Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 19, 1865, Image 1

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7 7iy mm attempts to haul down the American Ftlag, shoot him on the spot" John A. Dix.
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Is I'L L' IiUED EVtitY
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- . iilce ur ii.u i-tr... t, ijjite AmUon, Do
Terms: $--30 per annum, invariably ; iez ever na sence) uv sin and wickiJ
n advanc. . J i3, Abou Ben HaJem flurisht in Ab-
bites' of .ldrertisi,r I liiiuy' wlch is a Sum su,nmers down
i-q:are (!' "f t.-n !::.-) o-ae inserti m, 1 -V
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i ii Tt U'lti:-, au'l ia a tjl.: that wul K've tail- I
f. -linii
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::attoum:y at law
Solicitor in Chancery.
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Aa.ional Liiui Agency.
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G. W. CROW, - - - PROP
un p-fj.jr-il to furuili wli. may favor me
with tli-ir ,'i, Willi Lidding, single iiiea: or
fe.ti.l l.v t!i- w.-.k.' O. W.C'ltoW.
1" llt-lil..lilli, April 1-'. yl
M .MX 5IUt kT,
A jr...! .-.niii-nt i.f Wat o. Cl.f- rn.
J. Wclry. Sil.T War -, Fane j.v. Vi i!ins an.l Vi
olin Triminini; al.,v n hand. Allwoik coiii
DiiTtc.l t hi- car Wl.l lie Warranted.
April l". H's'..
Blacksmith, Outfitting,
Wo hav . .; nl Ul.u ksiuith, Outfittini; and 11a
Cfcio t'f.o;. ....
Hain Street, South Side,
w!.-r yo'i riu , ; acy kind ol lfork doi.u in our liae
He bavd l
Vacn Shop
la c. ant:; n. w lif-e a'. kin U ..f w.Ml-work will he
fc...r on t .jit noti'.e. fT'-Ail w.iiW warrant-.!.
I'l.ttm ith, April 1),
FU'rlr C.'.Ji5:S iiint Estate of P. A.
N.-Uce is c:." n tliat all prsiin having
Claiirt k- ainst lU I'tat- of IMi-r A. Sarpy,.i. . ai.ti,
late of Cs .Miint;.'. mn-t Ii .i t.'i.-iii tiniy autiieiiti
eatr l ly ; th. rri'i t!.- Truf ate C hit: or Cav, nun
ty, X. X.. n ..i the .KC'N"U DAY OF J.VX
VAItT.'J wn.rii tiii;.. th-re wil! he a heartue
ef al. wl -i - : hh f?:. I, uri.l an aliou'an.'e made by
the t'..ur ... a.i iLai ::- pn-xen to oe -.
Witri.i i iy l. iB l a:.,l .-eal Uii l.'.ih .lav .f llay,
IV..-, D. 11. WHKKLKit,
May I-"', la 1 l'r..lMt Ju.lnc.
li.ivi fur Mile
oiaCorn Planters,
AT .
Manufacturers' Price,
rn-ight Added.
A;r:l 19 mf
Wunst upon a time long; afor the
flud, when man wuz in hiz highly
originel and prime evil stait (wich
menes that he wuz wickeder than he
A Inn T.r IIoilDru icn-r n nrr.fir
e nfct in lue Pront Liznis fer
sum 2 hundred yeers, aud it wuz cur-
rently reported and ginerally beleeved
that he cood beet enny profit in thorn
ls:ern kuntries, with wun hand tide
behind llilil.
Wanst on a time, iest after he hed
partaken uv niz troogie Drecurusi uv
porter-howse stake, stuffi with Camden
and Amboy oysters, and wuz a musin
onto the inootability uv Rhine-wine
anJ a ineersIiaum wuu uv the pezant-
ry uv lhe icuntry approacht.
, . ... fi Hadem ? in.
terrogatid the stranger.
"lam he," rephde Abou; "what
wood eat thow with me "
liehold in2 me, wun who is dissat
ilide with hiz lot," rephde the intelli
gent yomanry,
"All men air so, my sun," retortid
Abou. "I kin see sich in ennygrose-
ry. .Life is .uaid up uv uissalistac-
tl;uns. uii wains riicues, uiiuuiei
fame; turn chase wun lleetin fcuadder,
s-uin anuther; but alars ! all are doomed
- dir-appiutment. JLet us inwest in
Harlem stox.and dubble our muuny
we repine that we dident buy Oil
i ..:i.n- :. u
'"cars, auu iiiulic ii. jjui niut niuu
est thow :
"Ality Ben Hadem, my name is
Norval on the Grampian hills my
fatier fed his flox uv frooglo swine,
and when the oi l jentleman pegged
out, he willed em ail 2 me. I sheer
them fcheep, and wash the wool, and
kard it, atid spin it. and weav it, and
make it in 2 garienc. Why, Abou,
cood not Xacher hev maid my sheep
to. grow roles instid uv wool, and save
,e ifubble i
"My jentle frend," replide Abou,
'go thy way. IIents4th thy sheep
thel gro ruies instid uv wool."
(A week er &ich a matter is sposed
2 hev elapst. )
The sturdy yomanry returned.
"What now V said Abou, "wuz not
thy desire gratifide ?'
"Ves, muchly," replide the high
mindid constitooent; "the sheep grow
roles, and good roles, 2. I3ut, grate
Abou, why coodent Nacher, while she
wuz about it, hev maid the sheep grow
yarn instid uv roles?'
"Go 2 thy nativ inountins thy
heep shel grow fine yarn uv nienny
(Anu:her week goze by.)
"Agane here ?" sed Abou. "Art-
est thow not satifide? What woodest
thow now;"
"Mity profit, all things is ez ezy ez
turnin Jack from the bottom, 2 thee,
lly sheep grow yarn. Is it askin 2
much 2 hev them grow kloth? Then
wood my laber be litened I shood
hev 2 cut it and sew it in2 garmenc."
-"Be it so, but bother me no more.
I am Cheerman uvthe Execootiv Com
mitty uv my ward, and the eleckshun
is but 3 weeks oh. Go and be satis
fide. Kloth it is.''
(A week parses by, like a dreem.)
"Mity Abou."
"How now? thy impertoonity dis
plezes me. I hev three times grantid
thy desires. What wantest thow
"Mity Abou, trooly at thy biddin my
mereenos, wich I importid from Yer
munt, hev yeeldid roles, and yarn, and
kloth. Why, oh, profit, coodent tha
jest ez well grow Cloihin Reddy Maid,
with a Amerikin watch in the fob, and
a pokkit-book filled with green-bax,
and a plug of Cavendish tobacker in
the trousis pokkit. Grant me but this,
"Away, ongrateful, and let me see
thy face no more. I grantid thy ab
serd wishes, 2 sho that Nacher did jest
all fer us that we needid that the bal
lens we must werk out ourselves, and
that hed she dun more, we wood sJll
hev bin dissatisfide. At fust it wuz
roles, then yarn, then kloth, , and now
yoo waat.doze reddy maid. . Go-lack
yer thep groze cummon wool agin.
Sposin I hed given yoo all yoo askt
wat. oh, mis-sable, wood yoo hev hed 2
du ? Yoo wood becum lazy, filthy,
and rotten. Yoo wood loaf around gro
serys, mix in2 pollytix, aud becum a
noosance to yoorself and frends, La
ber is Ileven's law. Nacher givs us
the raw material, and 2 keep us bizzy,
he reqwires us 2 werk it in2 shape.
Nacher givs us korn it is our dooty 2
maik it in2 whiskey and sich uther
produx ez go 2 sustaine life. With
out laber, life is a cuss with it we air
happy. A bizzy man hasent time 2
reflcckt upon wat a misssable cuss he
is wich retleckshun iu men uv high
minds wood leed 2 sooiside. Go thy
ways- Be virchus, and yool be hap
py." biuret. Employment uv wun kind
er anuther is a needsessity. Fer my
part, I keep myself bizzy in ghtin a
livin orf uv uther peeple's laber, and
in these d;jtnrit daze, it's jest all I kin
Mrd .Yumlcr 2. The more we
gtt, lhe more we want. (Wich is
A Waterfall.
A mortifying, but ludicrous incident,
says the Cinciunati Enquirer, occurred
on Satiiday, on Fourth s;reet, near the
Post OtTice. A lady of -most expen
sive exterior was gliding gracefully up
the street, when the networks contain
ing the bunch of hair at the tack of
the head became, in some way, de
tached, and shocking to relate, fell to
the ground, carrying along its hirsute
contents, which we believe is known
in fashionable parlance as the "water
fall." The lady, who immediately
became conscious of the catastrophe,
pauaed, blushed through the powder,
etc., and was in the act of stooping to
recover her headgear, when an un
mannerly dog, of the Scotch terrier
species, mistaking it probably for a
rat, pounced upon it, seized it between
his teeth, and commenced shaking the
queer-looking article with a vemhe
mence that must have placed his own
neck in danger of dislocation. The
whole proceeding was so irresistibly
comical, that it excited the merriment
of the bystanders, who indulged in an
ungallant choral guffaw, as the abashed
fair one beat a hasty retreat to the op
posite corner, leaving her "waterfall
a prize to the pestifierous raiterri-
m m
gsSA Washington corresponden of
the Philadelphia Inquirer mentions a
report that last week a bill was pre
sented to the Treasury Department for
five hundre l and fifty doIars for dam
ages alledged to have been done
sheets, pillow-cases and carpets, and
for the hire of servants ;tt the house on
Tenth street opposite Ford's Theatre,
in which President Lincoln died. This
is to compensate for the occupation of
the premises about ten hours by distin
guished officials on the unfortunate oc
casion. The house was afterwards
opened to visitors at fifty cents a head
and more than enough to cover all ex
penses must have been realized from
this source. The chances of the bill
passing the Auditor are not very flat
The following is said to be a
sure cure for the neuralgia ; Take. 2
large table-spoonfuls cf cologne, 2 ta
ble-spoonfuls of fine salt, mix them to
gether ia a small bottle; every lime
you have any acute affection of the
nerve or neuralgia, simply breathe the
fumes in your nose from the bottle,
and you will be immediately relieved
j5rA colored barber, in Lexing
ton, Ky., proposes to build a new meet
ing-house for his Church (Methodist)
at a cost of 4,000, if the other breth
ren will lath and plaster it, and put on
the finishing touches. Perhaps he is
as well qualified to vote as a brutal and
besotted poor white, who never saw a
spelling book, and knows as little ef
the Bible as of the mountains in the
r"A young lady of Cincinnati,
just returned from Uucope, states as a
positive fact, that an aristocratic Eng
lishman inquired of her, if Cincinnati
was a slave State !
is said that a gill of melted
lard poured down the throat of a sheep,
poisoned by eating laurel, is a certain
cure. -
All controversy touching the adop
tion of the New Constitution is finally
settled, and we have the gratification
this morning of announcing its accept
ance bya majority of lhe legal voters of
'he State. The vote as officially returned
to the office of the Secretary cf Slate,
was counted yesterday by the Secreta
ry, in presence of the Governor and
Attorney General. The result of the
counting showed Forty -Three Thon-
sand. Six Hundred and Seventy votes
for the Constitution, and Forty One
Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight
against it, leaving an affirmative major
ity of One Thousand Eight Hundred
and Sixty-Two.
This majority is something less than
we had been led to expect, and much
less than it should have been, consid
ering the vital interest involved in the
issue, but small as it is the same result
is accomplished as if it had been so
many thousands. A majority of one
would have made it the fundamental
law of Missouri, and claimed for it all
that respect and obedience which good
citizens would accord to laws unani
mously enacted. The New Constitu
tion is the law of Missouri to day, and
as such it is entitled to due regard.
Should there be any so foolish or so
wicked as to at tempt to nullify this law
by an obstinate disregard of it, or by
open defiance, it is well that they be
warned of the punishment that awaits
them before they commit the offence.
The officers of the law throughout the
State stand ready to do their duty, and
in the discharge of it they will have
the earnest and active support of the
loyal citizens. It is the law of the
State duly enacted in spite cf an ava
lanche of illegal voters, and it will be
obeyed and respected.
This Constitution brings to Missou
ri a new era, a new life, and a new
and glorious destiny. Freedom is un
alterably secured. Never more will
the foot of bondmen press the soil of
Miascuri. Within the boundaries of
this State the shackles of slavery are
forever broken, and the bondman may
look up to Heaven, in thankful adora
tion for his deliverance, aud sing the
songs of freedom's jubilee with none
to molest or make him afraid. Tlx,e
new era is anchored securely in the
fundamental law, to be removed not
again until mankind shall lapse into
ignorance and barbarism.
But not alone in the Freedom it
bring- to the enslaved is the New
Constitution a welcome visitor to
Missouri. It brings the crowning vic
tory to the strggles of her loyal patriots,
and places securely in her hands her
management and destiny. It is alike
welcome to the hero who has breasted
the btorm of battle, and endured the
peril of the march and the camp, and
the patriot who has struggled with the
turbulent element of treason at home.
To both it is a fitting reward for their
labors and their! sacrifices. Henceforth,
Missouri is theirs; they have fought
for her: they saved her from the
maelstrom of secession; they kept her
true to National allegiance, and now
having erected a barrier to the dan
gerous rule of traitors, they have the
right to enjoy the fruits of their hard
earned victory. St. Joe. Union.
A Bld Robbery. A few nights
since as a couple of negro boys were
going home, about 10 o'clock at night,
while crossing tha bridge in the rear of
lhe Commercial House, two men, arm
ed with revolvers, 6teped out and grab
bed them and demanded "their money
or their life.-" Not being prepared to
quit this world they forked over all
they had, $4 75, where upon the
robbers told them to run, and the boys
taking the advice made good time
home. This was a bold robbery, and
tha perpetraters should be ferreted
out. St. Joe. Union.
JgS-After quoting John Locke, that
a blind man took his idea of scarlet
from the sound of a trumpet, a witty
fellow says that a hoop skirt hanging
out of a shop door, reminds him of the
peel of a belle !
"See here, misther," said an Irish
lad of seven summers, who was driven
up a tree by a dog. "If you don't
take that dog away I'll eat up all your
appiesV'- J- - ; ' ' -
Tlie Chicago Fair.
Among the countless curiosities on
exhibition at the great Sanitary Fair
at Chicago are the following, culled
from a meagre list in the Journals :
A slave-driver's iash, slave mana
cles, a secesh shoe, and several rebel
The muster-roll ef Company F, of
JefT Davis' Legioii."
A sign taken from over a slave mart
at Charleston, and the steps leading to
the auction block in the same.
The John Brown relics, consisting of
the ox-yoke made by him, his carbine,
used by him at Harper's Ferry, and
one of the pikes made for him in Con
necticut. ''
A slace-collar, manacles found in
the jail yard at Richmond, balls and
chains for slave use, and canteens from
Libby Prison relics of a barbarism
beyond that of the aborigines.
Slave "paddles," straps and whips.
Rebel shoes found at Richmond
extremely unique and others in South
The bell used on JelT Davis' planta
tion to call his slaves together.
Manacles and chains from Castle
A Wife in trouble. Pray tell
me, my dear, what is the cause of
those tears?
"Oh such a disgrace!"
"What is it, my dear?" "Dont keep
me in suspense '.
"O" I have opened one of your lit
ters, supposing it to be addressed to
myself. Certainly it looked more like
Mrs, than Mr.
"Is that all? What harm can there
be in a wife opening her husband's
letters ?
"No harm in the thing itself, but the
contents, buch a disgrace !
"Who has dared to write me a letter
unfit to be read t.y my wife ?"
"Oh" no, it is couched in the most
chaste and beautiful language. But
the contents ! the contents !"
Here the wife hurried her hands in
her handkerchief and commenced sob
bing aloud while her husband eagerly
caught up the letter and commenced
the epistle that had nearly broken his
wife's heart. It was a bill from the
printer for three years subscription to
our favorite newspaper.
JgSfDan Mavble was once strolling
along the wharves in Boston, when he
met a tall gaunt-figure, a "digger"
from California, and got into conversa
tion with him.
"Healthy climate, I suppose?"
"Healthy?" it aint anything else,
why stranger, there you can choose
any climate you like, hot or cold, and
that without traveling more than fif
teen minutes. ' Just think the next
cold morning when j'ou get out of bed.
There's a mountain there, with a
valley on each side of it, the one hot,
and the other cold. Well, get on the
top of the mountain with a double
barrelled gun, and you can, without
moving, kill either summer or winter
game, just as you will?"
"What, have you ever tried it?"
"Tried it ! of:en ; and should have
done pretty well, but for one thing."
"I wanted a dog that would stand
both climates. The last dog I. had
froze off his tail while pintin on the
summer side. He didn't get entirely
out of the winter side, you see trew
as you live." Marble shoped.
jfS"The foUowing is the verdict of
a negro jury: "We, de undersigned,
bein' a Koroner's jury to sit on de hody
ob de nigger Sambo, now done dead
and gone afore us, hab been sittin' on
de said nigger aforesaid, and find dat
de same did, oa de night ob de four
teenth ob Now ember, come todef by
fallin' from de bridge ober de riber in
de said riber, and brokin' his neck,
where we find he was subsequently
drown, and afterward washed to de
riber side, whar we suppose he was
frose to def." ;
gA woman from the country,
wishing to engage the services of a
cabman, addressed him as follows:
"Pray, sir, are you engaged ?"
"Och, bless yer sowl, ma am! I've
been married this seven years, and
have eight children !"
gfAt a pic-nic at Albany, recent
ly, two wooden-legged men ran a race
lieautiful Experiments.
Fill a wide-mouthed glass jar with
water and cover it over with a piece of
"foundation," (the ladies will under
stand this,) cover that over with a
layer of peas, pressing it down so that
the peas will lay in the water. They
will then swell and sprout; the roots
growing down into the water, their
fine fibres presenting a beautiful ap
pearance. Set this in a window, and
vines will grow up, which can be con
ducted to the sill. The whole is very
The following we clip from a news-,
paper : "If an acorn be suspended by
a piece of thread to within half an inch
of some water, contained in a hyacinth
glass, and so permitted to remain
without being disturbed, it will in a
few months burst and throw a root into
the water, and shoot upward its taper
ing stem, with beautiful little green
leaves. A young oak tree growing
this way on the mantle-shelf of a room
is a very interesting object."
Starching Bosoms and Collars.
A "Jersey Farmer's Daughter"
sends to the Jlgriculturist the follow
ing directions :
"Pour a pint of boiling water upon
two ounces of gum arabic, cover it and
let it stand over night, in the morning
pour it carefully from the dregs into a
clean bottle, cork it, and keep it for
future use. A table-spoonful of this
gum arabic water stirred into a pint of
starch made in the usual manner, will
give to lawns, either white or printed,
a look of newness, when nothing else
can restore them after they have been
washed. To every pint of starch, add
a piece of butter, lard, tallow or sper
maceti candle the size of a chesnut.
A number of idle persons were sit
ting in a country store, the other day;
one suddenly asked the company:
"What is the difference between the
Chivalry of the Middle Ages and that
of tha present day?"
Mr. Thompkins replied: "The one
was medieval and the other is wholly
"Bah!" exclaimed John Jones, Esq ;
"don't be a fool, Tompkins I'll tell
you; one wore a coat of mail, the other
a coat of female!"
A geatleman, formerly a resident of
this place, now a soldier at Mobile,
being at the Episcopal Church one
Sabbath, where the prayer for the
President of the United States was
omitted, concluded to pay 'em for the
unpatriotic slight in their own coin,
and so when the conlriution box was
passed, put in a S-5 confederate bill.
That was certainly paying literally in
their own coin. The whole rebellion is
a "pie of their own baking;" make 'em
eat it. Oskaloosa Herald.
BSgVolk, the celebrated Western
sculptor, has loaned to the Chicago
Fair two suits of clothing, one of which
was worn by Abraham Lincoln, and
the other by Stephen A. Douglas, du
ring the memorable campaign in which
these departed statesmen "stumped"
the West in opposition to each other.
Volk received the suits from the wear
ers themselves, to aid him in making
statues of each.
JSSyWe heard an old gentleman re
mark, recently, that there was never a
slave trader hanged in this country,
until a Republican Administration did
it; and he might have said that a. Re
publican Administration will hang the
first traitor.
EfSIt is stated that a gentleman of
Philadelphia, whose keen sense of pro
priety will be excused by all loyal men,
suggests that sympathizing uecession
ists up North should wear petticoats
thirty days in honor of Jefferson Da
vis! JSSTAa artist in this city painted a
dog so naturally, that the animal had
the hydraphobia during the hot Wea
ther. He's the same man who painted
a copy of a beer bottle with such skill,
that the cork flew out just as he was
finishing it.
3SA young lady in Nevada went
to a pic-nic, and on being asked what
a pic-nic was, she replied, "It's going
out into the hills and getting your dress
all dirty, and breaking your parasol."
A plain, practical definition.
Salting Hay.
A correspondent of tha Country tiemle-
man says:
Much has been said about salting hay,
by different writers, and many think hay
is as well and even better without 6alt.
We have not put a lock of hay in our
barns for somo twenty years without
applying six quarts of salt to each ton
of hay, which is about the amount requir
ed by stock in the consumption of a ton
of hay. The result has always been, that
our hay was bright and fragrant as tea,
and never had a look of musty hay.
During haying last year, our hay was
cut, cured, and got into the barn without,
a drop of rain oa it, and though in such
good condition we could omit tho salt,
and so we did, and what was the result?
Well, we have not used a lock of hay in
the barns but what is more or less musty.
For twenty years we salted our hay and
had the best of hay; and one year we
omitted the salt, and had the poorest hay.
Ilenco the above remarks are not predi
cated on one year's experience.
Hay Season
If our readers will look over our ad
vertisements they will see all eorts of
Mowers and reapers advertised for sale.
Now is the time to purchase, or other
wise make your arrnngments for cutting
hay. There are indications of good corn,
and farmers will do well "to take time
by the forelock," and make early pre
parations for haying. The day is past,
gone forever, when hay can be profitably
cut by the hand scythe and gathered by
the hand-rake One of two things must
be dono by our farmers; they must
either hare a Mower of their own, or do
pend on their neighbors to cut their
grass. If tha expense of a Mower is too
great to be incurred by an individual, sev
eral neighbors must unite their means
and divide the expense. It is not well to
leave the matter to change of future con
tingencies. Hay that ia gathered early
is better for all kinds of stock, than that
gathered late. It is more nutritious and
cattle will eat it with better appetites.
July and August are the best months for
haying. They will be upon us before wo
think. The sooner, therefore, arrange
ments are made for cutting hay, the bet
ter it will be forall concerned. Kansas
Tlie Way to Build n Stack
There is much more science involved in
building a stack of either hay, looso
grain, or bundles, in a correct manner,
than there is in erecting a pyramid that
will stand tho test of wasting aud raging
elements of time and changing weather.
The main point is to build a stack so
as to turn all the rain off tho stack, in
stead of turning it towards the middle of
the stack, where it would produce more
or less damage.
Beginners will almost always com
mence at the circumference or outside of
he stack, instead of commenceing in the
middle. Whether a stack is to be made
of bundles or loose material, it should
always be commenced in the middle.
And the middle should always be kept
fullest from one to two feet higher than
the outside, and well pressed down.
The middle should always be trod down
more closely than the outside, so that
when the stack comes to settle, the out
side will settle mora than the middle, and
thus tend to give a good inclination to
the straw on the outsid?, and will carry
off the water rapidly.
It is better to make round stacks than
those having square corners, because
such square corners will never settle
down evenly with the sides; and they will
not carry off the rain as well as if the top
were round.
As soon as a stack is puilt as high as
the blige, care must be exercised to givo
more inclanation to the sheaves, by keep
ing the middle fuller; and tile 6heaves
must be crowded as closely together as
they can be, to keep the water from fall
ing down on to the course of sheaves be
low. When stacks are built of looso materi
als, the stacker should be careful to
place as many of the straight bunches of
straw up and down the stack on the out
er oourse, a9 he can conveniently. These
long straws will turn off the water almost
as well as a board.
Next Delegate from Utah. The Union
Vedette says:
A chap remarked to another, in a con
versation about public matters, an eve
ning cr two ago, that Cnpjain Hooper of
this place was "as good as elected" our
next delegate to Congress, because for
sooth that Brigham had gone down below
"tot ell 'em how to vtoe."
EJSS"A bachelor of thirty years"
writes to the Country Gentleman for a
recipe for bean soup. A lady corres
pondent replies, "Get a wife who
knows how to make it."
gSfSIt is said that salt placed about
plants will keep away insects.
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