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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1865)
She gletohu j&eralcl fvyjiN -v "it " PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY AUG. 2, 1SG5 the corrjGit yisiklu. After the surrender of Lee and the assassioau'on of President Lincoln, the rebel element in the North subsided to a contiierable extent, and but few of that class were to be found who were foolhardy onough to express their real sentiinens. Of latP, however, they are becoming somewhat bolder; and even m the loyal town of Plattsmouth thre are men who talk about -'another rebel lion if the Souteern gentlemen are not admitted to full citizenship." They say that these '-Southern fire-eaters will not submit to the depredation of being disfranchised." This kind of talk only confirms us in the belief which we have before ex yresFf d, that these men only want the pretext and the pother to again involve the country in difficulty. Let every Union-loving, law-abiding man be care ful upon whom they confer that power. There are plenty of m?n to be found whose loyalty is known, and those who nre cf doubtful repute should Le invited to wait until they prove, by their "works," that they are worthy of the confidence of a law-abiding community-It may, or it may not, be to the best interest of the country to allow those so luttly in arms agaiusl the Government, to have the full privileges of ciiizenship; thii is a question that will bear discus sion. . liut when men go so far as to say that '-the authoiiii'is had better be careful that the Southern fire-eaters won't submit'' to this or that measure, we very naturally conclude that they are eiiht r grossly ignorant of what has been going on in the country for the past four years, or else the rebel spirit in them is eo strong that they cannot con rcl it tither of which is, tr ought to be, sutiicient to condemn them ia the minds of aa intelligent, peace-loving community. IeS5 In juitice to Mr. Duke, our County Treasurer, who has been ac cused of giving us the tax-liel for pub llcatlon to the detriment of die tax-payers of this county, we would refer said tax-payers to a resolution adcpteJ unan imously Ly the editorial convention cf this Territory, sometime last fall. That convention was composed of at least one representative from each newspaper then in existence in the Ter ritory, except, perhaps, the Itulo Reg ister; and the resolution in question was to the ellVct that no paper represented in that ccnven'.ion would publish the list of lands and lots upon which taxes were delinquent, for the compensation prescribed by law. That resolution is still in full force, and each member of the convention is, of covirse, bound by his honor to suppor it. This left our County Treasurer the alternative cf paying the extra charge from his own pocket, or finding some one who was not bound by that resolution, and was willing to publish the list for the price specified by la.v. The IIrrild, not "being in existence at the time of that convention, offered a chance for the Treasurer to extricate himself from this dilemma. If this is to the "detri men! of the lax-payers," then we are at a loss to know what would be to their advantage. That convention was com posed cf hononble men, who would scorn to sanction a resolution of this kind because they had a monopoly of the lysine vs in any particular respect. It may not be amiss, in this connec tion, to say that all papers represented in that convention are pledged to cnarge for all legal advertising, at the rate of Sl.oO per square for the first insertion, and Si. 00 per squire for each subse quent insertion; making about S20 for an ordinary legal notice. Of course, they are all honorable men, and an in sinuatioa that any one of them did not live up to these resolutions would be considered at insult, and we would ad- 'ise persons in this vicinity who have legal adver'isicg. to be careful how they approach a member of that august body, for fear of giving offense by im putation. f5F'Vor& has commenced a suit against the Government for damages, on account of the enforced closure of his theatre; and has employed Henry Win ,ter Davis, Thomas Eivingand William Schley, as his counsel. ESSGen. Butler's resignation which was sent on the 1st of June, has been returned marked "not accepted" and he has been seat for to Washington, where he is likely to be assigned to du ty connected with the Fretdmeu's Department. ntOI THE WEST. . I FoflT Labimie, Ju!' 27. One thousand Sioux, Cheyenne?, Ar rappahoes, Blackfeet and a few Jn manches attacked Platte Bridge Sta tion, ou the T tleo-raph road, day be fore yesterday. There was only two hundred and fifty soldiers stationed there. The fight lasted two days, re sulting in heavy loss to the Indians. Number not known, and a loss on our side of Lieut. Collins and one enlisted man of the 11th Ohio Cavalry and 2-3 men of the llih Kansas and 9 men wounded: Indians retired west, tear ing down telegraph poles and destroy ing wire. A note was picked up on the battle field written by A. White, a prisoner recently captured on South Platte, said that the Indians did not want peace, but were for fighting all the time, that we had killed one of their Chiefs in the fight and that they were going to destroy the telegraph line and thai they expected reinforcements. Lieut Collins was horribly mutila ted; his hands and feet cut oir, throat cut, heart taken out. scalped aud one hundred arrows in him. The men fought against overwhelm ing numbers, and with determined bravery. There is not the slightest disposition manifested on the part of these Indians for peace. On the contrary, peace will only be obtained by severely pun ishing them. One of the Towder river columns is now en-route to join the force at Platte Bridge which is moving ia the rear of the ludians, and holding them in check until reinforcements arrive, when another fight will tako place with out doubt. All the troops intended for the Indian expedition would have been in the field long ago had it not been for rascally contractors failing to deliver supplies according to the terms of their contract. JuLESBURG, July 3l. 10 A.M. A party of about 30 Indians attacked a small train of emigrants 40 miles west of here, on Saturday morning;! killing and scalping two men and cap turing one wagon and team. All the rest of the tram succeeded in making their escape. Senators Doolittle and Foster passed the spot but a short time after, and nar rowly escaped a flight or a capiure. These gentlemen so anxious to conclude peace with the Indians, did not mani fest a very etroug desire to meet them just then, preferring some future time and place. The same morning a large party of Indians surprised a camp of 20 soldiers a few miles north of Valley Station, .captured their stock and drove the men back to the station, slightly wounling three or four. The telegraph line was ulso cut, and the operator driven back when out re pairing it. ar panies of Indians have appear ed in severpl places on the South Plat e I? rntt and there is no douot they ai c n considerable force in the vicinity, bent on mischief. More troops are on the way from the Fast and will souu be dis tributed along the road. MOXTAXA ITEMS. The Virginia City Post of the :21th ult., furnishes the following: Flour and merchandise generally has been already received at Last Chance, via Fort Benton and the Mis souri river navigation. Many persons who had abandoned claims in the upper part of Last Chance Gulch, have returned to work and found good prospects. States fljur was selling at from $27 to SS'JO per sack, and Salt Lake from 623 to S2-5, at Helena. Markets, Virginia City, June 2-lth, "6-j : 'During the past week there has been a considerable demand for goods at cur new mining camps, a.apies ai.d general merchandise in fair de mand at quotations. Khiur. There has been a quietus put upon the sales of the past week, the market being well supplied, prices ru ling the same as at last quotations, with a lighter demand. Our Produce Market continues qui et, prices rule about the same as at oar last review, linle doing. Butter. Demand limited, prices un changed. Provision market firm, with an up ward tendency. The demand is in creasing for the spring staples." . fSTThe correspondent of the New York Herald writes as follows from Columbus Mississippi, with respect to the intelligence of the Southern whites: "The candid truth is. that, generally speaking, the great majority of the Southern whites are not one whit the superior in education or moral of ti e negroes. Both races have to be edu cated, have to be freed from the band age of iguorauce in which slaveholder has kept both the negroes and the -poor white trash,' before they will be able to judge correctly what is best for their interest and welf are. If any one wish es to comprehend how it was that the rebel leaders so successfully deluded this people iuto their accursed rebellion and to see how completely the poorer whites became mere tools in the hands of the richer planters he has only to come South and see how totally ignor ant and fearfully depraved these poor whiles are. f ihrt Louisville Jour- j nal, says that the anti-ameaduient peo ple of Kentucky seem ternuy appre hensive that, unless restrained by the Constitution, they will inevitably marry niggers. We have all heard of the noisy fellow, who, getting in a quarrel, cried cut to those around him, "Hold me. gentlemen, or I shall strike him." Each anti-amendment man seecas call ing aloud in a similar spirit, "Hold me, dear Constitution, or I shall marry a ni.-r as rare as ?-:'X are bra.' Important Decision In It'eiv Or leans SI id el 1' Property. A New Orleans paper says ; Judge Durell, of the United Stntes Court, delivered his decision in the inter vention of the Citizens' Bank and of Ma cuard & Co., in the suit of tha United States against, John Slidell, for confisca tion of his real estate, in the city of New Orleans. The Citizens' liank based its claim on a mortgage executed by Mr. Slidell's agent in this city, in favor of the bank for 100000 francs. Judge Durell decided that shuch a mortgage was in fraud of the claims of the United States, and was intended to reserve Mr. Slidell's property from the couotry, so that it could not be reached, and that Mr. S. being a notorious enemy of the United States, hi property was liable under the confiscation act, and could not thus be placed beyond the reach of the Government. The Judge further decided that the power of attorney filed by Mr. Slidell's agents did not give them the rower to mortgage his property. In regard to the intervention of Macuard .t Co., who claim a mortgage in their favor on Mr. Slidell's property for advances, to the amount of 5'JO,000 francs, Judge D. decided that when the mortgage was given in Paris, it was well known to the int?rventors that Mr. Slidell was an enemy to the United States, and a traitor; that he was acting ns commis"ioner of the so called Confed erate States; they knew the risk were ta ing, and they grounded their hopes of repayment upon the prospects of the success of the insurgent State in over throwing tho authority of the United States. Tho interventions of the Citizen's Bank and of Macuard & Co. were there fore dismissed at thecost of the interven. tors. SrcRETAHr Seward. An exchange says Secretary Seward ii perhaps the ablest Statesman now living. Few will ever know how valuable have been bis services to the couutry the last four years. The trained diplomats of Eu rope have been constrained to yield to his superior ability. A weaker man to conduct our foreign affairs might have enabled the secessionists to ar ray the most powerful nations of Ku rope in arms against us, and in that way have destroyed our Government. 'I he English editors are very sensitive in regard to the way things have been conducted between the two countries, as they feel that the superior talent has been on our side. As the American Kearsage sunk the British Alabama, so has Mr. Seward humbled the preten tions of Great Britatn to superior diplo matic abilit'. "Little Drop of Water," &c. The town of W aierbury, in Connecti cut, has the most varied and extensive manufacture of brass unities of any place in the country, or perhaps in the world; and all spring from one man making a set of brass buttons. He was rather an ingenious man, and he thought he could make a set of brass buttons cheaper than he could buy them. He punched out the blanks i faom a piece of -heet brass, turned them up very nice in a lathe, soldered eyes j to ihem.uuil hud them sewed upon his coat. Some of his neighbors then re quested him to make sets of buttons tor them, and he was thus drawn into the manufacture. His example was fol lowed by others, and frum this small beginning have grown the most exten sive brass manufactures of Waterbu- ry- 5a,"But gineral" sez I. "in nil this wutdo yoo perpose for us Northurn Ditnmekrats V "Toward them our bo.vils melt with luv. We forgive yoo. Ef yoo kin take the old auilood, will and good ef not" "Hold !" sez I "don't ihreat. A gin ooine Northern demekrat wauts but little here below, but wants that little long give him a small post orfis, a nigger driver to look up to, and a nigger to look down to, and he is soopr jinely happy. Ef a angel in glory waz two oiler 2 trade pUces win him, harp, golden crown and all, he would ask odds." Indictments tor Treason It is reported that the Grand Jury of An drew county, at a recent session, acting under the charge of Judge Ilerron, in dicted over three hundred persons in that county for treason. The Judge is said to hold the opinion that they are subject to punishment under the State courts, as well as by those of the United States. The defense of these fellows will af ford a rich harvest for the lawyers. "When men dance they must pay the fiddler." St. Joe. Herald. &3FThe Agricultural Bureau at Washington has received reports from different parts of the country which rep resent that the crops of hay, potatoes and corn, will be larger than at any previous year. The hay crop will be fully one third larger than ever known before. Oats are also reported to be very superior, and a larger crop grown than for many years previous. FSPThe New Yolk Times has the following in resrard to the position oc cupied by President Johnson on negro suffrage: "We have very little doubt that upon this subject he entertains the same opinion as the great body of ju dicious and reflecting persons through out the countrv. namelv. that distinc tions in poli'ical rights and franchises should no longer be based on distinc tions cf color, but that in every State netrroes should be allowed to vote up on the same conditions and under the same circumstances as whites." frSTThe London Herald says the North has lost a mil'ion and a half of men in the war, and argues thence that the Government is weak and exhaust ed. tie Ureontans are gemug excited over the discovery of new gold dijrTia:js; reputed lobe the richest and ! most extensive ever found in the north i ern country. The new district is situ I ated in the Cceur d'Alene Mountains, i Lots cf big strikes have been mada j in one case 87,000 ffom 5,000 pounds of r J'k. Tub State Seal of Virginia.- The State Seal of Virginia has been materially altered by the new Siate government. The device is the same, but the motto, "Sic Semper Tyrannis." has been espunged, and the words "Liberty and Union" now appear above the Goddess of Liberty trampling upon the prostrate form of Tyranny. gSAll the rebels tn Canada aave George N. Sanders and Jacob Thomp son have taken the oath of allegiance and applied for pardon. Gen. Potter has informed them that it will be a long time before the Government will par don any of the rascally rebels who have been spending their time in plotting raids and piracies on the borders. FAREWELL ADDRESS -OF DR. B.FRANKLIN, -TO The American People. Just discovered, and now published for the first time. CURIOUS and THRILLING DOCU MENT! FELLOW CITIZENS : The long, bo ny fingers are "reaching for me." Soon I must "go for it." A word of advice hefore I go. The glorious sun cf Hope is ppng up from his imperial couch. He dresseth himself in the full rig of Royalty. He putteth on his most capti vating grin, to maUe glad this, the city of Promise. The day of our Redemp tion from HIGH and OI'PRKSSIYE PRICES draweth to a close. FELLOW CITIZEXS: Throw high your caps; yell forth ye sturdy youths; bellow loud ye brotd chested; prolong the glad, soul thrilling shout, ye long necked; until the eluuibering echoes of the far off rocks, are aroused; Mothers, teach it to your childreo, that all the ends of the earth may know, and rejoice with ex ceeding great jov, that the HYDRA HEADED MONSTER, alias HIGH PRICES, the identical VAMPIRE that so long hath been sicking our life blood, is now 7 hrottkd by MELONE & EPPERSON, Wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, At their large and magnificent establish ment fTOn 2d Street, FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF IJRIDGE. This House is doing an immense trade. Help them, fellow-citizens, in their great elToi-ts for your good. riaitsuiuuth, July 1j tf L. GOLDING, PEALER IS HATS &. CAPS, Boots & Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. Give me a call. I propose going east in a short time to purchase goods, and will 6ell off my present stock at Extremely Low Figures. Remember the place. One doer WEST of the Herald elhce, PLATTSMOUTH N.T. Marble Yard. The undersigned have opened an Extensive MARBLE YARD In the City of Plattsmouth, where they have PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Call and Examine Specimens. We are prepared to do as good work as can be found in the country, at as Reasonable Prices As any establishment in the West. JOSEPn BUTZERIN & CO. July 1, 1S65, n.6 TOOTLE, IIANNA CO., MAIN.STREET, - - L A II Wst of Wholesale and HARDWARE, - Clothing of every description. WMES AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEKSWARE; IRON, KAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. And every article required by EMIGRANTS, FREIGHTERS. JIIXEKS fc FARMERS. And everybody else can be Call and examine AT FIRE PEOOF BEICK. Tootle, Uanna & Co. Plattsmouth, April 10, 'Go. 1805. 1805. AMISON, DOYEY cfc CO., North Hide of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of BRY00BS E0IEI1S QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention lo bus iness to merit a continuance of the same. Call and examine oar slock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 1SC5. if JlTST r ."! etl, cas s of Canned r -m.c-1i,s at AWISOX, UOV1.Y CO S. GO to AMJSON, DOVEV CO'i to purchase your spring gunda. A If end Us Tar My of Ladieb' Dies Good" at A. u. r v.u .-. r A CASES Moltby's Cove Oy titers for fl at OU A. D. & CO'3. G, KEAT bargain in Ladies ' LrttB Goods at I A.O.ACO'S. LOKFALEat AMI-OX. DoVE V CO S . Coffoe, Tft , Suenr, (ioldnn Syrup, Sugar House .Mo Ihshs, NrW York Candida, etc , etc. larpe lot of Chewing aud Smoking ToImcco lor JL. gale at A. V. i CO'S. OAL OIL fir tale by A. D. A CO. ( B0XL3 Star Candle for tale by JvJ A, D. A CO. IF yon want to pnrchate goods at a bargain, po to A. I. A CO 0 BAGS COFFEE juat received by A. D. 4 CO. A Lsre kt of CtoS.-Tei at A. E. A CO'3. PLATTSMOUTH, N. T G 15 S T St. Louis. Retail Dealers in AFD - supplied at this establishment. our extensive stock. THE - VL.irg. KsnrlmeDldlmei'. Dd boy' clothing for hale l.y A. D. & CO. s HELLED COKN for fa by A D. A CO. 1) ACOX and Lard for bale by A. P. A CO. VIIKAVf INVOICE of all inris of Family Gro ceries aud Outnting Goodo just received t'T A. 1. A CO. A LL kinds of Fanning Implements for pale i v 1Y A. D A CO. Largo ot of Two Horse I'lows for fa! by A D. CO. AN endless variety tf Hardware and Cutlery for sale at A. D. A CO S. Pi.'H, Doors, Shinnies, G!as, and Na'ls of every k description fur a! by A. V. A CO. A LL kin ' of Couu'.iy Proouce taken in exchntiiie 1 for (foods bv A . D. A CO. '"O eautneraie all the ai titles we have for sale 1 would fill one s dof th- UiBiLD, atd other have aa good a right to advertise a' A MI. -OX, DO VET A CO. THE la-Et-UOutttting Ucme north f Ft. Joseph 10 AMIaON, JjOVE" 4 tO'S., ruttamouth. ."'(ttnk!. Legal Notice. Ifabells Archei.G.'orgo W. AfcW n1 KlJk AM-ti-r w jjl ia n. -.rce, that John Erj,art n Ei hart did i.n tke Ttti lay of J u-, a I filutliir bill of o.niplalnt tn U.e Uiatrl.t C.',nri" the 2 I Judirnl Dialrici wlihhi sul Ut t' coici K. T.. satirist tne t-aid Iai'lia Atvl,r, Oe.,Uu ' etier and AIBobko A rrlir, 'lefpL'iniit v tii' ,g j . tt-at one Havid L. Archer :d to ti. intirr Su " Karh.irt, wi e Of th' i-at t John, tho fi'liow"' di !4Til' ii pp-miiM, fo-wit; '"" W. liaif 1 2 of tfr S.iutti liaf-12,.f ,i Nvrth half 1 l of the the K..nth qiurt, r- i ! oif coc-iiou thirty iw-2-owi twelve fourteen 14 Rut, in Cam coanty, N I. Kilt that La making oat thi clcel cf c :ir, ,,. said David L. Archr audi) uiltak-.; j Ja,v : d ffereot a(J other Jand to th-i raid B iUhi, t:a Tli aaJd Arcawr having SiUce died, d. f. i. J . . . ImtoJrs. Ami prayliiK that halrl mi'-tai.o t c r ' .. ( e i. mid that U anay lt decreed that a Mi,!.; t' w t make onto the aftid Husan har'tart ,1 j ", s i !! prenits. Upon failure ot def'-nrlauts 1 1 inc.i, he naiiiH. And that -be said Isabella Archer, W. Arcli.-r and A!p':onao Aicher, are heiuhr riit!r i thutlu'V are j ejuirtd to appear and aomrr., bill of cniidainU on or before the 4:u ilny of u, (..! A I). li;5,it being the second day uf the nft ti-ra f . il ( urt, er judgement will be rnJuriU Ui .m according tu peUtloaen' prater. JOHN KAIt iAItr SUSAN KAKHAUr' Dited June 7. ISC5. w5 T. SI. SliavtfBTT, S'. for Coniplalnatitj. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. I am always on hand at tur ShuD. on the a. .,!. ni''eof Slaiu slre'-t, one doer West uf the Him,;-, O'Qlce, to wake Hoots ty Shoes to Older, Of the left material and Lalot .Style, I liftv it goo(J a-.rtm--rjt of work on ! rtDt, tul will (coop, at nil times, Work to cult cubtmci. Krpairiii? Done on .Short Police. r.Acnz poisal riattfmoulh, April 10, 'i5 tf CIIAS. VOGT & CO, Cor. Main find oth sts., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER MD DM SADDLE St SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hardware FiiKlinp and Tool-, WAGthS, 1'LOWS, f.c. CTOrders Promptly attended U. KLE1SEU & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WATaIj papek, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries. iYotionfc, Toys Coal Oil ILaiiipx. Arc, &c. Ve arc abo n?cr.n for the Hurhinan Wool-o Mill, of St Jo-ph, ito., aud tiave now ou haiiil tJO"d axhortm.-nt of FA&'CY CASSIMKKES, CLOTHS, JEAXS, which we ha ve receive d on commission, aud aft prt pared to exchange for WOOL OR CASH, nt very reaon:ih! inure. Av-f;iv oh a mil, one door east ut the IltuaLP office, J'IjUsiu jiitb, Krl'H k. Slay iti, li5 tf S- HARDIfJC & CO., l'OST OFFICE EL'ILLING NKliltASKA CITY, T WnOLEPALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IV SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Al Agent for all th p.-lav.pX MAGAZIXES and XEWSPAPERS, I'll' c.