Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 28, 1865, Image 4

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And for tbespwdy cure of the following complaint
ttcroutn and Srrofwlou Affrrlioiia,
n Tamor. I.'K-rr, More, Iruption
Bimple, Iiitulc, Rletchem, lIoiN
llluina, unit nil Uin IirajM.
Oakland. Intl., tkh June. H'A
J. C. Awn fc Co. tjeutft: I feel it my duty to uc
rnowiedjre what vour Saraparilla has done for me
Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, 1 huv.
nflereu from it in various ways for years. Some
;nne .t burst out in Ulcers on mv hands and arms
mnetitni-s it turned inward and distresd me at tin
.tomnch. Two years ago it broke out on my heat
and covered iny Fcalp and earn with one sore, whicl
nil painful and Inatlikome beyond description.
!ried many medicines and several physician, bin
without much relief from anything. 'In fact, the
disorder grow wor. At lenjrth I was rejoiced tc
read in the Gospel Mcwrnger that you had prepares
n alterative (Sartuparilla), for I knew- from yoni
reputation that an thin? you made must be gio
I neut to Cincinnati and got it, and ucd it tiil i;
; ii red me. 1 took it, as you advie, in small dose ol
teaspoon ful over a month, and nsed aluioot thre
lottles. w and henltliv skin soon bean ! torn
under the MMib, which after a while fell oiT. Mj
-Kin is now clear, mid 1 kuow by my feelings thai
I lie disease Jin Rone from my system. Yon can vrvf
tielieve that 1 feel whst I ani savins whun I toll you
that I hold you to be one of the apo-tles of the ago
aud remain uver gratt lully. Yours,
Hi. Anthony l?ire. How or Krysine:M
Tetter mid Mult Itheam, Ncnltl fiend.
iCiu:(rot-m, Mre Kyes, Iropy.
Lr. ttobert 31. Fri ble write from Sa!cm, J. V.
12ih iept., libd, that he has cured an iuvctwatt
rae of Dropsy, which threatened to terminal; la
tally, bv the ericreriiii; uc of our 8nrapuril:a
and altci a dangerous Malignant Erysipela i by lr
doses of the same; says he cures tbucoimuoii Lrujf
dons by it coiittauUy.
Branrhoerle, C3oitr or Swelled INVf-k.
Zebulon Sloan, of l'roepect, Texas, write: " Thre
bottles of vour Sarnpariila cured me from a Ooitr.
a hideous swellii p on tho neck, which 1 had eui
fcred from over two years."
I.riicorrhtrn or White, Orsrinn Tumor
kVtrriur- ie, t-Vinalo Diafswi.
Dr. J. II S. t'lianniui?. of 'ew York City, writes
" 1 ino.t cheerfully eompl v with the request of vou.
npent in saying I have found vour Sarsaparilla i
inoPt excellent alterative in tfia numerous com
plaints tor which we employ such a remedy, bu
especially in 'email Diseases of th Scrolulum
liiutheMs. I have cured many inveterate cass ol
lycucorrhaea by it, and come where the cotuplaiu
wiis caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulcer
ntion it.eW was soon enred.- Nothing within mj
knowledge equals it for these female derangement.'
Kdward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes
" A dangerous oearian tumor on one of t!e feiaulet
in mv family, which had defied all the re.netiies w
ooultl employ, has at length been completely eurec
by yonr Kxtract of Sarsaparilla. Our pliysiciai
thought iiothins b'lt extirpation could afford relief
but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as th
last resort before cutting, aud it proved effectual
After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom
of the disease' remains."
MyphiliM stud 71 ercarial menmr.
Nlw Oitl.KAs, 25th August. 153).
Drt. J. C. -Avkr: Sir, I cheerfully comply wttj
Ihe request of vour aent, and report to jousomi
of the effects 1 liavo realized with your SarVaparilhl
I have cured with it, in my practice, most of tlH
couiplaiuts for which it is rcconintcndt'd, and hart
found its effects truly wonderful in the cure ol
I'cnerorf anil Mercurial tlisease. One of my pa
tients had Svphilitic ulcers in his throat, which'wert
consuming lii palate and the top of his mouth
Your fjarsapurilla steadily taken cured him iu flv
weeks Another was attacked by secondary symp
toms in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten awaj
a considerable part of it, so that I believe the dm
order would soon reach his brain and kill lmn. Hui
it yielded to my administration of your SursopariIl
the ulcers healed, f.nd he is well again, not of courst
without i-oiuc dittiguratiou to bis fuce. A woroai
who had bern tiuau d lor the fame disorder by mcr
rury was suffering from this ioii iu her bones
lliev had become o sensitive to tho weather that or
a damp dav the suffered .excruciating pain in bei
joints and bones She, too, was cured entirely b
vour Sarsaparilla iu a few weks. I know from it;
formula, which our appnt pave me, that thii
Preparation from" your laboratorv must be a grea
remedy: consequently, these truly remarkablo re
tults with it have not surprised me.
tJ Fraternally yours, ii. V. lyAHIMEH, 51. D.
Rhrmnatiim, Rout, lirer Complnint.
l.NiKPKiE!!cit. 1'reston Co., Va., fit li July, 1W)
lu. J. C Avih : Sir, I ba e been alllicted' with I
painful chronic Hfumalitm for a long time, whicl
Ladled the skill of physicians, and stuck to me it
spite of all the remedies I could find, until I trie!
yiur Sarsaparilla. One bottle eured me in twt
weeks, aud restored my general health so mucl
that I am far better than before I was attacked. '.
thiuk it a wonderful medicine. J. l;EAiI
Jules Y. UetcheU, of St. Louis, writes: "I liav
been afflicted for years with au affection of th Lirrr
which destroyed mv health. I tried everything
aud everything failed to relieve me; and 1 havi
been a broken-Hnw man for some years from in
.itier cause than derangement if tut Lirer. Mi
lelovcd pastor, the lie v. Mr. fcpy, advised me t
try your Sarsaparilla, because he said he knew you
ud'aiiytliing you made was worth trving. By th
blessing of God it has eured me, and has so puritiei
my blood as to made a new man of me. 1 feel youii)
again. The best that caa be said of you is not bui
pood enough."
Nrhirms, Cnnwr Taniore, T:nlnrgenent
Clrrrnlioii, Caries and Kxlolialion ol
he Bone.
A great variety of cases have been reported to u
where cures of tbese formidable complaints ha"
resulted from the u of this remedy, but our spac
here will not admit them. Some of them may l
found iu our American Almanac, which the acent
below nnniud are pleased to furnish gratis to all win
call for them.
Dyspepsia. Heart IiMnset Fits. Epilepsy
.tlrlancboly, ieiirnlcin.
Many remarkable cures of these affections hav.
been made by the alterative power of this medicine
It stimulates the vital functions iuto rigorous actieo
and thus overcomes disorders which would be sup
fiosed beyond its reach. Suoh a remedy has louj
peen required by the necessities of the people, am
we are confident that this will do fur them all tha
medicine can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Concha, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness
Cronp, Itronrbilis, liiripirnl Con
umplioB, and tor tbr Itrlicf
of t onfcitiuplive Pslieais
in uil vnureil Hlacs
of the lis4nn.
Tliis is a remedy so universally known to stirpes
any other for the cure of throat aud lung complaints
that it is useless here to publish the evidence of it
virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs ant
colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulinonsr
disea.e, have made it known throughout the civii
ized nations of the earth. Few arc the communitief
or even families, among them who havo not torn
personal experience of its effects some livin
trotihvin their nulst of its victory over the subtl
sua ifsngerous disorders of the throat and lungi
As all know the dreadful fatality of tlie disorder)
and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy
we need not do more than to assure them that it ha
now ail the virtues that it did have when makin
lie cures which have wou so strongly upou tu
:onfidcnce of imuil.iud.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & Co., Lowell. MasJ
A ncrer CiUins AntMote for Sick IlaJ-
0 a.-be, t ysiiepsia, Fuver and Ague,
-f. Liver Loumuuus, iu:n:.i, ,
. IiilioU'UCiS, neuralgia, vi'ii, t
iii'lravea .iiwwi
ired Stomach, l'cmaie
25 ci. I Ci
WILSON S PILLS are universally am
Xnowld(d the beU now in no. As a Faiuily
a-jstlkiue thoy an-rarticu'af'T reeommendel-siDirle
"ami harmlcih, tut Ii:hly mcdi iruil in their eom
inatin. One Pill a do-e, with mild but r
tnin effects. Tha robust man and the delicate cMU
we them alike, with evsry assurance i,f entire
snMy. With Wilson's Pills, every Mother In
'the land b-jcomes her own physician. They hve
proved tbemfclves a specific, and stand without a
rival for the IvCowing arfections:
Costireness, BiUousaess, Neuralgil
Costivenesa, BUiovisnesi, Nouralgi
Soli by Druggists & Doeleri evorywhei
Importers &. Wholesale Druggists
Ko. 60, corner Wood and 4th Bts.
B. L. Fah-estock's Vermifuge.
Are you sick, feeble, am
eompla'iniii" Arejouou
of order, with your system
deranged, and vour feeling
uncomfortable?'!' hesenyiuii
toms are otten the preimt
to serious illness. Some li
of sickness iscreepiug upol
vou, ana snouiu oe aversii
by a titnelv use of the righ
rcmcdv. Take Ayer's Tills
aud cfeanse out the divor
dered humors punrj- th
. -J. ri. f blood, and let the fluid
j'tifimoyc ou unobftrueted u
- .Jt health again. Thev limu
bte the functions' of th.
a 1 T ' Kj u I w i,it tiirnriim n(tivtlv
nri!y the system from the obstructions which maki
lisease. A co!d settles somewhere in the body, ai
tbstructs its natural functions. Tliete, if not re
ieved, react upon themselves and the surroundinj
irgans, producing general aggravation, snrtering
.ml disease. While in this condition, ojiitressed b;
he derangements, take Ayer's 1'ills. aud see hov
iirectly thev restore the natural action of the srs
cm. and with it the buoyant feeling of health again
Vliat is true and so apparent in this trivial and com
Qon complaint, is aUo true in many of the deep
cuted and dangerous distemper. The sume purjia
ive effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc
ions and derangements of the natural functions )
he body, they are rapidly, and many of them surely
ured by the same means. None who knew thi
irtues of theie Tills, will neglect to employ then
t hen suffering from the disorders they cure.
Mnti nifiits from leading physicians in some of tl:
iriucipal cities, aud from other well-known publit
Vrom a Fortcarding Merchant ff St. Louil, Fib. i
Drt. Atfr- Your Tills are the paragon of all thai
s great in inediciue. They have cured my littl
laughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feel
list br.d proved incurable tor years, llcrniothei
las been long grievously afflicted with blotches and
i.mples ou her skin and in her hair. After out
ihild was cured, she also tried vour Tills, and they
lave cured her. ASA MOKOKIDUE.
Asa Family Physic.
From T)r. K W. Carttcriyht, Xeir Orfeann.
Your Tills are the prince of purges. Their
ellent qualitit-s suipuss any cathartic we possess,
'hey are mild, but very certain aud effectual iu their
rtion ou the bowels, which makes them invaluable
o us iu the daily treatment of disease.
IIcadarbr,Mirk llratlnchr, Foul Xlomnthu
From Ur. Filicard lioyit, Italtimnre.
Dear Dito. Aveu: 1 cannot answer you trhat
mplaints I have cured with your I 'ills better than
o say all that tec erer treat with a purgative mrfi.
inc. 1 place great dependence ou that ellectual
-ntlmrtic in my daily contest w ith disease, aud be
ieving, as I do, that your Tills arlbrd us the best we
lave, 1 of course value them highly.
TlTTSBrRQ, Ta.. 3Iay 1, 1M5.
Drt. J. C. Ayer. Kir: I have been ri'i-eatedly
ired of the worst heartache any bodjr can have by a
loe or two of your J'ills. It seems to arise from
oul stomach, which they cleanse at once.
Yours with great respect, ED. W. I'RF.RI.E.
Clerk of Steamer Ctarioti.
Hilions Disorders stiver Complnintr.
From Tr. Theodore Bell, of Xne York City.
Not only are your Tills admirably adapted to their
mrpose as an aperient, but I find their beneticial
:ft"ects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They
lave in mv practice proved more effectual for tlx
ture of bifious complaint a than auv oue remedy 1
jiu mention. 1 sincerely rejoice that we have at
ength a purgative which is worthy theconlidcuce ol
be prolciou aud the people.
Pepartmest op tii k Interior, i
Washington, It. C , Tth Feb., ls.V5. )
Sir: I have used your Tills iu my general and
mspirnl practice ever since you made them, and
4in not hesitate to say they are the best cathartic
ve employ. Their regulating action on the liver i
tuick and decided, consequently thoy are au ad-
mratile remedy lor derangements of that organ
ndeed, I have seldom found a case of tiilion.i (tin
Je so obstinate that it did not readilv vi.-ld tc
hem Fraternally vours, AlANZO HALL. M. 1).,
Physician of the Marine Hospital.
Xyaenlcry, Dinrrhu-a, Relax, Worms.
From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.
Yonr Tills have had a long trial iu mv practiee.
J.d I hold them in esteem as oue of the best nperi
nts I have ever found. Their alterative effect upon
he liver makes them an excellent remedy, when
riven in small doses lor bilious dysentery and dUir
htra. Their sugar-coating makes them very ac
eptable and convenient lor the use of women aud
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
Trom Jitv. J. V. Jlimes, Pastor of Advent Church,
Dr. Ater: I have used vour Tills w ith extra
irdinary success in my family aud among those 1 am
ailed to visit in distress. To' regulate the organs of
ligestion and purify the blood, they are the very
est remedy I nave ever known, and I can conn
lently recommend tbcin to my friends.
Yours, J. V. IIIME3.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1865.
Dkak ir: I am using your Cathartic Tills iu my
iracticc, aud find them an excellent purgative to
ileanse the system and purify the fountain of tht
load. JOIIX U. ilEACHAM, il.'D.
3onatipntion. C'ostivrnrss. Suppression,
lthetimuliMvn, (jeut, Neuralgia) Dropsy,
l'aralysis, Fits, etc.
From Dr. J. P. Vaughn. Montreal, Canada.
Too much cannot be said of your Till for the
ure ofcosticenrst. If others of our fraternitv have
bund them as etlicacious as I have, they should join
ne in proclaiming it. for the benefit of the multitudfi
vho suffer from that complaint, which, although
ad enough in itself, is the progenitor ot others tliat
ire worse. I believe costivt utss to originate in the
iver, but your Tills alleet that organ aud cure tin
tVo;n Mr$. E. Stuart. Physician and Midwife.
Host oii.
I find one or two large dosea of your Pills, taken
it the proper time, are excellent promotives of tht
latural stcretvm when wholly or partially sup
iressed, aud also very ellectual to cleanse the
tomach and erpel worms. They are so much the
est physic we have that I recommend mo other to
uy patients
Front the Kcv. Dr. ITatcke. of the Methodist Fpi.
TrLARKi Ilousr, Savannah, Ga., Jan. C, 1S.V5.
HooaEI MB: I should be ungrateful for the
clief your skill lias brought ine if I did not report
ny care to you. A cold settled in my limbs mid
wrought ou "excruciating neuralgic jn'iins, w hich
udul in chronic rieumatism. Notwithstanding 1
tail the best of physicians, the disease grew worst
md worse, until uy the advice of your excellent
igcut in T.altiniore, Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried vimii
."ills. Their effects were slow, but sure. Hy'per
evering in the use of them, 1 am now entirely well.
Senate Chamber, Baton Tiotige, La., 5 Dec,
lm Ayhk: I have been entirely cured, by youi
ills, of Hhevmatic Gout a painful di-aethat hat
Jllicted me for years. YISCKNT SL1IELL.
(tMost of the I'ills in market contain Mercury
vhich although a valuable remedy in skilful hands
t dangerous iu a public pill, from the dreadful con
(Huences that frequently follow its incautious use
hese contauM no mercury or mineral Eubstauct
Price, 20 eonts per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
repaxed ly Sr. J. C. ATER & Co., Lowell, Mass
& Shoe
"he siihsrribcr would resnectfnlly call the atten
tion of the citizens ol Vlutt.-mouih aud thepnl'he at
Hrge to the fact that he has procured a portion of
Mr. Becks Cabinet Shop, where he intends keeping
on hand and inkir g on the shortest notice, every
articlein his line. His stuck beimr selecte'l by h im
self, aud having spent the most of Ins lire iothe
business, lie feels cuufldent that he isa give satisfac
tion, (iive him a call
April 10 60. J. THOCKMORTON.
Dealers in ailkinjscf
School & Blank Book?,
Third Deor West of Sejmonr House,
N. T
L A 11
Ucst of
Wholesale and
-A IT-
Clothing of every description.
Constantly on hand
And every article required by
And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment.
Call and examine our extensive stock.
Plattsmouth, April 10, 6o.
18G5. 1805
North Side of
Hare on hand the LARGEST STOCK of
Kver OlTered in this iMarket.
In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi
grant wants.
Thankful for past Patronage, c hope by strict attention to bus
iness to merit a continnance of the same.
Call and examine our stock.
riaittsmouth, April 10, 1SC5. tf
JUST rtoeWed, W caw Canned Feacbesat
GO to AMISON, DOVEV4 CO'S to purchase yeur
spring guuds.
J endless var lety ot Ladies' Dress Goods at
A. u. ee a.
" ( CASES Moltby'B Cere Ojbtcrs for sale at
a. d. & coa
GREAT bargains in Ladies ' Dre.-s Goods at
A. 1. CO'S.
. Tea.Sucar, (iolden :Syrup, Sugar House Mo
lasses, New York Candies, etc , etc.
large lot of ChewtuK and SmokinpTobacca for
sale at
A. D. A CO'S.
OAL OIL for sale by
A. D. A CO.
BOXES Star Caudles for sale by
A, D. CO.
IF yon want to purchase goods at bargain, po to
A. D. A CO.
nr BAGS COFFEE just received by
-SO A. D. 4
A Larga let cl Choice 1 ea at
A. D. t CO'S.
St. Louis.
Retail Dealers in
a Large Stock of
Tootle, Hanna Sc. Co,
Main Street,
Large assortment of men's and boys' clothing
for tale by A. D. CO.
HELLED COKN for sale by
A COX and Lard for sale by
A. D. CO.
HEAVY INVOICE of all iinils or Family Gro
ceries and Outnting Goods just recoived by
A. D. A CO.
LL kinds of Farming Implement for sale by
A. u. at lU.
Large lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by
A D. & CO.
N endless variety of Hardware and Cutlery for
saie mi A. u.ttus.
SaSH, Doors, Shinplrs, Glass, and Nails of every
description for sale by A - D. A CO.
ALL kinds of Country Produce taken io exchange
for goods bv A . D. A CO.
TO enumerate all the articles we have for snle
would fill one sideof the HcaaLO, and others
have as good a right to advertise as
THE !rceEt Outfittlog Hcwe north of Bt. Joseph
riaiinarjih, J-'tbrakks.
Scrofula, or King's Evil
s a constitutional disease, a corruption of th
lood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated
veak, and poor. Jit is? in the circulation, i
ervades the whole body, and may burst ou
n disease on any part ot it. JN o orian is fre
rom its attacks, nor is there one Tvhich it ma;
tot destrov. Tho scrofulous taint is variousl-
stuped by mercurial disease, low livin?, dis
irdered or unhealthy food, impure air, file
md iuthy habits, the doprcssm? vices, and
ibove all, by the venereal infection. hat
rvcr be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
ititution, descending 41 from parents to childm
into the third and fourth generation ; " indeed
t seems to be the rod ot Him who savs,
vill visit the iniquities of the fathers upoi
Jieir chilurcn.
Its c-tTeets commence by deposition from tin
)lood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, ii
he lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termet
.ubert-les ; m the glands, swellings ; mid or
he surface, eruptions or sorcw. i Ins foul cor
uption, wliich genders in the blood, depresses
lie energies of life, fo that scrofulous constitu-
ions not only suffer front scrofulous com
jlaints, but they have far less power to with-
.tand the attacks of other diseases; conse-
luently vat numbers perish bv disorders
vhich, although not scrofulous in tieir nature
rp still rendered fatal by this taint in th(
ystcm. Jlost of the consumption winch do
minates the human family has its origin dircctlj
n this scrofulous contamination ; and man)
lestructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
.nd, indeed, of all the organs, arise from 01
jo aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous :
heir persons are invaded by this lurking m-
cction, and their health is undermined by it.
. cleanse it from the system we must renovatt
lie blood by an alterative medicine, and in-
igorate it by healthy fond and excrcibe.
melt a mccucine we supxny in
Jomponml Extract of Sarsaparilla,
he most effectual remedy which the medical
kill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal maladv. It is com-
med from the most active remcdials that have
een discovered for the expurgation of this foul
lisorcler lrom the blood, and the rescue of the
ystem from its destructive consequences.
lence it should be emplovcd for the cure ol
tot only Scrofula, but also those other affec-
ions which arise from it, such as Ekittivi
nd Skin- Diseases, St. Anthony's Fiue,
tosr., or Krysitklas, Timi'Iks, Pi-rtvles-,
Ilotchks, Ui.AiNsand 13on.s,Ti Moits, Tetteb
.nd Salt ItiiEiNr, Scald IIkad, KiNcwomr,
liiKi MATisM, Syi'militic and JIeuclkial Dis-
asks, Dkoi'sy, Dyspepsia, Deiiility, and,
adeed, all Complaints akisinq fkom itia-
Ei oh Impure 1looi. The popular belic-1
impurity of the blood " is founded in truth-,
r scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
articular purpose and virtue of tliis Sarsapa-
illa is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
rithout which sound health is impossible in
ontammatea constitutions.
Ague Cure,
nirriuillt in - rvcr. nr r cvrr snu nsufi
trmittrnt Ftvi-r, Chill Ftvtr, Dnitill
tt;iir, I'ci-ioalical Ilcntlarlie, or Rillous
iearlarlir, and Kilious Fevers, imlecd
or the whole class of diseases orlKtnat-
ii in liiliary arrangement, isnied by
he Jiataritt or i'liasinatlc countries.
"NVe are enabled here to offer the community 8
cmcdy which, while it cures the above complaints
rith certainty, is still perfectly harmless in anj
uanuiy. outii ci ri-uicuy la nitaiuduii; in uiaiiici?
here these aitncting cisoraers prevail, iius
CntE" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever
'D Ague from the system, and prevents the ue-
elopmcnt of the disease, if taken on the first an
roach of its premonitory svmptonis. It is not onl
he best remedy ever yet discovered for this clast
f complaints, hut also the cheapest, lne larg
uantitv we supply for a dollar hrinfrs it within tht
each of every body ; and in bilious districts, wher
ever AN1 ague prevails, every ooay nouia
ave it and use it freely both for cure and protect
ion. A great superiority or tins remeay over unj
ither ever discovered for the speedy and certair
ure of Intcrniittents is that it contains no Quinine
ir mineral, consequently it produces no quinism oi
ther miurious eltects whatever upon me constuu-
... , r. l il
ion. inose cured uy it are icn as ucaiuij as i.
hey had never had the disease.
r ever and Ague is not alone the consequence 61
he miasmatic poison. A creat variety of disor-
lers arise from its irritation, amona which art
eurargia, Hheumatism, Goiu, Headache, liltnd-
less, lootincite, Earache, fatarrn, Slstnma, t'afr
ritation. Painful Affection of the Spleen, Ihjster'
cs, Pain in the Vowels, Colic, l'aralysis and Uc
angement of the Stomach, all of which, wher
iriginating in this cause, put on the intermittent
ype, or become periodical, l ins cuke expeli
he poison from the blood, and consequently cures
:hcm all alike. It is an invaluable protection tc
mmisrants and persons travellins or temporarily
esiding in the malarious districts, it taKen occa
sionally or daily while exposed to the infection
;hat will be excreted from the system, and canno
iccumulate in sufficient quantity to ripn into dis-
:ase. Hence it is even more valuable lor protec?
ion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter
nittents if they avail themselves of the protectioi
his remedy anord i.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Masi
Sheriff's Sale.
Benjamin Wiu lhain,
Samuel U. Elbert.
By virtue of a rjwcial femlHinni e.-rpnneas to me
dir cteil from Hie t'l'-rk i.f tht; l.tiicl Court of the
'J'l Judii Kil District within and for the county of
Cass and fi rritoiy of r.ehraka, hearum date the
7ih day of Juuf. A. 1.1si;&, I, the miliscriber. Sheriff
in and for ass county .N. 1 .. will sell at putlic auc
tion. f.,rca.-h, tu the hi(--ht and best bidder, iu front
of the Court lluii.-e in I mUtfiooutu, Ca-s county M.
T., on
Sa.'urJay, the 157i day of July, A. D, 1SC5,
at 1-2 o'i'lock M. of said day, the following described
real estate. to-wit .
Tt.e north half of lot no. one (1) :n block n-.
thirty (3D): west halt (, 2) of lot no. two (2) in block
thirty (30); lot five (5) in block thiily (3o); lot nine
(VI in bliK k nineteen (I!), and lot twom la bio. k
one hundred and sixty-iwo ilo'J), with all the tene
ments and apiiurtet-ancvs ther ou or tl.eieto reu-ng-iuir,
or In anywise appertaining; all of o.iid lots b-1-inir
situated iu the city of PlattMio uih, Cass c.iunty.
N. T. Taken an tlie i roperty -f Namuel H. fclbert to
satisfy a judgement in f.ivor of lienjauiiu Windham,
eheritf 'a Ollice, June 13th, 1"05.
P. P. GAS?,
SheriJ Cass Co.,N. T.
T. M. MarQvftt, Atfy f r Pl ff.
Sheriff's Sale.
EueeneC. IlarrinKton.
By virtue of a special venditioni erponea to nie
directed from tho i.fih e of th.i t'ltrk of the District
Court ot the 'iA Judicial District, within and for (he
county of Caw, Nebraska Territory, bearing date the
3d dav of June, A. D. lSilS, I, the un ter?ii;ned, .Sher
iff in and for the county of, N. T., will sell at
public auction, for Cash, to the hUlir.t and best bid
der, in front of tne Court Honse in I'.attjtrruuth ,
Cal county, Nebraska Territory, ou
S'tturday, July lSlA, .1. D. l8C5,
at 12 o'clock M of said day, the following described
real state, to wit.
Lota nos. five (5) anil eicht (S) in block thirty. five
ISjI.with all the tenement and anpurtenances
thereon or thereto Lelonpiiija; or in anywise apper
taining ; all of said lots l-iui? situated in th city of
I'iattstiiouth, Cass county T. Taken as the prop
erty of Kuaene C. llnrilii(fion to atisfy a judge
ment in favor of W . L. A E C Catherood.
bherifTs Oflloe, Jane 15, 1S"35.
T. Y. GAS?.
fhi nffCass Co. N. T.
T. M. MarQCEtt, Att'y for Pi ff.
Probate Notice.
Notiee ia hereby niven that Mrs. Isabella V. Jones
and A. II. Copejand have made application to the
Probate Court to be apjioint'-d Administratrix and
Administrator of the estate of Wiley Jones, late An
ceaed, r.f Cass County, Xehraeka. The Court will
hear said application for said appointment on
Friday, June ZOch, 1865,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at which time all
persons interested can appear.
Witness my hand and o facial seal, this 2d
L. s day of Jun, A. D- 1S66
3 Trcbale Ju-'gc.
'm ; &
Is the place to get
From a
Alive Sl Stirring.
Nebraska Herald,
INT 313 "7V
Il.ivi.-.if necitly built a new ani ,. .i-0
Kain St., Plattsmouth, N. T.,
WoiiM rcst.rrifi!l!y In'.Min If" rit:in ,,f (-,.,
adjniDiu eo unties that tie lias the faciitt.'t '
ry in on tho '
In all ita brant hi s
1 sun l'ic;aicl to turn o-it t!:--
C 11 1:Z A 1 IZ S T
ai d in ist dural-lo
n.M3L-t uro
orc-vcry, ever oflVre I i.i (lie Tend..-,
isroKn.a,,'ut''m I,"iJ -"inK
All .ill-Is f IuilImt t ikeu iu e.xih.inpe fvr Work.
riatts Mould. Aj.ul io, Jsj.
Apothecaries Hal!.
toiin kki:d & co.,
Cor. Main ana 5th St.,
NE2EASKA CITY, . . neb.
De:i!or3 in
Paints, OiU, l'utty anil Glufs
I'.it-'nt M'.k'ln.-a of !l kinds. TjM ari . t..s ....
ti..i..-ry. i.t.d ,-v..-y.l,i,,ki-,.t in a lir-t-d;., in.
at -ne, at lisl,-i u . s. 11
Wr aKy J;,,, at ,.r M r,n t' u''j
M.(e,,r Main ure-t, -,j.e a.,-.i i,i oi tl,d Jlhaiw
( like, to make
Boots A Shoes to Order,
Ot t!ia Im-j.1 niatci ihl a:, I
f.ato.t Style,
NVe h;ive a cr..l a.K, ,:,,., , r wmk J .,.,,( ,oj
iilll,...,p, at ail tums, work to .'Ht luslnii.-r'.
Rrpalriil; Itonp on Mioit
rialthiuouth, April 10, tf
Kti VOTI:ll TO
Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechanics, Ed, llmne Jarrexis, Central
Ac us, Murkclf, ,J-r.
Published W.rkly.ia a neat w-t. fr,n ,,f Hixt.-.o
(lu' m'mtos.r i4"Kx " of vlo- A YEAH, IS ADVASCK.
ForjriuL oftieelre and $M, one copy f,.
r3"Ai..ropriat.f, ii l,e pUnel ia
the Ai.,.n for I.", cents per line of ,.,,c, N..npl-
unid, prece-dinjr advertueui' iits, taenty cent ptr
ime of space occupied.
A f.piare compii-e ten lines of spare.
M'rhr circulation of the PUAIUIE FARMrR i-i
now the l..i vest of any paper of its claf in the U-.i
and North-West, and oilers lo Nurserymen, Florist,
and Implement .M..nura. t liters, th- be't mcdii.w t-j
reacli lle masses inter, -ted.
tMtUX ic CO., 204 Lake 8t..
Chicago, 111.
Marble "Sard.
The undersigned will open au
Marble Yard in the City of
PJiittsinouth, about
THE 20TI1OF 31 A V, I8f5.
AVe are
'Iliad tj to llcccicc Orders
at any time.
May 1 lSfio, ml
I. PH0ST & Co,,
G R o o b n s.
Opposite the Tost Office,
i ;