.OC-v i - f Qi?"TLe Muddy" is mill on a Ke n. i Li t.tl r," d. ir owtllt d to its fall j ra poriijr.J. jr?fRiti:i still continues irt ab'iriirtnee. Jv btr"t anl fu'.l straaras arc the or'd.T 'f the dty. 17 -t-:r::tn Church frvic"', liv ni-irt s". wi'.I to 1"-IJ in. t'; .".r l',"'V J I -l.il', Ull ll" it o - - : ltr.nv.i Miss M A 9-1,0 v. Stone of I-nva will speak on rr.(Ii, it This U tl p..ltio il riii: sti ns of ti3 d iy at ; C-i?"; Pnvid M (i! nwoi.l on the lTtli inst an 1 at Coun- ' -'asoj J ., ,,. ,. . i Coo Amanda J m. o j 'aV1!i blO'jb A PX'T:."." Fimu-.-rs Club will meet on I !'lT!'1 ,;,?V,J - Uoiit v Andrcw ...!! I iy nv.t, fit th Griff's 0:-k-e, ;it ! j.-jor!l-;,j L' ..';;(!; t . m. Let there be :i full turn- Flora V S ,. r, us matter- of importance will to ' j0,i J'-' W P . , i IV 0 U r.i -u !-.'!. i , . , ... T r"Tli: tax-ii- jbat'n. L.1S l or' L. tti'-i .i.kiutoJ in tb Office at Plitw bKJU.il, .NililXli, Alljf. Ijt, IBjJ. T Obit:l Mil" of tbe1: leit :r, t le a.,pllctnt inu I call l..r '-Adve.-tised ly'.t";' Kite il. e date of in lift, am p.i luo uiits f'jr od v.'ti.siuf;. If not c ! :- i f -r wiihiu iLe m n h they will hi .- lit tj l:.e Lie-.d Lett-.r Oth-e. J. W. M ARH A Ll,, P. M. A'.bvi Mrs M E J.icon J F ;;t'.-s A J Jamison J F 3 l.i ii!i J W 4 Jamison A J Hi uwn .I"--oe Johnston Martha A lijueh V. W Jasper Wm l; m-Ut J mM 2 Kerr Miss S-ian ljuri.ii mi Uoila A Kn jwi. (') il- hi y on : !, v L i v' :iu in::ttr: I ;;t SI :u "Mist i :i :i ..;i -i;.?, C'r,-'jritioi.ti v iilvin Win ,0 will !. ! i,l!e t give the. fail : ;.ii -j i-- It . . I - 1 ! J IS I ' V'T'. ' ti-'. r ts of t!i" l'!i'fi- S-i'i'tf.rv r.-.'r .T---S2 ' ' of whi.li tlie ri:r:-:i":n - -i.n .:j.O-i , the N -r c : t.'s ion -S'T").'' '.'. ari l t Ii ; - I .-rv ho;n !$,r, lh . :, :.: . f -t I ;!.:! ui .'.f j !' ' "! i:.i , !'." !'.., 'l i.'j - .v'.!!r; :.n i::i::i-ri-f ii;!'iiir " f ".il t!;r-v ;i r i : aiisi"' us t c'." o : : ii' ; 1 .H-': to make r;),)ia f'ir i v. i. r : ". ( i i . . t ' ; o i i U- '.e .) V. ii.ii: .j v. lll'Jl"" (.'!: IS l.ivinton Thos Lf-cllohett 2 Luwe .i A Lf.e V 1 Miles Mrs i: F Morris N A N Ji.hors A J Na-l.j i; rainier S M Ii iy At;inM"Si:n Jtohinson Miss S li Ko-.-rs L A Hounds N llo.-s.; riioeha Kctd Mis Fruncis Sn.ll.Jasll 5 Simini'T V Tinm l Joiin I TwL'i'dfll Josof h Wvmnn Mrs .Maria W'i.italVr W J WY1U .las M U'.u.'rman John W eir E V li 1 1 1 ..I.-.- ii j.i i.i iL.u n es,t. Farmf-rs vhoj iiure proJin: to sen will di) wen to cnii on him tt fore disposing of their trade. May 30, 18CS tf. Palronizo Home Institutions All persons wishing to secure a sure prt-veritl ve from anniae hy ! i.litninp: will do wi ll to ft-eenre one of those Star Fluted rod-, with Spr.iits patent Insula tors, and the best p.HteiJ I'oints. All work warranted. Leave orders at Mur phy & Gipnn's bhop, or with the under eign.'d. Having permanently located in the Territory, I solieti: roar patronage. J. S. WATKliS. r cut .; i" Tii! r -: f the M.irtr.iii LOCAL ADVEflTISiViENTS. REDUCTION OF PL.ICE3! S. 1; iO'n ta';;es pleasure in announc inj t j hi-; frl' n Is and pu-tunii':" that he w.il iinvthini; in the line of C'lothiiijr, li t .1 rl,oe. c, at rdu:ed r rics fur till- o- xt thirty days, in order to make room for n new block of poods )o not !tI I t 1 ' , v. s ll.ili toil iin w.h laid f .ii to e ill if you want anything in his th i fi '-i;. : . ! o.i. - on We i.--dav "" T!i"' v I'iii'tnils wt. hnriii. i wr t . ti- .'; f ma:: i s i r. - t. r-'',f tlia i dilliv i' it: in thii ; o:i!ii" n- 1 . i ...: ui- x l:ri! ". i wl: rii t ll 'i -i -, - : 3. i i ' i i".t.- ! .Sr. i t. v it!i L.-tro':- tit tr.o f un it ii iviin ' iari"j r-!.- '. ' ii i"'"i-:ii 1 li liO:i.b"T f.f I. .-.. : I (' r." ' r s i'ljro . h;.. WANTED- n ()fi"ee on Main Street, or near it. 'ie". .Jul t f. Aj j !y at th; t . i". i.. .. 1 : 1, tts::l:i" M o! it' -h SALE OF AN E5TKAY. I will oli'iT f.r s:lc, on the lOlh dnv of ,iv."i-t. l!i). at the ri".i J.'nee of l'.viiit T i i "!, I'.i-s Coiinry, N. T., hetwei-n the li i'irs i"I lit oYioos A. M., and 2 ii loek I" . M., to tli'-h,!i-.-t l)'.J i-r, One Me. r, J t . ! 1 1 ii;. liv )ih', lerrt!, in the C'oun t v i: i T'-rril'.'fv aforesaid. L. t). MII.IKIl, luetic! f the I'eaee, In f ir F iii County and Territory. ,!u!v -22. I - jo- ESTRAY IIO"SE Taken up tv the Suhscriher. in hi en closure, one mile South of liock BluflT, on the morning of the ldth of June, IStjo, a Dark 15ay Horse, four years old, nbmt 1G hands high, with a white spot on the foreh'-ad, a snip on the nose, white hind feet, shoes on behind, had been hod be fore, collar marks on the neck and shoul der. On the night of the l'Jth, he was stolen, and reeovered again in Savannah, M )., and returned to me the morning of the L'7th inst. The owner is reouested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him uwav. THOMAS PATTERSON'. June 27 wi. For Sale Cheap At the Store of Klepser iV: Wie, one copy of ''The Wa-hington Map of the United States'," puUi-hed in IN'.:'.. Call and eca i. Boots & Shoes A lare lot just re cieved by, Avisos, I)ovev& Co., Pistols A large lot jmt received by Amiov, Povky it Co. Farm For Sale. I have a good farm for Pale, conMst'nz of ;'." ncrr ; Hti fenced, '." under cul tivation, and about Go acres of timber. It is situated 7 miles south cf I'hitts r.aouth on the main thoro'ihfare to Ne braska citv. For particulars enrpiire on tlie j remesis, or of Hiram Davis in this city. A. M. P. WII1TTIEII. April, 20 m 1. Tiotico to Road Supervisors. You will each he furnished with a copy of th" Uoa 1 Law of Nebraska, in which your rowers and duties are defined, bv caliinc: at th oHica of the Ooun'v Clerk ofCii-s coontv. U. SITPJ.OCK, nine Co. Clerk. t f : ii . ai r i- 'ii r- w-i-i ; V ' I I." !.. ! );ii;ii::!..i.int i E3TSAY NOTICE. Taken up by tli Mili-crili. r living in M ,;ir:: Pi -::-:tiiL I'rrcinct. I .-colli!, t 1. 1.- 4, One j;.-.! lb if.T. nnt! ear old bit ! : A Card to Invalids. A CIrpTrann, 10 r. i.Iinj ii ml'i Anieric.i a a a lui. -i,.ir.iry , tli.--ove' e a. -..f- lint Mn pie it-iir ily f ..- cur ' ,' ' ."rviMi-i W .ik!"'" K .rlr I ay, l:-e:i"- 'f tli- l"ii!i ii." iu'l S :!ii n il Divans ui t ll:-" wliolr tr.iia of iti . .r.l r l.r .i:."!it 1 y dw fu i and v:rii liril.i. ' ; i il iiu:ii'';": s h ive l.t-n al 0".i'l" cmel l y Mm n.'l'!". reine lv Proiiil!f I l.y - i: u I . I eLffit the ;ill'.:. :.-,l aul imf " Iiiuiil.', I will ii-l 'he rci-tr f r JT'". tnai ail u-ii.j; t!iU iiifii- iii a r.i..- 1 tuv1!"!'.'. t- any one ho li it, at nic NEW STOREI Lvi'?v :e-zi:ie3s shop. Howe & WHOLESALE Thatcher, AND RETAIL DSALkKS IN :i'i 1 n i t 1 1 ; 1 r 1 , u .1 i-V, t fiii ri ai"" mi r. - v i.i- 1 T!.:- - W Oil. it:.- .i I r, if ill lill:l! It !. 1 an in; - l ' 1 ; I ::.'.l a'- i : - . i :' . ! : i -" : : i ' i i ii' ; -:.t tax- lii-t in t. . t h-i r. iii ii t h.i ri C bti'.'ii i,f il.." '"rv. 1 til it !!;-; !-c:-;-.t;...:i, in t n I. ! t,,vn i its i.; ., i.t c-a:::y U.i. he c unty, ;n. i ii is n t ! nrli.g. I ra':di" 1 on the left hip with i irk si- t i.-rceiva'il"". l.V.Yl TOUD. Sa;.l :i:.:nril was :n praised l y Win. V, -in 1 Dani.-I Mip!..-i, at'Miun! . i-::,!. July lTih, 1 - W m v P!i.::. , ifj'i aiiers. Dj M ; i u:s. j n oi iira.-iu, CuliitV. li '1 i . i d iV persur.'ili - v. a .I-1-Ulv; of th,.. P,-'., I I'uhtv, "m. Wli::-" . if "ff:i-;. TI- i!ii".j a F"-t-vou'i If. A ! !-. J ii :io iii i.-iii env.-I-'jie, ail IrescJ to j ; r.rn t. ixmax, iti.tioD l. I'ible 11. ii-'", j"W Y" rk Cay. FOR SALE ! p-arf-vl be f.re i '. in a ;;d for i r and l !!;-! i M,p! 1 1 - . re a p'.int ami iiualifie.i ' .1 li.O alio . " il-sci-ib-d es- ' Thirty desirable bu-iness and resi dimce LOTS IN PLATTSMOUTII. T'n thousand acres of prairie and tim- LANT) IN CAS? CH7XTY. I i! i mi! in a le d.i- return thereof, i Terms to suit cash purchaser 11 1. .... .... l 1 .iioi 1 ui ;i . -mh; uur..'iv lav i-l .ou-t next, tit 1 n -id. li- ' of L. (i. To I i- t. t i- I a i;.'.uii.is i f rnie 1 bnie i f raid ctr:iv. jno. f. m r:;. Justice of the Peace. July 17, 18-V3. a r.-i ;v ere it not for Farm for Sale 1 "he Ht4.1"'ti-'n-il otTera for f.ile his i . i v i . . 1 1 . n . trail- : .- c i.- . . . , laim. i-i ins i -i : o j: oi io. ai;re, o un.J r J. I ."tner ii: 1 1 1 c -i ; :ig leaf ures of eo it i v at i oi, sitn ito.J 17 miles we.-t of ;:.!, w-re '..'". ,',-,, we would Platisnvouh. Air one span of horse.- .... i r -1 . i' i hi 4r t. ... I -r ,,f il - . .-, ... ami a n;ir;nu, i.ii iiiin- uien-UM, ui". i nr ! !" i-lt 1 th'.s i !ae 'i i U.I: i. r." i n M Ti.l.iv l i tl. ' f-.-' th it t!i )ir t:. f It. II. Wlif KI.KIt. It-. 1 1 Kt.il Ai." iit, I'.'U-i M "ii".u, i'lul-mii-u:1i. J iLtr ni3 TfSEEUTXI-: Tor 1SG."5. i i jiarticulars rnouire of W m. Lrwin, fiien- tios reason. ' i.,j , () t.'-e to perforai any j Jaiy 10. m.l. WM. S PENCE. n I t:."y iive up to their I i ia -ru ::. ;:i c to b. said AY Nl'TICE. o. ::. . v.. -t-rn cretin-. The ri i.ng of tl.ewiM t ..I.'ti ; form i::,o; ,,-rth- T : ' ' -"' p.i:i:o.ii::ie, iu. c- CV if!...' ::i i i' :'.. city 'mi r.oil is 11,1 ' :1 . t: ', -n i.;r wall "1", ri iiori.il an J Nat.-.n !::..:!!, ther- is a large ,aa.l ,:- ."'" '''' l-.-il- of ti.., plu-.-o Wjii ,0 . . ,.-t ,. ; ., ;:: t . m- v., i;, .. l:l l..i. vi.. --.si !i . . .ii-tin ; m l .. t li.. tti- l ii . r. Li iae c.'y cmnj: all' rd to 1 u:M m, :..t .iU 0i-ilin:mv be paved re-jOi.-. i.; invncf, ,U , i-rti t ) construct ti e v I. : ;.i,d .f t!..y :.r- i,..- -i , , j . 1 . t . -. i :h. in a ti -i-t :i;i! length of ti.ne nt tie- .-treet C t;,m:-.i,.ner perform the . .b r, a:, i th-.-n !-;y a -p.via! tax n the "Tty fir the aiii ia:r. We- d u it or-.- ::. beeaue of any I 'MmiihiI ni'-r-c-it in it, but f. r the b-n. iit of t!i- :. We 1 ieve it ti) be .i Jieeevity, and shall Continue to ur re it unitl the wm k c ni pi'te.l. i.r We ale t-Iil i: cul ul it i:;cS I -.hen e. tii. t J IU- II. r.. 1 'ri i. y ' .-'ifit iu u-e i n ' l:," Ii that ov -,ii l T, die J .,i Ue-i.ly at ill i . i i O a I., i, iM I lit . II 0. lie had I -en ..nth too il 13", aiid ju tireii ii.il. An 1:1 j jfit was iieiil !y,aii"! a verJut reti I-to 1 i iiis o-.a'.a ly el. i : ;;i" m li0 ' i 'i !. r, i.lie i!;e pout of tlie tt'utiil, '1 'n't hke to lv dibttii Lcd in their i-. A iV'lovv in jail over near Gcie . e. ; t Kt s to the 1 IS T;:ken up by t!ie Subscriber, living 10 inlles a .nth of f '1 1 1 '-onoir h , N. T.. in Liberty Precinct, Ca eour.ty : One Lri-h.t H ay M ire with bla;ii m ine and tail; left hind foot white up to the p.'stor j -in'.; collar marks on eaeh h:de of the n-ek ahoot rix in.-hes hmg. bahl faced: a ! lie mark on the ri-iit side about the -ieuf a dime. JNO. C. HAKES. July 1, IS ii.) w.. Ill; TORY OF THE WAR ! The t ight kin 1: jovt s.n h s noi-t cv er'i. lv say they wmt ail in on vol- '. u -.- page, b..utiful steel plate ; engraving", well bound in leather, j;iit : l.aeks. marble e ljes, nil for t, will Le ' readv by L-t nf Oct. rext. 1KANC1S FORCES, Ast. 1 P. S. All of my old subscribers will t . ii"! th"' u!eive history at a m re t ri !! ab "ve e i-t of second volume, (it being the same history). F. F. SALE OF AN ESTRAY. ; At or aim, it Id o'clock, A. M.. on the l J:n day of August, iMio, at the resi d. ne,. ,,f II."nry Stall, in Oreapol'es Pre , i iiiei, 1 :ha.l sell, f.ir ca-h in hand, to j the highest bidder, the following prop ! erty, taktn tip as an estniy and posted ; t il-i'.ry Stuil. to wi: ; On(x, about : ouiit ye u s ojil, marked with a crop oif li: bit ear, aiel is f ;i reil mti1 white cob.r. .'.praiselJ at Forty Dollars. Ap lis, j hv Frit ii!; O. Parcel an 1 Jacob H in. Ly or l r of HENRY STULL. Jamks O'MKii., Justice of the Peace. Ed. ray ITorsc. Tak"n up by the subscriber, on his enclose. 1 t remises in L uiisvili" prscinct, '.i-s county N. T., about twelve ni'les wf St of PI ittmoutli, on the 2;st ins'., one iron gray hore, about 13 1-2 hands high, and supposed to he about four vcir.s old no marks or brands prreova- y i. i: ui,!"--. t!i.' holt i:i bis ceil are L. s ; a - i i:p, nr.J the shteji preven-, '-i jin runii.ng iiiiouh ot iiiglits, he j u " .-:u-e the iii.-i.:u:i on. J5enil3e flit:.. V.iuli .-ijt blame him at all for carr -. (, ;. ;iiS threat. t.le. II"' cwi.it h rerja- sti .i to prove property, pay charges an i lal-:1 sai l i'mal a;v:tv. " CI I AS. H. DCIiFEE, Pl utMiiouth, June 22. lNio. FANCY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, Hardware, Qiieensware, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, OUTFITTING G00BS,&C THE Y mil fCOT BE UKDERSOLD Call before purchasing, and Ilxamine Gotuls and 'tiers. If you do not buy, you will Oot JPOGtccL ! UE3IEM-BICR THE PLACE, JLijl streets OPPOSITE POST OFFCE, PLATTS MOUTH, i. T, July 1, 1S0-5 if PSOVISION STORE! M. B. MURPHY, Main St., opposite Platte Valley House, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. IIa3 on hand a large fetock of SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS. I5RIDLKS. WHIPS, SPi RS, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, dfcc He can Outfit a Mule or Horse Train With everything in his line, on short notice. My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Kt-pnirin? done at all times at reasonable rates- BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale und Retail Di alers in Drugs, Medicines and Gils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Urushcs and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Biedicinal use, Dye Woods, I lye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles (lenerally. Farmer, frcigliterx and phtjsicians Will find our stock of .Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. I'htjsivtan. Piescriplitnis Carefully FWrd by Dr. Iilaelc. Phutsmouth, May 1st, 1Si5, if jSSTUAY notice Taken up iv thf? StiKcriljer resltlin thrct miles Suth of i'latrmodth, Cass on., N. T.. on t':t 17th dav of June. Tii.' Miiitary ar.-l ;iv i 1 m:c r f I??04. .vih th' H u.-p.-i result "f fui" l'rc-i lui i:t I e ntM. la vh 1 1 : ; I a heavy wt-ipht i"i"!ii ? ii lirvAsrs t t?ir 1",)1 iiiilli.-L- 'if our ffjiit) yn.eit. lr ti-w fe'r. tveu ' y th h" h i v. bt . li .;iir:JMfii! ri I-.il.t l;iitl th i i Le lu;. ii i-t t.' t'l.ii r.-t- t i.nn;.lnn fi-.m tt.c : I y & 'r h li-M tii Ik w;i? k wkolly icipi-l.i- i iy iior aa: J; Tit- ; r-i th't t fr!vrry, l.rr it-:tit:i'- f -.i t" t-iu-.tuni-T Hi'1 f t f Hantuu. 'I he I';-.-ti- of r-t-iuo il Vt-i.ti-n itini t W, t.-rn instir 1 1 xv i n ar-1 Mf.lv p t ; A i: a ham I.tchi.n, d. It-li;.' r ;i"4i!;it'lt; u-a choji-e of the n.ii!. iiy, Ic-Ut" th- litflm of M:iie f"T ft.ur voir luire:; ti' it h' liuu, I M ;it ly w-hktii(l hy d t- at 1o-js Ihi ini; tut p. i.-t " with iis crclit sa re-hirft that lis I ur--Lt'.irt r . tii- lv l-i t..r s 0 -t il- TretJii rnif t t 'ml i I;.-e' h iik' ti Itr ctnu at thf rif-r o iwtTi'y rlvt- f r ot i init i knttttif cttnin in-l l ut tlx o fit- tu the 1 ar- hut avv;iit fir iltw uI.h Ii it -.!! j-f . ih.'- th- ! I In-in it j :i: at nl.il li.iml :in 1 rfit.it ii master M'irits ti the ju tioe, or it litay It- Ju the rVni' i.cy, or a s -rely wnitiirwl hl I jut-y iT.c'n-r 1 hut f 'i rin .iiid in ff..auitniu eoplt. Si: li ir tht? hii-'Hvb w tin!. j :-Mv our I i th th.i th? (.! n rear wi'l tt r-tur Mi l Mnp H.tat un- !i il n-V 1 U - in v. rv h i;t!. in -nt in llv Hepuliiir, ;t?i l tf t ;iet:ct law t L.Ur;y L-r All iniii.oV.ihiy iui-ht-i J ii i.i f.e Coo -tituiitti i-f "iir ruiyi. Thk kw t'.'it i Tilth1 n v, in. .1-1 in H 11 . w:H n te; i;; .-u t'ei' -f " : ih y- :ir witri iil.-k iim! h' I-i J nlaip -i fii,ans f j-f:.int'"' li p imv pit '-t v. r- : ttt: V a;in aiv th' lui i.-ii t.i lnt, I: : ue- nu th ui-hmIVii. c f a 1. u f F ;- fiiiian-t linn .anity. Wf,-:i ih:- t U'h ha!i have V n atTit- al i.v t r...ti ..'tl ;tifi -t:i tiJ.e'i a? th t'.-t--i- tjiir ii.-tttii i"i - ir:.i ity.iii it inMl-iie-' tttiie f i i t'l, tl u"-'itKtt, Hi- inos-; u.-pi-'M: . j a It-.nlul iui-tik" Tl. il no r nim;'niiy ?tate can i:M -id t t r ;); v u ii liumt-1 w inhei th a will ur IhikI h;i k 4-!;cm t:ititj. iu th; cilia tui).hin uf ptace Hivt ",rupM it v ' i : I h i n: k h ftr i I.e hi yjr li-t'n publ i -I Wlth.urt pMlit to it-- pr.ptiet-rs, ti IV lit eai.se l-f the lf-pit i,iii.n t f ur mm urv t' hw specie tiMn.!:iiil eoiiip. tiinj u tc huy p tp-'r aii'l othtr r.mTt iiai at a eo-t I'-'Mi r.'v5.-iy above lh iin niiit rCfi Vtmd frim tur 4 ul r. ilif On ottr n et k iy t liiiinn. t ti e i.el li haw a iih mi lit J t z r ver.tl th u- i.tjt cf ih.lai. ; w hi it? ur lar- v pn :r..in attvt 'tijiiTttf h tve U" u whoily Ih ' I hy ti trxt;ai.nlni:-x exHu?-rM iT ns p.inilfi.e'. 1 1 lv ai'iitu-, t re, tlov lve I t-u 'l by tt.e war A- we liw Let juj jro tur iiniD" ;i.--irc that we :!.. .M w rJi f"i ti.t in at ur t.vt. ;f t( p ur n f t f at:ou z'l ty auv uh miy d -i it. we have iii-wh.it a Ivaueci to r I h ti -u; i: y- ir tlu prtc - tit ojr en ca iv aU'i W trek y , .is li ul alit-atiy d-n.f w ith hur-e vt ur ilhity iui.w. This lucrrae i 'im-!v uontlnal; txir uever t . t".re mas a t!in whe-- trie irni-iM ot ui- ce-iii ry c 'f.iitry c-ul-l t.uy 'i'i.e Ti it'iino ft. r little of thPir uWu paoduct rr lubt.'i a tiitry Cull by the .0 TERMS: Mii-.f c -yy - M.i'l MlLi ril.r"", -tr.e y. :ir, 31 - i"a. SKv.I-wKI KI.Y TRIBL J.K, On".. rri'y one yeitr K1 i.tuf,, 1 h., r-'i'if" lit" .-:ir, five cwiic or t'Vfr. one vojr, fnch crpy, WEKKI.V TIMliVXK, Oui" c y, one Ii- i.-j'ie-, Cl'i -s of live . . fersons r.uiuiiiii -J-l t r 111 oepiw, will receive one c.'i y nt"u. ."1: IVrnoni' renuOiii 10 loi nil cpio. will receive one f ii s" 1 1 vv.-,k:.v, r;itis. Pernors rrm;t ini; f..r -iu 1 .pies, mil r.'Ctive one ci v l'.'ilv. jri.a.e Prafls on.V,' ink p:tubir to the or kr f "Tlie Tril.at.e, ' I nnf saft , lire p'cf.-rabl to Hny oilier ui'Kie o! r.'u,i lro iiur M tiftv .trufts i-.iuLot 1 cosiv. ni-ntly pr..c;ir., l":.jt...l sta:., or National 13r k ti:l. a.- next bt, and hiht le t nt ly in.iil ; 'tit In of I. -s-.Tl.o l". lhiiiio will in. 1 t.- r ..insi l.." in.lc"" '"e r.i-ti ii wi"h a full 1 sTiption of the i.liN, in.luiiir.tt tie" imni" ct Hi.- hni.k, .lenomiuatii n ii"t tiUiiit""r, nuJ the tiu.c ai..! piatd of mailing ul Hi" !rtt-r witb the iiicl.,suie- Address THE TRIBUNE. Tnl";ine Hu MinH, New York. Probato TSctice. Nc.'ice is h-rel.y g!r.-n lint V.. U. Sfcafnr hs mai'e ai pliririou to o i,p.".i:.t. d A'!m:Dlrlco cf the Ve have opened a T O JEL 23 Opposite the PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, Where we are Offering and arc Selling Everytliing Usually found in the Provision Line, i k W. yr i lo.eu - 7. 3. lU'.otl. . 1 11. i :iiii.i.tt jre I, X .. Oil I X, tV-Oel .1 coin o! IV' ljs n.le if Sirali sh I'er Je.iHeil, lno if Cas. county, N. hi 'h, b;- in haJ 11 headst.t'.l on when founj, is about 1.--. r... ! .-'- U,.- IT I.--,. 1.1 ! ,. in ,b-.l UnrUon i nch shoubior, - , ZuiZ ' . P ivt-r, v. 1 h a rubv "' ' ' :. a: d lOiiill? C"4,0UIJ li ; :; t li-!.?jii, At?s. The : a'.- ui.ve Ly clock nvrk. live vears old The O'.vner is hereby re q i-'sre,.! to call, prove prepertv, pav eliar-es and take him hwhv. II.' THOMAS. Jane 21 w3. SaturJii,; July2ih. 15G5, at 10 oVlocIt 8. ra. oi a;l day, at wLi.h time all (Uptons in!ere'r.l can aprenr. t. S V liness niT batd ami ncal of i Cj.',? on tiis 'heSOl!) dav of Jon, A. D. Ifc63 D n HHEELtS. Fl bJt! Ji-.g. We wish to buy all kinds of Countiy Produce. Such as Butter, Arc?ctal&Ics, Ac-, For which the in ft cs t Price will be paid In M o n e y - fifThose having such articles to sell will do well to call and see us before st'ilir' J. II. HEYSER & Co. Plattsmouth, May 22, '6o. E. T. DUKE cfc Co., AVholesalf- and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass. Japaned AND STAMPED WA E- W keep con.sinnily on hand Einirants' and Freighters' OUTFITTING- GOODS, Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans. Skillets and I .id , Ovens, Cam) Kettles, Ac. W e also keep Chain l'umps and Fixtures, 1 lydraulic Oment, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Colfee M ids iS:c. ir ozE3 wonis. ! Tin Roofing, (iiittters and Spouting done on short notice, vith neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold .Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEBRASKA Pit W. L THOMAS' icturc Gallerv, North Side Main St , PL MTSMOUTfl, - N T Pictui'es taken of all EZinds. Ambrotypes, Photographs, Gem Pictures, &e A fod assortment of Cases Frames, Album?, &c.j r-onstantly kept on hand. Gilt and KosewooJ Moldingj or Frames made to order, of any size. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sta., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers iu DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Putty and Glass- THIS PRAIRIE FARMER, 1M.VOTLD TO Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechanics, I2d ucutlm, Home IatereUs, (lentrcl JS'ews, .Markets, tJV. I'ublithed Weeklj.in.ii nivtt octavo form of Mxteeii j puses, vritli an itid.x at the end cf each o!nm j (six months. J I mmv : - --- " Oyer's Sarsaparilla k compound remedy, designed to bo the rnoa ! iroctual Alterative that can bo msde. It i ! concentrated cxtraU of Para Sarsnparilhi j o combinel with oUier substances of stil I reater alterative power as to afford an effee i Iyc antidote for tho diseases Sarsnparilla i epated to cure. It is believed that such i emedy is -wanted by those who surl'tr frot itrumous complaints, and that one which w il ceompliah their cure must prove of immen ervice to this large class of our alHicted fellow itizens. How completely this compound wi .o it has been proven by experiment on man; f the worst eoaes to be found of the followinj omplaints : SCHOFCL. AND ScnOFUt.Of S CoMPT. VINT! Jhcptions and Eruptive Diikasks Ui.ct.ns 'imples. Blotches, Tumoks. Salt Uhei-m cald Head, Syphilis asd Syphilitic Ap ections, Meucurial DlSE VSK. DltOI'SY, Xku ALGIA Oil TlC Uot'LOVKElt. Dehilh y, I)V3 epsia and Indigestion1, Euyshm-las, Ilos' r Sr. Anthony's Fike, and indeed the whol lass of complaints arising from I.hi'ukity o hk Blood. This compound will hs found a great pro loter of health, when taken in the spring, t' xpel the foul humors which fester in th lood at that season of the year. By the time y expulsion of them many rankling disorder re nipped in the bud. Multitudes can. b; he aid of this remedy, spare themselves tYon he endurance of foul eruptions and uleerou ores, through which the system will strive t. id itself of corruptions, if not assisted to ib his through the natural channels of the bod; y an alterative medicine. Cleanse out tli itiated blood whenever you find itsimpuritie .ursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions r sores ; demise it when you lind it is ob tructed and sluggish in th? veius ; cleanse i rhenevcr it is foul, and your feelings will tel nu when. Even where no particular disord:; i felt, people enjoy better health, and liv anger, fur cleansing the blood. Kc th lood healthy, and all is well ; but w ith thi .abulum of lifd dlwrdered, tliere can w B' Isting liealth. Sooner or later somethinj aust go wrong, and the great machinery o ife is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla ha?, and deserves much, th cputation of accomplishing these ends. Hit he world has been egregiously deceived b; reparations of it, partly because the dru. lone has not all the -virtue that is claimc or it, but more because many preparation iretending to be concentrated extracts of it ontain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla ,r any thing else. During late years the public have been min ed by large bottles, pretending to give a quat if Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mo-1 ,f these have been frauds upon the sick, f hey not only contain little, if any, Sursnpa ilia, but often no curative properties whatcv r. Hence, bitter and painful disappointmen las fallowed the use of the various extracts i jarsapai ilia which flood the market, until tli tame itself is justly despised, and has becom ynonymous with imposition and cheat. Stil ve call this compound Sarsaparilla, and inttn o supply bucIi a remedy as t-hall rescue tli lame from the load of obloquy which vest tpon it. And we think we have ground f iclieving it has virtues which sue irresistibl y the ordinary run of the diseases it is intun J d to cure. In order to secure tVir eomph t radication from the system, the remedy i-liuiil ie judiciously taken according to directions o' he bottle. FP.ErAr.ni nv' DR. J. C. AYEIl & CO. LOWELL, MASS. rice, SI per Bottle j Six Uottlm for $3 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral .as won for itself such a renown for tbo cure c, very variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, t!ia t is entirely unnecessary for us t j recount t!i vidence of its virtues wherever it has licen eir iloyed. As it lias long been in constant u hroughout this section, we nee J notdo more t!ia Asure tlie people its qualily is kept up to the li f t ever has been, nnu that it may lie relied on t jo for their relief all il bus ever been found to Uc Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB THE CtJIUE OP Josliveneu, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestior Dysentery Foul Stomach, llryipc .',i, lleailachi iles, Rheumatism, Eruptions ctul ijl.iil Discaw liter Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors an ialt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Xcuralpia, at Dinner nil, and for Ptirifyinj the Blootl. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sens ire can take them pleasantly, and they are tli icst aperient in the world for all the purposes of amily physic. ?rice 25 centj per Box ; Five boxes for $1.0 Great numbers of Clergymen, Fhvsicians. fitatw nen, and eminent personages, have lent the lames to certify the unparalleled usefulness of thes emedies, but our space here will not permit tr, nsertion of them. The Agents below named fu lish gratis our American Almanac in which tlu ire given ; with also full descriptions of the abo lomplaints, and the treatment that bhould be fo owed for their cure. Do not be put oft" by unprincipled dealers wit rther preparations they make more profit oi Demand Ayek's, and take no others. The sir vant the best aid there is for them, and they shoui lave it. All our remedies are for sale by "Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World " iiAifpuirs Jfcw Jlontlilv lUnarazinc. Criti'-al notK" ofllio I'revs. Ttisthe r.rtinot Mi'tnz'rp of i,e day. T! !!--sM ni'ter had mure it.-hirMiul c"inti:iii u:i, m.r iiie million a more fnti-ri.riniiiir fni'ii l. th in Harpir Mrt?iiziiie Ut thrvtist l'rttUint ' Cal'irn .re.) The mott poru'ar Mou-.hty iu the worM. X. Y. 0!jtrrtT. Wo u.U!.t refer in t rms of eulniy lo the high ti.B" nl varied cxceMeti.-e rf Hirffi's Mac-Mine n inur- nal with h muntlily nrruUtioii "f ;il t l7n,U0U i"' t'- t'-s ,in whose pHie are. to h- luuii't hutne o! II, - clu irest H-ht a,l t-. ii", al rra-lln ..fthed iy. Wo pp'ak of thU w .rk as an evi,ien,-e of Ihe Ann:rirari penpe; und tin' pi,iiilari'v it Iih ac'iiir,l isiuctit e.l. Each iiumher ri'iil.iiiia fuliy 141 j.iiweH of i.-a I iug in. liter, apiir , print. -ly i.lus r.,.. I with soo.l i .1 i-uis; a"i,l it -uttibiri" in itseir the racy iiK,utl,iy an.l the mme phi losojihiral quarterly, lr,. ude.l iih ti e. best features of Ihn ildily jt,urnal. It hail jfreft power in the di-tem-'nal i.m i,f a lov." r f pure lit-Tature. Tucner'tt O tilde tt AuttriatTi LittrHtiiri: vLondou. ) The v ,i!m, l,oun,l contti uie ,f thenisclves a li brar; o! 'mircvli iiinin fjad ir.f, .uch as ciuoot b fi.im.l i:i the same ci.mpai-H in any other pnhiirat ion (hat hits c .uie under oi;r culke. Boito.i Courier. SL'IJSCRIPTONS. lSGo. The l.iibliKhers have perieete;! a 'rtem J..f mailing by which they Can tapp y the VnKaine ami Weekly pmiiuptly t.i thi.se alio .refer to r.-c ivelheii- piriod ieals dir etlv from the orfif.; of pulillea-iou. The portage 01. llarper' M;.n:i7;ne is "J4 ."eii'a n ye ir, wh.ch must be piiid at lue suhBciiber's i.ol wi ll ce. TP. II MS: Hakpek's MaciZiM:, one year. . - - 1. An evtn copy of either the 5I;.cazine or VVe- y Will b Uliel gratis ur cvtr Clii cf Five suo scribers al $1 each, iu oce reiniltance ; ur tlx copies for JO. Ha-k numbers can he mpplied" at any lltne. A complete tet, n ,w e ,uipi i;wiz Tueniy-cine Vol ume., in ne.it cloth hiri lio.;, wi 1 b.- wui by fc.xpf" !., freitl't a' exp' use of pn rhaer, f.,r J Si per ro nro". s:r,c-'e volume., by Tn'.i, port rai.l, ft. Cloth ea-m for bin'Iiue, li ceuts, ny mall, po-t naij A(Urt "llAKHl.a i I(1.(ITHU(, KiaDkliH bquare, N. V. TCIt MS: 2. 00 A YEA It, IX APYAXS. For Clb oftictlre ond $M, one enpyfete. JT3Apiiropriate advertiseh'ents will be p'noH Id ..... . .......... - - J 1 ' ' . a,-n . ..on pa- ric:, each ine rti m, in advance- Special Ja.ices, ' leaded, prccedinff advertUeicenis, twenty cent per ! line of i-pace occ upicd. A square compriea ten liaei ofapaee. I Sj-The circclatinn of thePRAIRIC FARMER is Pater.t Sfedlcinea of all kinds. Toilet articles. ct.i- I .a v..r.i, .u-.a ....a . '. i-i-.,". tiouery.ard everything kej.t in rt-clas LruS i,,,ielllel M.JO-aier., tke best m-diuiu U Store, at Ea.tein prices. I t ench tliC inasjea iateretta i. . . -Wa'6prtTirtrSt;ri'l"f'-..BJrrn ! l.'JIH i 4 CO . j4 St.. ! J 11. I K A l A (III. I . I . L. FROST & Co., WIIOLES.tLK G H O C E H 3. Opposite tha Post 0ce, cur g'.as t; It f.t.a. rr. 10 6 C:?af-. b" 1 i