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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1865)
She gftmisha txM. - , , , u.' PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY,.. JULY 'SOW OVEULi-M MAILJtOUTE. We are. iofarrrjed by a gentleman from the West,' that this route is now veryjlwroughly-guarded foia -the-Mi- sourlto Tye&ret." w'-U'xiir.-j ' 6& the Atchison road, the eastern terminus of permanent guards u at Big Sandy, and from thence West every Stage JSxatipa has a guard of Infantry, and an escprt of Cavalryjcc ThM.Cavai ry i held ready saddled; and-on the arrival of the coaches, mounts - and es corts the Stage to the: next Station where a similar escorts await ita i'1 arri val" irnd thus,1 without detention',' the mails are 'safely guarded through, to Denver., ... , The Nebraska City and Plattsmouth roads have no troops on them east of the Junction, at which point the Atch ison road comes into them; 'this howev er is for the reason that these roadare considered perfectly safe never hav ing been disturbed by Indians duriDg the.-present war. The road from Omaha is guarded by permanent In fantry guards from the O. K. Store, at Grand Island City, to Fort ' Kear ney; do Cavalry is needed at these Stations, as a full Company of the 7th Iova is now on the South Fork of Loup river,1 immediately north of Boyd's Sta tion, whose duty is to thoroughly scou1 the country on Wood River and the Forks of the Loup, thus preventing the Indians from approaching the road.- .: - Auotber Company of Cavalry is per manently stationed at the Pawnee Agency, whose duty is"; not only to Bold the Pawnees in subjection and pre vent their thieviDg propensities from -being indulged in, but also to scout the -Country north, and west of their station; thus giving ample security to the ' road from Columbus to Kearney. .: Our friend informs ' us that a IK the roads leading from the "Missouri Rir er, are now perfectly safe as far as Denver. No misfortunes can possibly occur to parties on the road unless they violate the present system of organiza tion, requiring fifty armed men with each train. Should any parties lose thejr lives or property, between the JVtissbur! and Denver, it will only , be those whose fool-hardiness leads them to forsake the trains to which they were assigned, and striking out . them selves, thus offer temptation to any little lurking band of thieving Indians, who may be skulking ia the Sand Hills adjacent to the road. ; r:" - : -' . Gen. P. E. Connor, we .understand, as about moving with a large force of veteran troopa from Fort Larimie . to wards Powder and Tongue Rivers, and the toe towards the, Yellowstone. River; while Gen. Sully's -movement from Sioux City sweeps the country to the wast and north of the Running Water; Col. Cole of the 2nd Missouri : Light Artillery, with 1,200 men", .scours all hat between the Platte and Niobrarrah.. These movements are simultaneous and cannot fail to thoroughly clean out the oeward?y redskins, who, for more than a year past, have been having things pretty much their own way. lVe wiahour military friends all man ner of success; and sincerely hope the excellent arrangements made by Gen. Connor,- will result in a thorough pun ishment of these red devils' and a bind ing treaty of peace, ' which will, 'like that he made with the ' Lytes, secure peace along: the Great Overland Route. VETERA BANQUET. ' The Veteran Banquet, given in honor of the return of Gen. Livingston, on Saturday evening, was a complete success.- The supper thanks to the ladies in general, and the committee in particular was all that the most fasti dious could desire, and in abundance, although the number in attendance was very great, lne music, wmcn was conducted by Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Wise, was certainly, not the' least at tractive feature of the occasion. : : After supper was over,r OVIr. Mar- quett made a short address, speaking in hig"h teraisr of the brave boys of the Nebraska First, and highly compli menting Gen. IJ.tioirsto'n. .. He closed by saying that as Cass - county had been the first, in Nebraska, to respond to the call of country, she should 'not be the last to honor her heroes. That . -. . , ....- although others in 'our land may' be velcomed back with greater pageantry! none. with deeper gratitude, more fer ?ent,fi feudship or with, warmer hearts. Heihen proposed !The. -health of out dittiriquished guest." -i':-q .i "jz- Tho. response 'of Giitf Eivrngeiorj was characterized "ty the same patri otic fervor and love for our free insti tutions which has distinguished his eve ry acl during the grea straggle just past. .Hejsyas greeted, and frecpwntly intejrtiptfcjJ,' by the'inost enthusiastic apptnuse. ' R '.. i ',, . lr Tottenger v'ss then v called n,;. bnfr -responded in ashcrt, but happy speech. Mr. May was also called out, andtmadejarv.eryJ.eloqupnX-.ftnir,.well-!.. limed 'speech.- Every one present seemed anxious to show to the Gen.' that they were proud of his military achievements, and were there to ex tend to tim a. heart-felt . welcome. Tlje! pe q p) e'ofj"" PTJsra oTTt a m a y yjell. feel proud of theirG enteral. He went into the ,field as Cape of.the, -first com pany from Nebraska, and has . risen to the rankof Brevet,. Brig. Gen., not through great political ; influence,, but by his own, merits. and what is un doubiedly , a great source of, ; grati fication to Gen. Livingston,, as well as, the people of Cass county, Js. that he is almost idolized by every man in the regiment which he has so, long commanded, and has so gallantly led on many a hard fought battlefield. t;o- tiiem;hs. . ; Gov. Murphy of Arkansas, informed the President he will not hereafter re commend person's for pardon, who par ticipated jn the rebellion, owing to the demonstrations: of such people made.on 4th of July. He U satisfied they ought to be kept on long probation. The Government intends .to reduce the army to one hundred .thousand if not fifty, thousand. Advices from the Indian country are favorable to the early consummation of amicable relations with tribes in South western agencies'. ' ' -'-' The Imperialists evacuated Car mar go, falling back on Monterey and abandoning the entire country, A Fortress Monroe correspondent says the sentenced conspirators, Mudd, arnold, O'Laughlin and Spangler, ar rived there on Monday, on the steam er State of Maine, in charge of Gen. Dodge. .-- ' ..i.-iv. i- .' ; - On the trip down Mudd and Spang ler were very cheerful, and .employed their, time in playing backgammon. Arnold and O'.Laughlin seemed much depressed in spirits, and were melan choly and reserved. Destination of the conspirators not made known. :The trial' of Mary Harris, for the murder of Burroughs, was concluded on the evening of the 19ih. The jury, after only ten' minutes' consultation, rendered a verdict of acquittal. - The "1 scene in the court room was very ex citing. When the verdict was announ ced it was received :with enthusiastic applause. Miss Harris fainted and had to be carried out of the Court Room. " " ' The Post's Washington special says there is : reason to believe that ' the' Government will soon announce its policy in regard to the Monroe doctrine and the French occupation of Mexico. Heavy reinforcements of troops . to the number of 25,000, are said to have been put on the road to Sheridan with in a few days.' ' " . ' Gen. Grant is reported to have said in conversation with the Mexican Min ister a' few days ago, that the' French will have to leave Mexico. , IXTIIE COl'XTRY, We made the trip, a few days since, to Nebraska City and back, by land. We noticed that the farmers ia the lower part of the county are making - many improvements,,; in the. way of building fencing, and "breaking prai rie." Harvesting . between here -and Nebraska city is nearly completed; and, during the seven years we have resi ded in the, Territory, we never .saw as good crops of wheat and oats as there are the present season; and as to corn, there is no telling how . much it will yield. -.5 -: :.' . , Arriving at the town of Wyoming, we found our old friend' A. C. Reed on duty, looking after the : interests of the-decrples of Brigbam, furnishing them with whatever they needed in the way of groceries," dryrgoods, &c. We found, at this point, about 1200 Mor mon emigrants,. being the. total number of this year's emigration. .They . are principally English and Danes. - About 500 of these deluded, religi ous fanat ics, are to be left here. The emigrant agents have got all their money, and now tell them they cannot take them through tothe "land of promise" until next season. Many-of those who are ta be left, hadjmid to the, . agents, in the old country, the full amount deman ded to carry them through to Salt Lake, and are now unable to get through or to get their money basck. The others had paid their all, with the promise of being taken through and allowed to pay the balance. of ihe fare after their ar rival." . This. kind of. proceeding s will 6pon "placej the; Mormon, emigrant scheme ia bad repute. ;I , . -: ,)7 On-arriving5 at jfcJebrajka cCuy we found Bro;'Miller,.of the' Press busy in the good work of trying to instill good moralsjind Republican doctrines into the minds of the inhabitants of thai'' flourishing' village. , -Nebraska City-has visibly improved since last, spring, and would undoubtedfy "make a tiiark n! theT'Xvorld if she, had any prospect of railroad connection. For the Herald. "HONOR TO WHOM 1 1 OX OR IS "At a meeting of the Officers at "Tost Fori Ke'a'rftey.-N.'-T.. on the Evening of the 12th inst., Major Thomas J. Majors was appointed Chairman; &i?dj, Lieut. John Gillespie, Secretary. """ 'CapC CtTasTTortfeT vvts i called;" upSn to explain tne object of the' .'me'eting, which was to take action in expressing our. high appreciation of Brevet Briga- dier General Robert R. Livingston, late Colonel lstNebr.naka Cav. . Vet Vols., and Commandant of East Su-b-' District pf . the Plains. ..A Committee of four was appointed to draft resolutions , expressive of : the sense tof the meeting consisting ' of T..W, Tipion, Chaplain 1st Neb. Cav. Vet, Vols.; Chas. F. Porter, Captain 1st Neb. Cav. Vet, Vols.; D. J. Ezeki el, Capt. Co. C , 6ih U.', S. Infantry; Wm. H. Northrup, Acting Ordnance Officer E. S. D, of P. i : The following resolutions were pre sented and unanimously adopted : . "' . WiiBas, In the opinion of his Ex cellency, the President of the United States, the exigencies of the service do not require the number of armed men now in the field, and Whereas, An order has been ; is sued , directing the mustering out . of various Regiments, Detachments and Organizations, and WiEBEA?, In compliance with said order, Brevet Brig. Gen. R. R. Liv ingston, late Col. 1st Neb. Cav. Vet. Vols., has been mustered out of the service of the United States, and Whereas, He has been associated with some of the Officers composing this meeting for the past four years 'in the capacity of a Company, Regiment al and Brigade Commander, and as Commander of various posts and Dis trict in Missouri and Arkansas; and associated long enough with us' all, as Commandant of East Sub-District of the Plains, to establish his claim to the character of the urbane gentleman, the gallant Soldier, the equitable' ad ministrator and incorruptable man. - Therefore, be it JiesUvpl, That in his retirement we tender him our sincere regret at this separation, wuh the purest desires and brightest hopes; that the same qualities of head and heart wfcich have won our esteem, will preeminently serve him in civil life, and that that courage which nerved him at Donei.son and Siiii.oh, bear him triumphantly amidst life's contests to ultimate success and happi ness. Resolved, That a copy of the ; pro ceedings of this meetintr be forwarded to Brevet Brig. Gen. It. R. Livings ton, and a copy to all the principal pa pers of the Territory, for publication, also a copy to the .Missouri Demo crat. T. J. MAJORS, 7 Chairman. Jno. Gillespie, &ecy. Governor Oglesov. We make the following extract from the report of a speech recently made, by Govern or Cglejsby, of Illinois,: at Sprinfield, upon the occasion of a visit to a milita lary encampment: "The Governor, ia his speech here, took occasion to refer to the ungallant conduct of Napoleon III: in "'slipping into Mexico when our hand&were full, and .establishing a ..monarchy, at our very no3e down there, . and said that although he deprecated war as much as any man. yet if Napoleon did.' not speedily remove his 2-5,000 troops from that old Republic and leave " the Mexicans to take care of themselves, and set up whatever kind of a govern ment they saw fit, he would be the first to urge upon the ' United Slates Government the organizing and equip ping of .an army in this country, to go down to Mexico and root the. French out of that country, and leave the Mexicans to takecareof themselves; and did not want and would not have a petty monarchy with a mush-room aristocracy planted anywhere on this dontinent. This part of his Excellen cy's speech Was received with tremen dous applause, many of these men signifying.their willingness to join such an organization at once, and make short work of the "parlivoos' in Mexi co. ... . STThe reporter of ihe New York Tribune says that all the . copperhead snakes that escaped from Barnum's buildins-. immediately crawled to the World office, where they found shelter Another paper says that the Ourang Outang joined the editorial corps of the Herald office. STORM AT LGAVCXWOHTII. Leavenworth, July 31 There ws a terrible rain storm here last night.- ltain tell m torrents tor several nours Three Mile Creek running through the southern portion of the city, overllowed its banks, carrvmir' away two stone bridges, IS or 20 small houses, horses, wagons and property of all kinds. The loss of life will not fall short of 25. Many were doubtless swept away in their houses. 1 Two ' hundred thousand dollars would scarcely replace - proper-1 ty lost.LjB ' -. .- .11 m m m -, t E"There are evidence of domestic bliss In the folowing telegram, sent by a Wall at, banker to his .wife :"Send John. Also demi-john.. Kjss Matty, Spank Arthur. Don't fret." " JEFF DAVIS AS A MORAL. ' CRIMIXAI.. Geo. W. . Curtis writes in Harper's Magazine f or July r , At the time of our writing, the most conspisious .offender "ever capitally in dicted in this country ils alone ia;a spacious casemate of 'Fortres Monroe,', wi'h only a Bible upon his tableland two silent sentinels watching him by day and night. 'Perhaps, as he sts there or paces the floor, be remembers the hapless victims of Andersonyille and Belle IsIe,'-or recalls the long hor rors of the war which has smeared so many lovely fields with blood. In the terrible 'quie of his prlson doea'he ever ask himself whether it was worth while to uare sucn a,, grievous sorrow ia tiis country for " such a cause ? Does he ever argue with himself that even if the theory of State - sovereignty '. were true, it was not wise to assert it at such a cost of misery, merely for., he,, sake of perpetrating something which must surpass any conceivable injustice of the nation toward a State? Has : he never learned that many. things may be lawful which are not expedient, and that nothing but' the most prolonged injustice.'of which legal redress is hopeless,' is a worse oppression than the remedy of civil war? . . Technically he is a political prisoner. As such he, will be tried. But he, is. also arraigned before the conscience and heart of his faithful fellow1 citizens as a moral criminrl of the worst kind. Even fanatical candor, cannot plead that he was ignorant of the systematic horrors of the Geonria prisons the starving, the freezing, the slow reduc tion of human beings to idiocy by expo sure, by hunger, by contact with fihh and disease. It was intended-to wea ken them into despair and submission, and it had that effect. It was also in tended to compel an exchange of sound and efficient men for his service, and there it failed. But. the first result was constant. : ... i - Here, for, instance, is a note written in pencil from the United States mili tary prison at Nashville, by an honest, industrious, sober, patriotic neighbor of the Easy Chair's, who has been a faithful soldier of the war from the beginning. He says that he was cap tured before' Petersburg : last August, and was sent from Richmand to Salis bury. There he and his .'comrades there were ten thousand, in his esti-, mate, during the period of his impris onment were starved, and starved, and starved. They, died,' and ' died, and by scores and hundreds took the oath to the rebels and were placed in their ranks. He and a few others persisted as long, as "he could. But hunger and weakness a'nd horror grad ually did their work.J and he- succum bed. Jbrom August until April he had suffered more than we can , imagine,, and then he yielded. He was put in the rebels ranks, and arms put in his hands and those of his companions, about half an hour before Stoneman arrived. He did not fire a shot against his flag none of then did and they went directly over to Stoneman, but as coming from the rebel ranks they were held as prisoners. This is one case, and : enough, but with . alleviations one case, not the worst; but how tragical. Yet there were thousands and .thousands like him who sufFered'all that'' he 'suffered, and then consumed with loaihsome'dis eases; with broken hearts, wih reeling brains, sank into the convulsive agonies of death, or laughed oot'to start mad- ness, or.drivened slow'y on in. idiocy. And they, were young, and brave, and noble men who were treated. They were guiltless of every crime', and had done nothing but defend their' country. At borne, far away i upon Western prairies, among NevviEpgland hills, upon the. shores of. the lakes, along the sea coat,1 mothers and. wives and daughters, wckens with the long sus pense, the horrible suspicion.' Their hair whitened, their eyes grow, dim with hopeless watching, their cheeks thinned with acuw fear, their hearts broken also, and they died amidst their appalled children. So awful a sorrow, so terrible a suffering, both in itself and in what it occasioned, no history records. And it was the crime of this man who now sits, alone with his Bible and the, silent sentinels ia,; Fortress Monroe. .t ' . ' ' It is train' to plead for him as a polit ical offender. -'The'war was little com pared with the crimes of the war. Over the graves of the dearly , beloved shot dead on the battlefield, we can see and hear that political differences may come to war- But over the Golgothas of Millen -and Andersonville over the spots where the . pens stood in which ..heroic men were, treated as beasts are never treated we call mur der, murder, and crime, crime; and all murders and all crimes are less black than these.: r Whatever the verdict of the jury may be upon the charge of treason what ever.the punishment,' if the accusedTbe convicted as a traitor however, in case of his execution, he may .be ranked among political victims, the verdict of every generous heart and of history is sure against this man as a criminal not less than the infamous English Jeffreys. Viewed merely as a political leader, his whole' public career is unlighted with a single noble action, and his speeches will be vainly' searched for one generous emotion. r.If his infamy in history will be singular, it will be in every point deserved. The same kind of gloomy odium that settled upon the names of James II., but ten fold deep er, as he was infinitely more criminal will gather and darken around that pf Jefferson Davis. . .; : (iuj?"The f oUowing account o( a strange suicide is taken from an Eastern paper ; A man . named Youngbluto, having been sent by his employer in company with a bojj to put up a - tin spout, ad. being foiled by, the boy in attemptineLto .drive a nail inVo his " 'stoTna'ch ended ills days by hammering a small nail into his forehead. An Attempt to Resurrect tlie Democratic Party. There is a rattling of the dry bones of the Democratic skeleton of Ohio. 7 The leaders of the party assembled in Columbus to solemnly consider the graVe question, -'"If a politicaV party die, shall it live again The result of (he co-qsideraiion "was a painful dif ference of opinion, and a high old rdw in the conclave. Long and Corry ia sisted that. ''the fundamental doctrine of Democracy has been always, and is now,1 best "set "forth an the firsts Ken? tucky resolution, penned by Thomas Jefferson,'' which declares the doctrine of State Rights.; .They further insisted that the Democracy should not fail to declare its fixed opiniornhat the white mastery and negro slavery 1 Is, - in the South, the very best form of their so ciety, and that any other is not only un desirable, .but incompatible with the ne groes existence." . , r Vallandingharri & Co.', 'however re fused to endorse these dogmas, and the meeting, declared the motion to adopt them was "out of order," whereat Cor ry & Co., left the caucus in high dud geon, and proceeded to publish a card "in tne JNortnern Estates and all over the world," setting forth their grievan ces, and prescribing, as they think, ihe only reliable nostrum to resuscitate the defunct democracy. They insist npon having independent candidates at the fall election, and "will before the 24th of August, hold a State nominating Convention, to choose a State' tick et. ' The last heard of Vallandingham & Co., they were still tinkering at the Democratic skeleton- They expect te have it put together by the 24th of Au gust, at which time another Democratic State Convention is called. . A Wag on Billiards. As a great many people don't know how to play billiards, we make way for a descrip tion of the game from the pen of Doe sticks, in order that they may remain in ignorance no longer. He says . "A game of billiards consists of punching ivory balls about on a table covered with green cloth, that looks like a half an acre of medow land with an India rubber fence around it. The balls are Dunched with long wooden ramrods, with wax on the little end to save ihe wood and leather from wear ing out. You take your ramrod and rub some chalk on the table end; then you lean over the table; then you sqaint; then you lift your leg;.then fiddle a lit tle on your left hand with your ramrod; then you punch your ball. If your ball hits the other man's ball, you've done a -big thing, and you poke a lot of but tons that are strung on a ivire. . ;This is, all there is to a game ofbi liards. Anybody can punch billiards; I can, and maybe you can." JS3fMr. Peterson, of Washington City. the owner and occupant of tke house in which Mr. Lincoln died, writes a letter to the Philadelphi Inqui rer, denying the charge that he presen ted a claim .for damages against the Government, or exhibited the room . iu which the President breathed his last, at fifty cents a head. He says that this was done in his absence by a servant, which resulted not in again to himself, but in the loss of sundry sjpoons, gob lets, et cetera, used on the mournful occasion. Oldest Senator. The JVatwnal Free JMason says : ' Bro. Collamer, the Senator "of Ver mont, is not ODly the oldest Mason, but! the oldest man in die Senate. .He was born in Troy. N. Y.,' 1792, and is therefore in the seventy-third year of his age. He is one of the best lawyers in Congress, and makes an energetic and. effective extemporaneous speech even in his old age. He served in the House of Representatives from 1S43, when he became Postmaster General in Taylor's Cabinet. From 1854 to the present he has served in the Sen ate. Bro. C. is a moral and upright Mason. ' ' ., . gA Mobile clergyman went to General Granger and asked him if he proposed to compel the rebel clergy to pray for Andrew Johnson. "Compel you," was the General's reply; "Why, if your prayers don't do the President of the United States any more good than they have done Jeff Davis, it is no sort of consequence about your, pray ers anyway." '. ' Qtw ,&vtxti$tmtxt$. R. R LIVINGSTON, M. D. . Physician and Surgeon, Tenders his professional lerTices to the citizens of CatscoUBty. - BDResidanee in Frank White's htuie, corner of out ana atxin streets, riattsraoatn, xieoraaka. UNITED STATUS INTERNAL REVENUE nsroTicE! . NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that the list, valuations and enumerations made and taken under the Excise Law of the United States, within the Counties of Cass, Calhoun, Sanders. Batler, Polk, Lancaster and Seward, and Ajerritory of Kebraaka, nave been return ed to me and will be open for examina- f F. f. rrtrl.inirtnn. Assistant Assessor for Sub-District No. 5, in the Town of Plattsmouth, and Coun ty of Cass, for the 6pace of 'fifteen days from the date of this Notice. ' And that appeals relative to any erroneous or. ex cessive valuation, will be received by F. M. Dorrington on the 10th day of Au gust, 1865. -All appeals to the Assessor must be made in writing. C. U. NORRIS, , . Acting Assessor Neb. Ter. Dated tbia I6th day of July, 1865 ' . ." .. . F., M DORRINCTON, ' ' 1 " ' Ass't Assessor. ' WILLITT P0TTENGEE "ATTORNEY. AT . XAW, PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. n 1 n mam 1 nrmrnn H'ilHIMIiLIi 1 y DR. a FRANKLIN, -TO The American People. V Just discovered," and now puMisTiedTot the first time. CURIOUS and THRILLING DOCU MENT! FELLO W CITIZENS r . ; Tba Jong, bp- ny fingers are reacbi9g for me." Soon I must "go for it." A word of advice before .1 go. - The glorious sua of Hope 1S V'TVyP-S. nP rm his imperial coocn. He uresseth himself in the full ry-' of Royalty.. He putteth on his most CHpti v a ting grfk,$o make glad this, the city of Promise. The day of our Redemp tion - from HIGH and OPPRESSIVE PRICES draweth to a close. FELLOW CITIZENS 1 Throw hihyour caps; yell forth ye sturdy youths; bellow loud ye broad chested; prolong the glad, soul thrilling shout, ye lon necked; until the slumbering echoes of the far off rocks, are aroused; Mothers, teach it to your children, that all the ends of the earth may know, and rejoice with ex ceeding great joy, that the HYDRA HEADED MONSTER, alus HKJH PRICES, the identical VAMTIRE that so long hath been bucking our life blood, is now Throttled by MELONE & EPPERSON, Wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-HOCERIES, At their large and magnificent establish ment (TOn 2d Street, FIRST DOOR SOUTH Ox JiRlDOE. This House is doing an immense trade. Help them, fellow-citizens, in their great efforts for your good, riattsmouib, Julj 13 tf L. GOLDIN'G, DEALER IS HATS &. CAPS. 1 Boots & Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. Give me a call. I propose go; in a short time to purchase pooJs, and will sell off my present stock at Extremely Low Figures. Remember the place. One doer WEST oi the Herald etuee, PLATTSMOUTH IT- T. MRS. L. GOLDING, ' PRACTICAL MID-WIFE, Has practi ecd successfully for several years in St. I. on is and i'l Leavenworth city. Was educate'l, pro- fe9sinally. In Co.ilan, a R. Mrs. UuidinK has pwuianeiitir locatea in iuis cirj. Residence In the north-west part of town. JU y to. If - Marble Yard. The undersigned have opened an Extensive MARBLE YARD In the City of Plattsmouth, ' where they have PERMANENTLY LOCATED. . : Call and Examine Specimens. We are prepared to do as good work as can be fouud in the country, at as Reasonable Prices As any establishment . in the West. JOSEPH BUTZERIN & CO. July 1, 1S65, m6 . T. M. MARQCETT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW And : Solicitor in Chancery. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA. National Claim Agency. , WASHINGTON, D-C F. M. DORRINGTON, . t SUB AGENT: FLATTSMO UTH, - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to prc.wak and proaeenl elalma before CongreaM, Court of Claims and the Dfartmntii. I'a tenta, FeDRionr, Bonstea. and: Boaaiy Lands se cured. d7Cliargea modarate, acd in pro'iortion to ineamiuotoitnaciiim, x, il. DOB.Hl April 10, "65. UWlil.M GOODS Legal Notice. IfRbe!r.i Ar"hi i,Gcirge W. Archer niH ! , Arctitr wUl tnke ii' lice, son Earhart li 1. on lice " ithdayof Jtm,. A l""- the a.i judicial i iinnct vm,ln n 1 f r O.m t t t . t-, cber nd A!ri.i( ArWu-r, liejc'ti lniii. i, thut iinn Dund Arrht-r s,,M tA .. ,.. -r.. Karliart, wi e )f tfo" aid Juhu !.. dim rtb' il pmiiises, to-wii: " Wst i i i lha 9suih l.lfi 2 , North iiftlf 1-2 of ilia the buutl K.i-t q-ur7e, of Kection thirty two Si) tTirBwaiv r7M fourteen 14 K.i.xt, in Cass cunt, K. T. lint that Iu making out th" ilw I of c t.m,,, said Ilavid L. Arilier ma 1i: a minLik,-, J4 i.-I ,,' (litfcn-nt and oilier land to the raid S :s in K,,. The saIa'Arc.3 havlnc s!nce died, d f.-ndntj ' his heirs. Anil priiyi' tf that Miiil n, I,-Cor. e,l, nd that It may t e dcrri-pd that a -M i. tcr ot Co urt make unto the oaid Simn Karliart a !.',.'' said iirciniicc, upon failure of di-ft-n iai.ti tu a. 1 thesaiim. Anilhaibe Isabrlla Archer i' W. Archer and Alphonao Archer, are hereby nit., that they are required to ajipear and nprj'i bill of complaints oo r before the 4 1 b d,iy .if (icu Jl A.h. ItidS.U bfiiiid the ncond day of th: utxi t,, ofMM Poort, ef Jiidifetnnt will bn ren.lercd fv;.i theuaocurdng lo petltiouere' praer. ' : I .' JOHN FATt 'lAHT ' ' " 1 Pl'SAN KaKHakt' Date-1 June 7. l.xo. w5 T. M. Mifciii'ETr, Si! for Coruv'aiiiaiiti. - BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. I am alwayH on hand at tnj Flior-, on tL icu j silo of Main Mreet, oua door wet of tha Htiy.f OHIce, to nuke Boots tS Shoes to Order, Of the best raateri at an.I Latest .Style. I have a go-id as rtMi nt f work on ).ud1, illke, at all tiincs, w, ik t j mitt tuMnuiii. ICepairiiisr Hone on Short Notice. CAGE & POISAL. PlaltHmouth, April in, 'IS tf CIIAS. YOGT & CO, . ! Cor. Main find 5th eJ.,T NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, LEATHER AND SIM, SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER. Saddlers' Hardware Finding" and Tools WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. "Orders Promptly attended to. KLEI'SER & WISE, Dealers iu BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER," WINDOW SHADES. Confectioneries, Notions, Toys, Coal Oil Lamp, dec. fcc. r also airer.w for the Buchanan Wool "a Mills, of St JoH-t h, Mo., antl bare sow on hand a good assortment of FAXCi' CASSJlfSSS, V LOTUS, J&AXS, , which we hae rrreld on commission, and ara prepared to exchange for WOOL OR CASH, at very reasonabla .ieare. ajf Ultu on a eal?. one door eaM vt the IlEBALu oflce, Platttmoutb, eoraMca. May 16, 1S85. tf . -. - POST OFFICE WJlLMNa . . .'. t i . v : ; . . . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T . . . k i ...... WHOI.EPALB AND RETAIL DEALERS IS SCHOOL -BOOKS AND STATIONERY : i - -Alio Ag-iiu for a'. I the priaMr! . : v j . . . i il . MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS, rr b'cli Eu-bjTiiMfoa are receipt! at rJtliD" P.icea.