Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 12, 1865, Image 4

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! f
- Ayer s
Are you sick, frtble, m
coiri.!i;ii!inif ? Are uu i.a
of order, with jotiravMii:
tlf rum.'" 1, ami Kmr lucliii
uitcoiuloi table? 1 lie-sv nip
toms are olteu the prciu'4
to tt-rioils iilui-ys. Some li
i of ickiire is creeping npoi
vou, mill should U; uverfc-t
Lv h tiniL-iv tire of the riirli
(y- -Kfrt- I "(, remedy. Take Aver s 1 ilia
r l Y1: and efeiiiiK? out th di-or.
minora puniv iu
and let tl.e tluii
on unobstructed u
a am. 'J lit y htimu
: late the iiilictioim of tin
' bodv into ieoruin activil)
MirifV the (tvstem from the bst ruction which iaak
lisense. A co.'d M-tMea soim-w hire in the body, am
ihKtructs its uatuial fjtietiong. Thct-e, it' not rl
ic-vt-d, react upon themselves and the nmoundinj
irjrans, producing general aggravation, tulierin
.i.d diM-ae. While iu thii condition, opprissed bi
he deiangemeiit?, take Aver"s 1'ill. and see hov
hifcctlv thev restore tlie iiatural action of the ts
tin, aiid with it the buovnnt fit-Hug of health ajjnin
S hat iii true and so apparent in this trivial and com
Mm complaint, i.t alt-o true in many of the dei
iuid and dangerous dirtruipers. Tlio fame pnrjat
i.e c fleet expels them, Caused bv Minilor ob.-ti ne
ions and deraiiRtnicnti' of the natural function tjl
I.e bod v, thev are rapidly, and many of them purely
tired by the" same uiea'im. Knue who knw tin
Irtuea of these I'ilN. will netrlect to t-inploy then
f Ltu suli'eiinir from the diMirders they cure.
Matcnt. nts lrom leading physicians iu eonie of th
irincipal cities, and from other weil-kuowu iaibli
(trrotf :
From a roricanfing Sfsrrlant St. Zouis, Fib. 4
Da. Avf.r: Your I'illif are the paraxon of all thai
gn-v.t in medicii.e. ll.ey have cured my litth
laughter of ulcerous ore upon her htindd and leet had proved incurable for years, llermothei
l-s beeu hii)T jriievotisly afflicted with blotches and
iinp!-i on her ki!t niid in her hair. Aller out
hi!d was ciutd, hc also tiied vonr Tilln. and they
ime cured her. AA .MOliOlUDUfc.
A A Family Plij f Ic.
from It. K If. Carttcriyht, JVVir Orhan.
Your I'ills ar the prince of purges. Their ex-s-llent
qualities fui ;:.s any cathartic we por.-e.
liey are jnild. but very cei tuin and t IK'ctual in theit
j-tion on the liowels. which makes thciu iuviiluvbie
o us iu the ihiiiy titotruent ol dieake.
(IeudatIc,MicU tlca-.!acli(-, I'oul Ntoiunch.
From Jhr. K'lirnrd lUyd, J'a'thnore.
Te.m: l'.tu. AYtu: 1 cmiiut anfwer you irfiat
K)Uii!:iiiitii I have cure Willi your 1'itifc l. tur ll ij
o say .'.' th'U vr rrr trfut vifi a purintirr n (rt
ine.' 1 place dependence ou that tllectual nitic in my ilaily cout st viifh disease, nnd he
ii Tin r. an I (io. tlrat'your l'il!.- nilonl us the bet we
lure, 1 of cuue value them highly.
riTT.-Rmo, Ta.. yuy l. prr,.
1) it. J. C. Aver. 8ir: I have been repestedly
ruied of the worst hftvlncht anybody can ha e by a
h.e or two of your l'illa. It seeius to arire from
tiul Etomach. w'hicli they cleanup at once.
Yours with great .respect, KJ. V l'liF.I'.I.E.
CUrl: of Steimr I'farivti.
ICiliou liorIerit I.ivcr C'oitiplnintr.
From Ir. Themhire Jul, nf .Vi" YorkVitw.
Not only are your l'ilis lulmiial'ly adapted to tin ii
iirpo:e un an aperient, but 1 hud their Lm.crii.-lal
.Ifects upon the Liver ery tnarketl indeed, 'i'hey
lave in my practice proved tuore elleclunl for tlx
:ure of bilioui complaint thau anv one retnedy J
U.U meiitiou 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at
eupthn purirative which is worthy thecoulideucu ol
Le lroIcsiou and the people.
AVahinfrt011' : 11,1 lHi'5-'
Pin: I have uted your Tills in my general ntnl
locpitnl practice ever finco you made thtin. and
:aunot hesitate to fay they are the best cathartic
it employ. Their regulating action on the iiver h
liiick and decided, cou.eueiitly they are mi uJ
nirable remedy for (teniiipcnieiits of that orpnti
i.deed. 1 have " seldom lound a uf Wmi i.-'-a
so ob.-.tinnte that it did not readilv ieM tt
l.cui I raternally yours. AL NZO MALL. Si.l..
' I'htsirian of the Murine llu 'jjital.
JyeiiUry, Diarrlarn, Relax, oiiax.
From Dr. J. ii. Green, of (Licatjo.
Your Tills have had a Ion,;; trial in tiiv practice.
T.d I hold them iu esteem as one of the best cperi
jits I have ever found. Their alterative ell'ect upon
lie liver makes them an excellent remedy, when
pven in smull dojes tor bUiinis Otivenlvrtj ami tiitir.
Acru. Their suarK:oatin! makes them very ac
j ptablo and convenient lor thu use of women. lU
Dyspcjioiu, Impurity of l!ie lEIood.
?rom J. V. Han. Pastor rf .Admit 7.urch,
Dtt. Aver: I have u- d mur Tills with extra
irdiuary success in my family and amoiii: those 1 am
.ailed to visit in distre". To reirulate the organ of
liestion ami purify the blood, thry are the very
e.-t remedy I have ever known, and 1 can coc ti
le nt ly recommend them to mv lriemls.
Yours, J. V. IIIMrjU.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., (-f . 21. 1S"5.
Iic.Mi ti: : I am u-iin ; oiir I 'a! hurt ic Tills in my
iracticc, and lind th. inan ec"l!ei.t purirative to
ilcante the system ai:d jxirit'i' the t'niintniii if ttu
JihxI. Jdll.S U. .IlLAt. UAH, 31. O.
ontipntioti, ColivfnrM. Nil pjreioi,
KhruiiisiiNiii, (iul, Xrtiralsiu. Ilronnr,
lRrnliia, dr.
From Jr. J. P. i'tiifhii. Montreal, r.inail't.
Too much cannot be' said of your Tills lor the
lire of coatirene. If others of our fraternity have
ound them as ethcacious us I have, they should join
ne in proclaiming it, torthe benefit jf the multitudes
vbo sutler from that complaint, which, although
tad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that
ire worse. I believe rostirmtsg to originate iu tht
iver, but your Till ailed that organ ami cure tht
from Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midirffi:.
I find on or two larce doses of yc ur Tills, taken
it the proper time, are excellent j roniotivus of tht
laturrU secretion when wholly or partially sup
reied, ami also very' cllectual to cttatme tht
romncA and expel worms. They are so much tlit
mtt physic we have that 1 rcconiinend no other tj
ny patients
From the Ecv. Dr. Ifatrl??, of the Methodist Fpls.
PuLARKt II0C3K, Savuntiflli, (la.. Jan. 6. 1V6.
Jloj.-OB.Ei JJiii : 1 should be ungrateful lor the
relief your skill has brought mo if I did rot report
iy case to you. A cold settled in my limbri and
rought on "excruciating veuralyic pains, which
tndeu in chronic rlu umntism. Xotwithstandinj; I
lad the best of physicians, tlie disease craw 'n(
md worse, until by the advice of your excellent
icxnt in Haitiniore, l)r. 3Iackenzie, I tried yom
:nlls. Uheir cflects were slow, but sure. Jly'per
vering iu the use of them, I am now entirely well,
f ex atk Chamber. P.aton Kone-e, I., 5 Dee.,!.
1K A Y Kit : 1 have been entirely cured, by oui
'ills, of Jilu lunatic Oout a iiaitiOil diseawthat hat
dllicted me for years. YiCL-NT tHUiA.L.
C7"3Iost of the Tills in market contain Mercury
vhich although a valuable remedy in skilful hanc"
5 dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con
ojueuces that frequently follow its incautious use.
"hese contaiA no mercury or udueral substanct
Price, 23 cents per Eor, or 5 Soxes for SI
repared by Dr. J. C. AYES & Co., Lowell, llass
- V
' w ,
1 A nir fniUni Antidi-te fr TK 11'a.J-
lw.i .(,!.. IVvt-r and A:uo,
. VjA Liver Cciuplsiut, C est ve.-ie.-s,
.7 . Itnijusnc-s, Neuialia-Culic,
' ' p. pnived Apia-tit. IKsf-r-
J V aired Stonincli.l'eniaie
Obs'rurtious, ic. .. ,
WILSON S FILLS are tm:rrrllT n
lml.drd be tho l-e.-t now in use. As a Family
-Jiciuc they are-part icularly rccninmraded-sinip!"
."lid liarmlss,lutbi'U'.y meiirl-.inl in theic rom
jttiMUnc. One PUla d.e, with mild but ccr
j tain effects. Th robust niau auJthcdulicate chill
,us them alike, with evry mran-a of cutirs
l-Mfctr. Vit a Wiisll'3 PiU, ory Motiusr iu..
thslaad Wcomes her own ptiyslcln-n. Thryhsvs
proved thcnielTf9 a spEctric, and stand without a
' lival for the following affections:
' IlEADACili:, FKVER'ft AGtfi,
Co3tiver.css, Bilio"u3iie6S, Tfeuralgif
Costiverieae, Bniouanefes, Neuralgi:
Bold by Druggists & Dealers evcrybei"
Importers & VVholesaIeDruggistSk
Ko. GO, corner "Wood and 4i3x S;. - - j
; sole rnorRm'jRj or
D. L. Fahnesioc k' Vermifuge.
1 i.hicr.-.H'-a
oil '
And for the speedy cure of the follow in;.' coniylaiuU
ijcroftilsi imil Scrofrilan AfTcilioiix, ncl
n-a 'I'limorx. I'lci-rsi, Morn. UrnptioiiM
I'iMiy.'iH, isiMiie. IlloicJici, Hoi In
filuin,- and till sllii l)icne.
Oaklasu, lii1.. 'Kh June. l-a3.
J. C. Ayfp. & Co. Cients: I feel itmy duty to uc
niowlcd'c hat vour .Sarsaparilla lies dm.e Rir lut
Uavin T 'inherited a Scrofulous infection, 1 havi
uflercd fioni it in various wavs for years. .Some
Jnies U burst out in L icurscii invliauds and urtiii
j.m-tiiae it tai-i"d inwajdaml iliresje! ris at tlji j
it on, mil. Two curs ao it broke out on my heat
lud ooveri-d mv'scalp aud ears with one sore, whict
was painful ami loathsoinu beyond ilescription. 1
;ri-a tiunv iiiedicines and several iihysiciaus. Inn
nithout niiicli relief from auytliu, Jn tact, Hu ,
iisorder rew worse A lcu.;th l wu rejoievl tc
read in tin- liospol McsfertRertliat yon had preiarefi
in alteiative (Sursapaiilla), for I "knew-from yoiu
rep.itation that anything you muile must I pood
I tent to Cincinnati aud Rot it, and used it till i;
:ured me. 1 took it, as vou advne, iu small dosus ol
j teamuonftil ovei oBontli, aud used alDuJitJirw .
Wittle's. S'cw and heiilthy skin soon hrjrsu ti ftnx'
uuder the scab, which ailer a while lell oil". 3lj
kin is now clear, und 1 know by my feelinsrs tha
tlie disease has gone from my system. You cau vn;l
believe that I lel w hat 1 am saying when I tnll yon
that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the av
and remain over gri.tcl'uily. Yours,
tf. Anilny' Fire, ICae or Eryipela,
Truer mid sinlt llhrain, .Men Id Head
liiiiwnrni,Mare Krr, ISropny.
l)r. K.ibert 31. l'reble writes from Salem, X. Y,
12tli Sept.. lSf.!, that he has cured an inveteratt
cac ol" Dropsy, which threatened to torminnt fa
tallv, bv the p'.-rseverinc use of our Sarsiiparilia
and alsoa-dauHrous Malignant Frysiprtas by lnr'
doses of the swine; says be cures the common Frnji
tioas l-y it confcUut2y.". ' .."", ."
HromTioccIc, CSoitrr or f4vf!lcl !'ti!t.
Zebuloii sioiin.ol Tro-pect, Texas, writes: ' 1 hrei
bottles of our Saraparilla cureil mo fioni a l.'nitr.
a hid co us swelling in the luck, which I had cut
fcred from wr two yc).'-1 ' .v- i . .- :
Iienrnrrtwm mr WaitM, Ovarii.Zuiiit ,
I Irrino I'lrrratioa, f-Vsniila IrrT-ntrm,
lr. J. II S. Chauuiii);, of New ork City, write
1 most cheerl'iillv comply witii the reiiiest of you
opent in saving I have found voar Sai-saparijij 1 .
Uio.-t eMicllent alter-Jtivo in tfio numerous Com
plaints tor which we employ sttclt ' remody, bit
especially in Frinnle J'isetts'es of the Scroiuloui
diathesis". 1 have cured many inveterate cases ol
Lcucorrlnea by it, iimLsome w here the complain
was caused bv uicerntioii of the vJii u. . T he tilc.r
iition itre4' was soon cured. Nothing within uj
knowledge equals it for these female deiangemeuts.'
Kdward S. Harrow, of Newbury, Ala., write!
"A dangerous ocirian tumor on one of the temalei
in mv tMialv, which had dclied nil the remedies wi
could ein;loy, liasct length bren completely curec
by Kvtiact of Sjrsapardls. . ur plivicjai
tfioti :lit notl.ins I lit extirpation could atTord relief
but I.e r.dvised tiie trial of your S:irsaparil!:i as tin
lu-t nsort betiire rutting, and it proved cll'cctiial
Atrer taking your remedy eight Weeks no Symplon
ol the disease remains.-'
Myplii!i-i rtKil !rir4f lu-ial l?ioasr.
1LW (IllLKANS, a."jtll ACSUSt. 1G0.
Dit. J. C. A ."Kit : Sir, 1 cheerfully comply witl
tho reipiL't of vonr iifj'-nt, and report to ou sjim
Ot the eil'-cts I have realized with your SarVapariihl
1 have cured with my practice, most of tht
complaints for which it is recommend.!, and hav
found its ofltcts truly womierul in tba cine t(
t'ennre-il and Mercurial Jvisi'iwe. One of my u
tients had Syphilitic ulcers iu his throat, which lvetx
consuming )n palate and the top of his mouth
Vonr Sarsaparilla steadily taken cured him in tin
weeks Another was attacked by secondary sv mp
turns in his iioi. and the uiccratiou had eaUii away
a cousiilerable part of it, so that 1 believe the dis '
order would soon reach his brain and kill him. Un
it yielded Jo my administration of your Sarsaparilla
the ulcers healed, and he is well Mifain, not of court
without some disfiguration to his face. A womai
wlio had been treated lor t he same disorder by mer
cury was sallering from this poison iu her boms
Thev had become so sensitive tothe Mouther that or
a iliiiiip dav she siil'Wred excruciating uin iu lici
joints and bones she. too, was cured entirely bj
your Sarsapariila in a few wevks. 1 know from its
ill inula, which your &unt cave mu, that thi
l'rcpnmtion finm'yonr laboratorv must be a prrea
rcmedv; consequently, these truly remarkable, tt
tuits witii it liave not surprised inc.
I raternally yours, O. V. LAKIMF.R, M. D.
Elheiiiiintism, f.out, E.irrr Complaint.
IsntfKMJt.vcK, Trestin Co., Va., Cth duly, ls-"'J
1 K. J. C. Aykr : Sir, 1 have heeu alllicted with I
f ainf'il chronic lilitMta'istn for a long time, whicl
'allied the skill of ph siciaus, and stuck to me ii
spite of all the remedies I could lind, until I trie!
your Sursapurilla. One bottle eured me in twt
weeks, and restored my ;eiieral health so imicl
that 1 am far better thaii before 1 was attacked. .
think it a wonderful medicine. J. TKEA5I-
Jnles Y. iirtchell, of 8t. Louis', WTttPf- I ritrv
b :i atTiicteit for years with an ajfactiun if tha I.ivtr
which ciestroyed'my health. 1 tried everything
ami everything faiied to reliuvc ine; aud J hav
been a broken-down man rT seme years from n
oth.-r cause than di lirngem' nt fifths lAvrr. 31
beloved pastor, the llev. 3Ir. Kspy, advised me ti
trv oiir Sarstij :ni ilia, 1 icait-e he said he knew you
aiid'iitij thiu you made was worth trvinjj. 15y tU
bltssin of dod it has cured me, and has so rHriua
mv blood as to made a new man of me. I fuel yu:i
aain. The In s.t tuut can be suid of you is not hal
pooa fci.ou,;!!.
feliirrii. ( iiiiorr Taniora, T'nlnrsruirnl
llccraiiuii, Caries auil Ixfoliation ol
the Ilont-n.
A rreat variety of enseg have been reported to u
where cures of these formidable -complaints lmv"
resulted from the use of this Yinedy, but ourriwc
here will not admit them. Some of them may b
found in our American Almanac, w Inch the aceut
below liiuned are pleased to furnish gratis to a.1 w h'
call for them.
Iynpcpln Ilrart Ti-en.e, l?it, Kpilrpy
Jlelanrholy, .enralgin.
3IanT rarr.arkable cures of these uflf. i tiofi ltii
b'-en made by the alterative power of this medicine
ft stimulates the vital functions into vigorous actien
aud thus overcomes disorders which would leup
Cosed beyond its reach. Sueli a remedy has Join
een required by the necessities of the people, iim
we are coutidsiit that this will do for thetu all tha
medicine can do. ' - t
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coueliv, Cclil! BnfliiriizTi, Elonrwiiox)
IrMip, Jlroarhius, laripicul I ou. .
Mussiptiozi. ituri rr Iho Btt-lit'f"
4f f oiinMiiiptive t'ulieiibt
in a. I v tin i-cd Mtnges
of llie Ii4'RjM.
This is n reinedv fo tiniversallv knowTi to limns
any other for the cure of throat aod lunpcompluiuts
ttiat it is useless nere to puoiiMi tlie enuonce ot It
utiles. Its tinnvalleil excellence lor coiil'Iis am
civMs. and its trulv wonderful cihua a iiuliuaunr
disease, have made it knuw ii IhriHlhoTpi tbjt c ii
izea nations ol the earth, j evvure tlio euiniiiii mrief
or even families, ainone thciu who have not soin
personal rxp-nence ot its etUHtB souvo liviu
trophy iu thuir luiilst of its victory over tta stibtl
and dangorous dlsordora r the tfiroat and hi up
As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder!
and as they know, too. the effects Of Ibis, remedy
we need not do more than to assure them that it l.ii
now all the virtues that it did have wlu makiu
hu (Mre-i which have won to strongly upon tb
ouDUence oi luajiKinu. . .
rxepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & Co., Lowell. Uast
Marble ITarct '
The unJcrsignctl have opened an
: . - Est ensi ve -?s i
Iu the Cily of I'lalUmoiith,
: where they hate 5 t 5
Call and '
Examine Specimens
We are prepared to do as c;ood
vork as can be found in the
Iz -'co'untryTat iis'iil
Reasonable 1 rices
'Ti r T'-T r. ( 1.-1
As anv establishment in the
July 1, lbCJ, ji.6
Scrofularbr King's Evil
s aYonstitutional disease, a corruption of th
!oo(i, by tvliich this fiui-l becomes vitiatfcj
Vc:ik"aiul poor, ridn.;? in tl.e circulation, i
")ci vr.dcs thfr4vlirt Iv.xly, and may burst ou
n disease on any part of it. So or'im is frc
Voia its.attacks," nor there one vhich it mn;
lot destroy. l"Th'e sc-Vfukms taint is variousl;
silled by inercuriul disease, low living, (lis
lrdcrtd or U'JililtUy-.fkiOi-iifiiir.reJaLr.filil
md lilthy habits, the depressing vices, and
ibov Jl, by thf venereal infection. What
ver be its cii;in, it i.s hereditary in the con
.titution, desicndin " from pitrciits to ciiildrci
T.ito tlie tWtTl and ii.'Ujth f neration; iudeeJ
fist -ho thu Viidoi' -IfiiVjiiltii t;ti, '!
ill visit the inimiitics of the fathers upoi
heir children."
Its effects commence I.3' di t Osition from thi
loud of corrupt or nkerfus matter, which, it
fie longs, riven-, fnid'-intfnml organs, is tcimec
ubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; and 01
he surface, eruptions or tores. This foul cor
ii'Uioji. w hich ircnders in the blood, denrcssc!
lie "c-nergiLS pf -ilt,'f tjti sjrrofu!tlu9 ctnitu
ions not only suffer from scrofulous com-
)laints, but they have far less power to tviih-
tana the attacks of other uiscasos; con-c-
ptcntly vast numbers peri-h by disorder!
liicli, auhougli not scrofulotts 111 wieir nature
rc still rendered fatal by-dii taii;t in tht
.ysteoi.i .Uost.of tlie coniriptJouvLich do-
inuites the Imman fanuly has its origin dircctl)
tins scrofulous coiitammaaon ; mul man
lo-lructivo diseases of tip liver, kidneys, brum,
aid, indeed, ; 'of all tho 61 gar. s, arise from 01
ac aggravated by tho same cause.
Out; quarter of till our people are scrofulous ;
eir tiersons are lnyjuu-U uv this lurkine: in-
ection, and their health is undermined by it.
.0 ik'iiibe it from the svstem we must renovate
C .bhiod by tin alterative medicine, and in-
-vat-'it -by iKsJUiv" fxi 3iid- tXt?reiie.
iuclt a mcdiduc jive supply, in , ,
piiipomid Extract of .Snrsnparilla.
lie most effectual remedy Avhicli the medica;
kill of our times can devise for this every-
here prcvaUiturand fatal moladv. It is rom-
lined from the mbst active remedial? that have
ecu discovered for the expurgation of this foul
order from the blood, and the rescue of th
rstcm from its destructive consequences.
Icnce'iC-licnld he employed for the ovr oi
iot only Fcixifuli but nivixjtliosa. otlittviflfec-
ions vhich arise from it, sut-ff as r.nri'Tivi
nd Skix Diseases, St. Anthony's Fike,
Iose, or Kuv.sii-n.As, Pnii'i.i:s, IYstulks-,
Ji-OTcnr-s, Ei.AiNs.andlioii.s, Toio its, Thtteii;
.nd Salt Ititnoi, Fcai d II kad, Kingwoum,
tni:cM. ri.sM, Svi'itti.iTic andMiiKCcniALlis-
,SES, UltOl'SY, IJVSl'El'SIA, DtlllLlTV, OllU,
ldeed, ALL Co.M 1-1. A 1 NTS AIUSINO l liOM VlTIA-
1 (11 1 . 1 J
En or AMi'i itE IJLOOD. x.i popular uuiei
i tai-im't tj'tlie Mood j Is jaiindd iii troth.-,
scrofula is u deceiieralioii oXthe blood. The
iarticular purpose and virtue of this .Sarsapa-
ilia is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid,
ithoiit which sound health is impossible m
ontwainatod cori6Ctutioiis. , '. 1
Ague Cure,
ntcrmltteiit Pet er, or Kcvor andAenr.
Irmlttrtit Vvr, lilll I'ortr, Diimli
llie, I'criotlieal l!inil.K lie, or Rilioua
lentlnelte, nntl JSilius l eiirn, iiicieeil
'or tlie lvlinle class of u '.senses orli;iiint
lis; in ljiliary ili rnii?! aunt, i-aimeil by
lie .ilalarla or Jllasinuiic countries.
We are cbabltd here ta offer the community a
mcdv which, while it cures the above complaint!
ith ccrtaintv, is still perfct tly harmless in nnj
uantity. Jsueh a remedy is invaluable in districts
liere these ainiotinR Uisoracrs prevail. mis
Cl"ltlJ,' expels the miasmatic poison of Fey eh
nd Ague from the svsUm, atid prevents the de-
clrrpment of the dieiise; if taken on the rtrrtttp-
iroach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not onlj
lie best remedy ever jet Uis'-overed for this class
f complamts, but also tlie c neapest. llie l:ir
a,.,..:.,. n'.Tt c, r.1 r fi-tv n .1.11 ir l.ri.ifr t w t it t n .
each oi" every body ; and in bilious districts, whcr
"EVnt ANl A(it;E tircvail.--, every bodv should
tavc it and use it freely both fur cure aud protec
iop. A great superiority of this remedy over nri j
taer. ever fuscovereu lor tne speeuy auu certair
ure-of iTrtomrrttents is that i: contains no Qirininf
ir mineral, consequently it produres no quinisni 01
tlier injurious ctlects tviiatccr upon me consuiu-
ion. itiose curcu ny it arp icit as neuiuiy as u
hey had never had the disease.
: ever nu Ague is not aiouc tne consequence 01
miasmatic noitin. A c-reat variety f elisor'
lors arise from its irritation, nmonts which ar
Xeurafyia, liieunigtism, (Jcut, Hi adache, Wind'
lest. Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Tab
titation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, llyster'
i-s, i'aitt in i'te Jioiccts, Coac, l'aratysis ana Uc
aiticment (if the Stomach, all which,. -wher
iriginating in this cattsc, put on the intcrmittem
;pe, or become periodical. This " Cuke " cxpelt
jie poison from tho blood, and consequently curcl
:ncm all anse. it rs nn ltivaiuauie pioiecuon n
mmi'irants and persons travelling or tcmporanlj
siding in the malarious dit Uicts.' If taken occa.'
iionallv or daily while exposed to the infection
Jiat will be excreted lrom tne system, ana cannar
iccnmuldte in sufficient quhntfcy to ripen into dia
:ase. Hence it is een more valuable lor protco
ion than cure, and few will e ver suffer from Inter
nittentfcif thev avail themselves of the protectiol
Ills IL-Iiltriiy iiuuius.
?repa.recl try Dr. J. C. AYEIc io CO., Lowell, Kasi
4 A Complete Pietcfial History o
, : u ithe Titles."
'The lp.t, cheapest, and moFt succefs
furFamlly I'iI-jht in the Union."
Harper W eekly,
CVitHal ,.f tl.o Tr-ss ; ,
Tlie lic.t faroi'v ni-"'si:u.r in tlie I'nUcd States.
.V-""? LifTfi-in Atf rtitr.
1 i.k.l..l ni( tt .hr .nir.tjfx- rtT!iii!('tP in
all 1 '.10 !! irtni' rits uf ail Ami ri' family I'lipc",
WiTT'PT'f W hH rTi l liKibe.l .MiiL to llt-
liilo, " A JorRJfAl. cr ViriMZsTiox.' A. 1. Let-
ninrj I'oxl.
I'hi n-tri r furni.-livs t'us ltt iU.ii.'tdiow. Our
futm Litn:-Utit n iil iiric'i tirtimel-i- but Pf llar-
ierV Wirkly Iniip afii-r vvriti-rs. iiml printers, and
liUhh-lic-iH are tnrtu i! to (in it. .V. Y. Ftiiit'. lixt.
A li'iic-isity in every lioiU' inHii. Ji' .vr-ni inux.
It is at i. rue a leiiJin lv.jitical tunl historical kii-
nali-t of the rati.m. i ;.i'mh li hin Pics.
'i lw.ljt.-si OUch."4ln .19crica.; U-jn'.un frui tier
: ii- ; : ? : 1 5 - h
Siibscrilitioiis. 18(55:
Th- i.uiiii.-lu'rs liave ncrf-ettd a sycteiu nf niailint
ly wliirh tli-y can sujij.iy tli Mahazixk ami Wkf.k
I.Y 'r,.i:i: tly o. tuusu Jlj .t.O'-.-Iu n-cfivi- tlit-ir pi
i: a!. Uiiectly f.Qi.i .A5tti0'.ti Biilicatii.n.
I'o.-imu-trra and otlics ri-firutis of irt-ttiust u clulf
will be (implied with a liai-.dsuine I icio.-iil show-bill
ou uppliciition.
Harpkr's Wffkly e scar," - ' - $1.
An i xti a copy of i! !u-r th-; Wt-ekly or Mufiaziue
will lie siiiiii! led trrHti . for every club of Five Snt
: itiiii.ini i;iq.i . iui rici 1.111U i riic ci'ii-
sut j leach, i:. ou rejuittancer-ur six cuuies
n.r f VtOQtffO 1
fcrnrstti tleacu
ft i(i.
Ti e annual vuliiiu 's of Iiari ek's W'kkllt, in neat
clo:h l iiidiriir, will be eut by i-xpn ss, free of ox
pen e, for $6 e nh. A complete fet. I'vniprisiug
r. ijrii t fduines, ftnt on reoeipt of coH M n nUl ol
S4 i'l' per Volume, freight at expeu-ol purchaser !
Address llAlli'tlt i t'l'.ijl iti.K.
, FrjiBk'.lii SiUre. X. V.
Probate"" Kotice7 "
. bcrtby ii"cu thtA. H. Shaf-r has made
aj pli.-.nloh To t'C nppiintsd Admlnitrator of the es
i le of Sarah Shafer deceased, late i f Cass county, N.
T. The Court will liaur KiiJ nuiucation for a id ap-
poiuiiueul on ,"'. lf-i -
Salurd jv, July 20llu 1SG3,
at 10 o'clock a", in. ot said day", at whkh" time all
persons Interested cs.ti-nppi-:ir. ' ;
tvitucss mv haEd and seal of r.lS en
L. S. this the St'ti ly ol Juue, A. D.
D.11. Wlir.ELER.-
. . l'rubatu Judt'e. '
Edward lluttery," li'aiul'lf.
K. lrocr, Defeti
i To ury Ji-iaooi', JU4ije heif HftUAsd tKt
a h attachment' was issued, by kie an, XaTot of the
above l'laiuul, aud sua ust ifle above babied Defen
dent, ffr t6eutrTi.f Tite'rrjy ltd7irtrs,rtcipal, and
Two DMlafs ail.rTen't'eiits ititrptrSi.8,lrial f-et for
atirdsy, JailiiotL, lij, t If 0'1-tuck, A., .1-, of
wU iluj, at which Uuiejuilcutiit will P. rcndcreil
ai-iuM you. If you (lo'uot apeir'iiBd t-liow iiiM to
the contrary. J AMXiCfMUt-..-' !
ridttiUioutL, Jtc - J.. 1:GS.
I VI T.:, r
West of
; ; Wholesale and
. osl-i !h-a R' D
; -; 0,lpt?hms of every description.
y ? . ' " ' Constantly ou hand
And every article required by
E .11 lGH A IVTS , JFR E J G 51 TE
And everyLody els-e can le
. - -' ii , i '
Call and examine
Tootle, Hanna 8c Co.
riattsmouth, April 10, 'Go.
North Side of
Have cu hand the LARGEST STOCK of
i . tt
Kvcr OflereJ
In fact, everything tlie Fanner, Mechanic, Freighter orEmi-
. jrrant
Tliankful for past Patronage, we hope hy strict attention to bus
iness to merit a continnance of the same.
Call and examine our stock.
Platttsmouih, April 10, 1SG-5. tf
I t1- mm m - - " - . . . . -
JVtT rtcelved. 50 cases ft Canned l'i-acli Ht Lirg,- asfiorlment or mei'd and lioyts' clotbiug
AMISON, HUVfcY i CO S. 1 Y fur tale by. A. 1). & 00-
O tn AMlSOy'tiTET CO'3 to purchase your C HELLED COKX fjr a!e by ADA CO
' fpring g-Hids.
'dk-i ViirMf Ladies IM-ff Goods t --) ACOX aud Lard for wis by '
A. D.4C0'i. ' 13 . A.P.ACO.
CASES Moltbj' Coe Oytters for Ral- at 4 HE AW INVOICE of all iinds J Fiimily Gro-
- A. 1. & C'O'S. jt. eerie and Outtttmg Goodi just r-steived I y
A. D. A CO.
GREAT bargains in Ladies' Drots Goods at .
. r... -. .i .V.ACO'S. LL kinds of Farming Implements for sale I'V
, ' - 2Y . . A.v.a:o.
IOR SALE at AMISON. DoVtY CO'S, Coffee, r . .
Tea.feupar, Golden fryrup, lugar lloae Ho- A Largi lot of Two Horse IMows for sale by
lapses, New York Candies, jtc , ttc. iV. A O. is. CO.
A large lot of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco fur a N endless variety cf Hardware and Cutl fry for
tale at A. 1. At CO'S. 2. saie at A. D. k CO S.
- p s. . v- :
COAtoarortaliibyJ - ' . OiSlt, Doers, Shingle, Glass, and Nail of erery
A. f. I CO. . O description for tale by A.D. CO.
r'A E0XE5 Star Candlebfvr salo by LL finds of Country Produce taken in exchange
..-.:.;- : i-vi -:,' -A.D.4CO. j U.I goods by A.D.kQ".
: r-3 : : : ; ;
Ifyou'TranVtrvurChisejffodsatabarFaln.po'to -V-r-HVeomt aH the mlielei we hae lor sale.
A. I), k CO. J watuld till ou wde at lh lltmiij laid others
Lare'a eoi right t advertfc.- - - -
Of?BAtiS eOFtiwt-ForT9l by - - , A Ml ',, W0VEY. GO.
-t - -'--. -A. D.4C0. . Ui 1 J. . i .' , . , . . - ; x i
- Large 6 of C$SciTviit " ? f -f
i-X. A. D. CO'
i-ianna '& CO.,
G 15 S T
St. Louis.
Retail Dealers in
a Lanre Stock of
supplied at this jestablishment. '.'
our extensive stock.
VEY & CO.,
Main Street,
1 1 A l D WA RE,
in this Market.
riHII. Wirrtj Qu'flt'ioK Uou norJh cf.&l. Joi:ph
fl 'is'-- ' AJ1K0N, TOVET 4 CO'S ,
Ilannihal &- -St.. Josepli,
ysa " Mia
Packet Lines
Tri-Wc.-kly l'rkHii (H iiuiil.i:! hk I St. Jo-j-pti H.
K. LiceJ, leave t'lu.-ih 1, ( uiino 1 l:u'i'-, l'l :iltinui!tli.
Nctira-ka Ctty ftrd ititeriut-lmt? jint for !r Jo- ;.h,
Couuecli:g i .'1. Joj-( p!i tt nil Hrt'ii- ou llauiUul ami
St. J wei-li 11- It , I -living St. Jom j Ii at I::jtl K M ,
aud ai riviiijr at - - -
On nii'l nfUT 3Iy lo;h. dully and rloio coiiinc
1iins liMm fit. J.ispii M Atehison. Weston, I.'-avcii-W
uitli, M yaudott -, Knn-.iN City, L:iwrence, Te' kn,
ci-., vi.l I'l-itti- fi'Ui.try I! It . ti i, i termer Kmili" ( II.
St. Jo- pu li. It, I.ii.e ) J.:-av f-t. J.i?t-jdi .V'J I A.
M ;it Atcliinon ::t o'::;o A. M , tt'c .-t r.i 7::i) A.
-M I. ,t .-ll v ; ii A St., U'.fH0iotte 10iHI A.
M., Kau.-iis City iO.yj A- i euce a t 5 r. 1.
TllKol bU 'J'JOKfcTti IUU SALE '
by Pur'fr A D. iit-l Ciinwt.ii; I). W. Jlit - ci-k. Coun
cil Iliuff-: i:. (.:. 1.,-niH. l'lnl'K'iMiitli; E. S. H:i b y,
Nebraska Ciij. liuy tuioUfrli i.ek L Hud ;iv.' mon
ey. Kxtcnsive r fjirs ou ti c II 1 i.i ' -li I and St J wt-pli
n.iir.'d-.t, nt-w :i '-n, ti-'.s ii'.il :id ':ti'iij I roiling .tu- !;
nbl ihem to oil' -r llieuo iuiportaiit chungej j !i
1 ill talc tiavt-1 by this route.
C. W. J! kaP . )n'l Sn '-' iu'endciit.
1'. li. UliDil , Gtii'l Tn k-t A5. ul.
H. H. C'oi-uiiMcHiT, G -u l Kieigbt A'l-rit.
ll.11. nil ,i I, Vy.
Cxvt. Ri rra Kokd, Suj riu'.euJiMt lV-ki i Linen,
ft Joseph, Ho. July 1,
,9 .
cr S
c CD
05 .
TSIE TSiSSlt TEi for 1G5.
The Military and Naval -urcesse f CA. with the
anip'ei.'n- r-Milt of i.ur I'rc-iileut i;il eentr i, hav
lifted a heavy weight fmui tb'j brai(j i.f ti e b.y.d
mir.ieii?. i f inir couutiyinen. It is nov felt, even l-y
th .-e bo hu Ve been distrustful ami faint beaitid
that the Union ia t'-nier(:e trijini bant firiin tbe
ile.idly slrile h-Teiuto rl.e a si w b kx.llv i:ieiii
tated by her a.-:ul.iiit and thai hl.-n-ry, l;i.r le
leiit!e?!i f-ie,i s t eiicount r the t'.te ef Hainan. The
perils of foreicn iierveimr-n and of We-.erti iriMir
rectiou ar.s .--afely p:ise;t : AliuAnAM I.i.m ,u.,. no
buif." r :ii-.-m ilnifln a 11 rholr-e '"1 the n.iaoiity. h-bU
tlie helm nt'Maic for Ijnr yoarn imigei: til.-- ic-b b nu,
palpubiy vveakenf-d by its'd' t at.s and lu-.-es limine
tbe pat yt ur with its cndH 1-0 r:lurel tliat iin
pur.-e-be'irHr ttliciallv decinrrs that itt Tieacury
notes cin niLv be excii .111; -,l coin at ibe ute o
twenty-live for !-. while H bends cmiin and but
MX cents mi tlie ib-Hsr- but awaits the bo w lmh
t. li . Ij mm. 11 tti iv,' tii. .' word Iron) iW pur.-icr.ial h n.d
aii.i remit ii. master -pivits to tho ju-tice, or il may
l to tlie clcm.'iu-y, tt a irely wr'iieil and ju--t:y
incenr.l bul f il)e.irin mid m(;kauuioU!t l Oviiib-.
Sueli are the au-picis nhieii justify unr laiib tli i' ibe
pie ut yt-ar ni:l ?H.e tl.e ttars and Strip s tb it 1111
eh -lb iiri-J from - ei y batib.'Ulelit ill lb'- li' public,
and tbt: perf'-ct law of ir All immovably 11.1-belHt-d
t:i li.e Cin-.til-4; ion t-f our Tnion.
'i'BK "!. Ci'iiii TtttitrM-:, fuuuded in IMI, will n
ter upoa Us twei.ty-foiirtb year with ij iick lied
iKip1.- au I enhti f'-d nieau of uefuirii- 1 priuc:
plt-H ueed no re-tltelll' ut: iin aims ale the (blbicion
of lMt lli-sLco aad tin- in oai.ili' t f a f-i ij it of Ii .c
itom aud Humanity. When this t nth s-hallhaxo
l.f-eu tieneriLliy leei-gniy.r l and e.tablirhed tlie hi
&i of our intiiuii-'iie and poi'y, that iitju.iice to ti:e
p net, the veake"t, th' most ovi-pi-nd, ii a fearful
iii; that no rnniiminity i- uit all aflord to
wrtiiK even its hulntleit meinbei lieu will cur
laml ba. k once nior-i iu the culm fruuii:i - i- f peace
and pro.-perity.
The 1 kii in his for the Iat yi-ar Leen pul.lihnd
witho'lt troht to itn pr.;u lelor;, j-ob-ly b. t lt-;e of Lbe
depreci .liuii of our curu-n( V below t.i t io alandard,
coiup'-l iinc us to buy paper and other material at a
rost c nsi lerably above tbe anioant lec -ived fiom
our sunscrib'-rs. On our weekly edition, 1 lie net 1o.h
jiaa amunuti-d tc several Iii Usji.da of duilars ', V l.ile
our I arse neepts trom advertising hae .li' 'n irhellj
ahsorbe 1 by the extraordinary exponse lr Coms
poudence, Xl'Ius'-uIku, etc., devolve 1 on us by tl.e
war. Ah we do not i-uppor-c our patrons ilesii e tiiat we
should vrk for them at our r .ft. and picfer Iiat to
b patronized by any wiio iar dasi.a iu v have
suinewhat itdvtLULeil tor lbe ensuing year th? prices
of our t-'enii-Weekly and Weekly, as v e had already
done with lhni.e of our daily edition. Tins increase
is puiely noininal; tiiero never liel'ore was a tune
when tbe fanners of our century country could tuy
The Tribune for so little of tbeir own paoductb or
labor as they can by ihe ndlowins
Sincle copy - .
Mail tubal.-! ibers, one year, 312 isnnes.
One copy one year, luliituef,
Two copies 1 ne year,
five copies or over, one year, each crpy,
One copy, one year, ll issues,
Clos of five ,
4 ct . t
- 1
2 51)
ttrsous tj uitt5itK fir 10 oopie, will reeeivo oue
ts-py extra, giatis.
relsons remi'tin? fl'l fr In opies, will rcceire one
' -eopy Send- Weekly, pratis.
lVriOiu rtinitiiufe' $ -0 for 4U Copien, .f ceive ouo
. . copy iJaiiv, gralis.
Prafts on New-Vttk; payable to the onler'tf "The
Tribune',"' liuir alei'a t; p'ef ruble--tv any other
m-jde ol rcnii' taue. lut where diafta caunot be
coiivi uieutly procured, l";d'ed StAtip,
Ihink L jJ Is are nt j! b.-at, ai.d 11, ay I e teiu by mail ;
but in cafe of bm,The Tribune will not te r-sponsi-ble
unless furnihd witii a fall di nviption of the
bills, including tho name of tin; bank, dili-uuii'iatioii
and number, aud the time and I'.ace of mailing of
the b'tt-r with the iriel- sures-
Addresa - TIIE TUIBUN E,
Tribune UuJiliiign, New Vofk.
ii: v
in v
c Zf.
' "tie subscriber would re-oectru!ly call the atten
tion oT the citiiens of I'latimouth atd the publ'o at
aige to ttie fact that he has located one d -or ea-t of
UoneluB's Drug t-toio, wbeia ha iaP uda keeping
on band and makiig on the t-ho'rtesi notice, eveiy
arlicleiu bis line. His ttock beini: r-lected by him
teif, and having epnt the most. of his life in ti e
bubinef. befeels cont Jttit that ba ca fc'ive satisfae
tion. 6 ive biro a cail;
Apul IV Co. J. TII0CKM0R10N.
t .1
Having recently hul'.t a new ao 1 mita s.ip
Main St., Flattsmouth, N. T.,
V.'. i'.ld respi' lful'y in''.. 1 111 iboritin-na of C.,s iv
nd j,,iniinr counties tbit be has the lacilii,.4 f,ruj!
lying ou tho
( aih.i;t rusi.mjss
In nl! its branch's
I am prejiared to turn out t.s
CJ II H A 1 s T
ard niett ditr.ibbi
Of every description, ever oir -rod in the Territory
iJuomNs.a,t'l,uon 1"'1J ,"kK't
All kin U of lumber t .hen In cxc!ianKe for Work,
ruttsviotith. A pi il ii, li;.-,.
Apothecaries Hall
Cor. Main ami 5th Stu.,
I calirs in
Paints, OiU, Putty andGIass.
Patent Meriirlne. of . 1 1 kinds Toll. I nrti, le, (J.
1 nn M-yavs- , ,n. nt my .-'I. -p. nn tlie t -
Hoots Cy Siocs to Order
".' tbe be, t ninb rl.J nu,l
M Style,
l hi'vo n rn..,l i...rtm. nl .f woik rn Jand.i t
tti lu.-.-p, at all luu.s, woii to hoi cut .iii. rr
Repairing Uoiic on .Short
rhitl-moutli, April ID, 'i;.jtf
Agriculture, Horticulture, M.chanirs, fj
ncuti'iti, llmie Interest, (ientiul
JV' r.v, .Markets, )c.
Published V'n . in a neat .,c t.ivo form 'f.;,t,,3
pas-i s, Willi nn iu ltx m u,,. va, t,f ,.), Volu::i-.
( ix miiuilis.)
7'r.M.V: 12 0) A YFAP.l.V AT'A. I'
Fr i 'lutj ufttpflr,! ,m. I $71, i. ne r,,,,, f,,e.
t-T"Appr"priate ndvei tiernentj wilt be pl-i .'vl ;-i
Hie i-akmi n f ,r io nts p. r ln.e of .ate, .s. :.,.-ro-i,
eacti insertion, in advaioo. rpi-riti
1 adid, prerodinir adverti-euieiifj, tneuty cenn I r:
line (.f spare Dec irpied.
A Fipiare coinj.n.-, ten Hups of npncc.
?fri. cir. i.bitioo of the PKAIIUE VAKUIR t
"''j 1 ''" -''s, "f :"'V paper ..f us t i:,,. m rt .s.
and North -West, aud oiler to Nnrseiy mu, Kb. n
and lmplerneiit -M i n uT.i til i ei s, the K-'l mediuci
reach tlie masses mternste l.
E.MLUi it CO. , "01 Luke Ft..
C'hicif,-, Ll
L. FROST & Co.,
Opposite tho Post OUce,
The urnlcr.signcd aro f rcpared to tl3
and at
IK ..
on s
I .r
t i
f ;;
x jn'.iouijutn, i-ttiatna.
Arril Ir mC