'T. v? rr.'iTFS or .: B. L. Fiii.ieaior-Vs Vftrn.ifjfle. Scrofula, or King's Evil p i tlisic, n eon ttt-.ion of th )icoil, by ivl. ivh tiiis iliiid hfcoiiie-.s vltiut.-il 'tak, a:nl jioor. liciti ia the in illation, XTvatbis the whole b.dv, ami may Lui'st nU n disease on a;iy jinrt d' it. No on.m is fre ron; ils attacks, uur is th t- otio Avliich it tun; to: de.-.tny. '1 lie scrofhloai tuiut is vn::rtt-V -titscil ly liurcitrial (lipase, l.nv HviiiL', tlis irib rc il or tinbcaltliy fo.l, iniuie air, iil'.l in:l filthy l.ubits, the tlt'prc-siir vices, ibovc all, by the vcjicTtil inlVctioii. What vir be its origin, ic is hereditary i:i the cjii titutioti, ilcsceinlii: " ftota I'll tents tn -iii!L-ei into tl.ethiiil ;:i:d l'oui ;li !; :i' tatioti ;" nuked t s-'cras to be the- rod of I IIni whri'tsttys, r.ll vi.-it Ihc iniquities cf the unoi ll'.ir children." Its t fleets C'jti-.mcncc by 1- jjOs-.-on from th ?00d of t(i l'ii;)t or uleetolts Ii.ti'tif, l.ieli, ii lio lungs, liver, nnd internal organs, is teituec tiberel' .s; in the glands, swt-i.ins; :md cr lie bin face, ertij.tioiis of sores 1 his foul t or- nption, which i iuLr; iti the blood, d- t.r sti be energies of life, f o that MCtvfnlotts tonstitrt ions not only futicr irOni f-eret'ulous ciin i'uints, but they Lave far lest power to with land the attacks of other diseases; eo:ise jueiitly numbers lieiili by tli-onlvr: tTiieli, although not scrofulous in tsSiir nature ;ve btill r( ndercd fatal by this taint in tin Tsteni. iNlost of the consumption wbieh de :imrttes thr linninn family bus; its origin direc t! j n this scrofulous t out animation ; tind man k-s-lructive dis as: s of the liver, kidneys, b-. aai .rid, indeed, of nil the organs, arise fio:a ot re ;i:;gravatcd by the snrne cause. One quarter cf till our people are rrofulous ' Loir prMM nre invaded by this lurking in--ctioti, and their liealtli is itudermiiied by it. "o cleanse it from the ; y.-tern we mu-t renovatf ho blood ljy on alterative jnedicine, mil in iorate it by healthy fund and exercise. ucli a medicine wc sutMily in AYE ITS 'on.panrid Extract of SarsnpariIln, he most i iTe.-ttml remedy wliieli the niedieal kill of otir times can devise for this eve ry vhero prevailing nnd fatal malady. It is coin ined front the most active remcdials that have eeit discovered for the expurgation of this f m: .isortler from the blood, and the rescue of the ystcnt from its dostrtietive consequences. It-nce it should be tmployed for the cure ol lot only Scrofula, but also those other a flee ions which arise from it, such as UncrTivi nd Skik DtsEAsr.s, St. Asthoxv's Finn. lost:, or EavsiiT.LA, I'impt.ks, I', Ji.otouks, lii.Aixs nnd 15oii.,Ti"moi:s, nd rjALT llui.i:, Scai.u Hkap, IIingwoiim, tllKLMATISM, SVI'HII.ITIC Sll'.d M I'.ltCl" it I AI. 1 IS- .asls, Dnoisv, Dvsi-nrsiA, Dicitn.nv, and, -tideed, au Comi-laixts arising mow Vitia ed on iMi-unn 1!looi. The popular belle! a ' impurity of the biood" is founded in truth-, Dr scrofula is'a degeneration of the blood. The articular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa illa is to purify and regenerate this vital tluid, i-ithout which "sound health is impossible h: ontaminated constitutions. Ague Onre, FOIl THE SPEEDY CURE OF Intermittent Fevtr, nrFtvrr mid Atrtie. lemitteiit I'tver, C lilll Fevtr, IiiinL tt;ne, ferioil irnl Ilrnilui lie, or TiiHous leniluelie, anil Itillon-i Kcvers, Indeed or t lie liolc clns of el in cm es oriel im t iifj in biliary ilei-n ntimtii t, cmiticil ly .lie Itlalarla. uf ?ilasiiu t ic Countries. V.'eare enalleil here to offer the community n cmedy which, while it cures the above complaints .itii certainty, is still perfectly harmless in utn uantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in district i:herc thc-e alViictin tiisonb rs prcviiil. '1 his Ct'itB" os pels the miasmatic poison cf Fr.vitu .NT) AGUE frorsi the systetn, aiid pre vents the tle clopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap noach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not oi.ij he best re tneily ever yet discovered for this ela-s f complaints, but also the cheapest. The large uantity we supply for a dollar brings it within tnt each of every body ; and in bilious districts, where .VER ami Atit.'E prevails, every should live it and u-.e it freely both fur cure and proicc ion. 'AKreat superiority of this rnaeily over nv ither ever discovered for the ppiei'.y and rcrtt.ii nre of Intermittent is that it contains no Quinine ir mineral, conscijuently it p-roduccs no quinism 01 ither injurious eficcts whatever upon the tonstitic ion. Those cured by it are left as Leal thy nsi: hev had never had the disease. l'ever and Ague is not alone the consequence o. he miasmatic poison. A preat variety t f diMr lers arise from its irritation, among which ar eurn7i i, Khetii(itisr, Gout, Il. titUirhc, lUin'l test, Tovthavti,', Earache, t'otarrh, Aifhmn, l'nl riiation, l'ai,if'ttl Affection of the 'jUet, HysU-r' is, l'ain in ti t Jluirt.'s, Colic, laral:,sii and lie- unqemeut oj trie ?romacn, tin ot wnnii, wiu r I originating in this cause, put on the intcrmWeiu 1 ip", or become periodical. This " Ccnn " csjieli he poison from the Uood, and consequently cute; I ;hem all alike. It is an invaluable protection te ) mmigrants rnd per.-ons travelling or temporarilj esiding in the malarious districts.' If taken ortea I itonallv or daily while exposed to the infection i will bo excreted from the system, and canno' iccumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis, tase. Ilence it is even more valuable for protec aon than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter nittents if thev avail themselves cf the protectiol his remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE lb CO., Lowell, Mass S. II I, O O M . Dealer in IvEADY MADE A $$ t Tit Ge:it?5 Furnishink G-oods ats, C aps, Iools, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, S:c., tScc, & c. Also a lare. lot of TiriiTiEIl C100DS and 11EV0LVERS always on hand. AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their benefit to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Casli paid for Hides, Furs and Wool. , I'hfivncuth. May -', tf Are you sick, feeble, am rotnph iniu f Are you ou ot' iili r. with your'iivstcn 1 - I d '-lrfi-iidl den i. tert. ami vuur Hi line V U.rilrr c , ..i,.i..i th. ..vii,n C'tttVABKit' R'ti'i' ton s arc olteu the prelu t boine (1 of tickings is cMi j iiii; npoi on. in il shouM be avcrl.i by h timely use uf the ligh riiniilr. 'fake Ayer's Tills . v, rti to r is -. -"t -il3 boly into vigorous activity inrifv the fystein from the obstruction which mala liseflse. A colff f-tt'Jeji somewhere in the body, atii ibttmcts its iiatural Junctiors. These, if not M ie'icd, i tact upon themselves and the urroiindinf u-iinns, proouciu p ni'ial n.eravation, Fullering .ml While in this condition, oppressed bi he (h-ratigemenis. take Ayer's I'ills, and see hov lirctiy they restore the l iitural action tf the irs cm. aiid wit'i il the buoyant li cling ol rn alth agnin Vhat is true and so ppjiareiit iu this trivial ami com aon complaint, is also true in many of tho deep eatcd and dauirerous disteuqn rs. The panic punra ive elicit expels them. Ous. il by finiilar obsti no iin s and deraiitreincnts of the natural functions ot he body, they are rapidly, and many of them Mtrely ured by the' same means. I.'ouu ' bo kinsw tlji ii1 ilea of tiiese t'iils, will ne'ect to employ then hcn ufle.rinir from the disorders they cure. I-tntcMients lrotu Icudii:; phyeicians in some of thS iiiucipBl cities, and lroui other well-known publit ier.-uue : c'rom a J'pricarding Mrc!ion cf St. Louit, Ft.b. 1 lsiii. Dn. AvKii: Your I'ills aru t!:e paragon of all thai s (:riat in medicine. They have cured my littli laughter of ulcerous foh-s n'pou l.or hands aiul feel hat bad proved incurable lor tears, iiermotlici las 1 ft n long trrii-voiislv iiP.tii tcii with blotches n lie) liniples ou her skin and in her hair. Alter cm ihild was cared, tlie hiso tried your rills, and they lave tuicd her. ASA 3iOiiOi;l JJOti. AaaFaniity Physic. Frnm Dr. K W. Vnrtirrinht, Xtw Ortennn. Your I'ills nre the prime "of purges. Their ex- lleut ;i:a'itics f ur :15s any cathartic we j os-ess. "hey nre tmld. but very certain and eilec'.ea! in their cfion on the Lo.e!s, which makes them invnluabit: o us in the daily treatment o( disease. iSeac'achc, Wick HenI;ieSic, I'"oiiI Slomncli J'rmn Dr. I't'imrtl lleytt, Daltimore. Tjeau lino. Avkb: 1 triin.ot ansuer you vh'it oiuplaints 1 have curtit with your I'ills hi tl'.r.n o say a'i that we crir treat v'ith c pur;nitire mi inf.' 1 j.lace Rteat depei. ill nee ou that eilietual athartic in my daily contest with disease, and he ii ving, as I do, that your 1'iils u fiord us the best we lave, 1 ol cuuiie' value tin tu hipliiy. liTTsni!to, I'a.. 3Iay 1, 1?.3. Dn. .T. C Aver. Sir I hare been repeatedly tired of lli- worst lit'nitiirhe nuj body can have by a lose or two of your I'ills. It teems 'to arise- from oul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great. respect,' KI. W I'h'IlP.I.F.. L tt i t: f fstcaiw-r Clorion. riitious Disorders I.tvrr ComplHiiKy. From Dr. Theodore Lett, of Xcw York City. Mot only are your I'ills adn iuibly adapted to their impose as an aperient, but I find their beueticial fleets upon the Liver very marked indeed. They lave in niv practice proved more ellectual for tlnr aire of bilious complaint tlrati any one remedy I tin mention 1 sincerely rejoice that we hnve'st engtli a purgative which is worthy the confidence ot he proli'ssiou and the pccple Pt.PAKTMt.XT .5PTI1K IXTEf.ton, "Washington, I) ' . Vth Feb.. lsr.6. ( Sin: I have used, your I'ills in my general and lospital practice ew r siucu you made them, and aniiot l.CKitate to say they are the best cathartic ve employ. Their regu'atii.g action ou the liver it puck and decided, c. i: - queutly they are an ad nirable u nit dy for tleiaugetneiits oi" tlmt organ, ndeed, I hae seldom found a ca.-e of l-iUny ,,i.. tr-ie hi ob-tini.te that it in J not readily t i(?!d tc hem I"ratcn:aily your?. A I.O.Wi ) It A 1.1.. M. !.. rinjsicinn tits M trine J!a. pittit. Dysentery, n-arrliart, Sleliix, Worm. From Dr. .. fi. '-. n. i f hiciifit. Vonr liils have had a long trial in niv practiee. l.d I hold theni in esteem a- one of the 1 est a eri nts I l ave ever found. Their a'teiative etl'ect upon he liver makes them ail eAcellent remedy, when :eu in small dotes lor "7iVit i.'s. ntt-rti aiid t'i'ir. ten. Their sugar-coating makes them very ac ept able and comeiiieat tor lliu use of wou.e-u amj hi Id reu. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the EJlooiI. 7roin Fee. J. V. lliun- . P lor tf.ld-t ).: Church. J., f ton. Im. Aver: I have u.u-d -..our l'il'j with ixtra ii'dii ary success in my liuni'y and amoiv those" I am alii d to v isit iu distress. To regulate tin- organs oi ligi'stion and puiity tho lihuut, tliey are the very est remedy I hai e" ever known, and I can couii lent'v recoumieud them to niv iriirds. Years, J. V. HIMF.S. r.'AUSAtv, Wyoming Co., X. Y.. Oct. 2i, In'jo. Dkai: Sr.;: I pin usin- y r ur ( a' '.airtic I'ills in jny ii'iiciiee, ai'.l lir.d tlieiu an ixci liri.r purcurive X leafisc the svitem and i,'t.-. th l-'im nin vf tit i ... " jui i. t. 31i:avT1a;i. m. j. I'ooNjipnttoii. C'otivf-iirs, NiipprCMtion. tSlieiiiiiiiti-iir!. nt, ,eur aii;ii, Li opsj , &urniyis, l i:i,i 11'. From Dr. .. P. 'a:ohn. 3nfr-olt '4t,'iu?i. Too much cannot In; sai l ol er I'ills lor the tire of tw't'rt '.. II (th ;s td'o'tir frati'it itv have omul them as i ilicacioiis te-. 1 lia e, tl.ev should joia r ne in proclaiming it. tort he benefit oi t he multitudes viio puller iroei That eon piauit. iviuein itaiH'itti iad enough in i:-elf. is tlie j roe. nitor i.t otl ers that .re worse. I believe c ..irt n...s to oriiiiiale iu Wit ivcr. bat jour Tills uilect 'hat uieau and lure tin. liseaiC. ''roi'i Mc. -'. ftu:trt. rh'jsici't iv.d MUhv'Je. linjfoll. I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken it the proper time, arc excellent promotives of Iht latiirnl ft.cri.tion hen v iieliy or partially sup reed, find also very eli'ctiml to driintw tin ((ima-'S and expel focms They are so much the lost physic v.e have that I recoihmtud i.o other to ny patients From the Ftv. Dr. Iloula, of thu M- thoJi.t Fpis t U ii eh. TVl.ASKl JlofSK, Suva. mall, Ci.. .lull. 0. loft. IiiiM.uv.D Mu: 1 thiiu'd be unitiat.ful lor the chef your fckill has tmittght me if I did not rejoii ny case to you. A co-Id settled in my limbs and jrought on excruciating veinaljic pain, which, tided in chronic rhenniatirm. Notwithstanding I iad the hist of physicians the disease grew worst mil wor-e, until bv the advice of your excellent igi iit ii: Ihiltlmoie, lr. 3!ackcii;ue, I tried youl 'ills. Their effects, were. Flow, but sure, l'.y per evcring in the use of ilieia, 1 am now entirely well. Skxatk CnAMtinn. It.tfon Konge, I.n., 5 Dec, IVij. In: Avkk: I have neeii entirely cuii d, by youi ilis, of Hhriimatic Hout a painful diseiii-etliat bx .lllicte.l me for years. V1.ME.M tLIDKLL. Most of the Tills in market contain Mercury vhich altiaiu 'h a valuable remedy in skilful banits s daugi ious ia a public pill, from the dieadful con that frcijuentlv follow its inexutious use 'licsc contain no mercury or mineral tubstauo vhatevcr. Price, 23 cents per Hex, or S Eoxes f or SI. 'repaxed by Dr. J. C. AYES Si Co., Lowell, Mass Hannibal ifc St. .Toseph, EAILROAD AND Packet; Lines OXT MIsSOI- IU Ul Tri-we. kly l'ackeui (Ib-nnibiil and St- Joseph R. V.. Line) leave Dniaiia. Coane'l Bluff-, Phittxnniiuli, Ni1i:iih City aad ialermi-uiiite jioiuts ( r M. Jo.-i pii, loiiiiei't'pg Ht St. Joseph -iih truius ou 11 innilial and St. Jweph K. R , having t. Joseph at I Lull P. M , and ariiving at QTJINCY, CHICAGO & 51. LOUIS NEXT DAY' On nnd utter 51.iv brill, ilailjr mi l el 'S eonnec t.u. frupi tit. Joseph to Atctiipin. Weston. 1.' iiven worth, tVrau tint.-, Kifi'rs e'itT, hiiffrerr, Trii. k:i, e , via I'l.iM.' O'UDtry H . It . lull s thinner tuiilie 11. & .t. Joseph K. H. LesvSV. Joj.iti 5:a A. M., arnvu at Ati'hi.-un at A. M-, V.'ist.iii 7:36 A. M.. Leavenworth v).t. M ., Wyaudotte lil.tHIA. M., Kausas Cty J'.::i l A. M., Lawreuee nt 5 I". M. Tnr.ovcH TICSKT3 ron BALE bv Porter A Dene! Oiua1'--': O- W. lilt -acock, Ceun ril Ulutrs; K. O. l.wis, Putthiiioiuh; K.-f . Hawley, NebrjEka City, iliiy ihri-ugh t.ikets aad sivo uiuu iy. Hxt.frsiro repairs on the U innibal acd St Joseph Itiiiirond, Ut-K ir'.n, ti--s and Ba iitluu.i 1 rolliai stuck i iinlil- ihem t el! -i il.t-s.; importaat iliaages to !a- i iiiite inivl by il is rette. C W. .M I'jii), (ien'l Mipjrintcndeut. P. B CiTioAt, (ien'l Ti.k-t As-ut. 11. li. C .L Kiat'jiir, ti. at tieijrlit Arent. n.'iunibal. Mo. Capt. It: ki s Ford, Su; eriiiteaJ'.-nt I'icaet I., rt J J5i-!'!., .Mo. J'.ily 1, Ninv Bcot Cl Shoe Shox. "he uheriier vi null" resCectfalIy call the at'.en ti ai f the citizens rf I'l iti.-niuiitli and t!iepull: at aige to the tact that ha LasJcie.l one uV.r east of D.inelan'a Dri'jf Store, where lie iatends keepint; en J. mud inil r.iakitfr on the horteet nuiice, eveiy artielein bis line. His tik beini: neleeted ty hiio sett, and having ppent ihe most of hia Uf'J iuihe i.uiiiess, he f.vN imiuM -:H Jiat lie ian itiva sati.fa'i ti n. t,iie bin. a '.'' . a..i-.i : r."'. ' TiT''-rnMonTo re-l5! .NvlNwlr.-.V4 aial ch'tinse out t.'ie dis. nts V'-v" V'tl: fi ih reil liuniors puiif'v ih jff ttyf?' ; blood, anil let the fhiij i'Jn- "'fu'-':;""? move on uriobstructei ii r; us ; -a7! iiimiiii aam. i luy stunu late the functions of th. TOOTLE, MAI X ST11EET, L A 11 -? i -4 s 4 ' Mxt of Wholesale atnl II A R Clothing of every description. WINES AK! LIQUORS OF AIL KINDS. Censtamly on hand a Lnre Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Q.UEEKSWAlE. IKON. KAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. And every article rcfiuired by gnd everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. CV and examine our extensil e slock. lIKli PEOOF EEICK. Tcctle. Hanna Cl Co. riattsrrtc-iiih, April 10, 'Oo. ary. 1 mm wilwp -s iooo. A3IISON, DOYMY CO., iN-orth SMe of .Main Street, Have on har.a the FAIKi T.ST STOCK of ( iUE ENS WARE, 1 1 Ail 1 W A UK, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Kvor Offerctl in litis Jfarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything tho Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi- rri'-Tif FLOUR, . BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, wo hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnancc of the same. Call and examine our stock. Plattumouth, April 10, 150-3. tf JT-sT r-. t-ivt't, .'.0 ia-s f rnnne.1 b'c!iiit 1 AMIsON, ItOVKY ic CO'3. f O to AMI.OX, DOVEY 4 C0'3 to purchase your fpririj; g.iil. VN eielies var iety cf Lauiei.' Urtw tioed? at A. D- A CO'. T CA5b3 Molthy's Cove Oy sters fur sale at i)J A. D. CO'S. G KK AT bargains in Ladies ' Dress Goods at A. 1. CO'S. I -OS SALBat AMI-OX, Do VII V A GO'S, Coffee, ' Te , Sc-iT, (lol.i. n Syrup, sugar House Jlo lasse, Xe-w Y'oik CauditS, eto , etc. Alarce lot cf Chewing and Smoking Toll icco fer s:eat A. D. SCO'S. ti'ALOiL for sale by A. D. & CO. 50 r1 BOXES Star Candles fir sale ly A, D. A CO. IF you want to rurchate fe-oods at abarfraia.po to ' A. D. Jfc CO O" UAiiS COFFEE just received y - A. D CO. f...r: !to:CU'.;.-T-it V. - ' - A. V. i COV & CO., PLATTSMOUT1I, N.T! (i E S T f.-i v4 , -t-j vt . .a i rtL i.. s,i fiJ sS Si. Iltouiv. Iletail Dealers in W A R E, A I Il . T TflL' loo.?. won ft: Vl.iirjfe asn f..r en la by l.ari;.' a-"s.n tim ut cf men's and bey.-' r!..ih ins' A. i. -e- 8 HULLED CO UN for ta'eby A r. 4 c. " ACOX and Lard fur a.tlc by A.D-iCO. VHKAVY INVOICE of all inds of Kiaiily Gro ceries and Outfit. n Goods jus t receive d by A. 1). 4 CO. A LI. kinds of Faimil g Iinpieinents for ?ale Iiy A. D. & CO. VLar0"i lot of Two Horse Plows for sal" hy A U. CO. A: Xendlein varittycf Hardware aui Cut'ery for sale at A l. 4 eo a C11, Doors, Shingles, GIjh, and Nails of every O descrij.tiea for sale by A - D A CO. LL kin.lK cf Counlty Produce taken in exchange for goods by A . D. & CO. r',0 enumerate all the articles we have for sale JL wouid fill one sideof the IIkkald, aud other have aa good a rilrt to advertise s AMItOX, DOVIIY i C TMIK i i -c'il L'a'f'.'ta .- Mouse nort'a "f ftt. J.-rh I ;i AMI?"'V. POVLY ( "., r;u::a;'.-Jth. ttt-'si. T II K IVE BR A SKA vr7 .s -.2. -v . - ; iJj 'HrV'-ii, V.wilsj, MB ?iPWM ls the jti'd' e to iet i ; t I i i i i j POSTK15.S. i 1 i i I t ! j i I I -on From a - V HI A ; ltf&Ukj & M&l in Tin: NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET THE j J JJ J Q KNOW THAT YOU AllE Alive 8l Stirring. SXJJBSCTIIBE FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED. PC 3Z. -7SJ- CABINET SI 101 I I. liOjhXJ.K. Having r- .-atly 1.1.1. i .1 new ;tu l sni'.i ! . , , , Main St., riattsniouth, N. T.. V.. 1. hi ! ,--p( -Cfiiliy ;i,,' !e Citi -li. . ' t a I .. llllig euUl.tii.-a !li it h.ij lUc fat. III. -ivil!.; i-li ll.'S i A II I D'V II J -S I f s In 1:- hi-.:.. - III THE SI03r APPROVED STYii; I . 1:1 I arc I t'i tura m t)..- J II i: A I 1Z s T 1.. i ii' -1 .! i...:.:. Ofevery dvsi ript.ori, ever oiler.; 1 1.1 the Ten.-. satisfaction c; fa iitiriilar ,i!t-ut.u a.. I tuwki.i hlJ i-hiiig(oni.s. " A I! kttels uf lu:aU r t ili.o iu exi'uauu f 1 w; l'l.ilH::n,lllii. A :.l ill, W;.. PLANTER I N(, ; 1 BitlCK LAVLXd'. I The uri l.-i M:n . are r rcjmri-.l to .. 1 ALL WORK IN THEIR LIKE I i ; shout :u'viu: ::tol at REASON A CLE RATCG s ;; rr. i; k (1 : :.- 1: iKiii- 1 - - c -I H fn Cg 6 'z cz S. ci : Pa Z3 r. Jt v. m ?3 Q o L: - Q 22 c o F.stiblished ia 1-12. J A (too l, (Jhctji and very ValuaKl- l'; ' far lucery Aim, Yumnrt or. I ( ;.- . IS CITY, Y1I.LAGP, AXD tOL'.Niili'- Tin: American Agriculturist FOk Til v. Farm, Garden, and Household- Including a Special Department "f I Citing and Instructive. Ii oJingf: CJiiidren and Youth. The Aji ieii't iiUt is a Lir'-f rioillral i.f r,.' b" pi inted, nnd Ht ied wit h . Hin, f. r, iiiMe f.i'iuial ru;lt- r, iu.'ludiu hun Ire I- : ' t.i.n :.n-J iusti.ivtivo Engraving!, in eve; voliane. It ejr.tHins each month a C ilen.'.-ir of Hi ' ! : perf.M'iii'rt the F-trtu, in the in-l 'i ' fiitrdun Atx and arcund the Jjiccilin j, eti. 1 '.t thousau li of hir.Tj and Hippest iks (.' ' ev-ry vi im h re prepared by prael "il, i..'" Workinj Jf'ii, nlioknow w tiat ti km. ' Th Hvh1oJi1 Iu.pnrtt,ett Ia vnl iibl- t ' IIoiisekeeir, ii(Torliiit very ininy '.Mtui ! '" (lirectiouH, calculates! Iu lighten an 1 tJ1''" '' dour-worlc. The Jiipartmrnl fir Child mu m -1 Y- '' pTired wiili p iul re, to furnish i, : ei- :' inent, but His.) to IliC'Jl'-ate k ..c '.- ' moral priuripl' r. Tkbms. Th.e cirrn'.ath.ii of th'' ci IJuriH (more than lMV'Ci i " 1 'eK ' . . befurniiihedatthe lonr - '" a . ', ' .- copies one year, ,'; -o citi-s year, Ti'-. or more, cue year, ii cifl., t-iCp) cipit , carh. J-TKY IT A YrlAK. ; CiAi' ;t 'I'l i', Pi r . isr I r-I " rt' I'.' r. . :- " -