Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 26, 1865, Image 3

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    Sis Ubtttsfcn gerattl
- Especial Notice. All job work must
be paid for on delivery.
tfGoM has beea on tho rise for sev
eral dajVu111 is now quoted at $1.43.
(j.Brick laying has boon commenced
on the Masonic and Odd Fellows' build
ing, cor. Main nod Third St. ' -
-A National Bank has been opened
in Nebrask a City, of which Tolbot Ash ton
president and Julian Metcalf is Cashier-
G.'Vf. Crow, Esq., is refitting the
Piatto Valley House, and arranging it
for the Letter accommodations of the
Tfgary traveler.
CrRusiness U dull just now, owing fo
the fact that farmers are busy witn tneir
harvest. Look out for flush times di
rectly. gTThe whole number of Union troops
now in Texas is stated at 14,000, being
parts of the Thirteenth and Twenty-fifth
Army Corp.
i?"The layirg of the cornet-stone, of
the .Masonic Hall building, will tuke
place, with ceremonies, at 'J o'clock this
a. m.
g"Mr. Thorn a his a well executed
photofjraf h of the Nobrasklt First. Band,
and can furni!i any number you'desir.
Send ia v.-:r ordor?, if you wanone of
those pictures to presorvo :
(T57"The I'rtaiJeut b:i appointed
Jud-;e Wm. M vrvin I'rovi-iional Movern
or of Florida, with the same powers and
duties enjoined upon other Provisional
Governors of Southern States.
m m m .
v The Leon (Iowa) AVrs proposes
that, as the copperheads are afraid of the
mgro wenches marrying them, a law be
passed making it a penal offense for a ne
gro woman to marry a copperhead.
"'(TrTlie amount of land entered in this
district d-irin the quarter ending June
Sjjth, wa 'Jj,27u44 acres. This shows
a heavy increase, and is a fair indication
of the g;-vtli of the Territory.
CV" Wallace Butier, a member of the
Second Presbyterian Church at St. Louis
was expf-".led lately because he refused to
acknowledge that he had tinned in join
ing the Kebel army, lie is a recently
returned Confederate soldier.
5TTl.c city oiTioial who offers 500 as
a bonus to any ono who will contract to
kifl the IIkrai.h, Would probably render
the city and county a greater service by
donating that amount f or th-) purpose of
bui IdiDg briilges or pi. 1-walk.
- m
57"Mr. Dorey, of the firm of Amison,
Davy A C , has gone east to purchase
ponj-i. This house has sold out their
third stock of goods this season. The
trade of Portsmouth lias been much
larger this eion than ever before.
"5r"We do not hear anything about
those sidewalks yet. It seems to us that
it would be well for the city council to
look nfffr city improvements, instead of
trying t control matters that are proyi-
1 f r by thi Territorial laws for in
itnnc.', the publication of the delinquent
5" Ilea J the advertisment of Mr.
Thomas artist, in to-day's paper. We
an say without any inelanation to "puff"
Mr. Thomas, that ha takes tho best pio
tnros we have seen in the w st j infact,
ho is master of his business, and is gen
tlemanly and accommodating.
CTThe Potmaster-General has noti
fied the Provisional Governors of the
arious States South that the postal ser
Tice will t'e t6imed therein as soon as
they respectively certify the routes to be
in good condition.
5?"Tt i stated ia the. Territorial papers
that T. W. Tipton, Chaplain of the 1st
Nebraska, h is been appointed Internal
Ilevenafl Assessor for this district. Tip.
ton is n wiJe-aw.-tke man, and is deserv
ing of any favor the government may seo
fit to be-tow upon him. '
. - m r.
ET?We have received tiia first number
of the I:ii!v Kansas State 'Journal, pub
lished by Christian, Reynolds & Co., at
Lawrence. It is a seven column paper,
containing a largo amount df reading
Blatter. Success to you Milton; but we
would like you to be a little more explicit
On political matters.
ys?e card of 11. 11. Livingston, M.
D-, in to-day's paper. TheJ Dr. is well
known to the citizens of this place, and
they only need to know that he has again
resumed the practice of medicine, to in
sure him an extensive business. If The
Dr. can cure in times of peace as well as
he can kill in times of war, we are satis
fied be will not Ioe many patients.
Cf -Tangle-foot" got the better of
omebolys braij(?) last Monday evening,
and tried to kick up a row. There W3S
not ma;h blood spilled, but there was a
terrible noise (probably the aforesaid
tanglefoot escaping). Such scenes are
becoming altogether too frequent on our
streets, and some course should be adopt
ed to put a stop tn u
wC2TU'hy can't Plattsmouth have a
resident Bras, Baal?. There are certain
ly mucians enough here, if they will only
"put their heads together," and organize
abaud. Let some one move ia the mat
ter, aal we will guaranteo that enough
kindred spirits" will be found to carry
the project through to- success.- There is
mtbing that will gjve. the same, life to a
town, with the same trouble and expense
that a. goo J 'Li'ify Jcd will. ,r .
"3. Duke, Esq., has the largest new
potatoes yet seen in the city; one of which
weighs ona and a half pounds. They are
a new variety, called the 'White Sprouts,'
and are earlier by several weeks than
most other varieties.
3?"We nrtticf work has been com
menced orT the bridge on Main St., be
tween Fourth and Fifth. If the city has
not the money to pay for putting in a
good stone arched bridge at this place,
the council had better issue warrants and
get in debt, than to pnt ia a- cheap,
wooden concern, - that wijl probably b
carried away by the next freshet. As we
have before etated, we are of the opinion
that nothing is lost by making permanent
"Orton Bros, Circus ia advertised to
exhibit in this city on Monday next. , We
are somewhat opposed to being bored by
such performances as thoe that have
already passed through the Territory this
season, and hope for the benefit of those
who may desire to attend this one, that
they will give something worth the ad
mission price." They have an entire new
outfit, and only charge SOcts, instead of
"octs the price oharged by Dellaven's
and Yankee Robinson's.
Nebraska Band. Mr. Gibson, of the
Quartermaster's Department, informs us,
that on Wednesday last the 1st iNeoraslsa
Band started to Plattsmouth, and upon
arriving at the Papiliion below Bellevue,
discovered that tho bridizo was gone.
A small ferrv'boat was put in to be man-
nsred bv a Yore."" After the rarty had
got into the stream, tho rone broke and
the animals becoming frightened, back
ed off into the creek. The Band lost all
tif their Idslruuxent '.xcept one piece
and the greater portion of their bag
jrae. One mule, also, was drowned,
So f ar as we know, nothing has been re
covered. This is a serious loss, as some
of the instruments were valuable. Re
The Republican is mistaken about the
loss of the Instruments,. Tbey only lost
one, instead of losing all but one.
An Office on Main Street, or near it.
Apply at this office. July 20 tf,
I will offer for sale, on the 19th day of
August, l?6o, at the residence of Dwight
Terrel, Cass County, N. T., between the
hours of I (J o'clock A. M.. and 12 o'clock
P. M.t to the highest bidder, One Steer,
taken up by Dwight 1 errel, in the Loun
ty and Territory aforesaid.
L. (). MILLER,
Justice of the Peace,
In and for said County and Territory.
July Zl, Ifho.
Taken up by the subscriber living in
Mount Pleasant Precinct, December 10,
lSl,4, One lied Heifer, one year old last
Spring, branded on the left hip with
mark not perceivable.
Said animal was appraised by Win.
Wimer and Daniel Maples, at Mount
Pleasant, July 17th, l&')-5.
Wm. Wimek, ) .
t i Appraisers.
Damf.i. Matles, J lt
Territory of Nebraska,
Cass Countv.
This dav rersonallv arreared before
me a Justice of the l'eace in ami for
paid Countv, Wm. Wimer and Daniel
M.mles. and were appointed and Qualified
as appraisers of tho above described es
tray, and who made due return thereof,
as above. And I do appoint Saturday,
the 12th day of August next, at 12 o'clock
M., at the residence of L. G. To .td, as
the day of Sale of said estray. .
Justice of the l'eace.
July 17, 1805.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his
farm, consisting of 160 acres, 25 under
enltivation (Situated 17 miles west of
Plattsmouth. Also one span of horses
and a wagon, farming utensils, &e. For
particulars enquire of Wm. Urwin, Glen
dale P. O.
July 10. m.l. ; WI. SPFNCE.
Taken up by the Subscriber, living 10
miles south of Plattsmouth, N. T., in
Liberty . Pxscinct, Cass county,:. One
lirbght I5ay Mare with" bias' t mane- and
tail; left bind foot white up to tlie'pastor
j oint; collar marks on each side of the
neck about six inches long, bald f.aced;
saddle mark on the right side about the
size of a dime. JNO. C. UAKLS.
July 1, ltio w3:
Tho right kind; just such- as most ev
ervbodv say they -want all' in " one; vol
ume K0 pages, beautiful -steel p-late
engravings, well bound in leather, gilt
backs, marble edges, nil for $4, will be
ready by 1st of Oct. next.
.P. S. All of my old subscribers will
have the above history at a mre trifle
above cost of second volume, (it being
the same history). F. F.
At or about 10 o'clock, A. M., on "the
12th day of August, 1805, at the resi
dence of Henry Stull, in Oreapolis Pre
cinct, I shall sell, for cash in hand, to
the highest bidder, the following prop
erty, taken up as an estray and posted
by ilenrv Stull, to-wit : One Ox, about
eight years old, marked with a crop off
ins icit ear, ana is 01 a reu ana wnue
color. Appraised at Forty Dollars. Ap
praised by Frank G. Parcel and Jacob
By order of HENRY STULL.
James, Q'Neil, Justice of the Peace.
Es:ray Horse.
Taken up by the subscriber, on his
enclosed premises in LouUville prscinct,
Cass county N. T., about twelve miles
west of Plattsmouth, on the 21st inst.,
one iron gray horse, about 13 1-2 hands
high, and supposed tor be about four
years old, no marks or brands perceiva
ble. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges and take said an
imal away. CILAS. II. DURFFE,
Plattsmouth, June 22, 1865.
Notice to Road Supervisors.
You will each be furnished with a copy
of th Road Law of Nebraska, in which
your powers and duties are defined, by
calling at the office of the Countv Clerk
of Cass countv. B. SPCRLOCK,
Juno 25. " Co. Clerk.
Win. Herald, corner of Main and Sec
ond streets, is still selling Groceries, Pro
visions Farm Produce, &c, as low as
any House in the nest, tanner 9 who
have produce to sell will do well to call
on him before disposing of their trade.
May 30, 18G5 tf.
Patronize ITome Institutions.
All persons wishing to secure a sure
preventive from damage by lightning
will do well to secure one of those Star
Fluted rods, with Sprats patent Insula
tors, and the best plated Points. All
work warranted. . Leave orders at Mur
phy !b Glenn's shop, or with the under
signd.," "Having permanently "located
in the Territory, I solictit your patronage.
Taken up by the Subscriber residing
three miles South of Plattsmotsth, Cass
co., N. T., on the 17th day of Juuo,
1865, one Dark Bay Horse, l4 1-2 hands
high, branded C or G on each shoulder,
had a headstall on when found, is about
five years old. ' The owner is hereby re
quested to call, prove property, pay
charges and take him awav.
June 21 w3.
Taken op by the Subscriber, in his en
closure, one mile South of Rock Bluff,
on the morning of the 10th of June, 186a,
a Dark Bay Horse, four years old, about
16 hands high, with a white spot on the
forehead, a snip on the nose, white hind
feet, shoeaonoeLiodvhadibeen shoJIfe
fore, collar marks"t)n tho neck and shonl
der. On the night of the 19th, he was
stolen, and recovered again in Savannah,
Mo., and returned to iuetbe ipvrmng of
the 27th inst. The owner- i -requested
to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him awav.
June 27 w3.
For Sale Cheap At theStore of
Klepser it Wie, one copy, f ''The
Washington Map of the United States,"
published in 1863. Call and see it.
Soots & Shoes A large lot just re
cieved by, Ami.sox, Dovey & Co
Pistols A large lot just received
by Amisox, Dovey fc Co.
V ; ' Farm For Sale.
I have a good farm for sale, consisting
of 165 acres ; 100 fenced, 90 under cul
tivation, and about Co acres of timber.
It is situated 7 miles south of Platts
mouth on the main thoroughfare to Ne
braska city. For particulars enquire on
the premesis, or of Hiram Davis in this
city. ; " ; " . , -:" '"
April, 26 ml.
A Card to Invalids.
A Clergyman, while n siding In South America m
a missionary, discovered a safe and Rimple leinedjr
fr the core of Nervous Weakness. Early Decay,
Diseases of the Crinary aol Seminal Oipans, anl
the whole train of disorders brought on by han'-ful
and vicious habl's. Great nam'iern have beea al
ready cnrel by this noble remejr. Pronip'e'l by a
dus ire to lieueBt the aR):ctel and unfortunate, I will
end the recipe fur pn-jiarin? and using this medi
cine, in . sealed envelope. t ny one who n-cil It,
Free of I luirge.
Pli-ae iucloso a post-paid envelope, ad Jressed to
Address JO?EPH T. IXMAS,
June 25 Station t. I'.ible House,
New YTk City.
Dealer in
Gents Furnishing G-oods
... ,
Bootsj 1
:&-c' &i, &c. v -
Also a laree lot of IITJI1BER GOODS
and- REVOLVERS always , on bawl.
- - f
will End it to their benefit to examine
my stock beforo purchasing elsewhere.
Cash paid for Hides, Furs
and Wool,
Plattsmouth, May 25, tf
Have for saie
Mccormick s
Illinois Corn Planters,
AT ,
ITCaiiiifacliirera' Priceg.i
. 1
at tar
Howe & Thatcher,
Boots 'arid Shoes,
Hart ware, Que ensware,
h" '"" staTle andtancy
k -
Call before purchasing, and
Hxaminc Goods and Prices.
k . . . . If you do not buy, you will
Z3rOt FOsted !
IRTim streets
July 1, 1SG-5. tf
We have opened a
Opposite the
' " Where we are 1
Offering and Arc Selling
. . . , , Everything ,
Usually found in tlie Provision Line, (
We wish to buy all kinds of
Country Produce.
' Such as
Butl cr,
For which the
Highest Price
will be paid
In Mo n e y .
CSThose having such articles to sell
will do wjjllto call and see us before
selling.--- - -
r a.L "J. hThEY S E R & CoC;
Main St., opposite
lias on hand a
r ';. ;
Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, 4fec.
: He. can . '.'
Outfit a Mule or Horse Train
' y " ' With "everything in his line, on short notice.
My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits."
... " ' - ; . . i .... ' '
... ( . 1 '
Kt pairing done at all times, at reasonable' rates-
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In '
Drugs, Medicines and Oils,
Fme Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumer-,
Pure Wines and Liquors, for Eiedicinal use,
Dye Woods, Tiye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally.
Farmers, freighters and j)lujsicians
AVill find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu
: ine and of the best quality.
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black.
Plattsmouin, May 1st, if
E. T. DUKE & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in '
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned
We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters
Such as Camp Stoves, Frying
Camp ivettles, &c. He also keep Cham Pumps and
Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Cans arid Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Mills &c.
3TOD3 wOR3Bt ! , '
Tin Roofing, , Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with
neatness and despatch. Are agents ror the sale or ote.w
art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove.
-Give usa call we. wilt not be undersold Main St., South Side, between
Second and Third Streets,
f iAHlIlil
W. L.
J Picture Gallery,
Pictures taken
Ambrotypes, Photoyaphp, Gem Pictares, &e. A good assortment of Cases Frames,
Albums, &c, constantly, kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames
made to order, of any size.
Apothecaries Hall.
Cor. Main and .5th Sts.,
Dealers in
Paints, Oils, Putty andGlass-
Patent Medicine of 11 kinds. Toilet trticles, Sta
tionerr.aod eritrjthiog kept . in a Crst-cLasa Drug
Store, at Eastern price. , ,
MjT We nrt preparM fs fill all rderi, warrant
oar cdj tj be irtk'n. jt. 10 '6i
Platte Valley Ilouse, . ..
large stock of
Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens,
Side Main St ,
of all Kinds.
Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechanics, Ed
ucalion, Home Interests, General
JVetcs, Markclf, tf-c.
Published Wekly.Ja a nert octavo form of sixteen
pasei), with an iudtx at ihe end of each volnme
(six montbs.)
For Club oftwelre and $3, one ropy free.
5l3"Appropriate advertisements will be plaoed In
the Karmfr for Ij cents per line of space, Nonpa-riely-each
nraertion,' rn advance. Special -No.ices,
leaied, preceding advertuamants, ' twenty eanta per
line of apace occ uiiTed.' - .
A tqaare comprises ten lines of space.
53"The circulation of the PRAIRIE FARMER is
now the largest of anr paper ol its dat ia the West
and North-West, and offeTS to Narserymeo, Florists
and Implement Jlaoafactojers, the best medium to
jehx c9,.vt
Oyer's Sarsaparilla
1 compound remedy, designed to be tbe m)t
ffoctual Alterative that can be made. It i
concentrated extract of J'ara Sarsnparilla
o combined with other substances of ;t4
iva antidote for the diseases Snrsapaiilla 1
... . 1 1 1
. V U . I .. 4M 1V Ilk . v v.
eputfu to cure, tt i ociievetx mii sum 1.
nnedy is wanted "by those who suffer fron'
Itrumous complaints nnd that one which wil
ccomplish their cure must prove of immcn
crvice to this large class pf our afflicted fellow
itizeii. Ilowcomjiletcly this compound wil
.0 it has been proven by experiment 011 man
f the worst cases to be found of the followinj
omplaints: ,,
ECTioxa, Mercuiiiat. Diseasb-, Dkopst, Nt:u
jilgi.v oit Tic Doulourevx, DrmuTT, Dys
epsia and Indigestion", Erysipelas,-ltos:
r St. Anthony's Fiur, and indent the whol
lass of complaints arising from iMPVitiTtr 'o'
he Bloojj. .
Tliis compound will be found a prcat pro
loter of hi-alth, when taken in the spring, t
xpel the foul humor nyhicli fester in th'
lood at that sen sou of the year. - By the time
r expulsion of them many rankling disorder
re nipped in the" bud.' Multitudes can. b;
he aid of this remedy, spure themselves fr6n
he endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerou
ores, through which the system will strive t'
id itself of corruptions, if not assisted to d
his through' the natural channels of the bod;
y an alterative medicine. Cleanse out th 1
itiated blood whenever you find its hnpuritie
lUrsting tlirough the skin in pimples, eruptions
r sores;" cleanse it" when you find it. is oh
trucked and sluggish in th j veins ; cleanse i
rhenever it is foul, and your feelings will tel
ou when. Even where no particular disordo
1 felt, people enjoy better health, and lir
snger, for cleansing the blood. . Keep th
lood healthy, and all is well ; but with thi
labulum ' of "lifo disordered, there can. be hi
asting health. Sooner or later, sometlunj
aust go wrong, and the great ma -hinery o
Lfe is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, nnd deserves much, th
eputation of accomplishing these ends, flu
he world has been egregiotisly deceived b;
ireparations of it, partly because the dru
Jone has not all the virtue thut is claimc
or it, but more because iu:iny preparations
iretending to be concentrated extracts of il
ontain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla
t any thing else. . . .
During late years the public lave been mis
ed by large bottles, pretending to give a quar
if Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mos
if these liave been frauds upon the sick, fo
hoy not only contain litUe, if any, Sarsapa
ilia, but often no curative properties whatev
Hence, bitter and painful disappointmen
tas followed the use of the various extracts c
Jarsaparifla which flood the market, until th
tame itself is justly despised, and has becom
ynonymous with imposition and cheat. Stil
ve call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intern
o supply such a remedy as shall rescue th
tame from the load of obloquy which rest
tpon it. And we think we have ground fa
ulieving it has virtues which are irresistibl
y the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend
d to cure. In order to secure their complet
rauicauon irom me system, ine itium; niuiu
ie judiciously taken according to directions a
he bottle.
'rice, $1 per Bottle Six Iiottles for $3
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
.as won for itself such a renown for the cure c
very variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, tlis
t is entirely unnecessary fur us to recount to,
viucm-c or '110 iulu.., wk.isr it has been em
iloyed. As it has long been in constant us
hroughout tlii section, we need not da more tlia
Bsure the people its quality is kept up to tho bet
t ever has been, ana thut it may be relied on t
10 for their rehef all it has ever been found to d
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
lostlvenes":, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestiot
Oysentery Foid Stomach, Erysipelas, Jleadacht
Piles, RhaimcUUm, Eruptions and Sldii Diseaset
'Jrer Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumor air
Salt Jlhettm, Worms, Gout, Keurnfffiai" at
Dinner r ill, and for Purifying the Blood.
' They are sugar-coated, so that the most 6cns
ive can take them pleasantly, and they are th
est aperient in the world for all the purposes of
amity physic.
price 25 cents per Eox; Five boxes for
Great numbers of Clergymen, Th vsicians, State
nen and eminent personages, have lent the
lames to certify the unparalleled usefulness of the
emedics, but our space here will not permit th
nsertion of them. The Agents below named fu:
lish gratis our AWEitif an Almanac in which tht
ire given; with also full descriptions of the abos
romplaiuts, and the treatment that bhould be fo
owed for their cure. . - -
Do not be put on" by unprincipled dealers wit
rthcr preparations they make more profit 01
demand Ater's, and take no others. The sic
vant the best aid there ia for them, and they shoul
lave it.
All our remedies are for sale by
"TTnuestionably the best sustained
work of the kind in the World.".
IVcw Monthly Magazine. ,
Critical notices of the l"ress.
It 9 the fnritnost Mnjtazine ()f the day. Theflre
s'nl n"er hafl a more delightful companion, nor the
million a tnore enterprising- frioni,- than Harpt-r's
Magazine. Sfethodit Protestant (Dattimore.)
The niott popular Mouthlyiu the world. sV. 1
W mi m r. in ft a r f ..lna In lha lii . ri . ,nn
and varied excellences cf Harper's Mau-zine a jour
nal with a monthly circulation f about 170,000 cop
ies ,ln are to be found some or the
ch icet li;tit and penei al reading of the day. Wo
!pak of tliis work as an evitienre of the American
peopTe ; and the popularity it has acquired is merit
ed. Each uumber ctnt tins ful ly T44 paires of read
ing matter, appropriately illustrated with food wood
cuts; and it coiubiues In i tee If the Vacy monthly sod
the more philosophical quarterly, bltudeJ wiih tL
best features of the daily journal. It has rreat power
iu the diMieminat ion of a love of pore literature,
Turner (juirfe to American Literature (London.)
The volumes bound constitute of themselves a li
brary of miscellaneous reading, such as cannot bo
found in the same coinpai-s in any other publication
that has come under our notice. Boston. Courier.
The Publishers have periected a jyntem Jof mailing
by which they Can rnpp!y the Magazine and Weekly
promptly to those who prefer to receive their ptriod
icals dir-ctly from the office of publication.
The postaee oa Harper's Magazine is 24 cents a
year, which must be paid at tbe subscriber's.pogt of-
HiiiPEB's MaoazIse, one year, - $4.
An extra copy of either tha Magazine or Weekly
will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five 8ub
scrilers at (4 each, in one remittance ; or six copies
for .f.
Back nnra'cers can be supplied at any time.
A complete set, now comprising Twenty-nine Vol
umes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express,
freight at expense of purchaser, for i 2j per volume.
Single volumes, br mail, post paid, $1. Cloth cases
for bindine, 58 cents, oy mail, post paid. i
Franklia Square, N. Y.
Ii. FROST & Co,,
Opposite the Post.Offic.e, .-
Aft 10--x :r . i