Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 19, 1865, Image 4

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    be d-i niifreiuents. take Avtr'a l'ii.s.
lirccfl 1k-v rcctore tlie natural action of the iys
i in, niirt with it the buoyant filling of health again
Yhat is true uikI so pppurelit in this trivial nnd coin
non complaint, is also true in luativ of the deep
i nto) anil dangerous dittetnpers. The name puma
ive edict expels them, Caused by vimtlar obstrno
ions iurd dranritiien?B ol the natural functkDf cl
he bod v, they arc rapidly, ami many of them ure!y
urnl by the tame mean. J'ono who knw tin
ittues of these 1'ills. will neclect to employ theu
then sulierin from the disorder they cure.
Statement from leading lliTsiciaim In wine of tht
irii.eipal cities', and fromotLtr wcil-knowu pubiii
Froui'a FortCarding Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 1
Da. Ayeji: Your I'ilhj uru the paraxon of all thai
8 f nut iu medicine. They lmc cured my litfh
laii,Uitcr of ulceioua orrs upon her bands uiul feet
bat lirtl proved iucurnbie for year, llerniothei
lap been )oiii grievously ullliclcd with blotches and
limpieii ou her fekiu aiid ill her hair. After out u ctllcd, ebe also tiied your 1'illp. and they
lavccuicU U-r. ASA ilOKCilllDCK.
Aa a Family Physic.
From Dr. E W. Cartxcright, AVw Orleans.
Ycur Till are the prince of purpe. Their ex
rllcrit qualities fuqias any cathartic we posfes..
They are mild, but very certain and elllctiial in their
ction on the bowel, which makes them invaluable
o us in the daily treatment of dheease.
Ucud.-ichc-jSirU llradnrhc, l'onl Stomach.
From Dr. Fdicard Boyd, Baltimore.
Dear Hru. Atku: 1 cannot ans-wr-r ron irhai
i;tn I have cured with your J 'ills belter than
o fay o.'l that tre ercr treat fJA a purgafire wnli
ine.' J place grriit de)ei!i!e!!CC ou that ei'ectuaj
uitliartic in my daily contest with disease, and bo
ierir.', a I do, that your I "ilia afford us the best we
mve, I of course value them highly.
Pittsbukq, l'a., Hay 1, lRuS.
Dk. J. C. AYKR. Sir: I have been repeatedly
tired of the worst headache nuy body can have by a
lose or two of your J 'ills. It seems to arise from
oul ftomach, which they cleanse at once.
Yoiirs with great rc.-j'ccf. KD. W. J'JJEHLS.
Clerk of Steamer Ciariou.
ISElion ni"orilrn l.iwr Complaint.
From Dr. Themtare Belt. ofXiK York City.
Not only are your 1'ill admirably adapted to their
mrpose as an aperient, but I liml their benelicial
dice's upon the Liver very marked indeed. They
inve in my practice proved more effectual for the
:ure of lu'inits complnhits than any oue remedy 1
an mention I sincerely rejoice that we have' at
eiifrth a purgative which is worthy thecontidenceol
Le ruieataioa and the people
Washington, I. C , 7th ieb., 186(3. )
fin: I have tisi'd your litis iu my general and
lo.-pitnl practice ever since you nande them, and
uinnot Intitule to say they are the best cathartic
it employ. Their regulating action on the liver ir
prick and decided. coii.-eipicully they are an ad
niinlle lemedy for derail genici.ts of that orpan
udeeil, I have seldom tound a case of bilious din
me so obstiimte tiiat it did not readily Yield t"
bem Fraternally youi. ALONZO HALL, M. !..
Physician of tht Marine lhtpi'al
Dysrntcry, Dinnbuu, ISrltix, Woruii. -From
Dr. J. C. Green, of Chicago.
Your l'i'.ls have had a lon trial in inv jiractiee.
jiil I hold the in in esteem an one of the best aperi
r.ts I have ever iottnd. Their alterative eflect noon
be liver makes them an excel leut remedy, when
;i. en in small doles lor t'uioiis riyto Jifery and iiar
lurn. Their sugar-coating makes them vary ac--jtaWc
and convenient lor thu use of women aird
hi Id re u.
Uyxpcp-ia, Impurity of the Blood.
rom Hcv. J. V. llime, P'lslor of Advent Church,
Dre. Ater: I have used vour rill with extra
rdinary uccen in my iiimify and among t hose I cm
:alled to visit in distress. To' regulate the orpans of
li'tstion and purify the Llood, they are the very
est remedy 1 have ever known, and 1 cau COUll
leutly recommend them to inv lriends.
Yours, J. V. IIIMES.
Warsaw, 'Wyoming Co., X. Y., Oct. 24. 1855.
In Ait mii: I am nsinfr your C'nthanic Tills iu my
lihctice. unit tind them an excellent purgative to
Realise the system and pnrifi the fountains of tht
4Ki(i. JOIIX (. jlliACHAM, M. L.
ontipnt!ou, C'oolivrnrxx. Nnpprrmioa,
ltiieuiiialiiii, (oiil, Acui-uiiu, lropy,
I'artlfKi, Filx, etc.
From Dr. J. P. Vauyhn, Montreal, Guiabi.
Too much cannot be said of your Tills for tli
:itrf of rrnttivenrx. If others of our fraternitv have
bund them as etlicacious as I have, they should join
lie in proclaiming it. tor t lie benefit ot t lie luuitituuef
vho sutler from that complaint, which, although
iad euoul) in itself, isthe progenitor of other that
.re worse. 1 oeiieve cosureiits.f to onjjiiuiie in uu
iver, but your l'ills affect that organ aud cure tht
'(i;; Jra. E. Stuart, Physician and Jllidirife
I find ono or two larjre do of your Tills, taken
it the .proper time, are excellent promotives ol lilt
uifura ULCreittm wnen w imny or pnrimiiy shi
iresed. and also very ell'ect'ual to tht
tiimc.rh and ejiiel trorms. They are so much tht
K..-t physic we have that 1 recommend no other to
r'rotn the See. Dr. ITairle. of the Methodist Fpis.
I 'liurch.
IVlapki HorSE. Savannah. Ca.. Js;n. G, IT.
JIonokkd MR; 1 should be ungrateful for tin
liel Y-oiir skill has bioucht lne if I dill not renort
11 v case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and
)rourht on "excruciating nenrxdjic p'lins, which
Milled in cltnmic rluutnatism. Notnilhstandib I
iad the best of physicians, the disease crew worst
worse, until by the advice ot your excelleut
ijrent iu TaJtimore, Lr. Mackenzie, 1 tried youi
lll. 1 ncir eitccts were now, mil sure. iy jier
crering in the use of them, I am now entirely well
Senate Chamber. Raton Roufre, Ln.., 5 Dec, ISjo
I)n Ay ku: 1 have been entirely cured, by youi
'ills, of llhewmatie (lout a painful iiensethut hat
.fliicted me for years. Yl"CE'T iLlOlXL.
C7 Jlost of the Tills in market contain Mercury
t-liiMt ulrlifin a vuliHililf rfioedr in skilful hand
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful coil
etiueuce that fretjuentl v follow its incautious tis
Tiese contain no mercury or mineral substauc
Price, 23 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1
repared by Sr. J. C. AYES & Co., Lowell, Mass
i a T:c. ' .
Otstru'-tious, ic.
WTXSOTJ S PILLS are nn'vr-t11y a.
Xn" ltdged toK the bnt now in uso. A a Family
icine tliey art rrticularly reoomiueuded-simple
anil harnilss, lut highly medii inal in their com
bination. One Pill a d, '"ith mild but cci
tain effects. Tho robust ntuo and tkc dwli.-atc chiM
o-e them alike, with erry aastu.-uiro of entira
s:iS t. With Wilson's Pills, eyery Mother in
the land beconn ber own physician. They hav
pmyed themUes a PBcinc, and itaod without a
rival frr the following affections:
CoBtirenss, Biliousness, Neuralgif
Cobtireneae, Biliousness, KouralKi
' Bold by Drags813 Deoleri evorywliei -
33. X.. 3? AIHTEST O C K & CO.
Importers & Wholesale Druggists
3To. 60, cora&r "Wool aal 4th 8ta.
ou rnnrarEioBS c
B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge.
I 25 ct. 5"
o "3 "H
d for the speedy cure of the fgllowinp complaints
rofnln nnd Hrrofulou .tireclion-, htitI
Tumor. I'lrrn, Norr. I.ruptimiH
Ci,i,nlr. Eutilvi. lilolehr., ISoii
liaiii. nnd nil KUin Itiwu.
(Oakland, Ind., tstii June. isj.
T. C. Avntt Si Co. Cieuts: 1 fel it my duty to ac
owlede what vour Sarsaparilla hm done Sir me
vlii inherited a Scrofulous inlection, 1 hav.
ifered from it in various ways for years. Some
nes It bunt out iu IHcers on iny hands nnd ami
uietiinea it turned inward aui uurtrescea uio at iui
,mach. Two years airo it fcroie out 0:i liiy bii
tl covercil my scalp aiid ears with one sore, whiti
is painful and loathsome beyond description. J
etl many medicines and several physiciaus, bit'
tliout much relief from aoytliins. In fact, t hi
-order prow worse. At lenrth 1 fM rejoiceil tt
id in the Gospel Mown er that yon had prniaref-
i alterative (Sarsapaiilla), for I knew from youi
putation that anything you made must be pood
sent to Cinciiinati and "cot it. and used it till i
ircd me. I took if, a you advise, in small dosoti ol
Wnioonful over a tnnntn, ana ueu almost turot
bottles. New nnd healthy skin soon bcan to font
under the scab, which alter a while tell otl". My
ikin is now clear, and I know by my fcelinps tlia
the disoae has pone from my system. You can wol
bolieve that I feel what I am sayinj when I tell you
that I hold you to b one of the apostles of the a-u
lud remain over gratefully. Yours,
ALruUI i. lALbi.t.
Ht. Antbony' Fiw. Ilae o Eryip:Iiw
TftK-r mill H:il ICnrum, Seiua lleaq
lClllil Mre l-:-, Wrojwy.
lir. Uobert M. l'reble writi-s from .Salem. !. X.
12th sent..' lsOJ. that he has cured an inveterati
ease of Sropsy, which threatenel to terminate fa
taliv, uy mu prseveniiir nw oi our iursnpuriuu
and' alsoa dauirerons Malinnant Krysipelas by Iarir
doses ot the same; says liu cured the Common, Frup
ttons by it constantly.
TSronrhorrlr, fSoitrc or Nwrllcu rVerTi.
Zebulon Moau. of l'rosoect, Texan, writes: " Thre
bottles of vour fcarsupanlla cured me from a tioitn
a hideous swelling on the uecx, wiacu l una but
fered from over two yeai-s.'
I-encorrlirrn or IVhilr, Ornrinn Tumor
t irrinr I Icrration, r rmals tii-earn.
lr. J. ii 8. Clmiiniuc. of Sew York Citv, wrilcs
"I most cht-erfullv comply with the request of vou.
acent in saying 1 have found your S.irsaparilki i
mo;it excellent alterative in tin numerous com
plaints for which we employ euch a remedy, bu
especially iu FernoU Diseases of the Scroiulau:
diathesis. I have cured many inveteratw cases ol
Leucorrhoea by it, and some where tlm complain
was caused by iMccraf.-ou of the vtcriis. lne ulcer
ation itself was soou cured. Xothintr within mi
knowledge equals it lor these femal deraugumeutsJ
Kdward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes
"A dangerous ortrimi tumor on one of tho femalei
in mv tuinilv, which had delicd all the remedies wi
could employ, has at length been completely curet
ly your r.xtract oi oarsapannn. tjur pnvsiciai
thoiisht nothing but extirpation could affonl reliej
but lie advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as tin
last resort before cutting, and it proved clllctuai
Alter taking vour remedy oit'Ut weeks no sympten!
of the disease remains."
Myphili rbJ 7Iercnrinl TJLtrnar.
Kew Ok leansi, 25th August. 1,9.
Pit. J. C. Atku: Sir, I cheerfully comply will
Urn reonest of vour etront. and renort to vou son
ti the elfects 1 have realised with your barsuparillu
i nave cureu witn it. in my practice, niosi or ttii
complaints for widen it is recommended, and havi
Ibuna its enects truly wonoeruu in tnc cure oi
Venereal and Mercurial JBis:ast. One of my pa
tients had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, wliich went
consuming hLt palate aud the top of his mouth
lour barsnparilla steadily taken cured liiin in tin
weeks Another waj attacked bv secondary svnio-
toms in his nose, and tltc ulcerntion bad eaten away
a consiaeraoie pari oi it. so iuai i ucneve me uis
order would soon reach his brain and kill him. Kin
it yielded to my administration of your isarsaparilli
the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of courst
without some uisiiguration to ins lace, womar
whn hud liern trnnted for the same disorder bv mer
cury was sufferirg from tin's poison in lier bones
l iiey nan oecome so sensitive 10 ine weainer inai or
a damp dav she suffered excruciatins puln in hoi
joints and bones She, too, was cured entirely b)
your Sarsaparilla in a few weyks. I know from iti
formula, wtnea your agent pave me, iuai imi
l'reparatiou from your laboratory must b a crea
remedv : conseoueutly. these truly rciuarkliblo te
nlts vvith it have not surprised nie.
t. f raternally yours, G. V. LAKI11KIC, l. D.
Rhrnmntim, Clout, . i yr Cnmplniul.
lsCKPEJiliKSCE, Treston Co., Va., oth July, 159
Uk. J. C. Avkr: Isir, I have been afflicted with I
pain ful chronic Hhrumatism for a long time, whicl
laltlcd the skill of physicians, and stuck to me ii
spite of all the rcmudiws I could find, until I trk
your 8arsapurilla. One bottle eured me in tm
weeks, and restored my general health so inticl
that I am tar better than before I was attacked. '.
think it a wonderful mediciue. J. 1 KKAM
Jules Y. Gctchell, of St. Louis, writes: "I hav.
been atilictpd for years with an affection of tha I.iver
which destroyed mv health. 1 tried everything
and everything failed to relieve me; and I havi
been a broken-down man for some years from m
other cause than di rangnnent (f tn Liver. M;
beloved pastor, the liov. Jlr. Kspy, advised ine ti
try your Sarsaparilla, because hu said he knew you
aud'ativthinir yoH made was worth trviuij. liy tin
blessing of God it has cured me. and lias so puriliet
my blood as to made a new man of me. I feel youii)
again.. The best thnt cau be Miid of you is not bal
good enough."
N liirrM, C'nnwr Tnmoro, Enlnrffeuirut
1 lrernlion, Caries unil Uxfollutiou ol
I lie Ilona-k.
A reat variety of cases have been reported to u
where cures of these formidable complaints hav
resulted from the use of this remedy, but our spac
here will not admit them. Soinx of them may b
found iu our American Almanac, which the agent
below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all win
call for them.
JyIx'IHin . Ilrnrt niarnw, Fit, Epilepsy
.lEiJaucbelr, IVruralgia.
Many remuikabie cures of these auectiena hay
been made by the alterative power of this medicine
It stimulates the vital functions into rigorous action
and thus overcomes disorders which would be sup
posed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has Ion;
been required by the necessities of the people, am
we are confident that this will do for them all tha
mediciue cau do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
CougrhN, C'oliln, Influenza, IIonr-Knr'
Croup, ISroiichitiM, lurinirnt Con.
Kumption, nn J for lite llolicf
ot Conniiiuptiyc fntirnt
ill nilvnnred Mtngei
of the Dix-nftc.
This is a remedy so universally known to surpns
any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints
that it is useless here to publish the evidence of it
virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs am
colds, and its truly wonderful cuns of pulinonai
disease, have made it known throughout the civA
ized nations of the earth. Tew are the communities
or eren families, anions them who have not torn
personal experience of its eftVcts sonic iivin
! trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtl
: and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungt
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder!
and as they know, too, the ettecti ot this remedy
we need not do more than te assure them that it ha
now all the virtues tluit it did have when niakin
I he cares which have wou to strongly upou tb
;ontideuce of mankind.
Prepared by Sr. J. C. ATES Si Co., LowelL Has
Marble "Sard.
The undersigned have opened an
' Extensive
In the City of Flattsmouth,
where tney have
Call anJ
Examine Specimens.-
We are prepared to do as qood
work as can be fouud in the
' country, at as
Reasonable Prices
As any establishment in the
vv est.
I July 1, lSC-3,inG
Scrofula, or King's Evil
s a constitutional disease, n c-oirtipiion of th which tliis iluid bwotnus vitiated
ve:tk, ami poor. Bein in the circulation, i
icrvadcs the wliole body, and may burst ou
n disease on any part of it. Xo orirm is fre
rum its attacks," nor is there one which it ma;
lot destroy. The scrofulous t.iint is variousl;
:atiscd by mercurial disease, lov living, dis
irdcfed or .uitlictiltliy food, impure air, filtl
md iilthy habits, the depressing vices, r.nd
ibove all, by the venereal infection. What
tvtr be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
ititution, descending " from parents to childrei
into the tliird and fourtli generation ; " indeed
t seems to be the- rod of Him '.vho says, !
vill visit the iniquities of tud lathers UpOl
lu ir cliildren."
Its effects coinmence by deposition from tin
llood of corrupt or ulcerous nia'tcr, which, ii
lie lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termec
ubercles; in the glands, swellings; and oi
lie surface, eruptions or sore.-.. This foul cor
ruption, wliich genders in tlie blood, depressei
lie energies of luc, so Hint scrofulous constitu-
ions not only Puffer from scrofulous com
laints, but they have far less power to with
tand the attacks of other diseases ; conse
picntly vast numbers perish by disorders
vhich, although not scrofulous hi their nature
ae still rendered fatal by thU taint Li the
ystem. Slost of the consumption winch tie
imates the human fimilv has its orijrin dirccth
n this scrofulous contamination ; and man
lestructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain.
Jul, indeed, of all the organs, arise from oi
xe aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter ot all our people .'.re scrofulous :
heir persons arc invaded by this lurking in
ection, and their health is undvrmined by it.
. cleanse it from the system we must renovatt
he blood by an alterative lnetiicine, and in-
"orate it by healthy lood and exercise.
n-,U a medicine we supply in
oniponml Extract of Sarsaparilla.
he most effectual remedy whii li the medical
kill of our times can devise for this every
rhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
lined from the most active remedials that liav
cen discovered for the expurgation of this foul
asorder from the blood, and the rescue of thf
ystem from its destructive consequences,
lence it should te employed for the cure oi
iot only Scrofula, but also those other affec-
ions which arise from it, such as Iuivptivi
nd Skin Diseasks, St. Anthony's Fike,
Iose, or EuYsir-Ei.As, Timi-i es, rfSTUi.Es-,
Jlotches, Ul.vins and lioii.s, 'J e mors, Tf.tteh
xid Salt Rhi.o:, Scald Head, Hinowoum-,
ihelmatism, Syi-hilitic and Mekcuhial Dis
uses, Duoi-sY, Dysi-ei'sia, Deiulity, and,
adeed, all Complaints iuom Vitia
xi) ok Impuub lSi.oon. The popular belie-1
a impuriti of the blood " is founded in truth-,
Dr scrofula is a degeneration of tlie blood. Tht
articular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
illa is to purify and regenerate this vital lluid,
irithout which sound health U impossible in
ontrnrnated constitutions.
Ague Cure,
'ntermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague,
lemittt-iit Fever, C'liill Fever, Dumti
tftue, l'erloillcnl Ilentlaelie, or Bilious
leailaclte, nnd lillious Fevers, Indeed
ill? in Itiliary rirraustiucnt, (Husril by
.lie Malaria ot X'liaaiuutlb Couutrlcti.
"We are cnatlcd here to offer the community a
emedy which, while it cures th.? above complaints
rith certainty, is still perfectly harmless in anj
uantity. Such a remedy is in aluablc in districts
here these afflicting disorders prevail. This
Cure" expels the miasmatic poison of Fevf.b
.nd Ague from the system, aiid prevents the de
velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap
roach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not onlj
he best remedy ever yet discovered for this class
complaints, but also the cheapest. The large
uantity we supply for a dollar brines it within th
ef ch of every body ; and in bilious districts, wher
eyeu and Ague prevails, every body should
inve ii nnd use it freely both f ir cure and protec
i n. A reat superiority of this remedy over anj
tl'er eer discovered fur the speedy and certain
:uie nf Intermittcnts is that it contains no Quinine
ir mineral, consequently it produces no quinism oi
ither injurious effects what eve.'- upon the const: tu
ion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as i'.
hoy had never had the disease.
Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence o
he miasmatic poison. A great variety of distil
lers arise from its irritation, among wliich art
S'eurafaia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind'
less, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Tal
ntation. Pain ful Affection of the Spleen, Hystev
cs. Fain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis and Dc
'angement of the Stomach, all of which, whei!
iriginating in this cause, put on the intermittent
ijpe, or become periodical. This Cf ke " expelt
.he poison from the blood, anl consequently cures
;hem all alike. It is an invaluable protection tt
mmigrants and persons travelling or tcmporarilj
esidiug in the malarious distacts. If taken occa
sionally or daily while exposed to the infection
.hat will be excreted from the system, and canno'
iccuiit'il.ite in sufficient quar.tity to ripen into di
;asc. 1 1 ence it is even mora valuable for protec
aon than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter
nittents if they avail themselves ot tne tioi
his remedy atlords.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYL3 & CO., Lowe!!, Mass
'A. Complete Pictorial History of
inc limes.
"The best, cheapest, an J mort success
ful Family Paper in the Lir.on.'
Earpor's Weekly,
Cri'lrjil noting ot'th l'rosj.
The best family newspaper in the Vnifd Slates.
Jt to I Minion Alm rilxfr.
'Ihe moili'l in wiiapt'r uf ou . oonntrr cotniili ti' iu
all the iltpartun iiis of an Amciicjn Kumily Taper,
Harper r V.Veklv has earueJ iur itttif a ris'lit to its
liile, "A JoiknAl ii? Civilization" i'. 1 Fee
ni nn J'vgt.
I'his pawr faruUhs tho btft illustrations. Our
future historians wiil enrich tliuui.selvvH out of Hnr
ppr'ri V'cckly lung afttr wrii.erai. nnl TrinterH, and
1uMishe s are tnrni d to Ja-it -V. 1". Enamji lixt.
A nire.isity in evry houi'cl.old. Ii t,t n Tiaim.
It is at once a leaJi"r imli ical ami histuricil n-nali-K'f
the nalion. I'liitad tjdiiu Presi.
Thi best of its clas in America. ISjUon. Traveler
Subscriptions. 1S65.
The puhli.-hers have pi rtocted a F"tein of rnailinc
hy which thiy can supply th.; Ma azixk in! Week
ly promptly to th'MiC who ptifT to receiV" their pe-riixln-alri
directly from tTie Cico ol -nhIicat:on
Poj-tma-tera and ethers .lslroiis of peitiup up clubs
will be supplied with a hauUaome icturial show-bill
od application.
Harper's VTkekly. ono yi
An xtra cupy of either th'
will be MjpI'Mi'il KriUs for e
tcrilers at 4 each, in one re
r, - - - 4.
' Weekly or Magazine
cry club of l ive Snb
luittunoe; or six copies
lie 1 at any time.
iper's Wkkllv, in neat
by expr sj, fri e of ex
mpli te set. coDnprvine
tar f, M.
K.iclc nuinhwis ran be fnp
The annual vo'.urufs of Ha
cloth bindi;iir, will be Kent
pen fur JO eiich. A c.
Kipht Vohitnen, neiit on rtce:
pt of c;ih at the late of
?i i per volume, freight at
AtlJrer3 11
exp'us.-or pnrcnaser
Alii tR & BROTHER.
Franklin Square, Ji . Y.
Probate JSotice.
Notice U hereby given that W. U. ShafiT lias made
application to be appoitited Al!minilrator of the es-
ate ofbarali Shafer deceaNC'l, l.'tn cf Cass county, N.
T. The Court will hear sai 1 application for said ap
pointment on :
Saturday, Juljl20lh, 1SC3,
at 10 o'clock a. m. ol said I'ay, at which time all
iioiwuj ii.i.ciii utu .ii'iicai.
u i 1 1 maol ,,f . fl An
' iiutraa J um- 1 duo ' .
this theaotu day of June, A. P. 1S65.
. . . . ... 1 1 1 t-1 i.- r
j . xi. v ii r. 1. 1. r. i . ,
Probate Judi.'e.
EJward Uutte-y, I'laini'lT.
ni'ff. 1
:!;d't. )
H nry K. bhoup, IXei,
To iTtTiry K. Shoop, yon are hereby notified that
an attachment was issued by me ln favor of the
above Plaintiff, and aunin.-t the above named Defcn
tb nt. for ths-ain of Twenty Uullara principal, and
Two Dollars and Ten leuts intirest, and trial "ot for
Saturday, July ?i!nd., Ii6, t 10 o'clock, A. it , of
aid day, at-which tiiae jndrrntct will be rendered
uirainKi you. if you do iKt fcppear and bow cane to
the contrary. JA.VS O'EIL.
Juiicc ct tin; l'cate.
I'laltiujv.! , J-.-ue :J. 1:53.
JVcst of
Wholesale and
Clothing of every description.
Constantly on hand
. -
And every article required by
And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment.
Call and examine our extensive stock.
riattsmouth, April 10, 'G-j.
North Side of
Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of
Ever Oflered in this Market.
In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi
Thankful for past Patronage, we
iness to merit rii continnance of the same.
Call and examine our stock.
Platttsmouth, April 10, lSGo. tf
J VST rtceived, 5fl caf of t'nnea r cnra n
O to AMISOX, DOVEY 4 CO'S to purcnase your
K fcpriug goods.
J endleoa Tar lety of Ladies' Dies? Gool! at
f CASE3 Moltby'g Gove OyUei for sale at
OU A. D. it CO'S.
KEAT bargains in Ladies' DreSs Goodsat
X A. t. A CO'S.
I Oll SALE at AMISON, DoVEY i CO'S, Coffee,
1 Tea.butMr, Golden Syrup, Sugar House JIo-
lasses. New York Candies, etc , etc.
large lot or Chewing and Smoking Tobacc. for
Bile at . A. D. & CO 'ti.
tOALOIL for sale Vy
A. P. A CO.
BOXES &tar Candlce for sale by t
OU A, D. A CO.
F you want to purchase goods at a bargain, go to
A. D. A CO.
O": BAGS COFFEE iuitt receiied ly
, A. D.
Large lot cf Choice Tea at
A. D- & CO'S.
S- S. M
St. Louis.
Retail Dealers in
a Large Stock of
Tootle, Hanna Sc. Go.
Main Street,
hope by strict attention to bus
, Larg-assortment of mei'it and boys' clothing
V for sale by
A. I. CO.
HELLED COKX for sale by
A D. A CO.
J ACOX and Lard for sale by
A. D. k CO.
V HEAVY INVOICE of all inil of Family Gro
ceries and OutCting Goods jus I received by
A. 1. it CO.
LL kinds of Farming Implements for pale by
A. V. It CO.
A Large lot of Two Horse Flows for sale by
A I), d CO.
N endless variety of Hardware and Cutlerv for
A sale at A. D. A CO S.
SaSII, Doors, Ehinglea, Giass, and Nails of every
description for Fale by A. D. A CO.
A LL kinds of Country Produce taken trt exchange
X- for goods by A.D. AC;
rrO enumerate all the articles we bave for sale
sl would fill one side of the IIkbald, and others
Lave as good a right to advertise as
"TMJE largest OutfitB Honse north r.f St. Joph
l'la:.-iuouth, braika.
1 -
e .
70 3
g a
TlIK TKIUlLMi for Ib."5.
The Military ami Nava 1 f m if-ses nf 1 CC 1 with th
auspicious re.-uli of our 1'rideut ial eonti r-t, l ava
liltt-il a licivy wight fii.ui the breasts of the h y'l
million: rf nor couiitvynien. It is nn.v fe't. et-n ( y
ih-ise 'ho liave beeu ilitrustful viid faii.t l.eai t. ii
that the I'nii ii is to eiot-re ti iuiuvhant from t.'.i
deadly strife lit reiuto the JaJ u nil krily lr.eiii-tat-l
ly her assailants and that slaVi ry, her re
lentless fne,i s to eiicouuti r Hie t ite of Hainan. 1 'lie
perils of foreign itei Ventioti au 1 of W stern it.sur
rectien are saf-ly passe-l ; Aok aiiam I.i.veni.N, :
long'-r ussaitahle as a choice Vf the iniiio-ity . In, Id..
Ihe helm of Male fir four yuar.s longet; tin rln-liion,
palpaldy W akeuf d by itsfleffats anJ losses during
the past year with its credit so reduced that its
purse-t.earer liiciaily dfciart's that its Treasury
nutes Ci.ri oul v be exeiiaii -ii hr com at the rare
twen'y live for cih, M hile i's b'-rids command but
six cen.s uu the (!ulUr--bnt await the bhuv i hi h
ih iil soi.ri ,-tiike th" svrord from its .a in nl i! hand
and remit its master spirits to the justice, or it may
te to the clemi'iicy, ot a e-irely wronged uud ju-ily
ir.censrd but forbearing and nugitniin.nis ) enile.
Sii'"ii art' the au.-ics whit ii j'istily onr faitli tha tlie
f.resi-nt year will see the sjtars nnd strip' s li'i.-tt un
ihalh'ued frura everv battit-nient in the Jt i'ublic,
and the perfect 1jv of Liberty f. r All immovably im
bedded in the Constitution of our I'uioti.
Thk .tw CoIlK TiiIium;, fuuiided in Isll, will eu
terurnn its twenty-!. mrth year with (piicl.ened
Iinjies and en!a rg- d menus nf u.sef uiness. II.- pt iuci
ples need no re-sl.iteiii' nt: T aims are the liitliwinii
of Intel :i'- iiti an 1 the iuoculati i of a spirit of Frt"
ilom a ml Humanity. When this tuth shall have
kieeu genet ally recognized and e-ta' lishel the b.i
sis of our in-tituiiiins am! polity, that injustice t.. the
po rc.-t. the weakest. Hi' must Oespised, is a fearful
mist iki- that no c.inimuiuty fn- state Ciu all'-'i 1 ti
i-nr evt-u its taimbiest nien.Liji th-u will t in
land ba-k once more iu the calm sunshine ef peac
an I prosperity.
Thk I hiiit .su 1ns for (ho I ist year been puhli-he l
with eit pn-tit to its proprietors, solely le cause i f Ihe
depreciation of our curreui-v lit low sjs ci standard,
compelling us I buy pi ji.-r and other materials at n
cost consi leratdy a'oove the amount rec.ived f:oin
our tnbsci ihers On our weekly edition, rhe ni t Iofs
has amounted to several th nsamis of dollars; while
tuir lare receipts trom auveituing have he'-n wholly
absorlied by the ixtiaordinary e.!iouses or (Jons
pondence, Teleit''iiiihiir-( etc., devolved on lis by the
war. As we do not suppose our pti'on desire that we
should wrk fr them at our coat, ami prett-r u-d to
be patronized by any who may de.-iie iu we have
somewhat advanced !or the ensuing year the prio
of our .-Vm i-Veekly aud Weekly, as we had aluady
diu.e w itli those ol our daily ili lions. This i.ici ease
is miiely nominal; there never before was a ti-ue
when the farmers f our ceunlry country could buy
The Tribune for so iittie of their vwn products or
labor as they can by the toilowiu;
DAILY lltlliCXE,
?io7le copy ... 4r.ts
Mail subscribers, one year, 812 issues - flo.uti
si:mi-wh:ki.y tuibl'Sk,
One copy one rear lll, issues, - - $ I.
Two copies ne year, - - $7.
Five conies or over, one year, each crpy, 3.
one copy, one year, 52 issues, - 2.0'l
t'os of live , - - flu. no.
Persons remitting V2i for 10 oopios, will receive ue
coiy extra, gtatis.
Persons remitting ll) for 2d copies, will receive one
fpy Semi-Weekly, gratis,
l'ersons remit' iug f. Mf for 40 copies, will receive one
copy Daily, gratis.
Drafts on New-Yctk. payable to the order .f "The
Tribune,'" being safer, are preferable to any o-.her
mode ol remittance. But where drafts cannot be
cotivf niently procured, Cnited Stat.A, or National
Hank bills are next host, and may be sent by mail ;
but in case of loss, The Tribune will not be rssponsi
ble unless furnished with a full description of tlie
bills, includii.g the name of the bank, denomination
and number, and the time and place of mailing of
the letter with the inclosures'
Tribune Du ldiugs, New Yuri.
Ilannihal & St. Joseph,
Paclzefc Zjines
Tri-werkly Packets (Hannibal and M. Joseph R.
It Line) leave Oniaha, Conncil lilutTSj Plattsmouih,
Nebraska City and intermediate points for tt. JoseDh.
connecting at St. Joseph with trams ou Ilannihal aud
St. J isepli H. K , leaving St. Joseph at H:3u I'. 31.,
and arriving at
NIT.'.NT'l' HAV.
On and after May Inth, daily and cl jse conuec
tiuns from St. Joseph to Atchison. Weston, Leaven
worth, Wyaudott", Kansas City, Lawrence, Topeka,
fc. n ..I.. I, I"- 1 , . ...
. i inn.- nuiiaj n. iv. uuti yieauier r.mine 1 1
& St. Joseph K. R. Line.) Leave Pt. Joseph .': 2" A.
M., arrive at Atchison at 6:3i A. SI., Weston 7::to A.
SI.. Leavenworth s-.OiiA. SI., Wyandotte 10.iHl A.
M., Kansas City 10:30 A. M., Lawreuce at 5 P. M.
1 T. . f. T, .. . 1 .. , . I v ... it'. .. i .
vr otici at i-L'iii'i vrio&, V. V, . riltcneoCK. LOTIQ.
cil Iiluffsi E.C.Lewis, Plattslnoutli; E. V . Hawley,
Nebraska City, buy through tickets and save mon
ey. 1.-. t ..: . : . . t ,t : - 1 . . ,
r.iv,u.ioj i ejom s ou ine iianilioai una t. JOSCpil
Railroad, new iron, ties and additional rolling stock
enable ihera to oil r Ihese important changes to fct-
.tlit.A K l.l ...
C. w. .mead, bun I Superintendent.
P. B. Groat, Gen'l Ti, ket Agent.
H. H. CoUktrioht, G'-u'l Freight Agent.
Hannibal, Mo.
Capt. RfPL-s Ford, Superintendent Packet Lines,
t Joseph, Mo. July 1, ls5.
Boot &. Shoe Shop.
'he snhFcriber would reteclfullr call the atten
tion of the citizens cf Platlsmouth aud iheputd: at
arge to the fact that he has located on e door east of
Donelan's Drug Store, where he intends kee-ninif
on hand and imkirg on the shortest notice, every-
i,iu ma line. nis kiock oeiiiK seieeieii uy nim
seir. and having spent the most of his lite in the
business, he feels oinfldeut that he can give satUf :te
tion. Give him a ca'!.
April IU '60. J. TIIOCliMDRTON.
llavi:ur rece'atly built a new and suita If shop o3
Main St., Plattsmouth, N. T.,
Wer.M respectfully inform the citizens of - aul
Milb'iuing coutities tint lie has the facilities f t cr.
lying on thu
In all its branches
I am prepare ! lo turn out th't
a ii i; a i e s t
itt.d in st dtirahlu
Ofevery description, , ver t.T lod in the TeruMry.
All ki.i is of hi.r.her taken iu exchange for Wolk.
I'!a:ts"ii"itli. Apiil In, i .(:,',,
Apothecaries Hall.
Cur. Main ana 5th St.?.,
Dealers in
nts, OiU, Waty antl Glass-
I'ater.t Medieinr, of ,.' kin.N. T-ll-t llrtVIe, Rta
t.o'.ery aml -v. ryth,,,.. ke,,t j:1 a Iirl-claa iriig
t J , at i.a-tein p'1,-1 n. H
We a,,, prepared to nil ail orders, and warrant
"" us ' pr. 10 6,
1 am Hways ,.lr, al Mi, ,p f, i(,
','.'. , '"" , Mrc "uv door west of tha 11 nam
e...n e, to make
Boots A Shoes io Order,
T :!.o be.t material and
Latent tyle.
I have food ,,t,f wmk on land, uJ
viilteup, at ti. I times, uoik to g ilt customers.
i:tiairi:a-r Done; on Short
Pj lo lice.
I'la'.tsni..ulh, April In, 'atf
Agri'iHur", llorlvvHure, Mechanics, V.d
ifjilti,)!, mi" Interests, .;;
.i ws, Markets, y-r.
Published Wnllj, in neat octavo form ef - . fcen
(iixr "-!tx iu ihu f
TIC I l J AS': f 2 . o o A YEA Ti , .V AD VAX, -Fur
'tub otwere aud $i 4, nne ropy f, -re.
, 25" advertisements will bu pi iod in
the rAUMi.Il for I.i cents p,r line of s.,;,c-
ne! ,mIi i,,m rtion, m advance, hp'e. i n .Ni.i U
b a 1,-1, prec-luij. advertueui ems, tweuty wul,
une ol space occ upied.
A sijuare coin, rises Lea lines of spare.
n.Jrho cir illation of the PRAIHIE FAhTi'K U
now- the largest of any paper of its el.s in ti... ,v ', :
am .North -West, and cU. is t j Xursorymer, , i
and Implement Sl inura' tuiers, the bust IiilUi.uI,
reiich the masses iutcre-vl.
JiMEIiV ic CO., 2n4 l.tke m..
Chi u,- ., : !.
L. PH0ST a Co,,
Gr H O O 3 R S.
Opposite the Post Office,
The ur.Jeraigned are prepared to Jj
UUViVl liu l i
and at