Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 26, 1865, Image 1
T MMMMMMWMIMWaaMl.WaWaSSWWMSSBWSSWSSSWSSMSnaaSBXWSSWSnWlSSMMS ' - " -. "V any man attempts to haul doicn the American Flag, shoot him on the spot" John A. Dix.. 1 PLATTSMOUTII. N. T., AVEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1865. i0. 16. VOL. I THE HERALD IS rcnLisiiD F.VEItY WEDNESDAY MORNING, H. ' D 1 1 ATI I AWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. w '"PI-e on Main ii.-' t, '-pposite Amisun, Da Wey 4t Co . Terns: 2.50 per annum, invariably ejii advanc. Raits of .ldrcrlisivir. 0nr .qjare (s of ten lin") one insertion, t-fi snl1s.-411.r1l lnerti..n l'iof-nnal rr-I u .t ex.-ee.lin;: six line .: 4 airier coi imn or per annum BIX MlODthS " tbr-e months ae half co:u,u twelve tuouilis t. nx month ' three nvuih Oos column twrlve month- .1 X month. - . - . - three niontn - - - jl &0 -!- 10 on i. lJi i'O l-.i-0 4."i IK l. fill ( 43. I'O All transier.t a lverti emnts ma-l be paid f..r iu a Ivame. Jrf- We are p-.pare-i t . a 11 V irMs of J -b Work on .hort nonce, and iu a style that vri 1 Kive s:ti. fa :t ion. gusinc.oc. givectonj. WILLITT POTTENGEIt. ATTOKNEY AT LAW, IT.TT?MOUTII - - NF.HRASKA. T. .11 JlTvUCll'IiTT. attouiney at law . -tm- Solicitor in Chancery. ILTTSM)l'TII, - - XEBR.tRKA. NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER- Real ki-.le Anent.TaX Fayer for Iowa aud Ncbraa ka. of Lan-I invejturated, lie. Iff ail b.i.ine-ij entrusted to bu care will receive attention. J-Uilinouth, N.T., April J0ili. tf I. II. AVIIKELEU. NOTARY TUI3LIO A D COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS . Tirt and Life Ins, Ag't, A 'T.r f..r c.rertii.n of tlaitii. acniint tiovernnient, foi v. JI-n their wiJ..wj an l tnin..r heirs. AKer.t r the p-ich-e an.l "ale of IjiQ.Is an-! proper ty l.e-itie of Tenement., J'ayimnlof Ta la all part, of iedraeka and Wetern la. Attendjl to (aniKitp rtaimiiff toaOeneral Land, Insurance, 1x Piyine and Collection Aeenry. r jn.feri t- all bair,:!' men in Nebraska. i'li:i.iouth, '. T., May I'. 1KS-5. .National Clniiu Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C- F. M. DORRINGTON. H.VTTS.MOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, la pr-preil to pretit and pr..eenle claims bef-re 4vvr--. t'aurt of Ci;iim. aa.l the I'epartuieiit... Ta !u:.. I'er-'..n., llount e.. and l.-.uoty Lamf9 ae cu-eJ KCnar)f.; mo'k rnt-.-. and In proportion to the am -rnnt of tue cliiiu. F. it. INRMXGTO.V Apr.l I o, H5. PLATTE VALLEY G. W.CROW, PROP. I am prepared te furn'mli a'.l who may favor roe their patronatfo. With lodrliit- ' meal or t. -i-d tv the week. O.W.CKUW. riktt.m -iith, April I5, yl JOSErn SCHLATEn. WATC 5T MAKER and JEWELER, J1AIX STaEET, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NF.LRASKA. A eood a.orttnen of t Cl - Pen. wclry, hilver War.-, F';incr tio :9 Vi..Iins ai d Vi olin Trimmings j!win n hand. All work com muted to hi. -re wid be warranted. April 10, IrtiV TO FREIGHTERS and FARMERS! Blacksmith, Outfitting,1 AXIe VTf liar orTiHl a Blacksmith, Outfitting and Ka el i la -j s tiop wa Main Street, South Side, her ton can Ktt any kind of woik done lu uur lice V( le a Wagon Shop la connection, whore all kimls of wood-work will be dwtie oa e-bort uoti.. if All work warrnnte-1. W. 1. UKlrt lX 4 CO. Plattm.'iith, April 10. "6.V NOTICE. Filing Claims against Instate of P. A. Harpy. Koiire is hereby gven 'hat all pron having Cilaaiini against the estate of Peter A. Sarpy, deceasi-d, late of C.tss county, must file them duly autheuti cate-l hy oaih. with the Probate Court of Cass ty, S T.. on oi before the SECOND DAY Ok JAN I'AhY, lt,"-l'., at which time there will be a hearing at all claims thus tiled, aod au allowance made by the Court of all ciaiuis proven to be just. Wita- .i my iand and real this l.Vh dny of May, 1,41 D. U. WHKKI.fcK, May IS. mt Probate J udce. TOOTLE, HAH1TA & CO- Hare for sale MXOBMtCK'S HEAPERSa McCORMICKS aw am aa ai sl ai m, s-e w v ajaj. BROWN'S Illinois Corn Planters, AND -UOLIXE PLOWS, AT Manufacturers' priceg, FreigbtlAdded. TOOTLE. HA5NA4CO, Afiii It ir.8 'A Complete Pictorial History of "The best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly, SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. i Critical notices of the Tbe bet family newspaper in Uie I'ntU-d Btatas. Xi-to Ltdtn A jwtitrr. 1he it.iwl.-l n-w-paper of nr country complete in T! the ile:.Hrtment8 of an American Family Paper, llarper'r Wwtkly bu earned for itself ritfbt title. A Jiil'MlL OF L'VILIZaTI." A'. Y t in uinn Putt. ' . i:k; r.,raishea the but VlnHtrvti'Ht. Our future hiHoriaiut will Wirica thviuselvvs out of Har per's Weekly one after writer. ""d printers, and publishes are tnrned to dust tt. Y- KranyHint. A necessity ia every how bold fw Ji'Uis. It ia once a leading M.liiical and an nall't of the nation. Iftiladfljihitt Pre. 'i 'a b:t of 1U class in Anmrica. MtUt Tfd teUr Sii!crilioii. 186.5- I Tlii- i.uMi.-iliers have pcrierled a ayotem cf Biailing i l.y wliirh t!i y cun Mii'ply the Maoazi.xb and W'tEi ! t.v itruiniiUr IA th-e who prefer to receive their pe-' a: directly from the i tfice ol publication. ruktma-tera and othera deiirons of ireltius ap cloba will he xipplied with a handsome I klorial abuw-hiil oa application. TEK.TIS: llARPEa's Wruu. one year, ' - - SI. An tt. a ropy of either the Weekly or Magaiiue will be supplied irratis for everr club of Five Snb rcriletraai t4 eacii, iu one remittance; or tlx oupiea forjti. H ica numSesg ran be mpplieil at any time. Tl e Ht.mial volnm'-a ol Harper' Wkkllt. ia neat cloth hindine, will be ent by expr-s, re of ex-l-ii!.e, f,,r t'i each. A complete "t, ooroprtsiair Kicht Volnuiei, cent on receipt of ra-h at the rate o' t . per volume, freighfat ejtpenn" of Addrex UAHI'ftK & BKOTHKK. Kranklin Square, N. T. THE TIUUUIVE for 1SC5. ti PROSPKCTT?. The Military and Naval i-nccees of 1S64. with the re-ult of our lreileot ial e..ntewt, liava lifred a heavy weight from the l.rea.ta of the l'-yl niil!i.-n of our countrymen. It is nw felt, eveu t.y those who have been distrustful and faint hearted th:it the L'uii-n is to emerge triaiuphaut from the ilea.ily atrife wLeremtoite was o wickedly pr.cipi tate I by her aaaailauts. and tha t slavery, her re lentless foe.l a to encounter the fste of Hamaa. The perils of foreien itervention and of Western insur rection are safely pawl : Abraham Li.sroL.v,. no lonper assailable as a choice !of the minority, holds the helm ofMaSe for fonr yoars longer; the rcbehioa, palpably wakened by its defrau and losses during Die pait year with its credit so reduced that its pur;e-hearer etllciallv declares that its Treasury notes can only be exch mged for coin at the rafe o twenty-live for n. w hile lis" bonds command trat six cents on tha dollar--bnt awaits the blow which shall toon strike the . word from its paracidal haad and remit lu master spirits to the jnstrce, or it may be to the cle-noney, of a sorely wronKed and justly ineen-rd but forbearing and msf-ammous people. Such are the aiispicra which justify our faith that the present year wif! w the Stars and StflRj-s float un- h-.ll. nteJ from every battlement in the Itepnblic, and the perfect law of Liberty f..r All immovably iui be.Hed in the Constitution of .sir L'niou. Tub .New Cork, A.unded in Js41. will en ter ujon its twenty-fourth year with qaickened hope, and enlarged nttfans of u-efuine. lis princi ples need no re-.-t iiem.-Dt: its aims are the d.d'Hion of Jnteliiireoce and the inuculalio of a spirit of free dom and Humanity. When this truth shall have V-eea (enerally recognized and eetahlished as the ba sis of our institutions and polity, tbat iiijusiioe to the iwores, the weakest, h roit despised, is a fearful mistake that no community or state can allord to sri ok even its humblot member theu will onr land baik once more to the calm sunshine of peace au-l prosperity. Tue I' hss for the last year been publithed without protit to its proprietors, solely because of the depreciation of our currency below specie standard, compelling os to bny paper and other materials at a co.t eon.i Wahly above the auouat received froia our sotcribers'. On our weekly edition, the net loss has amounted to several thousands of dollars; wi.i oar larse receipts from advertiainn have been wholly absortie.1 by the extraordinary exponsea for Corrta jHindence, Teleit'aphinK, etc., devolved on us by the war. As we do not suppose our patrons desire that we should wrk for them at our cost, aod prefer nut to be patronized by any who mat desire it. we have semewhat advanced lor the ensuing year the prices of our siem I-Weekly and Weekly, as we hail already done with those ol our daily editions. This increase is purely nominal; there never beore was a time when the farmers of our eenntry country could buy The Tribune for so iittle of their own paoductaor labor as tbey can by the lollownir TERMS: daily tribcxe, Finsleeopy - - - 4etts Mail subscribers, one year, 812 Issues. - $10.00 SEM-wKFKLY TRIBCX'E, One copy one year. 101, Ueues, - - f4. Two copies tie year, - 7. Five copies or over, one year, each crpy, $3. WEEKLY TRIBUNE. One copy, one year, 54 isauea, - S.SO. Cl'ihs-uf uve . - - $10.0ti. rer.-ons remitting a0 for 10 oopies, will receive oue copy extra, gtatis. Persons remitting 4-0 lor 20 copies, will receive one eopy Semi-Weekly, gratis. Persons remitting $MI for 40 copies, will receive one copy Daily, gmtis. - Drafts on New- YtiV. payable to the order of "The Tribune, ' being safer, are preferable to any other mode ol remittance. But where drafts cannot he eonv. niently procured. United S taioe, or National Bank Pills are next bust, and. may be ent by mail ; but iu case of Ins.. The Tribune will not be rssponfti- ble unless furnished with a full description of the bills, including the name of the batik, denomination and number, aod the time and plica sf: mailing of the letter with the tnclueuresr Address " k TrtS TRIBUNP, Tribune Ba Ulinga. New York. Etitblibhed in lJ42.jt A CiitoJ, Cheap ami tery Valuable Paptr for Ezery Man, Woman , and Child IN CITT, VILLAGE, AND COUNTRY. THE American Agriculturist FORTHK Farm, Garden, and Honsehold, Including a Sjcial Dejmrlment of Inter tsting and Instructive JieaJingor Children and Ytntth. The Agricultiirint Is a large periodical of 32 page beautifully printed, andfilled.with p'ain, practical, reliable oridnal oatter, Including hundreds of beau titul and instructive Engravings in every annual volume. It contains each month a Calender of Operacdm to be perform -d on the farm, in the Orcluird and Garden, in and around the Dwelling, etc. The thousands of hinta and suggestions given in every volnme are prepared by practical, iateiligent Working Mm, who know wbat they write a boot. Tfce lltiUnduM Ipartmrt Is valuable to every Housekeeper, affording very many useful hints and directions, calculated to lighten and facilitate in-door-wcrk. The Department for Children and Youth is pre pared with spe-ial care, to furnish not only amuse ment, but also to inculcate knowledge and sound moral principles. Tebms. Thccirealatioa of the Jmtrfcan Agri culturist (more than 100.000) is so iare tbat it can be furnished at the low pact, ol $1 Ui a. year; fonr copies one year, $5; ten eoe-iee oae year, $42; twenty ormore, ooe year, $1 eacbj single aupiea, IS cants each. i. a . . . . m . 53-TKT IT A YEAR. ORANGE JUAD.Fca. Aror'. ;21 Park Row, Xrw York Ctty. Probate TSotlce. Notice is hereby given tbat W. H. Shafer has made application to be appointed Administrator of the es tate of Sarah Shafer deceased, lata cf Cass county, N. T. The Court will hear said appUtotiwo. for said p palntmenton Saturday, July 20iA, 18G5, . at 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day,' at whtt-b. tlm rl persona Interested can appear. i - " Witness my baod and seal of offiee on thia th 80tb day of June, A. D. I86S D. H. WHEELER. - rxobatt Jitdf.. THE HOMESTEAD IaAW. There are many of our. returned soldiers who on being mustered out of errice and reaching home, will find it hard to get work hard at any rate, to get permanent employment. , ( Their places have been rilled, during their long absence. The sudden end of the war sends hundreds of thousands " of men home to compete for employment, and the. demand for labor of many kinds ceases almost as suddenly as the number of those who "want to labor increases. What are they to do ? . r We earnestly urge upon all such tar tare theiir faces Westward and colonize the pubHe lands Thanks to the bene ficent policy of the Homestead Law, land is open' to alL The poorest citi zen can scarcely be so poor asto: be unable to acquire a faTm, which a few years of industry' and frugality will enable him to cultivate, and make his own. In the most unfavorable circum stancesja' man of energy and good sense will work his way clear of the embarrassments which in a new coun try and et a distance from markets surround the settler.' But many of those obstacles may be avoided alto gether. We know of no better way by which new lands can be rendered speedily and sure profitable than by the formation of colonies or associations here in the East which shall settle whole townships together. There is not much difiiculiy ia finding lands suitable for such enterprise, and a community starling thus ready organi zed transplants at once into the wilder ness some of the best helps of civiliza tion. There are many regiments lately disbanded in our State which were rai sed in adjoining towus or counties, the members of which, already know each other, and could easily- reunite for Wlstern emigration. Not all of them will want to go, but enough to form a nucleus can be found in every county. Together with some bad habits, they have acquired many good ones in the army, and have acquired also no little experience, which can be turned to use In the pioneer life of the West. Famili arity with hardship and the halit of elf-reliance they have been thoroughly taught, and there ii no better capital than character of that sort to start with. The provisions of the Homestead Law are few and easily complied with. The act, passed May 20, 1862, declares "That any person who is the head of a family, or who has arrived at the age of twenty one years, and is a citizen of the United States, or who shall have filed his declaration of intention to become such, as required by the rSaiu alization laws of the United States, and who ha9 never borne arms against the United States or given aid and comfort to its enemies," shall be entitled to the benefit of the act. Eeverysuch person may enter one quarter section (160 acres) or less of the . unappropriated public lands of the United Stales which are subject to pre-emption'- at SI 25 per acre, .or upon whicn he has filed a pre-emption, claim; or he may. enter eighty acres which are subject to pres ernption STJ"S0 p'eracrV,Suc pe'r son raustiappJj lotbe Register 'of the land office in which the entry is to be rnadef.' making aVi ''affidavit before" the regrster or receiver1 that : ne-or she is entitled, 'as 'above described, to the benefit of . the act',. 'and also that the application is made for his or her ex clusive use nI benefit'. for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation, and not either directly or indirectly for the use or benefit of any other person. This affidavit, forms for which will be supplied at the land office, is to be filed with the register or receiver, the ap plicant paying a fee of ten dollars, and also a commission to the register and receiver each of one per cent on the cash price of the land as fixed by law1. The applicant may then enter upon the land, and if he complies with the subsequent provisions of the law wilt hold it forever as bis own. He will not recive a certificate or'patent of title until five years after his entry. Mean time he is to occupy or cultivate it, either himself or by some member of hie family, and a change of residence or abandonment of the property Jfor more than six months at any one time will forfeit hi claim to the land. But if tha clai mant holds on in food faith for five years, he may then? or ;within two years thereafter, make . the land his absolutely by going, again before the register or receiver, and proving by two credible witnesses that he has occupied or cultivated the land during the five years immediately surceeding. the filing of the affidavit. He will al so make affidavit that he has not cold or conveyed away any part rf the land, and that he has borne true allegiance to the government. , Upon these con ditions and upon paying the land-office fees', he will be entitled to a patent, and the land becomes his, free from all liability for any debts contracted be fore the -patent i issued. The . law provides also that in case of the death of the person making the entry,' his widow or. in case of her death, his heirs or devise, or if the ; widow dies after making entry, then her heirs or devisee, shall be entitled to the "prop erty and to have' the patent issue. The settler knows therefore that his family will have the benefit of his entry and of all improvements on the law if he dies. And if both father and mother dies leaving children under 21, the right and the fee of the land will inure to the children, and the land may be sold by the executor or administrator for their benefit. "' . ' . For the benefit of those in the mili tary or naval service, "it is provided that the required affidavit may be made kffore a commanding officer in the ar ms or navy; and in other cases where theland is actually occupied by the family of the applicant and personal attendance at the land office is incon venient for him, the affidavit maybe made before the clerk of the court for the county in whichie lives. . . : We . have stated ajl the essential provisions of the Homestead Act, in order, to show the simplicity of the law, its beneficial operation, and tHe ease with which its requisitions may be sat isfied. The subject is one which the press of the country will do well to put plainly before its readers, for the sake of encouraging the occupation of our vast tracts of public lands which lie open to the tiller, and whose cultiva tion will prove the surest source of national prosperity in years to come. V. Y. Tribune. ' nSrLown m Memphis, a stout women of the Irish persuasion, who had just rolled a barrel of ale into her den, sat down on the head of it to get breath, and cool herself after the in tense physical exertion incident upon the deposit of said barrel in the accus tomed corner. - Though she had ceased working, the ale did not, and presnent- ly burst out , the head : of he' barrel, hoisting the old lady to the ceiling, demolishing her bottles and drinking utensils, and raising the old , Nick, generally. The old lady picked her self up, and after looking for a moment at the ruin, widly exclaimed, "Ah, be Jabersj bad luck to the man thrt puts a tarpedy in the barT !"' ", S3- The ' ' Springfield " (Mass.) Republican is responsible ( for the fol lowing tough;; stifTy;,rA . gentleman captured a large turtle, cut off its head ahd left it out of doors, while. he carri ed the' rest 'of the animal into, the kitchen to bemade into soup. There was presently an animated squealing in the yard; and an ' investigation into the cause of it disclosed the interesting fact-that a rat had come out :o eat up the head had been seized and actually killed, and this decapitated bad hung on so tightly that it wjs necessary to use an axe to divide them. The ive- pullican. adds : "Nobody need malign deadheads after this. : Sensation-ai, Ei.oo.nrNcx, A sen sational elerevman out in Wisconsin told bis hearers that the should divide his discourse into three parts; the first should be terrible, the second horrible, and the third terrible horrible. Assu roiog a dramatic tragic attitude, he exclaimed,' in. a startling; agonizing tone .' "What is that I see there ?" "Here a little old woman in black cried out, with a shrill treble r "It's nothing but my little black dog he won't hurl nobody, if' nobody won' hurt him.' ' The thread of the discourse was so badly broken by this curious interrup tion that the terrible horrible was never THE ATLANTIC CABLE. J From the Loadoa Times Jjae 1. -' ' At length all the preparations con nected' with the final departure of this great telegraphic expedition are 1 com pleted. On Wednesday the Amethyst eft the telfgraph works with the last ength of 245 miles of cable on board, and on Saturday the operation of coil ing this in was begun. This work will probably last till the 22nd inst. Before the following springs tides set in, about the 6th or 7th - of - July, the Great Eastern will start for Valentia There she is expected to arrive about the 9th or 10th, and there she will be met by the two ships of war appointed to con vey her the Terrible and the Sphinx, Both these vessels are being fitted with the best apparatus for deep sea soun dings, with buoys and means for buoy ing the end of the cable if ever it should become necessary, and with Bollen's night light naval signals with which the Great Eastern is likewise to be supplied. To avoid all chances of accident, the big ship will not approach the Irish coast nearer than twenty or twentyrfive miles, and her stay off Valentia will be limited to the time occupied in making . a splice with the massive shore end, which for a length of twenty-five miles from the coast will be laid previous to her arrival. With regard to the process-of laying, it is hoped the Great Eastern may be kept throughout the whole voyage at a uniform speed of six knots per hour, faster than which it would not be safp, as a rule, to run out the cable. At less speed than this, however, the big ship would fail of steerage way, and with a beam wind would certainly go to leeward without some counteracting influence. This influence will be af forded if necessary by the paddle en gines, which are to be disconnected, and the efjorts of one wheel at either sile would be quite sufficient to over balance the effects of anything but a very violent storm. The latter risk is now literally ail that has to be feared. On this only doubtless po'nt, therefore, it is gratifying to know that Captain Anderson is sanguine of all going well. xet in this estimate of events, it must not be forgotten that, in the last memorable expedition in the Agamem non midsummer was fixed on as the time when a storm in the Atlantic was almost impossible,' and the records of the Meterological Departments both here and in America ceruinlyjusiified such an expedition, as they showed that for fifty years no storm had taken place at that time. Yet it. was precise ly on the 21si of June tbat the hurri cane with which the Agamemnon and Niagara had been battling for some days, was at its height, and those on board the illstowed Agamemnon, at least knew cot from hour to hour which was to be their last. Most earnestly is it to be wished that on thii .great occasion the calculation of averages, if not more jut, may prove at least mora fortunate. As far as regards the cable itself, there' is absolutely nothing to be desired. ' . ' ' aiAn old gentleman, who was always brarrging how folks used to work in younger days, one day challen ged his two sons to pitch on a load of hav as fast as he could load it. The challenge was accepted, the hay wa rvnn rlrivon mil nrl. nnrl I hp trial mm. . ... menced. For some time the old man held his own very creditably, calling out, "More hay ! more hay ! !" Thicker and faster it came. The old man was nearly cover, still he kept crying, "More hay! more!" At length, strug gling to ke-p on the top of the ill-arran ged heap, it began first to roll, then to slide, and at last off it went from the wason.andtbe old man with it. -Wha are you down here for?" criedihe boys "I came down after the hay? answered the old man, stoutly.' EsSThe Vermont Standard, prin ted at Woodstock, naively says: "Any improvement noticed in our paper this week may be attributed to the absence of the editor for several days. . XSy.The editor of a Buffalo paper has got himself into a very bad fix. He is between the horns of a dilemma. HaviDg dunned an 'erring one - for his subscription, the subscriber refused to pay,, and threatens to thrash the . editor if bi paper is stopped. HOW VmGIXIA " TIIAXHED - god. - - ;' 'v,(4 ' In the Colonial days, the English Government addressed' certain ques tions to the'American Colonies respect ing their condition. Inr aoswer to one of these, the Governor of Connecticut responded that one fourth ' of her in come was expended in the maintenance of public schools. The Governor of Virginia' replied: "I thank God tbat there are no free schools nor printing, and I hope we shall not have them these kindred years." The fruit has been like the planting. In 1860 three fonrths of the children of Connecticut were attending public schools, while nine-temha of the children of Virginia were suffered to grow up in ignorance. In the same year, the free States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois sent seven ninths of their children to the common schools, while the slave State of Ken tucky, but just across the border, out of 492,000 children, educated but 92,000, or a little over one-fifth.- JCSrNorth Adams is known as a pleasant village in the Berkshire bee tion of Massachusetts. A few days since a mysterious gendeman, a stran ger, engaged board at the village hotel, lie desired that no person would speak to him except the landlord. He was good looking and well dressed. Sever al ladies endeavored to make his ac quaintance, but failed. Finally bolder ones appointed a committee of five to visit him. They did so, and stated their business. He eyed them, and replied: "I am a stranger and a crimi nal. I was convicted in New York of a heavy crime. The Judge sentenced me to eight years in Sing Sing, or to live in. North Adams six months. chose the latte." The ladies retired. and the stranger was not again distur bed. A Youg minister, in a highly elaborate sermon which he preached, said several times, "The commentators do not asrree with me here." Next morning a poor women came to see him, with something in her apron. She said her husband had heard his sermon and thought it was a very fine one and as he said "common tater did not acree with him," he had sent tome of the very best kidneys. . gaSSome bibulous chaps at Rut land, Vt stole some "pretty good whiskey" from a cask that nobody seemed to own, but found to their infi nite horror and disgjst not long after, that the cask contained, besides the whiskey, the body of a dead negro nreserved for dissection. All , the r r aforesaid chaps are staunch temperance men now 5?"A Yankee has invented a new method to catch rata. He says: Locate your bed in a room much infested with these animals, and on retiring put out the light ' Then strew over your pil low some strong smelling cheese, three or four red. herrings, and a sprinkling of codfish. Keep awake till you find the rats at work, and then make a grab. ..: ST" A Dutchman on . seeing one of the poster, announcing the coming of the panorama of "Paradise Lost," and reading this line, "A Rebellion in Heaven," suddenly : exclaimed "A Rebellion in Heaven ! Mein Gott 1 Dat lasts not long now. Oael Abe ish. dare." OrrsiDK Duties. Every good and con scientious teacher will admit tbat his doty towards the children of his class, is not ended when the school is closed. It is not enough for him to attend regular ly on the Sunday and go through tha ap pointed lessons with his children, how ever careful and diligant ba may be in the preparation... If we are to effect permanent good, and have lessons which we tach imprinted on their hearts, and practised in their lives, we must follow our children to their homes with our kind, ly care. We must labor earnestly in or der that the good result of our teaching may not be hindered, and its lesson wholly obliterated by the example and the influence .which surround our schol ars daring the weektland which are often such asto render them unable to retain, as well as unfitted to receive the teaching of the Sunday. We have not enough for those who are entrusted tti oar eare, an less we are causing oar influence to gather round - them, and in sohjeot them, at all tlmisa to its control.' . . Farmers Labor too Itlanyllours Unlike tradesmen and. ; operatives, the farmers can adopt no regular system ot. abor. IIis .hours must vary with the kind, and amount of & kind, of labor t ba performed. - The weather may retard him at times ot again hurry him to bis utmost, crowding the proper labor f so-' veral days into a few. An exceedingly growing period may force him to strain every nerve to accomplish a given amount, of cuhuretrejit be too late'and the advan-. tages of his. manipulations lost to the crop: At present, help upon farms is scarce, and early and late be must ply himself to his toil or the season vanishes and has left him no returns. Still there' must come the question whether or not a man gains by too great exertion-7-too many hours labor and too little rest for. his strained and wearied physical powers. The man who rises at day brWlc and la bors with only his hour's intermission at noon, on until the dusk of the evening, then eats his hasty snpper afterwards does op his "chores" is certainly over--tttxinj his sistem and sooner or later , his. constitution must give way. Hence we see among our farmers, men perma turely old, with the 6toop of age, with little physical or mental vitality, no am-. bition and very often victims of acute disease. Yet, properly pursued,his call ing could be the most health gviing and invigorating the best calculated to in duce longevity, of any pursuit in life.- Toil may sweeten life and lengthen it, or it may render it burdensome, and shorten it. The farmer may well pauso as he begins his labor in spring and calculate the extent to which he is taxing himself in laying out the work for the eeason. We are not certain that in a given sea son, in the full vigor of life, a man ac complishes more by laboring from day break to night fall; oertain it is that tha number of his seasons are shortened by such incessant toil. Not exactly on the principle of . "He who fights atid runs away May live to fight another day." but on the principle of doing all his fac ulties justice, he who labors and rests, lives another season with health unim paired, happy in mind and youthful ia feeling. When the field is ablaze with the burning sun of a summer's noon-day a few hours retreat into some shady nook with books and papers, or passed in qoiet repose or pleasant conversation; rejuv enates a man, refits him for labor and at evening he retires with just sufficient fatigue to render his slumber pleasant and refreshing, and the morning finds him ready to again keep time to the notes of the lark. Don't work from sun to sun, but work faster in the coal of early morning and of later evening. Live for something besides pure labor, live that your labor may add to yovr comfort and happiness and by gaining these and health, fit you for the culture of your intellectual facul ties and for your social elevation. In the one case you are only the brother of the horse yoa drive; in the other you be come what God intended you should, an intellectual moral aod social being. Bitting Colts. In the management of . colts, it Is best to accustom them somewhat to the bit, before putting on the bitting rig. Let him wear a bridle, and pecome accustom to it,' before you draw on hint a taut rein. When first using the bitting harness," do not draw the head up to an' unnatural position, but only to that point, where ha natarly holds it. He will soon learn tha, he cannot lower his head, and will begin to raise it to loosen the bit. , Yon can now draw the bitting a little tighter, and thus 'every time the bit is applied yoa can raise the head more and more until you get it to .the, desired position, J.r change, , - .- (JThe late- tornado in Minnesota kicked up some queer pranks. It blew eight oxen over a. river 800 yards wide. It took all the water oat of a pond, car ried it a mile and then set it down en Mayor Doran's farm in a shape of a small lake. It blew a man's boots off. Anoth er man's coat was not only blown short, but actually buttoned from top to bottom. One old lady went up like a baloon, was carried 2 1-2 miles, and was finally land ed astride a: telegraph wire, where she was found .by ber grandson and relieved by a ladder. Judge Morgan says the wind not only carried . off his dwelling house, but his sub-cellar and two wells. Some tornado that. ("An ex-slave applied the other day to a lawyer in Maryland for the restora tion of his boy of sixteen, who had been illegally apprenticed to his former master. In repjy to the lawyer's question whether he was capable of taken care of the boy, the father - said.- "Well, masso, I rather tinks l's capable as him, for yoa see dat ole massa has done gone and hired ds boy eat for foa' dollar a month, an' pat da money in his pooket: aod I epeo's Ps oa, fable of dat kind of kere, anyways!11 I ! I tt