Sarsaparilla FOR PTTEIFYir.O THE BLOOD, And tor fle speedy enreoftbe following complaint arvafatss fterofolexiaj AHectianaj, anrl nm '! l ii UImt! Mre. Eruption Simple, PnvtMl. It lfcho, Moil Blainii nad all Hit in Dianumi. Oakland, Inrt.. 6h June, J. C. Am & Co. Gents: I feel It my duty to o mowledfre what your tiarsaparilla hasaoue forme Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I havi iilerea from it in various ways for yean. ' Soma dmea .'t burnt out in Ulecra on my hand and arms Mraetimes it tamed inward and dwtrtawd ma at th ttomacb. Two yean ago it broke out on my bev nd covered my realp and ean with one sore, whicl ires painful and loathsome bevond description. J tried many -medicine and sereral physicians, bu rithoot much relief from anything. . in fact, tin iisorder Krevr worw. At length I waa rejoiced tt read in tire Uocpet Hewener that you had prepared an alterative (SomaparHla), for I knew from youi reputation that anything yoo made must be g"d I tent to Ciuciunati and got it, and used it till ii :ured me. I took it, at you advise, in small doses ol i teaspoonful over a month, and nsed almost thre bottles.' Mew and healthy akin soon began to ftrnt under tbe scab, which after a while fell off. il tkin is now clear, and I know by my feelings thai the disease has font from my system. Von c;in wul believe that I feel what I am saying whan I tell J on that I hold you to be ou of the apostles of tin ago ind remain ever gratefully. You, ALFRED B. TALLEY. Eli. Attfciy' Fire, Raw err Crraf pclsta Truer wad Malt Ithfam, McnUl ( Kianwcrm, Kre tZjm, aropar. Dr. Kobert M. Treble writt-s from Salem, IC. V, 12lh Sept., Vj&, that he has cured an inveterati cate of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fa tallv, br the perteveriiis; use of our Sarsaparilla and alio a dangerous Malignant by largi clones of the tame; says he cures the common Lrujf tions by it constantly. i Isronrhoccle? Goitre or Swelled Week. ebulon bloan, of Prospect, Texas, writes: " Threi bottles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Hoitn a hideous swelling ou th ueck, vrhicli I bad euf fered from over two years." ... Irncrrhrn or White, Omrlfin Tumor Uterine tleersUiont a-Viauilo Diaeaaea. Dr. J.B S. Cbauiiiup. of Mi York City, write " I most cheerfully comply with the request of you. agent in-saying I have found your Sarsaparilla I most excellent alterative in the numerous com plaints for which we employ such a remedr, bis especially in Female Diseases of tba Scrofulatn diathesis. I have cured many inveterate cafes oi Leucorrhoea by it, and soma where tba coraplalir vas caused by ulceration of the uterus. The Mloer ation itself was oon cured. KoHiiug within mi know ledge equals it for tliesc female dwrangeiuenU.' Edward S. Marrow, of Xewbury, Ala., writes 44 A dangerous orarian tumor on one of the female! (n mv lHirily, which bad defied all the remedies w could employ, has at length bvt-u completely curet by your Kxlrnct of Sarsaparilla. Our physiciai thought nothing but extirpation could afford relief but be advised the trial or your Sarsaparilla as tlx last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual After taking your remedy siht week no symptoa of the disease remains." .Myphilia ami Nrrearial l)icn, Kew Orlkanh, th August, 1569- Da. J. C.Ater: Sir, 1 cheerfully comply witk the request of your agent, and report to you soma of the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilha. I have cured with it. in my practice, most of tilt complaints lor which it is recommended, and havt found its effects truly wonderful iu the cure ol V enereal and Mercurial Aisease. One of my pa tieuts bad Syphilitic u'cers in his throat, which wet consuming liis palate and the top of his jnoutli Your SajYaparillu steadily taken cured hi in, in fiv weeks Another wu attacked by secondary symp toms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten iita; a considerable part of it, so that I believe the dig order would soon reach his brain and kill liini. Km it yielded to my administration of your earsaparill the ulcers healed, and tic is well again, not ol courm without soma disfiguration to bis face. A womat who had been treated for the same disorder by nier eury was suffering from this poison in her bones They had become so sensitive to the weather that o( a damp day she suffered excruciating pain in hei Joints and bones She. too, was cured entirely bj your Sarsaparilla in a lew weeks. 1 know from it formula, which your agent gave me, thut tliii Preparation from" your laboratory must be a grer remedr; consequently, these truly remarkable rd suits with it have not 'surprised me. - t Fraternally yours, i. V. LARI IpB, H- D. rthenmrttisiii, fout, Liver Cotnplaint. IsijtrEirscE. I'restou Co., Va., 6th Julv, lVQ I JR. J. C; ATr.R: Sir, I have been afflicted" with l- raintal chronic lthi:ujnatim for a lonjr time, whicl allied the skill of physicians, and stuck to me ii spite of all the remedies I conld find, unlit T trie your Sarsaparilla. One bottle cured ma in tv weeks, and restored my general health so mucl that I am far better than before I was attarked. . think it a wonderful medicine. J. FKIiAil ji.. v. vr ci. jxmis. wntis: "I har been afflicted for years wfth an arTectitm vf f As Liver which destroyed'my health. I tned everything and everything failed to relieve me; and "I ban been a broken-down man for soma years from nt other causa than derangement the Liver. Mj beloved pastor, tlm Kev Mr. rpy, advised me ti try your .Sarsaparilla. because he said he knew you and'auylliing you made waa worth trving. By tin blessing of Coil it has cured me, and has so puriu my blood as to made a new man of ma. I feel younj again. The best that cait be said of you is not bai good enough.'1 Mrliirrwa, C'anrer Tumors, !nlnrgeueat Clerrwiian, C'ariea land Ezfoliatiosa ol iwc as A great -variety of cases have been reported to tt where cures of these formidable complaints ha" resulted from the us of this remedy, but our spaa here will not admit tbem. Soma of tbem may b found in our American Almanac, which the agent below named are pleased to furnish gratis to ail win call for them. DyapcpiMa. Heart aiMnaef Fit, Epilepsy .tlrlnncboly, IXrurnlgin. Many remarkable cures of these affections har been made by the alterative power of this medicine it stimulates the vital functions into vigorous action and thus overcomes disorders which would be sup posed beyond its reach. Such a remedy baa Jonj been required by the necessities of tha people, am we are confident that this will do for tbem ail tba medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. TOR TUB RAPID CCRS OF Coughs, Cold, Influenza, Ilonraneas) Croup, Itronrhilin, Inripirnt Con sumption, and for the Kriief of (,'snsumplire I'alirnla in adraaerd Mtagrs f ttae alinrajMt. This is a remedy so universally known to su trios any other for the cure of throat aud luug complaints that it is nselws here to publish the evidence of it virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs ant colds, and its truly wonderful cures-of puimonar disease, havo made it known throughout the civil ized nations of the uarth. l ew are tlio communities or even families, among them who have not soot personal experience of its effects some livin, trophv in their midst of its victory over the subtl sua dangerous disorders of the throat and lungt As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder! and as they know, too, the effects of this remedj we need not do more than to assure them that it ha now all the virtues that it did have when mukin the cures which have won so strongly upon tb yonfidense of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & Co,, Lowell. Maal O I L I X . V A ntver titlne Antidote for Siek Tfrad- , (?, a'be, Iysprpsia, r ever ana Ague, -j VV Liver Complaint, Costiveness, . ir.l'.A.unid Xiiirik1Hm.f?till. A? x - -- p. Depraved Appi-ttte, Disor- a V' awivd Stomach, I emaie - WILSON S PIULS are nnlversally aN Xnowledped tabs the bet now in use. -As a Family -liciae they are juirticnlarly rwnra-nend'-d-siir.ple and harmless, but highly medicinal in their com bination. One Fill a doss, with mild tmt cer tain effects. The robnst-man and the dalicate chil l osa tbeut alike, with eTsry assuranrs of entire safety. With Wilson's Fills, every Mother in tbe land becomes her own physician. They bsva proved themselves a spBanc, sod stuud without a rival for the following aCwctions: HEADACHE, FEVER A- ACCE, HEAD AC TIE, FEVKB& ACBHf DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAIWT, DYSPEPSIA, tlVXR COMPLAIHT. Costivonesa, Biliousnesa, Neuralgis CostiTenes?, Bilioasneas, Keuralgi. Sold by Drufjgists & Dealers evorywhei 1' PtEPARBD BY . " B. I. PAHITESTOCK & CO. Importers &. Wholesale Druggistsj 3To. CD, ooratc Wood aa 1 ith 8U. PITTSBURGH, PA. ,T, ., icv fin?tKTOitl cr t rr. B. L. Fafinettock's VtrWfuge. Scrofula, or King's Evil s a constitutional discae, a corruption of th )lood, by tvliich this fluid becomes vitiated vcak, and poor. Leing in the circulation,! jervades the whole body, and niny burst ou n disease on any part of it. Is'a organ is fre rom its attacks, nor is there one which it jnn; lot destroy. The scrofulous taint it variously tauscd by mercurial disease, low living, dis irdercd or unhealthy food, impure air, riltl ind tilthy lialiit., the drppssinj vices, r.nd ibovc all, by the venereal infection. What vcr be its origin, it is hereditary iu the con ititution, descending " from parents to t hildiet into the third and fourth generation ; " indeed t seems to be the rod of Hiru who Mys,' rill visit tlie iniquities of the fathers upoi heir children." Its efTects commence by deposition from thi lood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, ii he lungs, liver, and internal organs, is ty rrnet wbcrcles; in the glands, swellings ; 'and to ,be surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresset he energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu ions not only suffer from scrofulous com ilaints, but they have far less power to with tand the attacks of other diseases; conse uently vast numbers perish by disorder! vhich, although not scrofulous in their nature ire still rendered fatal by this taint in tin ystem. Mot of the consumption which de dmatcs the human family ha its origin directlj n tlds scrofulous contamination; and manj lestructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain; ad, indeed, of all the organs, arise from oi to aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous : heir persons, are invaded .by this lurking in ection, and their health is undermined ' by it. Jo cleanse it from the system we must renovatt he blood by an alterative medicine, and in igorate it by healthy food and exercise uch a medicine we supply in - AYER'S ompound Extract of Sarsaparilla, he most effectual remedy which the medical kill of our times can devise for this every rhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is com lined from the most active remcdials that havt ieen discovered for the expurgation of this foul Iisorder from the blood, and the rescue of the ystem from its destructive consequences. Jence it should be employed for the cure of tot only Scrofula,, but also those other affec ions which arise from it, such as Eruptivi nd Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Tike, Iose, or Euvsiit.las, riMPtr.s, PcsTui.r.Si Jlotciies, Blains and lioii.s, Tumors, Tettkb jid Salt IIheim, Scai.d Head, Kinowokm-, Ihevmatism, Svrnii.iTic and Mekcvkiai.'Dis :ases, Dkopst, Dysi-epsia, Df.iiii.ity, and, ndeed, all Complaints auisino fkom. Vitia ed oh Impure lii.oon. The popular belie! n " impurity of the blood" is founded iu truth-, Dr scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The articular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa illa is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in ontaminated. constitutions. ACER'S Ague Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE Or 'utermtttent Fever, or Ptvtr andAgne, eniittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Igue, Perlodirst llradarlir,'or Billons Irsdarhr, mid Uilioiix Fevers, lurteed or tlie -vlio!e class of disfnaes orlRlnat iej iu biliary derangement, caused by Jte Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. Wo arc enabled here te offer th community a emedy which, while it cures the above complaints rith certainty, is still perfectly harmless in an) uantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in district rhere these afflicting disorders prevail. This Cuke" expels the miasmatic poison nf Fevf.h iu auue irom the system, and prevents the tie elopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only he best remedy ever yet discovered for this clasi f complaints, 'but also the cheapest. The large uantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the each of every body ; and in bilious districts, where 'ever and Ague prevails, every body should lave it and use it freely both for cure and protec ion. A Rreat superiority of this remedy over anj ther ever discovered for the speedy and certair :ure of Intermittcnts is that it contains no Quinine ir mineral, consequently it produces no quinism 01 ither injurious effects whatever upon the constitu1 ion. Ihose cured by it are left as healthy as ii hey had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence ol he miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor lers arise from its irritation, among which ' art euralqia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind' lets, loothache. Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, I'.al ritation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, Ilystev cs, Vain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis and De angement of the Stomach, all of which, wher iriginating in this cause, put on the intermittem vpe, or become periodical. This " Cure " cxpeh .he poison from the blood, and consequently curei iiem all alike. It is an invaluable protection t mmigrants and persons travelling or temporary .-esiding in the malarious districts. If taken occa iionally or daily while exposed to the infection iat will be excreted from the system, and canno tccumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec lion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter nittents if they avail themselves of the protectioi his remedy affords. prepared ty Dr. J. C AYEB & CO., Lowell, Uaaa "Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World " iiAuFisirs New monthly magazine. Critical notices of the l'resf.l It is the foremoi-t Mpaiire of the day. The flre n ver had a more deliKhtul companion, nor the million a more eoteriiriKiair Irionil. thai) Haipvr's Magazine. Methdit J'riitsKtant iBnliiin ire.) The most popular Mouth !y in tlie world. A. Y. Observer. We mut refer in term of eutocy to the birh ttae and varied excellence ot Harper's Maeazine n jour nal Tvitli a moulhly cirrulation of about 170,000 rop ie,)n whie are to be found aouie or the clielt-e.-t lik'ht and penPi al reailing- of the day. We speak of tl.i work a an evidence of the American peop e; and the popularity it baa acquired i merit ed, bach number contains ful IV 144 pages of read ing uiatter, appropriately illuHtrated with ood wood cuts: and it combiniM in' itself the racy monthly ami the more philosophical quarterly, lilt ndel-with tuo best features of the daily journal. Jt has ire"' pewer -in the disseminat ion of a love of pure lifra-.ure. Turner's Guide American Literal- ("Loiidfin.) The volumes bound contitate 4 themselves a li brary of miscellaneous reading, surh as cannot be found in the same complies in any other piihlicat ion that has cuiue under our notice. Boston Courier. SUHSCRIPTONS. lSGo. The publixhers have rriwted Jytem ;of mailing by which thev can supply the Vaitazine and Weekly promptly to those who prefer to receive their period ical" directly from the office of publication. The postate nt Harper's Magazine is 24 cents a yer, which must be paid at the subscriber'a.poist of rtce. TERMS: . Harper's MAGizlxE.oiie year. - - - t. An exirs copy of either the Magazine or terk ly will be supplied gratia for ever. Club of Five Sul fcribers at H each, in one remittance ; or tiix copies for 20. back numbers ean be supplied at any time. - A complete set, now comprising Twenty-nine Vol unie?, in newt cloth rilu'linc, will be sent by fiprtss, freight at expense of purchaser, for $ i 2- per voiiini" Hing e volumes, by niail,pot paid. Cloth cases for binding, 53 cents, oy mail. port pMid Address UAKI Kll ii BUOTHEHS. Franklin Square, N. T. L. FROST & Co,, . WHOLESALE GROCERS. :' , Opposite the Post 0ffico NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. r FILLS. " A re yoj sick, feeble, an coinplniriiiijr.' Areyouiu of order, with your stin ' dcmiiirrd. and vour fcelinir uiicoinlorta tile : I nese v roc toms arc often tbe prelu'l to serious liinefi. .Some n of sickties is crrepiatr npot you, and should tie averrn tiv a timi'lv use of the rich remedv. lake Aj er'a itlli nd cleanse out tha dior dered humors ourifv th ' oiooa, ana let the ituca move on KuoMtractea m health again. They etirna . -SS?!2 mte the lunctiona or thi '4rJ,3;-"r hod v into vicrorous activity tnrify the system fom the obstructious which tnaki iiveoser A oomi Feujcs somewuere in tne ooay. am bstfucts iw lratural functions. These, if not r ieved, react npoii themselves and the surroundief irpans, producing: general aggravation, suflering nd disease. While in this condition, oppressed b; lie derangements, take Ayer's i'ills, aud see bov tirectiy ther restore the natural action oi tne ays cm, and with it tbe buoy act foe)! tig of health again, Vhat is true and so apparent in this trivial and com qoii complaint, is also true iu ;uany of the deep eatvd and dangerous distemper. The same purgw ive effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruo ions and derangements of the natural functions ol be body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely nred by the same means. None who knaw th lrtues of these 1'iITs, will neglect to employ theu rben sutlering from the disorder tbey cure. Matcmenu from leadinir idivEioians in some of tht irincipal cities, and from other well-known publk ersons: From a Forwarding Merchant rf St. Louis, Fb. 4 ISM. Da. Atkr: Your Tills are the paragon of all thai great iu medicine. lliey !ive cured my litrn laughter of vlceroiursores upon her hands and feet hat had proved incurable for years. Her niotbm ibs been long grievously afflicted with blotches and uinples ou her skin and in her hair. After out thild was cured, (be also tried your Tills, and they v cured ber. . ASA MOliGKlDGB. aiaFamlly Phjilc. "' ' J From Tr. K W. Oarttorigkt, AVw Orisons. Your Tills are the prince of purges. Their ax llent qualities surpass any ctitliartic we posseE. "Iiry are mild, but very certain and effectual in their iction on the bowels, which ma-ies them invaluable o us iu the daily treatment of disease. Headache, Nick Ilcnalache, Foal Hlotnncfa. From Dr. Edtcard Iloyd, Baltimore. Dear Bko. ATk: 1 cannot answer you vhat omplaints 1 have cured with your Tills better thop o say all that tre ertr treat vtth a purgative iwat inc. 1 place great dependence on that effectual athartio in my daily contest with disease, and be ieving, as 1 do, thut your I'ills Hflbrd us tbe best we tare, 1 of course value them highly. PrrTSBrRO, Ta., May 1, IBM." Dlt. J. C. Ater. tir: I bare been repeatedly ured of the worst headache unt body can have by a lose or two of your I'ills. It events to arise from a iuul stomach. Which they clcaiite at once. Yours with greatrespect, ED. W. TREBLE. Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Bilioua Diaordcra Liver Complaint. From Dr. Theodore Bell, oXni' York City. Not only are your I'ills admirably adapted to their )iiimi.-c as an aperient, but 1 tind their beneficial :fl"ects upon the Ijver very marked indeed. They lave in mv practice proved more eri'eetual for the uro of biioiLS complaints than any one remedy I an mention. I sincerelv rejoice that we have at enptli a purgative which is worthy the confidence ol be proltib&iou and the people. Prpabtmest of rnz Interior, l VVasliingtoii, I. f , Vth Feb., 156. I fin: I have used jour Till in tny general and icispital practice ever siilce you mnile tlurn, and aiinot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic ve employ. Their regulating action ou the liver ii juick and decided. cnse.U r.tlv they are an ad niralilu remedy lor dc-rHiigenients of that organ inked. I have seldom lound a care of htliitu !. one so obstinate tbnt it did not readilv yield U bcm. fratcrually vours. AI.ONO It ALL: M. I., Physician oy' the Marine Hospital. Dyiwutery, Diarrborn, (tclax, Worm. From Dr. J. 1S. (ireen. of Chicngo. . , . . Your Tills havo trad a long trial' iit my practice. Tid I hold them in esteem a.-i one of the best ape Ti nts I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon he liver makes them an excellent remedy, when -iven in small doses tor bilious dysentery and diar lura. Their sugar-coating makes them very ao kptnblc und convenient lor thu usu of women ami InUlieu. . . ...... Iy4p'kia, Impurity of the IilooI. "rom Jlcv. J. V. Jlime. f ' istor of .tdrent (Viurrh, Boston. Pr. Avrii: I lw iin wiui extra- iriluiary succ-ss in my fainrly and niiioiigthose I am ullcil to iit in distress, i'o regulate the organs of ligestion and purifythe Iilotid, they are the very test remedy I nave ever known, and I can couli lently rcco'mmeud them to my fricmU. Yonrs, J. V. JIIMES. TTAUfAW, Wyoming Co., X. Y.t Oct. 24. 1855. Dear Sir: I tin using yoif t nlhnrtic I'ills in my tractice, mid tind them an xcelient purgative tb leanse the system and purii'if the founttin of tht Kxi . John oT Imeacham, m. i. 2oatipnlieu, C'nalivrnrM, appretiaai ICItriiniiitiani, onl, Neuralgia, Iropay, l'nrnlyaia, Fita, rl. From JJr. J. P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be suid of your I'ills for the ure of costiveners. If others of our fraternitv have bund them as eflicacious as I have, they should join tie iu proclaiming it, fort lie benefit of the multitudes rho eufter from that ct inpluint. which, although tad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others thut re worse. 1 believe costiremns to originate in tht iver, but your I'ills affect that orguu aud cure tlx vrom Mrs. F. Stuart, Physician and Mnlwife. Bos to. . I Gnd one or two large does of your Tills, taken tt the proper time, arc excellent promotivs of the uitural secretion when wholly or partially vim lressed, and also very eoectiial to ctean'ite the tomeiih and expel uxtrms. They are so much the est physio we have that 1 recommend no other to oy patients From the J2ev. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist Epis. Church. TuLASKt nouer. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 1S.V?. HojvoKKD fnt: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did not report ny case to you. A cold .-ttlcd in my limbs and nought on excruciating r.euralgic pains, which mdeu in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I lad tbe best of physicians, the dhtease grew worst md worse, until by the a C vice of yottr excellent igcnt in ItaJtimore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried youi ills. Their effects were blow, but sure. Ity per evering iu tbe use of tbem, 1 am now entirely well. Skmatb Chamber, Raton Rouge, La., 5 Dec, 1855. Da Aver: 1 have been entirely cured, by youi 'ills, of Bheumatic Gout a painful disease that bat JHicted me for years. VINCENT feLlDELL. C7 Most of the Tills In market contain Mercury vhich although a valuable remedy in skilful handy s dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con equeuce that frequently follow its incautious use 'hese contain no mercury or mineral subetanct rhatever. Price, 23 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for Sl fepared by Sr. J. C. ATER St Co., Lowell, Mass Hannibal St ,Sf. Joseph, 1 iH:!??3T lina Tit EAILEOAD AK1 Packet Lines ON MISSOURI KIVER. Tri-weekly Tackets (Il.inuihal and St. Joseph R. R. Line) leave Omaha, CoOiicd Bluff. I'lattsinouth, Nebraska City and intermediate points for M. Joseph, eonuect'ng at St, Joseph with trains on Hannibal and Sl Joseph R. R , leaving St.. Joseph at 11:30 P. M , and arriving at QTJINCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS NEXT DAY- On and after May lltth, ilail and close connec tions from St. Jost-po to Atchison. Weston, Leaven worth, Wyandotte, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka, Ace. via Platte Country It. it. aud steamer Euiiie(U fc. St. Joseph R. It. Lir.e.) Leave St. Joseph S:20 A. M arrive at Atchison at 6 30 A. M., Wrst.nt 7::t6 A.' M.. Leavenworth .00 A M., Wyandotte 10.1)0 A. M., Kausas City 10:30 A. Lawrence at 5 P. M. THROUGH TICKETS f OR BALE '," bv Porter k leuel OraaiiS; D. MT.'Hitchaics;, Coun cil BlufT; E. C. Inris. PUttsmouth; E. ' S. Hawiey, Nebraska City, liny through t.cketj aud save mon ey. ''.'-- Kt tensive repairs on the Hannibal and St Joseph Railroad, new iron, ties ai d additional rolling stock enablr them to otf r ibvse. iuiportank changes to fa tilitate travel by ibis rout''. ' - C. W. MEin, Gen'l Supe-intendent. a P..B. Groat, Gen'l Tictet Agent. . U. U. CoUHTRioriT, G-:n'l freight Agent. Hannibal, Mo. Capt. Rirrs Fobd, Superinteadeut Packet Lines, ft Joseph, Mo. July 1, lau5. Sr. """OKI I. irivj? Boot & Shoe Shop.' 'he snhscrrber wonld resoeetfnlly call the atten tion of the citizens of Plartsmonth and tbepnbl! at arge to the fact that he has locared on e door east of Konelan's Urng Store, where he intends keeping on hand and mkitg en "the shortest notice, eveiy articlein bis line. His s;ock being selected by him self, and having spent the most of bis life ia tbe business, be feels confident that ha can give satis fas tion. Give hira a call. April 10 -CS. J. THOCKM0RT0N. TOOTLE, HANNA &. CO., MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOOTIi. S. T f- - Ct L A II Tfcst of Wholesale and H A Ii D Clothing of every description. , WINES AND LtQUOHS OF ALL KINDS. . Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWA11E; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. - And every article required by . ETIICJKATS, FREIGHTERS, 1IIAEHS & FARMERS. And everybody else can be Call and examine AT FIEE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Hanna 8c Co. Piaitsmouth, April 10, "G5. 1805. 1805, AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C Ever Offered LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we j i mess to meru a conunnance or me same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, I860. tf r UST rtCeWed, 60 cases of Canned Feacues at I AMISON. DOVEY CO8. G 0 to AMISON, DOVEY COS to purchase your spring goods. ' 4. K endlesa ar iety of Ladies' Dresa Goods at jis - . A. V. CO'd. 50 ( 'A CASES Moltbj's Cove O ynters for sal" at GREAT bargains in Ladies' Dress Goodsat . . A. Ii. ACQ'S. 17'ORFAI.Kat AM1SOX. DoVET CO'S . Coffee, 1 Te , SuBar, Golden Syrnp, Sugar House Mo lasses, New York Candies, etc , etc. lare lot of Chewing and Smok ins; Tob icco for sale at A. D. At CO'S. c AOAfcOiL for sale by A.D.AC0. r A BOXES Star Candles for sale by A, D.C0. r F yoawant t purchase f oodi I a bargain , f;ry to L A. D. CO- 25 ? BAGS COFFEE just received by L:g let ct CteltsTea at A. . ft CO'S. GEST St. Louis. , Retail Dealers in W A R E, supplied at this establishment. our extensive stock. THE- Main Street, KE01E1IS in this Market. r hope by strict attention to bus- nil. A Large assortment of men's and boys' clothing for sale by A. D. CO. Q HELLED CORN for sale by AD. A CO. B ACOX and Lard for sale by A. D. ft CO. A HEAVT INVOICE of all lnds of Family Gro- 2.'ceries and Outdting Goods just received by A. D. ft CO. A1 LL kinds of Fanning Implements for sale by A. V. ft IO. A Large lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by A D. & CO. A N endless variety ef Hardware and Cntlery for sale at A. D. ft CO S. 'AtH, Doors, Shingles, Glass, and Nails of every ) description for sale by A. D. ft CO. A LL kinds of Countiy Produce taken in exchange lor (roods bv Jt . U. OU: rtO enumerate all the articles we have for sale 1. would fill one side of ta HaalJ, and others bare ae good a right to advertUe as AimOJ,, DO VET ft CO. rC la i gut Outfitting House north of fit. Joseph if AMISON, IKV7 CO U, riittsaoBtb, Xebriska. NEBRASKA Is the place to get CARDS, CI 1CULARS, BILL-HEADS, BALE TICKETS. POSTERS, . LABELS, LEGAL BLANKS. -OR From a TI) . IRUS BILL -o- ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET TIIE PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive 8c Stirring. SUBSCRIBE FOR TIIE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED. TXT 33 "W CABINET SHOP. IT. BOEOK, HarlnsT reubtlj built a n.-tr an strita 1- 5l Main St., Plattsmouth, N. T., Would repeclftlly laforin the citizens of ci in) aiijoinins; counties that tie bs the Ucliltlr. r.r rylng 00 the CABINET BUSINESS In all Its branches IN THE MOST APPROVED STYIJ 1 am prepared to tnrn out tha C II E A P E S T acd moot JuraMe Ofevery description, ever offVrod In tae Tmitxj. SATISFACTION GUARANTrED. 3Prt!rnMr tDtiun iitlil to makine auJ flr isbiogCOFFIMS. All kin la of luinbt-r t.iW. n in pxcbsngn f..r work. Pliiits louth. April 10, 1(6. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REED & CO., Cor. Main and 5fli Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - . NEB. Dealers In DRUGS & MEDICINES, w Paints, Oils, Vutty andGIas. Patent Mtft'.icinro of all kimU. Tutlt-t nrtirl, oti. everything kept In it tlrt-clais I) tut 8tire, at Eautern priors. We are rT' I'art il to fl 11 ail onlrs. ami irr.n. ourgoml to be freU. ;ij.r. 10 '6. PLASTERiNG, -AND BRICK LAYING. The undersigned are prepared to do ALL' WORK IN TIlEIR LINE ON- SHORT NOTICE bdJ at REASONABLE RATES- SAMUEL IUNKS. (JEOIlUn N0P.R1S. April 13 mC esSsI O O O O -e S3"J o 4 H CO O c ra O 55 n in p 3 Qj s p a p a P in sw -e- z m CD CO o o o Q o f3 w o o P ri CD CO -3 p o o FOR SALE ! Thirty desirable business and i"-' dbiica tLOTS IN PLATTSMOUTH. Ten thousand acres of prairie nnl t ber LAND IN CASS COUNTY. Terms to suit cash purchaser-. D.H. WHEELS B.